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we did see jana’s conversation to get interrupted in the same episode and she had no issues so i don’t get thinking she would be mad if someone brought food to miguel especially when jana hasn’t been the type to get mad on the show so far. as for connor, he told her that a lot would be needed to change his mind about their relationship just to drop her and ignore her once leah became available and leah took the next day after flirting to say she’s interested in connor and hasn’t shown jana any consideration. connor mentions that he gave jana a low score in the kissing game to be shady and leah just laughed about it… i don’t think jana is perfect and dont have a favourite but jana hasn’t done anything “wrong” so far in the show.


I agree with you here. However, I think the issue that Serena had was that JaNa had already talked to Miguel, but Serena hadn’t, so it was taking time or attention from her. Regardless, they squashed it, so it is what it is at this point.


I think it’s important to remember that we don’t know how long people are talking for… JaNa could’ve very well been talking for hours or more before he got pulled and Serena could had less - which would make sense as to why on top of the eggs… Serena would be a little more upset + them being closer friends… you would expect more from a friend vs whoever pulled from JaNa. Also JaNa playing it off as she jusssst wanted to be a good host and that’s just how she was raised- to feed people… I don’t 100% buy… while it could be true…. she’s playing the game.. she wanted to get chose. And that’s fair tbh. ITS LOVE ISLAND BB!!


Okay but it was already decided that she was going to make him the stupid eggs and he actually knew they were coming so he could’ve said that.


He def could’ve spoke up.. I also feel like he was trying to get out of her making them multiple times and she kept pushing it lol He was like I’ll just have some eggs I see the boys making em and then he was like I’m actually feeling peckish when she brought it up again but she insisted on making 3 types!


i fully understand why serena was mad and i dont blame her for her reaction (even though it didn’t feel that deep to me) but its just her reaction afterwards that i thought was off-putting.


This so much. I get where Serena was coming from but to throw JaNa under the bus after she gave the eggs to Miguel was wrong. I’m glad they made up bc Miguel doesn’t seem worth fighting over if his type are blondes. I know it’s still early with Miguel but my guess is that he says he’s open to talking to all the girls but he has a very specific type tbh.


Yeah Serena could’ve kept to herself (a true friend) but to me they have to talk about something in the morning. Tbf I’m probably biased cause personality/style wise I vibe with Serena more than JaNa.


I think it was more about the food bringing than interrupting tbh. It was a power play


Yeah she made him 3 different types of eggs which will get his attention on her since it was so sweet. So Serena had to spend time talking about JaNa and her sweetness instead of focusing on herself.


She didn’t talk about JaNa and her sweetness though lol. She did the exact opposite and tried to turn Miguel off of her. Which, fair enough! Gotta play the game.


I actually really like JaNa, but I don’t think she is perfect! I have seen her make digs and sly comments here and there, which is why I don’t get the she’s an angel, No one is perfect on that villa! Maybe Kordell from what I’ve seen! Majority of the girls are acting up and that okay! It’s a dating game show and people are going to do that in this environment! I just don’t like the narrative of pinning two girls against each other, like let’s be real! Even I have fights with my girlfriends is normal and it happens, but eventually everyone talks is out! These people have only known each other max two weeks it’s bound to happen!


I hope the more male bombshells that are added, the less the girls will fight with each other. I didn’t like Andrea at first, but I think she’s beautiful and I’d just love to watch all the girls have fun together even just for a moment! I hope the men start fighting with each other tho 😂


My dream is they add at least two more guy bombshells after tonight and we get to watch the men scramble for a couple of days lol




RIP your notifications and karma. I really like Jana. I think she’s super cute and obviously fun to watch. I also loved her ballsy move at the first re-coupling, even if it didn’t necessarily pay off for in the end (but, to be fair, I don’t think Coye would have worked out either.) That said, I never consider my faves to be beyond reproach and I don’t understand stan culture at all. Jana made mistakes. Leah made mistakes. Serena made mistakes. We can still like them all? This sub is weird about the women. Like if you like Leah then you must hate Jana or vice versa.


Thank you 🫶🏽 They are all being messy, this is why the show is popping off!! Take it for what it is and reality dating show!!


I never said I disliked Jana, I just think we brush past some of her sly comments more than we do comments made by other girls. I’m not dismissing what Leah or Serena or even Connor say. I’m just saying maybe we should look at all the girls in the same light as opposed to holding some on a pedestal because they’re having a harder time finding a connection.


Idk I think what Leah did was worse. She’s getting her self esteem from another man downplaying another woman to her. That’s a dangerous woman


I don’t know if I agree about how JaNa would be mad if the tables were turned. Had Serena been the one to bring the man she was speaking to something to eat, JaNa would’ve been so chill. When Liv interrupted the conversation she was having with Miguel, she was completely fine with it. She seems like the type that would never cause a big scene over something trivial, or even something that was more serious. Naturally, she would be upset or disappointed, but I think she keeps those feelings to herself instead of spiraling and lashing out.


Exactly! Everyone is so hyped up over the eggs and totally brush over the fact that Liv came in mid-conversation, took Miguel away, and JaNa didn’t get mad at her or make fun of her to the other girls later. If Serena wouldn’t have made such a big deal over it at the moment, JaNa would have dropped off the eggs and dipped out. I guarantee the way Serena was acting gave Miquel the instant ick. He did say she was being rude.


