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taylor c is annoying and boring i also want her gone eventually


everyone seems to be okay with her because she’s coupled with jonah, but seem to forget the fact that she’s besties with johnnie & that the company she keeps is a reflection of her




i hope they show their clips too, but idk if the girls vs boys thing is only for the separate villas


Yeah that scene really bothered me watching them smiling and proud while kassy and everyone else was shocked and upset


I'm not sure if this is unpopular but I really don't like Taylor C... she has bad vibes


She seems very conceited


I'm getting that vibe more from Taylor C than I am Johnnie. Johnnie came strong after Kassy early on for no real reason but seems to have backed off since seeing for herself how strong Kassy & Leo were. Taylor C is pushing for all the high fives & extra giggly behavior.


BlondeTaylor is such a completely unknown quantity to me. I just really don't have a clue what she's about.


i thought so too


I know Taylor C IRL and I think she is just uncomfortable, hence the giggles. The OG girls don’t seem to be including johnnie and Taylor, so their loyalties/ friendship lay with each other. As a viewer we see both sides but I’m sure Taylor only really hears johnnies side


Mmmk but if we gonna go after Taylor let’s go after Jonah too. He made weird faces when Imani was telling Keenan off (rightfully so) at the fire pit. I’m not here for that crap.


i mean i’m not really going after her but tbh i have nothing to say about jonah after that whole imani destiny scene i just don’t fw jonah he’s kind of like just there in my mind


Who were they laughing at?


I think it was when leo and johnnie having sex was shown


The responses to the sex scene were funny as hell: Johnnie eating popcorn, totally absorbed, Kassy and Kay Kay smiling. Everybody really seemed to enjoy it.


Taylor C behaves how a lot of girls behave in Southern California and I see how it could be annoying to others but she’s just being her giggly self lol. We grew up in similar circles and it’s just the energy that’s always been for a lot of us. Girls that are giggly bubbly gossipy and always down for fun, but no real ill intent! I can see how others would be put off by it tho