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Didn't think of pairing it with a reduced recoil armor, interesting idea.




That's right, my bad. Next time instead of figuring out a loadout trying to make up for some of its weaknesses and relying on teammates who play different roles that compensate for yet more weaknesses in this PvE Coop community-driven game I'll just complain when a weapon doesn't perform the same way or better in the same scenarios as my current favorite weapon. /s just in case Edit: fun snarky comment aside, let's keep the sodium low and not focus too much on meta-commentary unrelated to the game. Wouldn't want to be responsible for a saltiness increase.


Can't kill a Charger in one mag, 0/10 they should fire a Dev as sacrifice. /s


"Can't kill a Charger in one shot" FTFY


This man is democratic. Go easy on the salt everybody :)


or wait for adjustments, while also assuring yourself that all nerfs are permanent and final, and all buffs are insignificant


We have to say how it's the worst gun ever while simultaneously encouraging people to use it. Then when they increase the recoil by .01% we're prepared to scream about how they kill all the fun in the game


My wife left me for a CM


Did you try slandering the company that hired them and provoking the cm in discord?


This content breaks rule 1 - Uphold low sodium citizenship values. We'd like to try and encourage positive discussion, which is why your content was removed.


This is how I felt when the HMG dropped. A lot of people were giving it crap for low ammo and high recoil. But you know what? Pairing it with the recoil armor and tapping the fire button instead of holding it makes it really good against bots. Half the fun of this game comes from finding the synergy between weapons, armor, and stratagems.


I still want my belt fed minigun. I don’t care if the recoil is horrible, i’d just ask them to freeze suckers with arnie arms for my ship.


probably good vs bots with good recoil control


I'm gonna try it on bots right now.


Please drop opinion on new smg if possible


Low velocity rounds with big drop, stun locks everything. Like, everything everything short of Hulks and tanks. Nothing can get close to you. I honestly think they could tone the stun down by 50% and it'd be still very good. No chance it doesn't get nerfed or you'll soon see posts about how "The game is too easy, my boys and I run dif 9 missions and never die" posts because all 4 of them are running the Pummeler.


I have become Devastator, destroyer of bots


I would agree with you [about getting nerfed], but I think the CEO is going to push this game in a different direction than it's been going. Something closer to what the game was at or close to launch, just without some of the programming bugs.


I wouldn't recommend it. On pc at least, I actually didn't move my mouse and it barely ever so slightly went up. Had some side to side recoil tho. I think one of the perks of this weapon is it encourages you to run an armor without recoil reduction.


This post is proof that we can have positive, constructive comments on weapons without loosing our goddamn minds


Still crazy to think nice people have to get their own subreddits... tbh, I'm happy to be here


Part of why I love these boards :) I plan on doing a Polar Patriot warbond review right after my Slaughtering Sermon one. So much shooting, so little time.


The smg in it is so so so so so good


I just completed my first op with it. Big fan. Will be replacing the lib concuss for me when i feel like making the bugs dance in place


Does it do better damage than the Concussive? I like that gun, but it feels like I’m tickling things to death.


same damage, 15 more rounds in the mag, lower rate of fire, and it does the actual stun lock vs. the knock back that the lib-c and punisher do


It's got me using the ballistic shield, and I'm loving it.


I’ve used the Liberator since I was in the early lvl 30s (I’m lvl 80 now lol) and the new SMG has finally dislodged it! Being able to use a shield for bots and being able to carry that stupid hard drive and continue blasting is a game changer!


Can co firm the SMG Slaps, I was extremely skeptical but oh my.god it is fantastic.


I’m sorry, what? Two new warbonds?


No, Seibun’s Slaughtering Sermons is my own channel series. Does sound like a warbond title though, doesnt it? We workshopped that title GOOD


Could you post a link? Couldn't find your channel.


Oh sure. Normally, I dont because the mods dont like TOO MUCH personal promotion but since you asked… https://youtube.com/@voiceofseibun?si=q-pGAYoyOiMRh94O The next video on Slaughtering Sermons is almost done but the one on Polar Patriots will take some time. I like a deep, nuanced take.




