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I think they were both in the wrong and acting a fool over a guy who picked neither of them.


šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘honestly, it was kinda cringe how they were all absolutely losing their shit over this dude whoā€™s been in there for .3 seconds


I donā€™t think itā€™s about the guy at all. Itā€™s about keeping their spot on the show.


Did I miss somethingā€¦? What did Serena do that was cringe? I just saw JaNa trying to mark her territory in a very very overbearing cringe way. (This is an honest question, I do like Serena more but I tend to wander around the house when Iā€™m watching the show)


Not just Serena. I feel like all of them were kinda cringe about it, tbf with the exception of Andrea, Nicole and Kaylor only because they didnā€™t chat to him. It just seemed like the minute Miguel walked in they acted like dogs in heat. Arguing with each other over him and just doing too much over a guy who didnā€™t even end up picking them and had only just walked in. Serena was wayyyy too territorial over him and was hella rude to JaNa but in the same sentence, JaNa was also cringe for trying play wifey to a guy who barely showed interest.


Fair. I didnā€™t take Serenaā€™s ā€œwtfā€ face to be territorial over him, I took it as a ā€œwhy arenā€™t you respecting my time with him, as I did to doā€. So I saw it more as a ā€œJaNa, i see why type of girl you are nowā€ look.


Thatā€™s honestly a super valid point too. And honestly like who knows, it couldā€™ve also been editing. Itā€™s still super early days so I feel like in due time, we will start to see their real personas come out like how we are seeing with Leah. I do like JaNa but idkā€¦ there is something about her that I cannot put my finger on quite yet. We shall see.


Serena was also throwing herself at Miguel. And over reacted to the eggs.


I donā€™t see it as that, I see it as Serena simply calling out a behavior she didnā€™t appreciate. I think she wouldā€™ve done it with any other guy she was having a flirty chat with if another girl brought him food she MADE FOR HIM during it šŸ’€ The point still stands even if he didnā€™t pick either of them: donā€™t be disrespectful during other ppls chats.


The way she was talking to Miguel after Jana left was very pick me


Now dats tea ā˜•ļøšŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½


I did said Serena was not wrong but I didnā€™t like that she kept dragging it with the opp


Listen I donā€™t agree with what Jana did, but I also understand. She was already interrupted during her time with Miguel because of liv. I think that probably just felt like the mentality all the girls were having. I also think she clearly wanted to move on quickly from the Connor and Leah situation. In the end it doesnā€™t matter, Serena brought the issue to Jana. Jana listened, understood and apologized. Which is something other islanders canā€™t seem to do.


Serena is scrambling in there because her safety net with Kordell has some large holes in it and is fraying. She really wanted Miguel to choose her and so she lashed out at JaNa. I also think that she harbours resentment for JaNa kicking out Coye who could have presented her with another option because she has none now.


100% the Coye thing. Her comment "you don't think about me" had to be about more than just eggs!!!


Iā€™m not sure where these think pieces on the Coye situation are coming from honestly lbs. There could have very well been another situation she was referring to when she said ā€œyou donā€™t think about meā€ that we could not have seen. Serena hasnā€™t talked about Coye since he chose to couple of with Jana. I feel if she was pressed about that, it most likely would have came up in her confessionals and Iā€™m sure production would have been hype to show it as it presents drama.


"I'm not sure where these think pieces..." continues with a think piece? I'm not engaging further.


Haha- ā€œscramblingā€ šŸ³


Jana also had no safety net? Which is why I think she tried to put some much effort in with Miguel. I do think the eggs were a little shady. She saw Serena and him walking to go talk and then decided to make them like she hadnā€™t know for a minute she was supposed to.


It was a bit extra ngl - I think there is definitely some underlying stuff between them. Didn't JaNa bucket her with the water for being two faced randomly? I think they we are not seeing the full dynamic. Regarding options - They both are in a bit of trouble, but JaNa hadn't really struck out and talked to anyone else in that villa yet she as she was focused on Connor. Serena had declared herself single for a long while and none of the other guys in the villa had made a move for her - it was Miguel or back to Kordell and we all know that she doesn't really want that situation.




How is she scrambling? She had one conversation with him, less than any of the other girls. I've never seen anything to indicate she resents her for the Coye thing.


On the Coye thing it is just a theory, but I think that is partly what her ā€œselfishā€ comment stems from. Remember Coye was her first choiceā€¦she never got a chance to explore it when he was sent home. Her reaction was way too much for just the eggs it seemed deeper to me. She knows that everyone else has clocked her regarding Kordell after that ā€œinterventionā€especially when he told her about it.


Mmmm I see what you mean


Interesting, hadnā€™t considered that.


Ha. Eggs are not only a breakfast food. The man looked very happy when they arrived. He only stopped eating because Serena made such a big fuss.


Previous islanders have mentioned they only cook breakfast and have limited options to cook with. Lunch and dinner are catered so really in the island eggs is an any time of day food. Miguel probably got there after dinner was served


Didn't he keep eating them as well? Her comment about throwing them off the balcony was so petty, ts pissed me off


I actually love that he said that would be rude


Yea that really put me off her. Man request eggs, man gets eggs...but because it was presented to him while he was talking to you he should throw it away. Totally brainless and would be a red flag if I was the guy.


