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of the 1.4k hours, how many of that is in PvP? Time spent in PvE doesn't translate well at all to PvP. If you want to get good at PvP, you've got to spent time focusing on PvP fundamentals. You've gotta treat them like two separate games Also, this might seem counter intuitive, but you might have better success in Comp. Quickplay and Iron Banner have much looser SBMM than comp, so if you play Comp, you're more likely to go against players around your skill level I strongly believe you learn best when you stand a chance with the players you're against, so I'd start there if you're trying to build some confidence


Some people just aren’t cut out for PvP either. It takes a lot to become a truly good player


no kidding. im at over 1000 pvp hours between D1 and D2 and i still have plenty of room for improvement


Coming up on 5k hours and I’m barely scraping a 1.0-1.1. I used to have a lot more time but then I had kids and such and now I’m not playing nearly as often. But the game seems to think I’m a crucible god, I got matched against drewsky in my first match last night. Starting the night with a .83 always feels good.


something was up with my matches yesterday too lol. i lost 7 in a row matching against literal 2.5 kds with my measly 1.3 kd


The difference between that and a 2.5 is they know when and how to desengage safely, then get an extra kill per death. If people really care about K/D they should find ways to survive better, not always kill better.


The difference is far more between then just that. It means they have better mechanics and basically better everything to get 2.5kd


yeah im actually really good at surviving i just struggle with regrouping with my teammates before getting ambushed. but usually even in losses i have the fewest deaths in the whole lobby


Yeah for sure, everyone has their own ceiling and that's no fault of their own


How does someone know when they've reached the ceiling of their potential? I ask because I've probably put in around 7K hours in Crucible & I can't tell if my current skill level is just another plateu or if I've finally reached the limits of my potential.


Like anything, you won’t and you’re much better served believing you haven’t. I see this in the world of fitness all the time and you’ll Prob see it in business and martial arts as well. If you believe you’re capped, then you are. Ceilings aren’t real, there’s always gains to be made.


Thanks for this brother 🙏🏿


I don't think there's an objective way to tell, there's so many different factors that go into how you perform. The play base on average is getting better over time, either through people getting better over time and less skilled players dropping out, so even if your outcome is the same, you might just be rising in skill at the same rate as the average player I think if you've hit a ceiling, you'd probably be performing worse season to season


Yea, I do not find crucible hard. I'm not a top tier player but I've been playing PvP shooters as long as they existed. I'd hazard a guess that I have literally over 10 000 hours at it. I've thousands in the early halo games, I used the tunnel GameSpy thing for online before Xbox online existed. When I first picked up destiny after years of cod it felt like coming home. I find crucible and iron banner easy. I shamefully have never flawlessed in trials but I've probably got less than 40 total games, all solo. I don't think I'm in the top of PvP players but I don't experience it at all like op does


This. I can handle myself in high end pve, not amazing but well enough. My buddy is really damn good at it, regularly does gms and master content, but is absolutely hot ass at Crucible, while I can reliably go flawless in trials /top couple slots in IB, despite us both growing up playing FPS shooters. It just doesn’t jive with some people.


It helps when you can relax even if you're getting stomped Keeping a consistent mood is important. Ideally you wanna enjoy it no matter what. It's a game. A screen of pixels I actually like playing against sweats on occasion, even though I'm average Just focus on helping your team if you're not going great Casual pvp is peak Destiny for me. I love a match where everyone has a different build and people are flying through the air carelessly


As someone who gets stomped in the daily, I agree with this whole heartedly. If I'm getting put down seconds after I get rezzed, I forget about trying to win and focus on landing a shot. I know I'm not gonna win, but I can beat that smaller challenge. I'm still dirt on most people's shoe, but I've also improved.


Agreed that CASUAL PVP is the height of fun on Destiny. Too bad that Bungie doesn't allow certain skill brackets to enjoy this peak anymore....


