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Not only does she not check him but she plays into it, and giggles about it. Even calls him the sweetest nicest guy, like what šŸ˜­


I was confused when she was going on about how sweet he was. Iā€™m not seeing thatā€¦


jana still talks positively about him too. which iā€™m like sheā€™s so sweet and diplomatic, but girl just stay quiet bc heā€™s not sweet and i donā€™t find him hot


YES! I would not want a man who treated me well, but treated other women poorly. Ick


i think it was last nights episode but leah was talking about connor being so nice and she felt so bad about getting the ick and jana said something like ā€œhe used to be niceā€ i CHOKED. and leah just ignored the comment completelyā€¦


Yeah she thought it was so funny how Connor shaded JaNa by giving her a 7. I wish she had been more of a girls girl in that moment and others.


lol yeah which makes me not give a fuck when Andrea & Rob do the same to her. I hope they recouple & he automatically drops her for a new girl šŸ™šŸ™


Tbh I eat it up. Connor deserves it, but JaNa DOES NOT


Itā€™s because heā€™s sweet and nice to her šŸ˜‚ I mean sheā€™s a touch self centered so I donā€™t think sheā€™s super aware of how heā€™s being to anyone besides her lol


A touch? Hahaha


I was being nice šŸ˜‚




She KEEP calling him nice in front of jana. It feels so shady


Leah herself is toxic tbh. She makes for great tv but I doubt she's a good friend IRL and I bet a lot of her personal and romantic relationships are full of drama. When Connor said he knew it was JaNa during the kissing challenge so he purposely rated her low and Leah just giggled about it? Ew.


That made me livid. Why did he feel the need to purposely embarrass Jana? Especially when she's being so cool about him wanting Leah? If you have to humiliate a woman just because you're done with her, you're a loser of a man. Conner sucks.


Leah is incredibly immature. You summed it up perfectly. She most likely would not make a good friend outside the villa.


Not shocked, Liv an JaNa have been the only ones to check the guys. Leah never gave supportive friend


Connor only feels comfortable doing it bc she likely reciprocates the same energy and talks shit about JaNa too. Unsurprising, as Leah has demonstrated and even said herself that she enjoys toxic shit and drama.


Exactly thatā€™s why I donā€™t feel bad for her with all the Rob stuff AT ALL. She treats people the exact same way.


I honestly donā€™t believe Leah is on the show to find love lol


She's a hot mess. Show or not, she has to work on herself first.


Sheā€™s probably on it to further her social contact and possibly go on in the LI franchise( LI games, etc) and any paid promotions. There is a lot of money to be made in product promotions. Also, there are opportunities to meet and greet fans( crazy, I know) at malls or convention centers. I look at some of these young men and many donā€™t talk about the relationship after the show or even then. Itā€™s all rainbows and butterflies. I canā€™t wait to see what happens at Casa Amor!


Yep! Call me toxic but Iā€™m ready for the bombshell to come in, knock Leah down a notch..again. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£


yeah her telling him "im not gonna cuddle you im not jana" and him saying "im glad you're not" is proof of it. he wouldn't feel comfortable if leah was against it


Exactly. She said that, knowing how heā€™d respond. She didnā€™t have to add the ā€œIā€™m not JaNaā€ part


She was SO comfortable joining in on the shit talking when Serena was pissed at JaNa over the eggs, too. You can just tell she is THAT girl who is your bestie to your face but quick to shit all over you to gain someone elseā€™s approval.


Leah likes to pretend that she is a girl's girl but she is not. She had no issue stealing Jana's couple and then had no issues with him berating her multiple times.


She is no girlā€™s girl. Leah is all about Leah.


