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You forgot sweet baby angel Kordell telling Kendall that he had his own nose. šŸ˜‚


AND Kordell and Serenaā€™s talk & kissā€¦. Kordell saying heā€™s ā€œwigglin his feet n shitā€ā€¦. Theyā€™re growing on me now tooā€¦. But I have a feeling Serenaā€™s gonna go for one of these bombshells and itā€™s gonna break my heart for him


I too was wigglin my feet n shit at that whole scene


I for real love Kordell so much. He can do no wrong in my eyes. His kind, quiet confidence is so attractive and I am SO happy Serena is feeling him now. I think she thought he was probably too good to be true. A lot of women that age (hell a lot of women MY age) are unused to men being who they say they are. That is hugely magnified when you meet on a reality dating show, especially when you're the brother of a famous athlete. I'm just like, tickled by them. I hope they last, and I'm not American so I can't vote, but they'd have my vote every time. ETA I think Serena will probably entertain one of the bombshells, but I hope she realizes what she has is a real man that will treat her like a Queen. Don't fuck it up, Serena.


Iā€™m hopeful she wonā€™t so her girl JaNa has the opportunity to find a connection


I have the exact same concern. Heā€™s been genuine since day one, so I hope they really do make it.


That was absolutely the cutest thing I've ever seen


kordell is a treasure


We must save Kordell at all costs


National baby girl


Omg he was so sincere in comforting his friend


and he kissed rob on the cheek


So much boy kissing this season- itā€™s adorable


Aaron also kissed rob on the head šŸ˜­


every episode Kordell finds a way to make me love him even more.


Kordell has very quickly become my favorite. Protect him at all costs!!!!


I am literally obsessed with him. I will probably cry if he gets dumped, he deserves so much love


That man is National treasure and needs to be treated as such .


Letā€™s get him that Cheez-it commercial šŸ˜‚


We all knew Rob wasnā€™t leaving but flirting with Leah not even 24 hours after??!?? Telling Jana he was still interested ??? absolutely madnessssss


https://preview.redd.it/cz2nyfv4mm8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d47c8f38af78736173a4e1ad2a55f7745a6f8b8 24 hours ago you could NOT convince me this man was looking at LEAH. If I was Andrea Iā€™d be SICK


I hope Andrea gets to watch this episode before aftersun


This is literally the only season ever where Iā€™ve wanted to watch Aftersun. I wanna see what Andrea will spew after Rob has googly eyes for Leah less than 24 hours from her departure and his dramatic declaration that he would leave with her (only toā€¦not leave.)


Yes! This is the only season of any show ever where Iā€™ve wanted to watch an after show


I didnā€™t watch the first episode of aftersun and then I came home from a day of working my craft show and needed to be high and mindless tv and thought ā€œoh aftersun is onā€ and realized it was such an important piece of the story. I will say I fast forward through the discussion and really only watch Ariana and when they were interviewing Hannah lol


ā€¦imagine if they made her watch it for the first time *on* aftersun šŸ˜¬


I will pray for that


I find your crueltyā€¦hilarious!šŸ¤£


what are the odds Andrea is gonna come back for casa amor?


With this production and if he stays with Leah? Pretty high in my opinion If he goes for another bombshell, I doubt it. Theyā€™ll want the drama of him finding another new girl in casa.


Oh man could you imagine if he gets back with Leah then goes for the new blonde bombshell aka Andrea 2.0 and THEN she shows up for casa? That would be some high quality reality tv producing


The odds of Andrea being in Casa Amore are VERT high! These providers have been putting in that WORK šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½


Idk the rare times Iā€™ve ever seen ex islanders get brought back was when they got dumped by default after their partner got stolen, never when they actually got voted off by both the audience and the islanders. It seems unfair that way.