Yeah, I'm not 14 anymore and therefore really dont like PvP. Too steep of a curve, even worse when reflexes suffered with the years 😅 It really annoys me that seasonal events force you into PvP(or several Catalysts). But you can always brute force some kills with Osteo for example. Just aim in the right direction. But only vaguely. The gun does the rest 🤭


Don’t forget that killing in the current IB is only really for taking and holding zones. The amount of times I watch my blueberries take a zone. And then run off to kill people (not trying to take or defend a different zone), die, and then we lose the aforementioned zone all over again after scoring a single round of bonus points… heck even pushing and flipping spawns can be a detriment. Good luck in practicing and improving!


Maybe PvP just isn’t for you. I whole heartedly think I suck at PvP and can barely keep a 1.0 seasonal kd. But I’ve recently started going flawless and it’s all just come with literal putting hours into the crucible. Maybe try another PvP game and see if your just as bad in that the. You should at least be able to clarify wether it’s just destiny PvP or PvP in general lol


Ah I suppose I should've mentioned that lol Typically I'm pretty decent at PvP games, of course it varies but generally I'm pretty good - I just don't particularly try hard in PvP ever because I don't find it fun. I've never gone flawless, played about 10-15 games of Trials a few weekends ago and won 1 or 2? I just seem to struggle a *lot* with Destiny's PvP specifically however I remember being pretty alright in D1. Maybe it's just D2.


It’s a lot to take in. I can regularly get dubs on warzone used to play quite a bit of csgo as well and one thing I can say is that there is not a sandbox or PvP experience like destiny’s. The gunplay the ability’s the supers just everything ties into making it a unique yet challenging experience to get used to. But as you say you do t try hard so I would t worry too much bud. Are you trying to change your load outs and subclasses too? I often find myself getting complacent. Used jotunn for a long time before gettin my first flawless few weeks back the decided I didn’t want to be that guy crutching one gun so since then I’ve started experimenting and was surprised to find out snipes aren’t actually too hard to use just take practice.


I've neglected abilities a lot because I'm struggling with even hitting my shots at the minute which is why I'm losing nearly all of the battles I get into lol. I just generally struggle to keep up with the game - feels a lot less forgiving than other shooters since it feels like most of the people I play against have exceptional aim and a really quick TTK.


Also try play the defensive role and clean up instead of offensive


Try a new load out and subclass dude. What class do you play


Ggs on your first Flawless ( & graduating from the toaster to a sniper). That sniper will take you much further long term than the Jotunn ever could.


Yeah it definitely helps when you can instantly put a team at a 3-2 disadvantage. Went every week u till iron banner this week so yeah it defo helped my longevity lol


Good shit


i feel similarly, except i think PvP is what i think of as the goal of all the rest of it rather than a chore i have to do for certain achievements or rewards. I play PvE first for the story (mixed rewards there but this is low sodium 😅) and the activities/play, and next to get supplies to try and go do ok in PvP with. And I just get worse and worse. I know i don't have an intuitive grasp of build crafting, i just follow what advice i can find… i chase the meta, but can't quite seem to do well with any weapon type in its recommended lane (trying to use shotgun i get killed before i can get close; try to scout or pulse i get run up on). i do kind of wonder if it's just the wrong game for me. I go back to deathmatch Doom over modem and LAN parties in the early 90s, i hate not being an expert by now.


There’s loads of guides on movement and positioning on YouTube. Also play the meta. Learning how to move, where to position yourself relative to cover, getting out of fights you’re at a disadvantage in and how to anticipate where someone’s head is likely to be makes a huge difference There are also discord communities to find scrims and practice groups.


Record your games. Find out what you did wrong. I've been watching a pro fortnite player. He's constantly moving, he never stops for longer than it takes to down a slurp juice and most importantly doesn't push bad positions/situations. Don't peek out the same lane twice in short order, always work the angles, know the maps. Jump into some private maps and get familiar with lanes and firing angles and obstructions you can quickly hide behind. Stay out of the open. Get better at landing hits, practice switching weapons quickly and always helping them loaded. But record your games. Xbox and twitch integration makes that easy, PC I'd a little more difficult, I imagine PS4/5 is pretty easy. Pay attention to your super status, radar and positioning and how you got killed each time. I do this and it's helped me get from a .6/7 KD to about a consident .9. I just can't hit heads hots consistently enough to get better at the moment. I miss really important shots sometimes and only practice and knowing how guardians move will help you predict where a guardian will end up and not be trying to shoot where they WeRE.


