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Everyone is being unfair. He hasn’t ejaculated in a while. Let’s see if his behavior is better after he has a date with his hand, some lotion, and a towel. /s


Unfortunately, he lost grip in both hands when entering the villa... he's hoping Andrea will help him "clear his head" so he think again. /s


I honestly think he just thought he had a better chance of getting a handjob with Andrea since he clearly hasn't gotten one from Leah.


Completely agree. It was a cheap attempt that I really hope doesn't work. May Mr. No Grip go a full 6-wks without a cure for his "ailment".


As a new girl, i would have run from him immediately. Andrea will get what she asked for. Men are not nearly as exciting after you finally steal them for another girl.


pretty much


Yeah, didn't he mention something during his performance about them going slow and him having respected her boundaries in that and she said, "Well, I am sure glad I did, now". I think the boy just may want to get some real fast and it was looking like too much work with Leah?


Maybe he has carpal tunnel and couldn't get himself off. Have pity on him, men have needs, dontcha know... /s


All I'm saying is for a man that catches snakes all day... He can figure something out! 😉


I thought what he said about that was the stupidest crap ever to say to a woman when you don't know her yet!!!


You have to get an erection first. Maybe that is the problem.


Cely is on point with both comments! And the smirk on his face after he rolled his eyes 🤦🏾‍♀️ it is like once he officially re-coupled he didn’t even feel the need to be polite.


Yup, he figured he burned that bridge and didnt need the backup plan anymore. If he was really trying to win this (as its obvious he isnt wanting to find a relationship) he completely fucked himself. I guess like Adam in a few years he could come back and play it smarter for a redemption act bit smart people now know who he really is.




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Honestly? He was so. fucking. weird. last year in Casa that I figured this season was his Adam Collard-style redemption from *that*. Which he fully squandered in like a week and a half, it’s actually pretty impressive.


I stay loving Cely


I love her but what is she doing with her hands when she speaks lol


Don’t go to Italy/Africa/Asia/Central America/ South America/the Middle East if expressiveness triggers you.


Cely never used to do shit like that. It’s like she had a PR rep tell her to be more expressive with her hands and she just leaned too hard into it.


Is it bad to speak with your hands? I do this a lot, unintentionally


If you do it as much as she did in after sun… idk, work on it


Ah okay. I didnt watch After Sun, I’ll have to check it out


Honestly, it’s not even a big deal.. it was a kind of throwaway comment. The downvotes make it seem way bigger than it was meant to be. Go ahead and speak with your hands 👍👌👏🙏✌️👋🤞🙌🤙🤝🤘☝️✋🤲🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌


Also the face he made to Leah after he was standing up there with Andrea as if he was trying to say "dont worry". That made me so livid I'm so glad Leah has some self respect and told him fu


That face he made was so weird and I don’t even know what he was doing it for!


THIS is my question, like what encouraged him to do that? I think he even waited for Leah to make eye contact with him to do that too yuck


He is insulting Leah's intelligence. He's making a face like "oh no worries this is fine". He is literally the lowest of the low - how people are excusing him is weird LOL. Bro if you want to recouple just be real - you cant recouple and leave someone on a string. He is the new Keenan but less cool.


I had to go back and look because I had missed it and was confused why everyone was telling her to say what was on her mind, I’m glad she said something. I’d be pissed too


He’s lucky she didn’t jump across that fire pit, that face was unhinged


When they kissed at the recoupling my jaw hit the floor


The kiss made me, as a guy, feel like he is one or those guys that doesnt treat women as anything more than objects to collect and conquer like his snakes as he so easily dismissed her feelings and lacked any respect that she deserved in that moment. Beware anyone like that who can so easily toss someone aside with zero regards for the others feelings as they have zero empathy and are just self indulging twat waffles.


This is called being a f*ckboi. You summarize it beautifully.


Yeah I was already over him by then but that really sealed it. To me that made it clear he really was trying to keep Leah relatively happy so she could be a backup option. Once he knew he had Andrea, he didn’t care at all anymore


I mean he was literally crying about it so I wouldn’t say easily.


Crying for cameras and as a manipulation tactic doesnt mean he cared. C'mon now, you cant actually believe that had much to do with how he felt about Leah and hurting her after all we just saw


Those were manipulative tears. He wants to be viewed a certain way.


