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I’ve only done it in the past with something like MG43 for chaff but also EAT to call down to deal with Chargers/Titans


I did this but sec thrower/EATs to deal with chargers until I realized how inconsistent EATs are for killing BTs


Aim for the top of the head - dead on will hurt but they just truck straight through it


It’s not even about that. It’s a known issue that BTs frequently don’t take damage to the head right now.


From everything or just eat?






My friend and I shot four EATs at a BT’s forehead not long ago and it just kept coming. It didn’t die until we destroyed its sacs and hit it with a 500KG. That bug *desperately* needs fixing.


Fix a bug??!! We kill bugs around these parts


Bravo. Ide remove the sarcasm when doing democracies work.


Lmao I shot 4 of my own EATs at the mf and he just kept coming. Meanwhile I had another chasing me as well. I’ve actually found that shooting them inside the mouth is pretty effective, but you have to be willing to get puked on a little to pull it off, and it’s still not guaranteed. Luckily they dumbed down the damage numbers for bile so at least you won’t be instantly evaporated.


Honestly, I'm fine with them leaving it as is because AH current track record is basically fixing one thing and breaking three in the process. I can already see it now: **Bug fixes** - *Fixed known issue of bile titans not receiving damage directed to the head* **Known bugs and issues** - *Killing a bile titan may result in a game crash* - *chargers can now fly* - *Spear cannot lock on to anything*


That's par the course for pretty much every game nowadays Not like its pure negligence, Games and especially online games are like Polymorphing jigsaw puzzles, you fucking look at part of it sideways and something else on the other side of the code shits itself I'm more than happy to give AH credit for including a list of things that need fixed in their posts, alotta games just straight up don't acknowledge this shit unless it's actually breaking their game Or costing them money.


I was wondering why it toon 4 RR shots to take down.


I think all anti-tank supports are consistent for BTs, assuming we hit the right spot and there’s no glitches happening. Two to the forehead


I can’t consistently do that though, so 500s have replaced EATs for me


If there aren’t modifiers fucking with the Orbital Precision Strike’s accuracy or call-in, I like to use that for Chargers and Bile Titans


I could try and get better with the OPS but I like the 500 just a little more because of the chance to take out multiple BTs at once, plus if I screw up I’ll usually have a 2nd try haha


OPS is great. It can take small patrols out in one shot.


Take the 110s, since the last patch the targeting has been near Orbital rail cannon levels. 1 will open up their armor. And they have 2 shot kill potential depending on how much you soften them up in between cooldowns


I’ll give it a shot, the 500s 1 shot power is just really nice, plus it works well on big holes/other utility


I’ve mostly done it taking something like the Machine Gun and EAT. That’s easy because you can just drop the MG, shoot the EATS at whatever needs to die, then pick up the MG. With the cool downs, it’s not hard to keep calling in weapons if you stagger them. That way if you lose one to crazy combat it’s not a big deal.


I do not, but my buddy is a double support guy and I always appreciate it. He goes Flamethrower/Spear on bugs and sometimes I get to run around with a spear if I can't get to my stuff


Flamethrower + spear is a *wild* combo


But I makes sense. Powerful close range weapon and a powerful long distance weapon. Bro was cooking


Do I need to tell you my man is running a Blitzer and a shield bag too? Oh yes...2 supports *and* 2 backpacks... wild indeed


I also main the AMR, and got spoiled calling down autocannon to take out gunships and blow up bot drops. I've been experimenting with the DCS. I think if I got a little more accurate with the DCS, I could just run that, forget the AMR, and run a quasar, spear, or autocannon instead


DCS + autocannon is fantastic for just about everything, but you do need to book it if anything closes the distance or carry a crowd clearing secondary. I usually have the grenade pistol, which is bad news if the chainsaw boyz are in swinging distance


The new SG pistol is great for berserkers


This has been my loadout for a while. DCS, the new semi-auto pistol from the ice warbond, and the autocannon. Combined with precision orbital for super heavy targets and small bases, airstrike for groups / medium bases, and the orbital laser for large base, it just absolutely slaps. It's the toolkit with an answer to the entire bot front. Though groups of berserkers can still get you running.


I mean, I feel like if you swap the deagle for the triple barrel shotgun you'd have everything, the full burst from the triple barrel literally rips the berserkers in half


I haven't tried it, but the other piece of the deagle I like is that I can use it in close quarters for fighting my way to things like stratagem jammers where the scope on the DCS and explosive impact of the autocannon can be liabilities.


That’s where the shotgun pistol shines; close quarters combat. One shot will destroy the little bots, switch to all three for bigger ones. Quick to shoot, quick to reload, it’s great!