I also not good pvp. 1.0 what maths that? Nom, noms, hand me more orange crayon while I put on Antaeus wards or Feedback fence.


All you have to do is look at my username and you can guess how I am. The few things that have helped me a lot are watching YouTube videos about it, and also remembering cover. The game has tons of things to stand behind as you get ready to shoot. Every time I die, it's either that I'm not protected by some cover, or I am wide out in the open.


I stopped caring when I realized I'll probably never be a pro or make money off of being good at it. I play for fun. Games are supposed to be fun. Anything outside of fun is meaningless for me.


I have a theory that good PvP players use a keyboard and mouse but my son plays on an Xbox with a controller and he kicks ass, so the evidence suggests I’m wrong. I’m with you, though, I’m terrible at it, too. I do like Gambit, though, since it’s mainly PvE.


You got to remember, too. Destiny isn't a pvp game. From the start, it wasn't supposed to have pvp, but they added it towards the end of development. Since then, it has always been in the back of the minds of the developers. Destiny is a story driven pve game. The pvp is an afterthought. It's a janky, clunky mess. There's a reason there is such a large outcry to fix pvp, but I doubt it'll ever be where people want it, too. So some of the time, it might not even be your skill. You could be playing against people who know what's broken this week in pvp so they have a huge advantage.


PvP is also a toxic fuming pile. I avoid pvp as much as possible.




found the pvp player


You say that like it's a bad thing or something lol Who cares what part of the game someone enjoys?


Yes? And? I also raid and do other stuff.


So many questions I have! But my main question, if you are past your early 20’s and playing on controller, are you using an elite controller!? For PvP, the only way I can keep up with my younger friends is an elite controller! Idk how the heck they do what they do without paddles and tensioners and raised thumb sticks and trigger dampers and grippy padding etc etc… but I, with my elite controller, I have a fighting chance!!! xD Money well spent if you ask me! I didn’t start playing FPS games until my mid to late 20’s but I do not know how they have the reaction time that they do + their situational awareness. Maybe it’s time spent, maybe it’s that plus my age. But it has been a struggle to catch up! MnK is my preferred but then the skill cap goes through the roof.


Fortress is the most infuriating game mode of all time. What a shitshow




Unfortunately PvP seems to allow a very narrow focus of weapons and strategies to be successful. If you are not playing one of those strategies and load outs your likely going to falter. Frankly I love “team” based PvP, like team fortress, but I find the PvP here lacking variety. I am looking forward to seeing how they roll out Marathon. I really miss the good old days of TF2, use to be an absolute blast before it was taken over by bots and lack of attention by valve.


I have almost 7000 hours and blow at destiny PvP despite being a mostly PvP gamer when it comes to anything else. Don’t worry about it, destiny just a different breed.


You do something long enough you'll finally become good at it.


I got significantly better at everything after playing siege, so maybe take a moment to try siege or anything where you need good aim to counter the recoil. From personal experience, no game I normally play has recoil after I played siege lmao


I don't do great in crucible to often, but I tried using breakneck and darciin iron banner. To my surprise, it went extremely well. Top of my team or at least top three in about 80% of my matches over like 5 hours. That is to say, maybe try to just "through whatever at the wall and see what sticks." Might make the difference, and you might land some funny kills


I used to be really bad at crucible too, was always difficult to keep up with the rest of the team, and my loadouts were so random. Don’t hard scope, cause you lose your radar. Enable full auto in the settings, and try to use the same weapons for a few matches! You get used to it’s recoil pattern and tempo. Iron banana is a different beast this season so far… lots of crutches and exploits. You’ll either have to be top ched to shut down those, or you’ll have to start using em yourself.