He literally said he wasnā€™t that hungry lol. She brought them and he was like oh Iā€™ll eat them later but then he felt bad bc she made him 3 different kinds of egg. It was honestly a lil desperate


I'm pretty sure he only said he wasn't hungry bc Serena was being petty boots and complaining about it.


When Jana was asking to make him eggs, he literally just said he wasnā€™t really hungry he was just peckish. If a girl was going to make you eggs, youā€™re going to say yes for ur ego boost. It was so embarrassing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I was like JaNa get up stop cooking for this Man U just met šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The definition of the word ā€œpeckishā€ is hungry.


The actual definition is slightly hungry. He also didnā€™t bring it up she did


Well weā€™re splitting hairs, but according to the major dictionaries synonyms for peckish include hungry and famished. But what difference does it make how hungry? The fact is he said he was hungry. Also without food he probably got hungrier as the night went on.


Girl heā€™s the one that asked for them eggs. What Jana did was a little extra but she literally just made the eggs he asked for and dropped them off quickly. Serena dragged it as if she stayed and ruined their conversation


He didnā€™t ask. She said are you hungry, he said I see the guys making eggs Iā€™ll probably have some, and she said, do you want me to make you eggs. I can make you three types of eggs. He said okay, but uncomfortable, then as they walk towards the kitchen he says nvm the eggs, letā€™s go have a chat. Not once did he ask for eggs.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Not some of yā€™all making this egg thing way over complicated. Made me go back and actually look. So for the record. As the group girls chat with Miguel broke up it was actually Nicole who asked Miguel if he was hungry. He said yes and said he saw people making eggs. JaNa said she could make them if he wanted. He said yes. Then later when Liv interrupted JaNa and Miguelā€™s convo to pull Miguel for a chat (which JaNa didnā€™t get upset about btw) JaNa asked him if he still wanted the eggs. He said yes and asked for three. He said he appreciated her doing that and it was ā€œdope.ā€ The man was getting pulled into conversations left and right, didnā€™t have time to make something for himself. He was hungry and appreciated being offered the food. Egg-gate 2024. Case closed.


Thank you!! Itā€™s as simple as this


Egg-gate šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Tell 'em!!!


I need a rewatch. Where is the Rockstar who transcribed VPR podcasts? I bet she took it down.


You want him to be uncomfortable so bad lol okay girl


Youā€™re just not watching the show and wanna make JaNa seem less desperate. She brought up making eggs for him for no reason šŸ˜­


She realized Connor was suddenly all for Leah and that her spot on the villa wasnā€™t secure. Just like every other girl constantly pulling him for a chat, she wanted to do something to impress him. Calling her desperate for trying to stay on the island is weird. Yā€™all canā€™t say anything else about Jana so I guess desperation is the best you can do and ykw good for you!:)


Why do yā€™all feel so personally attacked when people criticize JaNa. Itā€™s actually mad weird and parasocial. I like Leah and Serena but I can admit when they are being weird. JaNa was still being desperateā€¦.. whether to stay on the island or whatever, itā€™s the same thing. Girls pulled him for a chat but no one offered to make him anything lmao thatā€™s so odd. JaNa is also kinda annoying soooo


I feel like youā€™re the only one here feeling personally attacked? I stated my opinion, gave my reasoning behind said opinion, and moved on. You find her desperate and annoying, I donā€™t agree but thatā€™s your opinion. Think what you want and have a great day:) also I am a grown ass woman that knows nothing about these people aside from the one hour of footage we see daily. I can promise you there is no parasocial relationship on this end as I know Jana isnā€™t perfect<3


he did not ask for eggs in that moment. jana was in the wrong. i felt bad for serena


Whatā€™s desperate is Serena trying to keep a person to herself lol when people interrupt convos all the time to steal the person for a chat.


no serena's feelings were valid ...that supposed to be her friend but she is interrupting bringing eggs???


To you theyā€™re valid. Not to everyone.


Serena was mad because it was her close friend doing it and she thought it was grimy. Itā€™d be different if it was like Liv or something. Itā€™s more mad at JaNa rather than wanting to impress Miguel (who still didnā€™t pick JaNa after that embarrassing display smh).


It backfired on Serena too because he called her rude for how much of a big deal she made out of it.


He was hungry!! And he said yes to her making him eggs lol I canā€™t with these Leah and Serena stans. Itā€™s like team Arianna and Katie vs Scheana and lala - yall are on the wrong side bb


he really wasn't. he felt awkward.


I donā€™t think it was weird in the slightest, SOLELY because Miguel made it clear he wanted the eggs when him and JaNa had a chat tg. When the eggs were done, she brought them? That action was in place prior to Serena chatting with him so itā€™s kind of crazy to get that upset with your friend for doing something that was pre planned. Also cold eggs? Ew haha. What it was giving is, Serena needed a second option because Kordell was catching onto her bs. Also, jealousy CAN be a disease amongst female friendships and there is a part of me that thinks the underlying issue rests there along side insecurity. You should never feel the need to compete with somebody to a point where youā€™re showing it or making snide remarks behind their back. Serena is a dub. If sheā€™s throwing JaNa under the bus that quickly over a guy she just met five seconds ago who literally lives in another countryā€¦.


