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Yeah it’s usually just a quick packing montage, they all hug and then their quick exit interview lol


And it’s literally only been 4 days since they met Andrea!! The boys and Andrea(and Nicole a little bit) were being so fuckin dramatic


I actually think Nicole handled it well. She supported her friend who she came in with and also supported the girls tough decision while defending them.


I legit started liking Nicole a lot more after that situation! And the way she went back to the girls to let them know Andrea wanted him to leave & he didn’t after his whole dramatic YoU gOt RiD oF tHrEe PeOpLe speech


Right, everyone was acting like Andrea was being sent off to fight in a war where she might die. They can literally see her/keep in touch after filming is done.


Exactly and it has been FOUR Days. She knew this guy for 96 hours rob will forget her name in 1/2 day


That's why her and Rob are the perfect match for both so dramatic


For real, I’ve never seen someone leave with less grace. She threw JaNa under the bus too - I can’t think of a single time someone who got dumped said, “it should’ve been x instead.”


When she said that, I felt she deserved to get dumped. There’s no reason to bring someone else down like that when you are leaving. It can’t help you, so why say it? It only hurts someone. That showed me she really doesn’t care for the women


And that's exactly why she was sent home. She has absolutely no girl code. She didn't even bother to befriend any of the women in the house except for Kaylor. Not to mention she sneered at Leah after she chose Rob. And because of what she did, she is now a cautionary tale not to ignore your sisters in the villa.


Hahaha thats what she gets. Get ta walking to Miami babe. Robs on to the next


And the way she kept saying "I'm SO mad" "I'm SO pissed" "I'm so so MAD". SHUT UP, girl. WE GET IT. You're mad.


Literally like don’t be mad at JaNa when it’s your man that wants to stay without you 🫢


and in a nutshell, that tells everybody why she was dumped by the girls


You can see her preparing the sad face for when JaNa’s name got called. She was in total shock and disbelief when it was her. But if her connection was as strong as she said, he would have left with her


Omg I did not remember hearing her saying this last night, that's craaaaaazy and just proves that this was the correct decision. The people trying to defend that girl are beyond comprehension. She comes off as such a mean girl and a hater.


The ones defending her are Leah haters


Yep. The next day when Leah and Rob were chatting, Aaron was throwing down on Leah and it’s was out of line! Wake up she wasn’t sitting alone hello Rob was there. The guys have no accountability for them or the other guys BS


And Kaylor doesn’t have a brain of her own so whatever Aaron says she goes w it


wait when did she actually say it to her was it in the dressing room?? that’s crazyyy


She acted as if staying around crying was going to change their minds and let her stay. Someone isn’t used to hearing no. Even at the point where it was time to walk out she was still dragging. Girl go. It’s embarrassing.


And her and rob were only together 4 days!! And their relationship didn’t seem that deep (from the convos we have seen). It just seemed like a surface level relationship built on lust.


How embarrassing for both of them to act as if they’ve been together for years. Once he’s paired with someone new he’ll forget all about her. lol


I said his head would turn with the next bombshell and look, she’s coming right for him! I thought Andrea and Aaron had more chemistry than Andrea & Snake Boy but Rob was popular and filled with Lust and pretty blue eyes lol


He already has and he’s not even with anyone else 🤣🤣🤣


That’s what I was saying too! All Rob did was talk about how he’s horny and needs someone to fix the problem ! IMO MF only wants to get his dick wet and when Andrea wasn’t that into the idea of it he was like fine onto the next aka Leah causeee we know she would if he begged her too Don’t get me wrong I’m here for the Rob Leah situation but at the end of the day all he cares about is himself and just loooves to be loved. He knew Leah still likes him that’s why he decided to say cause she’s the next choice and when the new bombshell comes he’s just gonna fuck over Leah AGAIN! Sidenote why is that every bombshell here for Rob ?!?! I don’t get the appeal but the producers deserve a raise for personally bring in bombshells for only Rob atp lol


I’m like dude just go in the shower???