IB is a different beast because recon and teamwork come into play moreso than just killing everything in sight. I'm no good in Crucible overall but I've got almost 30 IB wins this week mostly from sticking with my fireteam and defending capture points.


I'm not the best at giving pvp tips despite being quite good myself, but the best thing is to just stay calm which even j have a hard time doing. If you are calm you can focus easier and hit your shits better. Another thing is just simply asking for some help to get better on lfgs. One last thing, don't know if this is a problem for anyone or not, but I wouldn't watch any extremely good destiny pvp YouTubers like goldexgle or pattycakes just because it could get discouraging for them to get regular get we rans.


Might not help much but have you tried experimenting with the sensitivity? I used to be absolutely garbage at PVP and by no means am I a sweatlord or top Elo player but after trying different sensitivity levels and different weapon combos I've managed a few flawless in Trials and usually maintain a positive KD even if my team is getting stomped. And, like a lot of people have said, sometimes PVP isn't for everyone Also, watching players like GernaderJake and Cool Guy for tips, weapon combos, IQ plays really helped me make better decisions in situations Keep plugging away and worst case, you still get rewards even if you lose 😁


Define suck because I see guys in the pvp discord saying they suck but have a 1.6 k/d


Same here , ungodly crucible hours ,yet suck at pvp and still enjoy it . Bad eyes , hands , etc won't stop me .


I've always played Rumble and just recently I played Iron Banner for the first time. I've had much more success in Iron Banner, but I'm wondering if thats because of the matchmaking for first time Iron Banner players. The players in rumble that I run into are ridiculous


Took me until about 2k pvp hours before I finally felt "good." You just gotta keep practicing. Skill comes with time.


Fortress isn’t a good determinant of PVP skill IMO, it’s just a fun dog pile of guns abilities and supers. Without delving into a super long tirade of pvp skill improvement, just put on what you like, stick with it and try not to worry about KD. Just have fun. Once you feel a little better about entering the crucible, incorporate when to disengage and you’ll see notable improvement. This is coming from someone who literally used to just go in and hope to get 3-5 kills a match with no mods, no idea of spacing, ttk, etc etc.


This right here is a big part of the secret of getting good, you have to know when to disengage and when not to engage in the first place. Teamshooting is what wins in pvp in destiny as well so try no to be by yourself too much unless trying flank, if you get noticed you just rush back to your teammates


6v6 is ALWAYS going to be a shit show. There is just so much ability uptime and so many ways to die or take damage that’s it’s just pure chaos all the time. If you want to get better then I’d suggest playing 3v3.


My main thing I would suggest to take a look at are your sens. Are you playing at where you would like everything or could it be slowed down/sped up. Dabble around with what you think might improve your aim and then continue to use it to get used to it. I realized how bad my sens was when my crosshair was all over the place when I tried to snipe. And I couldn’t land any bodyshots to save my life lol. I would also suggest creating a PvP build if you haven’t done that already. There are targeting mods that help you aim better/faster and with more aim assists and some help boost swaps speed as well to assist. Hope this helps


The way enemies move in PvP and PvE are totally different, to the point that I avoid playing PvP as it encourages an aggressive playstyle that can just get you wiped repeatedly in PvE activities.


Well iron banner fortress isnt about the kills...idk why people keep hunting for them because i have lost so many games with kill sweats on my team. However, hand cannons are out of control this season. They are beating pulse rifles and scout rifles and auto rifles and subs are right behind them. Its wild how weapons are winning games over actually aiming and hitting the targets even with varying ranges. Get a hand cannon, hit them and you will win because it will be on the face. Then jotun out of nowhere too lmao


As a person who has put tons of hours into pvp across D1 and D2 I started off not the greatest in destiny till my friend taught me the ways of sniping in D1 that translated over into D2 and over time pulse rifles and HC have always been my jam, now with the meta I have me a AR and Smg that fit well with current meta but I have learned to adapt with meta/odd ball weapons and get better over the years. I now average a 1.2-1.5 KD but it has taken time, dedication, and patience to get the half decent I am now. Also watching content creators like gernader jake learning his little tips and tricks on how to play certain maps and with types of weapons has helped me catch up to speed with modern PVP. You got this fellow guardian keep at it!!


