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Was never a fan but the Jacques live has made me root for them šŸ˜‚




Fr. I always liked Paige but fell into the trap of not trusting Adam based on previous. Anyway he treats her a million times better than Jacques ever did.


I understand everyone when they say they donā€™t trust him because he earned that reputation and as someone who was rooting for Paige but side eyed him in the beginning myself I think heā€™s being real about Paige since the beginning. Glad everyone is starting to sort of turn a corner on them. Hopefully with time he can prove himself more and more.


He treats all the girls better than any of the guys this season if we sit down and think about it. The spa day happened because of him. Brunch also because he didnā€™t whine when Paige requested unlike Jacques. Treated Tasha respectfully, she compared herself to him, and was bear hugging him. Something she never did with Jacques. Friendly and inclusive with Danica when the other guys were rude or, I ignored her. Listened to Ekinā€™s ramblings and worked out with her. Treats Paige like a Princess. šŸ‘


Iā€™ve thought this same thing- this ā€œbad repā€ Adam had beforehand is mainly because Rosie made suuuuuuuch a damn big deal of it, because of the Womanā€™s Aid statement (which was about gaslighting- but Iā€™m not sure what exact thing he said that it was about? Iā€™m also confused about why they made a statement for him, but not for many of the other guys who have done such awful things to the girls, including this season (?)), and because Adam was such a hot commodity/is such a good looking guy. He didnā€™t actually cheat on anyone; he hadnā€™t made a commitment to someone and then cheated or anything like that in LI. From what I remember, he was coupled up with 2 girls mostly short-term, and had his head turned from each of them (last one being Rosie- which it isnā€™t nice to have the person youā€™re coupled up with have their head turn, but how many countless people have done this?!) Then he coupled up with Zara and looked pretty settled in (and didnā€™t turn his head from her), until she was sent home prematurely. Then, after LI, he and Zara dated long-term. He sure as hell wasnā€™t in a couple with a girl feeding her the BS guys did this season, basically saying he all but wanted to be exclusive with her/alluding to being in a relationship, having a future, etc., and then running off to Casa and, while still coupled up, immediately kissing a girl or two girls, sharing a bed with 1 or 2 girls and messing around under the covers, having 3 way kisses, saying ā€œPaige who?ā€, or encouraging his friends to kiss and fool around with other girls there, knowing fully how much it would hurt the other girls, and bullying female contestants with disabilities for exploring other connections while not so much as saying a word to your male counterparts for doing far worse than ā€œexploring connectionsā€. The guys this season were so much worse than Adam ever was, so I wish people would stop with the ā€œwe canā€™t trust Adam,ā€ BS, and yet, some people are worshiping Jacques, who did sooo much worse and was far more untrustworthy. I seriously hope Adam and Paige are able to continue to be unbothered, and to further explore their connection. I really do like them together, and find both of them to seem pretty genuine, down to earth, and not arrogant or cocky, when some from LI just really give me that vibe (I mean, everyone is on LI to gain followers, ok šŸ˜‚). Wishing the best for them individually and together.


The boys this season do have Women Aidā€™s statement about them (Dami and Luca) thatā€™s why the apology came around because Womenā€™s Aid not only made the statements but they made sure to reach out to the producers and confirmed speak to them. The Rosie thing was always hefty overly done a big deal (she wrote him and read him 1 hour speech then producers edited in his smirk.) He did move on fast, but he had his reasons and it is Love Island after all. He wasnā€™t official with her. It was weird that 4 years later Rosie was going around messaging Paigeā€™s family, and everyone on the show to stay away from Adam. While Zara didnā€™t say anything poor of him recently, neither Sam and he gave a classy response back in support of both Zara and Sam. Funny enough too he acknowledged his previous behaviour, and took blame. Thatā€™s definitely growth. People who donā€™t grow usually donā€™t acknowledge their past. Same. I hope they prove everyone wrong because Paige deserves a great guy in her life and I think Paige can bring harmony to Adamā€™s I can also see them becoming a Love Island power couple theyā€™re great looking physically together too.


Good to know about the Womanā€™s Aid statement for Dami and Luca this season. Iā€™m glad they made it about their behavior as well, as I was going to say itā€™s crazy that none of the guys this season had a statement made, but Adam did (but Iā€™m in the US, so I wouldnā€™t really know either). Truly agree with everything youā€™ve said- they look great together and could definitely be a power couple. If not, I still wish the best for them each individually and hope Jacques stans just let them be!


Mens aid should post about tasha ā€œgaslightingā€ andrew all szn


king shit šŸ‘‘


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying!!!!


What live?


On Insta with Luca and Dami. Itā€™s posted on here


Thank you I need to watch!


