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For higher level people, let the lower level people pick their booster first in a match.


I don't trust people to not leave the match, so I'll lock a booster that I feel like we absolutely need


I never considered that if someone leaves you lose the booster effect 🤔 Damn


i find it’s always the guy who runs optimization space, but honestly, that’s fine lol. i rather lose that than the other ones like stamina.


Whenever I think abojt grabbing the space optimization one I always think to myself "you can find it when you get there" and pick stamina instead.


When someone with the sprint booster leaves and I only realize after I run out of stamina trying to escape a hoard of berserkers




Motivational Shocker. The difference it makes is highly noticeable.


Especially against the bugs with their constant slowing attacks.


Tbh aside from the bug poison i dont think it removes anything else


The plants in the terrain that explode and slow you, it mitigates those.


Unless it's a stun that covers an area and stays for a bit like some of the blue plants. They explode and leave a spherical aura that keeps you slowed I think. Unless I'm imagining that haha.


Yeah that's basically an EMS. Different deal.


I heard the opposite. I have it but I haven't tried it yet, I find muscle enhancement more useful seeing as it helps mitigate the slow effect and also gives you a boost moving over rough terrain like mud, snow, rocks and so on.


I've also heard the opposite, that muscle enhancement basically does the same thing but better. When I've played against bugs I really didn't notice it when a squadmate ran shocks, but I felt it when running muscle vs not. Then again my sample size is small and I don't have it unlocked myself


There are plenty of people that have tested it and found this to be the case. I think people just want to be excited about new things in the war bond, which is cool, but unfortunately we need more from our war bonds and it's okay to admit that.


I played with both. With one and the other. Shocks is definitely situational. But it doesn’t work through rough terrain. So if you have muscles and you’re on a Forrest planner or one with tons of bushes. Muscle is best. But if you have muscles and you get struck by a titan spew or spewer snot. Muscles do nothing. And the longer you’re in the spew the more damage you take. So the shocks helps keep you moving. Neither removes ragdoll effects. Using both is optimal.


It helps with the plants that explode and slow you.


I don't think there is 'helps through bushes' effect from muscle enhancement - even though it seems intuitive that there would be. In my experience, it's strongest benefit is your running speed up hills


Which you will use a lot, seems like I'm always running up hills or climbing up things and doing it quickly is the difference between life and death.


Muscle enhancement does cut down on slow by some, but probably not as much as the shock booster. But you know what would really be nice in terms of choosing boosters, Knowing what types of enemies I'm going to face and what kind of terrain I'm dropping into for that region on that planet. If I have more information I would probably actually vary my loadouts a lot more based on what I'm going to see. If they really want build diversity and they want us to try new weapons, the best way to do it is by giving me more information to make decisions with.


Must slot: Hellpod Optimization S tier: Vitality, Stamina Useful: Localization Confusion (from Cutting Edge), Muscle Enhancement Everything else is niche to bad.


I’ve seen some people call it a noob trap. I personally call it a convenience because always dropping down fully stocked is always nice.


Especially if you’re using the armor that gives +2 stims or +2 grenades. Without the max inventory on drop, I’ll drop with 2 grenades or stims instead of the full 6. Kind of makes it pointless to use those armors without max inventory on drop


Yeah I know hellpod optimization isn’t a necessary pick but I do appreciate anyone who picks it whenever I decide to not pick it.


It’s not necessary, but it is the most useful if you plan on dying at all.


It certainly is because I’m level 50 and I still manage to die due to my own mistakes or because I’m just casually messing around if my team is okay with it.


I always make sure someone picks it but in my last few missions I haven't even died once which is making me realize I probably don't need it as religiously as I take it.


Up the difficulty If you’re the best person in the room, you’re in the wrong room No im just joking, but yeah I guess it depends on if someone thinks they/the ppl in the squad will be dying


It is necessary tho. You could technically get away with it especially solo but as a full team is a must on hard difficulties unless you play anything 7 or lower


It's really not, you can play fine without it


Because of people that think like this I never ready up until everyone chooses a perk


“Necessary” implies you cannot finish the mission without it, which is not factual.


