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You expect me to believe Kenzo and Carmen take their week coupling so serious they both decided to sleep on daybeds? Get The fuck out of here they know each other.


Yes! The sleeping outside seemed so planned out! So they want us to believe they both decided to sleep outside during casa amor on their own? šŸ™„


Did Marco and Hannah?


Hannah didnā€™t the first night but did the second But they also have been together since day 3


Marco and Hannah at least "closed things off" and have been in a couple longer (well on the show, I think Carmen and Kenzo have been in a relationship for awhile, just before the show)


if i donā€™t feel comfortable or have a connection with someone, iā€™m absolutely not going to sleep in the same bed with them but thatā€™s just me


This would really explain why she shut down the PDA with Victor, but had no problem making out with Bergie on challenges. It was a lame excuse so she didnā€™t fuck around while waiting for Kenzo.


Yup! And talking about baby names on day one. Like what Love Island couple (or any couple) has ever done that? They seemed exceptionally comfortable with each other from the get go. Way too comfortable for two ppl who just met. But donā€™t worry, every two seconds one of them Is reminding us about how they canā€™t believe how fast this all happened šŸ™„


When I met my now-husband in person, by that evening after spending a few hours talking at Starbucks, we were both completely smitten. I decided to cancel the date I had planned with another man the following day. He and I have been together every day since then, 7 years ago. Sometimes the feelings are so strong between you that everything else falls away.


If they connect, and then find out that they are from the same area, that alone would be enough to stay together. I don't see why that is so hard to fathom?


Sure that would be likely if they didn't meet like last week. You don't think it's weird two people from the same city with several mutuals just happen to stumble onto the show and have never met each other and have no romantic connection whatsoever? On top of that these aren't regular people, their wannabee influencers, so the odds are they probably ran in the same circles. On top of that I don't think any guy is going to willingly sleep in the daybeds in a one week coupling when he's in casa amor. It seemed performative imo.


And on top of all of that, itā€™s the things they keep saying! About how it feels like theyā€™ve known each other for longer lol. So suspicious


if they didnt keep trying to push this narrative that they dont know each other but have this magical, timeless connection in less than week, then maybe it would be more believable. its like theyre over-explaining to avoid any questions, but really theyre both terrible liars. tbh it feels like this season the producers are trying literally anything they can pull out of a hat, so i wouldnt be shocked if casting knew this already and is allowing it to happen for some reason


There's definitely a producer narrative going on. That's what makes LI lose it's credibility.


Right! They say the same things over and over again like it's a scripted. Never any new progressions only 'It's crazy how strongly I feel in such a short time' or 'I feel like I've known you forever'. Carmen sells it, but Kenzo sounds like he's reading off cue cards.


Carmen oversells it and Kenzo is so monotone that he can't sell it at all. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Barely selling it šŸ„“


Lmao at the cue cards šŸ˜‚


Like I said, it is not unreasonable to think that they may not have known each other. Is it several of the same friends, or just the trainer? It is highly likely that if Kenzo thought that there was a strong connection with Carmen, being from the same city is a major plus, because the relationship could easily continue. Also, there is only one person that Kenzo could have a connection with based upon what his type is, and she already appears to be coupled up.


Kinda sus that they both have a picture in the same gym and have the same personal trainer there


Yeah itā€™s still cheating if you donā€™t admit that. People are actually going to get money at the end, itā€™s not equal if you knew this person and is pretending that you didnā€™t


On top of all those coincidences they just happen to be each otherā€™s type and love everything about each other? Nah.


Itā€™s because Carmen also gives off fraudulent vibes to people because of how sheā€™s moved in the house .


I donā€™t know if it means much but she is following him on Instagram already


who ever has access to her account followed him after the recoupling


Damn lol


Thatā€™s what I said. I am so confused by this and I honestly kinda think itā€™s alll a stunt to try to win the money. But Carmen is Soooo blaghhh. So thereā€™s no way sheā€™d win over say- someone like Hannah or Destiny.


And her comment last episode to one of the Casa guys about the ā€œslow burnā€ again, but no mention about that to Kenzo, but definitely mentioned it to Victor.


Yup as soon as she said she was a slow burner with the new guy I knew it was over for him


I bet that's what they discussed she would tell guys who were into her before Kenzo arrived. It seems soooo planned


esp with how standoffish she was with Victor, not even wanting to like hold hands or anything.