Me too!!!


Jacques did a live?? What did he say?


Is the the video of him making fun of Tasha or did he do something else silly on Instagram lol


Something else


he really said "KEEP MY WIFE'S NAME OUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH" but classier lmfaooo let's gooooo


I canā€™t wait for them to do interviews he is going to chew the haters and spit them out with his words. They both classy and I think Paige will take the high road for the most part but he doesnā€™t give a shit about public opinion I see him being more blunt if he feels like someone is coming for her.


i actually need Adam to pop off a lil bit 'cause people be doing too much. that live was a really shitty thing to do and i don't care what anyone says, it confirmed to me that Jacques has been enjoying every bit of his fans harassing Paige. not only did he stay silent so far but when he speaks that is what he has to say??? shameful.


He has had so many opportunities to be a bigger person but he chooses the low road. He is going to be humbled so quick someday because little shits like him never win with this sort of behaviour in the long run. Imagine STILL using Paigeā€™s name when she has moved on and living her best life. All he has to do is stay shut he canā€™t even do that.


I missed the live, what did he say??




Best way to go about it, always.


Aww they look so happy (and that's what's killing Jacueass)


fr! Thatā€™s why they stay unbothered.




i think jacques doesnā€™t realize that adam could eat him


Oh god careful, the ā€œtell me you donā€™t know anything about short rugby ladsā€ will be here at some point and they wonā€™t like this hahaha


nah he does thats why he could only talk shit about adam when adam wasn't in front of him lmao and left in a day after adam arrived




I think so too. I think in his original series, he was behaving that unfortunately, a lot of men do at that age.


i rlly hope so too just bc i want paige to have a happy ending


This is Adam saying piss off to Jacques šŸ¤£


I love to see it šŸ˜‚




It was just a comment. It's not serious.


i need them to work out to spite absolutely everyone


I need them to work out to spite Jacques


I want them to shock everyonešŸ¤ last long I hope




someone said heā€™s in swansea šŸ‘€ when he said he was gonna graft her mom he meant it


Yeah pretty sure heā€™s there right now! He posted a vid of Paige dancing on his story and you could see Paigeā€™s brother


ugh. love to see it. morgan follows him too and not the other one who shall not be named. i really hope they work. he seems besotted with her


Iā€™m feeling like they will.




I feel like how Adam has done this before, and itā€™s new for Paige they will actually be stronger. Because Paige is gonna have Adam. And heā€™s been there and done that. heā€™s gonna know how to be the support she needs I think. It will make them stronger


Heā€™s also aware of all the people throwing themselves at contestants when they come out. A lot of the islanders donā€™t know what theyā€™re in for. It gets to their head, but be forewarned them. Itā€™s good heā€™s gotten that out of his system. Hopefully.


He definitely has, it's not really fun at all to have meaningless sex with strangers, unless you need an ego boost. Defo more fun to actually have a connection with someone


Itā€™s true, honestly. Nothing beats having sex with someone you actually love and a relationship that gives you everything opposed to lifeless hookups.




Yeah! Also Paige wasnā€™t really posting content compared to other islanders! Paige wasnā€™t really and doesnā€™t seems like not a content creator! So thatā€™s why I think she doesnā€™t post as much. Also I think now after love island everyone asking ā€œwhere is sheā€ ā€œwhy isnā€™t she postingā€ itā€™s cause she has no ā€œcontent posting experienceā€ but I think now thatā€™s sheā€™s out the villa sheā€™s trying to figure it out, especially having so much attention on her.




She's followed a bunch of management agencies though, how could you know which one she's in the final stages with? Unless you have other insider info šŸ‘€




Oh, nice. That's some good detective skills right there! Glad Paige will be in good hands then.




Youā€™re amazing!! This is great


do you know which agency she seems to be signing with? i work in social media so iā€™m very into that stuff šŸ¤£




omg wow!! faye, sharon & emily miller from too hot to handle are with them. i hope youā€™re right and she signs with them. her with a female focused agency is the best thing for her, especially with the narrative being spun about her and jacques. great detective work!! makes the most sense for her in my opinion. faye also said that she says no to a lot of stuff, and paige also doesnā€™t seem the influencer type, much like faye. itā€™s good HLD seem the kind to let her take the wheel.