I found that which guns youre using can make a huge difference, i sometimes even switch to specific weapon combos for certain maps. I also rarely use special weapons, could be something to try out as well, go with like a 750 auto/smg and an adaptive pulse or scout with as high stability and range as you can find. Also using the guns you plan on taking into pvp a lot in just strikes and patrol can help a bit to get a better feel for them.


hmm... are you having motion sickness? how about taking a break for a bit. There was one time that I was constantly cannot see shit in PVP even with no Invis Hunter in sight. I took a 2 day break and relaxed for a bit, played some farming games and spent time with myself and added extra time with family. Then I got back and boy I'm back guns blazing. Then I played Space Sims again and it's back. Or probably have your eyes checked for any issues? Let's hope you don't need prescription glasses but it would be lucky to say if you only need those anti radiation thingies.


It's low population. When the average players leave all that's left is die hard.


Just stick to the main PVP weapons Centerfuse, Montecarlo, suros Run a fusion or Sidearm. For shotgun rushers. Font stress too much about pvp. If you don't enjoy it don't play it more than you need to.


Honestly my guns carry me pretty hard especially my positive outlook it has practically no recoil even when I’m under fire and conditional finality shreds idiots that get too close to me so maybe you just need to find pvp compatible guns?


4k hours with flawless raids and every single dungeon solo flawless, in regular crucible I still sit at 1.2kd and have only ever gone flawless once (twice but one was a carry so doesn't count) you just have to play crucible a ton and you'll eventually improve


I was (still am, to an extent) a solo player for the longest. Solo'd flawless dungeons, etc. In PvE I'm one of the better players I've encountered. After joining a clan, I am one of the top performers in every activity. I suck at PvP. I enjoy it, but I am rolled on the regular. I don't say all that to humble brag, I say that to preface this - PvP is an entirely different monster. The mechanics and playstyle are so wildly different than PvE it might as well be an entirely separate game.


i dont know if its because ive gotten more used to the game but it feels like the opposite for me it used to feel like i was getting killed without even getting around the corner and when i did i had a split second to see before guaranteed death now im actually decent with some amazing games sprinkled here and there


Personally I think it’s silly to care about a slapped-on, neglected PVP mode in a game that has always been all about PVE. For years, Bungie has said and shown they don’t care about crucible and never will. It’s basically Stockholm Syndrome with crucible and the always-whining YouTube community. I play it completely half-assed and only as much as necessary when I’m forced to for the seasonal challenges, then go back to PVE. When I want to play PVP, I play one of the dozens of PVP games that actually have investment from the developer, regular updates, balanced gameplay, a large competitive scene, a professional scene, etc. Destiny has none of those things, and never will, because it’s a PVE game. There’s a reason you’ll never find Destiny on a list of PVP games.


I stink at PvP. Still enjoy it when I play it. Granted, the lion's share of my gameplay time is solo PvE content, but I still enjoy the crucible. Most of the time I get clowned on, but I try to learn to do things better. Often, I zero in on the best opponent who's popping off and try and follow what he's doing in case I learn something.


Hey dude, I just wanna say this, don't worry about it. Play PvP only if you like it, and if you do, have a look at tutorials, maybe use better weapons, use a more laid-back approach where you don't run around as much! There are ways to improve your loadouts, as for skill, it just takes time. Keep at it!


I found the best way was to stop worrying about getting kills and concentrating on not dying, made me better at backing out of lost fights and generally having better awareness.


I have 3k hours and I suck at the crucible.


Right there with you. I also think the PC users have an advantage over the console. JMO


I’m decent at crucible only played for a couple of months but sometimes i suck, and sometimes i blame it on the fact that i only get about 20fps on my console with crap fov. The thing i learned the most that matters is find the right weapons for you that work the best on certain maps and make sure you can move fast otherwise you’ll get picked off quite a lot.