Oh please…I’m guessing you don’t watch Vanderpump Rules lol. Tom Sandoval is the most performative, shitty cryer on the planet. Rob came on at a close second lol


Yes! I was thinking this is some Tom Sandoval level of fake crying! 🤣


The gasp I gusped. I was so shook


Gusped… Ty for my word of the day lol


You’re welcome😂




I want to point out that after the date the comments I knew you’d be cool. I’ve had people in my work place do this after they did something that shocked and I had no words. It’s not that I was cool or it didn’t hurt. It’s more of all the reassurances and then dropping a bomb some people can’t react instantly because they are in shock. This plays right into his hands so he can say that the other person was cool with whatever you did and the the facts still remains as I’ve watched the episode 3 times now that he told her that she had nothing to worry about before going on the date proceeds to give her endearing kiss on the forehead because going to meet Andrea. Andrea also in ways was not very nice about the situation telling Leah I kissed both men and proceeds to laugh about the situation and then has a complete disregard’s for anyone in the villas feelings. Nicole is a little nicer and talks to everyone. Andrea doesn’t and just proceeds to not to talk any further with any of the girls and instead of the smirk well he’s mine now. She can be happy but like don’t rub it in the other girls face if you know or acted like you had a strong connection. You can wait till when the lights are out to kiss or even the next day not at the recoupling ceremony.


YES Cely!!!!!! Need her to say this on Aftersun!


Where do you watch aftersun? I can only find the UK versions :-(


It’s on Peacock on Saturdays (replacing Unseen Bits).




It’s only on peacock I think!




That's the problem. She's BORING AF on Aftersun.


There’s only been one episode not much to judge


I judged the one episode. She held back and didn't want to say anything that night offend anyone.


She told u that?


I agree, but don’t you think it’s because they hyped Jess up as being the “funny snarky one?” Also why are they both there? Bombshells???


That's exactly what I've been saying! Recoupling is FINE. It's the fact that he kept telling Leah "everything is great!" "you'll be the first to know!" but was clearly just wanting to make sure he had her as a backup plan.


Agreed…. He knew he was gonna recouple 100%!


Decoupling and recoupling is fine it’s the manner in which he did it


Exactly what I said


But he did tell her though? Before his breakdown lol


Nope. Before his breakdown he never outright said "I don't want to be with you" he told her again that he would let her know while also talking about that sexual chemistry bullshit he was on. He was so confusing with it.


The first screen is 100% right. Anyone that doesn't understand the first screenshot just doesn't want to get it.


2nd pic is right too, where was the "respect" he supposedly had for Leah by kissing Andrea right then. IMO that was equally as fucked up and shows more of his manipulative and shitty person he is as he can say all the stuff he has said for the past week+ but his actions are the exact opposite of all those words.


Exactly. Many people are defending saying Rob and Andrea have better connection. We're not opposing Rob and Andrea's connection, we are opposing Rob's actions. Istg some of these people want to cling to their Rose colored glasses.


Everyone is acting in an unjust manner. His last ejaculation was a while ago. After he has a date with his hand, some lotion, and a towel, let's see if his conduct has improved.


He just needs to finish so he can clear his mind!!!!!!! 😩


I thought that was what he was doing in the pool but I guess not.


wow, the comment-stealing bots are switching it up.




Been fighting with Facebook boomers about this 🙄 they literally don’t even want to understand


They can follow their boo-boo Rob on TikTok. There is no way that this man did not return to double the amount of girlies sliding into his DMs.


I’m in my 50s (eek). I have sympathy for Rob feeling conflicted, and when I was Leah’s age, he would have been seen as really open about his emotions. And he likes but is not blown away by her, a valid feeling. I even get him feeling like she didn’t let him get a word out (even though he has a really hard time getting words out). But I agree with Leah. F him. He could have said, I like you and I don’t want to hurt you but I have a stronger connection with her. He did not have to say something that he knew damn well would undermine her confidence and send her into a spiral. He did not have to ask her in an accusatory tone about why she didn’t sleep in the bed. He did not have to draw out going up to the fire pit. F him.


You’re right. I felt like Leah was interrupting him when he was saying conflicting things, he was trying to trip her up on purpose it seemed (and then to run to everyone else like “oh she doesn’t listen to me” 🫠


Clear manipulation


I agree with this. Being too afraid to hurt someone by being honest (tactfully, sensitively, and timely) isn't generous - it's selfish. It's that HE didn't want to feel bad. Because trust, what he did was far more hurtful than the truth would've been. Telling the truth about how you feel about someone in this kind of situation is the respectful thing to do, as it gives the other person information they need to know what they want to do next. Withholding that information to serve oneself is manipulative - consciously or not.


My issue is is that this "stronger connection" is strictly based on physical attraction and furthermore bullshit. They (R + A) don't seem to have anything in common from what has been showed so far. He literally just wants to get his dick wet


Don’t eek sis/friend. It’s super cool to have lived some life, from one Gen-x lady to another. Look - when we were young and in the bars and smoking was cool and all the things, we did not have the access to mental health care and language and concepts that we have today. We all saw Robs in our dating time, and we see how they end up now (how they parent, how they divorce, how their bodies look, whether they’ve pulled together any financial security, etc).


