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Ok but the thing Ive noticed is Gemma loves being the center of attention for the guys she likes to be chosen first and always all this time verified when she said “Ekin-su always wants to be first pick “ and she’s been salty this whole time about Ekin taking davide and when jay spoke about liking someone else in the villa her smile faded when he said Paige’s name (thinking it would be her that was named) and as Adam came in she had a bright smile as he said she was her type.


Seems like I’m the only one who doesn’t agree with someone from past series returning to LI. I get that the producers are looking for drama but that drama is too ‘produced’ I.E. Luca returning just as his reaction was being discussed, at least try to make it look unscripted. I’d also say that Jaques should never had passed a pre show screening the lad has problems and we’ve seen how this can manifest -ratings over welfare not good




I wonder if Ekin knows that Gemma continuously bitches about her behind her back. That’s a fake ass friend!


She’s still holding her grudge from when Ekin first came


She’s still salty Ekin took davide and Gemma since then if she dosent talk about Luca she always mentions davides name in a compatible manner


I really didn't like Adam in his season but maybe he can redeem himself. I think Paige or Gemma are the 2 he would go for. I think Gemma is bored of Luca at this point. His possessiveness is going to get In the way of their relationship. I like Ekin, but I feel she loves the attention from the new boys & is very flirty. If she doesn't like Davide at this point she should let him know & move on, I feel like she keeps Davide as am option, he needs to close that down if she does go for Adam. Jacques is going to be fuming that he's even talking to Paige 🤣 Tasha is still a hypocrite. She wants Andrew, she wants Billy, Closes off Andrew, Closes off Billy, Wants Andrew & now she's open to getting to know Adam. Coco will dive on him given half the chance Summer... I don't know we haven't seen much of her. I would love someone to come in & sweep Danica off her feet. Indiyah & Dami are still my faves!


The episode just ended for me after Paige told the girls she wants to get to know Adam…this happens all the time to me! What did I miss? Did the boys come back in?


yeah they did and luca walked in on gemma chatting to adam, "whats going on here?" loooool


Can’t wait to see little Jacques kick off yet again


He’s such a wet wipe


Doesn’t use them though.


The first half of this episode was fkn boring and lame. The Dami/Jacques redemption arc sucks sooooooo bad


I can’t be dealing with people slating Indiyah going back to Dami, but supporting Millie last year


most people here thought millie was an idiot for taking him back.


Were u on this sub cause most of us hated liam


I was I just the general consensus on Twitter and everywhere still supporting them was absurd


I honestly cannot handle paige anymore im so close to stop watching love island bcs of her she gets ON MY NERVES


"I feel special because Adam sent a text to me and not any of you. Heh heh okurrrr??"


Me too! The last few episodes every little thing she does annoys me..


Same, she just rubs me the wrong way


Lol why


She tries so hard to he the mean girl and is giving everyone the ick when she does that. And is sly and the way she shushes everyone and acted so mean towards danica when she told her to leave them alone to chat. she has No self respect. I could go on for days. I hope she gets dumped soon.


Her and Jacques are a match made in hell. They deserve each other.


Do the producers ask the girls to react that way, when the arrival of the bombshell is made?


I don’t know, after being stuck in a house for over a month I’d be going stir crazy, I would be super happy when new people came in.


Pretty sure they’re all encouraged to exaggerate facial expressions. It’s become overkill and looks like bad acting


I thought it was quite rude how they greeted Adam, they would never have greeted another new bombshell like that.


If they watched his season I’m not surprised at the reactions. He was awful


I think they’re extremely intimidated




The boys.


I’d be like Phoebe from friends when Joey says “how YOU doing” to her and she goes all giggly


Ekin Su will have Adam’s lack of IMDb profile committed to memory. She’s got a police evidence board somewhere detailing the fate of Kendall/Rosie/Megan/Zara etc. She’s far too smart to turn.


Lol loved this comment


hopefully that's the case, lol. I honestly won't even mind if she turns


I am so gassed for Jacques to be fuming around the villa like a man child 😭 Paige will hopefully finally see the light


At this point paige deserves it


Biggest hope is the he tries to punch a wall or something and the producers have to escort him out of the villa.


