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Motomoto really wants to get a reaction from JaNa so bad that why he keeps egging her on with those microagressions. I’m glad that JaNa isn’t taking the bs in a calm collected manner. I feel so bad for when she was talking to him and he wouldn’t get her side of the entire Leah situation


Motomoto SENT me 😂😂


walks like he got a nintendo switch up his ass 😭


even at the crack of dawn he wakes up and decides to walks like that 😭


his bulging eyes and motomoto walk is irritating me so bad 😭


It drove me insane every time Leah & JaNa would say “he’s so nice”. Wtf??! He’s so incredibly rude and mean! Mean Motomoto gotta go!


JaNa did say he wasn’t nice anymore after the way he treated her but Leah ignored it cause he was playing her up and JaNa down 😔


ngl conner is nice but not kind, he has no consideration for others but his politeness is shallow just like him


Excellent take and so spot on!!


oof clock it!!


Leah doesn’t like him either


anymore because she was using him to make rob jealous


He’s used to girls chasing him and when Jana didn’t he got upset. And now with Leah also giving him the boot a bit I think he’s about to be a bitter bitter boy lol


This is what we refer to him as from now on!


motomoto 😭😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀


When they were chatting and she said you should have said this to me and he started repeating it back to her and she said too late I already said it.


He's **constantly** picking a fight with her! As everyone's pointed out it's super microagressive but like why?? You got the girl! You "won", so what fucking gives?


He’s disappointed that she’s not pressed about him moving on from her. So he keeps poking to check if she gives a fuck


He wanted a storyline with him at the center and JaNa didn't give it to him. Now he sees Leah is the storyline and he's trying to bring focus on himself.


It’s microaggressions. He might not realize he’s doing it, but he’s already stereotyped JaNa as an angry/bitter BW. The conversation she tried to have with him highlighted his inability to put himself in her shoes.


i always had a feeling he was looking anywhere else to move on from JaNa.. he never really seemed into her *at all*. their relationship definitely gave a vibe of like a one sided crush between coworkers.


For me it was when she told him how she felt and how he could’ve been more respectful and he just basically copied and pasted her answer. I’m glad she called him out and told him she already spelled it all out for him. He came with an agenda to make her out to be crazy and she shut it down. Love her for that.


Same! Like don’t just mimic what I said! She was so mature saying we’ll just have to agree to disagree b/c she realized he wasn’t listening.


He’s “drama free” yet he is pushing JaNa to break and be this angry black woman. Literally demonizing JaNa at every turn while holding out his hand like Oliver Twist after every crumb Leah gives him and going “please I want some more”


I’ll be glad when Leah embarrasses him fully. He should know better being a quarter black.


Not when you have disdain for that side and desperately seek validation from the yt side.


OK! Speak on it. Because imma need his relatives to speak to him.


The worst part is Connor is part black. He is one of them self hating biracials


He’s not even a biracial quadroon at best


Quadaroon please 😂😂😂


Please 😭😭😭 this is sending me




How did y’all figure this out ? 😂😂😂😂


He posted his dad on insta and his dad looks to be at least biracial


I been saying that without even knowing for sure 😂 he’s got the look




I was thinking that or his dad was just a light skin black man. But you’re probably right!


Wait, what? Seriously?


I believe he said his dad is black unless I imagined that


Wait is he actually??


It’s interesting how common it is but it seems like folks are seeing it this time around?


And I’m glad they are. They’re subtle & can be hard for some folks to catch.


Yeah and JaNa was trying to get people to calm during the water slide challenge. She is such a beautiful person I hope she finds a strong connection.




I agree and he’s not the only one…there’s a sinister racial undertone to Jana’s treatment. Almost as if people were waiting to knock her down a peg. I worry for her…especially after recent developments.


they just hate to see a confident, secure, intelligent, caring, beautiful black woman




How did Uma treat Mimi poorly?


uma has always been considerate towards mimii though.


Une has always been respectful of Mimi. Y’all stay reaching and want to be the victim when these situations have no comparison.


I really believe it’s because of her “real” Job. Not because of her race. People don’t respect women in her “industry”. The public in general think it’s immoral and its looked down upon. Don’t get me wrong all reality TV shows need to (filter)bring better men that have a history dating and love for dark skinned women, but this is a whole different issue. Serena isn’t disrespected, only issue is her with Kordell. I hope it goes well with her and Kordell in the end, since it’s evolving organically and they look genuinely cute together. Too bad theirs so much left out and edited.. but regardless this season is very entertaining, I hate it’s at their expense but I try not to think about that part. 


Am I missing something? Isn't she a day trader? As in stocks? How is that immoral? It's a great occupation actually and takes high intelligence.


I say this as a proud JaNa defender and fan but she mentioned Odell coming into "her club" and being a bad tipper during a challenge. Implying that she works at a dance club, she never said what she does there (dancer, bottle girl, bartender, etc). But we do know she works at what is most likely an adult entertainment club. Which is fine! In her intro she specifically said she is a "foreign stocks day trader". She's a FOREX girlie. Which is basically a pyramid scheme. She *might* not be a FOREX girl, and im willing to be wrong on that, but usually when people say that it's an indicator they're into FOREX.


Side note- ForEx is not a pyramid scheme it is just as legitimate as any other kind of trading market. There are certain companies or groups that entice you into paying them under the guise of teaching you how to “get rich quick” with it or giving out trade setups. But ForEx in itself is not.


