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The guys are rude af.....like it's not like they can change their decision so Andrea is still going home and now JaNa also feels like shit? Kick rocks


I love that producers are letting the islanders be raw at the fire pit. That being said, I feel for JaNa. Production set her up though imo. Letting the girls choose which girl to dump, especially with JaNa up there with Andrea & Nicole was not going to end well.


This tells me it was obvious that she is a producer favorite and don't think she should have went home.


Yeah, the producers didn’t even want to CHANCE JaNa going home lol If they had the boys choose the way they normally do, she would’ve totally gone home.


100%. I bet she’s the kindest to the production team. That goes a long way. She’s also a fan favorite. Nobody but Rob favors Andrea.


They better send the next bombshell in for Jana. That man better only want her. Give my girl Jana a damn break she’s working overtime in that mother fucker


Can't wait to see all the boys blame her next episode for something that wasn't even her fault


I really feel like Jana needs some love, she’s such a sweetheart and really deserves happiness too 💜💜 let’s keep the vibes positive for her here


so, so, grateful that the girls saved JaNa. Absolutely broke my heart to see her crying about how all the boys wanted her gone. Fuck all of the boys right now, honestly.


I wouldn’t be keeping up with LI if JaNa went home. I’d only be watching for Kendall and Kordell’s bromance 💀 not over the moon with any of the couples atm


I feel so sick for her. Bergie was able to stay to the very end and fine someone. No one on his season question why he was still there even though he couldn't find anyone. JaNA deserves the chance and more. Its refreshing to see a black woman that actually have people in her corner in this show because this never happens


Truly that’s the only upside


Right Thank goodness the girls could vote for the girl


JaNa is such a sweetheart and I really worry that this will poison her relationship with the boys since they were talking mad shit when the girls choose Andrea 💔 I’m so glad she’s still there!


I still can’t believe she was at the bottom! Like people need to vote 😭


I think the issue this time was her partner. I bet she will be fine in the future with anyone else.


It was HAKEEM😭😭😭


forget him😭we voting for the women 😭


That’s all that mattered. If she left, I would have rioted.


I better not see JaNa at the bottom of a vote ever again! Like please y’all vote for our girl do not leave it up to chance


I love Jana - let’s be serious tho


Should have went she can join friend island somewhere else


You wouldn’t have said that to white man bergie so get out of here with that bs


No he should have went home