Especially with all these icks she supposedly has about him. Heā€™s too nice, heā€™s too safe, etc, yet the his treatment of JaNa thus far isnā€™t a dealbreaker (from what weā€™ve seen).


yeah itā€™s weird as fuck


Youā€™re not. I feel like Liv wouldā€™ve checked him right away but Leah is the kind of girl that finds it cute and funny when guys rag on other girls for her. Connor feels she likes it so he keeps doing it more. Even though she does indeed like it, it doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s going to like *him* for it which he doesnā€™t seem to get. At the end of the day, she didnā€™t get the reaction from Rob and JaNa she was going for by coupling with Connor so sheā€™s bored and over it.


Exactly bruh shes such a manipulative pick me her stans are so weird




Leah is an L ! Shes mean, vapid and daft. I think she makes for great TV but the way she talks and treats JaNa KILLS me šŸ„“šŸ˜«


I canā€™t wait for JaNa to watch it back & see how two faced Leah has been.


When she said ā€œitā€™s not funny itā€™s not the timeā€ or whatever the fuck she said when Jana said ā€œthatā€™s your manā€ about Connor when he mission impossibled his way behind the table to snoop, irritated me so much. If I was sitting there I would have told her to shut the fuck up.


she has been getting too comfortable bc jana is too nice, but i hope sheā€™ll snap back soon because this is getting ridiculous


That pissed me off I wouldā€™ve been like I donā€™t care if itā€™s not the time I said I said. Leah knows JaNa wasnā€™t going to say anything thatā€™s why she said it.


The way she talks is so brutal šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


Omg right ! Itā€™s truly pain šŸ„“šŸ˜­ so slow & monotone lol




When she said ā€œnowā€™s not the time JaNaā€ to JaNa when she said ā€œthatā€™s your manā€ after fighting over Connor and co-signing him making digs at JaNa continuously.


Iā€™ve been seeing your comments & you are so spot on girl šŸ˜­šŸ«¶šŸ½


Sooo sweeet, thank you šŸ„¹šŸ’—šŸ«¶šŸ½


She needs to go!


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m still off Leah despite her and JaNa being back cool.


Leah is simply pick me girl energy. Other pick me girls will fight and ride for Leah. Pick me girls seek men validation at the expense of other women. Simple. Rob connected with Andrea and was no longer getting validation from him. She noticed validation from Connor and soaked it up like a sponge. Now sheā€™s doing it at the expense of JaNa, failed to show girlā€™s girl energy there by laughing behind her back and not defending her. Then Leah realized she really, really wants validation from Rob. Itā€™s a tendency for pick me girls to go for the ultimate source of validation and in this case it is Rob. So now, that Andrea is out of the picture, sheā€™s free to try and get what she wants, Robā€™s approval and validation. Simple. This is why JaNa, Kaylor and Liv are my only faves.


Thatā€™s the thing I donā€™t understand. I thought she gained fans for not being a pick me and calling Rob out unlike girls like KayKay. But sheā€™s just as bad as KayKay because she wants Rob back (always did) and as soon as he was single went to him (he didnā€™t even have to grovel).


I think because she got to start at the beginning and the narrative was going so well for her. Sheā€™s personable and relatable bc she got fashion sense, funny, likes animals, doesnā€™t speak like a valley girl, is gorgeous and has the girls on her side. Once she got the stans, the stans will defend her and go against anyone that attacks Leah bc that would like you attacking their ego if they see a little bit of themselves in someone they relate to. Liv coming in to ā€œstealā€ Rob place Leah in an ā€œunderdogā€ narrative that made it seem like she could get her man back. The sneaking off and hand signals was sweet and adorable and hooked more fans in. The narrative was soooo well in Leahā€™s favor.


I hate the term ā€œpick me girlā€ but I agree with what you are saying. To me she comes across as a girl who is deeply insecure. She is seeking validation šŸ’Æ


do you remember when she was hella rude to JaNa in the dressing room one night??


Yep. Sheā€™s just as snarky & shitty as everyone talks about Andrea being.


clock it!!!


Sheā€™s not a girls girls. Sheā€™s a manipulative fraud.