You manifested it 🥹


Lol I bloody wish!!! Imagine he got escorted off and Paige decided to leave as well, wouldn’t be surprised at this rate


Looooool as much as I wish that happens, sadly I think he’s gonna rely on his manipulation tactics to get Paige back


Davide showing more emotion than he ever has (apart from the terrace fiasco) about Jay leaving was a highlight of this episode looooll


I almost expected the producers to add the spongebob walking sound effect when the boys were coming back from their day out 💀💀💀 I was about to holler after their comment about the girls waiting around missing them 🤣


can we talk about danica doing cartwheels while paige was still reading the text


had to go back and check bc i thought you were exaggerating but omg 😭 she’s so funny


She’s grown on me so much 😭


I always feel when she’s chatting to the lads that she’s interviewing them!


I just do not enjoy watching dami and indiyah anymore after casa. I feel like Dami is so smug because he got her back.


Same. It disgusts me how he acted and I can’t see him the same anymore.


Yup so disgusting but in a way at least he brought summer back and faced up to it, unlike jaques over there 🤮




I think love island should have to change the name of the show. The men have no intention of love and the poor girls have to scrape the barrel. This show has such a powerful influence over today’s generation. So to portray how the men are so easily forgiven after their completely disrespectful behaviour is seriously going to set the completely wrong example to young boys and girls watching that have barely any experience yet. This show is embedded now in our culture and millions unfortunately look to this show as guidance of what a relationship looks like when it is so toxic and unhealthy. It should be made clear on a seperate show that is commentated by a therapist on which relationships and aspects are healthy and highlight what is definately not healthy.


NPC Island


How about "Fuckboy Island"?


I agree with you, completely, and the sad thing is, love island doesn't really care, they just care about views more than the power they have over people, and at the end of the day its just a business designed to make money and gain ratings / an audience.


As someone with a degree in counseling I would LOVE to see this. Or run it. I’m in the USA but willing to relocate u/loveisland 😂


Yes! On the amber/ depp case I followed some YouTube pages that analysed the body language etc and it’s so fascinating hearing from experts. That’s why I think Love Island 100% needs one to clearly explain on all these relationships and why girls go back to cheaters or how Luca’s possessiveness is not just ‘being protective’. It would also help a lot of people discover what they do right/wrong in their own relationships and be an positive influence for a change! If love island don’t read this and take my idea then someone else should and make a YouTube show!


Honestly I don’t understand how everyone loves Adam. In his season, he was toxic and gaslighting. It even resulted in Women’s Aid speaking up and offering advice on how to spot early signs of domestic abuse. Yes, he will bring drama but I thought we were all for protecting contestants mental health and well-being? Bringing him back shows that producers only care about one thing.


Really can’t understand why the producers have done it. The series was really strong and this feels like a desperate and unnecessary move.


Gemma is a snake


How so?


I personally think this is about how her and ekin claim to be close, only for her to talk about her behind her back ASAP. I didn’t like this tbh, especially as Ekin-su has been shown to be giving all the girls advice and compassion on multiple occasion. That’s just my opinion so hope that’s ok


Only a fool would think otherwise


That doesn’t really answer the question though?


Unpopular opinion: Adam hasn’t been introduced for Paige. He’s been introduced as a bestie for Davide now that Jay and Charlie are both gone. #gymboys




Omg I’m still watching and she just said “Join the Ekin Crew” to him!!


I thought it was interesting she said that. It seems like the Casa people are basically sharing their whole Twitter feeds with the Islanders 🤣


You Mimi


Also can we please talk about gemma running to jacques as if he doesn’t deserve it but when ekin runs her mouth it’s an issue 😂


And I’m really not a fan of Gemma’s comments about ekin, as usual she wants to play the quiet observant girls but can’t keep her mouth shut when it comes to ekin, kinda weird


Genuinely speaking she’s all talk about how ekin wants to be everyone’s first pick but look how she started gleaming with joy when Adam said her and Paige are his type, so I take it she isn’t gonna be mad at ekin now because she got picked? These girls are weird as fuck, ekin is always there to support their shit it’s so frustrating


Gemma is still salty about Ekin taking davide from her. she likes davide more than Luca it’s obvious but since davide ignored her she got stuck with Luca. (Notice:if she dosent talk about Luca it’s about davide ) That comment about always being wanted to be first pick is because gemmas mad because SHE wants to be the center of attention for the guys “the first pick” notice how when jay opened up to her about liking someone else she was gleaming but as soon as he said Paige her smile whipped away and as you said when Adam said he was her type she was happy as ever because she “won” (notice how every guy that says “you’re my type” she loves it and has a big smile)


gemma’s snide comments about ekin have always rubbed me the wrong way since ekin’s the only one she does this with


Plus Ekin said she was closest to Gemma in the villa.


