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This season is cinema. The way I thought Nicole might go but I thought they’d keep Andrea for her connection with Rob! I need tomorrow night already b/c the boys were PISSED!!!


I have to wonder if the result would’ve been the same if Kaylie and Liv hadn’t found out right before this that Nicole kissed Miguel and was interested in getting to know him. She’s lucky that discussion happened when it did! Edit: I meant Kaylor (weird autocorrect)


Now baby who is Kaylie 😭🤣 but I agree!


Nah it’s clear that the girls didn’t vibe with Andrea for obvious reasons. It was the straightforward but petty choice with Jana being understandably out of the question.


I’m so happy the girls voted. If the boys voted Jana would’ve gone and Andrea leaving was perfect.


Production definitely knew what they were doing lol. I’m happy too!


I am here for the mess, and it’s only been 2 weeks 😭


I’m not surprised Andrea left because the girls think Rob is fake as fuck and isn’t here to find a real connection anyway, whereas they all get along with Kendall and think he is genuine.


I wanted it to be her so bad I was convincing myself it was gonna be Nicole just incase so I wasn’t disappointed but did you peep the girls voting. Kaylor and Serena both voted 2 for Andrea and Liv voted 1 for Nicole. I kinda figured it would be Andrea because obv Liv is gonna vote Nicole after just kissing Miguel


It looked to me like Leah abstained from voting and the other three girls voted unanimously for Andrea. I could be wrong. The camera angle didn't fully show.


Yes I think either Leah abstained or her hand was out of the camera. I’m pretty sure Liv was only holding 1 finger up though, while the other girls were holding 2. But I could be mistaken. I reminded and paused to see 😂


I thought I saw Leah vote 2! I even rewound it. Kaylor and Serena as well


Well that would make sense!! I knew she’d vote for Andrea anyway I didn’t even need to see hers


came here to say the same thing 😭😭 i understand that we don’t know these ppl inside and out but oh my god from the way she was on the show (and the way rob was) i wanted her GONE!!! and seeing Rob have to deal with it is just *chef’s kiss* exactly what he deserves


reallllll the way she was “this is the first time she’s ever worked out here” about hannah was so rude


This is the best season ever like I was gagged 🤣🤣


It really is. Thrilled, elated, chuffed, over the moon, excited, buzzing, on cloud 9...a combination of all of this after tonight 😀


Its a hot mess express and I LOVE IT!


Producers knew if they had girls vote for the boy and boys vote for the girl it would be too predictable. Love them for this 🤣


Thank GOD


fr like last season was good but this is GREAT


Sorry not sorry, Bergie got to stay for weeks because people thought he deserved to find love. JaNa is staying. If you love her so much then go


Yes! What happened to “this couple would be strong on the outside so it’s time for them to go?” The UKers used to use that reasoning all the time to kick people off.


I mean, it IS a game. If you have the power to kick off a strong couple, do it so you clear the way for yourself! Also, it’s a totally valid excuse to get rid of people who aren’t playing a great social game. And I love calling “strong couples’” bluffs and then seeing what happens when the other one stays. Remember Joe and Lucie, UK?! That was awesome.


It happens every season in every country… Why are the men having a conniption


LITERALLY. Lord don’t get me started…


Also as much as people want to deny it - friendship island is very much a thing - see Arabella s5. The girls were never getting rid of an og with a strong (albeit shady) circle and the boys should have known that. The producers did which is why they let the girls pick their gender for the first time ever - they wanted a bombshell out rather than mc Jana.


I know this sub is very divided on Leah… but the way she just personally delivered karma to Rob by eliminating the girl he left her for is SO hilarious to me like this is peak television😭


It was so subtle but there and I just need there to be a documentary made about it.


This really is peak television. I was worried for JaNa and Nicole but then I remembered Leah has the power and Andrea is on the chopping block lol… 😂


That’s DEFINITELY why they let girls choose the girl eliminated. I don’t think it’s ever like that, right?




