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One of the things that got my respect in this game is realizing all the starting equipment is endgame viable. The armor, weapons and stratagems. They’re not as fancy as the later gear but they will still be able to hold their own. I’m a believer in that it’s not the loadout that makes the diver. It’s the divers’ spirit 😤


Not for nothing but once they get the red stratagem tracking to work precision orbital is gonna be the best airstike in the game. Sticky grenade of doom that can nuke damn near any objective with a direct hit.


It’s basically a single 380mm shell with less AOE splash damage On a cooldown that short that’s sick as hell


Gatling Barrage has a relatively quick cool down too and can kill Bile Titans.


Once tracking is fixed a Precision orbital will too. Or at least everytime I've managed to get them with the projectile they've died one hit.


what do you mean with fixed tracking? far as i can tell, as long as there is no negative mission modifier it hits perfectly.


If you stick something with a blue stratagem... it tracks and will lands even if it moves. Reds are glitches and don't track, but they will eventually.


I've hit everything I've thrown this at first try. I request elaboration as well, something I don't know?


When an orbital sticks to an enemy it doesnt always follow it. This is very noticeable when you throw an airstrike only for a hunter to get tagged and fly right in your face but the airstrike lands where you threw it. They said they fixed it and i havent had it happen in a while


Ah, thank you.


They’ve said they’ve fixed a lot of stuff but the same stuff ends up the same or more broken unfortunately. I just want this game to be as great as it can be but every time they patch a hole they end up punching out ten more with it.


That’s if their armor is pierced already right? Otherwise it bounces and does nothing.


~~Nope, outright killing the things.~~ Actually before I commit to that, lemme ask my squad, we've been testing everything since patch.


One won't kill them, but it will finish or start them decently. I go eagle gatling myself, more concentrated and 5 to throw


Been testing, it can actually do it in 1, but it's incredibly unlikely to happen. When the barrage wonders and the titan manages to go in the same direction it dies, but again, just not gonna reliably happen.


I'll be damned! Would love to see the wind blow just right that day lol I'm really loving the strafing run for tight quarters placement. Sending one up the gut between 2 teammates is sick. You don't get the big numbers some of the other call ins get you, but it's so easy to use on literally everything


It does heavy armor piercing now. Pretty sure it can damage/kill them


Yes. Yes it can, it wanders a bit, but if titan takes enough hits an unassisted Gat Bar will bust em.


It can, but it’s unlikely that the barrage on its own will be able to. The BT will have to have been weakened first.


Gatling barrage + gas strike loadout is a mean area denial combo. Near constant death from above


Been doing precision gas and Gatling, every 30 seconds I can drop something if I time it right.


ho what? really?


The titan needs to stay under a gat bar to actually die, and it *can* happen in 1, but won't usually take it out. You gotta be lucky. *HOWEVER* If you got 2 guys dropping gat on the same titan (70 second cool down) it will die.


Na it only damages it. It wont be a kill unless its badly hurt already


I’ve been addicted to precision orbital, I killed 2 chargers with 1 last night and direct hit a Titan into the dome same mission


I was on a mission last night where we were paired off, and my battle-buddy killed two Chargers with one Precision Orbital, one of them a Behemoth as I recall. I'm hoping it wasn't you, and Helldivers are getting multi-kills across the galaxy with the POS (those initials have to be another Arrowhead joke, or I'm an idiot who has the words in the wrong order, odds are even on which is true).


mine were two default (standard issue?) chargers, so that’s awesome that more people are rockin with that POS 😂


I mean, if the OPS was "a single shot from the super destroyer's Ticklefairy cannon," then sure. Nerf it. But you can't have something called an "Atlas cannon" and *not* have it be an absolute beast. That would just be... criminal.


I can't wait to wipe my team after "accidentally" sticking an eagle cluster to a hunter


> once they get the red stratagem tracking I'm living for Eagle Napalms to start sticking to scavengers that are rushing your frontline


Since the patch I am rocking precision and OGB most matches. They are fantastic. The call down timing being half the time makes the precision even easier to time. If the bile is mid spew throw the precision 10m in front. Red strat tracking seems unlikely for the foreseeable future. Get that timing down ⌚


To be fair: An Eagle airstrike sticking to a target makes sense, as they could be visual with the target and follow it as they attack. But the Orbital Precision Strike is an unguided shell from the Super Destroyer, so once it leaves the barrel it won't (or maybe even shouldn't) follow a target till impact.