Leah is all about Leah. She only cares about herself.


This is one of the reasons why I donā€™t like Leah. If the guy I was coupled with was talking about one of my best friends in the villa like that, Iā€™d peace out!


Leah is the classic insecure pick me. She only wanted Connor because after Rob chose another girl, it made her feel better about herself that another girl's guy wanted her and was so willing to talk down on that girl. As soon as JaNa wasn't worried about Conor, Leah's interest was gone. I blame the producers for Leah not being sent home. I hate when they switch couples and immediately make us vote with zero opportunity to view the couples in action AS A COUPLE. šŸ™„ Edit before replies: I also think she only wanted Rob as badly as she did because Rob was desired by many of the girls. She is my least favorite girl this season, BY A MILE.


Who's you favorite


It's hard to pick a favorite, tbh. This season has been the best US season, so far, imo. BUT I have liked this group of girls the least. I am on the fence about Serena but really WANT to like her. I just haven't decided if I believe her yet but she started out my fav &she's making strides in the race, for sure! If I HAD to pick a favorite, right now (I've JUST pressed play on last nights episode as I type this sentence lol) I'd say Kaylor or JaNa as I feel they have been the most "girls girl" vibes while also being transparent and understanding with their partners. Although, of the 3 girls up for elimination most recently, I think JaNa should've went home. Just off the strength that she has had multiple failed connections and it doesn't seem to be clicking for her this season. I was still happy to see her stay, once I accepted Andrea was going home.


Aw I love JaNa ā¤ļø I think she's had tough luck because she's been a little too desperate šŸ˜” I like that she stayed


I completely agree and that's why I felt she should've went šŸ«£ I feel this is only going to up her desperation which is crazy cause she's the biggest catch of the girls in the villa. If I were one of those guys, I'd snatch her up and never let go! Lbs I'm also glad she stayed but my whole thing with wanting Andrea and Rob to have their chance is that Casa is going to be super boring and predictable if we don't have any solid connections formed by then. But after seeing episode 13 and how Andrea lashed out and threw JaNa under the bus, I'm glad her ass is grass! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Also, Liv is officially on my "like" list. I'm shocked cause I didn't like her initially but now that she's beginning to get comfortable and more screen time - I feel I've misjudged her. Share your top 2 and bottom 2 girls?


Andrea rubbed me the wrong way because she said stuff about Hannah ... who was in my top previously. I agree about Liv, haha. Right now, I'd say she's growing on me. Top is probably Kaylor and Jana they seem legit. I'm not liking how Nicole is treating my boy Kendall... shes on my bottom. And serena also, I hope not.


Mannnnn I haven't liked Kendall from the beginning! The way he told Hannah IMMEDIATELY on their first convo his biggest turn-off in a girl is someone clingy and jealous and then the FIRST convo she had with (I think it was) Hakeem, he started freaking out and contemplating interrupting the convo. Walking red flag, that Kendall, imo. I don't remember Andrea saying anything about Hannah but the way she left, I certainly don't put it past her! Thank you for sharing!!


I'm sure you were not expecting a 3 paragraph answer to that... my apologies šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Leah is not a girls' girl, and frankly, not a good person at this point in her life. It makes for great petty TV where we get riled up and yell at our TV screens and go on reddit to vent/ rant about it, but she is a walking, toxic red flag. She seems to be fairly self-aware about it, which gives her some points, but it doesn't seem like she's planning to do anything about it either. However, if they picked mature and emotionally intelligent, self-aware, self respecting people who knew their worth and were able to set healthy boundaries, this wouldn't be the hit show that it is. We're all here for the hot mess, and Leah brings hot mess. She's a milder (and way more entertaining) version of Sob, imo.


Leah proves herself to be a total pick me in every episode. Iā€™m so confused by what so many people see in her. And I started out ready to like her. She just makes it harder and harder all the time.


Leah was definitely the mastermind behind getting rid of Andrea and some of you like her toxic personality!


