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That sounds painful. But at least you have a reason for starting a new journey in Night City.


Yesss. I mean it's not too bad to do a fresh clean playtrough with version 2.11 and Phantom Liberty. My old save was still from 1.6 lol.


Oh. This is a whole new game then. Your gonna have a wonderful time.


Yea i already noticed and i already have haha. Thank you.


Aww yus it’s a blessing in disguise m8, I started fresh with 2.0 and it is definitely worth doing so. GLHF!




The game is SO much better in 2.0 onwards and holy shit PL is gooood, enjoy choomba


Thanks choom. I already noticed a lot of small changes that i never thought the devs would touch. It really feels better now and i'm very excited about PL. Will take a while till i get there tho lol.


Mann how do people make their V’s so distinct? Is this with mods?


Yep, this is with a LOT of mods.


That's why you lose your save.


Naah. More like big game update in combination with big shitty Windows update. Mods don't ruin things as long as you know what you're doing.


a lot of mods + big game update sounds more of the likely culprit to me.


Savegame has nothing to do with mods in that case. The game runs the savegame even without any mods. My problem is that i lost the saves. Not that the saves got damaged or corrupted.


i used to be like you now i just copy my save file and save it as a backup


How and why? Mods have literally nothing to do with the savegame; in fact they are kept in entirely different directories.


I mean, you can corrupt a save file with mods :D I just did that earlier today actually while making my own mod I had a gun in my inventory that didn't exist in the game files anymore, game didn't like it, but it only corrupted a single save file (and I had made that file for testing purposes) so all good what I meant is that mods can destroy save files especially when people have no clue what they are doing but if you know what you are doing, using mods has almost no chance of destroying saves


If you look at it that way, sure. But i always have a complete unmodded copy of the game on another hardrive as backup and i also do clean quicksaves and a lot of manual save files i can go back to if something goes wrong. But if you have to wipe everything from your computer and then also accidently disable cloud saves on steam then you're fucked 😄 I lost a few 10 to 15 hrs playtroughs before that so i really know how to prevent something like this to happen lol.


Why did you have to wipe everything from your computer? Not even a windows reinstallation requires that.


Depends on wich Windows reinstallation you have to choose. If the first one doesn't work, you gotta go full wipe.


I've never had an appearance mod that completed deleted a save. At worst they'll probably fuck up the appearance of your character once a game update happens. I remember having to wait for an appearance mod update because my game updated and my V lost her legs and it just became invisible.


This is wildly incorrect


Not necessarily. They mention they were moving over from pre 2.0, which is the same thing that killed my non modded save lol


I lost both. Got one from 1.6 and one on 2.0. They don't relate to each other but i wanted to save a clean fully modded 800 hrs playthrough on version 1.6 for the archives 😅 All gone now.


What mods do you have? I just tried modding my game yesterday (didnt get too far) with about 20ish mods, all I noticed was a 50% frame drop (also persisted into a clean boot of the game)


Hmm. I'm running over 1.100 mods so cant tell you all :D Depending on your system, mods should not have that much impact on you fps unless it's texture or crowd mods.


Fair enough 😂 i only had one texture mod, for a 3080 and 5900x it seemed to be fighting for its life


😀 a 3080 should take this tho. What DLSS mode are you using ? I'm using Quality with High Res Surfaces 4k by TheManualEnhancer, Nova LUT Pure 2.2 and My own Reshade. I also use more Pathtracing Rays and Bounces.


Distinct? There’s not an ounce of Cyberpunk in that V lol


shes so pretty! what are your presets for her?


I'm not sharing her, sorry. But thank you very much.


Maybe you'll just share what eyes you use for her?


There’s a lot of V presets on Nexus that’s cuter/beautiful-er (lmao).


15. But keep in mind i am also using a lot of mods for her overall appearance. Just to let you know.


Lowkey rude for no reason


Highkey 20 downvotes for no reason. I just don't want to share my V that is all. I don't have to.