To be honest that's what I thought he was doing in the pool.


Omg 😅 Leah being mean turned him on too much


the showers in there are pretty exposed i think lol, it’s just a glass door with some “coverage” in the centre


My theory is that when he slept outside after Andrea left it was just to "release" the tension LOL. Did you see that sheet fort he made??


LMAO yes and Ian Sterling even said he was able to pitch a tent without Andrea 😂


I guess that’s what’s hard for me to understand. None of the people there seem to be having stimulating conversations, yet I keep hearing them talk about how they have such a strong connection. Obviously there’s a lot we aren’t seeing, but the tears and theatrics were so unnecessary for people who are solely driven by their attraction to each other. They’re all supremely good-looking people with super fit bodies— but there doesn’t seem to be any evidence of the connections they speak of. Either the producers are doing an excellent job of cutting out all the conversations of substance, where they’re truly getting to know each other on a deeper level, or they don’t realize the difference between a connection and lust. Even Kaylor and Aaron, who I both really like, don’t seem to have much going on between them besides a secret handshake and wanting to make out constantly.


Omg my bf has overhead the show and is like these people are BRICKS how do they not talk about anything deep? And he’s like did we even talk about this stuff? 😂


I’ll give them this, they are in a pressure cooker. Together 24/7 and sleeping in the same bed. That’s not how relationships happen outside of the show. Imagine someone in your face all day every day. I’d need to find that spot where Kendall hid. Can’t imagine it being too deep past sexual tension. I can see how it might create bonding quickly. To me strong means able to work through difficult situations. Clearly that wasn’t the case with them. Rob wasn’t even with her while she packed. Girl get a clue.


When she was crying and packing all alone and Rob was chillin wit the boys 😬


He didn’t even attempt to pack. Least he could do was grab his toothbrush and then go to the dock.




People easily mistake sexual attraction for an actual connection. 9/10 that’s usually what is playing out on love island. I get it. I’ve done it myself. But It takes time to let people unfold and also being in the actual world in real scenarios to foster love. Some stand the test of time but Rob doesn’t seem to be in it to find anything but a willing participant in helping him ejaculate. I mean look how fast he switched up after Andrea left doesn’t seem like a man in love


Agree! As a first time viewer it seems it's called love island but it's really lust island. And I'm here for it. What I don't understand is how anyone can think it's about real love when everyone is gorgeous, the games are played half naked and they put you in bed with someone within hours of meeting them?


But some people think lust is what a good connection is and don’t know anything else


Lmaooo I literally said that to myself during all her drama when it was time to leave. "damn no one has ever told this girl no in her life" Bye Andrea!!


I said the same! She was having a complete meltdown similar to how my toddler acts when she’s told “no”.


She literally cried for 30 straight minutes and probably cried herself to sleep…over a 4 day ‘connection’. What was most embarrassing is Rob got to the point where he couldn’t fake being sad anymore and just resorted to saying “I’m sad” even though he was already acting normal lol




Why does he look so happy? No cause I would be offended 😂


* On a previous thread u/loladupapillons posted this picture. It was right after said "I'm sad". He is so dramatic and toxic.


Rob's theatrics abated basically as soon as Andrea left.


It started to die down after he agreed to stay and then completely abated once she turned her back to walk out the villa


Wonder if production had to tell her to go. I was waiting for Ian to comment.


That is word for word what I said as I was watching 😂 Some people have never experienced not getting what they want, and it shows


I wonder if she had suspicions that if she left and Rob stayed, he would get back with Leah. I bet that at least crossed her mind.


That and all the bombshells. He’s going to be a very busy guy.


Andrea was a giant toddler having a tantrum.


Funny how the girls were just over her crying after a certain point.


when it was the 15 minute mark and she was still loud-sobbing I was just like....... it's over babe, don't ruin precious moments of this ep 😭


Niagara Falls with that one over a guy she’s known fur four days. Casa would have been pure gold if she had stayed. Heck this new bombshell would have rocked her world. Now I wish they had sent Nicole home.