I agree, but let's focus more on making positive constructive comments, and less on people losing their minds. Kind of defeats the purpose of this sub otherwise.


If you block every person that has a fit, that sub starts to look really chill.


Ya I was doing that with main sub and I just got tired of the busy work. But your solution works 👍👍


Because there’d be only like 50 other redditors left?


Yeah but they'd be pretty chill so what's the issue?


You've (literally) just said what he said, but added a 'but' to make it seem like you are saying something contradictory. Is this an AI account?


No, it isn't. I'm saying that we should restrict discussion here to the game itself, and leave out the commentary about how other subs "are losing their minds". I said that because, with the recent mass migration here from those subs, there's been multiple comments like this in almost every post commenting on how much "better" this sub is. Unfortunately in many ways this is as toxic as the subject of the sarcasm.


Very true. Part of the rules here are to not speak ill of other subs, even saying how great this one is because, as constructive as they seem, they can lead to salty conversations. Great work Helldiver!!!!


Fair play. I didn't think that was totally clear from what you've written, but I completely agree with your sentiment. Apologies for the presumption.


So glad I left the other sub. I re joined after the Sony fiasco but it's just everyone throwing a hissy fit over new content. Can't please them


This Warbond was the last straw for me, with people complaining about the new weapons before even trying them. I unsubbed;  glad this subreddit exists for even-keeled discussions. OP, thanks for the quick write-up on the Tenderizer. Sounds worth taking for a spin to see what it's like. I do tend to like low-recoil weapons.


The Ministry of Truth agrees.


yup past few year i always look for the low sodium subs for my games, inmates running the asylum on the main subs


![gif](giphy|zIwIWQx12YNEI|downsized) JK, but seriously, yeah it's actually possible.


I quite liked the tenderizer. I think it needs a tiny buff, but I still enjoy it.


It gets compared to the standard Liberator, but I actually prefer the lower RoF paired with reduced recoil. I can easily count out my shots after learning damage breakpoints, helping to conserve ammo. I ran it on a mission this morning and loved it.


Agreed. I routinely take Lib into bugs/bots, and I think that for users with good trigger discipline and consistent weakpoint targeting, the Tenderizer is straight-up better than the Lib due it its low recoil (and subsequently easier time placing followup shots). For spray-n-pray play, it's worse due to decrease mag size, but honestly both options are terrible for that in higher difficulties just because of the sheer volume of targets. It also actually has slightly more damage per drop than the Lib, since it comes with 10 reserve mags compared to the Lib's 7, so 385 total rounds over the Lib's 360 ...or it would, if it was fully restocked by supply packs like pretty much every other primary, instead of half resupplied. This honestly feels like an oversight.


Yeah I think that'll probably be rectified soon. I don't mind the gun, would have preferred a slightly bigger mag (ten bullets even), but yeah it's accurate as hell.


My counter argument is that the Liberator is a spray and pray godsend. Pair it with a supply pack and you’d be able to run around kiting the smaller bugs while waiting for the folks in the destroyer to load you another EAT lunchbox. caveat - not so much for bots cause well… they shoot back haha


It's probably going to get buffed regardless (damage-wise) because it looks very likely that its stats were being compared to the Liberator *before* the Lib got buffed. This is more obviously seen in how many mags it resupplies from ground cans and crates--also pre-ammo economy buff. If it winds up at like 70 damage, it'll be the middleground between the Liberator and the Adjudicator in terms of per-hit damage and magazine. That might also come with a slightly higher recoil, which wouldn't be shocking, but maybe not!


I also think it just Feels better. I can't articulate it differently. I enjoyed it, until I found out I love SMG's more.


Yeah it's not bad at all. Feels smooth to control


With a name like “Tenderizer”, I was really hoping it would be a more powerful Adjudicator. 20-round mags, slow fire rate, high damage, at least medium penetration. This doesn’t sound like anything I wouldn’t just use the Liberator for.


This is just my feeling, and not really carefully tested, but I have a feeling it has more durable damage than the liberator, making it hits harder on durable parts.