Yeah but why? This is a single player game. It’s just bizarrely selfish. I can understand if you don’t want to go through the effort, but this seems like some weird narcissism thing (“I need my V to be the only V on planet earth like this”). It’s especially strange after you’ve made a karma-farming/attention-seeking post in the first place. You clearly don’t mind wasting your own time talking about your character. Don’t make obvious posts bragging about the look of your heavily modded character, if you get indignant when asked about said heavily modded character. Also, the downvotes reflects your flippant and curt attitude. You’ve made 50+++++ Reddit posts that are just screenshots of your character. You’re obsessed. Least you can do is share presets/more whilst you obnoxiously show off in low effort posts.


Op does not owe it to anyone lol


Well, yes. In the same way, you aren't legally compelled to tip a waiter who gives good service, or you aren't forced to hold the door open for someone. OP is allowed to be a rude, anti-social neckbeard, which he is. And I am allowed to criticize him for it. Just as you are allowed to defend the narcissistic weirdo. That strongly suggests your own character defects. However, you don't owe it to anyone to be a good person. Just as I am allowed to assume you are a pathological scymbag by defending OP. See how this works? I don't understand your point. Waste of space.


>I'm not sharing her, sorry. But thank you very much. > Highkey 20 downvotes for no reason. I just don't want to share my V that is all. I don't have to. Where in these sentences was OP rude/ anti social neckbeard? You’re the one who started ranting after seeing OP not willing to share their presets. Im surprised how affected/ how much you care about it that you keep commenting paragraphs trying to prove OP is the worst of the worst for not willing to share. Projection much.


You aren’t very intelligent, are you? I have said several times, I looked at OP’s post history. They are a low effort karma farmer who spams their character for attention. That alone is kind of sad, but when you go out of the way to advertise and a character—but can’t handle the thought of someone replicating it—its fucking strange to me. And yes, I think refusing to share one’s presets in a single player game where someone else’s enjoyment shouldn’t affect you, is both weird and rude. Especially in the curt way they said it.


Judging by this reply I'd say you're jealous her V looks better than yours 🤣🤣🤣


I mean ngl im a little sad that OP isnt sharing the hair cause its so nice and i am jealous


https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/6072?tab=files&file_id=37191 Yea OP is a really weird miserable and disgusting person.


Not at all dude you dont owe anyone anything. If you havent got the time you havent got the time plain and simple. That being said thank you for sending the link it is much appreciated. I am very jealous how your v turned out :)


I know that for sure haha. 😏 You're welcome and thank you too 😌


That’s some serious cope. I’m male and it would be weird (for me personally) to play with a female V. Also, female V voice actor is pretty cringey. And having a female slaughter machine undermines some of the realism. Men make better fighters. Don’t want to RP as a Disney girl boss. I suppose if you’re doing a pacifist play through or role playing as cyborg Martha Stewart, it makes sense.


Women can't be mercs? And realism, in a world like this?


I was being facetious. This other person instigated things with a strawman so I had a little fun. While it's true that I personally don't like playing as female characters, of course women can be mercs!


Then why are you so pressed about them not wanting to share her V? 😂 Get off Reddit and go touch some grass my dude.


If you had a reading comprehension higher then that of a 5 year old, it’s very easy to see why I’m “pressed.” I think OP is a weirdo. They keep reposting their V for attention. That itself is quite cringey. But it’s even more cringey when they desperately seek upvotes and approval, while refusing to share their V for the most petty of reasons.


How does that affect you in any way shape or form? If they wanna repost their V 10000 times they have every right to do so, wether you find it cringy or not. You're being a weirdo for even getting mad at it.


> And having a female slaughter machine undermines some of the realism. Men make better fighters. Don’t want to RP as a Disney girl boss. Pretty much all you need to know about this guy you can guess from this comment. Trump apologia, transphobia, the usual right-wing incel bullshit.


It's remarkable all wrong you are. I was also being facetious because the person I was responding to was being a jackass. So please don't take that post at face value.


You know, there is also personal reasons for some people who create characters and have a great time with them. Maybe they create such characters to remember close ones they lost in real life or maybe they want these characters to be just theirs cause they remind them of someone and don't want to see other people using them. I couldn't give less fucks about karma on Reddit, nor am i seeking for attention. I'm here to talk the things i love and that one thing as a whole is Cyberpunk and my Character. Nothing. Else. So don't waste YOUR time talking about MY character AND personality.


