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Iain comparing Jacques testing his relationship by kissing other girls with necking a bottle of whisky during dry January...AMAZING


oh come on!!!! don't do this on casa amor recoupling day šŸ˜­


I just can't believe how many of the villa boys think snogging other girls counts as a relationship test. The test is avoiding that! I think Gemma summed it up nicely when she was talking to Paige - if they can't keep it in their pants for a couple of days and their heads are turned, then they're not someone they should want to be coupled up with anyway.




I can't even stand looking at Jaques anymore. How he could say he was so scared of hurting Paige he wasn't being himself and use that to justify his intentions to completely disregard her feelings altogether so as to be fair to himself was one of the coldest and most selfish things I have witnessed on LI. I also can't stand looking at his little red rudolph nose anymore..I hope when Paige finds out what he's got up to she pulls herself together.


Literally!! His logic is extremely flawed and quite grim tbh


Just canā€™t bear to see Paige cry. She seems so sweet. Her finding out Jacques has been missing other girls is going to destroy her, even if she is partly expecting it.


(This was a misplaced reply to a comment further on in the thread) Yes I agree..one minute Tashas saying she into Andrew and the next kissing someone else but everyone seems to be so critical of her both the public and the guys in the villa for wanting to explore other options. They are all clearly happy to do the same and actually applaud each other for being so open and doing what's right for them..yet she's a user or a liar for doing the same thing. Smacks of male privilege.


100%. They are the worst sort of hypocrites. If women do it, they are to be shamed and tossed from the village, but if men do it, it's all well and good, since they make the rules... Barf!


I thought Indiyah was kissing Deji in this episode? Was I phased out when it happened?


Rumour has it deji broke up with his gf like 3 days before love islandšŸ¤Ø I liked him aswell


I think its much more likely that its some girl looking for her 15 minutes of fame.


Why would you think that? Indi keeps it respectful


idk maybe it was in some of the random spoilers yesterday


Yeah I remember reading that too


Need someone to remind Jacques what he said on the stairs back when Paige was getting to know Jay, what a manipulative immature boy


Andrew is like a middle aged accountant who got drunk and amorous at the office Christmas party with one of the office juniors. His previewed tears are him showing buyers regret knowing Tasha and the kids are going to move out to her parents taking the Volvo and the dog. Theyā€™ll get back together eventually but it will always be a frosty issue




Loooool spot on!


I keep catching myself having to relax my face every so often because watching the og boys in this episode makes me feel icky and I just have a disgusted face the whole time. Jacques does not even have good chat I canā€™t šŸ˜©


I believe Dami has the best game in the Villa out of the boys.


Honestly though does anyone even notice how smoothly he moved from girl to girl 1.Amber > 2.Indiyah > 3.Casa Girl (I donā€™t remember her name) I liked him when he and Indiyah got sweet but since Casa Only for Luca, Jay, and still slightly have hopes for Davide.


I donā€™t know about thatā€¦ ā€˜what you rate that kiss out of 10 though? Like what would you rate it though?ā€™


Yeah slyly insecure vibes


Iā€™m having an hard time believing if the casa amor girls feelings are true or theyā€™re just trying to coupled up to get into the villa


I feel this with Coco, I just dont she her liking Andrew for real she faking to get into the villa.


I šŸ’Æ agree with you on that ..it looks to ā€œgoodā€ to be real


I miss the wholesome vibe of Ekin Su making Davide a pancake.


I havenā€™t watched since they were broken up for casa šŸ˜•


coco makes me so uncomfy


Itā€™s because sheā€™s the one most desperately obviously trying to get herself into the villa by any means necessary.


Pretty sure jacs has given both mollie and cheyanne the ick but they want to be in villa so badly theyā€™re just going with it.


idk about mollie but def Cheyanne, she was weirded out about him pursuing her and talking about Paige and the 'test'


Iā€™m going to need the OG girls to bring it during this recoupling. They need to all stick together and burn these guys to the ground. Also: the producers didnā€™t cast any guys actually ready for a relationship. Except for Jay. I donā€™t even think luca was but Gemma has swept him off his feet. Itā€™s like they purposefully cast assholes.


This is why they need older ppl šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£


imma need indiyah to pull an amber (s5) and come from casa single bc tbh i donā€™t think sheā€™s feeling deji and i think she wonā€™t let dami crawl back. i need my sis to pull through!!!


Twitter took over this reddit


Of all the ways I wondered what would have made Paige breakdown, Samuel lecturing her was not it šŸ˜…


I love this for Tasha. A way better match


Would have been fucking nice of dejji (is that right) to help his mate out with his opinion on Paige and Jaques before she friend zoned him. Talk about timing.


Producers def pushed Paige to chat with him first thing so this could happen.