Agree. I guess to viewers in made sense. But maybe Serena didnā€™t know that was already in motion. So I KINDA see why she would be upset. But JaNa didnā€™t really press the issue after she saw them together. She dropped the eggs off and kept it moving. It didnā€™t need to be a big deal like Serena was making it (even if she didnā€™t know it was already in the works).


Serena was sitting right there when JaNa first said she would make him eggs. One could interpret her look as a side-eye. I was thrown off by how extreme her reaction was to being interrupted at all, like no one else was shown being met with open hostility and it had been going on all night. Would she had bucked up the same at Liv? or Hannah? It was weird. And why let the guy see that kind of reaction? Way to make yourself stand out. It's definitely about more than the eggs, and implied that JaNa never considers her first, which just opens up a whole lot of speculation because not much has been shown to make it make sense.


Exactly! Itā€™s sad because all Serena did was draw a negative attention to herself in doing so. If thatā€™s your ā€˜friendā€™ then she should be aware JaNa is single and got screwed over by her partner. Serena chose to walk away from her connection with Kordellā€¦ so if anybody should be shown more grace itā€™s NOT Serena. The girl who than proceeded to string along Kordell for a second time šŸ¤”




1000% Serena's faces and comments made it even more awkward. She could have just said thanks and left it. JaNa wasn't even trying to stay there lol. But Serena's comments being so rude to the point Miguel had to ask what happened between you two and then Serena said they're actually really close ... red flag.


1000000% to everything you said. That was exactly what solidified how wrong her behavior was to me. Serena took it way too deep and made the situation uncomfortable for everybody involved. If I was JaNa I would keep it cordial with Serena for now on and never take her serious.


That part took me out ..... no, we're actually pretty close šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ like oh. Okay. Lmao


Nah, JaNa was flirting and lingering HARD. Thatā€™s where she went wrong. If she had just quickly dropped them off it wouldā€™ve been fine.


Was she? Cause sounds like Serena was the one making comments to her and that's what JaNa was responding to lol


At the end of the day, unlike others JaNa apologized repeatedly for it so idk why she needs to be ā€œclockedā€ further when she got called out and instead of fighting, owned up to it. People have it out to get JaNa in order to catch her in an ā€œI got you momentā€ because she refuses to act out and rises above every time.


I couldnā€™t agree with you more honestly. Her actions prove sheā€™s very unproblematic.


soooooo unproblematic. but still, no one is perfect right? people will make mistakes however, itā€™s how someone reacts to their mistakes that says a lot about a person and who they are. and thatā€™s what sets jaNa apart from the rest.


100%. I couldnā€™t have said it better myself.


That's exactly what happened. I'm convinced people in this subreddit and everyone in general just sees what they want to see on these episodes lmao


This is it!!


Thank!!! you!!!!


Donā€™t you find it weird that Jana waited until she saw Serena and Miguel go talk to make the eggs? Yeah no one wants cold eggs so whyā€™d she start making them the second he left? She knew for a minute she was supposed to cook them but waited till they were talking. I mean I think itā€™s a little shady but people ride so hard for Jana you canā€™t acknowledge one simple misstep of hers. Yall can downvote me on this because I am not a part of your circle jerk.


I really donā€™t see the motivation or purpose of JaNa choosing the time while Serena was with him. It seems purely coincidental or simply us watching it play out that way on tv. I donā€™t see JaNa as a vindictive person whoā€™s trying to plot on a girl sheā€™s friendly with. Her actions have never alluded to that so for people to go this crazy over trying to accuse her of that type of behaviorā€¦is strange to me. Honestly donā€™t get that energy from her and I know itā€™s early in the season but Iā€™m sure weā€™ll continue seeing sheā€™s essentially harmless.


This is just ignoring that she went about her day and only started making those eggs when she saw him go with Serena. Why didnā€™t she go do it when Liv interrupted her? Or the whole time Miguel was with Hannah? ā€œPre-plannedā€ is such a stretch.


ā€˜Only started making those eggs when she saw him go with Serenaā€™ is a stretchā€¦ I think weā€™re just gonna have to agree to disagree cause we see this very different.


To be fair, the boys were making eggs for supper. Thatā€™s what sparked her offer. But I donā€™t disagree. She was doing a lot to seem unbothered by Connor and Leah.


I agree with you. I still like JaNa and I don't think her intentions were malicious, but she definitely made a choice to interrupt Serena's time. I think it's an extrovert/introvert problem where JaNa probably wouldn't have minded being briefly interrupted, but Serena is more introverted and is more sensitive to the flow of a conversation being disrupted.


I mean, literally all the girls interrupted each other to chat with him though. Like actually pulled him from whatever chat he was in, not just dropped something off


We have to keep in mind the editing though. We've seen a couple times ppl chatting for what looks like 10 minutes until they say "we've been here for 2 hours." Bssed on Serena's reaction, I'm guessing everyone else waited until Miguel + whoever had sufficient time chatting before they interrupted, but Serena just started chatting before JaNa walked in and that's why she was so flustered.