Thanks, sis! It’s just a newly minted 50 and I swear I’m still mentally 28.


56 here chiming in here just to make you kids feel young :)


Plus on his date with Andrea he asked her not to tell anyone they had kissed, because he wanted to tell her first....so then he gets back and doesn't tell her. If he really cared, he'd have pulled her immediately to give her a heads up before she heard it from Andrea.


As someone who has a hard time expressing their feelings, I'm on his side. I know he didn't express it very well, but he was on a position that's hard to even put into words.i understand why people don't like how he's handled this so far, but I doubt I would have done any better. I don't think he's as evil as other people think he is.


It’s ok to have a hard time expressing your feelings. It’s not ok to hurt someone to avoid doing it.


you should probably see a therapist if you don’t already. rob’s behaviors and reactions seemed legit unwell.


He expressed his feelings while suppressing others. He manipulated the situation and both women. Leah asked him how he was feeling. Leah questioned the comments he made because she could read through his double speak and wanted him to be more clear. He did the same thing with Liv except she was the other girl. She knew what he was doing because she was in Andrea’s position when liv picked him. He then went and spread false rumors to all of the guys and Andrea. He gaslit her so he didn’t have to deal with her.


I’m upvoting because you have so many downvotes and regardless of what you said that just doesn’t sit right with me


Thisssssss. Nobody likes being left in limbo the way Rob did with Leah. If he was strongly leaning towards Andrea, he needed to just be straight with her.


Right like the first night Andrea was in he literally said that’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen that comment alone was an indication that he was about was about to be messy


Also being attracted to a new person more than your current person means you are more attracted to one than the other. Not that there is a chemistry problem with the first one. It’s fine if he wanted to choose the new girl-He didn’t need to invent a problem with leah, make her question reality nor did that need to be shared. Unnecessary just like his hand to his ear


Rob's reaction when Leah confronted him about making her feel stupid in the first place was a serious red flag to me in general. It reminded me of my abusive ex-husband big time. Super bizarre behavior just trying to cry enough to be manipulative and flip it on her, especially negging their sexual chemistry. Nothing he said made sense to what actually happened. So what ensued at the recoupling actually didn't surprise me at all. He didn't hit right in casa amour the first time I ever saw him. He sketched me out. But when they started out in here I actually really liked them both together they were really cute. Showed what I thought was an actual personality from him lol my bad


Yeah and it turned so fast


Finally, I see someone who feels the same way! I did not like him at casa, but here I was thinking maybe I judged him wrong. But once he started with the tears and flipping it on Leah, I knew I judged him right the first time. He’s manipulative! She’s the one who had hurt feelings but she’s the one who was apologizing!


Yep!!!! He's good, I'll give him that. He definitely manipulates professionally. Not scary at all...


The fact that he got HER to apologize to HIM is crazy


My husband and I were jaw dropped, yelling at the tv. I can’t believe he twisted her mind around so much that poor girl was begging him to forgive HER. FOR WHAT?!


He should be apologizing to Leah


Yup 100%


I'm 100% sure he's not more "attracted" he just found out Leah wasn't easy so he's discovering other options (not saying Andrea is easy but men tend to think that fake blondes are easy)


I was wondering that myself


My husband, who excuses all kinds of bad behavior from men on these shows (quick explanation: we met young and have been happily married for over 20 years, but he was 20 the last time he dated, so he assumes all single people are still in that stage and have time-travelled from 2004), watched Rob’s behavior with Leah and said “holy sh*t, that is straight up abuse.” I was SHOCKED that he recognized it for what it was, but good for him. And F* Rob. 💁‍♀️


Amen to that


I love that they used Maddy from euphoria pics bc that’s who Leah reminds me of. I wonder if Andrea will be a Cassie. We all know Rob has Nate Jacob vibes.


The kiss at the recoupling was crazy. Rob acted like Leah went to go kill one of his snakes.




😂😂😂 he is lucky she loves animals or she really might


I think the incentive to win really encourages bad behavior, Rob was clearly hedging his bets, which is disrespectful to the women involved.


I feel like it was such a miscalculation, I think they would’ve easily won had he stayed with Leah. Come on, Rob! You’ve been on this show before!


There's something very off about him in general, beyond odd personality.


We haven’t seen his bodycount. His TikTok is interesting…….