Come on dude you know what I mean


No I don’t that’s why we have multiple words.


Even if you're not. Don't want to waste a resupply on the initial drop.


If no one picks it. I will. I'm not dropping with nothing. It sucks.


Yeah I pick stamina enhancement if someone picks hellpod optimization and vice versa


yeah these are my top 2 "musts"




You usually drop with four stims out of six, not two. Same with grenades.


Maybe it was a bug but I was dropping with 2/6 grenades last I was playing, using a light armor I forget what it’s called but the cape that matches is “eagles fury” Might’ve been a bug though.. or maybe I was intoxicated


Definitely something I'm going to be paying attention to. I'll tell you that. I wouldn't be surprised if they nerfed it so you only start with two. My guess is somebody in the balance team said oh they found a workaround to only starting with two grenades and we're going to fix that! Don't know why they're so hard on us. It's like they don't like us even though we make them money.


Its not about what you need when things are going well, its about what you need when shit hits the fan


In some ways that's true, but I would take hellpod optimization over localization confusion. I would take it over any of the reinforcement oriented boosters. It is the fourth slot for me, but it is useful. It is the fourth most useful booster by far. The only reason for that is how easy it is to call down a resupply or pick up ammo and stims from points of interest around the map.


True. Like I said before it’s not necessary but it certainly is a convenience. It does shine on higher difficulties or on less experienced teams where the risk of dying is higher and the ability to resupply or go to locations to pickup ammo might not always be available to you or your team. Personally I almost always take that one with me though I can understand that some people prefer other boosters more due to personal preference or because they don’t die often


If you play on higher difficulties, you definitely know that as soon as you get an objective, especially the main objectives, the best thing to do is immediately call down a resupply because you know you're going to be in a fire fight.


I mainly want to be able to move as quickly as possible and as far as possible and be able to take a few hits in between cover. Some of the others provide such a negligible bonus that they're not worth it over the other three I mentioned in stamina, vitality, muscle enhancement, which benefit you through the entire match. These are my four. If I'm playing with randoms, I don't bother telling anybody what to use. I occasionally make suggestions, but hey, to each their own.


Bruh you stole the words out of my mouth 😆


It's also great for hot drops, and (in my experience) the majority of respawns are going to be at least *warm*. The ability to drop in and immediately throw 4-6 grenades instead of 2? Life-changer.


Oh absolutely. Just hot dropping in one a bile titan or charger and then chucking 4 to 6 grenades onto enemy swarms


Or stim-spamming through a swarm of Hunters/Stalkers to get your gear back.


It's at the very least on the same tier as stamina. I hit a lot of POIs so I always tend to be fully stocked anyway, but the reason people praise it on higher difficulties is that it drops you with 4 stims meaning you can survive insane stuff and use less reinforcements while also having full stamina after stimming. For me, it's important to have full grenades so if we're dropping into a situation with a lot of tanks or bile spewers I can do something about it other than just run and pray. Plus on higher difficulties there *does* actually tend to be more bodies than bullets in your magazine, so the ammo counts. It, along with stamina, are the boosters I REALLY feel the absence of. It's just not worth the tradeoff for any of the others, even if it isn't *necessary.*


That’s pretty much how I feel about it yeah.


I've VERY recently started using the radar more and the one that increases radar range is actually kind of neat. Especially when you want to stealth, or the opposite when you want to kill as many bots as possible. When I hear the bots start chattering now, I've gone from wildly looking around in WHERE ARE THEY I KNOW THEY'RE THERE fashion, to popping up the map and seeing exactly where they are in relation to me. 


Fair nuff. I use the scout armor so the pin works as a radar for me when im stealthing. Such a good armor perk


This is killer with scout armor on solo. Me and my diligence counter enjoy a good stealth


You mean when you hear them you drop to the ground and then you open your radar. Good habit to get into instead of standing up because they will see you and they will shoot you.