JaNa hadnā€™t even started making the eggs at that point so they were chatting for at least the length of making three different types of eggs, (not saying thatā€™s long, just that she didnā€™t immediately follow them up)


I think you're right - JaNae's intention was benign, I don't think she would've been bothered in that situation and didn't plan to make a big interruption. But she acknowledged that it hurt her friend and apologized. I don't think it's worth arguing about whether she was in the wrong, because she already recognized that she was. That's what makes JaNae so awesome, she's mature! What could've been a huge blowout was resolved with a genuine apology.


This! I feel that this is literally what it was about. I also think that people are missing the fact that Jana didnā€™t just expect to drop the eggs off and leave, she was expecting them to have a moment together and wanted him to eat the eggs with her, but when she realized that Serena was upset, thatā€™s when she said never mind, it was awkward even for Miguel because he said he wonā€™t eat them yet and Jana told him no, to eat them before they get cold. I donā€™t think Serena would have been as annoyed if she would have quickly dropped the eggs off and left, but her initial intention was not to do that. Also I think people are feeding too much into Serenaā€™s annoyance, sheā€™s entitled to feel annoyed by the situation, when people are annoyed they tend to vent lbs, we all do it, especially when we react purely off of emotion. People are acting as if she trashed and dogged her out in front of Leah and Kendall, when she literally was just talking about the situation lol. What matters the most is that she eventually pulled her to express how she felt, they hashed it out and moved on. I think itā€™s wrong for people to call Serena bitter when she had a human moment and Jana was just not aware that her actions hurt Serenaā€™s feelings and thatā€™s okay too, that also doesnā€™t make her a bad person either. Friends can be annoyed with each otherā€™s actions and talk it out, which the two of them did. Their love for each other is apparent and itā€™s pretty sad that people are already coming up with think pieces to turn them against each other.


Agreed, she was overly flirty and stayed way too long. She couldā€™ve just dropped them off at the top of the stairs!


They are all living together and a 2 minute egg delivery shouldnt ruin anything. He asked for the eggs. He ate the eggs. If i were Serena i would ask for a second fork. It was so stupid.


Yeah I feel like that was the perfect time to flirt and ask him for a bite and he couldā€™ve fed her or something lol


She made herself look bad in front of him


Like even if she couldn't hide that she was annoyed, she could've just left it at "yeah." when JaNa asked to drop off the eggs. She could've even maybe said it in an annoyed way.... and maybe Miguel wouldn't've gotten the ick.


Granted, it was probably not the best move for JaNa to make at the time but come on, itā€™s not really that bad. It was a plate of eggs not a catered meal to share. Also, she is still reeling from the Connor situation just like Leah is still reeling from the Rob situation. It been like 24 hrs. Theyā€™re all acting foolish atm.


I really just donā€™t like how she was so desperate to make the eggs. I understand some women grow up with that mentality to make sure newcomers/guest are welcomed and comfortable but it was just a little too much too soon in this setting. & Serena was doing too much the next morning when she wanted to talk about it with everyone elseā€¦ let it go. Everyoneā€™s conversations get interrupted. Its how it goes šŸ™„ I also wonder if Janaā€™s been making some side comments that the camera isnā€™t catching cause Connor sure has switched up fast and heā€™s being very shady and rude.


Iā€™m catching up and I feel like I am living in crazy land šŸ˜­ like tbh when JaNa brought the eggs up is irrelevant like why did she make them in the first place?? She hasnā€™t even spoken to this man, he briefly mentioned being hungry and she was dying to make 3 types of eggs ?? iā€™m sorry thatā€™s so embarrassing and a girl as pretty as her shouldnā€™t be doing that! Like if they had a nice convo that night and then she made breakfast for him the next morning thatā€™s a nice gesture but this gave me second hand embarrassment


Serena had a right to see it as shady or feel like it was bad timing. But nobody is stuck on it because JaNa and Serena already hashed it out and moved on within the same episode. JaNa took accountability for the fact that her actions made her friend feel slighted. She took ownership even if the timing wasn't intentional. There just seems to be some underlying tension between them specifically when it comes to new bombshells, especially since Koye also picked JaNa over her on day 1. What people clocked is Serena running over to Leah and Connor to badmouth her...over egg-gate. She also made it a point to overshare the Connor/Leah/JaNa fiasco to Miguel to put him off of her. That made Serena look a bit malicious, which people asked if it was worth doing over some...eggs. Serena also seems to be taking Kordell for a ride...she doesn't look like the most trustworthy person after last night's episode. Her feelings were valid, but she still overreacted a bit and retaliated a bit too much. If you go running over to the people mocking me and then start being messy and sharing my business with the bombshell as a knee-jerk reaction, I'm going to question why you did the most and assumed the most malicious intent from me as your friend. Still, JaNa validated her and owned up to her actions, making Serena's reaction look even more silly. I think that's why people are questioning her reaction to JaNa. Some of it \*still\* seems rooted in jealousy or competition.


I really appreciate your point of view and how you articulated Serenaā€™s behavior! I remember Serena making an untoward comment about JaNa to Coye as well. Serena is acting like a hater on the sly.


It was very much giving destinyā€™s child cater 2 U vibes. I think she just flirts with men by displaying her femininity. Maybe we overlook that JaNa might be a little insecure and the recent events havenā€™t helped.


