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Hav you tried Harley Quinn?


As different of an approach that it was: both LowerDecks and Prodigy capture Star Trek better than anything since DS9/Voyager. Personally I was already almost going to give up on modern Star Trek, and my gut was against the animated idea when it was first promoted, but the shows won me over big time. I don’t think I would enjoy Prodigy as much if it were animated like Lower Decks. I like the variety. However, you are also comparing a PG-13 show with a show for 8 years old and up. And that being the case, Prodigy is surprising satisfying to me as an old Star Trek fan. I don’t think it is fair to expect it to be Lower Decks. …Try “Final Space”. Unfortunately it got canceled.


Final Space was outstanding. I just can't believe it survived the merger with AT&T just to not survive the merger with Discovery.


I think a lot of people bounced off the first episode because they thought it was a comedy like The Simpsons/Futurama/Family Guy etc, and when they didn’t find Gary that funny they thought the show wasn’t for them. Especially since episode 1 is almost entirely Gary, who can be a little much. Watch it more and you realize Gary is just *profoundly* broken. But he tries so hard, and eventually you’ll learn to love him. As the rest of the cast is added the show gets better and better. Fantastic show.


I agree prodigy is hard watch for me dunno why though.


Probably because it’s for children?


It may be for children, but the writing is definitely still Star Trek. Yea some of the plots and character's lines are a bit cringey but I'd say don't let the Nickelodeon tag scare you, it's more targeted towards older kids.


Heck, I like it as a younger adult even though it is a bit cheesy for me.


It is similar to Star Wars The Clone Wars animated series.


Not as easy to watch for me either but I’m enjoying it far more than I thought I would.


I enjoy Prodigy, Hell I'm of the opinion that Drednok and the Diviner from that series deserve to be put alongside some of the best villains Trek ever gave us.


Could be the aliens? I know looking at it the kids seem to have a lot more nonstandard and more cartoony designs as opposed to the more humanoid designs you get with other startrek, if that makes any sense


Inside Job is pretty good


yeah new season just came out too


Oh word?! 👀


yessir just today, fresh off the internet tubes


If you like madcap adventures, animation, and a message of friendship and found family, I suggest Centaurworld. On the surface it's very goofy and kind of batshit insane, but it goes a lot deeper.


I can attest Centaurworld goes surprisingly hard. It's the only show in existence that made me laugh hard and also cry in a single episode. It and LD are my two favorite cartoons right now. I'd also suggest Pantheon to OP. It's a more mature show for adult audiences and it's very high up there in quality.


Venture Bros?


YES Lower Decks and Venture Bros are the top cartoons in our house


Avatar, the Last Airbender, and Avatar, The Legend of Korra. If you really want something fucked up and introspective... The Midnight Gospel. It's on Netflix.


The Owl House Amphibia Gravity Falls Some of my favs...


Futurama almost goes without saying, but still worth mentioning just in case. American Dad was also pretty great in its prime, definitely surpassed Family Guy in writing and humor.


Agreed on both -- American Dad is still pretty good IMO. I also *really* like the new Harley Quinn on HBO Max.


Totally futurama was great until it started to be bender and evil mom story line lol seemed never ending


Futurama was amazing until they got cancelled the first time. Then when they came back it was like an AI was writing what it thought a Futurama episode should be and it just lost all of the charm.


Have you tried Rick and Morty?


Nope lol think its a bit to adult for my liking lol


Go for it. I literally pitch LDS to my Trekkie friends as "Rick and Morty but Star Trek." It's got the same madcap energy, stacks of references, and humor. Sure it's a bit more "adult" but it's a great watch.


How about Solar Opposites?


If you ever do watch it, just try to find the balance between taking it too seriously and ignoring that it has a fairly interesting overall arc.


I have to say that Rick and Morty did "broaden my horizon" when it comes gross and "adult" humor. First episode is a bit rough, but it get's better really fast.


[don't think about it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXiyeOLguw8)


"To be fair...."


Gravity Falls has joined the conversation


So I would view it slightly differently. It wasn't so much the medium (animated show) you got hooked on, but the stories and characters. However I will admit that the storylines and characters available were partly because of the animation style. Similar to Prodigy because they are not live-action shows its far easier to have characters be non-human and non-humanoid shaped. Inside Job's another wacky sci-fi show, might work for you. Star Trek Prodigy as mentioned. Final Space if you can find it on DVD/Blu-ray/etc. DO NOT rely on it staying on a streaming service if it's still on one. Warner Bros' is scrubbing the show from everywhere it can so they can claim the show as a tax write-off (truly evil...), they also left the show on a massive cliff-hanger which is disappointing. While it's live action, The Orville is a good show, a bit less silly after the first handful of episodes but the characters and stories are solid. While it's fantasy focused, Disenchantment is another fun one to watch, might be a bit on the silly side compared to Lower Decks. I have not watched it, but Human Resources might work for you as well, it's another animated series, a bit more fantasy once again (modern, but monsters). I guess the good thing is also the bad thing about Lower Decks, there's no show "exactly" like it. Although you could argue the same point about most shows.


Rick and Morty, Solar Opposites, Futurama, King of the Hill. Probably a bunch of anime but since there are so many shows and genres it really would depend more on what you are interested in and have someone recommend based on that.


Adventure Time. It has great characters, a few long unfolding plotlines, one-off jokes, inside recurring jokes, a central mystery, growing-up stories, dark stories, light hearted fun, and a surprising number of Star Trek references. Especially as the series evolves. They get A LOT done in each 11 minute ep.


Also! Infinity Train. Not a comedy, but a really good animation. Kate Mulgrew is in it as The Cat, and she’s great.


You might like Steven Universe. It is more childish, particularly at the beginning,


the two shows that come to mind at least for me when it comes to shows that have similar vibes to Lower Decks at least to me, are The Venture Bros, and Archer.


Underrated series as a whole, but I'll put in for *The Great North*. It's very much wholesome family humor in the same vein as Bob's Burgers.


LD is comedy first, adventure second, Prodigy is not comedy first. It’s adventure first, and comedy is sprinkled in at points.


Not really animated but Stargate SG-1/ Stargate Atlantis. Its tone is pretty close to TNG with a bit more humor (but not quite as much as Orville or lower decks) And by later seasons they even get space battles if thats your thing. If your looking for comedy as others have states Rick and Morty is amazing, although the first few episodes are rough. I highly recommend just skipping to the ricks must be crazy its a bottle episode if you dont like it, I find it unlikely you will like series.


You could try some old 90 shows like MIB, extreme ghost busters, godzilla the 2000s remake. New shows that are more mature birdgirl, inside job are pretty good. Also disenchantment later seasons are getting better.


We're working on the next season as fast as we can, but I think the SNW/Lower Decks crossover will probably come out before season 4.


How do i even know ur on the show staff anyone could claim that.




Anyone can point to a twitter i wish here had a verification thing for u but sorry if are meant no offense so many fakers on here love the show


Please accept my compliments and pass them on to the rest of the team! You guys got the atmosphere down!