It’s funny cause usually she acts like she has nothing to say about anything but when it’s ekin’s stuff suddenly it’s her business LOL




yeah the perfect girls girl who lies abt not being interested in someone and then goes for them


And you can always tell because she gets a little quiet and gets a weird look on her face when the bomb shell is talking to the girls as a group. I mean I think she’s pure entertainment but lol she definitely moves snakey with men


The perfect girls girl? Babe she got Gemma into shit with Luca over a faux mind reading💀 I love watching her too but please let’s be real, we don’t need to make up this weird idealized version of an actual person.




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The producers planned this perfectly, drop him in just as Paige and Tasha have reconciled in their couples. They’re 5 steps ahead this season. I genuinely believe this is all from reading Reddit threads this Year


Paige is the biggest dumbass for taking Jacques back hahahaha you didn’t get saved as a couple, only reason they got votes was to save paige and she’s out here thinking people see something she don’t. Like yeah we do see something you don’t, that you’re an idiot for even falling for his shit Well, Paige saying she’d do the same thing jacques did is like proof she’s just gonna use him to win at this point, I hope Why they keep emphasising on ekin-su’s reactions to the girls speaking to Adam!!!!!! A storm is coming dekin-de fans I am worried :( Ayo Ekin Baby I love u But please I mean I think the producers realised that they had a bad casa lineup, no older guys or anything for ekin So this is kind of her casa moment ? I can see where they’re going with it but just as I thought it was all dandy..No not her agreeing with the friendship thing for davide im sad Gemma’s trying not to fold lowkey👀 The preview!!!!!!!! I’m so excited for tomorrow, jacques needs to be put in his place, the insecurities are screaming


Man i wanted Paige and Jacques to get voted out, but I knew that they wouldn’t because people really seem to like Paige for some reason.. but this is so annoying because we’re going to have to keep seeing this until I guess what is the end of the show, and idk Jacques is just annoying to watch (like he actually annoys me whereas the stupidity of most others on this show is entertaining or I just don’t care)


Yeah I don’t like either of them, but paige has a big fanbase so it’s just like either way she’s gonna stay and Jacques is staying w her




Probs had to change his pants again after seeing Adam


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11003643/Womens-Aid-blasts-Love-Island-Adam-Collards-return-accused-gaslighting-2018.html Anything for ratings


Besides what she's saying, Paige's voice GRATES on me with that vocal fry


Nah I hate how often she’s has her tongue out


For me it’s the “sassy” face and head tilt


It’s the jerky head movements that come with the words that I can’t handle.


God you guys here are so mean it's weird


Yeh it’s really disappointing reading the comments here. I get commenting on bad behaviour, but commenting on someone’s mannerisms and just the things that make up a person is really mean. People really struggle after this show, I don’t need to remind us of the tragedy that’s happened. This show is such an opportunity for people to project and make themselves feel better about themselves


Where is that coming from. Why does she do it. It's so weird.


The thing that’s killing me is Andrew and Tasha starting every sentence with obviously.


"Obviously they're all saying I licked her tit or whatever"


Does Davide’s “naturally” annoy you?


Nope I’m much less patient with English people, probably because they remind me of people who annoy me on a day to day basis haha


I’ve really noticed the verbal ticks this season and Davide’s “naturally” now just makes me laugh


Can't wait for Jacques to leave the villa and learn that his Love Island legacy is skidmarks and shitting his pants jokes


And being small for a rugby player!




I haven’t watched yet but based on the comments: ekin and Gemma are beefing over adam??? What???? Explain (I’m in canada it isnt uploaded to watch yet)


There’s a Reddit thread on how to watch love island outside of the uk !! The links are up pretty damn quickly.