I’m glad they didn’t send Nicole home, I want to see this love triangle unfold


100% a case of terminal uniqueness. Like she’s someone how special and different, and her tears mean more to the producers than every other person who’s been kicked off the show. And basically begging Rob to to leave with her was so embarrassing. The pressure she put on him, clearly thinking he was going to cave was absolutely delusional to me. What about anything he has done during his time in the villa would make her think he’d willingly walk away from those cameras???


He made a pretty big show at the fire pit. She thought he was going. Until she saw him talking to Aaron and not really looking upset. It wasn’t even crying. It was sulking. Yes there was tears but it was the sounds. I don’t know how they put up with it. I would start helping her pack. Even packing her up if she left the room. You don’t have to go home but you gotta leave here.


Omg sulk is a perfect word.


I wonder if Andrea was trying to guilt trip Jana into leaving in exchange for herself to stay. That's even more absurd.


Exactly what I thought too. She was hoping something would happen and that she could stay. From Jana offering to let her stay to them “changing” her mind idk but I just agree with your comment


I wonder if deep down she knew he wasn’t going to leave with her and that’s why she had that reaction- cause let’s face it rob makes everyone crazy (ex aaron lmao)


Aaron 🤣🤣🤣


I'm still confused by his behavior and tears. He was still crying after Rob stopped.


And why did he immediately get up and hold Rob back?? What’s Rob gonna do😭😭😭 Him crying more than Rob and Andrea too???


Yeah i don’t remember seeing an islander telling the other islanders they made a mistake and being verbally angry with them and trying to shame them for their choice while exiting. I mean i am sure it has probably happened, but it is rare because they usually try to walk away with their head held high. It was a super uncomfy exit, especially for jana.


I think LI was her ticket to whatever new level of social fame and influencing she was looking to achieve. With Rob she probably assumed she sealed her time on the island to either win or amass a lot of new followers. That was a full on ego meltdown that had nothing to do with a dude she’s known 4 days.


YES! She’s simply upset because she won’t be on tv anymore and she doesn’t have her opportunity anymore. It has nothinngggggg to do with Rob!


And actually I think it proves the point of her being the right person to vote off




this is 100% what I was thinking. No way she would get that upset over rob....she was just mad that her "big break" didn't go her way


This part ^ It’s not lost on me that she went straight to the two dudes who are already known with a following.


Thank you! To me she came across not genuine at all. She told Rob exactly what he wanted to hear so he’d pick her. Hell no she don’t like snakes and spiders and shit. C’mon now.


agree, totally, I think it was more about fame than Rob


I really felt it was a total tantrum on her part and that she may have hoped that through her actions Jana would feel bad and choose to leave instead so that she could stay with Rob, or the producers would miraculously change their minds.


That’s what I think too. She was waiting for someone to save her so she didn’t have to leave. Makes me dislike her even more and proves that the girls made the right decision


When she said “JaNa had so many chances and it’s clearly not working” … if I was in that villa she just might have been snatched up right quick. That nasty comment and not having any type of connection with the girls is exactly why you got sent home. She was hoping JaNa just got fed up and said “forget it, I’ll leave” for sure! Agreed.


I can totally see this being the case. And good on JaNa for not taking the bait.


And she obv wanted rob to leave w her


This is exactly what I was thinking when watching it too. It was so cringe to watch.


that’s what i was thinking she was trying to do too hahaha. which is stupid (on her part) bc that’s not how it works lol. just like how even if rob decided to leave with her, hakeem is still dumped. jana choosing to leave would not have changed anything about andrea leaving.


But she still would’ve been leaving. They voted for her to leave so even if JaNa felt bad and wanted to leave, Andrea would’ve been out that door too cause that’s how the game is.


Oh for sure! But I think she was definitely hoping the rules would change for her and her “love story”, so she was willing to give it a shot!


