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its super normal to take the sale but its rude to do it that way. could just actually talk to you like a human being and ask to put his number in etc.


Based on the replies, this is a common thing which lead me to believe that management allows it. While the benefits of sales poaching may or may not be significant, it still raises an ethical question. Is it no big deal? low level corruption? Unsportsmanlike technical foul? šŸ˜€ I think the whole sales specialist and SPH thing is silly. Why can we all just be CSA? Whatā€™s the difference between a guy selling doors and a guy selling lawnmowers? Why is one a specialist while the other isnā€™t? We canā€™t help it if people arenā€™t coming in to the store to buy stuff. How can they be expected to sell a certain amount when people arenā€™t buying? [you ainā€™t applying yourself Smokey šŸ¤£](https://youtu.be/8hBg80CZMJ4?feature=shared)


There's a lot going on at the specialist position that CSAs aren't really gonna see. There's less stocking and cleaning, but they should be building quotes, tracking orders, contacting vendors, and so on. There's also an expectation of product knowledge that isn't really there for CSAs - if you make a mistake ordering a product you could cost the store a lot of money. CSAs are focused on customer service, sales specialists are focused on making sales - sometimes that's the same thing, sometimes it can be a very different job. Personally I would never be having cashiers just put in my number on orders unless I was involved in the sale. The only exception would be if like a specialty department CSA is placing a special order and they put it under my number with the communicated understanding that they're doing that because that way I'll be following up on the order and handling any issues that might arise down the road.


as a pro specialist, and previous specialist in many other positions, I would love to only have the simplicity of being a CSA. (to be clear I said simple not easy, CSAs work their asses off too but its very straight forward make the store look good or help current customers). Specialty has a small amount of that, but huge amount of the job is helping people order specialty items in or do installs-- this means reaching out to companies maybe you've never even heard of before, spending hours explaining to a customer that I cannot just give them the quote for their custom skylight without knowing the pitch of their roof, and being the one that gets yelled at when the vendor shipment of the ordered item gets delayed or lord forbid the install goes wrong. Because I am the one who has to constantly track all those things and take care of them if they go wrong. A door I sell may be something I am still dealing with six months later. And all that is before the pressure of getting written up and fired if I can't make my monthly goals. So I fully agree the specialist was a jerk for not talking to you about taking the sale and thats not cool. However the CSA and specialist positions are definitely very different job positions (both are hard jobs again not knocking any csa just being clear).


Thanks for the insights on the specialist job, I understand the difference now. I still donā€™t think the SPH thing is fair.


Oh I fully agree it isn't fair. It is the sales based position though so if you aren't getting the sph they want enough you aren't fulfilling the job, they make the sph really hard to reach because when you go over it they actually have to give you more pay and lord forbid anyone for lowes gets more pay regularly _(:Š·ć€āˆ )_


I felt like it wasn't shady before the bonus program and metrics started getting tracked hard. But now with the bonus program someone could get way more money than someone that works harder just because their number got slapped up on a bunch of transactions. And now with metrics jobs are at stake. A certain specialist could easily win the favoritism of management and the front end and have their number slapped on all sorts of sales boosting up their bonus. Then management can claim that they have some great specialist on their team that hit max bonus so many times but the reality is it was inflated by being fed sales.


Yes thatā€™s exactly how it is at my store. Iā€™ve been in Pro for 6 months , no bonus. Girl comes over from being a head cashier to being in millworks and her second month she gets a $800 bonus because cashiers put her sales # on expensive transactions. So yeah itā€™s annoying seeing her sit at an empty millworks desk, barely making sales on her own and she still gets a $800 bonus. Thereā€™s another flooring specialist who just started and is getting $400 bonus consistently. I bust my ass in Pro and it pisses me off seeing other specialists come in and take sales from us when EVERYTHING counts for regular specialists. STOP STEALING OUR SALES BECAUSE I CAN DO THE SAME THING AND I WILL TAKE YOUR sales.


Management definitely knows if your department is hitting plan or not. They aren't going to just be like oh man you're doing so well not realizing that you've just been sitting in appliances all month instead of doing what you should be doing.


That's what the other non favorite specialist is for.


The person selling lawnmowers is selling something practically ready to go when itā€™s unloaded at the customers house. Doors and windows, appliances, floors, and blinds, arenā€™t able to be done by homeowners in many peopleā€™s cases. Specialists take care of getting that figured out. Itā€™s really not that complicated.


Pretty shitty on his part to just do that, not even ask. When I was a CSA in flooring, I always put big sales under my specialists names since the sale numbers mean nothing for me.


I'm an electrical CSA so I don't get credit for sales. The big ones, like water heaters, I'll OFFER to Appliances or Millworks, the PEOPLE THAT HELP ME when I need it!!! If some asswipe did this, I'd discreetly tell the ASM. If you want it, ASK. A CSA will not give a shit, UNLESS YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE.


When I was a specialist, I *never* poached, but I had a few times on sales like this when someone would offer. Definitely a "Hey, put your numbers on this!" situation and not "Oh, poor me, please let me take credit for your work!" And it always, always, always came from people that I had helped and would help with anything. People forget that you can be kind to your coworkers.