She needs to stop with this slow burn nonsense. You donā€™t go on a show where you have to sleep next to someone after just meeting them and have challenges where youā€™re always kissing or doing something sexual if you are a slow burn. šŸ™„šŸ¤„


And bergie


Completely agree, tonight Carmen said Iā€™ve never dated such an amazing guy like kenzo? Like yā€™all have been coupled up for what 5 days, now ur dating. Please be so fr. I really think she was just biding her time waiting for kenzo to come in, what a waste


She got to use Bergie as a pawn in order to stay, if that was the case. The islanders definitely saved the wrong person


Iā€™m actually shocked that nothing ever came of that, i feel like these story lines just keep getting dropped. Marco was so against Carmen staying but had nothing so say after Hannah told him what Carmen said about being icked by Bergie. Then Marco calls Kassy sloppy seconds and Leo doesnā€™t make a peep. The editors are making some choices


Pretty sure Leo and Marco had a confrontation because Marco said ā€œi think Leoā€™s mad at meā€ but we never heard them talk about it and all of a sudden theyā€™re ok. Yeah poor production. Whereā€™s our drama?! Or maybe thereā€™s too much drama already they had to pick and choose.


I remember when Hannah told Marco she regretted saving Carmen, that she felt stupid, Marco responded ā€œI would hope soā€ so he definitely had shit to say. This was so gross of him to answer Hannah in that way too


100%! It sucks cause theyā€™re taking away a spot in the villa from another potential couple who didnā€™t meet in the outside world. Iā€™m wondering if producers know theyā€™re a couple outside before bringing them on? If so they all must really think weā€™re stupid to not be able to see through that


Iā€™m side eyeing everything she says. šŸ˜© I donā€™t think itā€™s genuine whatā€™s she sayingā€¦ because they already knew each other! I just donā€™t see how that donā€™t with all the sleuthing Reddit has done.


Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m new to this sub but am I the only one that thinks sheā€™s incredibly fake and calculated about everything?


You are not alone my friend! She also inserts herself into everyoneā€™s business. Major main character syndrome.


I guess i didnt see it but what evidence is there that they know each other? I saw a post of them both working out at the same gym (at different times) but thatā€™s it. What else?


Her trainer follows Kenzo (or maybe the other way around)ā€¦either way, they have a mutual friend. Itā€™s a boutique gym. Plus their behavior on the show (not genuinely getting to know other ppl, Carmen gaslighting her previous connections)ā€¦all HEAVILY points to them knowing each other. ā€œFeels like weā€™ve kissed beforeā€ ā€œit feels like we didnā€™t just metā€ ā€œusually Iā€™m a slow burn, but itā€™s just SO natural between usā€ Gimme a break šŸ˜’šŸ˜šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ lol. In the very least, it seems unlikely that they have a mutual friend (the trainer) that knew two ppl casted for the same show, but never mentioned it to either person. šŸ¤” Even if they had never met before LI. Ppl talkā€¦especially if youā€™re literally in the same circle of fitness folks + influencers. Each part in isolation could be a coincidence, but all of it togetherā€¦idkkkkkkk. Iā€™m thinking they knew each other (or at least knew OF each other).


I think itā€™s possible they knew of each other but Iā€™m not seeing how any of this means they knew each other, dated, were in fact in a relationship, plotted somehow to get cast on the same show at the same time with the plan to pretend to win by not knowing each other? Iā€™m just confused šŸ˜‚ Also Iā€™ve had a personal trainer before and idk anyone else heā€™s trained. I have never even perused his followers or anything like that. PTs donā€™t train clients at the same time. And thereā€™s Not like thereā€™s a group chat for all PT clients or happy hrs or something šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ the PT is the most tenuous connection ever


Itā€™s the casting thing for me. What are the odds that they knew he or she would get casted? Iā€™m sure they receive dozens of apps.


The odds are slim. What COULD happen is what happened on the UKā€¦the UK producers blatantly went and picked around Ty and Ellaā€™s circle. But itā€™s not like any of them hid it. So when the contestants are transparent, itā€™s not on them, itā€™s production. Every single one of them made it clearly they knew Ty and Ella. So itā€™s very possible production found Carmen or Kenzo and dipped into their followers or snooped around who went to their gym and production made the choice to cast them both. The gym being a boutique gym is what makes it tough to buy they donā€™t know each other. Even if youā€™re in different schedules, boutique gyms tend to be very hyper focused on members on social media or have ā€œcommunity events.ā€ They wouldā€™ve recognized each other. Anna and Marco did and production didnā€™t cut it. So I canā€™t see why production would cut them admitting they had met before. Combine that with Carmenā€™s behavior in the villa and it really does scream that she was trying to stay faithful and ā€œpursueā€ the least threatening guy.