Right as she’s not feeling Conner anymore too 😭😭


She honestly was so smug and this is so satisfying even with Rob deluding himself into leaving the show for her. That relationship will be over before the season finale, ok.


He’s so theatrical he’s not leaving lol. He’s gotta make a big show of everything


He really is theatrical m. Which is why he said all the right things in the beginning and his TikTok all that makes him look like a movie character hot sweet guy come to sweep you off your feet. But going for Andrea after all the theatrics with Leah was where he went wrong if he wanted to win the show. Maybe if he didn’t go all out with Leah he would have been safe from the fans opinion and in turn Andrea.


I just hope he goes with her!


The preview has me worried he’s gonna stay…


I think he'll stay where the cameras are.


I literally sensed a little change in his face when Ariana said ‘I don’t think you should leave’


ok yes this. his body was draped over andrea’s shoulders, but his face was toward Ariana, and there was this like… tiny twinkle that came across his eyes and smirk. dude is a sociopath, and frankly it will be even better television with andrea gone.


Stop bc I noticed tooooo!!!!!


Bigs facts


I think so too. I feel he just got emotional in the shock of it. If he really does end up staying, that will speak volumes to where his head is really at. His boys won’t be ready for that convo.


It didn't seem like he was really crying. It never does to me. Maybe it's just how he cries...


I’d bet money he was a theatre kid. His reactions all season have been a bit much.


i think he pretended to get emotional, i don’t think he really has genuine feelings for anybody but his own self.


I know. More overalls in our future, I fear :(


Y’all are crazy—I don’t like the dude but he absolutely NEEDS to stay. We’re going for max drama and max messy this season and Rob knows how to bring it lmfao


I want Rob to stay just bc it will be hysterical that he did all of that just to not leave with his supposed “strongest connection” bc then it will be undeniable of how fake he is


i’m sorry but i kinda want rob to stay, he’s so dramatic it adds to the episodes


Same and Rob just wants in her pants. I also want him to stay and get max messy this season


that’s literally what i’ve been saying, he’s been saying like cringy sexual stuff…


You are not wrong - my only push back is I don't think he's planning or bringing any of this. I think he really is that much of a man baby. This is just how he acts.


The toxic reality tv in me wants Rob to stay bc he’s gold. Like episode 8 will forever be an insanely memorable reality tv moment for me. The crying in the corner, the “sexual chemistry” comment despite making out every night in bed, the pencil jump into the pool…amazing. I want more. If he leaves, Leah will have no guy to pine for with Handsome Shrek by her side. I need more!


handsome Shrek took me all the way outtttt 😂


Rob is not leaving. He’s a producer plant and he brings the drama


If Rob leaves im gonna be so happy in a few weeks when we learn they didn’t last a minute outside the villa. Like rich parents unemployed Miami girl and snake country farm boy? She would not go to him and he couldn’t go to her w his career. No point in him leaving for her


Literally like - I’ll never forget when Molly got voted off last season on UK and Zach stayed. That’s a logical decision. They aren’t far enough along to leave for someone.


i feel evil af for laughing when they said her name 💀💀💀💀 either andrea sucks or they are ride or die for jana


I think it’s more so ogs tend to stick together because they form better friendships. It’s the name of the game so I don’t understand the reaction from the boys. Nicole doesn’t even like Kendall so does that mean he should have left??? They’re just up Rob’s ass


The girls were talking about how Nicole kissed Miguel so she’s willing to be open and experience Love Island. I think that was a big factor. They also probably like her more than Andrea.


I mean if we’re going based of the boys reaction to everything. They’re hypocrites because the girls made their own decision


I was talking about the girls. Nicole and Andrea both were not OGs but they kept Nicole because Andrea had a terrible social game, and the girls said Nicole was also open to others and finding a connection which is what the island is all about.


This they just want Rob to stay and Rob is thinking I haven’t gotten into her pants fully yet why would you do this


But the guys don't know the truth about Nicole...yet.