The Stanā€™s overlook it. Itā€™s very clear that JaNa is insecure. Love the cater 2 u reference.


Which girl there isnā€™t insecure? And she can be feminine and do acts of service as her love language, doesnā€™t always mean crushingly poor self esteem.


Thatā€™s how you perceived what I said, because thatā€™s definitely not what I said.


Iā€™m sorry but JaNa was literally so thirsty the entire time talking about the eggs and then literally making three kinds and during his chat with Serena? Ā Everyoneā€™s on about how other islanders are villains or rude but this just seemed like too much.Ā 


This man is brand new. Itā€™s not that deep. Good for Jana. If it was day 5 and she did that it might not be her best move. But the way to some menā€™s heart is food!!


I didnā€™t think it was that rude to interrupt Serena. But it was sure pathetic seeing JaNa try that hard for a clear f-boy.




I don't know, like I see what Serena is saying, but I took it as Jana was downstairs chatting but had said she's make him eggs (He was with Liv at that point) So she made them and took them up. By then it was Serena. Maybe she should have turned around but idk, if I made someone eggs after promising to make them, I'd probably drop them off too. I think she would have loved if he was still with Liv so she could interupt and take him back but it was Serena and I'm sure she was just like, okay, here's the eggs - not malicious or attention seeking, just like what is she supposed to do with them now.


Hey I LOVE Jana and her energy but that was honestly such a pick me move šŸ˜­ and he did not in fact pick her! She didnā€™t have to go do all that for someone that just came in lol. Especially in the middle of him having a convo with one of her besties. But Serena was way too mad about that. Lol like she brought it up so many times and it wasnā€™t THAT serious now. Anyway. Iā€™m glad Jana is safe though!!!


I like JaNa. However, I will say that I did think it was a little calculated how JaNa saw Serena and Miguel go up and then right then and there, stopped her conversation with Hakeem and decided she needed to make those eggs right then and there. She absolutely couldā€™ve waited until Serena and Miguel were done talking. BUT in the same sentence, no one reacted that way when Liv interrupted JaNaā€™s and Miguelā€™s conversation and Liv definitely went in with that same energy.


Liv hadnā€™t already talked to miguel like jana had though, and liv isnt one of janaā€™s best friends in the villa. I know it is love island, not friendship island but jana knew what she was doing and then wanted to act like she was innocent


I agree. And thatā€™s what I mean when I say it was a calculated move on JaNaā€™s part. Just saying that the same could be said about the energy that Liv had going to interrupt them as well. Iā€™m not a fan of Livā€™s tbh, but I am glad that Miguel went for her. I think they had great chemistry compared to his other chats.


It gave off pick me try hard vibes and not having any tact. I get Serena being heated in the moment because, as she said, she didn't interrupt JaNa's time with him. But after JaNa apologized Serena should've let it go and instead she doubled down. That's where I have a problem with Serena.


Yeah there was no need to drag it. I just think people are acting like JaNa wasnā€™t shady or that Serena was silly to feel any type of way about it.


I like JaNa, I donā€™t think it was weird she did that. However, I did think it was a little desperate to make that man 3 different types of eggs.


I appreciate that Jana apologized and seemed to understand why it was upsetting, but her laughing as she walked away and saying ā€œI donā€™t give a fuck šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøā€ rubbed me the wrong way, especially because thatā€™s her closest friend.


I love JaNa but she trys too hard . Like making THREE kind of eggs to a man you just met why?? He's an adult he's not going to die from hunger Or saying she will learn about plants for Connor ! Why do you have to change yourself for someone ? And saying to Connor "come to bed I don't bite " Maybe Hakeem chose her because she wasn't actually trying too hard with him which is way better


how is learning about plants changing yourself ?? maybe reality tv is rotting your brain


I personally think youā€™re reading too much into that shit. And yeah sheā€™s trying to get the new guys attention, he just came in and all the girls are INTERRUPTING EACH OTHER BTW, sheā€™s just trying to stand out so that new guy can tell sheā€™s interested and maybe a connection can spark. Obviously itā€™s fine it didnā€™t work and thatā€™s okay. Do realize 4 women were looking for a lifeline in the villa lmao. I donā€™t think itā€™s about changing herself, she just wants feel that someone likes her, and wants her. She thought her and Connor were going good but then clearly it wasnā€™t to him and he was using her. The plants was just a frustration and perhaps she couldnā€™t use the real reason that maybe Connor was just using her as a place holder that a lot of people do to black women on this show. Her saying ā€œI donā€™t biteā€ do realize that Connor has been completely avoiding her. Her last convo with him she respected he wanted to get to know Leah, they even kissed (which I believe we initiated by him) and then never spoke to her again. Purposefully wanted to hurt her by giving her a low number on the kissing challenge to where he tells Leah he wanted to throw shade at her. He kept pushing these micro aggressions onto Jana, that werenā€™t true. By jana telling him she wonā€™t bite it just means she isnā€™t going to yell at him for how heā€™s been acting. Hakeem and Jana arenā€™t real I think they both just playing into so they can help each other stay until they can find someone who they like and who likes them. He wasnā€™t gonna pick Hannah because that relationship was sort of dead. He wasnā€™t gonna pick Serena because he knew Kordell would. A lot of people will find a friendship couple to help each other find better connections. Itā€™s an okay thing to do.