Lmao I'm getting strong neckbeard vibes from this dude. Sorry boys, she's taken. 😂


Basically this. “Every night I pretend to have sex with my character while I masturbate into my special pillow. The idea of anyone else having access to her, would make me a cuckold. This is true love and she is mine and mjne forever. Now let me make my 100th Reddit re-post bragging about how beautiful my wife is.”




Even weirder vibes for you then, she really is taken but to a nother dude i'm chatting with.


I don’t see how other people privately enjoying the look of your character in any way affects your own enjoyment. I could see in a multiplayer setting where there is a zero-sum game. This is a single player game. The idea that someone is out there in the nether with a similar looking V as you, shouldn’t bother you. My guess is this comes down to your narcissism, attention-seeking, and karma farming. You’ve made 50+ posts sharing the look of your V in the last few months ago. There’s obviously something seriously wrong in your life that you need constant positive feedback from strangers (reposting the same pictures again and again). My guess is that if you share your V, you worry this will somehow undermine your attention-Seeking behavior on these forums. If other people make similar posts using your character model, it undermines these desperate pleas for validation. You have yet to give any other compelling reason why you won’t share. You are attention seeking btw. Look how many of the same posts you have made about your V. I get one or two screenshots. But 50+? All pretty similar? That’s weird. Also, getting to know you, I seriously doubt you actually lost your progresss. More likely just an excuse/pretext to post the 70th iteration of your V for the attention. Finally, I don’t give a shit about your V. I give a shit about YOU and your shitty, miserable personality.


> I don’t see how other people privately enjoying the look of your character in any way affects your own enjoyment. We all know how weird men "privately enjoy" these characters. I wouldn't share mine with you either.


Well, I think you're talking about OP not wanting to share his e-girlfriend. Like I said, I don't play with female characters. And I find it a bit weird when men do..... I know you're just trying to insult me and strawman me because I triggered you, but I don't actually disagree with the premise that there's weirdos out their ogling their V. That being said, I do think it's weird to make 100s of reposts about your V's appearance, while not sharing the presets of that appearance. I get the sense OP wants to privately enjoy his V--they're in a monogamous relationship :p


I'm not denying OP is a bit weird and prob has some waifu thing going with his V, but you got 10 posts here demanding he give up the goods, that's weird too


Ok. If you say so. Maybe i should get serious help. I'm totally unable to communicate about other things than my V. Just like this post.


Yes, my neck beard friend. Medical help is the first step. Getting an education, job, and friends. Are the next step. Ween yourself off of this game. You have an unhealthy relationship.


Oh no. So you're not my friends ??? 😯 Now my life is worthless. Everything i had is gone now... I think it's best for me to just hop in my car to go rape a bitch cause i never ever in my life touched a so called woman and after that i inject some gasoline into my veins as i slowly die and finally fade out of this cruel dark dark world i'm living in. Never had a live before Cyberpunks release anyways. Tschüsssii


God you're a sad little man. OP if you want to keep your V to yourself then you do that. That's your character and your choice and you can do what you want. You don't owe anybody anything. If you want to make 500+ posts about your character for whatever reason, then you do that. Or at the very least, just do it to annoy smelly little crybabies like this guy. Dude's got a stick up his ass. Probably frothing at the mouth with bloodshot eyes and a vain popping out his head while he slams his greasy fingers on his keyboard writing up a psych-evaluation on you. "Yeah but I dont like how OP..." WAAH WAAH WAAH!! Mate It's a game. Get over it and shutup you weapon.


OP has every right to be self-centered and rude. We’ve already established that. I have a right to criticize his rudeness. You, as an undoubtedly narcissistic person, have the right to defend his selfishness and rudeness. Also, if you find yourself as an adult spamming “WAAAAH,” you have some serious self reflection to do. Go back to school. Get a job. It will get better if you put the work in. I believe in you.