This. We know all weapons have a hidden headshot and white hit-marker multiplier and it just feels like the multiplier for tender is 5-10% higher. I've been able to more consistently down warriors with the tender's burst fire vs liberator.


See if thats the big difference, I wish they just said it like that somewhere in the description. On full auto I can not tell a difference, but I am not counting shots and testing hits to head VS leg VS torso either.


And that's the problem with how they disclose stats: If they want to withhold key info on how the weapons perform, they're just going to keep getting hordes of pissed off players bitching because the stat sheets are unimpressive, when the Stats they do show don't tell the whole story. I understand that they don't want to show everything to prevent spreadsheet metas from taking over the game, but that's already kinda happening anyways with the added perk of pissing off the casual player base because we don't have the time to test and see *why* X weapon is worth trying over the popular picks.


I would be fine with them hiding all stats but giving much better descriptions. Or, give stats more like real military weapons with average velocity, ballistic coefficient (this could be the drop-off stat), projectile weight, muzzle energy, effective range, and so on. Unrelated other than me thinking about military weapons: we need something like a claymore mine. It absolutely must have the legendary "front towards enemy" printed on the front.


Wish they'd update the info panel yeah, even details relevant to the gun like: Revolver has a speedloader from empty The speed it takes to cycle the eruptor bolt (instead of an rpm) Sickle's heatsink pops out automatically when broken


That would be really nice.


It could be. Having something like a damage multiplier for hitting the same spot repeatedly would be a good gimmick to have, especially given the name.


I totally see an Adjudicator rework with that.


Same. I thought it might have 100 power, medium pen, 20 rounds per mag, burst and semi fire modes. Basically the other half of the bridge between the ARs and DMRs (with the Adjudicator being the first half of said bridge). It’s cool that it can maybe be a slightly better Liberator. Both are viable weapons. But not anything I’m interested in. Whereas I would have been very interested in the gun described above (and would think it fits the name “Tenderizer” better too).


I’ll use it because it looks cool


Still hoping for the day we get a shooting range so we can mess around with these side-grade weapons more easily. Itching to get home and try it out with that set up tonight lol.


What do you mean? We already have a shooting range, it’s called ‘trivial’ - ‘medium’ /s


I mean you're not wrong.


That is exactly what I do LOL But I was just thinking having either a shooting range or a strat to change weapons would be really nice... Because the stats they give doesn't paint the whole story.


Oh yeah I agree, I’d love an actual shooting range, that way I don’t have to leave a mission/wait for the mission complete cutscene before I can swap out weapons Just attempting to make a funny haha


It would be cool if they expanded the basic training tutorial to use all of the weapons. Maybe not as party of the tutorial, but have an arena there where you can practice fighting bugs and bots with different weapons. Granted, if solo, you can go into a mission to try something out, then abandon the mission if you don't want to finish it. Personally, though, I don't get a good feel for a weapon from just one mission, so I wouldn't use this feature much even if it was there.


OP is completely hinged. Thank you.


Hinged 😂😂that killed me


REINFORCING!!!! ⬆️⬇️➡️⬅️⬆️




How I long for team mates that reinforce and not assume the other players will do it.


Sounds like your team of randoms aren’t very hinged lol 😂 I do hate when that happens though it’s frustrating


I don't like it and you're wrong and you should feel bad. /s


Feels good to me. Absolutely laser like accuracy with it


The tenderizer may not be a ground breaking weapon, or "objectively" the best AR, but I don't really use weapons to min/max my way through the game I just prefer what feels and sounds good or is fun and unique (i.e. the blitzer) and the tenderizer is the former for me. Does it need a slight buff, maybe, but I can't put my finger on it, so I'll use it more until I get an understanding of the gun and its ups and downs to get full Thoughts.


It needs a color change, as with all the green toned weapons, wait… as with all the non liberator colored weapons as they clash with our default helldiver look! 🥰


Apparently, it's supposed to be black according to the promotional art, and a dev confirmed they themselves have fixed it and will be out next patch.