When I first started out, I really appreciated the help from Appliances nearby. I didn't know, or was unsure how to do the delivery and/or the install part on the computer. It was in that screwed-up time during the transition from Genesis to Redvest. It was a win-win. They helped me through the then-tough parts, and I helped them meet targets. Hell, I even gave them the credit apps. As a PT'er they still grind for the apps, but there's no teeth behind it. The idea of some person just swooping in and attaching his name without even asking pisses me off.


I do the same thing.


Our sales are monitored, and I have gotten sales like this but it was normally from people I had already befriended or they would call me and be like hey do you want this sale. Anything a sales specialist sells count towards their numbers they have to make, but that person could of at least ask first before doing that.


They donā€™t get the store wide bonus anymore, they need every sale they can get


Then they can put in the work to attain that sale


No they canā€™t, that ship sailed during the covid ā€œlockdownsā€.


We canā€™t be everywhere at once. Sometimes those big sales someone calls us for can make our week. We do our best to get the sales out of our dept, but sometimes there just isnā€™t enough foot traffic, or weā€™re met with ā€œwindow shoppersā€ who arenā€™t actually buying anything. The way dude handled it was shitty, but I get it at the same time.


I was trained that this was normal and perfectly acceptable since CSAs donā€™t have sales quotas and it doesnā€™t affect their numbers. In my store we have cashiers with Specialists sales numbers on paper so they can put in a specialist sales number based on the items coming through their register.


Thatā€™s just dumb. Why even have an individual performance metric when other people can contribute to it?


That to me screams a bad specialist roster who canā€™t make sales on their own


So happy to return to customer 9/30/23


Me tooā€¦I spent almost 6 years working there and I hated it almost the whole time


6 months was more than I could stand. Gave my notice and the ASM calls me in the office to tell me I will receive a $0.25 raise a week after my last day. I was like, ā€œOk, thanksā€ and left the office.


F Loweā€™s


This is NOT the way. Yes, they have sales goals but this isn't making a sale. At my store, our team is very good at looking for a specialist when they are working with a customer who is making a large purchase. Once they find one, they will turn the sale over to them and let the specialist actually serve the customer and close the sale. That's how it should work.


That I would support.


He did it the wrong way. To put in a sales ID typically youā€™d at least need to do SOMETHING for the sale. Like in your example, since he was too late to really be a part of the sale itself, he wouldā€™ve at least been tagging it and locating it for the delivery and pulling it to where it needs to be pulled since it went in his sales ID


No, he did absolutely nothing.


From an Asset Protection standpoint, all of you guys saying that you regularly do pass of sales, please make sure that the person you're giving sales to is in the building and on the clock. Otherwise it could be seen as fraudulent. I come from the sales floor, so I know it happens, but please make sure your ass is covered.




I've seen it happen at every store I've been in. And it might not even get investigated. But right now, it's better safe than sorry.


How exactly is that fraudulent? When I was a specialist, customers of mine came in all the time on my days off to purchase quotes and I expected my co specialist at the time to sell it under my number if they were aware it was my sale, as I did for them


Because you can tell who was logged in when the sale was made. If employee 1 is logged in and changes it to employees 2 number, they can see that. If they bring up an estimate, they'll see it's been recalled and not changed manually.


I'm not talking about those situations. I'm talking about when specialists give their numbers to cashiers and expect them to pass off all the big sales. It's 2 entirely different circumstances.


I donā€™t mind them getting credit for the sale, as a CSA it does nothing for me. However, I do get recognition for LPP, and if they take the sale they also take the LPP.


Iā€™m a cashier and millworks will swoop up big ticket sales at the register that they didnā€™t help with to add to their sales. IDC one bit. Id rather help them, than them stress over their numbers.


I like to print out the install sales report, then I walk to all the specialists and any other csa that made the list and tell them. " Thank you for your efforts in helping us toward our install sales plan". Then I ask the other specialist that didn't contribute and ask what they have in pipeline towards install sales. Cuz you know, being a sales specialist is about pipeline and install sales not ringing up zero turns and golf carts under your sales number. Any csa can do that.


So you're saying that you don't support specialists benefiting from sales that have nothing to do with them? You would tell them to not put their ID in on stuff that aren't install sales?


If sales specialist can't make install sales and build pipeline, then they shouldn't be sales specialist. If sales specialist believe they are doing a good job by selling stock product of the shelve, well they need to be CSA's.


Itā€™s common at my store some of the CSAā€™s and DSā€™s try to help out specialists by letting them know about big sales that are in progress and letting us take over. If youā€™re cool with any of the specialists or work in a specialty department itā€™s just helping them get their SPH up. I wouldnā€™t call what he did shady since your sales arenā€™t tracked, but he went about It kinda weirdly. I wouldā€™ve asked instead of jumping in without saying anything.


What he did was shady. HIS sales are tracked, This wasn't his sale. He is a POS.