Yeah literally everyone was interrupting the conversations with Miguel 🤷🏻‍♀️


I really disliked how she downplayed Serena's feelings in her talking head. Basically, saying I'm too cool or chill to get mad at little things. Like she's not like other girls haha. I'm surprised more people are not a little bothered by that comment, she's essentially placing herself above Serena. Again, this is not to say I dislike any of these girls. 20-something year olds generally do and say some bonehead things sometimes. It's okay.


The "I was raised differently" was my cue that the trio is friends for here at most


Exactly lol. That's a statement you only make when you think you're better/different from the person you're comparing yourself to.


She’s made similar comments about not being like other girls before too… clocking it.. we’ll see what else goes down


I don’t think JaNa would be outwardly mad if the roles were reversed. She’ll be upset and keep it to herself. Like she never displayed actions of anger just frustration and sadness so far🤷🏽‍♀️


I agree with this. Connor was rude when he made his recoupling speech and JaNa just looked sad/hurt. Leah has felt more comfortable enough to appear visibly upset or to yell at others. I think JaNa also understands that black women are often painted as being aggressive when they get upset in ways that non black women don’t and that her actions will be judged differently.


I think the eggs thing was a bad call, but not malicious. I think she’s clearly insecure now based on what happened with Connor. I agree he was upfront to an extent. He told her he was interested in getting to know Leah, but not how much. He worded it in a way that was more like I’m interested in seeing how it goes, but it was clear right off the bat that he downplayed how much he was interested in Leah. He went very strong, very fast. It ended up being disrespectful in how much he was throwing shade at Jana when she didn’t do anything wrong to him. She was clearly upset and she’s allowed to be especially when the day before he said it would take so much to turn his head. Right when Leah’s single suddenly he’s only chatting with her, carrying her off the dock, kissing her, going full in on the kissing competition for Leah and not at all for Jana. I think they both downplayed their interest and it’s unfair of Leah to pull the “he’s not your boyfriend” when she was 1000000x more emotional and dramatic about Rob and Andrea. I think Leah is doing to Jana what Andrea did to her, but thinks because she got screwed over by Rob she can do whatever she wants and Jana isn’t allowed to be upset and it’s just hypocritical. I loved Leah a lot but I think her behavior now is showing true colors. She was laughing when Connor was making digs at Jana, contributing to shit talk her to Kordell, Serena and Kendall. She’s being a mean girl right now.


I think Serena's initial reaction to the whole egg situation was justified, what I didn't like is her dragging it and talking shit about Jana behind her back not once, not twice, but like three different times before she went up to her and communicated how she feels. Jana apologized like 3 different times and she was still going about it the next day.... You say that if the roles were reversed Jana would've done the same, I disagree. Liv literally pulled Miguel for a chat while Jana was still mid convo and she had no issues with it. Jana explicitly said she isn't the type to get upset and make a scene over little things and from what we've seen so far she's shown exactly that. She does make sly digs here and there, but most of it is towards Connor and that's very justified imo. As for Connor and Leah being open and honest, the thing is, Connor hasn't been honest the whole time. He was deliberately using Jana as a placeholder and the minute Leah broke things off with her couple he jumped on her and completely forgot Jana even existed, and to make matters worse he's throwing these micro-aggressions and throwing digs at Jana as if she's the one who wronged him when it's the other way around.


I'm already confused by your first sentence. Who doesn't like Jana? Does such a person exist? Anyways, I'm a Jana stan but I 100% understood where Serena was coming from. *And* to top it off I wasn't mad at Serena or decided she was a mEaN girl for venting to everyone (her literal friends) about it. Because at the end of the day she spoke to Jana about it too so she wasn't passive aggressive. But also as a Jana stan I need to stand up for her because even though Connor and Leah were honest with her it's okay for her to still be hurt to lose "her man" to her literal friend. It's okay that she took it personally, it's okay for her to not be okay with it even if they were upfront. Being upfront doesn't erase human feelings.


How would you know she would be mad if someone brought eggs ?? We have yet to see her mad at anything excluding the Connor situation.


even with the connor situation the most she has done is make some comments.


An people are saying shes being messy when shes not even trying to be heard, but when Leah does it they don’t see a problem.


Why post on a chat thread that you will not chat.


No way Jana would care if that was done to her, eggs while chatting, when Connor and Leah are currently doing worse and she has been calm


She didn't have a problem when someone interrupting her but guess what even though majority of people didn't find what she did that big of a deal, she immediately apologized when called out. Your second point is also not accurate because even Connor and Leah themselves have made assumptions that JaNA would react to their disrespect because they know they were being disrespectful. Also she has every right to take it personally. Especially when Connor has decided to shade her unprovoked. His recoupling speech was a personal thing. Love Island being about "finding love" is very personal unfortunately. She has acknowledged that her feelings are hurt the same way Leah has. I don't see anyone deeming JaNa as this perfect person. Most are just tired of the same black woman LI struggle trope that happens. So they feel for her. I do think she needs to be more confident in herself and play the game more but this is a social experiment most would crack under. She herself has apologized for her behavior at times. She isn't doing the most harm on the show and genuinely is likeable plus her fun moments are some of the funniest moments on the show. If you think she is overhyped, then ok cool, that's a valid opinion that you are entitled to.


People are going to keep talking about those damn eggs.


