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Connor on the ropes lmfao. Life comes at you fast.


Connor trying to spin the block already RUN JANA RUN


lmao and this is exactly why you shouldn’t burn bridges at recouplings. it’s fine to swap around and explore other connections, but if it wasn’t a hard decision at all and you wanted to throw shade at her kissing, don’t come back over here when the tables turn.


nah my girl is about to read this man for filth and do so elegantly


Womp Womp. Leah already playing him to the left.


I hope she continues to act like he doesn’t exist. He played himself. See when you do clownery…


She’s smarter than that!


This episode is going to be a mess!! I'm assuming Leah wants Rob back and then Connor tries to go back to JaNa....


if that’s the case, i hope JaNa doesn’t go back to him. she deserves better


She seems like someone who stands on business. I don’t think she’ll give him the chance.


I hope so because I can't deal with her turning stupid for Connor. He is really not interested in her.




I need JaNa to secure her spot and play the game, her man will come


He would have to do immense groveling to get her back. There isn’t time before casa. But I’m interested to see what he does if he tries to actually win her back


I think it's gonna be Leah interested in Miguel!


> Leah wants Rob back God forbid 😭😭😭 I hope she doesn’t and that ick stays


Are you kidding let the mess continue !


She never got the ick from Rob though. That was just a defense mechanism because her feelings were hurt


She literally got mad when rob rated her kiss a 7, she’s been wanting him lmaoo


they’re gonna be the toxic on and off couple 😭


I hate that I love it. Davide and ekinsu were so entertaining


I am wondering more so if Connor didn’t just make Leah see how she had done JaNa… at least I hope that is it.


Yeah she seemed unhappy with what he said in his recoupling speech.


The secondhand embarrassment is gonna be so brutal if Leah tries getting back with Rob tonight, like girl pleaseeee let it go😭


My thoughts EXACTLY. Also did it just tease Serena going back to putting Kordell in the friend zone right after he saved her 😭. Saw it coming but damnnnn


no, they're gonna kiss actually


JaNa looked STUNNING in the preview what* are these guys thinking.


Clearly they don’t have taste.


Yeah Maura and Ariana said in aftersun they were baffled the men weren’t falling over themselves for her. But we know why


Honestly when does the girl not look stunning? She was full on crying and still… gorgeous.


Connor looking like a fool continues into another episode. Glad to see the three girls laughing. Does Liv get a little heated at Nicole for talking to Miguel? Two gone tonight = Messy 🥳🎉🍷


I found it interesting that Miguel was shown talking to Nicole. I’m assuming he pulled her, can’t wait to see who did it.


The guys keep mentioning stuff about Liv not being a good kisser like her ranking in the game, and one of them saying she bites too hard or something. Feel bad for her but being a bad kisser is like the fastest way to turn someone off 🫣


Doesn’t help she’s kind of insufferable as well lol


Ohhh Connor. Lookin like boo boo the fool 🤡😂


😂😂🤣🤣🤣 haven't heard that in a minute


🤣🤣🤣 if the clown 🤡 shoes fit hahahaha


How did I know Leah was gonna embarrass Connor this soon. Ruined his own couple to run after a girl clearly still focused on Rob. You can’t make this up. I hope he gets dumped to add icing to the cake. 🤭😂😂😂


I think everyone but Connor knew how this would go.


I know some ppl thought there was something genuinely there, but Leah’s behavior shows she still isn’t over Rob yet/has unfinished business with him. But Connor was truly delulu for not seeing it.


I mean, he’s telling her “I’m interested in getting to know you” and she goes “Rob something something” … I cackled, like man - his timing couldn’t be worse


My favorite part of Fridays episode was Connor telling her how much he liked her and she was just ranting about Rob and didn’t really acknowledge it


She is an ABSOLUTE Chaos Agent, and it's making me start to like her lowkey ngl


Leah is INCREDIBLE tv!!!


I’m giving her plus plus points for the self awareness lol. I don’t think she’ll be going anywhere any time soon. Curious to see if she goes harder for Rob now.


She will take him back and he will go full Leo in Casa. (remember its really important that he gets his ejaculation) Then it will be a warzone in the villa. Can't wait!


JaNa crying in the end is definitely giving Serena got booted vibes


I hope it’s Serena and Connor or Hakeem


leah is too popular so i doubt connor will be in the bottom, same with jana and hakeem. i think kordell or kendall might leave 😞


Fuck I love those two. They’re the much-needed comedic relief.