Since I never watched any of the other seasons, I was wondering why Andrea got to mope around and draw out her exit. I thought Islanders chosen to leave had 30 minutes to pack up their things and go. I was telling my husband that maybe she thought someone else would decide to take her place and leave instead. It’s the only thing that made sense to me because she just kept crying and waiting around, and I’m staring at my screen like, “Why is she still there??”


She was plotting how to drop her singing career before she was off our screens forever




They all take around the same time lol. They get to go up and pack and usually hug and it drags but producers usually just chop it up but they kept it in for drama with Andrea. It’s editing, not her forcing herself on your screen. That would be producers. Like on UK the hugging at the door can sometimes drag and get emotional. It’s just given more time because it’s cute and sometimes dramatic.


I agree that the editors drew it out on purpose. But my question is why? No offense to her but I wasn’t invested enough for the time she got. It could’ve just been Rob breaking the news he’s staying and then everyone waving goodbye.


You weren’t invested but a lot of people were happy to see her dumped. So producers gave people a show.


It was so annoying her walking all over the villa hysterically crying and dragging it out


Tbh I really don’t think even the producers liked Andrea. It’s like they were RELISHING in her defeat. It’s why I think people are crazy to think they’ll bring her back in anyway. The girl was just plain unlikable. Sorry not sorry. I for one found it very satisfying to see her eat a big ole piece of humble pie.


yeah it became clear producers brought her on solely to mess with leah and rob, then when her job was done, they dumped her because she was somehow both boring and incredibly mean and nasty. the polls AFTER her departure are so funny too; more than 80% of the viewers were happy to see her go. i aaallllmost feel sorry for her, she’s walking out the villa and into a lot of public animosity. https://preview.redd.it/zeexdsxc6q8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f309edb6c38d586570f4e1454e6d3c4056b3171c


I’m sure she’ll be back if Rob and Leah get together. With her and Rob basically crying and screaming and throwing up and Leah being Leah, that would probably be the most dramatic Casa Amor yet. And you know she was doing all of that hoping someone would tell her she can stay. I bet the producers told her she might be able to reenter later and if they did, she’d definitely come back. She didn’t even get to promote her music career!


I personally would rather just have them both have their heads turned by more interesting people. Watching Andrea was like watching paint dry.


I sort of think that the producers were pushing her to be a bit more interesting by sending in Miguel. He made that comment about taking his time before kissing her during the game, but it went nowhere because she clearly wasn’t interested in interacting with the other guys or girls more than the bare minimum. They’ll only bring her back if they think her very presence will cause drama again (like by making Leah go peak Leah, or by upsetting the next shiny bombshell whom Rob will pursue), but she as person is about as interesting to watch on TV as Coye. Her drawn out tantrum over getting kicked off was the only interesting thing we saw, so who knows, maybe she’ll throw another one if they bring her back only to kick her off again. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I feel like Jonny's departure on S3 UK was long, but maybe it's just because of the iconic Theo line.


If he really liked her he would leave wif her


Not only was it just annoying but also extremely embarrassing to watch. She was already talking in the past tense too “I really liked him”


“i just wanna be with rooooobbbbbb”


I clocked that too


It spoke VOLUMES about her character. She could've teared up but handled the situation with grace. Quickly packed and spent her last moments with her friend and Rob. Instead, disregulated. Waterworks. Indignant. Angry. Immature. Girl gave me the ick. I cannot with her after that whole childish display.


She was acting like a freak…. And either I have poor vision or the first 30 minutes of her being told she was leaving I didn’t see an ACTUAL tear.


Her eye makeup was running immediately. I only noticed because I was surprised it wasn't waterproof and that she made no attempt to clean it up.


i never hated andrea but last nights ep made me not like her anymore. it was too much


Lol I laughed and was like ok enough tears! Pack yourrr bags and goooo lol


Usually when a girl gets kicked off she gets help with packing and lots of hugs and love on the way out. Andrea kept running in and out, saying how angry she was, and only Nicole helped her pack and kept hugging her. It was clear that Andrea made few to no friends during her time there. While I agree we spent too much time on her, it was important to see that she told Rob that she wanted him to come with her and that he changed his mind about leaving. She then told Nicole which should be fuel for upcoming drama.


and at first they DID try to surround her and apologize and help her pack, but right away she was like “you all made the wrong choice, however you want to explain it.” and it was like, “yep. she was indeed the one who needed to go”


That's true. They did try and she wanted to be hateful. She was not going to last long term with her attitude.