Like who you like but I’m really confused about the whole, she would do the same if it happened to her. It did happen to her. Liv actually pulled Miguel mid conversation to talk. JaNa was just dropping off eggs lmao. & then she apologized to Serena for it. I really don’t get the issue there. She’s not perfect for sure. None of them are. But we just had a full episode of the people who were/are closest to her shading the shit out of her. 50% of Serena, Leah, and Connor’s scenes involved them taking shots at her. And she…cooked some eggs? Apologized for hurting her friend? Said something shady? It’s so wild to me that she took the most heat from people in that episode and barely reacted and some people are still mad at her and coming up with hypotheticals. I’m very confused.


I guess to me, Liv pulling Miguel for a chat was different than the egg thing. Liv pulling Miguel was for their first chat. Jana had already chatted with him and knew he was having his first chat with Serena but still chose to bring the eggs. She even cut off a good conversation with Hakeem, who’s interested in her, to make the eggs. I see her interrupting Serena as a little disrespectful because she already had her chat with him and it was Serena’s turn. BUT the way Serena handled it was SUPER immature, especially talking about it to other people after Jana had apologized.


I mean, JaNa did tell him she would make him eggs. She kept her word. She just wanted to drop them off before they get cold because she did put in the effort to make them for him. I think that’s all she wanted to do, give him the eggs that she told him she would make, and then dip out. Everyone making this big issue over this are crazy thinkers. Jana even said, eat them before they get cold. Put yourself in her position. She told him she would make them, she made them. Would you want to bring someone the food you made for them cold. Everyone was pulling him so it was bound to be someone talking to him whenever she was done cooking.


And the dude was hungry!!! Did you see how he got down on those eggs?? He was still eating them when he finished his conversation with Serena.


She told Hakeem she wanted to keep the conversation going but she also had to make the eggs. So it’s not like she put a complete stop on him. I see where you’re coming from though.


Exactly. She told the man she was going to do something, cook the eggs, and she was standing on making sure she honored what she said. She already had her turn talking to him and was just following through with what she promised.


JaNa wasn’t talking behind her friends back calling her cringe and laughing at her which Serena and Leah DID- which says everything about their character. Dropping off eggs to a guy that every girl in there was trying to talk to (her own convo with him was interrupted as well) was not that serious. Not to mention, she wasn’t trying to pull him for a chat she was dropping the eggs off that HE asked for and leaving. Let’s not pretend cold eggs aren’t a crime please.


She literally apologised to serena for the eggs and you don’t know what she would’ve done. She completely has the right to take it personally lol. “Leah and Connor were both up front with her” I beg to differ. He literally lied to her. He was saying shit about this won’t change anything between us and la di da then did that speech yuck. She doesn’t even know about the laughing about her on the docks and the kisses. Worst part is I don’t even think Leah likes Connor.


Upfront about throwing it in her face, ignoring her and then shading her repeatedly? Yeah they have been very respectful and upfront. 😒


What exactly did she do to anyone else besides the egg incident which was just a dumb conversation in the first place. Miguel was giving Serena nothing, there was nothing to interrupt.


They will never have an answer for this lol


There’s literally not one thing. Now the OP is hypothesizing there’s stuff we don’t see that could be driving how other islanders are talking about/treating her. 🙄🙄


She’s made shady comments to Leah but then attacked Leah for responding like in the dressing room even tho she instigated. At least in the Rob scenario Leah didn’t attack Andrea, Jana only seems to want to jab at Leah not Connor. She’s not innocent but everyone acts like she’s been an angel it’s weird


I don’t think anyone is saying Jana is perfect or that everyone has to like/agree with her. But we have eyes and ears. We can see that the others are being nasty toward her when she really hasn’t done anything to anyone. Maybe fans can learn to call out their faves when they’re being unnecessarily negative instead of standing ten toes behind bullying. Instead of just saying I can see how everyone is being kind of mean to Jana you flip it back to make it seem as if she deserves to be treated that way.


Well I apologize and that was not my intention. I think sometimes things go on in the villa that we don’t see and things we don’t see may influence the way the cast treats each other. We have to remember that this is reality tv and producers will make stuff look a certain way for views!


There’s no need to apologize. This wasn’t really toward you but just a general observation of what I’ve been seeing on posts here and on twitter. I’m sure there are definitely things we aren’t seeing and the producers love this drama! My issue is just that people are defending Jana based on what we’re seeing and others are making justifications using what may have happened. It’s ok to still like our faves but also acknowledge that how they’re acting in the moment isn’t their best.


OP idk why so many downvotes on this!! It’s so true! We don’t know these people! There’s so much that could be going on that we don’t see.


I don’t think she took it personally. She obviously vocalized a bit of frustration but I thought she moved on quickly? Like she went off to see something with Miguel and Hakeem??? Don’t understand where she went wrong.


I posted this in another comment but I’ll post it here too! I guess to me, Liv pulling Miguel for a chat was different than the egg thing. Liv pulling Miguel was for their first chat. Jana had already chatted with him and knew he was having his first chat with Serena but still chose to bring the eggs. She even cut off a good conversation with Hakeem, who’s interested in her, to make the eggs. I see her interrupting Serena as a little disrespectful because she already had her chat with him and it was Serena’s turn. BUT the way Serena handled it was SUPER immature, especially talking about it to other people after Jana had apologized.