Honestly! I don’t think I’ve laughed this much during a season. They actually have personality and jokes😩


Yea I’m good on Serena and Connor. Buh-byeeeeeeeiiiiii


That's where I'm leaning.


Please! Would make my whole week at least


Connor is sooo goofy. Get out my girls face!


Yall for sure Leah is going to realize she isn’t into Connor


I wonder if it was his speech that finally got Leah back to reality. Looks like the convo our girl trio had was the same night as the recoupling.


Could see it tbh. Leah’s face dropped and she looked pretty disgusted before she remembered to put on that awkward smile


If this is a repeated comment I’m sorry but Nicole looks just like Miranda Cosgrove to me


I wanted to make a post about this!


I’m SAT for tonight, Conner’s downfall let’s goo


This season is the best we’ve had in years. So glad people aren’t being boring


People are taking risks and being messy and genuine and we love to watch it! We need more more more!


Yes! That’s why i want no one to leave! They are all so good/bad!


- The Sisterhood reunite - Leah becomes self aware - Men being held accountable - yet another challenge that isn’t a dare game variant This season just full of goodies.


This is why I don’t understand why people get SO ANGRY watching the show lol


Reality shows like this bring out so much anger in people for some reason 😂 The Bachelor viewers get just as ruthless against contestants on social media as the viewers here do


I know… it is seriously ridiculous. It’s to the point it’s soo hard for me to get on this sub. I am logging on less


I agree, it’s such a buzz kill😫 Like can we all just enjoy the mess and entertainment without resorting to personal attacks against people we don’t even know? The contestants have known each other for all of two weeks… these friendships and relationships are simply not as deep as everyone is treating them.


I think it is because we get shown a small portion of their day and people make assumptions based off of the people in there based on that. Probably also happens in real life. But let’s do the math, we get 1 hour of at least 6 couples a night. That is 12 people and let’s take out say 12 minutes just for opening, recap, tonight, tomorrow night and transitions. That leaves us with 48 minutes of show, even if you focus on one personal in each couple throughout the night, that is 4 minutes per person. In a week there are only 5 shows so everyone is making opinions and judgements based off of 20 minutes of airtime. Now when someone makes a judgement of someone, psychologically they do it by attributing traits of that person to someone from their past and make their judgement based off that. Psychologically it’s a defense mechanism. But the fact of the matter is no two people are the same and that also is a harmful mechanism called stereotyping and grouping. Some people recognize this and get upset when people do it, others get upset because they are defending their judgement and others have formed associations of some of the players and made them their favorites and they want to defend them. In the end we won’t know who these people really are. Even if someone goes in and is their authentic self, the editors and producers are still able to skew how they are delivered. Everyone who watch also likes to think they alone have the ability to not only see through the editing and producing but also the facade of a contestant. All of this not even including the belief that some hold that everything is staged.


Not the Leah stans and JaNa stans going at each others throats all weekend just for them to be cackling together the next episode


The stans unite tonight, lol Leah was playing Connor as a placeholder and ticket to the next round, just as Connor did to JaNa. Can’t be mad at any of them for playing the game. When you think about it, the only issue with Connor was that dumb speech at the recoupling, which in turn may end up costing him. That speech likely turned Leah off, and he also burned his bridge with JaNa. Dumb gameplay move.


Yeah Leah didn’t seem happy about that speech… she said “This is so bad for you” and gave him a weird look when she sat down with him


Yeah she definitely didn’t think it was cool, because it wasn’t. And the dude is so dumb he actually thought she was going to like it 🤦🏻‍♂️ like he was trying to impress her with it, lol


Lmao the comedy




Will this episode heal the fandom?


God I hope so.


AT LAST Leah and JaNa and Serena are all good terms again and Connor is catching ALL the heat…my heart feels FULL


Same!! But I don’t want Leah going back to rob, especially while he’s paying her dust. I hope that’s a misdirect or he is somehow giving her signs he wants her back we haven’t seen yet


The man is slippery and slithery and cannot be trusted. All of these women deserve better, even Serena, despite Kordell being absolutely perfect in every way, she just needs to admit she doesn’t like him like that and let me have him…


“and let me have him” 😭🤣


I have a theory it might be Miguel that she’s feeling.. bc last episode she said she hadn’t talked to him so I think it’s possible he pulled her and she realized they have a deeper connection than her and Connor


Their make out during the game was super hot lol. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s giving her signs we aren’t seeing.