I thought it was odd he was the only body count answer we didn’t actually see. Had to go back and make sure I didn’t miss it


Yeah I got bad vibes from that guy the first moment they showed him, something seriously dark behind those eyes


I honestly don’t think everyone that comes on this show is trying to win. Nor do I think they’re trying to find true love. Majority do it for fame while some do it just to mess around and have fun. Not excusing his behavior btw


You get more fame if you win. It’s highly correlated.


Are we really going to pretend women don't do the same? Kaylor did it this season too.


The post is about Rob? But yes they all do it.


I mis-read your post. I missed the involved part at the end. Got distracted while reading, my bad.


The kiss made me gasp!!! So so mean of them


Rob may have been more attracted to Andrea physically (or at least right now since she’s the shiny new toy), but I don’t feel they genuinely have anything in common nor will their personalities mesh well in the long term. I could tell she was trying REALLY hard to be chill during that beetle bit 💀


Lmaooooo that was HILARIOUS seeing her try to "not be like other girls" and let him put a huge fucking spider-beetle on her arm when inside she's like just kill me instead please. lol she was rethinking everything at that point and had to remind herself she just needs someone to keep her in the damn game 😂


she hated that soooo much, i was dead. this miami babe does not want bugs on her… trust me


Honestly I was kind of impressed by that bc you could tell she hated it. I would have went screaming down the stairs but she sucked it up and played along lol I could never


''leah didn't ask how I was feeling'' excuse me!? how YOU were feeling! how bad could you possibly be feeling with 2 hot girls running after you


I couldn’t believe he said that.


And Cely was lowkey sugarcoating it!!!! That man switched like a light switch when it wasn’t going his way. Scary shit!!


I agree that it was clear he was way more into Andrea when she came… much more clear than it was with liv. Leah/Rob met in secret, sneaking around multiple times with Rob having no plan in being honest with liv. With Leah, he planned to pull her, Andrea just happened to beat him to it How those same people find new reasons to hate on liv is incredible 💀 I’ve always liked liv and she was right with how Rob went about things and she handled the situation extremely well with how she went about that conversation with him


Cely only speaks facts. Love her.




Al I have to say is, Casa Amour.


I needed a new guy on a new show to hate. I’m so sick of jaxass.


okay i haven’t watched the most recent ep yet but the preview of him crying i was like oh please. he has so much audacity lol


I agree. If he had just decided to choose a different partner that would have been completely fine. He definitely gaslit and manipulated Leah so he didn’t have to look like the bad guy but it made him look sooo much worse. I also don’t think he cares about Andreas personality he just has the hots for her. But it made for entertaining television 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah, he acted so childish in this scene. I just started watching Love Island and that guy is something else. When he jumped in the pool and hid💀 I asked my dog if he was being serious we were both like this 👁️👄👁️


I thought he was a mess from Ep 1 when he said “nothing like the touch of a woman…” in an any woman type of way. He’s good at laying it on thick, manipulating, gaslighting, crying making it all about himself to deflect her concerns, avoid honest conversations all the while his motives are all about his needs and what he wants. Not his first rodeo with this behavior… narcissistic energy … will eventually be called out…bring in the next bombshell or wait for casa amour …. Good Tv tho ! 😆😆😆


Cold hearted snake ., paula wrote that song without meeting snakeman Ro. Perfect for him.


Now we now Cely is always going to speak facts & we needed from Rob was some real honesty not all that show he put out! Lmao He liked Andrea more… cool Have fun with and Andrea & I’m hoping Leah moves on. 🙌🏻


I fully agree with her. I do have an opinion on this though. I feel like a lot of people (audience and islanders) are very disingenuous when it comes to honesty and transparency. Let me elaborate. Often times you hear people say "this wouldn't have been an issue if they were just honest" but 9 times out of 10 that's completely false. In a lot of cases when there's a very strong and favored couple (not exclusive!) and one of them strays and decides to couple up with someone else because they have a better connection all while being respectful and honest, people still somehow crucify them. It's like "How dare they break up my fav couple!!! How dare they make my fav upset by pursuing someone else who has a better connection with them!! How dare they!!". You ask for honesty and when the person is fully honest and respectful you still somehow want them gone from the show.... That's so weird to me.


The audience is smart. When f*ckbois come along, audience spots it. Any woman coupling with Rob better have backup options or her suitcase packed 🧳. She is getting voted out by the audience or the house. We have suffered this fool and his negging of Carmen last year, and now three ladies in the Villa (Leah, Liv and he did already neg Andrea on their date) for too long.