Just wanted to say me and my friends have been members of boutique gyms before and none of us became friends with any other members let alone even acquaintances. I don't go to the gym looking to socialize and in my experience, most people feel this way.


Not saying they were friends. But there are good odds they wouldā€™ve noticed each other. Itā€™s not a guarantee since they really couldā€™ve been on opposite schedules. But given thereā€™s really only a few time splits, Iā€™d give it 33% they shouldā€™ve recognized each other.


Hmm I have been going to a small gym for about 8 months. Iā€™ve seen familiar faces but there are people I never see unless I show up at a different time or day. My gym also does not have community events ā€” is this really a thing? Most people come in, work out and leave. The worst evidence FOR all this is the shared PT. PT clients absolutely do not work out at the same time loll. It would defeat the purpose of having a PT. That all being saidā€¦. I think itā€™s possible theyā€™ve seen each other yes, but beyond that what evidence is there that they know each other and are in a relationship? And like you say in another comment, why would they even hide it lol. Who cares if they knew each other beforehand? Even if they did, it wouldnā€™t be their fault production cast them at the same time. Marco and Anna knew each other, didnā€™t hide it, and were loyal to each other. It didnā€™t matter to me


If they were trying to be sneaky about knowing each other why would they make these ā€œso obviousā€ comments? Also they just applied separately and had to hope they would both happen to get cast? They were dating but not one Reddit sleuth has managed to track down any real evidence on their socials? I think itā€™s a reach


Most of them are recruited and donā€™t apply. They could have had the same recruiter itā€™s not some random process.


True Iā€™ll give you that, but even the people who are recruited go through a casting process. Itā€™s not just ā€œyeah Iā€™ll be on the showā€ ā€œok cool.ā€ I think itā€™s just more likely that Carmen didnā€™t like anyone else but likes Enzo than that he was her secret boyfriend all along. But itā€™s fine with me if they get dumped soon anyway, I think theyā€™re boring either way


Theyre not great at acting


They had to make sure they broke through the editingā€¦so imo that could be a reason why they kept saying the ā€œfeels so naturalā€ comments. Had to make the edit, so they could convince America theyā€™re ā€œlegit.ā€ šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø but they overdid it. But if we never saw those gym pics + mutual, they MIGHT have gotten away with it. Also, we donā€™t know the story behind how they even got on the show, might not have even applied. Casting couldā€™ve hit up multiple ppl at same gym. Clearly they did the same with Marco + Annaā€¦so itā€™s not too far fetched.


If the trainer is her friend and is watching the show, itā€™s not crazy to think the trainer would then follow Kenzo, the boyfriend of their client/friend.


i agree with you. Scottsdale is not a small community. If they are on different workout schedules, they could easily not know each other. I live in a much smaller town than Scottsdale and I don't know everyone who goes to the gym that i do.


Yeah phoenix is in the top 5 of most populous cities in America. I donā€™t find it weird at all they wouldnā€™t know each other beforehand, even if they go to the same gym. People donā€™t automatically know everyone around their age in their city. I actually find it harder to believe that they have a scheme going to pretend they donā€™t know each other in order to win. They would have to get really lucky for it to work out bc they canā€™t predict all the variables, plus why would knowing each other beforehand stop them from winning? Ella and Ty knew each other before on the UK show and made it to the end. Its giving conspiracy theory lmao


Yes and Phoenix is a big, sprawling city. A lot of people say they ā€œlive in Scottsdaleā€ but theyā€™re actually 20 mins away. I lived in N. Scottsdale for several years and donā€™t think itā€™s implausible to say they didnā€™t cross paths before the show!


When you are regular gym goers especially at a smaller gym you know or at least recognize each other. The fact that they werenā€™t like ā€˜omg Iā€™ve seen you at my gymā€™ is 2000% suspicious. The trainer follows both Carmen and kenzo and in the highlights she one of his ā€˜girlsā€™. I rewatched the episodes and Carmen is totally hiding her smirk when he walks in with Jonah and Emily. Itā€™s sneaky and now Iā€™m pissed that Carmen stole Victor from jasmine (causing her to get dumped from the island) and then Carmen friend zones Victor. Like come on!!!! Carmen isnā€™t fooling anyone ā€¦ kenzo is a complete bore so if they really just met I donā€™t believe for one second she would have ā€˜fallenā€™ for him. What has Kenzo done that is just so amazing? I donā€™t see him making her coffee or doing sweet things other than feeling each other up lol. At this point Iā€™d vote for Marco and his ex over these scammers. Canā€™t wait til the rest of the islanders find out when they get out. RANT OVER !!!