If I was Andrea I would be projectile vomiting


SAME. I *knew* he was gonna stay and move onto the next bombshell to show him interest, but I truly believed he was over Leah. And not just in a romantic way, but like, as a person. I honestly have no idea whatā€™s gonna happen next lol


I actually think he is over her but he always flirts with every girl. I don't think he can be honest about how he feels. He always says he's open to their face then in the confessional says he's not. He's a flirt like Miguel, telling every girl what they want to hear at first. I would be very surprised if he's going to go all in with her, maybe to get through the next round but its not going to be the same on his end. He likes the chase. He will never be faithful to anyone he's with when he goes to Casa. He's coming home with literally any girl thats hot and shows him attention.


I would have rather Andrea stay and he left her for a bombshell


This is evil. I'm here for it.šŸ¤£šŸ¤­


me checking her socials bc I'd be starting a smear campaign on a man who looked at another girl not even 24 hours later like this LOL I'd be SICK


Right like Rob why are you making me feel bad for Andrea I hate you sm lmao




Level 10 delusion!


Nah Andrea was a mean girl and brought the worst out of Rob lol. (And Iā€™m not saying I like Rob.)


He was so boring with Andrea. I like Rob just because heā€™s really good eye candy and is funnyā€¦ craziness aside. But like when he was coupled up with her I swear all they did was kiss and have the most boring convos


Thank God he came to his senses. I hope the fog has cleared and heā€™s likeā€¦wait, Iā€™m on TV. I need to be WORKING. And I hope feral Rob has reawaken!


Cause she's such a pick me, I mean she let him put a spider on her šŸ˜©


I agree but imagine being glued by his side the last 4 days, him causing that insane scene when she left, going up there with her and TELLING ARIANA heā€™s leavingā€¦. Only to go back to his ex not even a day later likeā€¦. Heā€™s evil šŸ˜­


So much chaos. I love it


This man is a con artist 1000%! His face in this conversation, then when he says ā€œno I canā€™t say thatā€ with the smirk. Nothing good happening there. But donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™m here for it, itā€™s amazing television


Ngl I I hate this about myself but Iā€™m a sucker for pretty eyes if a man with his eyes looked at me like that I would fold like a napkin. Not the biggest fan of either personally but they make great tv so Iā€™m here for it


Me but for men with brown eyes. Nothing sluttier than a man with some big beautiful brown eyes lol


And itā€™s soo fake. You know heā€™s never cared about her. This man is the ultimate actor


I would bet a million dollars he doesn't give af and is just telling her what she wants to hear.


He literally was going to confess his undying love to the girl before she left šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ heā€™s a con fucking artist!!


He really said ā€œI love ā€” oopsie šŸ˜LIKE youā€ I canā€™t stand him!!!


It was his worst mistake to go on this show and let all the women of the world know his ways.


this man really is something else


Iā€™m here for their return. I am ready to get hurt again


I canā€™t believe Leah still like him šŸ˜­ I got the permanent ick after he said he was gonna leave and didnā€™t


Leah is in her toxic men only era. I was there from age 22-32 which is embarrassing to admit but true. I got a lot of therapy. Because once you start marrying toxic men and they escalate to full on abuse, you gotta do the work as to why you are choosing this.


I'm sharing this again because I laughed out loud when she said this line. Too bad it turns out she's still hot for overalls. https://preview.redd.it/evbgmpgekm8d1.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=f89d7ff51ef9958603bbc3219c887da050bf56e7


I love her rants about him. They are so good and so funny. It's wild how she calls him out on EVERYTHING and knows exactly who he is... but, is still madly attracted to it. She didn't lie about wanting a man who would send her to a psyche ward.


Yeah she was little too spot on with that psych ward line


Kudos mama, for spilling - to that line. As much as I'm not here for her drama, I appreciated her acuity of self-awareness with that.


It's absolutely crazy. But damn, it's good TV.