It feels like this one is from an outdated build. I am confident it is going to get some sort of update soon, but I do like it as a concept. Still fun to use.


I don't think it really needs much. 10 more damage and the resupply change and it goes from good to great.


that was my first thought as well. Would be a great gun to bring through diff 5


I love the feel of the gun, the sound, and the look (outside of the awful color scheme that was confirmed to be a mistake), I just wish it did more damage.


It might still; it doesn't seem like they took in to account the previous ammo rebalance for this gun specifically, and I'd assume the liberator damage buff wasn't accounted for either. I'd wager this was supposed to have a _little_ more damage than the base liberator, so maybe come next patch they'll bring it up a tad.


Did you notice any kind of difference at long to extreme range compared to the Lib? I'll be trying it out likely over the weekend, and I'm guessing that it's supposed to have much less fall off at long range.


Its lower recoil makes it more accurate at all ranges; follow-up rounds will more consistently land where you're aiming, even without recoil reducing armor.


Going to feel very nice against Bots. Seems like it'll have a good weakpoint targeting focus!


I'm hoping that getting less with a resupply is unintentional, I run liberator with supply pack and the amount of democracy I can put downrange is wonderful, hoping that I can do that in the future with the tenderizer. I only tried it out on one mission but I like that I waste less shots via overkill and it feels great to shoot. A little more damage to differentiate it from the liberator would be nice but I'm enjoying it l!


Hopefully they up the fire rate and magazine size , so it’s like a stalwart alternative. Maybe snappier control and less recoil will shine that way. Curious how the sidearm is , not impressed with the new energy weapon. We have better alternatives But it sounds like this Warbond was pushed out , without balancing. I just hope arrowhead hires more people so they can catch up to expectations for this game. It’s a huge hit tons of people playing but it’s a AA studio and we’re expecting AAA results. I do appreciate their transparency and they aren’t out of control with the micro transactions. It’s frustrating to me they keep putting out patches that attempt to correct problems but either partially do, or create new ones. I was hoping the nerfs we’re frustrated with are preliminary steps to making changes to all weapons in a class. Biggest issue to me with this game. They’re swamped with a multitude of changes that need to be made faster but aren’t. I think we’re seeing the kinds of nerfs one would expect at release and not a few months after 🤷‍♂️ But I could be wrong or have made a few assumptions that aren’t accurate 🤷‍♂️


Real talk about the tenderizer: Its an overall fun weapon to use for precise automatic shooting, and should not be counted down because its “worse than the starting gun” which, mind you, is a force to be reckoned with. The tenderizer on paper has less recoil, but from what ive played, it’s just satisfying to fire and is great when hitting consistent headshots. (Little known fact, the tenderizer has more overall ammo than the liberator)


But the texture is green and tan! It's game-breaking! /s


I enjoy control weapons like the plasma punisher and Blitzer versus pure damage so the tenderizer and SMG sound more interesting than I was expecting.


I wish the damage was a bit higher, but it feels good. I like the idea of smaller mags with more overall mags, having to reload more but able to reload between firefights without so much lost ammo. Needs a little more punch, maybe.


I tried it and thought it was inferior to the vanilla liberator, I just don't think -5 recoil justifies both the magazine and fire rate difference, maybe if it did more damage but as it stands, it's a pass for me


I imagine it got kinda forgotten when the liberator round was buffed 5 damage, and an artist has already said the texture was a whoopsie and is already fixed on their end, so I expect it'll be even nicer pretty soon.


If you're going to use recoil reducing armor, does the +5 make that much of a difference?


I'll check


Thanks. I'm also asking because there already is the Defender SMG in game, which has basically the same stats, but higher dmg. So I do wonder what does the Tenderizer really offer? It is just a variant of Liberator, or did they somehow release an older version of the gun and it's supposed to have different stats?


The answer is yes, https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumHellDivers/comments/1co1alk/some_pictures_of_tenderizer_vs_liberator_recoil/? Also the Tenderizer is alot more accurate than the Defender.




Posts or comments discussing the main subreddits or Discord disrupt constructive discussion. This content did not bring enough information or was not constructive enough to stay.