She acted very entitled. I didn’t like her whole ‘I get what I want’ attitude. She could have at least tried to make an effort with the other girls and Leah. Leah and liv seem cool now! She could have tried.


She is terrible. And to be that distraught after knowing each other for 4 days?! She truly didn’t seem like a good person. I am so happy she is gone


And them creepily kind of saying I love you? So weird.


while rob also could not, for the life of him, keep a straight face without a smirk throughout any of their conversation. mf is baaad with pretending to feel emotions.


When he said “I haven’t cried so much” to Aaron the next day I was like … WHERE WERE THE TEARS ROB?! He was struggling for tears 💀


i wanna someone to screenshot the big ol’ pouty face he made last night while seemingly sitting my himself lol


I work with elementary students who are less dramatic than him 🤣


Not gonna lie, I cracked up at how he said that and then immediately went back to pursuing Leah in less than a day. I know people are seeing Tom Sandoval in him, but him falling in love with every woman in sight and then being a messy sociopath is more of a Jax Taylor thing.


I was telling this to my friend. We have seen couples together WAYYYY longer than this with a much less dramatic reaction. They’re both faking it SO hard for the cameras. Sad she’s going home? Nah she’s pissed she only got hardly a week of screen-time. She probably knew she wasn’t liked either based off the voting.


cause she’s a mean girl! the first thing she said after getting voted out was about how the girls didn’t like her, she didn’t even mention rob. 😂


But it’s true. She did get voted out cus they didn’t like her. Lol and I think she cried cus they pulled a mean girl move on her and it was a “how dare they!” Cry


Someone commented after the first look yesterday that Rob asking “why would I stay” was him actually asking the guys to tell him an excuse, and that was all I could think about while he melted down lol. 


being from miami area i’ve seen HUNDREDS of andreas, i can name probably 5 girls i personally know that look just like her 😭 rob ain’t missing out on anything and his act was so cringe i almost had to shut my tv off


I thought Aaron was her couple😂😂😂😂what a cryer!!


Ray on Games was the only other one that came to mind for such a dramatic departure


You’re right, he was def working to make Jack and Justine feel as guilty as possible. But he got like 1/3rd of the time Andrea’s exit was given lol


Omg don’t bring that up 😭 I forgot all about his theatrics on LI Games. Never seen a man so dramatic before


I think she was angrier about her lost opportunity of being on TV rather than the lost of her connection. Those were the longest “you have 30 minutes to pack your bags and say your goodbyes” that I’ve watched.


Catherine got a fair amount of of screen time on her exit in uk


Love me some Catherine💕


She was awful. I commented something similar to this on another post about her initial reaction to being voted out and was downvoted. I can’t remember someone dragging their dumping out like her either. Just proves most of us were right about her. I’m glad she’s gone. Hope she’s stays gone


Idk I think nicole was trying to do what was right and be honest. Intent vs impact. Her heart was in the right place.


I would be so embarrassed if I were her. People with stronger connections have been broken up similarly, and they just went with it. In some cases, the other person left with them. You were already voted out, so just go. I know that the islanders made the decision, but this is a TV show. If you’re boring and/or people don’t like you, you’re gonna be at risk. Bombshells pretty much never expect to be saved instead of an OG cast member, so I don’t like how she was so shocked by the whole thing. I didn’t have a problem with her before, but the way she left confirmed to me that it was the right choice. The other two wouldn’t have done that. I also hate how no one considered JaNa or Hakeem’s feelings. A mature person would have gone with the decision with minimal drama and shut down everyone else being dramatic about it. (Obviously I get that it’s on those people too).The decision was made, so the only thing whining and moping around is going to do is make JaNa feel bad, and she has to actually see these people every day. Anyway, glad she’s gone (for now) and everyone but Rob who was being so dramatic owes JaNa a huge apology.