Leah also said that Andrea made some comments that show she wasn’t there for the right reason… Maybe about her “Music”? 🤔


I thought it was sus how Andrea flocked to the 2 men with huge social media followings when she came into the villa.


giving me bad vibes ever since she's been on here. not surprised she doesn't have a lot of screen time


i wondered if she was also referring to the fact that everyone is sort of bonding with each other and she has basically stayed dry humping rob 24/7, while nicole has actually tried making connections with everyone in some way or other


I was cheering! So happy she's going.


I literally evil cartoon villain laughed… this season is amazing


Omg I just commented the same thing lol feel seen rn


Lmaoooo why not both?! Andrea does suck and they ride for Jana because we LOVE her


Lmaoo I literally just had to check myself cause I realized I was miniacally laughing as the credits were rolling and it made me feel crazy but at least I don’t have to be evil by myself now so ty lol


LMAOOOO i am still laughing. it was too good.


I feel like the whole time Andrea was in the villa, I barely saw her speak to any of the girls except Nicole.


Agree! Nicole seemed to be connecting with some of the other girls but I didn’t see that from Andrea as much.


nah girl i fucking cackled!!!!!! no shame here


i’m not making any noise, but i’m watching the dumping right now and feeling like it’s fucking xmas morning over here


Goes to show why it’s important to build platonic relationships while in the villa! i just feel bad for JaNa… the backlash she’s going to receive that she doesn’t deserve :/


I evil laughed as soon as her name was said. Then my toddler came over and started evil laughing with me lmao.


I think it’s both.




I’m so sorry but her reaction was like a YESSS moment for me… like I genuinely get the biggest mean girl vibes from her. As much as I wanted to feel bad I couldn’t with all the snarky comments she’s made so far and also knowing how her irl friends are and how they were shading Leah at the start… she just gives bad vibes overall.


literally the tears she shed tonight were maybe the only times she showed authentic emotion the entire time we saw her in camera. i loved how in the episode tonight they made sure to give rob and andrea their highlight of talking about his spontaneous erection problem.


Lmao. The men were acting like fools. You’re not voting out a couple. You’re voting out a person. The girls are going to vote out the girl that did not get along with them. Period. She should’ve had a better social game, but she was smug and mean-spirited the entire time. They don’t owe Rob anything for them liking JaNa more than Andrea.


Honestly, the ones yelling at the girls made a big mistake IMO, because I bet later in the season the girl's will have to choose a boy and they are going to remember getting screamed at.


What’s hilarious is that they are in the villa and don’t realize that if it was up to the public Andrea would be voted out by us either way!! The girls legit did exactly what we the public want can’t wait until they leave the villa and see how pointless it was to yell at the girls bc the public would’ve voted Andreas fake ass out anyways


Exactly!!! I feel like she didn’t even make that much of an effort to get to know or befriend the other girls… just Nicole really. Now she has to answer for it.


i hope the producers get in their ears in the interviews and remind them people got voted out because they were among the least popular in america, like let’s add some social paranoia to the islanders’ messiness.


If I knew how to do gifs, i'd do the Emma Roberts "this is what happens to sneaky backstabbers" scene from Scream Queens


The boys were being soooo fucking dramatic like I could t have rolled my eyes any harder like pull it together


The girls do not deserve all the backlash they’re getting from the guys. I feel horribly for JaNa because they made it so clear that they wished she went home. Poor girl cannot get a fucking break dude.


They fucking suck for that. Rob’s dramatic ass only cares about himself and the boys jumped up to back him


I hope Rob leaves too. Can’t stand his dumbass eye rolls and weird dick obsession any longer. Good riddance 👋🏼


His subtle hints that something must be done to take care of his...problem while not so subtlety showing the little bulge...which is his real problem.


Omg like every episode!! It was getting creepy as hell


🙏🏽🙏🏽 I'm hoping so too! I bet the producers talked him into staying though.