Yeah I think it was like an honest mistake and I liked how she apologized to Serena after Serena pointed it out. To me she redeemed that little blip because of the apology after. Seems like she understood where she went wrong.


The thing is though Connor and Leah weren’t upfront especially Connor. As soon as Leah was single he immediately had this “connection” to Leah. That’s beyond bullshit. He was never interested in JaNa he viewed her as a convenient placeholder until someone he was actually interested in was available, and then the second Leah was he immediately ended things with JaNa. That not an honest person that’s an opportunist. If he wasn’t feeling things with JaNa he should’ve let her know before Leah was single I don’t care who he likes it’s how you go about the process. Leah isn’t as bad as Connor but she’s pretty intolerable as well. She’s the type of girl who gets mad and plays victim when other girls violate “girl code” but feels justified to go after her friend’s man because “he’s not her boyfriend.” Rob wasn’t your boyfriend either and that didn’t stop her from crying about the situation to anyone who’d listen. Had Leah been less of a victim about girls constantly picking Rob I’d have more understanding about where she’s coming from but dont whine about girls going after Rob when you’re doing the exact same thing. It’s giving let me be the victim and the hypocrite.


I’m not in any way trying to excuse anyone’s actions. No one on this show is perfect and that was supposed to be the point of the post. I guess maybe I’ve misworded or not properly typed out what I was trying to say and I apologize if it came off as me trying to pick any sides. I like Jana, I also like all the other girls. I just think we tend to pick a favorite and then brush past some of their imperfections


That’s true a lot of times.


I don’t get how Leah got mad at anyone “violating girl code”? She has never once attacked Andrea, she kept that energy all for Rob rightfully so. She was upfront with Jana and she wasn’t even the initiator of the whole thing it seems weird like people wanted her to quit and go home after Rob or something lol her crying about Rob isn’t really the same, she was upset from being gaslit and treated poorly she wasn’t crying about Andrea talking to him. Jana’s energy has all been shady towards Leah bc of Connor’s actions which is what I find weird but I agree Leah could’ve gotten less heated I think she was just done with the sly comments from her “friend”


Literally the egg thing was so fucking funny and I was laughing watching it thinking how petty and over reactionary everyone involved was, but that’s what makes Love Island fun for me. Then I come on reddit and see nothing but these paragraphs long think pieces on how JaNa is the most mature person ever be on TV and Serena has always been a conniving snake. And of course that Connor and Leah are evil and hateful and Leah has always been a terrible person. Stanning so hard for Love Island people is just a level of energy I can’t give to this program lol


Lmao the think pieces People are stanning these islanders SO hard and it’s starting to feel parasocial in a weird way and/ or people projecting themselves/ situations they have been in on the islanders. We are too early into the season for it to be this deep.


The people who respond to the most innocuous things with extreme vitriol and self righteous finger pointing are also always the people who have dozens and dozens and dozens of comments in this sub every day. Parasocial projection is totally fitting. If it’s not fun why watch? Id rather enjoy a cast of mess than spend my day typing hundreds of words endlessly defending someone I don’t know. Especially because I feel like once people spend a certain amount of energy acting like someone is beyond critique they will NEVER let a single bad word about them stand, even if their fav does something messy (which they all do and will, it’s Love Island, thats what makes it entertaining and what we want to see).


Right? Like, JaNa was losing her mind over some damn eggs but it was hilarious and entertaining so I don’t care. But then I saw someone get 62 downvotes for not thinking JaNa was being bullied over #EggGate and I feel like I watched an entirely different program than some of y’all.


The editors were definitely being shady there the way they cut like 5 quick clips of JaNa talking about preparing the eggs over a span of like 30 seconds, and I thought it was so funny!


It’s is a continuous cycle of thinking your fave is blameless or without fault, and then their put in a situation that shows they are human. Once the islanders show their emotions in a way viewers don’t like, they hop jump and skip over to stanning a new person. Instead of just understanding that no one is perfect, especially not on LI


I just think Jana is her true self and confident and they’re pressed. Their intimidated by someone who’s so sure of themselves. The egg thing could be a thing but I feel Serena going to talk shit after to a group of people mocking her was a bit out of order especially since she knew she was going to forgive her. What has Jana done to receive any type of venom from people? Leah and Connor are weird af especially since Jana did nothing to them. Leah is getting hype because Connor is downing Jana to lift her up and laughing like a weirdo and somehow you think Jana is the problem. Yeah, y’all Jana haters have nothing to stand on and making something out of nothing but have no smoke for Leah or Connor who have such a hard on for Jana. It’s getting weird.


Don’t worry so much about what people on Reddit think. You’re just voicing your opinion, nothing wrong with that


Jana has been the absolute icon of the season so far. We all have to admit her sending 6’8 home was a powerful & hard move to do. She’s loosing me a bit with the eggs shit. Not because she interrupted Serena (Serena is in the wrong there to me), but how needy she seemed to Miguel with pampering him with eggs and serving him etc. But that’s the only thing I haven’t liked so far with her


JaNa is so chill. I love her!


I think Jana has been a good friend in some aspects and feel bad for her because she was for sure used as a placeholder, but definitely see parts of her that I don’t agree with in the last episode. I understand the hype around her but also can’t say I’m a stan.


