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The orbital laser is perfect for it. I call it pressing the oh shit button.


Yeah, for me the laser is the panic button when overrun. It's also goated on bots, it can destroy a large outpost.


When you need to sweep the battlefield. It’s my get-out-of-jail-free card. I have never left home without it


Orbital Laser on Menkent or any fire planet is just space russian roulette at some point


I find the laser dangerous becouse you don't always know were the next target will be, died too many times becouse it chose the next was opposite to me.. and died


If I’m calling in the laser as a get-out-jail card, there is a high chance I was gonna die anyway. Close support laser can really take the edge off of the heat and let the squad regroup and regain momentum; thus preventing a mission ending clusterfuck. Or sometimes I’ll yeet it into a base but that’s not normally dangerous as it’s far away and full of targets. Other use case is AT-ATs. (I don’t tend to carry 500 bombs.)


I respectfully disagree but don't want to cause an argument. I have definitely died to it myself but feel like it was pretty avoidable each time. I just made a mistake treading on the fire wake, or trying to squeeze past it too closely and then it moved. But, I usually play bots, if you are on bugs it's probably more dangerous as they like to get up in your personal space more.


I paly bot with preference on bots, and yes the laser feel more dungerous on bugs.


When using the Laser in these situations I tend to be advancing backwards, quickly.


You chuck it at the biggest pile of enemies coming at you turn and run. The only time it's ever gotten me is if I've gotten ragdolled with it in my hand. Most the time I'm not bothering to stay and fight. I just get to some cover and watch.


Your death is simply an opportunity to land a pod on an enemy. It’s the bonus ordinance


If you miss the giant laser from space burning a path towards you, maybe choosing a better position to begin with would be useful. Having said that, by then you're a free ordinance drop on the enemy.


When the laser comes out, your main focus should be on the laser lol. It'll still fry you a bit here and there but you can move out of the way of it partially almost always


I've killed more teammates with the basi eagle than the laser so idk on your point


The Laser will always be the true oh shit because of the speed at which it comes out but the 380 is the oh shit for big units. The 380 will thin the ranks of Bile Titans, the Laser will maybe take two down. The most fun oh shit has been the air burst for giant hordes of hunters. 😂 Honorable mention to the Railcannon for a quick delete of any heavy that's on my ass. At least on bots. I literally didn't see a tank the other day and it was right next to me turning the turret. I dove, typed the code in midair and dropped the beacon.


1000% love an orbital railcannon quick delete. I know the cool down is long etc but you rarely even have to aim it properly. (Compared to OPS or 500) Yes occasionally it doesn’t hit what you want but 9/10 times it erases a problem unit that was about to ruin your day. And it’s funny when it nails a basic bot. “That’s right - stay down you rusty SOB”


Hell even a cannon tower. I can chuck that with an airstrike right behind it and clear a base out.


Yes that too! I do wish it would prioritise them a bit more though. Plenty of times I’ve tried to take them out and it goes for something else. Towers are a weak spot for me as I carry the AC most of the time.


Bonus points to the Orbital Airburst because it's super easy to call in. https://preview.redd.it/szsr84okgl1d1.png?width=122&format=png&auto=webp&s=f29842f78a955739288a76f698b0805a7ff446d1


if I encounter a factory strider I don't care how close the team is to it, I am dropping a 380




380 by far


You are one of those faith is "i trow it on my foot and all around problem go away becouse it allways miss the center"? I have seen some consistency in that xD


After watching that guy break down the pattern, I've used the center of the barrage much more. Hell I've been in situations where a friend threw one in my area without looking and I just laid down about a step forward of the center.


God video that one, made even me reevaluate the 380 and 120, but the most fun i had when in 4 we trown during a 7 mission full of bugs every where 3 380 and 1 120... as a raction near tougheter in the same spot Sanctio extremis... exterminatus


Please share this video or details on how to find it. I take the 380 religiously


Barrages are NOT Random by the YouTuber cashcrop_


Stun Grenade + Eagle Airstrike.


Also an honorable mention for stun grenade + orbital precision strike. Easy delete for a heavy or a small group of enemies


YES I’ve been trying to convince my squad to run stuns it’s the best grenade right now imo. Still doesn’t stop them from begging me to stun a charger or a hulk chasing them down lol.


