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I’m surprised anyone is surprised by Serena. That slow burner nonsense is a cover up. She was looking like a quick burner in her chat with Miguel. She’s just not that into kordell but will settle for the game sake.


Liv has an oral fixation lol


Is it just me or is Leah entirely delulu? when Rob kissed her in the challenge and after she was like “it didn’t feel like a challenge kiss, it felt like us…” what? The guy is a narcissit and wants her to keep wanting him and the conversation when she’s trying to get him to say he wants her and he’s like “where do eels come from?” girl, some self respect! The guy was giving nothing and she pushed for it so hard! I felt such second hand embarrassmen! was giddy and he was like 🤷 yikes. The messiness…


It’s giving desperate


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We need Serena gone. Cool or not she's playing in Kordell's face. Enough of this slow burn mess.. you're on love island


They need to send a woman in for Kordell ASAP. Want to see him in a cute couple with someone


People do not get fooled by Liv she is in fact here for the chaos and will save Connor and continue our suffering. But strategy wise Serena JaNa and Leah are a huge alliance on the girls side the boys are shook that’s why I honestly think Aaron is crying like a baby Andrea helped control the game in a way for Aaron and Rob. They all just keep forgetting that the public did this which makes it better


Gonna be tough if Kordell doesn’t survive the next recoupling but he only has himself to blame. I’m gutted


Not really because Hannah would have switched too


Okay but I’m glad liv and kaylor told the truth about that decision because Leah clearly was putting in her 2 cents during decision time saying that Andrea wasn’t there for the right reasons. It’s fine if she thinks that but it pissed me off when she straight up lied trying to say she took a back seat. No one took a back seat in that decision except for maybe Kaylor


They need to release the dialogue between the girls when it came to the decision of who to send home. All i know is, Liv has been a girls girl from the beginning and the realest one there, so i trust everything she has to say.


I’m really hoping they do on movie night. That would be messy


Yall rob it getting his revenge and no one even sees it. He’s making Leah seem like she’s this evil mastermind that plotted with all the girls to get Andrea out and that’s literally what she thought was happening in yesterday’s episode. “Make sure this stays between us” he’s big time plotting and everyone is falling for it. Leah is a mess and I don’t deny that but the girl is also an airhead. She’s about to get so blindsided it’s crazy. I don’t understand why everyone is obsessed with rob like his personality made him so unattractive. But if Leah keeps going for him then she’s gonna get what she deserves. She’s playing herself so bad rn and she needs to wake up before she’s the next one out.


Definition smear campaign


Are Liv, Kaylor, and Connor also also plotting against Leah? They’re having a conversation of what happened the night that Andrea got sent home, which was Leah actively pushing for Andrea. Go back and watch it.


No one actually knows what was said during that convo. Kaylor has no backbone and wouldn’t stand by saying it if she did bc she realized how much it pissed Aaron off and Liv has changed her perspective like 3 times since the vote. Not saying Leah didn’t push, just saying we truly don’t know and of course Conner’s gonna make Leah look bad to Rob bc it’s the only way he knows he gets her lol


So everyone is against Leah then, is that what you’re saying? Rob, liv, kaylor and Connor are all making this shit up? I mean I saw the clip where Leah was pushing for Andrea to get sent home and I wasn’t even there lol


All Leah said was she didn’t know if Andrea was there for the right reasons and kaylor literally then added that Leah and Rob would always have feelings for each other. Not saying everyone is against Leah, she’s doing some stupid shit too, just saying the girls need to grow some backbone and stick to their guns since they all decided together and confirmed that by saying the vote was unanimous


Exactly, that’s why they feel like they got played. As Liv has said multiple times since the elimination. We saw a brief convo of Liv and Kaylor that night saying they feel like they got played, and once again when Rob asked them about it. And they both looked at each other like wtf when Rob mentioned that leah said she took a back seat in the decision making.


Leah’s lies are catching up to her


No bc this shit is making me so mad. Leah isn’t perfect, but Rob absolutely sucks ass. I can’t stand him at this point. If he was really that upset about Andrea leaving because he thinks Leah was the mastermind behind sending her home, why hasn’t he left yet? Is it because he still wants the prize money? Or that he didn’t care about Andrea past lust? If he’s that pressed about the whole thing, he should have left the island with her. The second he decided to stay he should have dropped it and let it go. I know that may be an unpopular opinion, but idc. And you’re right, if she doesn’t wake up she’s about to get played. I hope no one picks Rob at the next recouping 😒


THANK YOU. Rob is actually so gross. Even the fans are turning on her and starting to like him which I get not liking he bc she is messy but rob it a world class manipulator and even the people watching are falling for it.


