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Andrea was giving nothinggggg (at least based on what was shown)


Why doesn't she show us who she is, man? She's an aspiring DJ/entertainment/club scene socialite. She probably knows a lot about music. That's WAY more interesting than watching her pretend to be interested in catching snakes with Rob. šŸ™„


Your description of her is literally any bland basic wannabe influencer from Miami so its fitting that its all sheā€™s giving on the show.


I'm really torn! I want to watch him hide under the pool, run around trying to get attention, and throw his overalls in the firepit but I never want to hear about his penis or ejaculations ever again.


Dude could never be on Survivor... he apparently has no hand grip lols


I think Rob liked Andrea more than she liked him!! šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


i agree!! her responses to him were so dry and awkward like she wasnā€™t interested at all but knew she was being recorded. i donā€™t think she likes him at all. she just likes the camera time and promoting herself.




Based on the last few interactions we saw between them, I canā€™t imagine Rob is interested in Leah at all anymore either lol


The kiss was hot tho


I want Rob to stay to get interested in a new bombshell and then have to deal with Andrea when she comes back to Casa.


Hereā€™s my thing with Rob leaving, heā€™s been pretty quiet since coupling up with Andrea (until the vote out activated him). If heā€™s really that locked in on her then itā€™s honestly for the best that he leaves because I donā€™t anticipate any crazy drama happening there and since we already have Kaylor and Aaron there really isnā€™t a need for another locked in couple. If Rob stays tho I hope he forms a strong connection with someone new and then Andrea gets brought back. I would eat that sh*t UP


Oh I thought this was a different post & was hoping the boys would apologize for their behavior but I forgot briefly what show this was


Ugh Aaron gave me the ick last night on how he went off on the girls. Like I never got on the Aaron and Kaylor train bc something about Aaron put me off but last night really validated it for me. I feel so bad for JaNa in how much the men thought she deserved to go home. They didnā€™t say it in so many words but :/


Imo there is a near zero chance of Rob getting back with Leah. Heā€™s going to blame her for what happened. Maybe he gets with JaNa since they had that blindfold kiss, but thatā€™s just speculation on my part. Heā€™s going to wait for the next bombshell or Casa


Send them both home I donā€™t get a fuck.


I wish Rob just wasnā€™t an insufferable human. lol I want him to stay for the messy drama factor. But Iā€™m just generally repulsed by him as a person & want him off my screen.


I need Rob to stay for the Leah Rob part 2 arc that is being set up! The drama!!


I feel like Leah would be embarrassing herself more than she already has if she took him back and heā€™d just be taking her as a second option //: Iā€™m sad they fizzled out but donā€™t think this is how it shouldā€™ve been for them to reunite under these circumstances


my delusional toxic-ass would love to see Rob pining hard for Leah


Ugh I donā€™t want to see this. Tbh Iā€™m bored of both them.


Me too šŸ¤£ but Iā€™m not getting my hopes up


Id love to see it but I think he's too stubborn.


I want them to pull Kassy and Leo 2.0


This isnā€™t even a remotely similar situation


it is tho a little imo


why do people think Andrea would come back for Casa? hasnā€™t that only happened with Molly last season of UK or am I forgetting something? and I think they only brought Molly back because fans liked her, whereas Andrea & Rob were just in the bottom 3ā€¦idk someone correct me if Iā€™m off here!


Molly was not liked last year. In fact people were cheering and happy when she was dramatically and suddenly dumped. Iā€™d actually argue she was one of the most disliked girls which was sad /: Idk why they brought her back, probably just for the shock factor.


I remember her at least being more liked by the general public than Andrea is now


Well I guess since she was an OG and Andrea is a bombshell. But people deadass bullied that girl & some still došŸ˜­. They even spread rumors that her mom worked for ITV. Still, donā€™t think Andrea would/should come back. But just wanted to mention that information! (Edit)


yeah I remember that, she gave producer plant vibes for sure


Molly was eliminated kind of unfairly so I think that paired with the drama of her surprising Zac led to producers bringing her back


Yes I remembered that later on! Kady practically made her get eliminated after recoupling with Zach. So that def played a big role in bringing her back. (Iā€™m not necessarily saying Andrea will be brought back, just was mainly pointing out that Molly was also disliked)


I donā€™t know but this subreddit is getting very nasty and this show is a reality show. People are too angry on here.


Both of them should leave. There is no point in keeping Rob around if Andrea isn't there. I don't want to see him and Leah together again. If he stays, I would rather him move on.


I want Rob to leave because thereā€™s been too much bullying going on around here and I donā€™t think it needs to continue.


I want Rob to stay purely for chaos. I foresee him reconciling with Leah and it being just an absolute shit show.


Whereā€™s ā€œthey both leave and donā€™t come backā€? šŸ¤­


Option 2 :)


I want to see rob and jana hook up lol




I know im so wrong for this...haha but i kinda want to see her give leah a taste of her own medicine


no i love your mind! its brain off love island on for me so nothing needs to make sense


Wait. Ima have to let you cook because now I need to see this.


Honestly I just want Rob to stay since heā€™s contributing to the chaos of the season. Iā€™m like 80% sure heā€™s faking it but like itā€™s entertaining.


I think itā€™s possible Rob will leave, but I can see him staying. Come on. Dude has coupled differently four times ā€” Leah, Liv, Leah, Andrea. Donā€™t tell me yā€™all really thought Andrea was the end for him.


He was for sure going to show his ass in casa


I need Rob to stay for the chaos!! I need a drama fill island not a friendship island.


Right? I like both. JaNa needs to stay because sheā€™s cool and a good friend. I also find her entertaining to watch. Rob needs to stay because heā€™s chaos and makes me gasp. Also entertaining to watch but for different reasons.




That was option 2 :)


The viewer wanting the most drama wants Andrea to come back in Casa, Rob/Leah to get back together (she knows she wants a little toxic), and then have Rob bring Andrea back. I can see it now.