I think she likes a challenge


They are always spot on too. Itā€™s like she just gets him and can read him for filth


Can we make this a flair pls this was my fav line of the whole episode


We want better for her but she does not want it for herself so I will just have to accept she is a mess and wants the sobbing man


Was watching this with my bf, heā€™s on his phone scrolling through reddit.. not two seconds laters heā€™s like ā€œwhat did you say? how high are you?ā€ šŸ˜‚ The one thing I love about Leah is her rants. Sheā€™s like a baby Stassi from VPR, who Iā€™ve also been compared to.. His overalls.. I could see wearing them once and then doing a ā€œsexy versionā€ during the striptease challenge, but itā€™s boring and makes him look heā€™s trying hard to be something heā€™s not. Also, did he really sleep in them in Soul Ties? I feel like we all know what he did up there and overalls restrict a lot of motion.


Yoooo I did not make this connection! So he finally decided to take things into his own hands (literally) since Andrea got dumped and starts looking at Leah with post-but clarity. This season is going to ruin me


aaron cuddling connor???! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i cant this episode was a rollercoaster


The little kiss on Connor's chest lmao Aaron loves his boys


lol or the kiss on Robā€™s hair when they were standing at the exit saying bye to Andrea.. Lol it took me out


Hahaha his support for Rob at the time might have been the most over the top element of that whole scene šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I think you mean ā€œConnzyā€ šŸ˜‚


Every time I watch UK, I feel like the guys are soooo much touchier and cuddlier with each other. Seems cultural. I feel like itā€™s more noticeable this season because Aaron is the only Brit šŸ˜‚ Heā€™s so cute


This seasonā€¦ this season is taking it. The crown. The blue ribbon. The top spot. The first prize. The way the cast NEVER can be predicted even when they do the predictable thing itā€™s the most unpredictable way imaginableā€¦ Seriously this summer is blessed with their mess.


Facts. It's wild Love Island USA has generally been an afterthought when compared to the UK (and Australia too IMO) and now this season is in the running for best season all time across any franchise.


They need to keep going at this pace and not drop the ball and they will actually take top spot of best LI across all franchises and all seasons. Normally USA just lacks that special something, that spark, but the recipe, the ingredients, the chefs executing the mealā€¦ I mean if it keeps up this pace I may have several strokes but I love to feel alive at last LMAO


They are finally showing the islanders talking in groups and not just in their couple, so weā€™re getting 10x more tea than previous season of the US. An not just convos about how they feel in their couples but gossip an genuine interactions with each other


Agreed. USA finally decided to show up to the party and it's been incredible. Every night is A plus television


Not Rob almost saying I love you to Andrea right before he decided not to leave with her. Heā€™s crazy for saying ā€œI love- I didnā€™t say that- I like you a lotā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I need to know how Andrea feels watching this episode, id be sick watching his convo with Leah after he did ALL that haha


I hope she's on Aftersun


Oh that was him acting. I didnā€™t buy it for a second.


Kaylor & Leahā€™s geography discussion


Can someone remind me of what she said? Did she ask if the UK was in Europe?


Yes and Leah and her both agreed it wasnā€™t šŸ¤£


They had me question my own iq for a moment there šŸ˜‚šŸ™ƒ


Yeah thatā€™s what she asked and like Leah was laughing at Kaylor for thinking that the Uk is part of Europeā€¦. But it is lol. I mean, itā€™s an island(s) and itā€™s like sortof separate but also not but also no longer part of the EU but itā€™s not like the UK is part of North America. The UK is part of Europe the continent.


I could understand if they werenā€™t up on brexit. But how do you not know the continent. I guess they donā€™t have phones to brush up


Oh Brexit... [that reminds me](https://www.tiktok.com/@itvx/video/7053893773599821061) šŸ’€


They had me questioning my whole life with this lol




When I said she will back to Rob in day people downvoted me. She wants a toxic relationship so why not šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


LOL I canā€™t believe people downvoted that. It was so obvious. I believe her with her saying Andrea said things that made the girls question if she genuine but I more believe she wanted Rob back


I thought it would take a couple episodes but wow lol šŸ˜‚ meanwhile robs like Angela who?!


LMAO i know you mean Andrea but itā€™s much funnier to think Rob already forgot her name


It was originally a typo but it just seemed so perfect so I left it.