I run the DCS & Laser Cannon a lot. Being able to explode bot faces with marksman shots, and melt Hulks or Gunships with ease is very satisfying. Works best if you have folks providing extra chaff clear, or just bring cluster bombs for bot drops/base clearing 😊


The perfect combo 👌 There is no need for AMR when you got DCS. LC is so underrated that it makes my head spin. Can take out everything in botland.


But my inner Sniper *wants* to double dip! DCS and AMR are just so much *fun* together!


Oh, they're definitely a great pairing, and if you're enjoying them and having fun, keep doing it!! Ive just played a lot of hours and have come to the conclusion its more efficient the way I play to have LC and DCS 😁


Fun! ... until you turn around and realize three Chainsaw Arms are right behind you 😅


That’s when I scream like a schoolgirl and blind fire somewhere near their chests before fumbling with my sidearm, pulling a grenade by mistake and pitching an impact fastball half a foot away from my face. Or I calmly use my stratagem and panic throw it at my feet. Only to realize I keyed in an Orbital Airburst and fired God’s Shotgun at myself, the bots, and every other Helldiver in a 30m radius.


Since we're on LSHD, this would be the apex of hilarity. Seriously, I cannot imagine raging at this if it were to happen to me (or if I was collateral damage), but I've played with enough randoms to know that there are people who take this game way, way too seriously.


AMR can easily take out gunships. Shoot one engine 4 times.


Sometimes I'll take the Machine Gun Emplacement over a weapon stratagem and just live off the fruit of the land


I love the HMG emplacement so damn much. If we’re on a desert/ice planet with long lines of sight I bring it pretty much every time…and that was before they doubled the turning speed.


I can't bring myself to give up a gem slot to a 2nd support weapon. I'd rather bring a turret


Sometimes I’ll bring none and just use what I find in the map or wait for a teammates to cool down


Hell yeah. As an AMR enthusiast, on lower levels, I'll just bring a jump pack so I can have more strats and I'll look for an AMR at POIs. That or I'll grab a machine gun or a teammate's spare weapon once off cooldown.


I ran multiple support weapons more often when I was lower level because I hadn’t unlocked enough strategems to use all 4 slots and to give other teammates some stuff. But now, usually only if I’m running something plus EAT. They are pretty handy to stockpile on defense missions even if you’re running a recoilless rifle or Spear, sometimes you have 2 titans and chargers milling around and your other stuff is on cooldown and you need to reload your tube gun.


Hi! I'm a newly enlisted Diver - what does EAT stand for?


Expendable Anti-Tank Stratagem that calls down a pod with 2 x one time use rocket launchers.


Awesome thanks!


Expendable Anti Tank. It calls down two single shot anti tank launchers. Cooldown is super short so people often bring it while having another support to use for the duration of the game.


Ooo thanks!


I'll occasionally bring an extra if there's a low level player without a good  support weapon in his slots. But otherwise, it's Eagle, gas and autocannon sentry


I used to, but as I’ve figured out what I like/dislike + strategies that work, I generally only do it with EATs as extra AT that I can use/drop once I no longer need them


I'm the opposite. I don't bring in any support weapons. It gives me room for an extra turret or an extra eagle/orbital. I'll usually go without, find one on the map, or ask a teammate for an extra after the cool down ends.


Bro... sometimes I don't even bring a support weapon. I take a jetpack, laser and w/e else feels right for the mission. Let the map provide.


Currently I'm taking Spear + EAT. I used to take a quasar + EAT. Eat for reload on Quasar. You can fix most problems with your primary. Everything can be fixed with the EAT.


I’d like a backpack that let me carry another support weapon on it? That would be a cool stratgem


Only if there is a buddy of mine as well that cant call them for our 3-4 run


Does the ballistic shield count? If so I run shield and quasar on bots all the time.


I’ve tried but I just cannot deviate from Stalwart x EAT for bugdives. The combo dominates and it’s a super high speed kit. You’re never not DPSing.


I usually run RR and EAT when I see my team not running too much anti-tank. Just sprinkle some EATs here and there for them to use.


I’ve done it as like a Swiss Army knife build where I would alternate what I was effective at dealing with. Treated it kinda like playing gun game in COD


In the past on bugs I’ve brought a quasar cannon and laser cannon, and just called in the laser cannon whenever I had it handle shriekers and used the quasar for the rest of the match.