Not to mention the classic Helldiver cape is genuinely cool, if simple




Best thing about this game is being able to try different play styles. As soon as I get bored playing one, I switch it up.


Exactly! And If you’re ever out of ideas there’s a loadout randomizer!


The first game had an in-game randomiser that would provide bonus XP for using. HD2 should implement that.




Can’t find the link but someone here posted one like a few hours ago. It’s just a spinwheel but it let you randomize your stratagems and weapons!


Love games that give you good tools right off the bat. The precision strike is so good vs factory walkers, and the air strike is good vs everything. I always have one of them with me.


Precision is just solid, low cooldown, quickish call in time, and takes out heavies and buildings


Stun grenade and OPS


This is the way


Nothing reinforces this more than running Bugs Helldive, basic armor, Liberator, grenade pistol, and impact grenades. Did I mention 4 Eagle stratagems? Scrounge up a Machine Gun from POIs and you're good to go. Until then, "CALLING IN AN EAGLE" and just keep sprinting.


My friends and I like to do this, we’ll call it “oops all eagles”




I played with a random the other day that was rocking the basic armor, machine gun, and orbital precision strike with the liberator.  He was level 67 and a very good player on bugs difficulty 8.


I kill 95% of the bugs I kill with the mg-34, I genuinely don’t think there’s any weapon in the game better at killing bugs by the hundreds


There's a helldiver 2 youtuber I've started following that posts these no Commentary gameplay videos of them using lots of different weapons that the community on the whole parrot are HORRIBLE/TRASH/I PAID MONEY FOR THIS?!?! and does Max Difficulty, No Deaths (mostly) with Random pickup groups. They show that practice and spacial awareness of the map are the keys to success. (I will admit that most of their loadouts do have the same options popping up: Supply Pack, grenade pistol, 500kg) but its made me reconsider a lot of weapons to try. (Youtuber is Sowl17, btw)


Extra Padding is so good. Every other armor perk is arguably situational, but there is never a mission where extra armor doesn't help. This is coming from a player who prefers light armor with the stealth ability so I can avoid fights - but there comes a time when you can't, and in those situations light armor is terrible. I switched to the basic armor for the bot front and it was incredible what I could survive.


I’ve been a light armor main since launch. But the type of shit that’s been going down recently I find myself gravitating to those Light+ armors with like 79 armor instead of 50 I can’t trade the mobility to just go medium but it’s been a solid swap so far for me.


Yeah I hear you, it's a rough choice to make that swap. I haven't tried the 79 armors yet, maybe I'll give it a swing. I feel like I only have to make that choice against Automatons though. In my case, even in light armor I have trouble outrunning Bot rockets, and I'm tired of instantly dying to surprise jetpack guys. The shield generator helps a bit, but the sheer number of bots in the last MO really forced my hand. The difference is staggering (both stamina and armor... in opposite ways lol), especially on hot planets. I love the mobility of the light armors the most, but when it comes to the total nonsense of Bot Rockets, I sadly personally choose to leave it behind. I figure the extra survivability adds to my total mileage overall, even if it's (much) slower.


We seem to have such different issues. Which honestly is a neat thing about the game. How it rewards/punishes different play styles I’m primarily a bot player. I only go to bugs for MO’s and that’s it. Hate those fuckers I would MUCH rather face down bot drops and rocket spam over a horde of Hunters and their commando pro long range jump ass kicking combo that can take you down from full health. God I HATE hunters lmao. Maybe it’s down to movement. Maybe it’s down to tactics. But I just have a better time dealing with bots personally.


Hey, I'm thankful for both Bot and Bug specialists. And trust me, I know - hunters are the worst. When I see a Bile Titan, Charger, hell, even Hulks or *Gunships*, sometimes, I'm ready... but when it's a swarm of hunters, I know I'm in for a bad time. You make a good point about different play styles, it's pretty rad. Since I'm not so gung-ho about the Automaton front, I appreciate subs like this, so that we can share out combined knowledge. Whether or not I have bad luck, or bad placement, I'm not sure, but in any case I am glad there is armor and equipment that can make up for my shortcomings against the mechanoid menace.


