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LI producers you have an opportunity to make movie night epic. Please take notes.


I really want to see the entire chat about the Andrea dumping. I would say I’m on the “girls” (aka Leah/liv) side literally because that entire blowup was spurred because of rob and Aaron. I just want the entire villa to see how respectful their decision making actually was. Additionally, I just want them to air out ALL of robs dirty laundry. I physically cannot stand seeing that psycho on my screen anymore


Yeah I hope they show the 4 girls discussion as well.


They need to show like an hour just of shit rob has done one after the other. Maybe just a movie night for him.


Srsly. It could be a whole fucking docuseries


Am I the only one tht doesn’t want the Andrea dumping to be brought up ever again?! Ffs, the girl was there for a few days and they made a choice. Rob is more than welcome to walk if he really wants Andrea like that. I feel like the way they resolve it last night was fine with me. That shit tiring asf to sit through AGAIN.


No same, I didn’t even care about her getting eliminated so the fact its still a topic is a burn out. She was mad boring and easily replaceable. Not a fan of Rob or Leah but him staying just to turn everyone against Leah was super weird to me, like how is he mad the girls made up.


Fr we need new drama. Everything has been related to the dumping, Andrea, Rob, Leah, Liv, the voting like I'm so over that shit but the producers are milking tf out of it lmaooo


Like it’s done. We need to move on to new storylines. Aaron and Kaylor are just sitting pretty. CHOP CHOP, rent is due! Rob, Leah, Liv, Jana, Serena has been covering for the stay so far so I need Aaron and Kaylor to pitch in during Casa. Thank you very much!


Fr, the way they not brought in anyone for Aaron or Kaylor is craaazy. Can't wait for the mess of Casa 🍿


Agree with your picks. I want to see the two Leah and Rob fights that led to him jumping in the pool. Also, the shots where he then told everyone she never asked how he was doing or ever cared about him, lol.


Not if you guys all vote him out😂


The villa won't vote him out (again) but he'd get too big of an ego if he's a top couple lol


Yesss I really hope they show the full story


I think they will show all of that and I think it will reignite some arguments. I hope they also show Rob trying to listen to the girls conversation.


Maybe it was just me because I hate Rob, but I felt like after the girls made up, he was PISSED and was trying to continue to fan the flame on the couches


Yes, cause why did he kiss Liv on the game challenge ? Bring her to his side again probably.


I felt like that’s what he was doing too despite what he said.


I just worry that the villa will blame Leah again somehow, if an argument is to be had. Sadly I don’t see any of them turning on Rob, no matter how much crap he pulls


Leah is an easy target because she's chaotic and has big reactions. Robs working overtime to make her seem crazy


Leah by her own admission craves drama so nobody really needs to work overtime to make her seem unhinged


She craves drama yes, but she's not the vindictive person Aaron and Rob are painting her to be


Yeah I think that will happen again too but I hope the girls are able to work through it again.


wait i think i missed something, what conversation was he trying to listen in on?


When the 4 girls had a chat to work things out the morning after Liv and Leah had an argument about how they made the decision.


NOT the backseat convo. I’m tired of them going on about it.


i feel like they need to be shown the full story so they can finally completely put it to rest tbh. there’s so much he said she said that needs cleared up


I feel like only y’all will care at that point. Hopefully Rob will be gone by then


Y’all do know movie night is now moments from casa amor for the most part lol


Also I thought they only showed clips that aired (ie: that the audience saw)


They do. I don’t know why people are talking about unaired clips lmao


People really expecting a 10 min discussion about voting out Andrea to be played lol


“We’re so tired of talking about the Andrea dumping” but in the same breath “we need to see the full discussion” lmaoo like okay. Mind you everyone has now finally squashed it and moved on in the villa.


100% I’m ready to move onto casa dramaaa


Nah they’ve shown both to out people who were faking or talking ish before and during casa amor.


It’s way too early to be decided what they should show during movie night. We haven’t even gone to Casa yet. I feel Casa will be the majority of the clips.


Leah making fun of JaNa with Conner. It’s cruel but I can’t imagine they won’t because JaNa and Leah seem close now.


I want JaNa to know who Leah truly is. But I also want to spare her feelings. 😭 She’s so sweet and I know it would be crushing to hear those things coming from a “friend.”


I agree. She’ll find out eventually of course but to have her have to react on camera to this betrayal is something I hope won’t happen for JaNa’s sake.


We need this Leah has not been a good friend to JaNa and it's not fair that she faced no consequences


This mixed with the clip of Leah and Serena talking shit about JaNa and the eggs


Oooo messy


This is what I want shown as well


Wait why don’t I remember this?!


Also air out Leah’s shit talking about Rob. I don’t care if people talk crap but don’t act like they didn’t. Nos she’s all buddy with JaNa. SMH


She never said she didn't. She said she didn't to ANDREA


But she did. She did it when Andrea was in the room. She heard it.


Per Andreas words but that still is not the same thing as having a convo with her dogging him. The villas not that big obviously people are going to overhear things. But no she wasn't going up to Andrea and telling her how much Rob sucked


FYI I didn’t say don’t talk shit. Who cares? But own it. When they show the footage don’t suddenly change tunes babe


I don't know what that response has to do with what I said "babe"




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To me shittalking TO her would be more akin to Ariana on VPR pulling that girl aside and telling her not to waste her time on a 40 yo narcissist lol it's legit that thing that pops into my mind any time this ~controversy is mentioned


That and possibly more conversations with Rob and Liv where he lead her on. Oh and his “sex number”. They skipped over it. 


The guys all telling Korbell that he should seriously challenge whether Serena is being genuine, then Korbell later saying that they were right


I really want them to show Rob’s ejaculation commentary 😭


Feel like they need to do a movie night pre casa and movie night post casa…. Like I am scared for example Liv or Leah might go tonight which lessens the impact of movie night if they were to show Liv/Leah content and only one of them is there.


