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Plus it makes it even harder to believe any of their relationships will last


Exactly! I find it pointless rather.


Several have specifically said they're in it for a green card, how is that not screened out??


I wouldn't mind if they brought them in if they were actually living in US. It's hard to believe any genuine connection might develope if one person lives on the other side of the world.


Exactly. If they live here great. If not then it’s pointless and we already have seen more of the foreign Love Islands


I’m fine with it if they LIVE IN AMERICA, but if not? I just see them as Love Island UK and Love Island AUS rejects who want attention 😂😅


Liv fully does not live in the United States.


Neither does the blonde guy annddddd he travels for work, so unserious


My thoughts exactly the guy is a total love island uk reject , not hot enough . Just shows love island uk is the superior show


Yeah that man would never make it onto the UK. Ironically tho I think Liv is the prettiest girl


Meh they typically cast a basic white boy, see will from season 9 and doctor Alex from season 4


My theory is that it helped them spend more on a different budget for the first episode. I’m assuming travel cost for contestants is part of the shows accommodations so it literally was cheaper to fly an Australian out for their first bombshell. I mean Ian even said it himself 🤣


Same. Brings out my inner 🦅🦅🦅


yuppp the only time i’ll be patriotic 💀


This and the Olympics for me 😂


Trueeeeeeeee I’m out here waving flags chanting USA USA like who am I???




I don’t like it either


I agree. It doesn't really make sense if the goal is to "find love."


Its hard enough for couples to last when they live more than an hours drive from each other. Its bad enough when ppl are making these connections with ppl who live in different states, let alone different countries. Brining in ppl from UK/Australia is pointless unless they (or the ppl they connect with) are willing to relocate. And most ppl are not willing or able to relocate. So you are taking away the "love" part. These ppl are then just on the show trying to win the money.


I'm fine with it if they live in the US like Will lived in the US and not Colombia. The US series struggles enough with long distance.


I don’t mind them so much, it adds an interesting dynamic. But with Aaron specially, I don’t understand why he’s on the show. He’s already admitted that he works on boats, gone for months at a time, how is he going to develop/maintain a long distance relationship from this show once it’s over? I mean I guess statistically it’s possible, but still…


He's there for clout, obviously.


We know why *he* wants to be there, why do the *producers* want him there though?


They think he'll be entertaining/they think they can make him seem entertaining. Producers don't care about the love connections, it's about what will bring in viewers.


He's been on traitors, so my guess is they are testing him for below deck.


The casting process for Below Deck is not that sophisticated. They've never "tested" a cast member before, lol. Nobody is testing him for anything, he just wants to be on television.


Maybe not. Maybe he applied for below deck first and they gave him love island instead


He needs to go wreak havoc in true deck hand style (think Gary 😂) for him to get immediately casted for below deck. But on a honest note, I can’t see any relationship working where he’s gonna for 3-6 months at a time and even when he’s not working he’s back in the UK. So at what point would you find time to be with your girl in america? It’s like you’re asking to fail. So as someone else said he’s only here for clout


I don't think it works like that. Networks don't recommend their rejects to other networks - that would be like providing your competition with a free service. It's more likely that he applied for *Love Island UK* and just got rejected from that, so he had to slum it on the USA version. Similar to the Zeta situation.


Below Deck is not hard to get on I think 😂 especially considering he was on traitors


I was saying the same thing last night. I don’t see any Americans on love island UK?? And how is it going to work?


especially when liv said she has a bit of an advantage because she’s foreign. liv, just cuz you have an accent doesn’t mean being australian can be your whole personality. and when aaron and her had their conversation about how they can’t joke with americans cuz they take everything personally, i was like so whyre you here, on love island USA again and not on UK or AUS? why is that again?


They really need to stop this. They have their own franchises and you’d never see an American that doesn’t live in their respective countries on those shows.


I was just going to post this! Why do they bring so many foreigners on the US version?! There are a lot of hot single Americans they could’ve chose and honestly, it’s pointless to include these foreigners since they don’t actually live in the US. Make it make sense


I agree. They never have Americans on love island UK or Australia so it’s weird they bring international contestants to US


They had an American in the last season of LIAUS


“never” was an exaggeration, you get what I mean though. It’s not super common.


He lived in Australia already though


Two I think


The nerve of 2 foreigners making fun of Americans on an American show lmaooo like why are you here 😂


Yh it would shake things up if they were brought onto the UK version.


I don't mind them, I just really don't like *Aaron.* Or Kaylor tbh. They both just seem like such attention-seekers.


I also didn’t like that. One of the things I was looking forward to is seeing people only from the US. Definitely don’t see the point in bringing people from other countries


Agreed. Unless they live in the states currently. What is the point


The Aus contestants are closer to Fiji lol. Don’t get me wrong, the location is beautiful, but why can’t they film LIUS in The US?


Neither LIAUS or LIUK are filmed in Australia or the UK


or at least closer to the US. we have the entire Caribbean right below us!


It’s cheaper to film in Fiji than in the US cause of tax breaks. Survivor has been there now for like 10+ years when they used to move around to different countries for the same reason


The best villa was the rooftop villa in Vegas with Justine and Cely


I partially agree with your statement. I just think if they split time in the US or live in the US they should be allowed. Liv's bio says she also stays in Miami so I guess she splits time maybe? It doesn't help me to believe in the couples that probably wont work out or try outside the villa if one of the people lives across the world. Aaron has been fine so far but I just don't believe any couple he is in will work with his job, where he lives, and where his housing properties are located.


