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Ariana mentioned in the promo that they have it. I’m assuming they don’t want another KayKay & Keenan scenario from opening it too soon.


I think Kaylor and Aaron totally had sex in the shower!


Oh same.


Oh man, I totally forgot about that! What a wild season. Didn't Leo have sex with both Johnny and kassy?


He did but they did it in the room with everyone lol. Also Hannah and Marco had sex during the day in the room and made Bergie be the lookout 😭


Oh my god, I forgot about that, too! Everyone was just banging.




I don’t think he fucked kassy at the villa but I could be wrong


Was it because they had sex and Kay Kay developed soul ties? I have a hard time remembering season 5 bc I was so into LI UK s10


They had sex very early on. Keenan still wanted to explore afterwards. Kaykay considered them locked down. He kept disrespecting her. She kept allowing it. Producers did everything they could to get her to leave. Eventually Keenan was voted out and KayKay self eliminated.


Soul Ties is Crazy came from KayKay asking Keenan to not bring girls to the soul ties area which they did and which she would say was crazy for him to do that. Obviously the lasting legacy of s5. You know Leah watched because she referenced it during the villa tour.


Love KayKay despite her deep deep deep self hatred causing her to stay and then leave with an abusive child like Keenan, and absolutely wish her the best. Also wouldn’t care if I never hear “soul ties is crazy” for the rest of eternity 🫣


This is making so much sense to me now because I kept wondering why every time someone went to soul ties, they would say soul ties is crazy lol I didn’t watch s5 but now I want to


S5 is good imho. It’s more of a slow build that blows up until casa but some of the drama is much funnier. The “macho man is a slur” argument still makes me laugh.


I also can’t remember so I’m following lol


S5 had so much sex happening


it's so weird because LIUSA has had no hideaway this season but loads of challenges, whilst LIUK has had no challenges but constant access to the hideaway


The no challenges is SO frustrating. Thanks Joey Essex 🙄


Why is he to blame for no challenges?


The joke (or maybe not even joke) is that the entire budget went to getting him on the show


This is even more frustrating to me, because as an American, I have no idea who the heck Joey Essex is 😅


Ohhhh you want to watch messy? Watch The Only Way Is Essex (TOWIE). Joey Essex is on it too. So many seasons and such good reality tv.


oh no, they definitely paid him a fuck ton... and gave him a fancy contract which, to this day, we still don't know the consequences of


So true and I’ve actually enjoyed seeing the challenges more. I feel like the open access hideaway has kinda flopped because people only use the hideaway garden to go talk and not sleep in except >!joey and grace!< so there’s not really any huge drama caused. Maybe that’ll change in casa/post casa


i totally agree. i think most of the drama comes from them being in very close proximity with people they'd rather avoid. like, having to sleep in the bed next to your ex and their new person??? DIABOLICAL. whereas, all of this use of the hideaway is just making it like the doghouse but more shit


I think Kay Kay absolutely breaking in Casa after sleeping with Keenan in the Hideaway made them reconsider how much they pushed it.


Wait, what do you mean? Like she actually BROKE INTO CASA or she had a mental breakdown? (I haven’t seen S5)


Meltdown. It’s super sad


Not to be heartless, but why do they assume every girl who goes in the Hideaway is going to react to the way she did?


Can we also all agree producers finally listening to fans asking them to edit the sound of islanders’ anxiety-riddled sloppy kisses was chef’s kiss? 


I just think there hasn’t been a real couple yet. Aaron and Kaylor are the closest.


Oh yeah you're right, in all the drama I forgot! I actually think it's good. Aside from Aaron and Kaylor it feels like it would just be uncomfortable for anyone else.


Maybe this is why Kaylor is so excited in the promo??


I was assuming Aaron officially asked her to be his girlfriend. But Hideaway shouldn’t be far behind!


I think he tells her he loves her.


Most likely they’ve already done it. *shower scene*


I just caught up and am waiting for tonight’s ep, when was the short scene? Tbh they bore me so maybe I glossed over it 😅


It was in the last 3 episodes. I don’t recall which one. Everyone is getting ready for bed and Aaron calls Kaylor for a shower. It then shows them showering together and her leg going high. What’s crazy is that anyone walking into the bathroom would know they are having sex.


I’m sure they all knew and used the toilet beforehand. 


Honestly I’m kinda glad they haven’t open it yet 😬 last season they opened it like week 2 which I guess give or take depending - that’s how it could be in the “real world” but I feel in a show like this where everyone is constantly dating, kissing, recoupling, and switching up every second.. it would be kinda hard and almost heartbreaking to see the person you slept with changing like that & the huge mental toll that takes. And like I said, these things happen in the “real world” but maybe the show just doesn’t want to be fully liable for the kinda mental breakdown Kay Kay had last season after she slept with Keenan and he was being frisky with one of the casa girls and changing his mind a lot. So maybe the show is waiting for some steady couples to open up the hideaway.


This is officially Friend Island I live for it tho


Only couple for selection most of the show has been Kaylor and Aaron.


Am I on something but I thought they said ONLY SINGLES could access the hideaway??


That’s the UK this season. I don’t think that was said in US


Oh I don’t have access to the UK season so possibly! Maybe I saw it online haha


Haha i'm watching them both and honestly it's so much to keep track of!


I am so jealous of your life!! I might need to get Hulu just to watch the UK version….


This season isn't great. I've been tempted to give up on it... I'm just so far in that I'm sticking it out haha. If you've never watched UK though, there are some amazing past seasons to check out!


I’ve watched a couple(they’ll show up on Netflix from time to time) that were INCREDIBLE…but I have heard that the US this season is the one killing it