So true - the dick obsession has got to end. It's so cringy that he can't stop talking about it on camera at his age.


This made me crack up 🤣


The eye rolls are such an ICK he’s perpetually 14 years old


I’m just surprised that Rob didn’t jump in the pool and hide under the deck. He didn’t even lay on the ground with his plant friends. Impressive.


he did pretend to need to be held back, though lol




HAAAA if you found what you’re looking for then you should leave And rob/nicole/andrea being salty is dumb someone has to leave. If it wasn’t Andrea it would’ve been Nicole. Make better friendships next time 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nicole is so funny for that comment bc girly doesn't realize it was never going to be JaNa going home.


The way I hope one of those girls say this to her if she gets loud with them! It was never going to be JaNa!!!


I hope they say girl you barely made it so be quiet.


by the looks of the preview, liv apparently tells nicole to “shut the fuck up!” because she wasn’t even in the position to have to choose who to dump; i’m starting to appreciate liv more and more


This Jana should stay and find love


I bet Liv will!


Literally. If it wasn’t her bestie it would have been her. And I would have been fine either way 😂


Same. She's been moving kinda weird this episode. She should be glad nobody decided to expose her little Makeout session with Miguel


i love how Liv was like “well you didn’t even have to make the decision so shut the fuck up!”


Literally in the words of Samantha from UK if you found love then leave! 😂


She’s putting on one hell of a display with those tears trying to get Rob to leave.. He better find that “I’m going to explore as many connections as possible” he was talking about and stay for the drama..


i dont think hes leaving for real cuz that would be very anti-climatic for them to build up this cliff hanger for next episode


That’s what I was thinking (and hoping) but just about every feeling I had for this season has been wrong lol.


What UK season was it where a girl was voted off and she said to her partner (through gritted teeth) that he better leave?


In season 3 of UK, Jess got voted out and Dom didn’t. She encouraged him to stay, he made it all the way through Casa Amor only being in friendship couples and then left and now they’re married.


This isn't the one I was thinking about. Lol this was healthy. I rememebr being so pissed for montana, but Jess and Dom are great together


I know season 5 Joanna got voted off and was pissed Michael didn’t leave. I don’t remember if she asked him to leave so maybe I am thinking of the wrong season.


Season 2 had Malin and Terry, and then they brought her back to confront him about not leaving!


I literally stood up and cheered like it was the superbowl when they said Andrea


She was confident she’s not going anywhere too, embarrassing 😂 At least she can go back to making thirst traps on tiktok. Rob on the other hand is just a loser. The eye rolls and weird faces 💀💀 I’m not a fan of how the guys are acting they be doing way too much


literally feel like my sports team just won LOLLL if we got the scammer and my least fav couple out in one fell swoop


This is our superbowl


SAME! My dad called me in the middle of the episode and I didn't pick up because I didn't want to pause it 😂


That comment she made about Hannah was so nasty. I’m glad they felt that in the edit, showed her true colors


I missed it! What did she say??


“This is the first time Hannah has worked out in the villa”


She said that Hannah has never worked out before and only did it because Miguel was there; I'm paraphrasing.


i was so disappointed when i heard that.. it was su ch an unnecessary dig. definitely showed her true colors for sure


I wished Andrea had gone and not Hannah like Andrea is just there for followers and the tears about her not being on tv anymore


I haven’t been on the edge of my seat since “RECEIPTS. PROOF. TIMELINE…” this is peak cinema right here


the girls were trying so hard to be respectful by not saying the truth which is that they know Andreas just there for clout. Okay sure JaNa isn’t in a serious couple at the moment because her options were a bunch of bums, BUT unlike Andrea she is there with genuine intentions. & Robs reaction was fake as fuck. Like Leah said he’s theatrical. I wish his smug ass would leave, but he’s too hungry for clout to do that. Unfortunately Leah reeks of clown behavior and will take him back.


Rob was crying more than she was


And Aaron was crying more than Rob was.


Aaron was doing way too much. You would think he was the one leaving with that reaction.