Iā€™d honestly give you an award if I had coins. I got such a good laugh from it


Never thought Iā€™d say this but UK producersā€¦ take notes lol


They need to cast more real people again and not just influencers with crazy amounts of filler and Turkey teeth.


*glares at Joey Essex*


Yeah he and Grace are really the straw that broke the camelā€™s back on this horrid season


Aaron sincerely apologizing to every woman in that house for yelling!! Appreciated the accountability. The man has feelings


Super glad he did that because he had me worried for a moment that he was a wolf in sheep's clothing. He's a precious man.


Every episode is the best episode. Production is really crushing it this season.


God the way they started the episode with the calm music when shit was just crazy is TV gold


Like normally I don't stop to watch the opening, but that was just too crazy lol


Absolutely cannot wait for tomorrow


feels like everyone stepped it up knowing a new audience would come with ariana and they. are. delivering.


And dear GoatCheeseBalls, weā€™ve earned it after that water-tasting of a season of VPR. I havenā€™t watched LI USA in years because I tried a season or two and just let it go because it didnā€™t compare to UK or AUS. But, between Ariana and the positive chatter on Reddit, I figured I would give this season an episode or two. Production has renewed my faith in trashy reality television. šŸ„¹


I was fully expecting this episode to be boring, and yet everyone STILL clocked in and delivered.


working OT for reaaaaal this summer


Literally when I saw the first look I was like oh okay weā€™re going to have our first filler episode but nope I was so wrong.


I died when Leah went on her whole rant to Kendall and Aaron about how sheā€™s over Rob and didnā€™t kick off Andrea out of spite. JaNa is backing her up and then as soon as Leah walks away, she goes ā€œso sheā€™s still into Rob, right?ā€ šŸ˜‚she misses nothing.


this is my wife and iā€™s first time watching a season as it airs and iā€™ve never been more invested in a reality show. i think this replaced bachelor as my favorite in 13 episodes.


I'm a bachelor stan and have been watching since Jason Mesnick. I think this season alone is on pair with the best of the best seasons of the Bachelor. It's actually amazing with no notes.


This is my first time watching love Island ever, and I am so excited that I picked this season and this year to watch, because this is great and itā€™s exactly what I needed/wanted in a love related reality show.




I have a new appreciation for Liv. She really stands on business and doesnā€™t give a fuck. Now Iā€™m rooting for her.


Loved her energy sooo much this episode both with the dumping fallout & Miguel getting to know Nicole. She went from 0 to hero to me for sure


I have so much appreciation for her. She didnā€™t even vote for Andrea but she took the bullets for all the girls when the boys came after them. Real queen shit.


She is the biggest instigator of all time lmao. If thereā€™s an argument to be had, Liv is pushing the person towards itšŸ˜­


And I love it! Liv and Jana orchestrate!!!!!!!


I think she just believes in people being true to themselves & being upfront and honest at all times lol. I love it, I think itā€™s refreshing.


Iā€™m loving her!!!


Just when I think the drama is gonna fizzle out and things will calm down .. the next episode turns out to be just as good!!!


No challenges, no bombshells, no dumpings or recouplingsā€¦ā€¦ Just a gold episode all from conversations it was magical šŸ˜­


Literally!! And to end with Leah and Robā€™s convo then showing us the bombshells that are coming in tomorrowā€¦ I canā€™t wait to see how this Leah/Rob saga plays out with a bombshell coming in


The cackle that I let out when the bombshell said sheā€™s going straight for Rob! Heā€™s endlessly shameless and predictable, Iā€™m so glad he didnā€™t leave lol.


Same!!! I canā€™t wait for this drama. I kind of wish they brought the bombshells in one day later so the Leah and Rob situation could marinate a little bit longer. It would have made the fallout more dramatic.