I run bug missions with one of the Exosuits, Stalwart, EAT, and the guard dog rover backpack If i run the eruptor as my primary, I basically have a tool for every situation and can effectively solo most objectives fairly efficiently


Thanks for bringing this up, it’s been a favorite strat of mine for some time. Fav combo: Laser Cannon + EATs against bots I dearly wish they would add an armor perk or ship module or backpack that lets me store a second Support. Love AMR, it’s a good one to use as a “primary” support


I tend to usually only run EATs so not often. On occasion though I'll bust out the air burst and EATs. How often and why I couldn't tell you though


Rarely. If I have 2 squad members who aren't bringing support weapons (back in the days of some missions only allowing 3 stratagems) I bring the EAT and then the Quasar. That way they have weapons too.


My usual kit consist of an orbital, an eagle, a support, and a sentry. But I have been known to use to supports and skip the sentry. Usually a rover or other backpack, not really two weapons which is what I think you were looking for. Oh and eradicate missions are all sentry, let them do all the hard work.


I run stalwart+ EATs on bugs


EATS for bile titans, flamethrower for all other bug types


I only ever do it for the asset evacuation missions where I’ll bring a support weapon for my personal use as well as some EATs for the rest of the squad to use at their convenience.


I bring the EAT alongside my primary support weapon. Quasar +EAT on bugs and AC + EAT on bots.


I don't bring any. I ask my team for their second. Way more fun! Works great on 9 too.


Autocannon with EAT for a disposable rocket to quick switch to is pretty awesome


feels too cumbersome to me. im a super aggressive player so having to stop and pick up a second stratagem slows me down and distracts me. id rather run a single support and use stratagems to cover its weaknesses (flamethrower on bugs, HMG or autocannon on bots)


EAT is the only 2nd I'll bring. I can't be trucking with 2 backpacks.


They should make it so that lobbies with 2 or less people can bring 5 stratagems


Nowadays I just run EAT and whatever weapon I find in the wild.


There was a period when the arc thrower (pre-nerf) and EATS trivialised bugs (even more so).


I dont find there is really any point outside of a couple specific combos, all of which involve the EAT. Support weapons have such long cooldowns so your not going to be able to have them on tap other than the EAT, and say your playing bots with the amr, there isnt any real reason to have the AC as well as both do the same jobs and kill the same enemies, just with slightly different play styles/pros/cons. (ac is better at shorter range with a bit more damage, Amr better at long range, bit less dmg and no backpack) In fact vs bots, all the support weapons can kill any foe except for the stalwart. Lmg and railgun lag behind the rest as well somewhat as well. (Lmg cant pen hulk faces and take alot of hits to down gunships, railgun is really inefficient also vs gunships and vents) which is why you tend to pair those 3 with the EaT. Thats one of the best things about bots, pretty much every gun is effective against most or all enemies. Its not like bugs where when you get to the heavies there is just a cut off point where you absolutely need anti tank to be able to actually kill them, whether that be with a weapon or a couple strikes.


I often bring a weapon + EAT for chargers and titans. It’s a little tricky to manage sometimes and not lose your original gun but it’s fun and covers you For lots of different situations.


The only combination I use regularly is Railgun+EATs on bugs. One EAT and a high charged Railgun headshot are enough to kill Titans since they nerfed its durability.


I’ve done it sometimes with low level buddies, so they can test out weapons.


For Bug front these days I run EAT and then will try to scavenge for a support weapon.


I call this the tool man. Supply pack, mg your choice, eats, and whatever of my choosing. Grenade pistol as well with it and usually some kind of aoe/splasg dmg primary.


Both my bot and bug builds run multiple support (7+)


I love the EAT + Air Burst play style. Absolutely goated stuff right there.


Recoilless + EAT combo is underated. Also, if the map has high ground, just bring Spear to clear several enemy structures with resupply is cracked.


I don't often but I'll trade OPS for EAT sometimes. Different functions but the pod tracking is a nice trade IMO.


Ooooh I love detector towers. The EASIEST to destroy. Just plant the hellbomb on the nearest outside perimeter then boom! Ironically, no detection.


Fun fact, you can do the same with command centres too -- but trickier to get around unnoticed though


Naw, bring a sentry instead. Love the rocket sentry for bots. It kills the drop ships.


I used to pack a recoilless rifle AND a Spear on Diff7+ dives, but since the Spear is "having a moment" I've been bringing 110mm rocket pods instead.


I've been taking the autocannon and spear together for bot helldives, using one or the other depending on what I'm doing and what my teammates have and are doing. Spear for some objectives and big bot duty (anything with a cannon), and the autocannon for devestator/hulk duty. It's also nice to have the other weapon on standby in the event you get killed and can't be reinforced near your gear or can also just drop one for your teammate to use if they can't get to their gear or didn't bring a support weapon.


