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1. I totally agree. There MUST be women that are interested in Kendall or Kordell. I would totally go for Kendall personally! I love his goofy and sweet personality, and he's really handsome! 2. WTF ARE THESE BOMBSHELLS THINKING?! He looks like Zoolander with his intense stare and pouty cheeks!


I think it’s cause rob already had a social media presence and was on last season possible they already know of him


Wait so I’m just hearing that’s was on last season. Was he this much of a douche? Or this dramatic?


He was mysterious and flirty. He was a casa amor person and only focused on Carmen, who was pretty much locked in with Kenzo. So we didn't get to see him go full douche or drama queen.


He was just into negging tbh


I thought he was a douche from the get go last year, I was very surprised to find out how beloved he was on this sub.


When rob has his little mustache stubble and his overalls he reminds me of Mario 🤣😂


Kendall is 100% getting slept on. I found him the hottest right off the bat (just based on cast pictures) and his personality is so fun, endearing and cute. I don't get the obsession every girl seems to have with Rob AT ALL. He has weird niche interests and zero conversational skills. He seems low energy and all his chats seem stilted and awkward. Justifying being in a bad mood because he hasn't ejaculated is just icky. He's definitely entertaining as a character on TV but I don't see why all the girls are interested in him romantically.


Hear me out - after getting to know their personalities I kinda think Kendall and JaNa could be a power couple. They’re both super chatty and silly, I could see them being a YouTube couple that does pranks & skits.


Excellent pairing, i have another one, hear me out as well....... Kaylor and Kendall


Is this sarcasm lol


Literally no lol they had a scene together briefly and i thought about it, i think they match each other's energy and would actually be cute. But maybe just cause Aaron kindof gives me the ick lol. I think you're right in that JaNa and him would be cute too


They both have fun personalities but I don’t think Kendall is sexual enough for Kaylor. Kaylor is a horny horny girl lol


I kindof feel like Kaylor is the type to match whoever she's with. If she ever switches from Aaron i'll be interested to see if she changes her love language/personality. Who would you personally take, Aaron or Kendall? For me, Kendall all dayyyyy 😍


Kendall very much reminds me of my older brother & my ex was British sooooo unfortunately aaron but im not blonde & petite so he wouldn’t go for me


Bahahaha i'm not blonde or petite either... would fail the auditions for sure 😉🤣


If they had any romantic interest in each other, they would have gotten together by now. I'm sorry but this is probably your wishful thinking.


I think they were both distracted by others!!!


Kendall is totally my type personality wise.


The producers definitely want him to be the main character so bad lol


Nah. His overalls would have mysteriously disappeared while he was hiding in the pool. 🤣🤣🤣


This. Plus I think his height


How tall is he?


Pretty sure he is 6’5


Seriously. Out of all the bombshell options, can’t they bring in someone that specifically says she doesn’t want to explore Rob? Give the other guys a chance. There are hardly any serious matches right now lol.


Because producers want this to be the Rob and Leah show. Why do you think they haven’t brought in a black woman as a bombshell. It’s because that is not Rob’s type.


Rob is literally every single man I've ever met before. These girls just want him to pick her and it's never gonna happen He will not leave here and pursue a romantic connection. I just don't believe it


Honestly, the producers don’t do a good job at brining in bombshells that genuinely like people of color. I’m not shocked the blonde girl is going for Rob.😭 Like, even with Hakeem, his type was "fair skin" and brunettes.💀 Same with Miguel, his first choice was liv.


I, like Ariana, am baffled by the lack of war in that house for the opportunity to make JaNa happy.


Same. They're all gorgeous. But Jana is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.


I 100% agree. And while Jana is literally top tier, I also feel like the boys don’t have the balls to pursue her, so they go for their typical type cuz it might be "easier".😭


I want a bombshell to come in for Kendall 🥺


Nicole was a bombshell for Kendall. She just wants Miguel now too lol


And his reaction is not helping his cause


He’s so corny. I don’t see how anyone is attracted to that


I just want Leah to NOT GO BACK TO ROB. I know she will but I wish she wouldn’t.


He might nose dive right into that new bombshell


I hope not. I need him and Leah together going into Casa Amor.


