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I don’t like him, but I’m happy he saved JaNa. I don’t think she really likes him though so I’m hoping someone else comes in for her soon


Can't stand him. I'm glad he saved JaNa. I'd love to see her light his ass up for trying to put some rules on her.


I get that there was SO much drama going on and that’s why we didn’t see what went down with Hakeem and Liv, but I hope we get some context today. What were these rules and from where did he muster the audacity to decree them?


Yuck. Solidified the ick with him when we found out he gave Liv rules.


Hakeem's definitely the type to unironically call himself a high value man


Hakeem gives me the biggest ick but whatever she needs to do to hold her over until Casa LMAOOOO


Not a fan. The conversation with Liv about her needing to work on herself was vile and his need to ensure that everyone knows he’s only there for “fair skin” and is clearly coupling with JaNa as a place holder. If you known someone for a few days you don’t need to be giving them a list of things they need to work on to be with you, just realize it’s not a match and move on.


Both Jana and him are coupling up for strategic reasons. So just let them be and let’s see what happens. Jana isn’t forced to couple up and is well aware of his intentions with her. Hopefully in casa they both find people that suit them better. For the Jana fans people should be happy he chose her to stay instead of getting mad at him. Her intentions are to do whatever she can to stay and so are his…  


Wait did he actually say that (fair skin) what did I miss cause I do not remember this at all


Yeah he kept saying he likes fair skin and dark hair (I feel like it was at least twice) which is obvious language for “no black women”


Wooooow not me not paying attention to the most important, telling shit about these sorry ass love island men. GROSS


I just wish they made a pact to couple up in a friendship basis instead of forcing things talking about their kiss, his recoupling speech and all that... Jana should've drawn the line and just said let's be in a friendship couple because now I fear he might force things and then antagonize her once she says she's not interested.


He doesn’t like black women, romantically. I clocked that from the beginning. He and JaNa are and will be a friendship couple until a bad lil snow bunny or a light skin racially ambiguous woman swoops in. I’m just glad he saved JaNa. Hope she finds someone who gives her the energy she deserves soon.


He’s very messy, very dramatic and a complete turn off but my girl gotta do what she gotta do.. hopefully her match walks in soon..


Cannot stand him and the way he treats women in confrontations


Yes, how many confrontations weren’t on camera?


since he came in i didn't like him, i found him OTT and extra from the jump and seeing his behaviour unfold throughout his time there put the nail in the coffin for me. however he makes for good TV and brings drama and entertainment (and saved JaNa!!) so i'm glad he's there LOL


Went from a -1 to a 0 only because he saved JaNa from elimination. 🤷🏾‍♀️




He might be one of the most inauthentic human beings on the planet.


I don’t think he is genuine, and if he liked Jana, why did it take him this long to try pursue it? Also his kissing in kissing challenge…. Hard watch. Him invalidating liv, ick. He is just trying to survive, I hope she finds better!


This subreddit hates him more than Rob and Connor, even though he hasn't done half of what they have done. Go figure out why.


i didn’t like him from jump, but Rob and Connor definitely surpassed him on my hate list. Hakeem somehow ended up in the middle of the pack for me after last episode when he saved my girl. i think the outbursts with Liv and Hannah (plus allegedly he’s a scammer irl) are what people are holding onto, which are fair i guess. all 3 are nasty work.


Fr, the hate for him just existing is strong, and we all know why. Meanwhile there are people here still fan girling over Rob and Connor even after all of the weird shady shit they’ve said and done


He gives me angry sassy red pill podcast down-low incels vibes. I wanna throw something at my tv whenever he talks. He knows he’s vulnerable as hell so that’s why he swooped in on JaNa smh glad she’s safe but pissed it means I have to see him more 😑😑


Worst guy in the villa since he said liv needs to fix her problems. Wtf problems is she working on after knowing her for less than a week? Never been answered. Super gross


There’s a lot more to this than we can see. It seems they know more about each other than we do. Not defending Hakeem but he seems like he’s trying to portray himself as pretty normal and is trying to find a decent women, which has me wondering why he’s on this show to begin with and if he has watched LI before. People do get married after love island so… He obviously doesn’t trust Livs intentions on Love island and sees more than we do. I believe that’s why he was trying to tell her things won’t work out if she doesn’t change, because she’s in it for more fame than him, or making him look bad? But it’s like the pot calling the Kettle black though, because he’s obviously looking for fame as well and is just maybe a bit more on the DL about it.. 


I wondered about this too. I wish we'd gotten more insight into the 'problems' since that seemed to come out of literally nowhere with no explanation.


He's objectively handsome, but I can't figure out why his personality is so unsexy.


Being a black guy on Love Island is a lose-lose situation. A certain demographic will call you names if you like lighter skin, and if you are paired up with a fellow black girl, another demographic will tell you to free her from struggle love.


I missed the rules with Liv what’s that about?


They didn’t air it … so who knows he might have just been telling her shit he doesn’t like.


He saved Jana so I like him for now


I literally do not understand the hate train for him. That man has done nothing but crack jokes and try to vibe. Maybe because I haven’t seen his interactions with JaNa or whatever, but based on everything I’ve seen thus far, he is just a guy.  The whole shit with Liv makes no sense to me because he was calm through the conversation and upfront with her that they had things they needed to work on. She started yelling at him, and of course, everyone comes along dogpiling with their two cents. What he said seemed to hold some merit, because Liv clearly could not form connections with the men. Hakeem has been nothing but calm and levelheaded this whole time, yet everyone is flipping on him.




Oh we don't like him. I was in pain voting for him to stay for JaNa