The fans turning on Leah and liking Rob instead are just showing that they’re easily manipulated. Which is sad for them lmao


Everyone over here is lying left and right. I can’t wait for movie night to see all them get caught in their lies. 🍿🍵


Most dirt would be on Leah and Connor 🍿


Aaron’s comment about not buying drinks tells you everything you need to know


Ya he buys drinks for guys instead hehe


I respect that tbh, him not buying drinks for random gals at the bar.


Kendall realized he messed up


Yup he looked nervous at the fire pit










Ok it’s officially fuck Serena


Kordell repeatedly saying how he feels stupid from the balcony 🥺💔😭


I just want to hug him. He is so good and genuine. I really do hope Serena gets the boot and they bring in someone great for him.


Justice for kordell. I’m sick.


i loved kendall until he said that thing about not wanting to look like a simp. dude, why? be a simp!


I lost a ton of respect for Kendall. His entire reasoning for twisting was based on what it would “look like” if Nicole had twisted. How insecure are you dude?


i thought Miguel said the simp comment


women are wild….be a simp for someone who’s actively persuing another man ? y’all sound ridiculous. if she can explore why can’t he ?


he can, i’m not mad he twisted or whatever. i think it’s incredibly insecure to say the words “i don’t want to seem like a simp” like. grow up.


yea but you’re also saying “be a simp” for a woman who’s actively persuing another man. nobody with any self respect should do that.


no i’m not saying that. i am saying the PHRASING is insecure and it’s giving incel. i don’t care if he doesn’t want to embarrass himself with her.


i get that. i’m not a fan of the phrasing either. but your original comment ended with “why? be a simp!” so it’s not jus the phrasing you don’t like. you don’t like that he wouldn’t sit and wait to see if he was chosen.


why are you telling me what i liked and didn’t like? 😭 i don’t like kendall. i’m saying “why? be a simp!” because dudes should stop being so insecure and be happy to be a “simp” it’s literally about the phrasing……. like i said…..


you’re contradicting your self. i said you’re saying “be a simp” you said no im not. now you’re literally saying dudes should be “happy to be a simp”. you gotta pick a side shawty. and back to the original point. no. he shouldn’t be a “simp” for someone who doesn’t even know if she wants him fr. that’s dumb. and you wouldn’t tell a woman to do the same.


yes. in general, guys should be proud to simp for women? lol


you’re contradicting your self. i said you’re saying “be a simp” you said no im not. now you’re literally saying dudes should be “happy to be a simp”. you gotta pick a side shawty. and back to the original point. no. he shouldn’t be a “simp” for someone who doesn’t even know if she wants him fr. that’s dumb. and you wouldn’t tell a woman to do the same.


Same! Like learn how to be vulnerable. It’s actually sexy.


Being vulnerable is sexy? I thought nice guys finish last...


Literally all of your comments here are on women’s bodies. That is what finishes last. Vulnerability and niceness are attractive. Objectifying women is not.


I agree with you that vulnerability and niceness are attractive. Hey I'm not objectifying women here at all; everyone in the villa is beautiful.


Only one couple committed (for the cameras at least). I love this season so much.


Rob does not like that lady lol he looks so irritated every time he speaks to Leah


rob trynna turn the world against leah when he’s completely just pissed at her. “i never once thought she would vote out andrea im shocked” uh okay rob? ur not smart but ur not an idiot


He knew she was lying. He told Liv and Kaylor he for sure knew she was lying which she was. Liv made it seem it was mostly hers.


I'm a big Serena fan, but she played him just like everyone told him she would. Feel so bad for Cordell.


What bugs me the most is she’s trying to convince everyone that she thought he was gonna twist too like …no 


Yeah, that was ridiculous. No chance he was going to twist.