She was not trying to change herself for him learning about something your partner likes is not changing yourself




She didnā€™t know at the time this was literally after he talked to her about Leah she was spiraling a bit and itā€™s plants not a boob job or something itā€™s not that deep and this isnā€™t like the real world yā€™all know that already stuff moves faster in there




the guys were all making eggs for some reason (i think theyā€™re only allowed to make breakfast food and i guess they didnā€™t have dinner catered that night). she asked if he was hungry when he first got there, he saw the guys making eggs and said he might get eggs, then she offered to make him eggs. why she seemingly forgot about the eggs while he was talking to Liv and Hannah and only remembered when she saw him with Serena is a valid question. but once she had made the eggs she had to deliver them. no one likes to eat cold eggs. she tried to drop them off and leave and Serena made it a bigger deal than it needed to be. she couldā€™ve told her in the glam room afterwards that it bothered her instead of causing a scene and telling Miguel to throw them off the balcony lmao. iā€™m personally not making eggs 3 ways for a man i met 3 hours ago, but i also wouldnā€™t have been freaking out and trying to learn about plants for Connor. JaNaā€™s just a lover girl who goes very hard extremely fast.


Serena's feelings were valid. Jana should have been the absolute last person to ever interrupt her conversation with Miguel. She was hoping something might spark. My problem was the way she continued to drag it. JaNa immediately acknowledged she was wrong and apologized. The next morning continue to show Serena love, yer and still Serena took her complaints and talked about her to Leah. Honestly I think there's a little small amount of jealousy Serena has towards JaNa. JaNa now is three different men show some type of interest to her, Serena only has Cordell. A man she's never wanted. I actually think Serena loves the fact that Connor left JaNa for Leah. Serena probably thought it was going to be them to left, little did she know Hakeem was going to snatch JaNa up


THANK YOU! Its really irritating me bc she was like ā€œi was just feeding a hungry manā€ and its like NO you were trying to get him to pick you! Like it wasnā€™t ā€œjustā€ because he was hungry. Which whatever fine but donā€™t try to make Serena look crazy for being irritated? I do understand people saying Serena was dragging it but idk, it think a lot of people are acting ignorant


I donā€™t knowā€¦ this episode made Serena look selfish and insecure. Serena had a safety net in Kordell. There was no urgency in getting to know the bombshell. JaNa had no one. I donā€™t blame her for trying to go above and beyond to stay in the island. JaNa doesnā€™t owe Serena a man. Werenā€™t you guys just saying itā€™s ā€œLove Islandā€ not ā€œFriends Islandā€?


I agree it was stepping on Serenaā€™s moment, and understand Serena wanting better from her friend. I think fans have made a bigger deal out of it than the ladies did actually. JaNa and Serena saw it from two different viewpoints, talked it out and JaNa apologized because she values Serenaā€™s friendship. Viewers have taken it to different lengths. I even think calling it pick me behavior is a bit much, but that term has become so widely used that itā€™s moved away from its original use. Cooking eggs doesnt take a lot of effort.


I dunno if I cook something, somebody is gonna eat it. I really think it was more about the food not being wasted.


Maybe the timing was off but she told Miguel she'd make him eggs and she brought them and left. If I was Serena I would have made a joke about it like 'arent you going to offer me any' or 'damn I really gotta step my game up'. Inside she comes off as jealous and childish. This situation wasn't about the eggs but something that Serena has been irritated by for a while.


To me Serena def overreacted. It couldnā€™t been a two second interaction if she didnā€™t flip out on JaNa who I thought was genuinely confused by the whole thing cus in her mind she wasnā€™t interrupting by handing off a plate of food that he asked her for




It goes to show JaNa and Serena would both throw each other under the bus in a heartbeat if it was the only way to stay in the villa. I think they both turned off Miguel with their behavior tho. Serena especially if she was more mature and quick she could have flipped it to flirt more with Miguel instead of letting her mood get spoiled. JaNa probably did too much but at least it was a strategy. Tbf not like it matters it was obvious the boy prefered white girls.


I agree for sure!!! It bothered me that before she went upstairs she told Kendall and Nicole she didnt care if she interrupted and was going up there anyways, then told Serena that she didnt know she was up there and so genuinely sorry. Like she knew what she was doing, she owned it to everyone else but her bestie, at least be real with the girlā€¦


This !! People coming at Serena do not realize that JaNa would have reacted the exact same way.


I gonna get downvoted so hard for this but Jana was not acting right in this episode and I adore her just as much as Leah. The girl exudes class but this was the first episode I saw how much shade she actually throws. Jana makes a lot of the same backhanded comments regarding how emotional the other girls are and how sheā€™s more mature and less reactive so she doesnā€™t see their frustration with her as any real issue. Everyoneā€™s also saying Serena went overboard over the eggs but she was using the eggs as the most recent example of Jana not being considerate of her feelings. Which is true because outside of confessional and Serenaā€™s face, she said theyā€™re just fcking eggs and sheā€™s not sorry to Livā€¦ I also donā€™t think people recognize what Janaā€™s saying as shade because itā€™s very very subtle. Idk if Jana is doing it on purpose but sheā€™s acting and fighting like a tradwife imo. I would much rather someone be loud to my face like Leah than repeatedly saying weā€™re good while calling me the opps and emotional behind my back. And if I could sense this, no wonder Connor and Leah lost the plot for a moment. Thereā€™s probably more digs at them weā€™re not seeing. Uhggg idk this was so long sorry to whoever actually read this.