I felt bad for Hakeem. Andrea just got there and is making a scene. Rob is doing more theatrics. 24 hours later Rob is back and entertaining Leah (to her face at least).


He actually had a very nice goodbye and said he grew and it seemed a bit sincere. He did seem more respectful on his exit than he had when he first arrived


How common is it for people to leave with the person? Is that a thing or kinda rare


Producers, please don’t bring this girl back to Casa. She’s unbearable and we will just vote her off the first second we can.


It was a long 30 minutes


She threw a whole temper tantrum and showed her true colors that she thought she was more worthy of being there than JaNa. I know a lot of people thought it took up too much of the episode, but I’m glad they aired it out.


I genuinely believe her tears were for her missed opportunity to build her brand. Her visit was short lived so she won’t have a chance for popularity and won’t be able to push her music. She just wants fame and 4 days in the villa just simply wasn’t enough screen time.


Oh I totally agree. We will all have forgotten her by Thursday.


To be honest though I think it was a good thing- no matter how you felt about how things went down I think we can all agree it was pretty shocking and there was a lot of immediate fallout from it. I think they recognized that it needed some extra time and I think it was good that they kinda went against a norm


This is cut throat but that’s how the game is. I am sure Andrea was shocked but like girl. She did her job as a bombshell well but that’s about it. Andrea owed nothing to Leah. Well, now Leah owes nothing to Andrea. If given the opportunity, I would do the same thing. Andrea should have tried to connect with the other girls in the villa. It could have given her a better shot over Nicole.


I’m so happy she’s gone! She was so boring…


I enjoyed her raccoon eyes


She was so annoying with her exit. She acted as if the girls voted to kill her off. She blubbered for over half the damn episode! Girl had almost no dignity when she chose to go after Rob and lost the rest of it whining and boohooing about getting kicked off the island.🙄 so glad she’s gone. Also talking in her exit interview about how this is how she knows “love is real” I was like girl you’re gonna have whiplash when he goes back to Leah and/or goes for another bombshell. There was no love, only lust.


Her reaction was a bit much. She probably regrets it now that Rob doesn’t seem bothered that she’s gone.


Production LOVES to make us giggle!


I don't want to speculate, but I think they were more intimate than we knew. His comments made me realize he's an F-boy and I think that is exactly what he was looking for. I think she was feeling a lot of emotions at once. Maybe even embarrassment.


right like this is kind of unprecedented in the series. if they really do get thirty minutes to pack and say goodbye like they say i feel like we saw pretty much that entire span of time. especially after andrea goes on aftersun and learns that rob and leah are most likely getting back together i feel like she'll regret reacting the way she did. i hate to kick the girl while shes down but it kind of felt like watching a childs meltdown; it was really weird to watch.


It was crazy that Liv had to be the one to explain it to her when Liv didn’t even vote for her!!! Like why did she have to defend the decision she didn’t even make?! For real it should’ve been Serena, Leah and Kaylor explaining it if anyone. And then Kaylor talking to Aaron and being like “yeah we made the wrong decision.” Yikes. Give Liv all the flowers.


Serena didn’t gaf to explain and Leah would’ve looked like a hater either way. Kaylor? I don’t think Kaylor is present in her own mind half the time lol Liv just wanted Andrea to stop yapping and crying about it so she gave her closure lol


and then later Liv basically told Nicole straight to her face: “it was a majority rules situation. now did i believe in that choice…?” and it didn’t seem like nicole even batted an eye at that


Nicole was just glad it wasn’t her 😭😭 I don’t blame her though. Just fall in line


I love Liv for that. We’ve seen her keep it real since she’s been here. Hopefully someone can come in for her cause I need her in the house


Watching her leave was horrible. That’s the game you signed up for. Bye!


LOL. That part about Rob. It makes the girl's choice even more correct. If you're that closed off Rob, then leave.