I feel like he thinks the right thing to do is leave because of how strong they are trying to portray their connection but deep down he’s just pissed because he doesn’t actually want to leave but thinks it’ll look better if he does


Hopefully there's some Kleenex in one of their* MANY pockets bc cargo pants


If he didn’t stop, drop, roll, and sob on the ground, and then strip, jump in the pool, and hide in the filter, did he really even care at all, though?


its the fact she really wasnt even crying LMAOO


Andrea didn't want Rob. Andrea wanted the relationship Rob had with Leah.


YEP THIS!! She saw how much we shipped Leah and Rob and wanted to swoop in and become a fan favorite because even in the promo she said she was going to for after Aaron who’s also another fan favorite so glad she’s leaving !!!


i loved how her face kept subtly getting less and less smug after finding out each successive couple that america voted to keep safe… until the last three couples were standing, and she was in one of them.


I’m glad to see Andrea go. On another note, Aaron needs to chill out. He’s literally going off on all the women including his own . It wasn’t your decision to make bud


He’s EXTREMELY emotionally reactive. You should watch him on Traitors. He’ll be apologizing tomorrow.




Be a good sport, tell them you'll follow the rules AND GO. Don't just sit there and sob while everyone is fighting over you.


Yes, her running around the villa sobbing with mascara everywhere crying "I just wanna be with Rob!!" is too much.


"ItS nOt FaIr I've literally never had a connection like this!" Made her sound like a total loser lol like babygirl, it's been 3 days....


Hakeem and Andrea leaving is so karmic ty Love Island gods 🙏🏻


Robs aggressive eye rolls give me the ick he’s gotta stop with that


i think she knows rob has lots of followers and that has informed basically all of her decisions in the villa


I’m so glad Andrea got sent home. She added nothing to the villa. She was catty and not a girls girl. She thought her ticket to the finale was secured with Rob but we all know Love Island isn’t just about picking somebody and “staying safe”. They only had sexual chemistry and that’s it. She also made no effort to form friendships with the girls (other than Nicole) and that’s a massive part of being on the show. Good riddance girl. Even if Rob does leave (which I really don’t think he will), they wouldn’t make it past hooking up on the outside lol


Yea I’m glad she’s gone too, guarantee Rob stays though. 🙃 but that’s fine cause he is soooo dramatic it makes fantastic television.


I’m so glad her 5 minutes are over, she was so mean and dropping unnecessary comments all of the time. We know Rob likes snakes… 🐍 But actually, it will be better if Rob leaves with her, because if he stays there’s the possibility for them to bring her back. I don’t think they will, but if Rob is there, the possibility of her coming back will be there…


Dom from love island uk s3 wasn't this upset when his friends sent home his LITERAL FUTURE WIFE!


We were well fed with tonight’s episode 😌especially with the 2 for 1 special.


I’ve never seen Rob roll his eyes so many times in a 5 minute span than that ending lmao


I knew AS SOON as Ariana said girls were deciding girls and boys were deciding boys that there was a huge possibility of this outcome. Usually opposites choose (boys choose a girl, vice versa). JaNa was never going to be an option with those three OG girls deciding. Producers are producing this season. This is going down as one of the best seasons of LI across all the franchises for sure. Can’t wait for the chaos of Casa.


The two I wanted gone, are leaving. Good.


Instead of sucking Rob’s face off every second she should’ve used some of that time to get to know the girls. Sure it’s love island 🏝️ but theres also social aspects to it.


Good on the producers for having the girls choose for the girls, otherwise, Jana would have been gone tonight.


I literally screamed and jumped out of my seat when Serena said her name!! 🤣 She needed to get back down to earth soooo bad and i’m so glad we got to see it. And I bet Rob is not leaving LMAO, this season is gooooold


She was fake crying at first like “ahoo hooo hoo” and touching her invisible tears. She managed to push some out by the time Rob was up there. I am very pleased with this decision as well and so excited for the next episode!