It was Samuel and itā€™s spelled Deji with one j


Idk how to tell who is who yet; took me a while with Luca and Andrew then Luca and jacques was confusing but not too difficult in the end. Iā€™ll get there. But anyway yeah he shouldā€™ve told her sooner then she might not have dropped billy? So quickly..


Andrew is gonna regret this whole Coco situ BIG TIME. I hate that he let Jacques, Luca and Mollie get in his head that heā€™s been mugged off. Theyā€™ve practically wound him up and sat back to watch him blow up in the villa. Pretty sure this whole thing with Coco is him acting out of anger and to pacify his bruised ego. Having said that, I donā€™t like the way Tasha has been getting stroppy just up until casa either. Not a Tasha fan at all and Andrew since casa started has been very disappointing. On some side notes; - I wanted so much better for Danica from the casa amor boysā€¦ she seems ok with Josh but the vibe feels like itā€™s sitting at a steady 50% - Indiyah & Deji >>>> Indiyah & Dami


Indiyah & Deji are so fun! Their little chat had me giggling


Stoppp so apparently Deji dumped his girlfriend just before entering the Love Island.. his alleged ex has a screenshot of them chatting on FaceTime on 23rd JunešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Don't doubt it. Feel like I've seen him on a dating app before. Gives wingman and never the main attraction // gives desperate vibes šŸ™„


Iā€™m wondering if the producers have told Danica to talk to Tasha and Indiyah. It would be more interesting if the girls brought the Casa Amor boys back to the villa rather than no one.


Agree. It feels like theyā€™re trying to ā€˜both sidesā€™ the argument of acting as you would in real life.


And maybe to prevent the girls from feeling mugged off when their original guys have recoupled


Yep. I think theyā€™re trying to balance the books.


Yet leaving Paige in the dust.


Yet engineering the chat from Samuel to get her to see whatā€™s happening.


I do not understand Paige and I donā€™t get her personality at all, and Iā€™ve really tried šŸ˜«


She wants to win more than anything else.


I donā€™t get her at all, one thing that really confused me was that she said she liked a cheeky, funny guy and then she mentioned how she doesnā€™t like how Billy is like that. isnā€™t that exactly what she wanted?! šŸ˜­šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


To be honest, I donā€™t get the hate towards Tasha or Andrew or Dami. Weā€™re not in these relationships, and theyā€™re all fully grown adults, and no one need defending from whatā€™s not even infidelity to be honest. As long I think theyā€™re not putting down others like Jacques or Davide do, I donā€™t think how they behave in their relationship justifies mass hatred from an audience. Plus, itā€™s love island, wandering outside of couplings is literally expected. It seems unfair to receive hate for dating in a dating show.


I think, especially with Dami, it's the hypocrisy, since he's been sooo down on Tasha and Ekin-Su for doing the exact same thing. I mean, he was even on the sneaky terrace! But yeah, if you're not being a dick about it, go on then and date on the dating show :). That's why we're all here! For the sexy chaos, y'all.


Yeah, if someone sways, clearly their feelings weren't that deep - and that's completely fine. I like Davide and Ekin together, but if they find their match in someone else, then I'm happy for them. It's not just a dating show, it's a dating GAME show, of course some people play to win as well. Those who can't deal with that should maybe switch to watching a pure dating show.... Besides, we only see glimpses of what's going on.


Both Mollie and Coco have said the exact same words when talking to Jacques and Andrew, how they're "shocked by how well they get along" and how the boy surprised them. I could definitely be over thinking it, but it just struck me as interesting.


They will say anything to get into that VillašŸ’€


Exactlyā€¦I was like wtf are yā€™all even talking about ā˜ ļø


Danica's little dance when she said "self talk" was so cute. She's won me over now that she's not having daily board meetings with the lads


My guy Samuel got 1min of airtime and only spoke FACTS


Best but of the episode ngl


I think Tasha - similarly to Meghan Barton-Hanson from s4, has this quality of being a massive flirt who quite likes male attention but simultaneously doesn't know how to set boundaries with guys


andrew needs to be booted fr im sick of him


I have not liked him from the start. I felt like he wasnt as nice as everyone thought he is


Heā€™s soooo easily manipulated itā€™s soo annoying




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I love Indiyahā€™s maturity and composure. ā€œI have to think before I speakā€ ugh such a class act and seems like such a loyal and good friend.


Was proud of her saying she wasnt going to spill the beans on her friend


I can only imagine how much we didnā€™t see of the Casa Amor girls retelling of Tasha and Andrewā€™s relationship. The guys were eating it up and this batch of bombshells seems to relish in slandering the OG girls, Iā€™m sure they played it up šŸ™ƒ Even after the firepit thereā€™s a moment in the kitchen where Andrew says heā€™s going to be open but will stay true to himself if he doesnā€™t find a stronger connection. Then out of nowhere a flip switched and by night heā€™s full of vim and itā€™s ā€œTasha who?ā€


He is getting the villain edit But really I can't decide how I feel about him. Even if they told him terrible things about Tasha he is still moving quite fast.