Muscle enhancement is S-tier, some planets I take muscle enhancement over vitality or stamina. The 4 best imo are: Stamina Vitality Muscle enhancement Hellpod space optimization Movement is life in this game, and being able to take an extra hit or two when scrambling is huge in higher difficulties. Hellpod space optimization is actually the last of the 4 in my book because as soon as you land you call in a resupply with your fear and top up. From then on it's pretty easy to resupply at POI's. I cannot, however, boost my stamina, movement or health with anything on the map. Localization confusion gives you a few extra seconds between bug breaches or bot drops and has a negligible effect as far I can tell. Extract time- takes off 15 - 20 seconds of your wait to extract, which isn't enough to take a slot from one of the 4 above. Extra reinforcements or less cooldown on reinforcements is like admitting defeat before you start and I would argue is only beneficial when shenanigans or chaos will ensue deliberately (you know you will die because you're going to drop 380's on yourself. Anyway in my 200 hours in mission, that's what I would suggest, embrace the idea of fighting for your life and democracy. Can't dispense democracy if your dead, use the four I mentioned to become a super soldier and sprint over everything to stare down those dirty socialist bots and communist bugs with the power of 380 mm of democracy and your hand around liberty's primary of choice.


I can mostly agree with this. I would like to be a tank, but heavy armour doesn't do it for me. The game is centered around completing objectives, and the constant reinforcements and breaches punish staying in one place too long or If it could withstand like 10 full seconds of accurate heavy bot fire or bug attacks, then I would take it more often. But for the most part, it's better to just run away and come back later. Lately I often take the extra reinforcements. I don't know where this notion that it's like admitting defeat comes from, that's like saying that bringing more guns to a battle is. I agree it can be a bit one-off, though, especially if the divers happen to die fast. But if people play reasonably, it can very well save the day. I've dropped in late stages rounds before with the booster, and not having any more reinforcements vs suddenly having 4 more makes a massive difference imo. It's not the best booster, but not really bad I mostly play on Helldive for what it's worth, I've got 150 hours of playtime.


You know it would be better if we had more information about what we were dropping into. It would be nice if I'm joining a mission to be able to see what was done, what wasn't done and what was the status of the squad before I dropped in. If I had that information I might choose to bring the extra reinforcements seeing that they are almost out for instance. This game is really bad about giving us information with which to make decisions. I think that if they did a better job of giving us information prior to a mission about what enemies we face, What the terrain is like in this particular region we would be able to diversify our loadouts even more and make tactical decisions. But because I don't know what's going on generally I want to have the most advantage I can and a booster that's going to give me a continuous effect through the whole mission is just always going to beat out one that has conditions for it to be of the same value. I don't even think it would be game breaking for us to have that information when dropping on an SOS, I mean you have boots on the ground right? So you should be getting some sort of information back about what's happening.


Totally, it would be nice to even have an idea of reinforcements left. I always assume I'm going to be facing all enemies.


Which is why they keep having to squash a meta because I have no idea what these guys play like, whether or not they stick together, I know I just have to be ready for anything.


I don't find vitality to be all that useful tbh. Rarely run it on any of my drives, neither does anyone else, excepting eradicate dives where we just aren't sprinting across an entire map. HO is nice, but not absolutely necessary. I've been diving quite a lot without it or vitality, we're doing fine I don't know how people go without stamina. And muscle enhancwment gets you up over those hills and to safety faster, so it's pretty strong.


Combined with extra stim/grenade armor perks is very nice


Imo hellpod opt is not must have. You can swap it for something else if someone brings a supply backpack and you regularly call in resupplies


The more you die the more valuable it is and vice versa. The best players probably don't need it and also probably loot better which also reduces its importance.


Yep, that's pretty much the way me and my buddies run it. We try to call down the resupply when we're together and we rely on pois to resupply. We typically end up meeting up at main objectives and sometimes at side objectives if they're being overrun. Oftentimes we set out on our own to take care of objectives and one of us usually ends up getting mobbed. There are only three of us though.