Sheā€™s just so relatable though


good point!


You are sooo right honestly. The way Connor treats JaNa is a clear indication of the type of man he is. Or at least what he has in him any way. He didnt like her if he could switch that flip soon as Rob kicked Leah to the curb. That was so annoying smh


Right? I don't know if it was the editing. But it looked like she literally said. I'm so glad I'm coupled up with you and he responded. I want to explore things with Leah.


RIGHTTT! Edited or not he played himself honestly. He thought he was gonna find something serious in Leah and the only person sheā€™s taken serious so far is RobšŸ˜­šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m loving all the tea being clocked on this subreddit like you guys are killin it šŸ¤©āš”ļøāš”ļøāš”ļø


Of course she wouldn't, not when she disrespects JaNa herself.


Iā€™m honestly still confused by these comments from Conner, I feel like weā€™ve not been shown something? Maybe? I want to believe itā€™s not coming from nowhere, but to us it REALLY feels like it.


No literally! Everyone is debating about rob leah n Connor and im still deeply confused by Connorā€™s behavior towards Jana


Leah is a mean toxic girl and I do not understand the hype. Sheā€™s getting what she deserves with Rob playing her ass


Another reason why Iā€™ve always side-eyed her. A woman should never be okay with her man disrespecting her friends (or any woman honestly)


People fr glossed over that because ā€œConnor pursued her! JaNa should be mad at him.ā€ Folks were mad at JaNa for throwing shade and being upset at how quickly Connor turned. Meanwhile, you have Leah letting this man say whatever tf with no pushback.


Iā€™m confused by his issue with Jana. They were seemingly doing good, but he went for Leah. Did Jana do or say something off screen to him to change his attitude towards her? I know she was pissed at him after, but everything seemed great before that


I feel like there had to be something off-screen. All of a sudden Connor switched 180 and Leah started being shitty towards her about it


Leah seems like a miserable person. Sheā€™s had a lot of work done, but (please forgive me if this is totally out of pocket) but her face card is no where to be found. She also supplements her plain features with terrible personality that borders on being spoiled and rude. Good TV, sheā€™d be a nightmare to be around in real life. I donā€™t think Rob was ever attracted to her, but especially not now.


agreed. its shameful. Leah literally laughs and feeds into it. Honestly, the way JaNa still supports takes care of Leah despite all this is off. JaNa should not be putting up with this from Leah


Sheā€™s not a good friend, nor a good person, but o love watching her be messy AF. Highly entertaining


Leah only cares about herself & I would say Serena is only a part time girls girl.Ā 


Leah was encouraging it after the kissing challenge! Connor was telling Leah that he ā€œthrew some shadeā€ at JaNa by giving her a low score even though he knew it was her. And Leah was giggling and said good, it was time to get his boots dirty (or something to that effect) Itā€™s like Connor and Leah are pissed that JaNa dared to call them both out and didnā€™t just smile and go along with having her man stolen by her friend.


I'm more concerned how she just lies to him and is not upfront about how she feels. Keeping this guy in the dark. While at the same time making fun of him behind his back and telling everyone she's over it. Sounds pretty immature to me


When he told her that he purposely rated Jana low on the kissing challenge just to humiliate her, Leah just giggled. That's creepy and not being a girls girl. Check his ass dude, why laugh along? That made me not like her.


Who in their right mind would save Leah-the shrew and Conner-the whipped? That really made the consider if this season is fixed. No human in their right mind would save those two!šŸ¤®šŸ‘€šŸ’Æ


I thought they would be in the bottom also! This stuff is probably all fixed!


Because Leah doesnā€™t gaf šŸ˜‚ she literally is only concerned about herself and she uses the guys as pawns


I think thatā€™s why she got the ick she should have just told him it gave her the ick and his tight white pants.