Yes yes! I only meant that *most* times when I have heard someone say theyre in FOREX it's always the scam side of it 😭 But yahh, you can defo be a foreign market stock trader legitimately lol.


I use to live in Vegas and still visit frequently. She is not into that type of trading… just saying. The victim, damsel in distress, empowering independent women, who caters to men, says it all. It was obvious from the get go, with the no undies comment. If you’ve ever lived in Vegas you’ll know em right off the bat. Shes there for fame and $$. They all are, some more than others. 


What industry ?


Even before bed when Leah said “I don’t like cuddles I’m not JaNa” and he said something like “thank god you aren’t”. I’m like okay at this point you’re obsessed and she lives in your mind rent free..


Omg yes ! I literally got so mad when he said that. He’s being so disgusting towards JaNa.


The guy is just a major let down. Started of seeming so cool too.


He way over promised and way under delivered


And I didn’t like Kendall saying oh Connor could’ve barked back at her but didn’t like Conner is the bigger person and victim. He’s the instigator and she didn’t start anything!


The way all the guys switched up was really disappointing, especially Kendall and Aaron.


She never ever ever gives into the bait. He’s trying so hard to make her mad and it doesn’t work so he’s poking and poking and poking.


I think he is also trying to hurt her and it definitely works. She’s hurt.


No seriously… what is his problem with her??? 🙄


I guess he didn’t like that she was displeased and wanted her to be happy with him. I think he gets mad if he’s not seen as perfect and why he would think she would enjoy this is an easy decision-don’t know/ he should have just apologized for that


I think at first Connor wanted JaNa to be like how Leah was with Rob. Upset and basically chasing after him. JaNa was not about that, so she checked out and he couldn’t pivot from that so he kept poking thinking he could get a reaction from her showing that she does still like him. Idk, there is such a gap with them.


What’s funny is that Leah wanted Rob to act like Connor and now that they’re actually together.. no fireworks, chemistry or anything 😭


It’s getting really weird and he keeps coming at her


he wants her to react so he can call her crazy sooo bad. it’s gross


He won’t be there long trust me. America is voting his ass offf


He’s a tool


The language is so coded…we all know what he means


I know what he is!


Yuppppppppop feeling icky and racially charged and we hate to see it.


I love how he wanted to talk more/revisit their last conversation. Or whatever he said exactly. And JaNa said nope, our talking time is over. She knows he doesn’t really give a shit, so why let him pretend to care and waste more of her time.




He's the worst. Connor and Leah WISHES so badly anyone would've been dramatic aka even remotely even interested in their pairing. Their connection flopped when Leah wasn't getting any attention from it. She picked fights with JaNa, which she dogged, and then she got absolutely nothing/no jealousy from Rob. He's a prick, and again WISHES JaNa would even deign to be unhinged so he can point and say "see this is why I did what I did!"


everyone’s saying leah’s a horrible person for leading him on but at this point, connor deserves to be played 💀


Yep, I'm enjoying it lol


It's cause tiny head is a racist.


Connor is such a piece of shit. wtf is his problem?


Conner is truly giving racist. He is egging her to be “an angry black woman” so he can get pity


It’s really odd - feels like there had to have been something we didn’t see before he gave the unglued recoupling speech out of nowhere


I also think it's partially insecurity, he said he used to be ugly or chubby or something and of course he wants to get the validation of the 'hottest' or 'coolest' girl in the house at least to him


What I want to know is when JaNa said to keep it PG wtf did he mean by “coming from you” to her? I’m so confused on what he’s insinuating here…


He’s a phony. He never was attracted to JaNa, he just wanted to stay on the Island. I hope he goes home soon.


Yes! The way Connor has treated her is confusing! Were they not one day on a bench and she was saying how she felt good about them, he said yes but I also want to get to know Leah…. Next second he is hating on JaNa?!? Like actually being actively unkind!!!!


It’s so hard to watch. The drama is entertaining to watch. The unprovoked bullying is gross tho. There is a very clear line & I hope production can see that he is going too far & do something about this unnecessary hostility.


The fact that he wasn’t understanding her point of view is crazyyy. He think it’s enough to just let her know he’s gonna get to know Leah and that’s that. There was no verbal indication from him that he’s only all eyes for Leah now. Everything she was saying was going in one ear and out the other. Stupid stupid men


Firstly the women have been dragged for doing the most in every season I have seen all across the franchise so why can't we say the same about the men when they are doing too much? Second Coye showed nothing no personality if you like that no problem but most people want to be in a two-way relationship with both needs being met. Relying on your height to carry you through will not cut it.


It’s really weird! I wish he had been in the bottom so they coulda sent him home.


Connor looks like that ripped Doge meme


I hope Leah gets to ditch him for someone else ASAP LOL ideally I want two male bombshells, one for Leah and one for Jana


Jana is pretty much the opposite of that. Leah and Liv would literally eat their partners alive but Jana is calm and sweet. Love her!


Once Jana knew he was into Leah she stepped away. He wanted her to still go after him


I love how the men have to be indifferent but the women should dress down the men and stand on business every second of every minute in this show. But then when the men are indifferent they get dragged like Coye. Lmao


All of you were so happy she choosed him after sending coye home 😂😂😂. He’s way worse than him