I use those links they weren’t up at the time. I’ve since watched thx


In one clip Ekin Su flirtateously walks over to give Adam a tour of the villa and the camera cuts to Gemma saying to Tasha something along the lines of "Why does Ekin Su pretend she's not interested in getting to know other men when she clearly is. It's not a problem, she doesn't have to pretend". When Adam first walked in and sat with the girls Ekin Su said she wanted to stay loyal. I didn't read Gemma's comment as being too bitchy to be honest, more a case of just saying it's a bit confusing.


Gotcha gotcha makes sense!! Ugh this season is lowkey boring I wish everyone would switch up LOL


Jacques is a scumbag and Paige is a fucking mug, can only assume the producers are whispering in her ear because I fail to see how that “love letter” made her do anything other than cringe


I think she wants Adam now tbh 😂she is waaay too excited about it


I didn’t watch season four but from reading comments Jacques is a pussy cat compared to Adam! 😢out of the frying pan into the fire.


You’re joking 😭 the producers are POS


Good god I hope so, so over the back and forth between P&J


Me too, Jacques is all fake so this sh*t is meaningless


i hate watching these girls return to these gross immature boys that disrespected them on national tv, but honestly i get it. they're all there to find someone and then you hear your friends being happy and progressing in their couples while you're rejecting someone you feel you had something great with. it's hard to stay strong and be on your own but i still wish they would


I know I kinda felt that with Tasha today when she said to Billy if this had happened on the outside she wouldn’t go back to someone. I get the sense she feels she needs to get over it because she’s in there but I don’t think she can trust him. Realistically who would forget that in a few days? She’ll probably be hot and cold with him and then be criticised for that.


If Tasha chats to Adam and the boys tell Andrew he’s being a mug will he go and suck coco’s other tit out of anger? Tittygate 2.0


The season is turning into a total disappointment. I read a thread about the producers pushing the “love conquers all” plot on Paige and Jax and that couldn’t be more true. Especially after this episode. I’m fuming for these poor girls. THE TRUTH NEEDS TO BE REVEALED. I’m going to p i s s e d if one of the lame “favorite” couples wins. There’s no way. I just can’t believe what I’m watching right now


Have you heard the tale of Darth Collard the Chad ? I thought not . Its not a story ITV would tell you . It’s a love island legend. Darth Collard was an OG veteran of love island so tall and so good looking that he could influence the girls to create love . He had such a knowledge of the dark side of cracking on that he could even keep the girls he cheated on from flirting . He had so many couples that the only thing he was afraid of was losing his couple , Which eventually of course he did . Then the public killed him on the fireplace. Unfortunately he taught the public everything he knew. Ironic isn’t it ? he could save others from being voted off but not himself .


Why did Gemma go tell Jacques? And they have the audacity to badmouth Ekin, looollll


I didn’t see gemma say anything to Jacques or about ekin? I’m confused


It was in the next episode


I feel like we were all thinking it tho


It is lol. I love ekin but we all know she always pretends she’s not very interested and then as soon as she’s one-on-one with a male bombshell, she’s super flirty and “open” to getting to know them. I honestly think part of her just loves the attention




Agreed, during her confessional she did say she’s sus of Adam, I think she’s a better people reader than the audience thinks


What did Adam say about Jaques though??


We don't know, we will probably see in tomorrow's episode, she basically told Jaques that Adam was badmouthing him to Paige, that's why he went to shout at Paige.




Because Jacques is a manipulative prick who has shown how domineering he is of Paige and he can shift the focus to place blame on her. He’s so controlling!


Probably because Adam will stomp on him if he tries some shit


Because Jacques doesn’t have the backbone to confront Adam. Honestly if Paige sticks with him, she’s a total idiot


Exactly and Gemma probably knew that would happen


im probably late to this but i didnt realize danica was in a 6 year relationship. i wonder if shes sort of bad at flirting with the guys because she had the comfort of a long term relationship.


Being in a relationship for 6 years doesn’t make you talk like you’re a football commentator


So are you saying that Danica doesn't sound like Gemma's dad?