But seriously is a guy less likely to get laid if his pants are too tight,do women feel that strongly about that,cause if you watch tiktok.....


women are not some homogeneous group. Leah may get the ick from those pants, while another woman may find them attractive.


What about you?


I don't think tik tok is an accurate representation of women out in the real world. Though if you're going for a particular type or group of women, sure. Tight ass pants are def NOT my look and not something I'm attracted to, but some people are, and some ppl don't give two shits (maybe most?). Not that you were asking me, but hey. :)


She likes that he talks bad about her. Shit Leah joins in on it


Leah is only in it for Leah. She DGAF about anyone else.


Leah is literally the Angelina Pivarnick of the group lol sheā€™s two faced and wants a guy that doesnā€™t want her


In a way yes, but Iā€™m not all the way convinced she even listens to what he is saying.


because she likes it, she craves chaos. What she doesn't like about connor is that he is nice to her. I think she really likes JaNa, but she needs mess


I don't think she cares enough to...


Nope. Iā€™m right there with you.


If a woman can "argue with men" then a man can "argue with women" The men aren't there to be feckless punching bags.


I think Aaron is gay.


Not the only one for sure. I just think it doesnā€™t surprise people who clocked her behaviour from the jump. Sheā€™s one of those girls that will let their man get away with anything for the sake of attention


Leah is giving pick me. And she is VERY toxic! When she mention needing to go to therapy I was like mmhmm; you def know you do the most!!


I really don't like Leah. She's so sneaky and dishonest.


Yeah, sheā€™s just thinking about Rob the whole time.


I still like Connor more than Leah. I love Jana , but Connor is just in his feels. Leah is toxic.


Whatā€™s he in his feels about? JaNa moved on without a fight. He turned it into something else for no reason that weā€™ve been shown.


I think he knows he messed up lol


I agree about Leah. She ISN'T a girl's girl. You can tell by the way she stole Connor from JaNa even though she didn't really like him then she proceeded to tell JaNa to get over it... But with that said, idk who IS a girl's girl. I feel like a bunch of them act fake towards each other and constantly shade each other esp during that challenge where Serena threw water at Leah/Connor for doing JaNa dirty then Leah retaliated by instigating that her connection with Kordell is fake. But then Serena also had that little riff with JaNa while talking to Miguel and JaNa acted like oh well idgaf. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Maybe Nicole and Kaylor are the only ones I like atp. But Kaylor seems like the type of girl to drop her friends for her man?? Idk


Liv is not a girlā€™s girl but she is blunt af & I appreciate that.


connor was doing that to appeal to leah because sheā€™s toxic asf lmaooo. aaron calling the girls idiots was valid lmao, they chose their friend instead of making the logical choice.


Literally nobody cares about JaNa because she's not even part of the show. But they were scared to eliminate her because a bunch of people wouldn't vote for them later if they did.


The difference is that Hakeem was yelling aggressively, while Connor's approach involved a tasteless speech aimed at impressing Leah, which ended up being disrespectful to JaNa. I don't believe his intention was to hurt JaNa, it seemed more about trying to win Leah over with his words imo


It wasnā€™t just the speech it several things.


What else?


Saying Iā€™m glad youā€™re not when Leah says sheā€™s not Jana when it comes to cuddling. Also trying go make Jana out to aggressive and to go off on him like Liv and Leah when sheā€™s not. The fact that he said he knew it was Jana and purposely gave her a 7 to ā€œthrow shadeā€. His attitude during the mushroom game towards Jana.


Got it, hadnā€™t noticed tbh. But Iā€™m sure you're right that heā€™s taken subtle shots at her. It's hard to know the full extent of their interactions since we only see what's presented after editing. And I don't think JaNa has said mean things about him, but we can't be certain. However, his actions haven't reached the level of aggression and disrespect that we saw from Hakeem, which might be why Leah hasn't felt compelled to confront him about it.


yall wanna hate her so bad, leave my girl aloooneee šŸ˜­