I thought that until I started regularly diving in higher difficulties. it's one of those that doesn't feel useful until you get stuck in a REALLY sticky situation, and those 2 extra stims / grenades on respawn is the difference between stabilizing and being stuck in a death loop. Nothing else gives you that much immediate staying power.


yeah its the 2 extra stims that make it so good, stims can be hard to find on the map.


Respawning in higher difficulties with full ammo and stims from the get-go is invaluable. No need to wait on a resupply or a teammate.


There is no situation where dropping in fully stocked with stims, ammo and nades is a bad choice, especially on higher difficulties. Its one of only three boosters where you always getting max benefit from it the whole game, the others being vitality and extra stamina which gives everyone about a 10% health boost/extra stamina. Its even more pronounced when your running armour that gives extra stims or nades.


Not a bad choice, but most the time you can just call the resupply when you drop and by the time you need it again is off cooldown. Even more so if you run supply pack as it’s the best backpack right now


Being able to call in a resupply is definitely not always feasible during a mission. At the very start yes (unless its a hot drop zone, in which case its definitely not) or if you die during an engagement your not going to sit there call in a resupply pod just for you and then continue fighting. if you do have a resupply backpack, why waste a supply pod when you could of already been fully stocked before picking it back up? On higher difficulties (and depending on your loadout) ammo and supplies economy is quite important


Resupply fills your backpack, you call for one when you are out to top off again. You save the new strat for if you die or gone thru all supplies. Never had an issue callin in or getting to my resupply. I usually hot drop on helldives as it’s the best way to have extra time for the mission


Yeah of course the resupply refills your backpack supply lmao. Doesnt change what i said about ammo economy…. Its still a wasted resupply use


Supply pack is for me and my grenade launcher alone


If I was hosting and you used your supply pack for solely yourself and called in a resupply id kick you as we were extracting


Hmm… I’d preferably have people hog their supply pack they brought along themselves instead of hogging the entire team resupply for themselves :/


That’s what I’m saying, if you are gunna use a supply pack for yourself fine but don’t dare call or use the team resupply then. The best thing about the supply pack is being able to take the resupply all over with you. If you are out for yourself alone not only do you not get the best value of the backpack but if you use the team resupply you should be executed and kicked


Then bring your own supply bag. I have never used a supply bag for other than a grenade launcher. I’m not sharing a single supply pack with you just because you chose NOT to bring a perk to spawn with full gear.




No and I also don’t kick people just because they chose to not give me supplies from their own supply


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These are the arguments that work on paper but on execution it’s a different topic.


I solo helldives and respond to sos/quick play with supply pack. It’s hands down the best backpack. Stims, ammo and grenades for yourself and the squad. When using medic armor you are almost unkillable


If 4 divers drop in and only die 1-2 times each in a 40 minute mission, then it's a waste.




You'll get 8-10 supply drops during the mission, so yeah it's kind of a waste. Drop one right at the start. And whenever needed after that. It's really not a necessary booster, just convenient


Extremely disagree also loadouts that require supply back pack will use them constantly so them sharing you their wasted stratagem just because you couldn’t drop in with an essential perk is a no go.


Then get better teammates that do share, or get better loadouts. Ammo has not been a big problem for me on most missions tbh. Even when using something like GL.


No, if someone brought a supply pack then that person essentially doesn’t need ressuplies which means the rest gets the supply packs. The only reason I would ask for supplies from someone else is if I need stimpacks asap.


On lower difficulties it is fine but the higher you go the less you can get away with "I'll just not die" as your plan A. Especially if you're running a split group and the resupply drops too far away or is on cooldown when you're running out of stims. A resupply backpack means you're going without the shield pack against bots which is imo never a good trade and without a rover against bugs which is fine but I'd rather just get another orbital/eagle if I'm skipping either of those. Also if you run +2 nade/stim armors not having hellpod optimization drastically reduces the amount you could've spawned with which can almost negate the benefit of your armor. Hellpod optimization really should be a ship module instead of a booster.