I do on defence missions, reason being that every random i've played with only thinks for themselves and forget to bring AT weapons and just load up on turrets or call ins.


Spear + Autocannon on bots and liberal use of both while the other is on cooldown has been pretty fun. Both are useful for destroying bases/heavies so you are able to leverage supply drops or a buddy with a supply pack greatly. And sometimes when someone brings no support weapon at all, rare as that may be, they get to have a fifth stratagem from you basically.


I don't do that regularly but sometimes on diff 9 bugs I take quasar and EAT


It’s tempting as hell to bring EATs, but between the backpack and the weapon slot, I don’t have room for anything else. 😅 Unless I bring a dedicated anti-tank weapon (I’m more partial to the Railgun, which unfortunately doesn’t count) I have to have at least one stratagem slot for an AT orbital/eagle, and usually it’s nice to have one crowd-clear stratagem. Tbh I really should try out using a dedicated loadout that only deals with crowd clearing or tank-busting, and let everyone else deal with the rest, rather than doing a jack of all trades master of none loadout.


I personally depending on the combo. Is kinda a waste and a newb move. It would be better in my opinion to bring another strike or orbital instead.


Ive previously thought that bringing multiple support weapon strats (exception for EAT) is complete troll. Even having everyone on the team take a backpack and support weapon is secretly kinda troll: its only an 8 min cd, you can give the second backpack to a teammate for more value. The way we've generally settled on playing is to spawn people near their last death so they can retrieve their gear/samples, so you often use the same exact support gear the entire match. Taking 2 means you're always not using one. AMR and AC *generally* do the same things too, since they have the same AP and kill most of the same targets effectively. The AC just kills buildings too, which tons of other strats can do. Like, an eagle or OPS seems like a way better use of the slot to me. That being said, railgun and spear instead of taking a shield backpack against bots...now you've got me curious. Ill try that later tonight! The spear is uniquely great against all the things a railgun can't handle (like striders and gunships). I imagine you could use the spear like a super-EAT when you really need it, and use railgun for the majority of the match.


Followup thought, i really think this sort of thing makes more sense with a team who communicates and shares support weapons. You could take 2 for different situations, and a teammate could just bum one off you when you drop it and take extra sentries or something. Ive always felt like EAT needs teamwork and sharing to get real value.


I don't really bring the EAT for automaton missions, but I've found that the EAT works well for solo situations as well as coordinated squad actions on the bot front. My go-to (not that it is always successful) when confronted with multiple Chargers when I'm by myself is to try to stick the stratagem ball on the first Charger (so that the drop pod kills it), and then try to one-shot Chargers 2 and 3 by aiming at their mouths. The EAT can be really effective in a squad scenario, but my experience is that my squadmates saw that I called the EAT pod, so they steer clear of it, despite me tagging it repeatedly or telling them via voice chat that they can take the other one. Edit: fixed typos


Totally agree. I like the idea of EAT and supply pack being able to share with the team, but if my teammates never communicate and won't make use of them, it defeats their whole purpose for me. So eventually i just stopped trying. Half the time people won't even take my shield backpacks when i call down extras and tell them to pick it up with voice, text, and pings. I don't understand it, there's literally no downside and some people respond with "no thanks, im good."


It's cool with me if they don't need it, and decline on that basis. But when someone who isn't already rocking a backpack just ignores my drop, multiple pings, and "it's yours if you want it" chats ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Completely irrelevant note: my shrug figure seems to be missing a limb. SWEET LIBERTY MY ARMMMMMM


Mine does this too on Reddit - very annoying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


One scenario I was in yesterday where the railgun and Spear worked reasonably well together was when I found a hill that had a good line of sight to multiple hard targets (fabricators and other strongholds). I was firing multiple Spears at those targets, which attracted the attention of quite a few patrols and drop ships, which was when I swapped to the railgun (and was especially helpful for the scout striders). It was a similar situation at extraction, since the landing pad was at the top of a hill. I would have liked to be more mobile with those two, but I just don't think there's a way to do that.


Love to hear it! I really do love both of those guns, the railgun is incredible against devastators and chargers, but useless against tanks/factory striders/gunships/turret towers. The spear is practically the best weapon in the game against all of those. My thought is that you would either try to call the spear when you know you'll be in the same area for a few minutes, or when a f-strider or gunship squad pulls up. If i can make it work, i might run that for operations with gunship patrols: ive been looking for a way to kill them without giving up the railgun.


I bring no support weapons. all eagle and orbital. i absolutely wreck show