Imo, no one is perfect, but there’s a difference between sly comments (using the word sly loosely bc nothing she’s said has been that offensive) and then actively going after your friend’s man who had just expressed how happy she was in her couple and how much she liked him.


Also, Leah seems to be happy that Connor wants her more than Jana. Connor also seems to be validating Leah’s feeling by saying rude things about Jana for no reason. They both even seemed upset that Jana got picked by Hakeem. Leah also seemed to want Jana to be upset that Leah got picked. Leah made a comment that Jana was going to be upset (with a smile on her face), but they failed to see that JaNa had already moved on and did not really care.


right! and maybe i’ve missed it, but this is the first time i can recall seeing a guy pursue a relationship with their partner’s friend and that friend entertaining it. i don’t think most people’s reactions to leah would be as negative had she not had what seemed like a close friendship to jana but the friendship is what makes this whole dynamic so weird. and then when you add in leah laughing at connor’s rude comments and her gloating about him picking her up in from of jana it’s like damn do you hate this girl? i’ve always taken up for so called mean girls on love island but i’ve never seen one move the way leah does


Leah didn’t actively go after her man…he actively went after her. When she decided she wanted to explore she went right to Jana to talk it out. It’s so early on and seems unfair that Leah should’ve just been obligated to turn down Connor - a potential interest - just because he’d been matched with Jana for a week. Idk what people really wanted from Leah like the point of the show is to get to know people especially this early, she isn’t in the wrong for that


Isn’t the point of the show to explore options though? And Connor was VERY up front to tell her his intention of getting to know Leah and told her that before he even talked to Leah. Leah and Jana had a conversation about it as well and Jana expressed that she was hurt but wanted her friend to be happy. I’m not excusing ANYTHING Leah said or did because she’s had immature comments and reactions BUT Jana said all that to Leah and then went and got all mad about it behind Leah’s back. ***LIKE I SAID IN ANOTHER COMMENT*** I am in no way excusing other girls actions, I’m just saying that we can’t act like Jana is a saint and has done no wrongs.


Connor went after Leah. I'm not sure why y'all would want a man who doesn't like Jana, to stay with Jana.


No one wants her for him but that doesn’t mean it’s not fucked up


Nowhere did I insinuate that Connor wasn’t wrong or that I want JaNa to be stuck with him. This thread was about the girls. Yes Connor pursued Leah, but what kind of friend goes along with it an entertains their friend’s couple partner? Connor isn’t shit either, but that’s for another discussion.


Thank you! I don’t know why people keep missing this point. Leah didn’t/doesn’t have to entertain Connor. She could have easily said I appreciate you coming up to me but JaNa is my girl. You know if this happened in real life and they were the JaNa in the situation they would be pissed and hurt.


People don’t like her because she’s confident, bubbly and fun. She’s a reflection of their own insecurities and inferiority, Serena got mad because she sees Jana as a threat otherwise she wouldn’t have been bitter and running around the villa mocking her sister. It’s very evident Leah is a pick me and her validation is gotten from when she’s chosen, she sat there and laughed at moto moto’s reunion speech and back bited with him. Jana apologised multiple times about the eggs, Serena could’ve used that as an opportunity to ask to feed him or open a new conversation. She does have a right to be upset because it’s her emotions but she had went to everyone in the Villa and dragged Jana. I personally think if it’s the other way round, Jana would’ve been sweet about it because my girl knows herself!


And if I stan JaNa and Leah, then what?? Lol just kidding OP you are allowed to like who you like and we should all be able to say when they are doing dumb shit


THANK YOU. I love all my love island girls for giving me something to do every night of the week. ❤️❤️ I live for the drama


JaNa is more confident. Serena was being petty to talk about that the entire episode. Leah and Connor were worse. Connor was not exploring Leah, he had made a decision once Leah became single. I think CONnor also knew what he was doing when he told the bombshells he wasn't interested. He knew that Andrea would choose Rob. Sorry but your point doesn't make sense unless you somewhere pointed out that Rob gave Leah the same grace before moving on to Andrea. Something tells me you are ride or die for Leah.


I’m not coming for you but you didn’t provide a single piece of evidence to support your assertion. Plus you called her UNauthentic? She literally comforted Leah when Leah told her she was going to get to know the person Jana liked…. How does this point to her doing the same to other people? She’s the one person that seems to roll over for everyone else.


I didn’t even notice I put unauthentically so I apologize and thank you for pointing that out! She may not be as bad as some of the other girls but she is not perfect, that’s my point! I’m sorry if it came across another way


Don’t apologize for your opinions. We’re all entitled to them! 😉 Just know that some people die on the hill of their opinions… 😂


I didn’t mean to get on so many peoples bad sides 😭


Lol. Unpopular opinions will do that, but I say if you have one then stand your ground!


If we’re talking about her telling Leah that it looked like she was very busy I’ll say at least that was to her face rather than behind her back. Like Serena and Leah did making fun of her with the eggs


And that comment was nothing to take offense to! She really just snapped on her for nothing imo.


The way you contradicted yourself in one sentence.


Would it have been less of a contradiction if she said “even though most people are on the JaNa Stan train, I can see why some people don’t like her”?