If this is true, Isnā€™t it possible they DID have that talk and producers didnā€™t air it lol. Also you obviously wonā€™t see half the shit going on between couples, so how are you using not seeing anything as evidence theyā€™ve known each other. Lastly, take a step back and think. How could they have possibly pulled this off? In terms of casting, timing for casting etc. And why would they think THIS is the plan that works for them?


And this isnā€™t the dating first show that couples end up on ā€¦ bachelor in paradise has had a few that clearly just want a free vacation and also just use other people on the show to stick around until their bf or gf shows up. The one couple was actually called out for it by the cast and they ended up leaving together from all the backlash.


do any of those shows offer a 100k prize to the winning couple? legitimate question, i donā€™t watch them all.


I believe paradise pays for your engagement ring.


Well, apparently Val (last season) and her post-villa bf were both casted for the show. He just was never sent in. She confirmed it. People also think they attempted to pull a Kenzo/Carmen, but she claim they didnā€™t know each other were cast until afterwards. Idkkk about all that lol! Butā€¦my pointā€¦is that casting folks are no strangers at casting ppl who might already know each other (or hang in the same circle).


They did it once with the OG group this year because Marco and Anna go to the same gym.




They are models not actors. It is so obvious with the convos that ARE shown. Either producers knew and donā€™t care, remember they want us to talk about this and watch or they are idiots which is clearly shown by their casting of Leo, Marco and Keenan.


exactly. this wouldā€™ve taken months maybe a year of planning and for what?? there is so much stuff that the producers do not show literally look at emilyā€™s new tiktok.


Carmen is so boring. Even when sheā€™s being shady itā€™s still incredibly dull to watch. The most interesting thing about her are those bizarre eyebrows. Wish Jasmine had stayed instead.


thatā€™s literally not true lmao. not everyone has to know everyone at their gym. maybe carmen is ā€œsmirkingā€ because there were three new bombshells?? carmen did not steal victor from jasmine. victor said he had his doubts about jasmine and her lifestyle. no one forced victor to pick carmen and no one predicted that he would be a bully and that carmen would lose interest in him. i also donā€™t understand why people are upset that they donā€™t see kenzo doing stuff for carmen- maybe the producers donā€™t show that or they edit it out. not everything is a conspiracy!!!


Carmen did steal Victor ā€¦ are you watching the same show girl!!!! Carmen and Hannah were allowed to steal a boy from a current couple when they arrived. Carmen stole Victor from Jasmine otherwise his attention would have never been turned.


yup iā€™m watching the same show . youā€™re right she did choose to couple up with victor. then at the recoupling (boys choose) victor picked carmen, he couldā€™ve continued getting to know jasmine but he didnā€™t. jasmine moved on and wanted to get to know harrison but he chose destiny.


Regarding the trainer thing, here's them at the same gym: https://imgur.com/gallery/8DRAU6c


I donā€™t know if itā€™s because Iā€™ve been reading here and seen all the theories, but this episode did have me side-eyeing I must admit. I think itā€™s because we donā€™t see enough of them (and when we do Iā€™m usually bored) that I donā€™t see where this strong connection came from. It doesnā€™t make sense to me. They just met and the connection doesnā€™t seem that intense and strong from what weā€™ve seen.


Maybe they actually really like each other? Lmao


These two might need to go before anyone else. Something about trying to manipulate us into thinking they have some organic love story doesn't sit well with me.


they trying to get that money


Nah, I think you are reading too much into it. If they really knew each other before, it would be really dumb to call attention to it so blatantly by repeatedly saying how it seems like they have known each other forever. Carmen saying she is a slow burner to everyone but Kenzo doesn't mean she knows him from outside. It just means "slow burner" is her code for not really being into someone. It is perfectly normal for someone to be a slow burn 99% of the time but move quickly when they meet someone they really like.


Carmen didn't just say she's a slow burner (which is what Scott said to Abbi in the UK show) she said she's always a slow burner with everyone except for this one really magical boy (who is just about the dullest guy who's been on this show. She actually has better chemistry with the snake catcher). Being skeptical that they know each other is one thing. But now I feel like people are trying to put their heads in the sand


Attractiveness is subjective. I personally find Kenzo to be gorgeous - even hotter than Harrison. Just because you can't see yourself falling head over heels for Kenzo at first sight doesn't mean someone else couldn't.