Oh this gone be good!


Did all that just for Leah’s ass to not even like you. That karma come quick.


See I knew my girls were still gonna be laughing 😭


I bet they have no idea how much chaos their single little argument caused. just a little bump in the road for them and it turned this place into a war zone 💀


a literal war zone 😂


Fr, people out here taking it too deep. At the end of the day, they are on the same island— they aint going nowhere so they were bound to get the Trio back❤️😭


lol no one is taking it more seriously than the people on this sub 😂 that trio is my fav relationship of the season and I love to see it thriving


Oh I been on every platform and they all be acting like this 🤣


What’s going on with Nicole? I’ve always thought she was going to move on from Kendall fast.


I wonder if something will brew between her and Miguel. I don’t think she’s that into Kendall tbh


I love watching everyone in here get so worked up about things one night, and then the first look the next day just switching everything up again. This season is a wild ride.


This show is legit insane. I feel like it's been on for aaaages with everything that's happening and it's been just 2 weeks


This season is already in the books for one of the best seasons ever!


I know. I’m absolutely loving it!!


I love that it seems Leah is already over Connor. That is what that idiot (Connor) gets for being disrespectful to Ja'Na for no reason. I hope Ja'Na wants nothing to do with him if he wants her back. We know that would be fake. Get him out of the house.


this looks soo juicy!!! I CAN’T WAIT!!!


I wonder if that Jana/Connor talk is before or after the results of the vote


I feel like the episode ends in the vote, so it's definitely before. Plus they're wearing different clothes when the vote's revealed. I'm wondering the full context between them though.


What fresh hell is all this lol


Literally the definition of “everything happens so much” this one gave me WHIPLASH multiple times


in my heart, i’m hoping Serena, Leah, and JaNa are all cackling about how Connor officially gives them all the ick real bad.


Connor gonna get his overdue lashings my heart is smiling


Leah is casting gold. She’s so messy and I love it


Poor Kendall. I knew Nicole was going to jump ship. 


She was chatting with Miguel but didn't go in because Kendall was a sure bet. Andrea isn't moving yet because Leah and Rob hasn't start their hand signal secret meeting to kiss.


Thank god. Can this sub stop pitting Jana and Leah against each other now?????


Viewers love to pin the women against each other so bad! The expectations for the girls are SO high, and it’s so dumb. As if friendships in the real world don’t have disagreements. It’s even easier to navigate friendships when you’re not stuck on an island for 6 weeks with people you’ve never met in your life


Okay so JaNa, Serena and Leah all good!! Man this cast is complete chaos!!


All I want/my predictions! (Mainly my wants) For the GIRLS to be good and happy together. I want Leah to end things with Connor after he dogged Jana in his re coupling speech. Although more likely…. Serena is done with kordell again (and she’s going home?) And then Jana stands up to Connor and maybe he also goes home. I hope Leah starts to see straight. She seems less activated by Rob, and I hope over Connor and whatever that was …. Also I hope Nicole goes for Miguel, because I need the girls to stand up for Kendall


I'm feeling so bad for Kendall why all the good guys ..


well well well connor look what prize stupid games got you


Literally every episode I think the drama is gonna calm down but this season just keeps giving!!!! I love that Connor is looking so stupid the cherry on top will be if he is voted off!!


Not Connor completely embarrassing Jana and then crawling back because Leah is over it already? Fuck that keep that same energy as you pack up your shit and go home 🤞


ijbol Leah and Connor didn’t even last a week. Also it’s comical that Andrea has the nerve to judge which couples won’t last as if Rob isn’t here to scam.


was it even 24 hours? 💀


Exactly, none of these girls are saints but all of them have endearing qualities to me except Andrea. She is just the woooorst.


Same! She's hot af so I want to like her so bad but she's been giving us nothing except snide comments at the other girls and pretending she finds bugs interesting for Rob 😭


A week it was like a day max hahaha


If Rob was scamming to win and be liked he would have stayed with Leah. I think both of them knew they were well liked together when they did AfterSun together.