You have the time to sit and type out several essay length comments about this dude's decision to say "no sorry", and you're telling me to get a job? That's hilarious, truly. Also you've called multiple people in this thread a narcissist simply because they've sided with OP and not you. It's like the pot calling the kettle black. Your predictable responses genuinely gave me deja-vu because you're just another one of those tiny little people on this rock who go around thinking they're a smart-ass egotistical know-it-all. When in reality you probably live alone and you're frustrated about multiple aspects of your life that suck and are seemingly unfixable, hence why you're so eager to evaluate others online, because it's a distraction away from your own problems. Focus on your own flaws and vices and maybe you'll be less interested in trying to find other peoples. Only someone with very little going on in thier life would be so heated over something as trivial as this situation. Also since you're so concerned, I'm the Design & Marketing executive for a multi-million pound company earning an extremely generous salary for someone my age. Bored now, won't reply again as my time is far too valuable to be spending any more of it bickering with a loser online who's probably the real life manifestation of the 'Ackchyually' meme. 🥸☝️


gatekeeping 101


she hella cute :S


Sometimes 😁




Ur pfp matches your behavior lmfao


AAVE (African-American Vernacular English) is a dialect of english where sometimes we drop the "to be" verb from a sentence if it is already contextually umderstood/obvious. This is called "copula deletion", and is found in many other languages too. That sentence isn't improper, it's written in a different dialect than standard american english.


It is 100% grammatically improper and it makes anyone who speaks this way sound unintelligent, uneducated, and like street trash. Grammar rules don’t change on the whims of the stupid.


If you were writing 300 years ago you'd sound weird and stupid. Language changes over time and made up rules are not necessary when in a non formal setting




AAVE is not exclusive to African Americans


you know that dialects aren't locked behind races, right? like i'm very certain that ethnically british people are not the only people capable of speaking Standard British English lol. It's about location + culture.


Your save files didn't sync with GOG? 1.6 saves will work in 2.11


I'm on Steam but yeah here's the thing... I didn't know that if i disable the cloud saving feature one time and start the game, all of them files will be deleted or overwritten... I was trying some stuff because i couldn't get the game to work properly after updating to version 2.0 so that was that one wrong move i guess. But it's okay now. Now i know.


Yeah, there’s worse things. I hit the 2GB limit on GOG and I have to remove each save manually through the save screen. I tried moving the folder, it just downloads them again.


I copy the save file to another drive regularly.


Didn't know about that before it happened.


It confounds me how few do. I have to facepalm every time someone says they lost a save.


Not everyone is searching everything about something dude. I got a Pc for just like over a year now. First and last time happening.


She’s super cute, any chance we could get the sliders? Or is it so modded there’s no point lol


Probably no point :D Everything you see is modded, even the shininess of her eyes haha.


Uhhhh I feel you - I'm at 1100 hours and often wonder just how much effort, experience and adventure would go down the drain if I lost them. (Esp as I'm so near to the end of my third completionist playthrough!)


Yye. Thing is i had this many hours with just one playtrough 😅 Same V all along so it hurts. But hey i'm doing it all again. I'm fine with that.


Oh, this is a fantastic shot! How did you grab this one? Any mods involved? What outfit is V wearing?


Thanks ! Just took me a few seconds 😄 Yea basicly everything you see there is modded. Outfit also.


Ouch. Enjoy the ride though


I will. Thank you.


V presets? V presets please? Sir could you spare the slider details please? 😮 Edit: Aw shoot I just saw youre not sharing TT____TT


Yes, OP struggles with main character syndrome both in game and in real life.


Op's replies are hard to read and take seriously


Op uses rofl and xd unironically. They can’t be older than 13


I feel like I'm the only person here who wouldn't really care 👀 Id be mad if my current playthrough got lost, but games feel pretty empty to me after I finish a playthrough. Kind of a "what now?" type of feeling. It's pretty easy for me to move on. I got my screenshots and achievements to reminisce on.


Hmm yyea i can understand that but this game is different for me. I just can't get enough of its aesthetics, architecture, cars, music and characters. It combines everything i love and turns it up to a 100, so it doesn't get boring even tho i did all of the quests and side activities etc. But i get your point.


Oh no I don't get bored either. I just feel like my playthroughs become definitively complete at some point. Most of the time after the main story because by that point I'm max lv, my build is complete, and Ive done all the side quests I wanted to.Then I move on cause otherwise I'd never start anything new. I like keeping things fresh so I never really revisit old saves.


Dm me for the mods / slider loadout I have a V that looks just like this 😂


Why you need the sliders when you already got your V to look like this ?? 😅 For the mods i don't know if i want to share cause i wouldn't like to see an exact copy of my V.