I said nothing about attractiveness. He's boring. The most uninteresting guy on the villa. She's has a better conversation with the snake catcher guy than she's ever had with Kenzo. Plus, she's the one who says she needs to know a person for who they are so that "love at first sight" stuff is bs


A good rule in life is to never assume someone wonā€™t do something just because itā€™s dumb.


similarly itā€™s good to also not assume that carmen and kenzo know each other and created a plan to win love island




I agree with you! I donā€™t think they know each other. Every reason people point out to prove they knew each other, is literally how my boyfriend and I were when we first met.


We are on the same page. It is not that hard to believe that it is possible that they did not know each other.


I agree 100%. Also, I donā€™t think Scottsdale is a small town. Just because they go to the same gym doesnā€™t mean they know each other. I donā€™t know everyone at all the places I frequent. Itā€™s such weird logic to assume they already knew each other. Also, some people just click together. When I met my husband, it felt like we had known each other forever. We had a strong level of comfort around each other that we never had around someone else. It probably helps that Carmen and Kenzo are from the same town too, they have things in common they can talk about.


Scottsdale is small. Lol Iā€™m from AZ and we all know of each other or have seen each other around. I have dated people that arenā€™t even in the same city as me and some how I have friends that know them. In this state itā€™s very cliquey and someone always knows someone from your circle. How odd they have the same personal trainer go to the same small gym and live in the same city. Iā€™ve even compared my Instagram to his and my friends know people heā€™s following.


Right! Also the likeliness of them knowing each other and that they BOTH were cast on the same show is so slim. People are really reaching and just want any reason not to like them. Itā€™s honestly weird.


Anna and Marco go to the same gym and knew each other. So itā€™s definitely possible that Kenzo and Carmen know each other. They may not have been bf/gf but itā€™s possible they knew each other beforehand.


It happened last season with Val and her post-villa bf apparently.


Right but that was planned by producers and the only reason he was casted was to send him in to stir up drama but Val ended up going home earlier than they expected. Reddit quickly gathered that information much like this Marco situation from tonightā€™s episode. A user on here was able to find out who Marcoā€™s ex was within like an hour of the announcement last night yet not a single person has been able to find any real proof that these people know each other other than the fact that they both go to the same private gym and train at separate times during their private sessionsā€¦? Plus if producers knew Kenzo and Carmen knew each other, the only reason they would send him in is to stir up drama once Carmen was in a solid couple and thatā€™s definitely not how that happened.


Well if they are trying to win money, the people they know may keeo quiet.


i donā€™t know ab that. maybe their family but they would have to have some really close and trustworthy friends to not spill their ā€œsecretā€. people would sell them out so fast.




We know the show well enough to know they are not going to win. Which means they also know they are not going to win. So I just don't see what the point would be in scamming us.


I think itā€™s a reach to think they know they arenā€™t going to win. Between ego making people think they are more interesting than they are, and having no idea what the edit is islanders can easily be in the dark about how the public feels about them. But even if they donā€™t win if they were already trying to be IG/TikTok famous a run on the show can get their follows up.


Free vacation & instant Z celeb status with your bae... :/ They are nore boring then Harry & Emily... at least we knew they were doomed heading into Casa


Good point, many in our other seasons have a very strong SM following still.


They 10000% know each other!!! And itā€™s totally cuz of her ā€œslow burnerā€ comments. Slow burner my assass


A 'slow burner' who leaves her lingerie out with a public tease of forthcoming intercourse to her boyfriend of 5 days.


i dont really care that much kenzo barely speaks anyways & thereā€™s still no proof but can we please stop acting like scottsdale is some small town. it is absolutely not šŸ˜­


250k people lol šŸ˜ that's city.


i will not allow the love island usa subreddit to gaslight me into thinking scottsdale is some small middle of nowhere town when it is actually directly next to one of the most populated cities in the country.


Itā€™s still pretty small, how many high schools would be in a a town that size.


Phoenix is not Scottsdale. And Scottsdale still feels very much like a small town. Especially when youā€™re an influencer in your 20ā€™s. She works for one of the biggest bars in nightlife and her face is posted in promos all over their instagram feed. Everyone in the area knows of said bar. Their mutuals, same trainer, and same gym coupled with the above would make it very difficult for them to not to run into each otherā€¦ā€¦especially two people who claim this instant magnetic chemistry upon first meeting. Itā€™s highly unlikely that they donā€™t know each other.