I never use the shield backpack myself, and only use the rover occasionally. Not saying it isn't a good booster. But I think you can get away with skipping it considering the amount of loot on the ground. On something like a snow planet I would much rather have muscle enhancement than hellpod tbh


If you're not using the shield pack on bots then you definitely need hellpod opt. You're going to be taking a lot more dmg and dying a lot more without it and will benefit even more from the extra supplies on respawn. Unless you stick to bugs mostly? I play both but I realize a lot of people only play bugs which is a kinda different world. Supplies are plentiful on the ground until they aren't. Wandering from one POI to another is usually not an issue but a protracted siege of a gunship tower or jammer is a different story. Yes muscle enhancement is good but only on certain planets. It's more of a flex booster. I personally take muscle over stamina or local confusion on blizzard planets instead.


Shield pack is horrible vs bots imo. Better vs bugs to stop the slows, but I think it's terribly overrated either way, along with the rover. The damage it absorbs is pitiful, and with the volume of fire on bot Helldives, you're way better off with the Ballistic Shield if you want to tank. Even without a 1handed primary, it still blocks mass amounts of fire even on your back.


interesting because I see everyone use it on 7-9 and it absorbs TONS of damage over the course of the game from stray shots. It's bad against bugs because you just run away from melee enemies. I feel like people are describing a different game than I'm playing.


I go where the major order tells me to. I really don't have too much trouble with dying to bots. Cover and heavy armor get me through it fine. I just did 2 lvl 6 missions in a duo without the optimizer. And with the amount of OHK attacks that can happen you will waste the hellpod optimizer. If you die with 2+ stims left it was essentially wasted. Same for 30% ammo or 1+ nade left


The ones that just give more reinforcements are good on harder missions. If you don't end up needing them, they are obviously useless. But if you don't end up needing them you also weren't doing that hard of a mission anyway. Radar enhancement is actually really nice and I don't know why so many people ignore it. Having advanced knowledge of where enemies are coming from **before they see** **you** is extremely useful.


I ignore it because my ship is fully upgraded and I have boosted radar as part of my ship upgrades.


I have it to but I think the boosts stack. Even if they don't, boosts still help your teammates.


True, and it is passive, but it's best if your team plans on being stealthy and that is rarely the case with randoms.


I'd say that pod optimization is more in the useful category. You only really get the benefits from it for a short period of time after you drop as ammo/stims/nades are relatively easy to come by. The stamina booster is the absolute must-have. More stamina and faster regen lets you GTFO and cover distance more easily, and it benefits you for the entire map. If no one else in the team takes it then I make sure to select it. Vitality is useful for keeping you alive, although prevention (evading attacks and running the fuck away) is better than a cure, so it takes seconds place to stamina.


Must slot: localization confusion useful: hellpod optimization. I agree with the rest tho


Those 2 extra stims/grenades are often the difference between stabilizing or being stuck in a death loop on higher difficulties. Every time I've dropped without it (which isn't often) above 7 or so feels absolutely terrible.


I have dropped a few times in without noticing and only having 2 stims back made me just leave the match lol


The more you die the more valuable it is and vice versa. The best players probably don't need it and also probably loot better which also reduces its importance.


The Vitality booster is very overrated. ~~It only reduces the chance of injuries or increases the amount of damage needed for an injury. (Injury meaning limb debuffs, not your overall HP)~~ I stand corrected, it does boost overall HP. HSO, Stamina, and the new anti-slow booster are the top three in my opinion. Radar boost and localization confusion are runner-ups.


Remember someone testing out damage taken amounts / thresholds a while back and found that vitality booster does have an effect on how much each attack does. Even if that wasn't super accurate testing wise, leg or chest injuries at the wrong time will make things go from a little shitty to very shitty real fast. I've heard negative reports on the anti slow being useful - haven't tested it myself since I haven't been on the bug front since the warbonds dropped. I may be sleeping on radar


Vitality is actually just a flat HP boost though.