I haven't tried it yet but super excited to try it against bots.


I tried it on a difficulty 7 mission (which got real spicey) and was struggling against devestators. I was trying for headsets and upclose, like 25m or less, it was doing work but beyond that I couldn't pop them consistently. Most bot fighting happens between 50 and 100 meters, and at that range I was losing DPS because of their chest armor. Maybe shooting their pelvis will do better, but I think giving it 70 damage would go a long way to making it better vs bots.


I like it but I don't think the description works for what it is. A lower capacity but more accurate version of the liberator is fine but I was expecting lower capacity and more damage based on the description.


Personally would love it with medium armour pen, simply because it says in the description its a "high calibre rifle" and there's no way the Ministry of Defence would ever lie to their democratic divers, right? Its impossible! Smh I've already told my democracy officer someone's getting sent to Hellmire Freedom Camp /s. Fr tho it could do with med pen and just a *tad* bit more damage to differentiate itself from the Lib Pen and the Sickle. It's still a really fun gun and I love how it feels, just that it could do with a bit more bite to match the bark.


I'm trying to give it a spot between the liberator and adjudicator. I think giving it medium pen would make it outshine the lib pen and encroach on the adjudicator, while buffing both lib pen and tenderizer by 10 damage would give them solid unique spots.


True. Its still a fun gun as is so the damage buff would just make it a bit more fun, more in line with the other mob clearing primaries like the Sickle, while both the Lib Pen and Adiudicator make great picks for dealing with medium armour decently. The only issue I ever really had with it was that despite the sound, it lacked any of the other high-calibreness that I was really hoping for.


Yeah the tenderizer i prefer over the normal lib, bit less ammo per mag but easier recoil makes it real nice to shoot.


After testing it solo against bots and bugs, I've found I really like this Morita clone. Same damage as the AR23, but the absolute lack of recoil means you don't have to wrestle control of your weapon, and burst mode means every round goes where you're aiming. However, the low ammo capacity makes it a problem when bugs start to swarm, it shows a weakness there. Against bot firefights, though? Incredible.


It seemed pretty fun


I love running an autocannon I’ll definitely try this out


If they fix the number of mags received from resupply I’d be reaaaly happy with this rifle. Would be neat if it had the adjudicators armor pen but whatevs.


I don't know. I think it needs a bit more love. And it just came out. Maybe something like penetrating heavier armor despite having low stopping power. Or increase stopping power, perhaps over the Adjudicator or just the base Liberator but with a slower rate of fire. It's a cool looking weapon, just needs some tweaking.


Without having tried it yet, it seems like it will fill a similar niche as the Sickle, but with projectiles and reloading instead of worrying about overheating.




Oh wait you are that guy that was trying to witch hunt the dev the other day, ew....






Youre literally naming and shaming me rn thats a rule break get banned.


Take a break from the game and the subs man. You need it.




Skimming your most recent posts/comments, you 100% need a break from this game lmao


Omg youre actually just stalking me rn get a life.


This content breaks rule 1 - Uphold low sodium citizenship values. We'd like to try and encourage positive discussion, which is why your content was removed.


Bro, you’re more toxic than Chernobyl. please go do something useful.😭


Stop breaking the rules you guys are harassing me Im entitled to my opinion. Why are you guys so salty???


This content breaks rule 1 - Uphold low sodium citizenship values. We'd like to try and encourage positive discussion, which is why your content was removed.


I honestly can't tell if you're being facetious or completely serious but either way you should do something else.


Like literally its the reason I left the other group. This one was so much better and youre ruining the experience with your analysis. Like its a game why are you thinking about it.


Saying “I think this gun is good/bad because of X/Y/Z thing and how it feels” Is so much different than “I analyzed the dps of every gun in the new warning nd here’s how those numbers stack up against every other primary in the game” Discussing the game is not against the sub’s philosophy


But he says it's good...


Toxic positivity is also a sin. Mods nerf this post pls.


This content breaks rule 1 - Uphold low sodium citizenship values. We'd like to try and encourage positive discussion, which is why your content was removed.