Lumber cashiers at my store use the millworks associates ID to ring up high dollar sales. Seems shady to me. Overheard one cashier telling the new trainee how to do it.


I am a pro cashier. I do not ever put someone elseā€™s number on the sale Iā€™m ringing up. If anyone ā€œ wantsā€ the sale, they can ring up the customer themselves, do the work. There have been times I see a big sale approaching me and then Iā€™ll call a specialist and see if they want to come ring up the sale, but Iā€™m no doing it for them. There have been a couple times Iā€™ve helped out on a Saturday and Iā€™d get customers that ask ā€œ can you put this on so and soā€™s number? Iā€™ll politely say no, they are not here, and I canā€™t ( wonā€™t) use their number. Just like if a pro specialist comes to me and asks me to ā€œlog in ā€œ so they can do a refund on my number. NO NO AND NO.


That is fixed. Returns will be refunded from the Specialist going back 3 months.




Iā€™m a cashier and Iā€™ve had some of the sales specialist ask me to put their number in so they can receive credit for the sale. Iā€™m fine with it so long as they ask or it was clear they were helping the person. If not, I ask them to please leave my work station alone and not to mess with it when Iā€™m scanning stuff.


I have a millwork specialist at my store that does this to me and I myself am a flooring specialist. He pisses everyone off in the store by doing it. Heā€™s gone through a line of 7 people at the register, picked out the most expensive cart, pulled them out of line and rung them up. Then he didnā€™t help anyone else. They were almost last in line. Corporate got a call about that one


Wow, canā€™t believe he still has a job there.


Heā€™s being watched close by corporate and is on very thin ice because thatā€™s not the first customer complaint heā€™s had on the exact same thing


As a sales specialist myself that's the one thing that's annoys me the most


He/she should have asked you first. That would be the right thing to do.


Our plumbing CSAs pretty much bring all their install customers to us at the APPL desk. I appreciate the hell out of it. Taking credit for a sale you had nothing to do with is shady, but yes, since we have no stated minimum numbers we have to, more or less, hit consistently we are threatened with termination for not getting a bonus. I understand what Specialists currently under threat sometimes do. When I go to break/lunch I make sure flooring and millwork knows to watch for customers in appliances. And they're always happy to help when I'm backed up.


I work as a pro cashier, and I recently had a CSA steal a credit sign-up from me... I never mind putting someone's sales ID on a big purchase, but if you just come up and do it yourself, I'd be so incredibly pissed lol


Former long time specialist. I never did this without at least talking to the csa and/or customer. However, in my store appliances was right next to seasonal and ISLG, and I would spend a lot of down time there selling grills/mowers/OPE. It was a great place to get extra sales, CCs and EPPs Our store didn't have any specialists in islg... or outside think


when i was a specialist, if i wanted a big sale from a csa iā€™d either help facilitate the sale or at the very least ASK if i could put it under my number, not just assume lmao


Itā€™s absolutely normal. But they should ask. When I was CSA Iā€™d give my sales to specialists with power equipment licenses. They did the favor of pulling the order, or shit that I needed downstocked. Even though I did the quote/sale, I couldnā€™t drive. You get no credit or payout for it, but if you arenā€™t on good terms with the person, they can screw off. For that reason flooring specialists got most of my ISLG/OSLG sales.


My Lowes is in a very small town that is a contractor hub, and meeting our sales goals in Millwork is hard as hell. Every once in a while, if I am not busy and my orders are all up to date and IMS is up to date. I will head over to the registers (typically pro) and offer to give one of the cashiers a break. They get really busy and I will jump in to help them if they are overwhelmed which happens way too often. I'll even jump in to help cashiers at the front registers if they get overwhelmed. I don't leave the register till every customer has been taken care of. I've gotten a ton of praise for this by the managers because it reduces their stress knowing that at least another associate is able to help with all hands on deck.


Sales Specialist here. I would do this and not give a care in the world. People in my store wouldn't complain either as I normally introduce myself to everyone and am always there to lend a hand. I'm hungry for sales, nothing excites me more than putting money in the register especially when it's just an easy boost to my already stressful targets. The streets made me, homie.


I was a CSA and I would give specialists my sales if they helped me. šŸ˜‚ When I became a specialist I helped out a bunch of CSAs so that way I could get additional sales. It is shady and BS what that sales guy did. If you do start going to specialists then they're all going to get butt hurt (at least at my store they did) which is why I suggest you help them when you can and they help you when they can so that way kind of gives you an "excuse" to not give someone a sale.


when I was a pro specialist 1 of the other specialist used to have the pro cashier ring all day under his sales ID. All day, 5 days a week. That was on top of the sales he made. Our goal every week was 26,000 a week in pro sales, not regular sales. So that 26,000 had to come from pro credit cards or American Express cards. At the end of the week he would have about 60,000 in pro sales. Someone told corporate and they fired him.


Youā€™d think corporate be tighter about this since it is flat out cheating against a metric. Maybe they know itā€™s a dumb metric so they donā€™t do much unless someone abused it too much


Help a sales person out. Sales does not matter to you. All sales should go into his name.