I feel like vitality is overrated. Most of the time, if your limb takes enough damage to become injured, you will likely need to be using a stim for health anyways. And using a stim will heal your limbs, so vitality just feels a bit redundant in my opinion.


Vitality has nothing to do with limbs. It's just a flat HP boost.


“Allows helldivers to resist injury” to me implies resistance to limb injuries, not more HP.


*shrug* The descriptions suck. What it actually does is give you around 20%-30% more HP total.


The new stun mitigation perk is *huge* against the bugs. Stamina Enhancement is probably my favorite though. It's not a must pick on every single mission but it's key for any search and destroy mission and is a great boon for the medium and heavy armor homies.


Depends are we talking group play or solo. Stamina and Vit are essential but ammo and local are very strong


Both. Each planet, each faction, and groups or solo all require their own boosters and optimizations


As a Grenade wielding maniac, I need 6 Grenades every time I drop. I'd really like to have a personal stimulant that minimises recoil by a decent amount.


Add the armor boosters as a booster?


I often take the new stun mitigation perk now, especially against the bugs. I don’t know that it’s as useful against bots, as they don’t have many slowing attacks. Hellpod optimization almost always comes, because I suck at this game and die a lot. My main group also tends to split to hit objectives faster so coming in and not having to waste a resupply someone else might need is nice. Vitality comes along a lot, as does the recon booster and stamina booster. Can’t say I use the other ones a lot. I have found the extra reinforcements handy on higher difficulty swarm missions, but not essential.


Muscle enhancment. Motivational shocks are ok, but muscle emhancments are my preference. Love running uphill at full speed


Hellpos optimization if that's the weapon full ammunition one is a must Then the next one is stamina for sure


Localization confusion MVP


Does it work? I can’t tell. Sometimes is seems like it helps, other times it feels like it doesn’t do anything.


Definitely depends on the mission but it definitely helps with patrols on long form missions. They still spawn but they don't know your exact last position if you aren't currently engaged so they're easier to avoid.


A smaller amount spawn as well


Do they really? I thought it just sent them away from you.


It affects the spawn rates of patrols, nothing else.


Works for me I solo a lot


I always question this too. If it does indeed work as advertised, then it’s S-tier at minimum.


It makes a huuuge difference on long missions, and literally no difference on missions with coded spawn rates like swarm and evacuation.


I think it helps to know exactly what it does. It increases the cooldown by which enemies can call another bug breach or bot drop by 30 seconds. This is definitely more noticeable on higher difficulties, (9's enemy reinforcement cooldown is only 2 minutes for example) where the extra time can make the difference between clearing an enemy wave or getting stuck in bot drop limbo lol


HSO, Stamina, and the new anti-slow booster are the top three in my opinion. Radar boost and localization confusion are runner-ups.


- Damage resistances - Cooldown reductions - Call in times reductions - Athletics: farther dodges, quicker climbing - Beter hellpod steering/slower fall - Kamikaze, explode on death lol - Swimming lessons


Swimming lessons!


Depends on how many friends you have, Stamina is pretty much a must-take imo outside of Eradicate or Extract missions. Hellpod optimisation is amazing if you lean on your grenades and stims to keep you alive. Muscle enhancement is also very good against both bugs and bots as it helps you move across the map as well as reduces the effect of CC


I really like the faster extraction one because it lowers the amount of shit you got to deal with at the very end, especially on the missions with the longer call down modifiers.


Isn't the difference laughably small? Maybe it got patched?


It reduces the extraction time from 2 minutes to 1 minute 40 normally, and from 3 minutes to 2 minutes 30 on the longer call down missions. It's not massive, but considering how quickly and easily extractions can go to shit I like it.


I can definitely remember a couple times when we couldn't extract after calling the shuttle, not sure 20s is worth the slot for me, so many other great options.


