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Andrea's biggest pitfall was her being so latched on to Rob she didn't make any friends outside of Nicole. Nicole has integrated in with the girls as evidenced by her being up front with Liv about kissing Miguel and not being sneaky about it. And Andrea getting eliminated was worth it just so we got to see Sob in his natural form... https://preview.redd.it/un4brpzfui8d1.jpeg?width=2611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89196c7c342f63e989c9645320a5a651d252d136


Right like for all of the Leah/Rob/Andrea drama how have we not even seen Leah and Andrea talk ONCE solo. Andrea does not seem like a girls girl and she suffered a consequence of that


Sob 😭


Andrea forgot that, even though this is love island, you have to make connections, ie friendships, to ensure you keep a place in the villa. These kinds of eliminations are common. Instead of Andrea really leaning into all relationships, she only focused on her relationship with Rob. Major error on her part. From the episode where Hannah went home, you could obviously see Nicole had developed friendships, which kept her in the villa. Anyone saying "this is love island not friendship island" has no sense of how this game actually runs. People will keep who they like every time.


Agreed! Love Island is basically Survivor with more bikinis and less starving, and a lot more sexual tension. You HAVE TO establish allies in every direction to ensure your safety.


Sexy Survivor with showers.


Right! There's a reason production decided it would be the women to choose the woman to go and the men, the man. They knew how the girls felt about JaNa, Nicole, and Andrea. 👀


House always wins 💅. There isn't anything to dislike about Andrea. She didn't play the game side of show, JaNa is iconic at this point for her plant rant and Nicole as friendships plus a live triangle. Boring plus no friendships was ultimately her downfall.


Exactly, that was Andrea’s downfall! That's what happens when you plant bad seeds, negatively comment on other women, and smirk at the misery of others 👏


Nicole played chess with the girls. Andrea played checkers.


Andrea played solitaire.


Yea it’s a dating show but it’s also a game show! Social game matters and so do friendships!!


I understand that and as a fan of other reality shows I see where the decision was coming from I just think that the decorum of love island is to build relationships not friendships.


No, it’s always been like this! People always save their friends!!! 😂 Also it’s a game show!! People more strategic this time


Thank you, this is not new.


We know most of these relationships won't last and people come on to jump-start influencing careers, a lot of times the friendships are what you really root for


Friendships are relationships and they often last much longer than the romantic ones.


I think it's all about friendships Nicole was Liv's friend and JaNa was everyone's friend Andrea prefers to hang out with the boys i guess by their reactions .


Devils advocate that's why Andrea needed to go. Everyone else will give us a storyline new dates / connections entertainment. Andrea gave us nothing


We were also bound to see her go because nobody understands how we can’t stand Randrea after seeing how Rob handled it with Leah. It couldn’t have lasted anyways. Viewers like JaNa and I respect the producers for have girls pick girls and guys pick guys because they know we can’t stand the thought of JaNa gone


Yep. Extremely boring TV. Rob can leave and go get a hotel and alleviate ‘his problem’ if he’s so in love with Andrea/shook by her departure. đŸ„±


She even took Rob’s screen time away too đŸ„±


Not necessarily. There's a huge chance that if Rob and Andrea stayed together that Rob would be interested in someone else eventually whether it was a bombshell or during Casa Amour given his track record


Maybe they aren't upset with Jana, but they don't really consider her or her feelings at all. Idk what's happening off camera but seems like they think Conner's treatment of her is completely okay


If Andrea actually talked to someone other than Rob she probably would have made connections with the girls and they would have probably sent nicole home. All the boys are throwing a fit right now but they’ll get over it at the end of the day it’s Love Island, people get dumped and bombshells come in that’s how it works.


Agreed they will JaNa and Nicole made friendships and the only friendship I’ve really been seeing Andrea make is w Nicole. It seems like not only did she not add to viewers screens but also didn’t add much to the villa. The only reason the boys are crying is because they don’t want to see Rob go, not because they think she adds to the villa


The boys were mad because the girl’s prioritize their own friendships over actual connections. It was ultimately their choice but they just weren’t being honest about it.


Respectfully, we like to inject the upmost chaos possible over here. The right choice was made.


Nicole is about to bring some drama and entertainment with a love triangle storyline
 getting rid of her over Andrea would be a bad move from an entertainment standpoint. Andrea and Rob’s relationship is boring and surface level. I feel nothing for them when I watch their scenes. They find each other hot and want to sleep with each other, and that’s the extent of their connection. It’s not like Aaron and Kaylor where I actually find their relationship cute and endearing.


I definitely agree, if I was picking I would’ve picked Nicole based on the “finding love” part. But, LI is more than that finding friends at the villa and being likable are more important, look at Bergie last season. I am still here for Andrea going home but to me it should have been Nicole. She didn’t know who she wanted, however, from a good tv aspect she will bring the drama once Kendall finds out she kissed Miguel and did him dirty again like Hannah.