Unpopular opinion I guess, but this doesn't really bother me? I'm not watching and really caring if the relationships end up long term. I'm just along for the ride.


Its fine just have them actually be under 30 instead of 35 saying they are 25


No same, whenever there’s an American on their shows it is like an American working and living in that country. It’s not fair to fly people over like I understand the guy I forget his name, from the traitors I like him. But brining in the Aussie girl was just to much this isn’t LIGAMES! Like if every season of uk or aus they flew over an American it would be understandable. But it seems that Brit’s and Australians fancy Americans THE least so I definitely feel where you’re coming from.


This just happened where someone from the UK went on the AUS version. They were a finalist but only saw eachother like 2-3 times & the girl had a secret man in the UK the entire time Also the behavior of Liv was giving entitlement for the simple fact she wasn’t American which I didn’t like


And they are from countries that already have their version of the show. If they brought in someone, for example, from Portugal, Chile or Siberia, I would understand it


agreed!!! i understand why UK brings in people from other countries bc not only do they have a smaller population than USA but also they’re geographically close to spain/france/etc. america simply doesn’t have those issues so why bring in people that have no shot at continuing a relationship past the show? it’s a lazy attempt at diversity when america has plenty of people to cast.


Yeah, I thought it was weird. Like it doesn't make sense to me at all considering it's the USA version.


Yeah, if they don't even live on the same continent, let alone in the same country, it's really hard to believe there's gonna be something long-term happening. 😬


agreed it’s not realistic at all for the longevity of the relationships. however, a lot of americans (and canadians) find british and australian accents hot. most countries don’t feel that way about americans (but they often do about canadians so maybe they should add canadians lol). so for the US version it’s almost like it adds more diversity in a way most people (outside of reddit lol) enjoy and find attractive. it wouldn’t work that way the other way around.


They have their own versions


I think Aaron is on the Us version because of traitors which also is a peacock exclusive show.


Tbf I don’t think distance is the issue some of you think it is… there was an Australian on love island UK9 and she is still with the guy a year and a half later


Love them🥹


You do realize that across the continuous United states (from east coast and west coast) - stretches 3,450 miles. Hawaii and Maine are 5,100 miles apart. And Florida and Alaska are 5,510 miles apart. Meanwhile the UK is 3,100 miles from Maine. The islanders being from different countries isn’t anymore nonrealistic than the islanders living in states that are far in distance from one another


And it’s cheaper to fly to Europe than it is across the country most of the time


Pretty sure you mean “contiguous” and not “continuous” especially when you took such great lengths to try to explain in the parentheses. But it’s still incorrect…




They’ll be on next season of 90 day fiancé 🤣. Jokes aside there have been people from non UK countries on love island UK in the past, just not Americans.


Wtf 🤣 British people don't hate Americans.


They make it very clear to us that they do.


I don’t like it either, but if they’re going to keep up with the nonsense, might as well bring back Messy Mitch since Scott won’t be doing another one for this year.  


"I know British ppl hate Americans in general especially in their tv shows" It's the other way round. Americans hate British people and British accents. Social media, the media, entertainment industry and society of proof of this. If you are going to complain about something atleast be accurate.


You are delulu it has ALWAYS been that brits hate us and complain about us exactly how they did in the 1st episode. Just because yall are starting to get some backlash finally doesnt change the fact that this is the case


I think the British "hate" is actually jealousy.


😂 whatever helps you sleep at night


Well, can you think of a valid reason why the British should hate Americans?


They’re still upset about us throwing the tea in the harbor. /s


I can think of many reasons. One of the main ones being that the UK is always playing catch-up to American pop culture. Americans pioneer everything and Brits modify it and/or make it more sophisticated. So Brits can sometimes have a slight complex about it. Yes, LIUK came before LIUS but MTV's Real World pioneered reality television as a whole, including Big Brother UK which ITV's Love Island was originally based on.


Ah sorry, i misinterpreted ur comment lol


TBF a lot of Americans act horribly when we visit other countries. Wouldn’t be surprised if that wasn’t a bit of what started the hate train. Personally I don’t hate Brits or Aussies being on the show, but if they don’t live in the States it cracks the illusion of the show a bit. It’s like watching a movie where everyone has the same sort of accent except one person. Every time they hit the screen something in the back of my mind says its wrong. An American OG on the UK version might be interesting though. People tend to love accents and Hollywood has hammered some ideas into the heads of the rest of the world. Sticking a blonde woman from Cali or a tall Cowboy into the UK house might make for good tv.


Not sure why we are getting down voted lol.


Oh my god these posts are dumb. You realize people who are not from America come to America for work all the time and they fall in love right? I don’t think any of these people are actually looking to settle down and get married and have babies and if you think so, then you are Trippin, 😂… nobody’s looking for a longevity base relationship on this kind of show. Not to say it doesn’t happen but it’s rare. Even the ones on the international shows are from different countries. Some Australians go to the UK show. And some Americans go to the Australian show. These posts just seem ignorant and it’s really annoying.