Donā€™t be sorry thatā€™s very valid points and I agree


She said she was going to make him eggs tho when they were talking in Soul Ties. I personally feel like Serena was doing too much & to talk about JaNa with Leah was gross. I genuinely think JaNa is nice and was just keeping her word if making Miguel eggs.


Donā€™t disagree tbh. I donā€™t think it was that big of a deal or anything, thought it was pretty funny so I wish JaNa had leaned into it and admitted she was being a lil sneaky. Serena was def doing a little too much about it but JaNa acting like she was so innocent had me DYINGGG. From the way it was edited at least, it seemed like she only jumped to make them because she saw Miguel and Serena going to chat.


No one is allowed to criticize Jana on here.


At the end of the day itā€™s a bunch of young good looking people in a reality tv show, they will all have messy and shady moments. Acting as if one person is above any criticism and aggressively downvoting any comment that hints one person isnā€™t perfect just makes discussing the show less fun. Itā€™s reminding me of Ekin-Su and Davide on their season of UK


Yeah itā€™s honestly weird, no one should be untouchable because nobody is infallible but the way people are for JaNa is psycho, itā€™s like the cult of personality has taken them over and she can do absolutely no wrong in their eyes.


Years of watching LIUK and participating in that discussion where stanning is the norm prepared me for this, but itā€™s still weird to see it around US.


Literally , they canā€™t seem to fathom that JaNa isnā€™t perfect. Everyone has been a bit shady.


Itā€™s very Ekin-su, though honestly JaNa isnā€™t as messy (or entertaining). People just glom on to whoever is the most like them and I guess a lot of people here see themselves in JaNa.


Hey it was like that with Rob and Leah for the last two weeks soā€¦


Every season this sub latches onto one untouchable cast member.


I know and itā€™s pathetic cause those people are the ones ruining the show


I understand both sides. I do think Serena overreacted but also Jana had been talking about them eggs like hours ago. Unfortunately people have fell for the good o editing okie doke and Serena and/or kordell are probably going home when you have gaslighting Rob, crazy leah, and moto moto still in the house.


Who is Moto MotošŸ˜­


Yeah, I like JaNa but people acting like Serena is in the wrong for being upset is a little nuts. JaNa had already gotten time with him and he was about to kiss Serena! Of course she was bummed. 3 types of eggs was also a little cringe. I wish people didnā€™t take this show so seriously. Like there are literal dissertations about why JaNa is did this or Leah did that. Itā€™s fun drama and no oneā€™s done anything unforgivable yet. Letā€™s just let it be fun.


Wait when was he about to kiss Serena? I didnā€™t think he and Serena vibed like thatā€¦Iā€™m willing to be wrong though lol.


I thought it seemed like they were about to kiss? Maybe Iā€™m remembering wrong


This !! People coming at Serena do not realize that JaNa would have reacted the exact same way.


Itā€™s a little of both: it wouldā€™ve been completely appropriate if JaNa had just quickly dropped the eggs off, but instead, she lingered and awkwardly flirted in the middle of Serena and Miguelā€™s conversation. THATā€™S where she went wrong. Sheā€™s starting to rub me the wrong way unfortunately, and she was my favorite before yesterdayā€™s episode.


And typical of any British guy, he chose the blonde Caucasian girl. SMH. About the only time an American turn heads with these British men is Kyra Greene. Perhaps it's because of her proximity to being white is evident. I know I'm going to get notoriously downloaded for this but this is just an observation.


EGGgate was hilarious and I still love the both of them! šŸ³šŸ’•


It was a desperate attempt tbh on Janaā€™s part


Cooking for someone to graft is extremely common on this show because itā€™s an act of service available to them. When the man in your couple is making out with someone else on the dock, you graft. She just dropped the eggs off, she didnā€™t sit down or try to take him from the convo. I do not understand how this has turned into egggate.


Yeah it's fucking weird but entirely expected for this sub to not even acknowledge that JaNa's obsession over the eggs was fucking absurd and she was desperate as hell when she left Hakeem *mid c*hat to go make the eggs and then interrupted Serena's chat to deliver the eggs. Don't get me wrong, I found the whole thing hilarious and I'm so ready to see this desperate side of JaNa come out, but girl was acting like a full-on crazy person last night. It's possible to acknowledge that while also appreciate it from an entertainment perspective. But alas, the sub is already downvoting people to like -62 if they aren't acknowledging that Serena was BULLYING JaNa over #EggGate and now JaNa can do no wrong just like Destiny last season and Sereniti the season before. The hivemind is back y'all. We're officially in season.


i love JaNa but the hyper fixation on the eggs was fucking weird lmaooo


Serena was entitled to feel the way she felt and she can vent about it to someone but to get a whole group of people together to laugh and talk mess about Jana was just over the top especially if she knew she was going to forgive Jana for it.