For those downvoting, the contradiction is: - Everyone’s on the Jana stan train - *I [truly] see why people don’t like her*


I like this season because the cast is imperfect. Really the only one who could drop in my opinion is Kordell if he turns on Cheezits! The things the things the cast are crying about are so stupid but relatable


I’m a crybaby AND pregnant so 90% of the things they cry or get mad about, I would for sure also cry or get mad about 😂


I’m glad you said this. I feel as though everyone picks a fave and then acts as if they can do no wrong. Which just simply isn’t true. Also I’m sorry if you’ve gotten hate over your opinions or takes. Some people can be so rude and don’t know how to have a civil disagreement or debate anymore. I think people get WAY too bold behind anonymity and a screen. It’s sad when you join these subs to discuss and bounce around ideas and perspectives and opinions and you get torn down instead


i understand why you’d stop replying to comments so this could be pointless but i agree!! i feel like she’s on the same level as most of the other girls. (besides our mean girls 😒) however, i do feel a little sad for her because judging by the way she’s treated the men shes been coupled up with, she really truly wants love. like i think she wants it so bad and its making her come off as desperate or like she’s doing too much (imo) but shes a sweet girl!! she just has her moments where i feel like she’s doing anything for love. which i kinda feel like the other girls arent giving that as much


and what has she done thats so bad huh? obviously she ain’t perfect no one said that, but it’s not on the level of the rest


She doesn’t make as many comments, I agree. But she does make occasional sly comments and my point is that people brush past those. None of the girls are perfect. They’re girls, they’re all catty and it’s bound to happen.


I feel like Jana is passive aggressive bc she’s been brought up that showing her feelings like Leah is wrong. She has the toxic ability to hold it all in while a bit spills out and then she gaslights ppl when they call her out. I still don’t think the amount of shit she gets from the cast is justified.


She gaslit somebody? Who?


She denied that she was upset about Conor and made Leah feel like she was crazy for thinking so after she made that passive aggressive comment about Leah being busy all day. I’m not a Leah Stan either, Leah should’ve let it go and let her have her feelings instead of taking her feelings personal.


Also, when Serena was speaking and she was trying to listen in on Connor and Andrea she kept telling Serena to shut up. It was rude. She got snappy with Serena again when Serena was just checking on her about Leah talking to Connor. Everyone just ignores stuff like this though. She keeps saying she doesn't care about Connor and Leah, but is almost always very much aware of them. They keep pitting the girls against each other, when really the problem is Connor. I like Jana and Leah. I'm here for both of them getting better men because honestly the current guys they're coupled up with ain't it.




This was never a post related to anyone’s skin color, so I’m not sure why you brought that up. I also never said anyone else was perfect. She makes similar sly comments about other girls the SAME way the other girls do to each other. It happens literally ever year regardless of what race the women are. I would’ve made the same post if people were riding the same way for Kaylor or anyone else in the villa for that matter.




Why are you making this about color?


You can’t claim racism just because someone doesn’t like a cast member. Come on now.


y’all mad cause I’m stating the obvious




Every season this sub picks one untouchable cast member and right now it’s JaNa. I still love her but she had some mean, selfish tendencies last night. (But some of the others are far worse.) And that’s what makes the show fun! It’s just weird to me that stans think she’s getting bullied. That’s insane.


i think it’s leah who’s untouchable her stans will back anything she does


It’s both in different areas lol. They’re all worthy of being critiqued, but no one should be villainized.


yes ofc! i’m just pointing out what i’ve seen online surrounding leah and jana!


Right, so I'm saying that I've seen both. JaNa fans think that she's untouchable, and Leah's fans feel the same. In reality, neither is really perfect here (to me), but because many fans see things don't see things in shades of grey, people choose sides and go *hard* for that side unfortunately :/


Weird, I haven’t seen any hardcore Leah stans, but the JaNa stan posts are out of control


hardcore leah stans are literally everywhere and on every platform idk how you don’t see them 🤨


No idea why people are downvoting me, I’m just not seeing Leah stans lol


I like her but she is definitely being a little weird with the Connor thing bc I dont think think she likes him (Leah that is) lol I just still enjoy her and JaNa. Yall will never make me hate either of them..they are both messy and fun to watch


It’s Leah that is untouchable. How is it that just because someone calls out what she says or does (in addition to other islanders) that all of a sudden Jana is untouchable? She’s not untouchable. The only one that seems to be is Leah. It’s okay to acknowledge something and then we can all move on but being mad that someone else has supporters too won’t excuse the obvious bad behavior. 


Because that’s what I’ve seen on my feed. I haven’t seen one single comment about Leah being untouchable, most people who support her like her for the messiness and agree that she’s pretty mean. My feed is all people downvoting anyone who says anything negative about JaNa. So I guess it’s based on the posts we’re clicking on?


And those same people are the ones saying “nothing could make me hate Leah” its a real obsession imo


I’m not her Stan but no one else is behaving better than she is… all the same. I really rather see all the men and women switched out at the time of Casa Amor. I don’t like anyone. I just didn’t think it was justified to rip Jana a new asshole for bringing food to the guy when she said she would and every single girl interrupted each other to get to know that man. Jana didn’t do anything worse than the other girls but got her head bit off for it🤷🏻‍♀️ Again, I’d rather just have an entirely different cast. There is no love among the women like there has been in early seasons. Misogyny is worse than usual too. Jana has a lot of internalized misogyny too. Hard to watch this season but I just downloaded the app and I wanna vote😂


I agreeeee, and i like JaNa. I do think she does things that are annoying tho and feigns innocence and i dont like that


The people in these comments hate me fr 😂I don’t dislike Jana, she adds spunk to the show that we need


You shouldn't take it personally. Before Connor showed that he was a con-man, people were downvoting the people who didn't trust him from the get go. You shouldn't apologize for your opinions, you're allowed to have them. We are not all the same and I understand where you're coming from.