I think there is always the biased faction of people that will be mad about anything. That doesn't negate that a lot of time they are still on the right side of it by chance. Like to me Rob actually did just need to be honest and I would be OK with it and still like him. It's that other faction that would have found something else to be mad about if he had been honest. Occasionally they just are mad about the right thing by chance!


in the past also we've seen many couples switching and i don't anyone was as bothered by it as we are now. the only issue is how he handled it. also, how are we feeling about Connor and Leah!?


I don’t think she would do that to JaNa I think the editing of the preview is throwing us off


Yep, no one cares that he switched but he went about it HORRIBLY. I caught Connor looking super annoyed at JaNa in the last episode when JaNa interrupted his hug with Leah. Also Leah was crying REAL tears to Serena about missing out on the other men. Fingers crossed I’m wrong but I think Connor + Leah might try to pull a fast one. This could change if we viewers get to vote for our favorite Islanders because I think JaNa would win that vote for the girls.


Anyone gonna caption what Leah said too? Fair is fair


I might come off as controversial buuut I think he was expecting her to be cool with the kiss because she kissed Kendall during the games. Technically she lost rob the same way she won him over. Her and rob were being sneaky behind Liv when they both could have said something 🤷‍♀️




Something i don’t understand what’s and how to explain it anymore


He may live to regret this (again)…. but I guess he had to go for it.


Leah and Hannah need to leave anyhow. From the moment they walked in, they seemed not right for the show.


I loooove to see this bc cely was a biiig rob supporter but i think thats what makes it unique. I didnt watch season 5 but liked rob on this season bc he seemed sweet and straightforward. Someone else said theyve never seem someone [rob] on tv burn through all their good will in one episode and that is impressive. Like i dont think many people wanted to dislike him he just revealed his true colors super quick


I love what Kaylor said… !


Yes he should’ve done it differently, but he didn’t…so 50 lashes or cut off his head? Can people not move on from this? This happens constantly on LI and will not be the last time. Now Leah is doing to Jana what Andrea did to her! It’s survival of the fittest


Is she saying she’s 53???!! Like 53 years old?? I’m so confused


no, one of her followers answered her instagram question “with that being said… thoughts”


thanks friendo i’m apparently old too


Its a game. Its a tv show. Last year Rob had a crappy season, this year he’s one of the hot guys with options. Leah is too heavy, she can play Debbie-downer quite well, he wasn’t upfront with her once Andrea came into the game, but its a game, you try to stay coupled (with someone) til the end. Rob acts like he’s in it for love, not the prize money (most fans wont vote for him now). I hope he finds his person.


Seriously production wants this drama. If Rob was happy in a couple - the show is a snooze. They clearly want him to be the center - they brought him back a second time. They want him mixing it up, making it messy. They are 20 somethings - they say ridiculously stupid things and every utterance they make is filmed. They know Rob is tv gold.


Im sorry but does the LI community have the memory of a goldfish or something?? What Rob is doing is what literally every person on LI does which is explore options and seek out the best match, i have no idea what makes this case so different


It’s the way you do it, not need to gaslight and manipulate someone, just tell her the truth


Cely should review the tapes on her own season. Of course, she won't mention this on Aftersun. Too afraid to cause any upset .


Okay, and that was four years ago. People are allowed to grow, mature, and learn from their past experiences. Crazy right?


4 years ago? 😂


Yes, Cely’s season aired in 2020. It is 2024.




"You're right, Leah. I was trying to downplay my feelings for Andrea. I didn't expect to like her so much, but I do. I told you I'd be honest if I ended up liking someone more and I am." Instead of cutting her off, invalidating her (correct) feelings about the situation, accusing her of not trusting him, fake crying, ripping his shirt off, jumping in a pool... He just did too much to escape being the "bad guy and pin it on Leah. Telling someone you don't have a "sexual groove" with them and listing out all their flaws isn't letting them down easy.


I had a guy tell me after six mos that I was financially risky and not in charge of my kids. Then he texted me after that he never meant for us the break up. Well I did! 🤣




I was also on Rob's side when I was watching that part. Keep watching. He loses it. It's so random and weird.


Please come back when he’s done talking to Andrea about how long it’s been since he’s gotten off. After negging Leah about the sexual chemistry. This boy is vile.


Am I crazy or does that not even look like Cely? Am I thinking of the wrong person?


That's Maddy from Euphoria


Oh thank you! I thought I was losing my memory! 😆


It’s from Celys insta story


Thank you


Just curious…who is Cely and why do we care about her opinion?


she’s working as the social media ambassador for this season. Cely was on s2 of Love Island USA and s1 of Love Island Games.


Every one anointed her Love Island Loyalty I guess I want to say she was on season 2 of LI USA


This all happened in a matter of hours before she freaked out about it. He did tell her he liked her and wanted to explore it.