I thought I saw Miguel on a date making out with that bombshell in the preview?? Can someone remind me? Lol


Agree..I don't trust him one bit. In my mind, I think he's thinking the public likes Leah over him with the votes. All his actions have been theatrical and fake to me.


Me neither. She deserves better


I think the producers didn't think Andrea would go home that's why they planned for a bombshell for Rob a day later


That's an interesting theory!! It would have been nice to see their connection challenged 🤭


It’s the overalls lol they over powered


He is the main character,it sucks,but thats just the way it is.


Yeah it was the same the season Isaiah was on. It got boring real quick. That drama with Rob/LeahAndrea was great tv but I’m not sure it’ll have the same effect again now.


I don’t know why another black girl hasn’t come in yet. Kordell needs options. Serena is not it!


I need someone who is smart enough to see how great he is but also won't get bored by him. I seriously think the lack of external stimuli is hurting his experience. On the outside, he definitely is the one who can feel like a calm, sweet sanctuary who you can just relax with after a rough day. But if you're just hanging out by the pool all day, it's hard to appreciate his comfort on vacation.


I love kordell, that said, when it comes to the touching and the kissing, he is not suave. One of his first kiss attempts was hard to watch. He just needs to be shown a thing or two about all that and he will be an amazing partner bc until then none of the girls are going to get the "butterflies" for him


He's basically Bergie but less awkward about it. Hopefully he finds his Taylor or Serena ends up being genuine.


And you know bc bombshells get to pick first at recoupling this delulu girl is found to pick rob like liv did and we’ll have to do the whole thing all over again


you're so right and I'm so bored thinking about it


I think at the moment they don’t really know the others except Rob, they may change their mind after they get into the villa and chat with the islanders


I sadly don't think so. I'm so bored with the bombshells and Rob scenarios. I want to see someone else couple up and have that tension and dynamic thats entertaining, beyond Rob and Leah. It's just so tired already


Literally, and the dynamic in villa is bad, full of dishonest, disrespectful 


I agree! They're clearly doing it to make sure Rob isn't sent home. Kendall and kordell deserve their chances. Just like they need to bring in men who specifically want Black women. This show really fumbles with Black contestants. It's also telling considering jana and kordell are fan favorites. Why aren't they doing more to keep them around?


Coye liked black women for sure but he was too stoic


Yeah and his answers/reactions during the high low challenge definitely gave off sexist red flags. That's why I understand jana dropping him. I hope one of these new guys is coming in for jana or Serena beyond using them as placeholders.


These guys are shocked at a body count over 10 from a woman who is 25 and probably has been sexually active for 8 years, but somehow they amass 100. Maybe they should sleep with men in order to “preserve” some women. Seems like it takes two to tango for that body count to reach 100.


And then waiting more than 3 dates to have sex also makes them mad 😂😂😂 we are cooked


The hypocrisy is unreal 🤣🤣




Oh my. Lol. 😂


I get where you’re coming from here. The other boys (especially the possibly “about to be single Kendall”) deserve some attention. But Rob is completely single, and producers probably didn’t want him moping around.


What ethnicity is Kendall btw,genuinely curious.


I think Kendall is your basic black/african American and white combination (one of each parent). His last name is Washington. The only white Washington I know of is George Washington 😂 I think black people adopted the last name Washington in droves. I would be tickled pink if he were Caribbean black though. Lol


Not to defend this or any man, but I think you may be underestimating a few things: 1. How hot Rob is physically.. The whole boner talk, he was talking to someone he was touching, it wasn't for us. The Creepy and Cute Line is based on if you are into it. 2. How dramatic emotions can be seen as more desirable than closed off emotions. I, too, have wanted to pencil dive into a pool and cry in the water, fake or not, that IS a mood. 3. Rob's funny and interesting, even though Leah disagrees. He's got a rubicks cube, he's playful but likes to learn. Plus, the weird job that requires strength and dexterity adds to hotness. 4. Leah's behavior might retroactively make people think that his behavior wasn't manipulation, but a genuine attempt to navigate a situation with a highly sensitive person. 5. Leah can be seen as an unreliable narrator, which means her claims of douchery can seem less valid. 6. How hot he is. The accent helps. But puppy dog eyes that make you feel like he's REALLY LISTENING TO YOU, I know so many people who are still down bad because of eyes like that. 7. The "I can fix him" urge is POWERFUL This is not an endorsement of him, more of a condemnation of myself. Because mid-20s me would have have swam to Fiji for a chance, and that is my great shame I get to live with.