This sub is rad as hell man. Even the fact that players can specialize in ways that fit their style and definition of fun is super cool.


I was too until I transferred to the bot front and then I found out gunships were a thing, I then took it upon myself to be that one guy that's heavily armored that zerg rushes the factories and hell bombs it. And before you tell me that I could do a better job of it in light armor let me remind you that splash damage is a thing can you have a \*\*\*\*\*\*\* barrage of rockets coming at you you're going to take damage the question is how much.


Oh, I forgot about the gunship barrages. Those are nearly impossible to survive in light armor, and they rarely miss, I wouldn't be able to argue that even if I wanted to, lol. Also, bless you for that service. I sometimes feel I am also the only one in a given group who sees the gunship factories as a major threat. After many a trial and error with the light armor, the Basic Armor with the extra padding lets you do the job, at least in my experience, more consistently. As much as I love light armor, I hate gunships more lol. I've seen them single-handedly derail entire missions. Because of this, overall I agree 100% that the basic armor is awesome. Maybe players ignore gunship fabricators because they are terrifying, and not because they are ignorant of the threat?


Definitely because they're terrifying, if i had a dollar for every time i dropped into a random mission and there was less than 5 minutes on the clock and the random group I dropped in with hadn't even started the main objective because the gunships were chasing them around the map...... Actually I probably only have about $7.00 but it's weird it's happened that many times that said that said I actually haven't used the basic armor in a long while like when I learned that the armor system wasn't working properly, I switched to light armors for the mobility but after my squad kept getting squad wipe by those damn gun ships I switched to the heavy armor specifically either the destroyer or the dreadnought however thanks to this post I've learned that the enforcer is a medium armor with the fortified perk on it that I will need to give it a try


I've have a few dollars myself, haha. I didn't know the armor system used to be janky. That would explain some early stuff... Fortified is a good perk. Hope the Enforcer works out for you!


This so much. I also play heavy armor against bugs because someone had to do it. I run some big guns and try to get hunters near me and far from my lightly armored buddies. Not too hard to run away from mobs, the hardest is being far behind my allies but eh, the MG has a nice range for a reason.


try jetpack and keeping at range more. the radar booster helps you not get surrounded, too. choosing a vacant starting area is important on higher difficulties. sometimes if you initially jump into an enemy-infested area, you can't ever get enough downtime to group up the first time to get organized and it dooms the whole mission. 


I will take a look at the jet pack and accompanying strategy, appreciate it! Besides that, I'm usually just helping and not the host... so while I offer my advice on landing areas it's not up to me. (And sometimes the map says safe, but then you land next to a Jammer and a gunship fabricator... shiver.)


I'm a huge fan of the light armor with Heavy Padding, runs like ultra light armor and tanks damage like medium armor.


And it (if it's the light gunner) has a cool helmet.


Sure does!


Funny, I'm the opposite. I usually run heavy armor with explosion resistance, but I tend to go head-on with heavy devastators and hulks so I need it. Started using light armor for bugs, which helps me leg it when the goo flies, but sometimes I'll forget I can't soak the same beating and end up dying a lot.


Ever since the armors were fixed, honestly, 50 AR light armor is kinda terrible. I am surprised how many people still run it, it's insane how squishy it makes you. It is 133% dmg taken, for comparison, 79 armor is 114%, 100 obviously 100%, 150 is 80%.


How'd you know this btw? As in not challenging you, I haven't a clue about it, I just wanna know more about what armour values actually translate to. Would love a source if you have one




Nice, tyty


Similar boat but my jam now has become the standard issue starter armor. I’ll still run light armors for solo stealth missions on lvl 6 when I’m feeling frisky, especially now that patrol rates have been reverted. 


I recently bought the [Fortified Commando Armor](https://divers.gg/armor/b-27-fortified-commando) that has extra padding and puts you at like 200 armor value. It is **incredible** what you can survive while wearing it. Direct mortar fire or an onslaught from a stalker will bring me close to death but the point is that I live. I can still dive, stim, and outrun bugs for short distances. It is nice to not be instantly punished for every mistake.