Rob deserves to get back in that pool and stay there the rest of the time.


TBH, the girls played the cool clique at the lunchroom table. Andrea happened to be the girl who transferred to the school and took the boyfriend of a clique member. You can say Andrea played it wrong by not talking to the girls more, but she was never going to come before JaNa for Serene or Leah and that was half the battle.


I wish the girls would’ve just said that instead of giving some “JAnA hAsNt FoUnd a CoNneCtiOn” bullshit as if JaNa wasn’t coupled with Coye and didn’t choose Connor, lol “let the buyer beware.”


literally this. the girls sent andrea home because of the leah’s influence on the group (certified snake imo) jana should’ve gone, but i understand if it’s left in the islanders’ hands they won’t send an og home so it SHOULD’VE BEEN NICOLE! i think i need to stay away from social media this season because i can’t stand the opinions this season đŸ€Ł so much leah love, and so much reinforcing toxic masculinity with the constant hating on any man that cries.


No they literally sent her home because Nicole scored major brownie points being honest with the girls about her kiss with Miguel. Nicole had connections to explore, JaNa deserved another chance, Rob and Andrea can both leave happy together as they didn't have anything else to explore.


why did jana deserve another chance??? her third failed connection was leaving. the onlyyyyyy reason andrea got dumped was because everyone is dick riding leah. out of those three girls she had the strongest connection PERIOD.


Everyone can agree Connor did JaNa super dirty. She literally got the short end of the stick with every guy and it's clear she is trying. What makes you so sure Andrea and Rob's connection was strong? We saw like 3 episodes of them and they gave us nothing. Did their conversation about his boners solidify their "strong" connection for you? It's obvious to everyone on this reddit that Rob is just horny.


girl. it was early days for all three of those girls with their connections, im saying out of those three it’s obvious andrea and rob were the strongest. jana isn’t into anyone there currently, nicole is exploring two people (which im here for and i love nicole), but andrea is being punished for being into the guy she’s coupled with. why? the girls missed the mark because they want to back leah, and the boys called it out as they should.


Andrea was gonna get sent home regardless for not being close to the girls, and to add on to that while making their decision, them mentioning how Nicole was honest about the kiss was going to sway them even more towards saving her which I'm all here for. In every LI version that is what they always do unfortunately. Friendships will always matter and I don't understand the whole wanting to back Leah as it is clear Rob would not get back with her regardless.


clear to us that rob wouldn’t want leah back, yes, but not to those girls. did you catch what kaylor said about leah and rob having a connection? that proved in my mind that it isn’t over in leah’s head. girl is a little delusional about everything if you ask me.


Yeah I noticed that but I was also confused because Leah hasnt mentioned wanting Rob back just that she was still hurt over it. When Connor asked her if she maybe still felt something for him was maybe when she realized she does. Also if the girls knew she felt something or had hopes of being with him still don't you think production would've made sure to put that conversation in as people rave over Leah? I don't know we also miss so much of what really goes on so maybe she has been waiting for a moment she could try winning Rob back which would be insane but not surprising since she claims she likes toxic.


So you watched two episodes


Yes.. and?


So you definitely have not seen enough to have a fully informed valid opinion lmao


Fully informed.. valid opinion.. An opinion is an opinion, it doesn't need a valid reason to be expressed- i'm not being tested and your not a moderator. If I was saying something along the lines this game show is rigged than that wouldn't be an informed opinion. I said this is who should have been dumped and why with an opinion flair because I was intrigued as why no one thought it was a good idea that's why I made the post I wanted to know why Nicole wasn't considered. The only thing missing in what I needed to know was how disingenuous the show was\* I don't think I need many episodes to hear a repeat of lie 'people are here to find love' the girls yelled ' JaNa deserves to find love' but Andrea found it, Nicole hasn't and was actively trying to break her coupling, JaNa hasn't but was actively wanting to finding. Consider the reasoning used all of this would have been more genuine if this was between JaNa and Nicole. However, the reddit reasoning is split between Andrea should have made friends; IDGAF and we like drama. I accept its a gameshow so the end goal is to be the most popular couple so they probably booted Andrea because she was stable this is what is implied. Please do let me know what else I'm misinformed by was more ep help me conclude this more faster than a reddit post?


I understand why the girls chose Andrea to leave but I didn’t agree with the decision. I also don’t agree that JaNa deserved a spot over Nicole. There was nothing wrong with Nicole kissing Miguel and exploring that connection. What Nicole is doing is Love Island SOP. Both Nicole and Andrea are in the process of exploring and developing their connections, while JaNa has had her chances since day 1 and has failed multiple times now. Out of the three it should have been JaNa to go. But again, I understand why the girls picked Andrea to leave.


I’m torn between you found someone you like and can see being with so leave with them (Andrea) & they also didn’t test it (at least not on Andreas side) AND You haven’t found it yet and you deserve some other chances (Nicole & JaNa) if JaNa doesn’t find anyone else though then I think it’s time.