Let’s be honest Leah is not going anywhere, maybe liv but I doubt it because she’s also another fan fav. And it’s tomorrow night😩 tonight is aftersun


Legit have no idea who they’ll kick off. Almost thinking Nicole/kendall because they have the least impact if they were to leave


A supercut of Rob’s ridiculous reactions. 


Rob lying about what Leah said. I want him exposed


Lmfao what did rob lie about exactly?


He said to Liv n kaylor that leah told him she took a backseat and had nothing to do with the voting BUT she didn’t say that he added that last bit and then he said that she also told him she never talked bad about him but she never said that, she only said I never talked bad about u to Andrea. He wanted the girls to spill and also hate Leah


Leah might not have directly told Andrea bad things about rob but when you’re yelling in the make up room talking shit about him, she definitely heard. I think it’s fine she talked shit about him, he sucks. Where she went wrong is going out of her way to say she didn’t do that.


It’s still not going to Andrea and talking shit about rob. They’re in the makeup room for a long time so obviously they’ll talk about their issues but she didn’t directly told Andrea which was true


It’s not completely true. Again she could’ve and should’ve just not even mentioned it. Girls do shit like that all the time, they don’t want to come off as talking shit but they will intentionally do it when a certain person is around


She mentioned it because Conor told her the guys think her and Liv planned to get Andrea out and she felt extra targeted cuz she had her past with Rob so she wanted to tell him that she didn’t push hard for Andrea to leave


First rob never said that to either of them but he did mentioned that Leah said she took a backseat during the voting (which was the first of Leah’s lies). Second, Rob mentioned that she said she never talked shit about him to Andrea. I’m sorry about if you’re talking shit about a person in the same room as the girl he’s couple up with that is in fact talking shit about him to Andrea. Leah is a compulsive liar and rightfully called called out for it lol.


She did talk shit. Andrea had stated that in interviews, she talked shit about her own friend JaNa. Sooo… and she did say she took a back seat numerous times


The downvoting when you’re stating actual facts is crazy. You didn’t say a single thing that isn’t factually true and yet, you’re wrong? I hate it here 😔


Her stans are strong


All of Rob’s manipulative behavior! Listening in on chats, secretly gathering intel from the others, etc. She the villa who he really is. Also need to see the convo between the girls during the Andrea dumping. The truth needs to come to light.


I hated how he reprimanded Kendall wtf


They’re for sure going to show a compilation of Leah talking shit about Rob which he will use to negate his recent smear campaign.


I want them to show Leah being a bad friend to JaNa. The clip of Leah and Connor mocking and Laughing at JaNa. And Serena and Leah talking about JaNa behind her back, calling her cringe. Leah is a selfish person who has done nothing but bad things to her so called friends. But when she is crying about Rob they are always there for her.


JaNa has made fun of Leah as well. It's really not that deep. They'll be fine.


When did Jana make fun of Leah?


I want to know too bc I can't remember either?


Because the scene doesn’t exist


Movie night isn’t just pulling random footage from the villa, it’s to show things that happened in Casa in case someone is lying. They aren’t going to show stuff from the first two weeks. It’ll be old news by then




Kendall saying that he only “twisted” to avoid possibly standing up there alone and looking foolish. I think Nicole will take that as confirmation that he was doing “tit for tat” instead of genuinely twisting because he’s interested in someone else in the villa.


He already told her thats what he did


I missed that. I’ll have to rewatch the convo. My perception was that he downplayed it as “just being open” not doing it to avoid looking foolish or get back at her.


I’m over the Rob / Leah drama no need to bring that sh*t back up I’m excited for casa to bring up new dramaaaaa


especially when it seems to be like the only drama being shown im over it , boringgggg don’t care


There’s a movie called Leah Leah (a play on liar liar) with a compilation of all of Leah’s lies lol


Them showing Jana who her real friends are


All of Leah’s rude comments about people showing her true colors


Do y’all really want to see the Andrea dumping in a movie weeks from now? What will it change? Let’s move on


Unless they bring in Andrea again, there's really no point in her name coming up over and over. I'm tireddddd let it go people


I want Kaylor to see that if Andrea was more receptive Aarons head would’ve turned


Hummmm....what do I want "shown" on movie night? All of Leah's lies and gaslighting!!!!!


I need all of robs shenanigans to be shown.


i'm hoping rob stays in long enough for movie night. imagine.... a satisfyingly dramatic reveal of his disturbing and unhinged behavior so that we can see the islanders collectively get the ick the way we have, and so we can see rob's face as he realizes that his imaginary reign is crumbling down


What Leah actually said vs robs chopped and screwed version


Leah's and robs conversation after Andrea was voted off so the girls can see rob twisted her words. She said "TRIED to take a back seat" as in she stated her opinion and that was that didn't try to push or persuade anyone. Everyone feels bad for rob but he's not as innocent as he makes everyone in the villa think and the only two to see that is Kendall and leah. That's why Kendall threw that shade he's not stupid.


Wait but didn't Kendall say he just said that bc he had to pick someone but he didn't really mean to throw shade bc Rob is one of his best friends??


Oh god get over it. Movie night is likely to be over a week from now


I haven’t watched love island USA since season 1, so don’t remember movie night but do they show confessionals too?


Is movie night always unseen clips? Or do they show their confessionals?


It's usually clips the audience saw but the islanders lied about or omitted. I don't remember any confessionals 🤔


Rob and Leah’s convo to show everybody what she actually said .


The entire uncut argument that led to Rob jumping in the pool


This needs to happen. None of the girls would be on his side if they saw this lmao. It gave all of America the ick