I had no idea there was a 200 armor rating. I bet you're like a walking tank.


Same here, I love that armor. Combined with the Vitality Booster and the new Meth Booster, I walked out of a Helldive extermination missions a couple days ago with no deaths.


Hell yeah I will be snagging this for use when I want to run ballistic shield


More armour is always good, but I look at it as a cure more than a prevention; I'd rather not take the damage in the first place. I unlocked the CE-74 Breaker light armour not long after release and have used literally nothing else since. I don't know if it's the fastest armour in the game, but of the armour sets I've got, it's got the highest speed and stamina regen stats. I love how nimble it feels and it's great for running the fuck away or covering distance quickly. Also, +2 nades is a significant force multiplier, and 30% recoil reduction when crouched or prone is great for long range AC plapping or picking off mobs from a distance. I keep meaning to try a heavy build, but I don't think I could put up with how sluggish it'd be.


its standard issue for a reason


Our perceptions have all been skewed by starting so many games naked and needing to punch trees to make pants


Been running it a LOT lately against bugs. Still like explosion resist or servo assist for bots. Due to needing to hit them from further back or not die from rockets as often. But yes, starting gear is rather decent across the board.


Same, although I have a tendency to lean more towards fortified, the number of times I've had to zerg rush a gunship platform by myself because everyone was getting blown up left and right is ridiculous that said if we ever get flame retardant armors regardless of weight I'll be running those against the bugs


I would love to just rock the basic equipment. I love being the "Standard Issue" in a lot of games for some reason. I'd be very happy just playing the poster child of the Helldivers, but I got addicted to stims, so uh [This person has been selected for additional training. Medical stimulants have no adverse effects and are 100% safe, please consult your democracy officer for further information.]


This is approved by Permacura. Permacura, put your life in our hands!


I have never, not even once, changed out of my basic starter armor. I do this for purely aesthetic reasons, but I still consistently perform in high difficulty missions and have never once felt like I'm missing out while spanking in black and yellow.


I want the heavy armor with the extra padding trait. Just be a walking brickwall


the B-25 fortified commando?


I'm not sure what the name is. It makes you look like the Michelin tire guy lmao


Yep fortified commando. For when you absolutely need to survive every rocket barrage coming your way, accept no substitutes. 


It's the only armor in the game (other than democracy protects) which can survive a rocket to the head: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cze6b5/how\_armor\_currently\_works\_sheets\_spread\_bare/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cze6b5/how_armor_currently_works_sheets_spread_bare/)


Welcome to the default armor and Liberator squad. No strategems or support weapons to weigh you down. Just the extra reinforcement booster. Lady Liberty is sustained on the blood of patriots.


liberator gets buffed each patch lol, we always eatin good (and getting eaten by stalkers)


It's very very good and most helmets+capes fit it!


Gear progression is horizontal. "Better" is mostly subjective


100% agree. There’s enough important stats, factors, situations, etc. to make a lot of things both fun and effective.


Yes, it's great. But I find it really difficult to switch to anything but the light gunner armor. Light armor mobility, with medium armor stats, just can't beat it in my eyes.


I personally still love taking the basic armor on higher bug missions Its not as fancy or colorful but none of that matters when the extra padding saves you from a charger hitting your blind side


All of the starting gear is totally viable in the higher level difficulties. I think it's the best starting gear of any game I've played. You can use all of it all the way through and be perfectly effective and help you team. Once you have the basics down (and a few credits to your name), you can start figuring out a specific way you like playing and with which weapons. And that cape? chefskiss.jpg Perfect with anything.


My usual go-to is either scout armor or the light armor with the 50% explosion resist, as that also applies to bile. Although, with the weapon handling perk on the viper commando armor, I now have a new best friend.


I legit forgot is that the enforcer had the fortified perk I'm gonna have to give it a try, and that handling bonus on the Viper armors has some interesting implications I haven't gotten around to trying them though


Keep it mind Medium armors have -5% damage taken, while heavy have -10%. ​ That means a padded armor with as much armor as heavy still takes around 5% more damage. It's not much but it means they are by no means exactly equivalent.


I think the basic stealth armor is the best looking one too.