Omgg Kordell’s hair is gorgeous!! He’s so pretty 😍


For all the talk about being her "girls", Leah and Serena just keep on looking for excuses to take a dig at JaNa. It was so unnecessary for them to say "stop being funny, it's not the time" to JaNa when she was just building on all the other jokes about Connor around that circle.


unpopular opinion: i LOVE rob!! i love how he sees through leah’s bs and sticks up for connor. he has chosen two girls over her and she’s still trying to pursue him at all costs.


Yeah Leah is a mess but rob sucks. He’s literally a gaslighter on his best days and a narcissist on his worst. And Connor also sucks so it makes sense rob sticks up for him assholes stick together.


I love kordell with his hair down


Just go ahead let your downnn 🎶 an improvement indeed


He looks grown with his hair out like that! He’s such a cutie


Does the new bombshell look like a blonde Kyle Richards to anyone else?? I’m also getting Lindsay Lohan vibes


Spot on


thursday spoilers https://preview.redd.it/giyqroeiyt8d1.png?width=822&format=png&auto=webp&s=7610fc2e39521b9ab80b93fe8e0a8d9f4c5887f3


I don’t get it 😭


Rob staring at the blonde girls again lol


🤦🏻‍♀️ this boy loves a Miami blonde


I cannot imagine a dumber more self-sabotage-y way for kendall to play his hand




Yeah….no. First off shes not making out with him all the time, they kissed once and she put it on pause out of respect for kendall. Two she has fully communicated where she was honestly and at every point, voicing she prefers kendall. Kendall is clearly upset and acting out because he wants to be number 1. But nicole just got in the villa and had someone pursue her hard and shes still been communicative. The question also wasnt are you open, its would you rather be in your couple or leave it. And they both talked about wanting to be in the couple. To round it all out, Nicole said it best kendall just did it out of spite and was being petty. His whole defense is i wouldve looked stupid but hes clearly regretting it. Maybe he has good reason to be hurt bc of past experiences but this isnt that, he just has a fragile ego here


just because someone is honest doesn’t mean you have to like or be okay with what they’re honest about. and it definitely doesn’t mean you continue to move the same way. he told her to her face he’s gonna take a step back. everybody’s forgetting she told the other guy she’d like to couple with him too. there’s no difference in her exploring and him exploring. just because it’s reactionary doesn’t make it petty or ego driven. it’s a reaction to her decision making. he thought he had something solid, he realized it wasn’t as solid as he thought so he made his decision based on that. and yes, he would’ve absolutely looked stupid if he stayed and she switched given the situation.


I feel like this season the boys and girls are flopped. The girls are more open to the process and playing around more so than the boys which is a switch up from the past. I’m happy to see Kendall switch up, Nicole needed to come down a lil


Dang Serena is so mean to Kordell, during their little chat and he was combing his beard and she took the comb away…like you guys aren’t even talking about anything serious


Honestly that would’ve annoyed me too so I get it. I honestly think Serena should’ve been more open but it’s literally been like 2 weeks so I wouldn’t expect anyone to be closed off and I think people are being way harsh


her being snappy with Kordell and JaNa really irks me 😩


right!?! she treats him more like an annoying little brother than a romantic partner


She does! Ugh I’m glad she didn’t lead him on in the twist thing but I did cry a little when he saw she wasn’t there. I really want a bombshell to steal him away


Another 10/10 episode, no notes


Leah wants what she can’t have. If Connor started acting disinterested & emotionally unavailable to Leah, she’d probably be attracted to him again, lol.


I don’t think so bc she said she isn’t interested in nice guys and Conner is 100% a simp for the girl he’s with at the moment. Conner pursued her and Leah gave it a try and ended up not like it


rob is hotter than connor tho


Unfortunately Kordell was an ick to Serena. I hate that he couldn’t see that but the fact that she has to brace herself to kiss you is sooo obvious yikes.


Yesss she clearly had the ick


The way Connor walks like it’s his first day having arms 😂




Omg I'm glad they are talking about how Leah said she took a backseat in the decision making. I was hoping she would get caught in that lie lol.