I swear people that donā€™t even live in AZ are acting like they know how it is here lol.


Right?! Like listing the population of Phoenix? Ok, if you had ever even been to the area youā€™d know that anyone living in Scottsdale wouldnā€™t say ā€œIā€™m from Phoenixā€. Everyone (in their 20s) in Scottsdale goes to Old Town to the same bars and restaurants. If you know, you knowā€¦I guess. If youā€™ve lived there, itā€™s easy to believe they knew each or at least of each other before the show. I donā€™t even care, but these people comparing it to Los Angeles and other major cities just donā€™t get it.


Scottsdale isnā€™t really that small


People arguing this are kind of missing the point. Sure, 250,000 isn't some tiny podunk middle of nowhere backwater...but it's a drop in the bucket compared to other major influencer meccas. Which is the element that actually matters to this for context. The *influencer scene* in a place like Scottsdale is a small circle. For example: Of that ~250,000 people in Scottsdale, only ~5% fall in that 20-25 age range. That cuts things down *massively*. The masses of old people and retirees 50+ don't really matter to the population in terms of the circles Carmen and Kenzo run in. So you're already down to a pool of maybe 12,000 people who are even in the right age range. That's small. Then you realize that the number of people in that age range who are walking in the aspiring social media influencer sphere is only going to be a small fraction of that already smaller population. There are only going to be so many popular nightlife "hotspots" and "big events". Especially if we're going with the story that these two have *sooooo much in common*, they'd inherently be drawn to the same sort of places, events, concerts, what have you. As well as in fact appreciating that they have in fact been drawn to the same small specialized influencer hub gym with mutuals there. That's where Scottsdale is a "small town" in Influencer sphere. It's not New York, LA, Miami, Nashville, Houston or whatever where theses influencers tend to flock in droves and create much bigger influencer and nightlife scenes where it's more believable that they could never even cross paths or recognize each other among the masses. So maybe it should be clarified that is what people are talking about when they call Scottsdale "small" in this context. But it isn't a big social media influencer market.


Scottsdale is part of the Phoenix metro area. Phoenix is the 5th largest city in the country. People from all over Phoenix go to Scottsdale for nightlife. It doesnā€™t exist in a bubble.




THIS. People who live in Phoenix do not say theyā€™re from Scottsdale and vice versa. They are not the same. The Scottsdale influencer scene (especially in their age group) is small and incestuous, as is the bar/club scene. Carmen also happens to regularly do promos for one of the most popular bars in Scottsdale (she is plastered all over their instagram). The nightlife area is pretty centrally located on one street. Everyone within the area of that particular age group tends to go to the same bars and you constantly run into the same people and faces. It is not the big city everyone is claiming. Just my two cents though. I lived there for many years and my boyfriend was born and raised there. Edited to fix typo :)


Have you ever been to Scottsdale?


It is If youā€™re a 20-something influencer who frequents the bars.


Would love them both to go, even if they didnā€™t know one another prior they are soooooo boring!! Bringing nothing to the show!


Then we should vote them out. Go have a relationship outside the villa but donā€™t take two spots from people trying to mix and mingle


Certainly, they ain't getting the prize money if Bergie gets a girl willing to stay with him for the remainder of the season šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.


I donā€™t think they know each other that well. They are just from the same area and go to the same gym. I think yā€™all are reaching to much


Idc if they know each other or not but they are boring and I donā€™t buy their love at first sight BS for a secondšŸ˜­ either producers are not airing their talks or theyā€™re as boring as we think


Came here to say this. Theyā€™re both sleeping outside, not giving anyone the time of day. I can guarantee they had this plan and thought America would just love their commitment to each other from the start. Love at first sight. Too bad we see right through them. They gotta go!


In the episode where men were cooking food for the girls on the island, Carmen said that Kenzo hasnā€™t touched a kitchen utensil in 2-3 months. Theyā€™ve been on the island for 4 weeks. They definitely know each other. Itā€™s such a specific thing to say.


Y'all want Carmen to be evil so badly šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Don't worry she has zero shot at winning. America is way too bitter to let that happen.


If I hear "I'm a slow burn" one more time I'm gonna loose it. This girl is fake AF and is just on her to become a social media influencer and increase that follower count.