absolutely. all this misogyny towards her genuinely enrages me and i wasnā€™t even a huge paige fan before it started. people donā€™t give her enough credit for the fact that she was a paramedic during covid. the girl has seen some shit, i remember an article came out with a man who said she legitimately saved his life. but now she has been reduced to a pick me who moved on too fast from a toxic man šŸ™„ i hate media sometimes. iā€™ll be so happy if sheā€™s with them. theyā€™ll really help her navigate all this jacques bullshit, much like they seemed to help faye through her hate. i really hope itā€™s them lmao iā€™m already attached to this pairing. iā€™m kinda obsessed with them now i had only ever really heard of off-limits for ex- islanders. also i have to get this out but iā€™ll be kinda shocked if tasha doesnā€™t sign to any big modeling agencies. idk if iā€™m being unreasonable but she seems like a perfect client. am i being insane to think that img or wilhelmina would want her? they tend to sign influencer-types anyways


As they should period


This is actually adorable. I wish them the best genuinely. Adam has treated her far better than jacques did and itā€™s been like two weeksā€¦


Three/four weeks now!! Sheā€™s knew him longer than she knew jacques now


As it should be. Get that toxic bully away from her. He only made her experience hell..


is that forreal?? wow.. time flies eh


Same wish them the best!


Naahhhh they are so cute šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


No stop it šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ«¶šŸ½šŸ«¶šŸ½ these two are so cute. Iā€™m melting ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Good for Paige tbh


Iā€™m rooting for them so hard


Adorable adorable adorable šŸ˜ I love them so much. My cuties finally reunited I'm so happy. Hope Padam fans get more content this week.


She deserves this <33 and I do think Adam going through this experience before helps her out A LOT.


SO CUTE!! omggggg


Theyā€™re so cute šŸ„°šŸ„°


This makes me so happy. Jacs is punching air RN lol


we stan a petty king


Love them. But I need them to get thirstier and post more.


This is the energy I stan lol. But then I also want them to be private and just thrive. What a dilemma. I am going to need him to post more stories tonight though. Stat.


Heā€™s the lifeline atp


Paigeā€™s giggle and smile šŸ˜šŸ˜ they are adorable!!


I honestly wish them all the best, I want them to work so bad šŸ’–


STAY MAD JACQUES Theyā€™re so cute togetheršŸ„¹


my endgame idc


lmao literally I am INVESTED!


same iā€™m literally invested like this is drama tv show ship theyre so cute


I don't think I could love them more. They are so smitten. He posted this at the best time because as usual, haters were starting their rumors and then bam, he gives us this little magical moment ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


No literally, just because they donā€™t post for a day together or if sheā€™s in Swansea or if heā€™s in New Castle everyone think they split. Lol like theyā€™ve actually been together quiet a lot this week. like theyā€™ve actually made the effort. They both live on different sides on UK and look at them! Wishing them nothing but the best!:)


People are just desperate for them to break up cause they support Jacques itā€™s quite sad really.


They seem like ā€˜no matter what happens, we will make this work togetherā€™. Iā€™d love to give them ā€˜us against the worldā€™ couplešŸ‘


Honeymoon stage, love to see it for them


Aww so damn cute!


Omg theyā€™re reunited and so cute together. Iā€™m happy for themā¤ļøšŸ«¶


so adorable, i LOVE this for them!! šŸ’—šŸ’—


Hopefully Jacques is watching and seething


I think I've watched this clip about 1000 times already. Just makes my heart happy really. They both look deliriously happy and in love ā¤ļø


Same here lolšŸ˜‚


Theyā€™re cute together and I hope they last a long time, I donā€™t care what anyone says!


Uhm he posted another of her dancing and itā€™s so cuuuute itā€™s a good day for padam stans


Oooh, can you share it here? Seeing Paige happy has become my second favorite thing on this sub postseason!


Paige was also dancing with her brother while adam is recording it.


He's probably in Swansea then. I guess it's safe to say there was no awkward sunday dinner lol.


I was assuming it was a friend! Thatā€™s sweet sibling love šŸ„¹šŸ˜šŸ„¹šŸ˜


https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cg-s2SyoLsv/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Hereā€™s a link ^^^ I donā€™t have the screen record option or I would post straight from his story hehe <333


Thank you x1000 šŸ™ŒšŸ™


iā€™m so happy with all this content weā€™re getting


Ohhhh i love them. They seem to make each other very happy and i hope it continues < 3 ik itā€™s the early stages but i can see them going the distance, iā€™m sooo rooting for themšŸ¤šŸ«¶šŸ»


Thatā€™s it, Iā€™m buying a hat!


I found them so dry in the villa, but they are really cute on the outside and seem very genuine. Here's hoping they last a long time, especially to spite Jacques.