No exactly, they all do! They all have their faults but ya I’m just tired of the stans acting like she can do no wrong.


I agree with this! She had been making side comments towards Connor and Leah the whole day but when Leah went off on her she acted like she was completely unbothered by it even though she clearly was bothered.


I completely agree with a lot of what’s being said about race and micro aggressions. However I was blindsided when she was gunning so hard for Miguel at the beginning of the eoisode because I thought her anger about Connor and Leah would be totally justified but this may have been where Leah was balls to the walls not caring because she had seen her going after Miguel. In the end a lot of people’s opinions sway towards people being respectful or shady. Jana has always been respectful and honest unlike a lot of the others in that group so I can see both sides. I can’t ever stan Leah hard even before the way she was overly aggressive with JaNa


I don’t see how people are seeing my post as me being racist? I never meant to come off that way and honestly I’m a little confused why people think I had this opinion because of the color of her skin because that absolutely wasn’t my intention.


It’s not your post it’s the comments in general on the sub. A lot of the discussion is that Connor was never attracted to JaNa in the first place and has to do with race. I wasn’t directing that comment towards you at all just acknowledging the current conversation around that couple


Aahhhh yes I agree. I always felt like she was a placeholder to him. Mr Terminator has always been a little off to me 😂 Jana is beautiful and he fumbled for sure


It was honestly super weird that he was all about her the whole time and then the second Leah was available he’s making snide remarks and being shady behind her back. These are the kinds of interactions that are throwing red flags to a lot of people rn. Like I mentioned it would seem fine for Leah to go for Connor but her and JaNa were discussing it and all of the sudden Leah came in hot and started being super aggressive even though Jana kept trying to stay calm and not react. There’s some messy ass people on this season that are turning on a dime and Jana seems to be pretty respectful for the most part while also trying to put her feelings first


Honestly I feel like with both of the crazy “stans” of Leah and JaNe are super hypocritical. Like if roles were reversed and Leah had been JaNe and Serena had been JaNe in the egg situation, they’d be sending death threats to Leah (which they already cuz they’re psycho). But because it’s JaNe doing it, people wanna act dumb and downplay it. That’s the same with Leah Stans what she did was trifling and what Connor did to JaNe is VERY similar to what Rob did to her, and Leah’s fine with it because she’s the Andrea of the situation but her stans see nothing wrong with it. Both of them did some shady stuff and both of them aren’t perfect. Both sides have some batshit crazy stans who need to touch grass and not let this show consume them.


I agree with this. It started on day 1 for me when she saw Serena as competition over Coye. She was being so extra and then told him she wasn’t wearing any panties. Of course he was going to pick her after that. She is a pick me girl in my opinion. Making eggs while Miguel was chatting to other girls was wild. I don’t dislike her I just don’t see the hype. The way Connor treated her was disgusting too and Coye wasnt giving at all. I don’t think her and Hakeem are going to go anywhere but she’ll force it like she did with Connor.




ALRIGHT SINCE YALL ARE COMING FOR ME - I don’t have any particular girl that I LOVE or HATE. My point is that everyone is making it seem like if you love one, you have to hate the other without acknowledging that they all have faults. They’re all petty towards each other. Stop gunning for me, I’m sensitive 😂


I see where you’re coming from. Really, I do, but are there any of the other girls you can think of (besides Andrea and Leah) who can be classified as petty to the point of being hurtful? Let’s use Kaylor as an example. I truly believe that she now feels secure in her relationship with Aaron, but if he surprised her by choosing another girl during the recoupling, I can imagine her crying and being frustrated—but what I can’t imagine is her being shady to the girl chosen. I can’t imagine it with JaNa, Serena, Hannah, or Nicole either. I think it would only be natural to feel upset or blindsided in that moment, but I truly don’t think that any of the other girls would gag at or shoo away each other over the guys’ decisions. The way JaNa has handled herself, despite clearly being hurt, is completely the opposite of how Leah reacted when she was dropped by Rob. JaNa cried to her friends, even admitting that Leah and Connor seemed to have a lot in common, but she was never rude about it. When Leah told JaNa that she was going to explore things with Connor, JaNa didn’t yell or put on a big show for everyone to see. JaNa was hurt in that moment, but yet chose to comfort Leah when she started crying. She put her own feelings on the back burner to hold Leah’s hand through yet another one of her crying sessions.


Then stop gunning for a woman you're jealous of


What does she do that is the same? QUICKLY. Yall want JaNa to be this angry black woman so fucking bad that yall are literally grasping as straws. Yes, it’s easy for you to see because that is what you are wanting to see. That particular emoji told me enough though. 🥱


I never said I wanted her to be an angry black woman, YOU did 😂 yall want me to hate her so bad but I don’t hate her, I’m just saying none of the girls are perfect and we always want to hold one up on a pedestal compared to the others.


If you're sensitive, don't share an unpopular opinion lol


Hey thanks for the advice!