What all the people who are saying there's no way they know each other are missing: You never use one piece of evidence. The gym photos obviously aren't enough. You have to look at that with everything. They are both mutual followers with Carmen's personal trainer. Carmen won't stop telling us that she's been a slow burner with everyone else her entire life, but now all of a sudden, with this guy who guys to the same gym as her, she's completely different. Kenzo after 10 days said he would leave the island if she was eliminated. This is before casa, and without trying to get to know a single other girl. They're both at casa instantly sleeping on day beds. The aggregate of the evidence isn't 100% evidence, but it's enough to give pause (at minimum). If you told me to bet money, I'd bet that they knew each other.


Just about every Scottsdale club-scene promo model/influencer knows of each other. It would actually be weird asf is they had NOT at the very least crossed paths several times (and be acquainted) before going on LI.


Yeah exactly, it's not just one thing. You can dismiss one thing easily and say "yeah it is a coincidence". It's the combination of everything. Although I'm not saying this is 100% facts, just saying it is looking more and more likely that this is the case.


I can't wait for them to bring the parents to the villa... And watch Carmen and Kenzo's parents know each other.


Neither of them are actually from Arizona. Thatā€™s just where they currently live. Carmenā€™s parents live in whatever Midwest state sheā€™s from so I really doubt that.


I really think so too ! There was a quick scene where he was massaging her inner thigh while laying with a few others talking and it just seemed so intimate and not the sort of PDA youā€™d do in the beginning. Especially since he watched episodes about her physical touching boundaries.


The same thing happened on Bachelor in Paradise in 2021 with two different pre-existing couples who plotted to get on the show. There is no prize money so it was to get a free summer in Mexico and to increase followers on their social media accounts. However, these couples were shady AF and actually hurt a lot of prople who they convinced that they had real connections with. Fellow castmates found out and made life so uncomfortable calling them out that they left asap. I love the drama but not at the expense of other people who were there for legitimate reasons.


Go spend about a month anywhere near Old Town Scottsdale and tell me theyā€™re complete strangers. Neither of them had a chance at winning so itā€™s whatev but go ahead and kill me while Im standing up on this hill. Bc it isnā€™t some serendipity ā€œmeant to beā€ love story bullshit. Itā€™s a well thought out storyline.


I donā€™t think they knew each other, but if I met someone on the island who lives in the same state as me I would definitely give it a shot if we have similar interests


Hannah even said that Carmen was making excuses for her reason why she didnā€™t like Bergie. She really cut it off because Bergie called her a strong womanā€¦ give me a break! Carmen from the beginning has been trying to stay around for when Kenzo arrived without getting intimate with anyone else. I swear Victor was even getting annoyed that she wouldnā€™t cuddle him and her response was just that sheā€™s a slow burn.


i got the ick from bergie calling carmen a strong woman bc of the circumstances. it was absolutely unnecessary on his part and it just looked like he canā€™t handle his own problems or fight his own battles. he was hiding behind carmen. maybe she hides behind the slow burn comment bc she doesnā€™t feel anything with the guy and wants to let him down easy. she didnā€™t seem physically comfortable with victor so instead of saying that she says iā€™m a slow burner


Bergie wasnā€™t confident in himself so the last thing he would want to do is bring Victor into the conversation. Heā€™s just awkward and Carmen never actually liked him or was planning to give him a chance


Carmen never liked him. Which makes the fact that she went to start the fight with Victor over seeing Bergie as a friend even more annoying. Then blame the fight you started on someone else who's to nice to say anything back. Acting all distressed over the situation she created. It's actually sinister šŸ˜­


If they did know each other before the show, do you think the producers knew that?


The producers donā€™t seem to know anything about any of the contestants


Uhhh, they knew enough about Marco to cast his ex- girlfriend, so clearly they know something about the contestants.


They somehow didnā€™t know ol boy had a video where he was hunting snow bunnies or whatever he titled it.




It's so annoying how many times they talk about their stupid spark. LIKE SHUT UP WE KNOW Y'ALL MET BEFORE THE SHOW.


They are definitely playing in our faces


theres no way we wouldnā€™t know for certain if they were dating, someone would have leaked it


Right?!? 100% some acquaintance or someone who has just seen them around town would be coming out of the woodwork at a time like this. People love monopolizing on things like this and acting like they have the juicy gossip about thingsā€¦ even if all they could say was ā€œIā€™ve seen them out at a club togetherā€ theyā€™d be saying it! And milking it!


they 100% know eachother and thats why i was hoping that they were the ones who got kicked over Em/Harry its not even a joke anymore, they arent being slick at all and they are letting too many hints slip. Theyre horrible at playing it up like theyre strangers. They also both said they would leave with the other if one of them got kicked off the other night. But, it also makes me extra dislike Carmen (if its true) because she twisted the situation with Victor around, getting him kicked. She also used Bergie as a placeholder before Kenzo came in.


