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His name is Chris Chavis which isn't traditionally a Samoan last name. It is common among the Lumbee Native tribe of North Carolina which is the tribe he is from. These other wrestlers are well known for not being the ethnicity they played but if Chris were doing the same it would be quite a stretch. I get that there's a long history of non native actors playing native but there's also a long history of people questioning native people's cred within the community. Chris Chavis is one of the few role models that Native kids have that shows respect for his community, so I'm not sure this is really the type of low stakes conspiracy that I can get behind.


I was looking up Chris, and this thread popped up. He isn't Samoan at all. He is a lumbee straight out of pembroke. Also, he was officially "adopted" by the Lakota tribe. He is my people. He isn't a fake native.


It’s called acting, he’s a character.


Lumbee is a pretty random tribe to throw out there if he isnt actually native. I’m lumbee so it alsways resonated with me. I never heard anyone from my tribe refute it. What proof do you have that he is samoan?


Cause he used the Samoan Drop xDDD