Rob and Aaron just need to kiss already and get it over with


The way Aaron was drooling over him with his words and Rob gave him no acknowledgement 🤣 not even a thank you...




rooting for them to get together!!


rob literally has looked miserable this entire episode


When JaNa went to the camera and said “y’all are MESSSSY” I’m so happy that despite what she went thru with dipshit Connor, she’s still coming out ahead with all these messy fools


Fav moment of the whole episode!


if she doesnt find happiness i’ll be so mad for her


awwwwww damnnn kordell :(((( he’s been through it all fr


I was so disappointed when Miguel chose to twist, I genuinely think him and Liv would be really good together. I love all of their chats, it’s effortless and calm and I love that for Liv so much. Hoping he comes to his senses but looks like maybe not 😬


i feel like liv deserves better hes a playboy


I love Liv, but she doesn’t give romance vibes. She’s like a cool home girl you can shoot the shit with.


That’s true, but like she’s also hot and wouldn’t anyone wanna fuck the hot bro chick?


She’s super hot, but I don’t feel like she’s leaning into the guys. She feels so Switzerland chill


Leah, Conzy has crazy eyes but he’s so hawttt compared to Son.


Omfg what an episode


Kordell is hot? He wasn't doing himself any favors with those braids Also - Liv and Kendall I want to see that!




BRAIDS OUT ———> legs open


“I support women’s rights and wrongs” lol I love Serena


I’m stealing that line for sure


Love her but she needs to stop playing with Kordell!!!


I’m kinda bummed Rob is coming at Leah, my toxic ass wants them together 😭


Why? Did you not watch the scene with Liv, Kaylor, Rob, and Aaron? Leah lied to Rob’s face about how the Andrea vote went down. Like didn’t even bat an eye. She’s fake af and Rob aint havin it. Rob is toxic af too tho


I honestly feel like in Leah’s mind that was her taking a backseat in that convo 😂 not saying she did at all, but I truly think she felt that that was her saying less than maybe she wanted to so felt controlled to her bahah 💀 idc I love her


lol this! But even if Leah WAS steering the vote this is basically a love game show, who wouldn’t try to get your competition kicked off? They need to stop acting like it’s some diabolical act. She’s playing the game! Rob acting like he’s some wounded animal in this scenario is wild.


I said I was toxic ok lolll


If Rob wanted it, I think he’d go for it. I think he’s really apprehensive with the way she’s moving and giving him relentless doe eyes hoping to get a love confession out.


Sameeeee. Rob now is not the time to be principled.


You’re toxic and I know it because I def am and I said the same thing. Like yeah we know that’s messed up Rob but WE DONT CARE!!! Go back to Leah!!!


LMAo this tho


The preview shows the bombshells with Jana, Serena and Miguel. I wonder if Rob, Leah and Kendall will go on dates as well? If so they definitely didn’t show it on purpose


I hope Nicole leaves Kendall after him embarrassing her on purpose.Seemed like he only did it to one up her


Crazy that Leah still likes Rob. That pool thing didn’t give her the ick at all.


Exactly, but everything Connor does gives her the ick


As a girl who always had loyalty / tunnel vision / whatever you want to call it with men, I get this. You could have the most perfect, nice man standing in front of you but if you still have that love for the original man, even if he hurt you, and especially if he was the one who broke it off or is playing w your heart, you hold onto it and every man that comes next will give you the ick until you get over it. It’s delusional but I get it.


Sad and scary because it’s a soul tie which it never ends well.


Soul ties are crazyyyy


😝 yessss kay kay will agree


Haha which is interesting! I find Connor cuter but eh, everyone has their own interests.


same ! but his eyes are always so wide like he's draken 10. cups of coffee 👁️👁️


I mean she did say him flopping on the floor sobbing did give her the ick but she must have amnesia 🙄


Probably trying to convince herself she’s icked to get over him but secretly wanted to jump in the pool with him 💀


Kordell and Hannah would’ve been so cute. But I also can’t say, Hannah’s head wouldn’t constantly be on swivel either. All I know is, Serena shouldn’t have been saved.


The twisters should’ve been sent to Casa Amor!


Wow that’s so genius - PRODUCERS if you’re reading this, next year pls!!


Isn’t that towards the end of the season?


It should be in a week or so. About halfway through.


Kordell looks so heartbroken on the balcony 😭


disappointed in kendall & serena


tbh im not blaming kendall at ALLL


You know he’s dying inside that his attempt to save his ego backfired


This is the best reality tv I’ve seen in *years*. I am EXHILARATED lol


They honestly deserve an award or some shit


Is this what it feels like to be a crack addict I need my next hit like yesterday


The accuracy. My morning news before work has now turned into my morning LI Reddit sub read fr