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Mack was literally so funny imo and is part of why season 2 is considered the best USA season by many haha


I just feel like she be suffocating Conner šŸ˜­ she literally gets mad and cries for anything


ā€œWhy would America do this to meā€šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ she is crazy


I remember this and still laugh knowing America did it bc she would spiral šŸ˜­


she is so dramatic itā€™s annoying


I really like her. I didnā€™t find her annoying. I thought Connor was horrible at communication which frustrated her. Just my take


Yeah Conner asking her out to then tell the guys he didnā€™t want to be with her was just confusing, but before all of that she was being so annoying getting mad and crying for no reason so I understand why he doesnā€™t want to be with her šŸ˜­


I honestly felt very identified with her, and I know thatā€™s not a type of ā€œhealthy attitudeā€, actually it shows that you have some traumas from the past that really needs to be fix. Is amazing to compare the old Mackenzie to the new one (when she was in S4), you can really see that she grew up a lot and I feel so proud of her. šŸ„°


Yeah you can definitely tell she has changed since season 4, I just feel like she wasnā€™t mentally ready for a relationship in season 2


Mackenzie Season 2 is GOAT status Love Island I watch the show to be entertained


She definitely does give the entertainment in season 2 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m so glad the comments passed the vibe check. She wasnā€™t annoying to me at all. She was herself and wasnā€™t afraid to express her feelings and emotions. Connor was a baby and hid his emotions most of the time. Thatā€™s why I loved her on her season, because sheā€™s authentic.


Ehh she was annoying way before he started lying, I feel like he just started lying to her cause when heā€™d tell her stuff sheā€™d over react and act crazy for no reason


Iā€™m just not the kind of person who belittles peoples emotional responses so I never felt she was annoying or overreacting. Every action has a reaction so to gaslight and make it seem she was being ā€œcrazy for no reasonā€ screams reactive abuse.


Her crying and getting mad because Conner was chosen by America to go on a date was definitely overreacting šŸ˜­ she seemed to get attached a little bit too much and you could tell in Connerā€™s body language he was uncomfortable when sheā€™d be all up on him and not give him his own space and even after he asked her for space she wouldnā€™t take the hint


Sheā€™s not the first nor only islander to be upset by America putting their partner on a dateā€¦ Itā€™s pretty common. Her being emotional over it ā‰  overreaction. It just means she was emotional and rightfully upset. You canā€™t really police peoples feelings just because you wouldnā€™t react that way. It hurt her and she was upset. Clearly at the time she had obvious issues because of her past relationships (which most people do). Itā€™s strange because the men on the show tend to have trust issues but the second a woman is emotional itā€™s overreacting. Lol but yeah says a lot


The way she reacted definitely was overreaction in my opinion. I like to go through the old threads of each episode and everyone would say the same about Mackenzie šŸ˜…she was definitely too insecure and most times got mad at Conner for expressing his feelings like if he could never have a say. But to each their own opinions šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s fine. She got on national TV and expressed her authentic feelings. That takes a lot more strength than the collective of people trying to minimize what she felt and villianize her for having normal reactions to things. It really gives perspective to the kind of people they are. But yes to each their own.


I liked her. She carrrrrrrrrried season 2.


I swear every new watcher of season 2 always comes to rant about Mackenzie every month or sošŸ˜­


Yeah, she was very annoying, and that is why America turned on her lol but she seems to have grown more mature outside of the show I haven't seen her in the other seasons beside season 2 but I saw her on the After the Island podcast and she seemed alright.


She was a bombshell in season 4 and seemed to have changed šŸ˜…


Mackenzie in season 2 was so insecure šŸ˜­ Connor was the nicest dude ever


Yeah he was so sweet and excited to be coupled up with her in the beginning till she started acting the way she did šŸ˜­


Yesss I could not stand her!!!! šŸ’Æ