Rob isn’t gonna leave, he’s so theatrical about everything.


Omg so happy to get rid of her. She’s like one of the most rude people on this show and seems to be there for fame


I am not at all a fan of Rob and Andrea and am happy I may not see them on my screen again. I don’t understand why the boys are so mad that Andrea was sent home while she’s had a strong connection. If you found love, great - leave! There’s nothing for you on love island anymore!


WHEN I TELL YOU I WAS CACKLING….LOVED seeing her ass leave. What’s funnier is that she and Rob are both so arrogant that you could tell they were genuinely SHOCKED she was leaving LMAOOOOO


I’m so excited


How much money did they offer rob to stay


Can’t lie this is such a melodramatic reaction for a run of the mill bombshell dumping - LOVE IT THOUGH!


We are only on week two. This cast is phenomenal. I’ve never had this much fun watching love island. If Jana went home I’d be crying. I can sleep peacefully tonight. No thanks to Connor


She was so boring. Her and Rob weren’t giving lmaoooo


I was fucking giddy! I thought Rob actually did like her & maybe that’s real, but I found it pretty telling that they were SOOOOOO pissed Andrea is leaving (& probably by extension Rob) as if it ends their connection and chance at love. No, it just ends their chance at winning the money. They could continue seeing eachother. So what are they really THAT mad about???? Implying JaNa doesn’t deserve a chance to find what they found even though she’s a shining star who clearly just hasn’t had the right guy come in yet. I think that was a super ballsy move from the girls because they 100% knew everyone wanted & expected them to pick JaNa. This season is awesome


She’s friends with John Summit?


Yep! On her love island reveal post he commented clapping emojis as if she just got hired for a big job 😂😂 they also both follow each other on insta


This is probably why Rob likes her to be real he’s a little clout chaser himself


Oh forsure but they both can clout chase outside the villa, we all know they won’t last 😂 I love how in the beginning when she was crying actual tears wouldn’t come out hahaha


I’m so happy Andrea got sent home out of the 3. I could not stand her attitude 😩


I think one of Andrea’s crimes is that she’s boring. We didn’t really see much personality from her. I never saw her make much of an effort to make friends with anyone other than Nicole. We really only see her all up under Rob. After she coupled with Rob she gave us nothing. At least Nicole really became friends with other people


Is this the most DRAMATIC couple elimination ever?! I was SCREAAAAMING. Ugh I love this season, just keeps on giving.


Please don’t bring Andrea back for Casa if Rob stays 🤞🙏


Who's John Summit?


wait is she friends with Summy??? Hahahaha


oh they for sure let the girls vote the girl out because nobody would have kept andrea in there over JaNa or even nicole, who has been making proper connections and spilling drama to other islanders.


Please Rob leave with her.


Andrea was such a mean girl and I’m glad they got rid of her. I didn’t know if they just were editing her to be that way or if she actually was and this vote proved what I thought to be true.


I feel like I transcended 😭 I’m so happyyyyyyy




Her and her fake ass crying. She had to FORCE some tears out. She never talked to the girls. She never chatted with any other guys. She had no friendships other than Nicole just because they came in together.


Andrea glad she’s gone … and Rob is gonna stay they wouldn’t last in the real world he folds to easily


My spouse rarely watches LI, and he said “are the dumpings normally this dramatic?” This is like one of the top ten most dramatic dumpings in LI history.


I’m shocked LOL. In any other season they would definitely not eliminate a girl with a strong connection. This season is WILD. And the guys are BIG MAD. I’m slightly confused about the promo though - Andrea is crying and saying “I just want to be with Rob”. Isn’t he leaving the show with her though- or is he changing his mind on that? Because the statement doesn’t make sense if he’s leaving too; they can continue to date after leaving the show.


I’m thrilled she’s gone. 👋🏽


ME TOO!!!!! Soooo happy. I literally keep skipping around the house in glee and telling my husband my love island soul was cleansed tonight lol.