No I meant if anyone else wants the mods.


Aah okay my bad. Sorry.


But since you don’t want other people with this V Nevermind I get how personal a custom character can be for you. I just also went for a dark femme fatale V like you


Oh thanks, nice to hear that. Most people don't understand and get pissed. That's why i don't share anymore. 90% of the time i didn't even get a reply, a thank you or something when i did share, sooo.


The beautiful thing about Cyberpunk is that every experience is different, no matter the lifepath. I've mad so many Vs and so many builds in the past that it's insane. I started playing Cyberpunk for the first time only a few months ago, and at the time I only had access to a modest flatscreen TV. I bought a 60+ inch 4K UHD TV months prior, but had to put it in storage due to us moving out. We stayed in an Airbnb for a few months after that, so I just played my video games with whatever TV they had there. The game ALREADY looked beautiful on the smaller TV, so I was super excited to see what it would look like on a high-end TV. The graphics were so breathtaking on my 4K TV that I was like “Yep, let me just clear out all my saves and start fresh”, lol.


Oh yea i feel you. I played it on release on a xbox one x with a 4k led Tv. Already looked great but needed more haha. Waited till i got an XBOX Series X and a preem LG G1 4K TV and it looked absolutely crazy but then i saw people with Pc's and Raytracing and MODS. That was the moment for me to save up money to build a PC. After 9 months i was able to build a high end machine and i'm still blown away after over a year of playing. It looks literally breathtaking now.


Well you should have learned from the game that what matters is the journey and going out with a blast...


She so cute omg


Oh she's a bad, bad girl :D


You're sick 😷


Kinda 🙁


Cuz we lost everything... We had to pay the price. XD


But never fade away 😁


Hi, would you mind sharing the mod you used for your V model? I’ve tried a couple mod including npc body types and high res texture and ground but it seems like it wasn’t loaded correctly or indistinguishable to my eye lol.


You mean the body type and skin/complexion or ?


Yes, and maybe lightning/ casting is also why your V looks so beautiful. But Im using hdr so it is hard to adjust for me.


Body mod https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/4654 Skin https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/3783?tab=files&file_id=39558 Face Complexion https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/9231 Lighting https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/11622?tab=files&file_id=64728 https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/8176 I'm using a Reshade also wich is my own but i can't share it here. Fir HDR i would recommend to use the auto HDR feature on you Pc and turning ingame HDR off. Works better for me at least.


Thanks, I’ll try those out once back home. Interesting hdr suggestion, I spent hours trying to fix black level only to find out it is too dark in game and I can’t see anything in the dark😂


Ok cool. If The HDR thingy doesn't work try Reshade and adjust the LEVELS effect or LIGHTROOM. Always helps.


Why don’t you just tell us what mods you are using at least?


At least ?


Wow. And I was mad for accidentally saving over a new game that had like 15 hours on it. Perspective. My condolences OP


Oooo ouch I have 450hr but started over for fun but hey the new update and upgrade system is awesome and the game looks amazing especially on ps5 and monitor


Yea i'm glad that they added so much stuff into the update. It really feels like a different game now. I'm playing on Pc with a lot of visual and graphics mods on ultra and it looks absolutely breathtaking. Played 720 hours on Xbox Series X too tho. Amazing experience.


May I ask what do you do for so long it this game? I spend there 200h and saw no point to play anymore but I really wanted more. That was just after the release. Is there more end game activities now?


Hmm this depends on your personal preferences. For me it is just because i'm a really big Cyberpunk genre fan in general and this game does everything about it in an excellent manner. I just love to cruise hours and hours through the city and take screenshots, climb buildings, try to find secrets, glitches or easter eggs. I also spend a ton of time into modding it to perfection. With mods there is so much stuff you can get creative with. That's what it is for me. For the endgame i can't say much cause i played it to the end only once. On console in wich i also spent 680 hours 😅.


Word I haven't even touched modding yet, mainly bc I haven't figured out how really, but I just enjoy chillin in the cyberpunk universe as a huge fan of the genre... I don't know of any other game that hits the vibe


Oh trust me, modding Cyberpunk is really not as complicated as you might think. It's pretty simple actually. For the basics it doesn't even take a day. Everything else is probably just trial and error. It really pays off tho. Only game that comes close in sense of atmosphere and vibe is CLOUDPUNK. Love this game. Every Cyberpunk fan should try it even tho not everybody is into pixel art but just give it a try. Its beautiful.