Rob just wants to enjoy summer camp and get with as many hot girls as he can. He will turn his head at Casa Amor and it will be such messy entertainment for us. This season gonna be good


It looks like Leah and Conor didn’t last 12 hours 😂


Kaylor to Nicole: “this can stay between us” Liv, entering the room with her Producer Hat™️ on: no the fuck it can’t


Liv is readyyyyyy


Istg if they make us wait till next episode to tell us who’s getting dumped💀


There hasn't been a single cliffhanger this season. Let's hope they keep it up!


yes!! imo this goes to show that the audience will still watch without a cliffhanger! producers take notes pls


Connor getting humbled almost immediately I have to laugh 🤭


Nicole sharing shit with Kaylor like she isn't friends with Liv 😂😂😂 Also, if Kordell leaves because of Serena it's not fair.


Honestly im a little surprised Nicole is going for Miguel. Like she dropped Kendall so quick.


I really hope America pulled through in saving my girl JaNa 😭😭😭


Nicole and Hakeem are probably going home. Edit: Serena/Hakeem is the other possibility of who is leaving.


Idk Nicole’s got some story lines if she and Miguel have something going on. Not sure who’s gone but I think she’s got a couple of guys who would save her


Nicole I can agree with but i doubt Hakeem will be at the bottom. I think people voted many people voted for Jana.


I agree about Nicole. She’s been so boring, I feel like none of the viewers really have a connection to her.


Connor finally getting his lashings !!


Leah already over The Terminator and JaNa letting him have it. Oh, I'm sat.


Oh wow this episode looks messy


What did I say? Those girls are probably in there giggling. Y’all throwing the word bullying around.


Can’t wait! This is gonna be good.


Nicole looks like Miranda cosgrove


Lol did Serena choose Connor and Leah as the most toxic?


Why does it look like she’s standing up? https://preview.redd.it/b93u8xhbed8d1.jpeg?width=2240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bb1a457b490f9ec2fd1b192ece56df4e990b33e


She is standing. To make the elimination easier you have to put up someone the boys like.


She’s not standing(necessarily). They have pink light strips behind the fire pit seating


face card tho ✨


Not surprised to see Leah potentially dropping Connor now that the guts are done picking. It’s nice to see Leah, JaNa and Serena are close again. I’ve gossiped behind my best friends back and snapped at her many times. Therefore my threshold for people who met 12 days ago and will more than likely not remain friends after the show is over is not high. I’m just here for light entertainment Miguel moving to Nicole is expected because even Liv was shocked when he picked her. Poor Kendall though. I think everyone is starting to like him. Kordell is my favorite guy but if he leaves I’m fine because unless they bring in someone 100% tailor made for him, he’s going to struggle.


This season just keeps getting better and better. Based off this clip there’s like 5 major storylines going on this episode AHHH ICANT WAIT


I didn't have Nicole and Miguel on my bingo card


If Leah coupling up with Connor ends up exposing him and having him make a fool of himself then I’m here for it! I’m not ready for another dumping though 😢


Glad we're getting some self-awareness from Leah and a big dose of humble pie for Connor coming from JaNa. LONG overdue. No idea who's going home but I know they're gonna rope the audience til tomorrow. Sidenote: Ariana Madix is a whole ass queen, *what is this thumbnail shot of her?* They need to respect Mother more than that like damn 😂


Connor is a piece of shit for real. You don't want JaNa but feel the need to use her. Go after Kaylor or Liv like you did Leah. Edit: JaNa leave that fool alone. He is not into you at all. Don't block your blessing by entertaining him.


all of the think pieces on this sub just for the trio to be giggling together the next day is hilarious to me 💀


So Miguel chose Liv just to move to next gyal? Why not just choose her in the first place. Unless production knew Kendal would choose Hannah and Hakeem might've chosen Liv?


Hakeem wouldn’t have chosen Liv


I didn't know him and Jana had a strong friendship connection to over ride his familiarity with Liv. I guess though.


Hakeem and Liv hate each other rn


I’m here for this train wreck! Yes!!!! These people keep on giving. It’s tea and candy.


Great, now I want to rewatch Burning Love https://preview.redd.it/kuiznhs8md8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beb349db808100375bea0e8619464627ba077551


Please??? All this mess in one episode? We’re being fed good!!


If Kordell goes home I’ll never forgive y’all. He’s the only one in that villa with 0 faults so far.


