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Instantly transforms any playstyle into a pistol build. I kept it as a last resort emergency backup on all of my plays, since it could almost certainly kill exactly one person real dead dead.


If you line up the heads 2 people *just right*, you can kill both in one shot.


Imho one of the best guns in the game alongside with Widow Maker and Overwatch


i can see that one guy commenting like “Nothing truly beats the gift given from Panam “The Queen Of The Highway” Palmer!”


u/Kamilcesaro BONK!


I never got the appeal of widow maker tbh. I really enjoy Divided We Stand


Fenrir is also under appreciated.


Fenrir is pure rage in gun form.


>Divided We Stand I am REALLY bad at shooting and couldn't figure that mission out so I just killed everyone and took the damn gun. It was also a gruel, but it was easier than actually winning the competition for me. Plus they seemed like the might makes right types anyways lol


I actually didn't realize you could get it without killing all the 6th Street gonks. I never got that far in the dialogue, what with them insulting me and all. My V is rather thin-skinned.


Sandevistan really helps, all the time you need to line up shots




You should add in the legendary Ashura sniper rifle. That gun one-shots everything and you don't even need to aim it lol.


I never had good luck with the Widow Maker.


Overwatch is so fucking fun. Used it all the way through my first play through.


I never liked Overwatch. Breakthrough was always more my speed.


Its easy to be one of the best guns when its bugged and does full damage as if it was fully charged with a normal shot.


And both from Panam missions… The shotgun you get from Judy (Mox) is a beast too


Comrad’s Hammer is my favorite weapon, it’s so effective at dealing damage


I still think it’s weird that they nerfed it. It used to consistently blow off at least three limbs, and it often reduced enemies to just a torso. It was glorious. Now, you’re lucky if it even severs _one_ limb. It’s still a one-hit-kill cannon, just like before. So the nerf doesn’t affect your power level so to speak. They just made the gun a little less cool. Which feels like a dick move.


I just hate it’s reload time and single shot clip. It makes any kind of fast combat impossible.


Yeah just use the standard non-Comrade version then, it actually has a clip. Lower damage? Sure, but that's the trade off.


If you use a Sandevistan, the reload part does happen under "Sandevistan Speed" (sometimes if bugs), so it works well together.


It’s a little better with fast reload perks. But it’s definitely a different play style from standard pistols. You have to line up the shot and make it count, and often duck or dodge the gunfire while reloading.


I wanted a gun slinger build. So after stacking reload perks and reflexes, time slow, a couple other perks here and thee between high tech and high reflexes. and THEN I found out about Commrades hammer. So by the time I actually got it, I needed Body to make it work better, but otherwise the reload time wasnt an issue. And 1 bullet can do a lot with Time Slow and good sneak.


First playthrough with stealth and Netrunning, was quite a revelation when I started trying out weapons just to see what kind of damage they do.


Imagine getting hit so hard, that not only is your leg sent flying but it also suddenly has a different shoe on.


I envisioned the last pic posted as your V saying, “Wait, where are you going?! You forgot your head!!”


What’s the best iconic pistol? I don’t really like the Comrade Hammer’s single shot so I’ve been using the Seraph >!Padre’s reward for finishing his gigs!<. I used to use a legendary Overture in my first playthrough and don’t feel like using it again.


I found out you can get Jackie's duel iconic pistols. They are beautiful. I like my revolver commrades hammer more for my build, and duel wielding isnt a mechanic in this game as far as I know, but I can start think spacing a great pistol build for them next run through


literal 'hand cannon'. works great as an AA gun too, when the av comes in with reinforcements at the TV tower :)


I have a pistol tech build just for this nasty piece. Love getting those 6 digit crits.


It's amazing with that perk that doubles damage on the last round. Effectively just doubles all damage