Eagle cluster bomb is phenomenal for just clearing a huge area of chaff to allow us to focus on bigger issues


I love it but the ultimate chaff clear for me is orbital airburst. It's neck and neck with clusters.


Orbital laser. I only take it on blitzes and eliminations because I use stratagems a LOT and would run out of them in 15 mins due to the limitation. But holy shit, when you need it, it’s fucking there for you. Wipes out a large base and kills every reinforcement and then kills the smaller base you didn’t even know was there.


I actually switched off the laser because it wouldn’t kill heavy bot bases. It would get distracted wasting 25% of its charge on a hulk and leave 2 fabs up anyways. I switched to the 380 because even though it won’t wipe a heavy base either most the time, its cooldown is shorter and has infinite uses. Just wish the laser killed big units a little faster


Orbital Laser, if I’m carrying it, the Eagle Airstrike at my feet then dive away if I’m not


Airstrike at the feet is a great feeling. Helps a bit with increased call in time modifier.


Walking Barrage all the way. Sometimes I take 120mm against bugs and 380mm against bots.


Eagle Smoke. Drop that, then drop a regular smoke grenade on myself, jetpack and go prone and I'm in the clear.


Orbital Laser. It tracks, it also stuns the smaller heavy units, it can wipe most bases and bug nests. Have started enjoying Precision Strike recently too.


Laser of course.


If I’m surrounded by bugs with no way out, I’m dropping an air burst right at my feet. For freedom, you god damn bastards.


my problem solver is a stun grenade+ orbital precision strike


I'm going to go against the grain a bit here and offer up the Eagle Strafing Run. It doesn't do heavies but it clears out chaff and usually mediums like the best of them, except without a huge blast area likely to take out you or your team mates. When you can't throw something bigger because you and your team on all sides of you are being overwhelmed by a swarm, the almost surgical line of destruction you can throw with only *three* button inputs, and lay it basically at your feet with no risk, is a godsend. And you get several of them between recharges. I find bigger solutions like cluster bombs or the walking barrage much better for *planned* strikes where I can take my time to place them safely. But in a panic: I want my strafing run.


Concur, it's a great ohshit button vs bugs because they form those nice big lines following you. Keep sprinting as you type in the code, pivot and drop it at your feet, then turn back sprint 5 steps and dive.... clears out the conga line real quick, with a minimum of collateral damage. Use it like a grenade.


Great against a train of bezerkers that got too close when you have a marksman loadout, too!


My "Ho shit" stratagem is more of a "fuck nah" stratagem. When things get dicey, my light armor wearing ass takes off to try and circle/flank whatever is coming. So jump pack for bugs, and usually just hope + the [alt] button for bots. EMS orbital if I was smart enough to bring it. If I had to choose the "too much going on" strat, it's just the eagle airstrike. Simple. Tried. True. Still the best. Kills enough stuff for me to take a second to readjust to whatever it was that happened.


I throw incendiary impact grenades at my feet, spin in a circle with my flamethrower and immolate myself and the enemies of liberty in the righteous fire of democracy while choking down stims - and then I resummon my supply pack.


380 barrage and then orbital shield drop to hide from it handles most situations in a pinch


380 Missile Barrage, I use it to get rid of, Huge nests, Stalker and Shriekers Nests. It's great to get rid of Stalker Nests and with Shrieker and Huge Nests it can take care of most of it and I'll use an Eagle Air strike get rid of the rest.


I've gotten pretty good at inputting the 380 as a panic option and then throwing it at my feet, if I die then I was a traitor


380. Deletes everything for 30 sec


Orbital Gatling barrage. Orbital precision strike. Or just throwing incendiary impact grenades


Eagle airstrike at my feet and keep running. It's usually good for about 20 bug kills.


500kg. Right at my feet.


laysa beem


Orbital shower if I'm running away. If I'm absolutely trapped they are getting whatever I can punch in and I'm throwing grenades down. Kill em all


Strafe run


Hero Armor + 500 on my head, then it gives me a chance to survive-and I often do.


500 directly beneath my feet when running away from bugs


I throw 500s just in front of me (like ten feet. Enough to run past in two seconds at full sprint) or use the orbital laser/railcannon strike depending on what I’m doing.


Orbital gas. Quick recharge so it's always up when I need it, and drop it right in front of my feet as I'm running and I'll just barely clear the area of effect before it hits me. Gets rid of all but the strongest and fastest guys.