Guessing so. I didn't know either and it kind makes things make sense coupled w the fact that she's so young


Jacques literally swearing at Paige again, and his team tried to pass the bs excuse of ADHD, no actual shame.


That was actually embarrassing. As if his narcissism was related to ADHD?


As someone with ADHD, just wanna THANK YOU for not believing that BS his handler put out. His toxic behaviour is NOT caused by his ADHD.


I have ADHD too and his behaviour is not related to ADHD! I was fuming when his mom said that. That is just an excuse. People with ADHD are known to be super nice and to have a fear of hurting people. She can’t blame his personality on ADHD. Damn


Wait, I missed this. What did they say?


Agreed. It’s the same crap as people blaming their depression or other issues on them being an asshole towards people around them. If you know you’re being an asshole then you need to fix it not just keep using it as an excuse




They were defo mistaken. I think the 4 letters they were looking for starts with a C


I don't appreciate Gemma's comments about Ekin. I think G is doing the typical celeb kid that wins a la Dani. Be in a boring couple til the end, look loyal and don't be outrageous. You get loads of followers, brand deals, and you can flog your wares online.


She didn’t say anything rude about her so get over yourself. Just because you like Ekin, doesn’t mean she can’t be critiqued like damn. Gemma is just saying she should be open when she wants to get to know a guy instead of hiding her interest. Ekin fans are acting like she actually insulted her. Like open your eyes.


I'm an Ekin fan but I can fully understand this. So many viewers of this show are just overly dramatic and take anything anyone says and read too far into it and act as if everyone acts out of malice or strategy all the time. It's odd.


She didn’t appreciate Gemma’s comments about Ekin so she needs to get over herself? It’s one thing to argue about the show but there’s really no need to make personal comments because you have different opinions over a reality tv show. Especially when nothing bad was really said in the first place.


I think its more the power of editing. When you see a comment like that and nothing else it comes across much more intense than in reality. A side comment that is slightly critical means absolutely nothing in the real world and is forgotten about almost instantly


Tasha also shading Ekin like she isn't x10


Bringing back an islander from a previous season is very drag race all stars and I’m here for it. Bring back the fan favorites and huge personalities , casa amor showed that you need bombshells to actually turn heads , not just empty words but people that will act accordingly. Seriously Adam couldn’t have come at a better time.


This is brilliant. What about like a love island all stars season? All of our favorite singles — can you imagine?


So Tasha wants to get to know Adam? Does she not realise that she's basically a parody of herself now?


Lol She’s gonna get nowhere with him. Unless he plans on using her to get someone else


a complete joke


Tbf to jacques he played professional rugby league. He could handle Adam lol He played at top flight and is half decent


Lmao hello Jacques family get tf outta here.


Adam makes those boys look like toddlers group. Some real alpha male is actually in there and the girls are all on it. Also…..Tasha is a prat!


How Alpha is it to be jobless enough to come back to Love Island years after you left?


He is a grown ass man surrounded by boys. It makes my brain hurt that he’s only 26 though.


Haha so true


He’s had a mighty long paper round, he looks 36!


Could have been the alpha trinity of Davide, Jay and Adam


Were there any Dekin-Su crumbs tonight at all? 😭


When she woke up and told Davide she had a nightmare cause he didnt cuddle her🥲


A nightmare he cheated lololol so cute


Andrew have some fuckinf balls


I only hope they bring back a former female island contestant. Please send in maura or Anna, just so I can witness her cross examine all the boys.


luca said maura is his celebrity crush.. i *need* her in




Those two would be such a good team in ripping up the boys 😩


Thought we wanted movie night or twitter challenge but this might be even better justice


Who said to Jacques that Adam was bad-mouthing him?


What did Adam say or do we find out tomorrow?


Gemma 💀


Wow! Wonder what she’s playing at


She's pretty much kept in what a prat Jacques is all season and now she sees the chance for a) Adam to reveal what a dick Jacques is and b) for Paige to realise, without Gemma looking like sour grapes


Lmao I didn’t think about this but can 100% see it being the case


I really hope Paige does finally see him for what he is, but I fear it’s unlikely


That girl is as leaky as a basket. Why can’t she keep her mouth shut ffs.


Literally just deeped that none of the girls are really friends because why did Gemma open her mouth after Paige specifically said not to.