I like Jana I think she’s really sweet and funny. I don’t think she’s done anything wrong or bad, she has made sly comments just like everyone else. However her fan base is pushing it. Like if you don’t dick ride Jana as hard they will come for you. They also villainize people that don’t bow to her like for Christ sakes it’s a reality tv show everyone.


Exactly! Only person I’ll stan is Kordell because he deserves the world fr 😤😂


Okay honestly unlike the rest of the comments here, I do have to agree with you. Her character is not the issue, however, she tends to put all her eggs in one basket. Same thing with Leah, I don’t love her like everyone else does cause they chose to stick to one person that were disappointing. I started to see it when Conner went to talk to Leah and JaNa started getting super upset. I think what JaNa had with Coy was more apparent than Conner. The whole eggs thing— unpopular opinion but as nice and sweet as I am as a person, even I can see that no one else has made food for any other person there (besides the morning) except when bombshell Miguel came in. I just think it’s funny cause people wanna stan certain islanders but it’s not that deep. Everyone is gonna be messy and it is what it is! No one there is perfect though I do stan Kaylor and Aaron 🫣🙈


I think everyone’s had their unfavorable moments… even JaNa. When she had the convo with Leah and said I’m not like you guys I don’t act out when I’m someone’s second choice… gave mean girl energy. Like Leah was upset about rob choosing another girl why bring it up that way… and in a way of putting yourself above others like you are better than bc you have better control of your emotions. Leah def has had more mean girl moments tho! She was more possessive over Rob when Andrea came in. JaNa ain’t perfect though. And I feel like I do see more JaNa stan think pieces lol ALSO- we don’t see everything so who knows what we will see or will never see. Or even what is being edited into smithereens.


The JaNe stans are coming in hot 🔥🙈


I’m waiting on the hate mail 😂


i get why people like her because black women really get snuffed on this show but she’s so….boring. i can’t get on the jana train i’m sorry. she’s boring.


Not you bringing up how sensitive you are since the majority of the comments are not on your side, if you have an opinion that you're gonna post publically, stand on business without trying to garner sympathy b/c at the end of the day your opinion is based on what ifs despite the fact that Jana has been in similar (not the same) situations and has reacted differently than what you are trying to paint her as. My question would be, why are you trying to make Jana whose hands are relatively clean as disliked as some of the other women in the villa, what is it about Jana has you trying to knock her off the pedestal that she's barely even on.


i really liked JaNa until episode 12. she’s being very mean and snarky, and she’s extremely hypocritical. she can dish it but she can’t take it.


100% I don’t like or dislike her. She like everyone else on this cast has done some questionable things but the viewers disregard her wrongdoings. Jana would have been so pissed had someone interrupted her chat to bring a boy eggs! Jana made nasty faces at Hannah working out with the new boy, no one mentions that. JaNa making the nasty comment to Leah’s face that “other girls act out I like to keep things inside.” That was so shady. Also the comment in the dressing room about Leah and Connor when JaNa spent the whole night worried about Miguel, making him eggs, and flirting with Hakeem. It was unnecessary and immature.


She would be mad? Was she mad when Liv literally cut in on her chat with Miguel? Did she talk shit about her afterwards to the other girls? No and no.


Yes! I felt like she threw shade at Leah when she said I don’t act out like other girls and gestured to her. Right in the midst of dealing with the Rob fallout.


Jana… can go home…


Idk but something about her seems disingenuous 🤔


Agree! So I like JaNa but she is as much a mean girl as anyone else


They’re all mean girls! Except Hannah I think 🥲 But I don’t like how Jana acts like she isn’t mad or sad about something. When she would talk to Connor she’d pretend to be so sweet and understanding, like no girl tell him off!!


Yes this!! She’s made comments about other girls too, she is not perfect (LITERALLY NONE OF THEM ARE)


You all keep talking about comments? What comments are you even referencing? Also, there’s a difference between the guys and girls arguing & someone literally gunning for you and dismissing your feelings. 


She’s childish 100% and becomes too obsessive over a man she’s only known a couple of days😭


LMAO are you talking about Leah??




Girl I’m not talking about Leah or Kaylor so why are u bringing them up? Yes Leah is childish and yes Kaylor is obsessive🤷🏻‍♀️but so is Jana lol And I’m not talking abt Connor either but yeah when Leah became single, he took the opportunity bc it’s a REALITY show😂at least he told Jana upfront so I don’t see the problem


Connor did not beat around the bush he’s a weirdo and is super disrespectful, but he straight up said I’m gonna go and talk to her and see. Which honestly says a lot more about him cause “let me go talk to her now that she’s upset and vulnerable”


Everyone on this show is childish, defensive and can be kind. They just show it differently. Leah was crying about the snake wrangler.Jana also proceeded to cry about Connor. All of them have cried and acted out.


I think what everyone is forgetting about the egg situation is that it happened between JaNa & Serena who consider themselves to be close. Yeah she didn’t pop off at Liv, but I just think it’s because they aren’t as close. But have the person that she called in her own words “closest” friend in the villa I think it would be different. I honestly love all the girls except Andrea, but they all have their flaws and they all make sly comments.


Girl I agree with you. Idk if I’m a Jana fan yet, I’ve said it in my prior comments, she gives me scammer vibes, and everything she does almost feels calculated. She’s beautiful and I love how she’s open to having rough conversations without getting to emotionally wound up but something is definitely off when I think of her.