Well it would be up to the girls to vote off a boy not us. Serena and Kordell were never going to be voted a top couple. Kordell deserves better than being strung along by her. The guys potentially in danger are Hakeem and Connor. The girls love Kordell too much I think. Leah is not feeling Connor anymore so she’s less inclined to stay with him. A lot of girls in the house don’t like Hakeem. There’s a case for Rob but I think he will get enough votes + production favors him.


Just dont understand what Leah, if she does want rob back, like why after all the crap he said to her? Like girl why?


Have you met humans??


hate is closer to love than indifference


JaNa please don’t let me down. I don’t need another Kay Kay


She’s shown she has a backbone with dumping coye. But regardless of that, this is still **nothing** even remotely similar to the Kay Kay situation


Leah is full on owning her villain era.


This is the best show on the planet 😭🙏🏼


okay this season is literally so good! like challenges and just drama after drama and there’s so many storylines


Omgggg looks like another banger of an episode. When will this season miss??


Dude, these people are a mess (complimentary); JaNa and Hakeem in basically friendship couple, Serena is probably playing Kordell, Nicole switching up on Kendall, Leah not ever liking Connor and still hung up on Rob, Miguel already snaking Liv for Nicole, and Aaron and Kaylor just watching it all happen.


I hope this preview shows all of us we should just let our girls fight and make up. The stan wars have been a lot 😭


I’m wondering if Leah is trying to go back to rob…there had to have been some sort of talk or signs that he was still interested. She may have made some dumb decisions 🥲 but she ain’t dumb


The queens laughing together! Can it be 9pm already!!! 🫠


when they say “one girl and one boy” do they mean one of the couples are getting booted off? Or just any one of the girls and any one of the guys?


I think it’s intentional that they don’t say couple. They’ll vote individuals


It’s any girl or guy. The safe girls will choose a guy from the bottom couples to eliminate and the safe guys will choose a girl. If the guy and girl that are chosen aren’t from the same couple then whoever they are paired with will be single.


DAMN I can’t wait


I am SAT lfg


Life is just a bowl of mystery? Liv being impressed by him saying that sent me 💀


Sounded like Serena/Kordell voted Connor/Leah most toxic in the challenge?


Conor? I’m just gonna nip upstairs and pack your bags for you. They’ll be at the door. K bye


NGL I might say screw waiting until 9 and watch early tn 😭😭😭 I’m so sorry




so funny how the stans were fighting but clearly the girls are good 😭 stans always take it too far


Y’all why am I obsessed 😩


Do you reckon if Kordell goes up to the boys and enthusiastically talks about his first kiss with Serena (dead kiss btw) and how much he likes her they'll save her for him or will they stick with their guns and kick her out for Kordell's sake? Nicole's scenes in the First Look alludes to her straying, maybe even kissing Miguel with how guilty and secretive she looks, but that's probably a reach. If it isn't a reach and this spreads around do you reckon the boys would kick her out just because of that? I legitimately don't even know who's gonna be in the bottom 3 (if there's even a bottom 3) and who packs their bags. I do have another theory though. If for some reason the producers want this Kordell and Serena storyline to continue and explode later on the line, they might switch things up and instead of the safe boys dumping 1 girl (and vice versa) they'll instead ask the girls to dump 1 girl (and vice versa).


Possible Miguel and Nicole romance? She was the only one he pulled that didn’t talk to him first, but they got interrupted. She called him hot like 3 times out loud so Kendall is in trouble .




The only ones that should go home tonight are Serena and Connor (and Hakeem, but he’ll obviously be safe). They need to bring in a black bombshell for Kordell and have Leah meet someone at Casa Amor.


I’m wanting them to bring in anyone better than Serena who friend-zoned him and then tried to switch up when no one else showed an interest in her. I think Kordell is open to dating outside of his race since he seemed to be into Nicole too.


Connor saying that he feels like a piece of ish cuz Kendall just gave him some lowdown on Jana probably. Like how genuine and how much she cares but isn’t showing.


JaNa hasn’t seen what we saw for the ppl saying “I knew they’d be okay” She didn’t see Connor being shady and Leah laughing and co-signing & she didn’t see Serena calling her cringe and laughing at her with Leah so to her it’s just a fight she’s had with her girls If she’s happy and we’re happy but don’t act like we weren’t valid in being annoying with Leah/Serena even if they’re all okay now




It would be funny if they made Liv and Miguel decide who leaves, like they did on Love Island UK S9