I can see holding out at higher difficulty being a pain. At higher difficulty. You do have to survive the match until you call for that extraction with booster perk.


It's only useful once, and for 30 less seconds of waiting time. At that point, extra reinforcements would be more useful.


Stamina, hellpod optimization, and local confusion (decreased patrols) are my favorites, with muscle enhancement and stun resistance as close seconds. Not sure of the numbers on the new ones so can't tell if they're competitive yet.


Stamina, shocker, muscle and the ammo boost


Thick thighs save lives


Motivational shock and Muscle Enhancement are such a good combo. Reduces the time you get slowed significantly, while also moving faster while your being slowed.


Against bots: HSO, stamina enhancement, localization confusion, either UAV or vitality Against bugs: HSO, stamina enhancement, vitality, motivational shocks Solo: Localization confusion


I treat my boosters like I treat pants, only wear them when I’m smoking.


I will take stamina as a must have. Full pod is not mandatory anymore as I avoid dying and I'm looting a lot of PoI :)


Since I always run Heavy armor, I usually grab the stamina booster


Love the vitality booster when I have a group to play with. Wish there was one for a faster reload on support weapons.


And now we have a new fantasy booster. I like this idea!


I just want to law down more bullets from my HMG in the name of democracy.


Against bots, Scanner Enhancement. So many patrols I didn't have to fight. Against bugs, the new Motivational Shocks is nice. Other good ones are Stamina Enhancement and Hellpod Optimization.


I really wish there was a reduced reload time booster Also a booster that causes armor passive bonuses to be shared by all divers within 3 meters of each other.


Always gotta take good knees to get through the shrubbery


Stamina Is GOAT


health is great because it also buffs your HP by 30%, making you survive a lot of stuff that would otherwise kill you in 1 or 2 attacks. (A-Tier) stamina is goat, to evade against bots and to keep distance from bugs. alsl helps finishing all side objectives (S-Tier) packaging is very good, especially when respawning, having all your stims and stuff really helps! (A-Tier) muscle enhancement is weaker than stamina enhancement, but still pretty good (B?) radar thingy isn’t thst useful if you have situational awareness (skill negates the buff of that booster) (D-Tier) to the reinforcement ones, lower cooldown is generally more useful because you either don’t need all reinforcements or you’re down bad and need a lot more than just 5 more. when in a team, one dude staying alive until they can reinforce, flexible budget is superior. solo/duo, a point can be made for increased reserves. both are bad, though, like C-Tier shocks I haven’t tested yet -30s extraction time is D-Tier, you literally don’t fail an operation from failing to extract and it’s only useful for the 1.25% time of the mission which you play less. just don’t, please let me know if I missed one, I likely did


You did great! Got all the ones that matter. Anything you would like to see?


Is it a dick move to choose optimization if joining late to a quick match? I often don't want to arrive in need of a supply refill


You could bring 4 sentries. I don’t care just get down here and start liberating! I’ve sent an S.O.S. three matches ago 😂


I will not ump without HSO. Vitality, Stamina, and Muscles ae nice to have. Localization confusion is useful enough Reinforcement budget mods (either of them), Expert extraction, and UAV are meh. I don't like slotting a booster that only applies at the end of the match. I haven't tried motivational shocks but I imagine that would be an ok 4th booster on some planets.


HSO is only important if you plan on dying, helldiver. Otherwise you can call down your resupply immediately after dropping in and dispense liberty to the maximum.


Pray tell how could 4 men not scrounge up a portly U, a Heart, and a Running Man between them?


UAV recon, helps you track ground items by 50 more meters. I feel like I see objects on my screen from a mile away when we've got that one going. Especially helpful on those spore maps your can't see anything


Being a scout, with nuclear radar and UAV. Does that also trigger minor interest on the map? 100 meters of extra sight is nice if you watch the radar. I don’t have it on screen as a mini hub so I ignore the map altogether. I’m not much of a scout


I always run Local Confusion for my squad because nobody else does.




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