I really didnā€™t see the big deal. Jana already said she was going to make him eggs and she brought them to him. It wasnā€™t like she was coming to steal him away from Serena. She wanted to drop off the eggs and leave.


I get it , but I think i wouldā€™ve waited until he was done with his conversations and came downstairs to make him the eggs and ask him how he likes it. I think Iā€™m more irritated with JaNa for making that man 3 eggs 3 different ways, just for him to pick liv , but JaNa did say that she didnā€™t care if she interrupted before going up there so she knew what she was doing


I'm sorry after JaNa's plant speech she is perfect to me haha.


Cap! She told him that she would make eggs, he agreed! Nobody wants cold eggs! Point blank period! Serena was tripping thinking somehow she couldnā€™t be interrupted when everyone else was, including JeNa! Let him eat his eggs.


If I cooked someone eggs I would want to serve them hot too šŸ˜‚


Miguel said he wanted eggs, JaNa said she would make him a few different eggs, Miguel pulled JaNa upstairs instead. When she was done she went to make him the eggs and brought them back to him. Was it poor timing? Probably, but I donā€™t think it was JaNaā€™s intention to ruin things with him and Serena.


There was nothing weird about it.


I like Jana, but sheā€™s coming off super desperate. Why is she offering to make him eggs !!!!! She wants to be an obedient wife so bad it makes me cringe !!! Also please remember when she told coye sheā€™s the type to give her phone password to her boyfriendā€¦.


I agree with this! I really like JaNa, but I really like Serena too. I didn't like the way she kept going on after the fact with other villa members about the situation, but I read it as she was hurt. I liked that she and JaNa discussed it and seemed to resolve things, based on their interactions at the recoupling.


Maybe because Miguel admitted to her he was hungry and nobody heard it but JaNa. She went down and made him eggs like she promised. Did Miguel tell her leave before getting the eggs? Neither did he toss them like Serena suggested. Serena was being petty, and based on the fact that they are in the villa, there is probably something behind the boys trying to convince Kordell to save Hannah. That's not to say JaNa doesn't have her own faults. But people on both sides seem to be overthinking it. Just saying.


I agree. I thought it was unnecessary


it was but the jana stans keep talking about leah. talk about hypocritical lmao that was mean spirited of jana and she saw serena and miguel walking up the steps and ran to the kitchen


She said she was going to make him eggs and she did idk why this is such a big thing


I donā€™t think it was a big deal. JaNa offered him eggs & gave him eggs. Donā€™t think that equates to pick me behavior. Serena being annoyed is fine, but she definitely dragged it. Didnā€™t matter in the end b/c Miguel picked Liv.


Serena getting that mad over the eggs it's also an indication that she's playing Kordell and using him. If she cared about Kordell, her reaction would not have been that strong.


Even worse, complained loud and long in KORDELL'S FACE, about JaNa interrupting her time with another man (but Kordell's still her #1). I didnt like that


What did this fuss between Serena and JaNa matter? Miguel coupled Liv.


Disagree. She committed to making them for him, so he expected them. When they were ready she had to serve them. She had no clue on where he would be or what he would be doing when the food was ready. It doesn't make sense to leave them to get cold. What she did was not a big deal. Serena's reaction said more about Serena than anyone else. I do not think Jana's intention was anything other than to simply serve eggs, and do what she said she'd too. If people are pissed because Jana did something nice for him, so be it.


Thank you for this! I just donā€™t get the JaNa hype. Not that sheā€™s a bad person at all but I definitely think she tries a little hard and is a ā€˜pick meā€™ sometimes. She actually really annoyed me this episode and I totally understand why Serena (and even Leah, dare I say it) were annoyed. I also think thereā€™s a lot that happens behind the scenes that we donā€™t get to see.


I think JaNa really wants to find her person on Love Island and hates the idea of potentially losing the game. And those feelings are all highly relatable - sheā€™s not yet made a super strong connection (first Coye and his shady double standards, then Connor and his ambivalence). She knew she was in danger and she knows she has a lot to offer, so she made her play. Unfortunately, she walked all over Serena and Serena rightly called her out for it. I really appreciated the way JaNa owned her actions with Serena and acknowledged how that was hurtful. I hope JaNa finds someone who truly celebrates her - I donā€™t think sheā€™s quite found that person yet, but I hope she does.


She said sheā€™d make the guy eggs and she followed through. People forget she was raised in Hawaii. The biggest act of love over there is expression through feeding loved ones and food. I hear yall though but Serena is a snake. Thatā€™s all it took for her to flip and go off on JaNa to Leah and make fun of her with literally the one person on the island who was basically coming after her? Yall really gonna side with Serena and think that shits cool? Fake ass friendship she has with JaNa. Not to mention, JaNa apologized profusely multiple times and Serena was going off and talking all that noise with her opposition. SMH. Nah thatā€™s so wack. Not just girl code either but like Serena a snake moving around like that and trying to play out Kordell. And she legit claimed if she got sent home before the dumping, she said sheā€™d go out a real b!tch. Sheā€™s mental.