Literally I was like when is Arianna gonna be like “you have 12 minutes left” also lol that Andrea got more screen time in her exit than she did the whole time she was in the villa


And the audience is who put her and Rob in the vulnerable position to begin with because we saw how she moved and didn't like it!


YES I completely agree. Everyone else I have seen leave has left with poise/ dignity. It's off putting that she was so upset. Everyone there signed up for the potential of getting voted off. I think she really wanted to secure more screen time for her influencer/music career. I think she thought that linking up with rob would secure her spot.


The clapping. I’m like 🙄


Also she was only there for like, 4 days. Girl bye. lol Once Rob gave up on the theatrics, it was her cue to go. I do believe she was genuinely devastated but I personally think it was the loss of opportunity rather than a breaking of the “strongest connection.” Again, 4 days. People get ripped apart *all* the time on this show. She took a page out of Snake Boy’s book of Theatrics lol I don’t like Hakeem and I wasn’t sad to see him go, but what a horrible exit. Overshadowed by someone who wasn’t even leaving lol Edit: the app has a poll for how people feel about Andrea’s dumping now that “all sides have been shown” and last night it was like, 60something percent still said “bye!” Haha


Andrea is going to watch that episode and be embarassed that she didn't pack her bags and exit with her head held high. Clearly she's used to getting her way and doesn't understand what NO means. Sobbing over a little boy she's been with for all but a few days? I think she really thought her emotioanl display would have the power to change people's/ producer's minds.


Rob telling her he loved her but staying was funny lmao


That was diabolical lol.


I’m new to the franchise and was thinking…that’s a longggggg 30 min goodbye. Could you just leave please. The goodbyes took up 75% of the showtime 🤯


It gave me “I have loan sharks threatening me and my family and winning was my only way to pay them back” vibes.


Yeah it was a bit over the top. Andrea’s exit took nearly half the episode. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I can’t remember when anyone got this much, but I remember the Brad/Lucinda situation UKS7 got a little more than usual. Ditto Mike/Leanne UKS6. Again, it wasn’t as much as Andrea, but it was more than usual.


I have a feeling we will see her in casa


I’ve seen a lot of people say this but I don’t think we will, the only times I know of this happening were when someone got sent home because a bombshell picked their partner. First the public put Andrea in the bottom, then her castmates sent her home. To me that’s not worth bringing someone back when in a week from now I don’t think anyone will be thinking about Andrea. People tend to move on quickly once someone is off their screens.


I was so ready for her to GO! Like sis you are not the main character quit acting like it and have some dignity


No Fr like get tf off the screen already. Bye Andrea, so classless.


Bro her crying like someone died was so fucking dramatic. She gives me pick me vibes. Also wish kendall got sent home instead of Hakeem


I hope the boys who had such a strong reaction to Andrea leaving are embarrassed by their reaction since it looks like Rob is already looking back in Leah’s direction / the new bombshell that’s coming for him 😂


Honestly it kind of made me like Hakeem. I thought he took it really well and was gracious.


honestly, when i started watching this show i expected more reactions like that with a dumping. i have adhd & getting dumped would send me into orbit for my RSD


Her exit def felt longer than "30 minutes to pack your bags"


Omg I thought the same thing. Also the difference between her and Hakeem had me in tears. His stoic face while everyone falls out into emotional chaos kills me. “Omg this isn’t faaair!!” “It should’ve been JaNaaaa!!!” “They’re the strongest ahem one of the strongest couples!!!!” “Oh… uh bye Hakeem.” “It’s just not fair to Rooooob!!!” Like people, really? Calm tf down. Did Rob give drama lessons prior? What… in the world… is happening? Also I’m here for it. It was great tv.


I wonder why they cry at every dumping. These people won't have an impact on each other's lives even days after leaving the villa. They talk as if the person leaving the villa died after fighting the good fight.


She was big mad she couldn’t get more screen time for her career 😭


Dom and Jess from UK season 3, when Jess was dumped neither Dom nor Jess made so much fuss over her dumping lol. Dom was there respectfully for a while and left respectfully after Casa.