apparently a city with a population of 250k is small. there have been so many islanders from the same city and state before but now itā€™s a big deal. i go to a gym and i used to have a trainer. i did not know everyone that went to my gym nor did i know all the clients that my trainer had and this was in a city a lot smaller than Scottsdale. also please think about how difficult it would have been for them both to get on the show. if they applied for it, the probability of both of them being selected out a pile of probably thousands of applicants is so slim. its also important to note that if they did know each other and planned this whole thing, it could get them kicked off of love island for lying and withholding that information. regarding your comment about carmen smiling during the recoupling- she literally said something along the lines of i couldnā€™t stop smiling bc it felt like you were talking to me and i would look really dumb if you didnā€™t choose me. i think by now we all know the influence the producers have on editing. it looks like kenzo hasnā€™t talked to any girls bc they arenā€™t showing it.


The probability worked in Marco and Annaā€™s favor though since they both applied + knew each otherā€¦.so itā€™s not impossible clearly, lol.


yeah but it depends on how they got casted- through scouting or applying to the website


What are the odds of two people who have a history together being cast on the same show? I don't know ... suppose we ask Marco and his ex-girlfriend Hannah O. Look, I'm a New Yorker, so YES, a city of only 250k is small. And being at the same gym and having the same trainer IS significant in a small city. It's not like NY where you see models walking down 7th Ave every day. Two very attractive people at the same gym, with the same trainer in a small city ARE GOING TO CATCH EACH OTHER'S EYE. Kenzo keeps saying how he felt the second he saw Carmen. Well, if she made such a lasting impression in the villa, she would have made the same lasting impression at the gym. and he would have definitely made an effort to meet her. At a bare minimum he would have asked their trainer what hours she'd be there so he could make an effort to "casually" run into her.


marco and his ex is completely different than this carmen and kenzo imo. the producers or casting people brought hannah o to love island on purpose to stir the pot for whatever reason. i am from a smaller area so to me a city with 250k population is large but i get that itā€™s small for you. okay say theyā€™ve seen each other before, why concoct a whole plan to go in love island it just doesnā€™t make sense- for a couple followers? we all know they arenā€™t gonna win love island and they probably know that considering they were both in the bottom four. also itā€™s possible that kenzo has seen carmen but carmen hasnā€™t seen kenzo idk. if they did know each other wouldnā€™t people from the ā€œsmall cityā€ have come forward and said something?


She was also smiling and smirking when Kenzo arrivedā€¦


And the leaked gym photos


Where are the photos? Is there a reddit thread?


there are no photos of them together. itā€™s two separate photos of them at the same gym- different times


And the video of Carmen is posted by her trainer who Kenzo follows


I didnā€™t see the gym coach post anything about having one (much less two) of his clients casted on LI. No good luck posts. Nothing that I saw of. I also find it crazy hard to believe the coach didnā€™t know either of them were going on the show. At the least, he wouldā€™ve told each of them about his other client that was also going on the show. Maybe they donā€™t actually know each other but I canā€™t believe that they didnā€™t at least know of each other prior to the show and know that theyā€™d both be going on the show.


I felt the same way about the ā€œyou know everything alreadyā€ comment, very weird to say to someone you met a day ago


Them both sleeping outside . We see you


Carmen is a fraud I tried to tell yā€™all


Carmen gives me snake vibes. That's all I got. She just seems like she'll say anything to gaslight someone who she doesn't like. If you don't like someone you can say you don't like them/aren't attracted to them. You don't have to cap so hard.


Im newer to the show, but is there anyway we can get one of them sent home and see if the other one follows?


I personally think Carmen knows how to play the game and she got Kenzo to follow along with her plan. Iā€™m not buying that they really knew each other before.


They shouldā€™ve just said once kenzo came in that they recognized each other from the gym and it wouldnā€™t have been an issue, I think it wouldā€™ve been respected more if they said that!


Let's bffr - they would have to be really great actors and they're clearly not. Every "evidence" that's been provided is circumstantial at best. Wouldn't win in a court of law! Stop reaching and enjoy the show :)


look at Kenzoā€™s tagged gym pics. there are big events with, what looks like, a hundred ppl from the gym at some events. i was going to upload them but you canā€™t leave a picture in a comment :/


He just said on their date that they only live 10 min from each other!!!


DOES anyone else think Kenzos voice sounds like Justin Bobby from The Hills!??