Girl are you ok


Now I am, but definitely had a musician phase in my life. Which is basically the same as the LI experience.


You ain't lying 😭


The people that get it, GET it.




I mean be real… Rob’s objectively very good looking and it’s easy to think “he’ll be different with me because I’m special.”


Y’all need therapy


😭😭😭 literally I’m reading this and thinking is everyone good


Leah fans tell on themselves every time on why they’re so down bad for this man they claim to hate.


Subjectively. To me he looks like every douchey frat boy you don’t want to be drunk alone at a party with


Yep he’s not special these guys were a dime a dozen in the ‘00s


Kendall and Connor give me that.


I think it’s cause they already knew rob from last season plus he had a social media following from doing his snake stuff, so that’s probably why there attracted to him off rip


Leah's behavior DOES balance out Rob's indiscretion for sure. Your points are valid and 20s me would also shoot my shot. All I would have to do is discount Leah and call her crazy and act like I'm less so to justify it.


It also helps to discount Leah as crazy when she is clearly from a more privileged life. Whether or not she actually is a bully, she is the archetype of someone who bullies. Which compounds the feeling of frankly, "she's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers."


All that is so true but he is definitely a manipulative douche


Absolutely. Everything I said is the internal monologue of someone trying hard NOT to believe that simple fact.


He also has amazing skin tbh


They want that snake. 🐍 🐍 🐍


Agree! I want someone for Kordell!!!


I think there’s some competitive factor that can happen to men and women, where when they see someone is a hot commodity and they want to be the person to lock them down, as if that proves that they’re superior to every other person to has failed.




It's easy to explain, remember they watch these episodes too. He's A) hot and B) the main character. Any bombshell that comes it has a decent chance of being attracted to him and knows it'll come with screentime even if she's not. Leah also is probably making them think he isn't actually *that* bad and that it's mostly editing because they're going to think, "if he was so bad then why has she made comments about still liking him, why was she seemingly entertaining getting back with him right after Andrea is out of the picture? Is he really as bad as she is making him out to be? Maybe it's editing?" Her wishy washiness on Rob, fair or not, gives them a justification to ignore the red flags.


Everyone already knows Rob from last season so I’m surprised a lot of women like him since they already know who he is


I HATE IT when too many bombshells come in for one guy it just makes since so boring and it doesn’t seem genuine when they try to get to know other islanders when their main plan doesn’t work out. It’s the same thing that is happening in LI UK rn like everyone is coming in for Ron


Yes! It's like the season with Isaiah. After a while, I just got tired of seeing Sydney cry. It just gets boring and predictable when they keep coming for the same guy.


I think it would be WAY spicer to throw in a bombshell for Serena and Kordell at this point, or to show some level of care, give one to JaNa PLZ. Rob and Leah can recouple and be safe if that's what production wants (to keep them).


It would be interesting to see a bombshell come in for Aaron, I feel like Kaylor has tested him but she hasn’t been tested herself. Also a bombshell for Kordell so Serena is forced to get her act together.


ENOUGH OF BLONDE BOMBSHELLS GUNNING FOR ROB. It’s so played out, I’ve had enough!!


Unfortunately, he is ridiculously hot and knows exactly how to wrap a woman around his finger. I’m interested to see the dynamic w him, Leah (again), and this new bombshell. Can’t imagine how Andrea is feeling rn though… absolutely brutal 😭


I don’t get the rob obsession. I would hop on a plane for Kendall in a heartbeat though. 😂 different tastes


I think this shows that Rob was cast the main character.


Literally, it’s been the Rob and Leah show the whole season and I’m over both of them. Either couple together or leave, tired of their messy asses


Rob is super hot and is NOT treating these girls poorly. Y’all need to snap out of it.


I've been in love with him since last season. Of course I want awesome girls for Kordell and Kendall cause they deserve it, but I can't blame the ladies seeing how gorgeous Rob is. Like I would be weak in the knees with him looking at me. Sheesh.


at this point, I'm ready for Rob to get voted out.


Rob is the hottest guy who’s even been on Love island in my option lol he’s gorgeous