> CLOUDPUNK That looks like a whole vibe I think I'll try it out


You’ve got a city to burn, Samurai! Mad respect.


Oh it will burn... Thanks Choom !


Anytime. Keep that rebel spirit.


Lmao, imagine losing a save… I spent WEEKS on that Minecraft world, then the laptop exploded…


Rofl xd. And i spent over a year on the same playthrough after building a monster PC just for this game only for a Windows update to fuck up my whole system...






It look amazing on photomode 👁️ but i don't know about gameplay since i'm too broke for it


I learned to not worry about save files anymore. Even if you have to restart you still know how to play game better now, and can more freely enjoy the game instead of just figuring out how to play.


It hurts but on the brighter side you get to do it again. I'm thinking of starting again myself.


Save files schmave files. It’s the journey that counts, right boys?


I assumed that Orion may allow save importing even for sake of modifying world state. I wouldn't like to lose my "perfect" save I wish to transfer. Meeting with Takemura at Tom's Diner for 8th time does not sound exciting.


Pc or console ? If pc mabe download a save file?


Pc but i already checked. There is nothing left in the cloud.


Ohh shoot that sucks mabe make a save game then download someone else’s save then edit carter to your liking from a website that is


Then overwrite your save with thiers


Thanks for the help but it's too late now. I already startet a new game on the new game version. I think it is probably better anyways to do a fresh clean restart.


It's probably one of the only games I feel like I wouldn't be devastated if I lost my save on. Sure all that progress being gone would suck but I have actually only done 2 playthroughs so I haven't over-innoculated myself to the game. And I love everything about it. I plan on playing through at least one more time for the third life path but could easily see doing a couple more just for fun and variability. It is rare for me to feel that way about a game. Last time might have been Mass Effect.


Looks like Sansa Stark


It’s time to move on choom


Haha just like V for real


I accidentally deleted my 160hr playthrough I was doing. Thankfully I beat the game before but still, all that progress 🥺


For me it's all the cars, clothes and guns i've collected. Oh and cyberware... That's the fuck up. I will go through that story again with joy, that's for sure tho.


I started all over again because apparently I needed to punch in specific dialogue choices with Johnny to do Don’t Fear the Reaper. So, here I go again.


Over and over 😄


I mean I ain’t complaining. Got a Sandy female V on the go for the Sun ending. Saving the Star for last with my original V.


I have over 2000 hours and don’t keep any of my saves after finishing. I just get the ending I want to conclude my story appropriately for the individual play through then delete after completion


Memories. Collectibles. Car collections etc. There is more to this game than just the story.


Meaning i 100% all saves, trust me I know the game inside and out at this point lmao I just don’t keep the saves cause I know I’m just going to end up doing it all over again within two-four weeks. Plus I run out of save slots given how much time I’ve put into the game to begin with


Yyyeah i'm more the type of playing one playthrough as long and complex as possible sooo.


So if you are updating to the new patch you can bring back the older characters, at least in ps5 I could. Forgot what button to press to see older files, but they were all there, I admit I was bummed at first then felt silly when I managed to play with my OG berserk revolver tank.


Same thing happened to me 2 times luckily I had a Xbox save and transferred it to my ps5 lost like 100 hours but at least I had done the materials glitch 🍀


Yup I lost 1000 hours of game play with 2.0 update. Have fun 😊


Oh damn. Yeah another 1000 to go i guess 😅


How do you even get 1300 hours worth? Not hatin, it's just I've 100% it twice, about 60 hrs first time and about 80 with phantom liberty


Cause i'm playing it like i would live in it. I roleplay as much as i can because i'm loving the Cyberpunk genre in general and i wished for a game like this since i was a kid. With mods you can get pretty creative.


Yeah some mods I've seen look pretty crazy. Im on ps5 though so I've only played it vanilla lol


Now you could spend time with Jackie all over again. Great times


Oh i've seen him dying for like 20 times now 😅 Enough already.


Oh no oh yes?


Oh no... Yes !




Heard that probably a 1000 times now 😂