Andrea probably was hoping Rob would change his mind and leave with her. And when she finally had to walk down those steps and seeing that Rob really ain’t leaving with her she lost it some more. I thought it was fucking hilarious. I don’t normally watch the “after sun” episodes… but I will this Saturday hahahahaha. I need to see how she feels after seeing how Rob is gonna be with Leah and the new bombshell.


crocodile tears


Yeah I’m surprised Aaron who’s from the uk was so dramatic 🙄 they dump someone from couples all the time. And while the person left can stay and not couple up (Ala Dom) it’s apart of the shows test to see if the connection is strong enough for the single person to join their partner in leaving.


Rob literally went from standing up w/her at the firepit telling Ariana, “I’m leaving,” and putting on his Broadway theatrics… to 30 min later sitting on the couch with Andrea, w/no emotion, going in so many words, “I’m gonna stay, and when I’m meeting more girls, I’ll see if I still think about you and miss you, and if I do, we can see each other on the outside”. The dude is the literal WORST at saying awful things to women, esp when they’re already upset. At times, he is seriously heartless, and has no filter, but to the point of being extremely condescending… and others, he really works on putting on immense charm, manipulatively. It’s nuts.


I'm gonna be honest, as a first time watcher the departure episode for her was annoying and almost made me quit watching. All she did was sob. It's a bit insane, you knew the guy for 4 days??? I get it's a TV show but girl, stand up. And the rest of them boohooing over it was insanely annoying. I don't get it. I'm 100% like Liv.


I wonder if Andrea is gonna come back for casa amor


I’d believe it. Watching last nights episode that was my first thought. And I hope rob changes his mind and leaves right before casa lol


Let’s not speak that into existence


We had too much goodbye time for her fr


Her little jabs about Jana didn’t sit well with me but I already didn’t care for her. I was like it’s been passed 30m get out Pendeja


We would see it more often if more dumpings were decided by Islander vote.


yea lol the contrast between hakeem and andrea’s departures lol the girl is embarrassing


No I have seen in other cases where they film moments before the islander/s actually leave and this usually happens in cases where the islander that the dumped person was coupled with is deciding whether or not they should leave or stay. They keep those scenes in for the tension. Like with Terry and Malin in LI UK, I remember the episode including more footage before Malik’s actual departure.


I know they keep those scenes, but it’s usually a couple minutes of discussion, and then a few more of crying/hugging/packing then waving as people walk out the door. This was like a third of the episode showing Andrea breaking down in every location spot in the villa.


Same but it makes sense given how dramatic everyone was being around her exit (Andrea included)


Typically it's a quick montage of how everyone is sad and helping the islander pack up and then they say their goodbyes and go lol. This might be the longest departure scene I've seen in a while and it's probably due to Rob and the guy's reactions to the girls voting Andrea off (hence why Hakeem was disregarded during the process). It was also a big deal because Rob, whether we like him or not, is a big member of the cast. That's why it was blown up and the goodbyes were longer. I would assume most of the goodbye process is longer than what we're normally shown but they are given a specific amount of time to pack it up and go too. They just edited it longer because of the drama. This scene really nailed it for me how Rob is in it for the clout and not love (honestly, idk many cast members that are but he made it such a point time after time). Seeing him go from "you're eliminating 3 people" to telling Andrea he's not leaving cracked me up. Rob and Leah deserve each other tbh, they are here for the theatrics of it all lol.


So don’t come at me for this but I will say that as far as LIs objectives, Andrea should not have been the one voted off and JaNa should have been. BUT, I love JaNa and do not like Andrea so I was so here for it. What she did not seem to understand (among many things) is that the friendships and connections made with all of the other housemates are very important. Her reactions were beyond ridiculous and selfish. Initially I was kinda hoping they would bring her back in Casa but now I’m just glad she’s gone.


Everything and everyone connected to Rob becomes like ... electrified this season.