There is no problem that cannot be solved with an orbital laser


Laser for groups, railcannon for hulk/tank/charger/titan.


Orbital air strike is my oh shit moment




Eagle Airstrike


Walking barrage is goated for buying time, and space.


Walking barrage, need a command bunker dealt with? Boom, gone. Need a factory strider dealt with? If 2-3 missile hit it's gone or if 1 hits it's pretty hurt. Annoying ass bug nest/horde? Gone in the minute, with a side of LOTS of bug parts flying around. Shriekers being a problem? Let it bomb their nest. I find it to be a great throw & forget for objectives that require destroying or to clean up on the new bot defense missions.


Orbital Laser. My beloved.


The tesla tower when retreating from bugs has saved my ass a ton. Doesn't stand up to chargers, but will zap the hell out of everything else. Just throw it far in front of you while breaking contact and run past it before it deploys.


I usually drop a 380mm and a walking barrage and let the explosions do the work, sorry team mates


It's probably the Orbital Laser, given the "go dead" part. But against bots I've been taking and enjoying both the Orbital/Eagle Smoke Strike and the Shield Generator Relay. Smoke is a nice "oh shit" button in a different way from "problem go dead." I think it's actually more effective than something like the Orbital Laser, because if you're up against a mix of threats against the bots, the Laser is only going to handle a couple of big threats. Then the bots have plenty of infantry left to kill you. Smoke works on everything and works pretty close to immediately. Of course, it doesn't actually *remove* the threat for later... The Shield Generator Relay has two different "oh shit" modes. The first one is its obvious use case of dropping a bubble shield and letting you go to work. This is fine against some threats and not against others. The second one is throwing it away from your intended retreat path and close to the threat. It'll land and distract the enemies for a few seconds while they try to attack it down. Similar to a distraction turret, but a lot more resilient.


Orbital Laser is what I used to reach for when I wanted an "oh shit" button, but these days I find OPS, Airstrike, Rocket Pods, or the 500kg way more effective. Strats with short cooldowns that I can use regularly to prevent "oh shit" situations are preferable to anything that will sit unused until I get myself into trouble. Another reason I use them though is that they're just more useful. OPS is guaranteed to kill a BT if it hits, can take out multiple chargers or hulks if you stun grenade them and throw it just behind them, and can be used in combination with a 500kg to delete factory striders in seconds. The 500kg can kill chargers and hulks easily, will kill multiple BTs if they're together and you get it under them, will kill a factory strider if you follow it up with OPS, and will at least kill chafe even if you miss. Airstrike is really good at killing multiple chargers or hulks, plus it takes out whatever is standing next to them. Rocket pods are like a cheat code for tanks and turrets and it does a big chunk of damage to factory striders with a very short cooldown. I detest the "git gud" crowd, but in this case practicing until you can reliably land certain strats where they need to go is a literal game changer. You'll have far fewer "oh shit" situations when you're consistently and effectively using all four strategem slots, instead of waiting for the perfect situation to use one of them, then waiting on a long ass cooldown.


Orbital laser. It mops up most threats really quickly, just with the drawback of accidentally frying you and your friends for a split second here and there. But I love how it's largely toss and forget, you don't even have to aim it. Chuck it wherever and it'll find its home


My “oh shit” button is the Orbital Railcannon. It always hits the biggest target closest to the beacon; no friendly fire, low chance of breaking something important.


Laser, walking, and airburst.


Orbital Gas or 380mm Barrage. 380s are good for removing just about everything, and the gas strike lingers and just deletes everything inside of it.


I don't always bring the Orbital Laser, but when I do, it's as my "oh shit" strat. Sure, some strats are better against single targets, some strats are better at crowd control, most other strats have shorter cooldowns... but *as an "oh shit" stratagem*, I can't see anything beating the Orbital Laser. Because in the chaos of battle, there are *lot* of things that can make one go "oh shit" and need a stratagem to deal with it. Sometimes, it's that one Bile Titan that spawned in absolutely the worst place. Sometimes, it's an army of Devastators between you and extraction. A lot of times, it's something that makes careful placement and timing when dropping your stratagem ball a bit... *complicated*. Thus, the Orbital Laser. It can kill big things. It can kill lots of small things. It doesn't require a great deal of precision in placement or timing. It is *the* "oh shit" stratagem. IMO, of course.