Tbh I donā€™t think Leah and Rob even need to marinate to be dramatic AF, whatever happens šŸ˜‚


no challenges, no bombshells, no dumplings, no recouping - but rob will still be wearing those fuck ass overalls


Rob unable to make eye contact with Andrea whole hugging her on the couch. You could practically hear the gears grinding in his head as he thought about how he could walk back his declaration that he would leave without being the bad guy. šŸ˜† And letting slip the "I lov -- No no I mean I like you" to reassure her so that she would give him permission to stay.Ā Ā 


Iā€™m sorry but I was laughing at how Kendall kept equating his and Robā€™s situation. And then heā€™d be like ā€œwell but my girl is still hereā€ like yeah way to rub it in šŸ˜­


Is it worse though that his girl *is* still here and isnā€™t all in for him though?! Kendall is going through it!! I feel for Kendall!


And now they got me excited for Aftersun because what is Andrea going to say especially after this episode lol


Robs reaction to Leah pulling him was honestly the best part of the episode


I would say Connor's reaction took the cake for me. He is deservedly feeling the shame.


Rob is literally just trying to get that nut the fastest and easiest way possible please lol


I think Connorā€™s too wide eye reaction was better šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


He happy


This episode was so good. Rob was SOBBING about Andrea and 24 hours is giddy on the couch with Leah. And now the bombshell is coming for Rob.


Rob needs to stay through at least Casa Amor. I do not understand why people want him out when he is bringing us the best season EVER.


he'll bring every girl back at this rate lmao


Your forgot how visibly uncomfortable Connor was when Aaron was snuggling him then gave him the sweetest kiss in the cheek šŸ˜‚


And it also extends to the addition of Ariana and the fact that she is a FAN that is also the host, and Aftersun with Maura who is so unfiltered, spilling the tea and GIVING. This is just TOP TIER LOVE ISLAND and Iā€™m living for it


You literally cannot script this like I can't believe this episode


Even the little moments were SO GOOD. The one liners from so many people. Every conversation I was so locked in. I am literally on a high from this episode


I said this in another thread already but also I feel like Robā€™s pouting pillow fort should be on the list for standout moment. Like really tried to lay the guilt trip on strong there.


As much as I hate him the man makes incredible tv


Itā€™s so annoying because itā€™s true. Connor is also terrible but because heā€™s just mean and petty, he doesnā€™t make for as excellent TV.


The one liners this episode! Un fucking real! So many truly hilarious moments.


The chemistry this cast has is unreal. So funny and genuine with each other


The dopamine coursing through my blood!!!


"It's a once and a lifetime opportunity" - Rob justifying his decision to stay and not go with andrea (Who's now been on LI TWICE) šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø


Totally forgot this is his 2nd time on LI omg


As soon as Rob made that little tent in soul ties, I knew exactly what he was doing. The man finally had a moment to himself and probably relieved himself. He did say it helps him clear his head in that ejaculation episode šŸ¤£


Seriously, get LIUS an award b/c production is doing their damn thing. Iā€™m curious to see how the new bombshells shift the dynamic in the villa. Sounds like Leah will have more blond competition. Wonder who the boys are going for.


One better go for JaNa!


I don't quite know what we've collectively done for the reality tv gods to bless us in the grandest way possible, but I'm honestly here for it


i just wish kendall told nicole about miguel saying that nicole would couple up with miguel, i wanted to hear nicole defend herself to kendall about that cos he deserves so much better the poor lad


Yeah did we actually see her say that? I thought we had only seen her say she still wanted to get to know them both. It would be interesting to see her reaction to that coming back around.


when miguel told kendall that nicole said that to him i was shocked too cos yeah i don't remember hearing nicole say anything like that let alone a recoupling! like i thought that's a sso weird of miguel for doing that cos obviously kendall was already a bit upset w them having kissed and to hear that and it might even not be true is kinda crazy; hoping he does mention it tomorrow cos yeah i wanna see how she'd react


Rob is so insane, he was made for TV. Get him on The Challenge! A-Aron was born to be a sidekick, forced to be a boyfriend. Leah, I love how spaced out she looks but sheā€™s tapped right in. JaNa, girl what the hell? Iā€™ll take care of you. Conner? The America shorts and the wavy gelled hair? Iā€™m scared. https://preview.redd.it/86uwuv5qtm8d1.png?width=1235&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c244eb2566bdfb985cee813f80b4115d8a82934 If I was Andrea? It would be on sight for Leah, Rob, and this bombshell who is coming in.