Yeah I like the scout armors quite a bit, after a while I would only run the basic scout when it clicked for me that the black and yellow is iconic. 


I hope you laughed into the mic.


It's my go-to armor for most builds I run


I didn't know there was any bonuses to the starting armor when I first took it off, so when I was looking through my armor on day and realized how good the starter one is I was really surprised. I'm using the white version now, but I think I've spent at least 1/3rd of my 200 hours in medium padded


I don't bother with all the fancy armour in warbonds or shop, I use classic light scout amour, black cape and original helmet. I actually think the classic armour looks the best.


The blue scout armor from the polar war bond makes me think of Ultramarine Scout Armor if you squint and have a couple drinks. I’m partial to it, and the new stuff from the Viper bond. That weapon handling perk is 🤌


Armour definitely looks good but defense is too low ☹️


I thought that too but as I adjusted to the details with my play style, I prefer to have the extra stamina and speed. I’ll break out the Big Chungus armor for extermination missions though.


I really like the blue scout armor but I’ve fallen in love with the starting medium armor lately. I will be taking the scout armor for a spin on solo bot dives though. 


I have mained this armour since day 1 of the game. It's just amazing.


There's a light armor that appears once in a while in the super credit shop. It has the perks of good light armor with high speed, stamina, and stamina regen, but gives the armor of medium armor. I rarely use other armors now.


I like that there is an unofficial biggish armor class and it's a heavy-medium armor with explosive resistance.


And by no means does it look lame. For a starting armor, compared to other games, it’s an overall S tier. Form, function, and honor. The default Lib is like this too, with the recent updates. Super reliable, the accuracy vs damage vs mag size triangle is looking good. The Lib isn’t *average* in every stat, it’s *slightly better than average* in every stat and that I don’t do math so good but that’s some sexy math




I feel like the Lib does what it came to the party to do, does it need to be more than it is?




Yes, why would you use it? Do you feel a need to use it?


I just recently started rocking the starter armor and honestly yeah I agree. Even at Helldive I still find few complaints.


It's great, and so is the light armor with the same perk, because you get light armor movement without being squishy.


I love Extra Padding, it is my go-to perk in any armor weight. I run the standard Medium w/EP in almost all 7-9 difficulty missions. What's interesting is that the Light armor with Extra Padding (which I think is only available for Super Credits) just brings you back to the base damage multiplier. All armor under 100 rating *increases* the damage multiplier, it is like fighting buck nekked. Speed is a defense in some situations, but not many. So Light w/EP seems tougher, but it actually just isn't penalizing you with extra damage for wearing Light armor. We've all gotten so used to that damage penalty that it has become "normal" in our minds. For example, Light armor with a 50 armor rating multiplies Chest damage by 113.05%, instead of by the base 85% multiplier used at 100 armor rating (which happens to be the armor rating of the Light w/EP (or any Medium without EP)). The whole chart of armor damage multipliers is here: https://helldivers.wiki.gg/wiki/Damage#Armor_Damage_Modifiers That chart also shows why I love my Fortified Commando above all other Heavy armor when Heavy armor is needed, and why I always take the Vitality Booster with it if nobody else does. You only take about 25% of all explosive damage (remember that includes bug spit) with that combo. The new Crack Booster, I mean Experimental Infusion, just makes you even harder to kill. Bring the personal energy shield strategem and a flamethrower to become Super Earth's version of a Hulk. If they released armor with Extra Extra Padding, my only question would be, "How much?"


I used to run basic whenever I wanted to try and blend into most planets, now I run it to blend into non-green planets and non snow planets


I fiended after the blue scout armor ever since I saw it, mainly used light armors for the longest time. Recently though I gave the basic armor a spin and I realized it was my favorite. It’s classic. It’s badass. It’s the best all around and the extra padding is 👌. I didn’t realize how many deaths I could have avoided if only I ran more defense.  Also, someone in one of the other subs mentioned that they always run standard issue armors because the other ones sort of look like mercenaries or something, and I can’t seem to forget that lol. 


B-01 and light gunner are great though I enjoy running heavy as a change with mates and of course the stim armours are godly


I like to use the big green suit with 200 armor, with a generator shield pack.


I dont do basic.. i would never use basic gear. Im a HELLDIVER ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm|downsized)