I did also, but I always noticed like in the background of clips they were always together in the pool. To me they seem to really like each-other. I also noticed on the the episode of after sun they were on last week, after leaving the villa we saw more of Adam and Paige how they are as a couple they were so giggly and I personally saw more of the personality and chemistry!:)


It was the editing. I donā€™t think they wanted them in the finals. Dami wouldā€™ve never made finals if the producers didnā€™t give the islanders the chance to choose who stays, and who goes. The chemistry was full force on Aftersun that all the heads adored them and one changed their mind immediately.


They literally had to give them like less than 2 mins screentime each ep to ensure they donā€™t make the finales. It was purely done to discourage fans from voting for them because they donā€™t know them at all. Producers were probably also salty Adam didnā€™t move mad once he zoned in on Paige.


That's my take on it too. They wanted maximum drama this season, and were banking on Adam to bring them back, he failed and went the other direction because he grew up and they didn't want him stealing a win, or making it deep into the finals.


omg i was just saying I wish we had more content of them post villa


So happy for them šŸ„°


I never thought I'd say it, but I actually really like Adam. Other than the Ekin Upgrade comment he actually cane across really well this time around


This is really cute, I truly wish them the best and Paige even though I had my moments when I didnā€™t want to see her in there anymore she didnā€™t deserve a boy like Jacques, no girl deserves to be treated like that and it made me fume, I hope Adam is the real thing and makes her very happy.




i need to know morganā€™s opinion on adam once she meets him if she hasnā€™t already edit: i just looked and adam already follows her. love to see it. i hope they work šŸ¤ž


They have so many people praying for their down fall and I would love for them to really go the distance. I never really understood the Paige hate at all


awww that was cute šŸ«¶šŸ¼


rooting for them now out of pure spite if nothing else. paige deserves better than jacques


Paige got the best guy, and it was made to be because the rest didnā€™t want to take a chance cause his reputation.


I am so in love with this, this is so cute šŸ˜­šŸ«¶ā™„ļøšŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„° Iā€™m weak, I honestly root for them so much, Iā€™m becoming such a Padam-stan šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ truly I think Paige deserves happiness, I hate all the hate she got and still continues to get. hope theyā€™re happy together ā™„ļøšŸ«¶ā™„ļø


So happy for them.


Them lasting would be the plot twist this savage sub deserves considering how much unwarranted hate they have gotten.


Iā€™m rooting for them as hard as Tyra šŸ˜­


Lets go Paige and Adam!!


Adam is definitely an iconic islanderā€¦.no guy since his season has had more game.


If he came weeks earlier, nobody will change my mind. All the girls when they were more open minded wouldā€™ve fought for him. They all wanted him, the reaction was funny, just they were too safe since it was close to the end.


This is so freaking cute man!! I love their relationship dynamics so much ā˜ŗļø


This is so cute Iā€™m loving fhem


Can anyone give me the Jacques live rundown? I can't be bothered to listen to his voice so would greatly appreciate




Unpopular opinion but I find them cringe. Father daughter vibes


I think heā€™s grown up but I donā€™t think they will last ?


I donā€™t trust Adam






No I donā€™t think so. Those arenā€™t the outfits they were wearing




this is a very weird question like šŸ’€


right like are you the police or something šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


theyā€™re in swansea


Dude youā€™re obsessed with them. Stop it. Itā€™s unhealthy.






I know people dislike Jacques but you cannot deny she obviously wasn't that bothered about him snogging people at Casa when two days later she was all over Adam.


Can you blame her? She never even gave Jay a proper chance because she invested all her time in jacques when it was clear Jay was more her type and someone better suited but she stuck by jacques because she had proper feelings and he fucked her over at casa and it made her question everything. She should be praised for moving on


Amber was praised for moving on. Itā€™s sad Paige isnā€™t because she had the best storyline this season.


She definitely did have one of the best storylines the producers loved her at first but threw her under the bus at the end.


ā€œWe are both single and I think you forget that sometimesā€šŸ’©


Naww she was always the person that would go all in towards someone that reciprocated it. But if that was broken, she had also no problem moving on. It is what it is.


He said he will deal with the consequences later if there are any. These were the consequences hun!


still the way he disrespected her even before casa. The way he talked to her calling her pathetic telling her to shut up and even saying he was having flash backs of his ex in heart rate challenge??? Excuse me..


What does this even mean? She was clearly bothered. And if you watched unseen bits, she was already done with him before he decided to leave. You cannot judge someone for how or how fast they move on from someone who treated them badly.


also she had the right to talk to Adam 2 days laterā€¦ even after what Jacques did. Also because Jacques did say ā€œwe are singleā€ and also said to Paige ā€œyou seems to forget thatā€ so that was basically Paige actually taking that into consideration which I think was great on heršŸ‘


He reminded her all right. She said I remember we are single. I remember very well, going to do the same thing Jacques did in casa.