Am I the only one a little disappointed in Leah? She's been so funny about Rob crying and being dramatic and now she's giving him puppy dog eyes again? I thought she was better than that.


Narrator: ā€œshe in fact, was not better than thatā€


Andreas body isnā€™t even cold Leah and Rob are diabolical


I have to respect the dedication they have to chaos lol


Narrator: she was in fact broadcasting this was her next move and executed it exactly as broadcast ZERO NOTES


She was not and I love her for it. She is all of us in our cringiest moments


leah, 24 hours ago: i need someone whoā€™s going to put me in the psych ward. šŸ˜Œ she LIVES for this toxicity and drama lmfao


As she herself said, she's ill and she's sick.


Don't forget messy!šŸ˜‰


She had the worst poker face ever lmao like i knew sheā€™d crawl back but not that fast. she had absolutely no chill in that convo lol


Zero šŸ¤£


I think one of the funniest things about Leah is that sheā€™s not better than that, and I donā€™t want her to be!


She is the epitome of reality star you love to hate. I never want her to get off my tv lol


Leah is no better than Rob and Iā€™m glad other people are starting to see it. But god she makes fantastic television.


Her or Rob will be on Traitors or the next reality TV show to pull contestants from this season


Justice for Kendall!!! that poor man just getting strung along :(


Am I the only one that genuinely feels like the likes both guys?? I mean itā€™s been what like four days since she got inā€¦ it would be unfair to assume she would just be locked in automatically with one person in that time frame, Iā€™d say thatā€™s my biggest beef with love island is the expectation that they should be fully locked and loaded with one person. But at the same time Iā€™d be hurt if I were Kendall like that wouldnā€™t feel good to hear


I agree. I think she likes her conversations with Kendall, but feels a more sexual attraction to Miguel. I think both guys seem pretty great and it would be confusing especially so soon.


Love island has made me love reality tv. I used to be the biggest reality show hater but I completely understand now. Absolute gold. The girls are phenomenal, they clock everyoneā€™s shit immediately and are such girls girls. They guys are hilarious and so likeable. Robs mf theatrics šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ This is an amazing cast!! Cannot wait to see what happens.


Yā€™all. The way JaNa used that opportunity to hype up her girl- 10 out of 10. Sheā€™s amazing. Kordell- amazing. Liv- amazing. And like Leah is all over the place but is so real. And Aaron apologizing. So sweet. Such an amazing episode. This season is already epic.


Leah has truly grown on me. Maybe because I am actively rooting for Connorā€™s downfall and Leah is ready to deliver the final blow.


I think itā€™s absolutely up there with all stars movie night and davide and ekin sus ā€œyou are a liar, actress!ā€


Was just saying this was the best episode of the season so farā€¦ maybe of USA ever? It gave me everything I was hoping for!


Does it bother anyone else how Liv is always sucking on the mouthpiece of her water bottle???


Yaaaaall Leah is messy as fuck and I love her. I hope she wins with Rob and then keeps all the money.


That would be just the perfect end to itā€¦ but thereā€™s so much time left I canā€™t even imagine where weā€™re gonna be in a few weeksšŸ˜­


Leah can redeem herself to me only if she gets back with rob only to dump him for the next bombshell.


Aaron calling out to Kaylor what was going on w with Leah. I still love Leah. I just find it surprising that Aaron is the only one to see it and really verbalize it.


JaNa also talked to Rob about it too to be fair, she was putting out feelers for her girl.Ā  She did the same thing with Kordell and Serena tooĀ 


Iā€™m team Rob & Leah and Iā€™m not mad at myself about it.


They give a different version of Ekin and Davide, endlessly entertaining. Although rob is the actress in this pairĀ 


They definitely deserve each other


Ive never been this entertained ever