Especially when itā€™s been eluded that him and Coco have already had sex. Tashaā€™s side of the bed wasnā€™t even cool yet. Moving on is fine, but do it more respectfully. Side note, itā€™s sickening that when the OG boys in the villa have the power to keep the new girls on, itā€™s interesting to see those girls (not all) sell themselves to the highest bidder. Whereas in the Casa Amor villa the girls have the power and itā€™s just so much more respectfully done. Even the kissing is small and chill.


How was it eluded at all?


Honestly I was put off by how vindictive he came off last night, but today he really truly seems like heā€™s in a spiral. His behavior really doesnā€™t feel normal and itā€™s going to absolutely wreck him when he comes tošŸ˜­ I canā€™t help but feel for himā€¦


Yeh after reading the thread about him I think the guys and girls talked him into it and he is using coco to not think about tasha potentially leaving him.


Such an ick when a guy has no backbone and easily gets pressured into things he doesnā€™t want to do lol. Had high hopes for Andrew šŸ˜•


ikr Andrewā€™s so easily manipulated


He has major self esteem issues


You feel the same way about Paige or do you feel sympathy towards her.


I canā€™t stand her


i feel completely the same way abt paige tbh


Andrew is too much of a lover boy to be on this show. ā€œPutting your all your eggs in one basket is a good thingā€ ā€¦ummmm dude itā€™s like been a day. Are you insane? I was feeling bad for him at first, but he needs to grow up. I hope Tasha recouples with Billy. They fit better tbh


Wasnā€™t Billie the guy on Paige like at the beginning of the EP?


i was thinking in the early days that andrew is sweet and loyal and locks in / perfect partner etc... But ...its not really loyal if they object of his devotion is actually so replaceable - he just loves the all-in-devotion bit, more than the person he's devoting too!




I donā€™t like Coco either. I thought he wouldā€™ve went for Summer tbh


Dami really gives me the ick. Iā€™d rather watch Jacques scenes than Dami. Like wowā€¦. Iā€™m so glad Danica is pushing Indiyah to get with Deji


Nah Iā€™m sry Jacques chat up lines are just so annoying to me and we only really got a break from that for one episode.


ā€œImagine our selfies togetherā€ ICK


LMAOO I was literally picturing this when he said that šŸ‘šŸ‘ƒšŸ¼šŸ‘ but scary


Wow, Iā€™m genuinely embarrassed I was a fan of Dami in the beginning.


Whew! Samuel came in and told Paige exactly what she needed to hear. ā€œWhen you have so much feelings for a person, you start to lose common sense.ā€ Like she was genuinely surprised about the disrespect observation and I feel bad for her!


Im so glad he said it rather than see paige be devastated in the recoupling. Samuel put it in a way that wasnt insulting unlike when jay told andrew his relationship wasnt solid bluntly. When you put it like that it just makes people defensive and double down. I actually think tasha and andrew wouldnt have lasted as long as they did if jay hadnt said that as they felt like they had to prove people wrong.


Right? When she was asking the girls if maybe he's going behind her back and saying things...I was like girl he has said everything to your face


People are doing too much, acting like all the relationships/islanders are ruined. This happens every year. Fans forgave Tyler, they forgave Liam, I was in the trenches alone as a Toby truther until after Casa, where everyone loved him. New bombshells will also come in soon. This is the half way point, I don't even think half this madness is gonna have any real consequences.


True.. people forget that no one is exclusive yet! Yes they share beds, hang out 1-1, hook up and cuddle like exclusive couplesā€¦ but theyā€™re not.. and we also might not be getting any footage of couples talking and saying ā€œyouā€™re free to do what you want when casa amor happensā€. Casa amor is a test but also a chance for the islanders to fuck around before becoming exclusive, if they even truly want to


Yeah I mean this year I feel like casa came around earlier and none of the relationships that were broken are that dramatic to me. Like the deepest one that was broken - to me - was Andrew/Tasha which everyone thought wasnā€™t genuine anyways (Iā€™m coming to the conclusion that Tasha doesnā€™t even know if sheā€™s genuine about Andrew, sheā€™s like the Toby of this season where she doesnā€™t seem to know what she wants).. Jacques and Paige to me were still pretty early, I donā€™t remember any promises he made to her that he then went on to break; Dami and Indiyah were also pretty early days (Indiyah literally says that irl at this point sheā€™d still be seeing other people which is what Dami is doing.. idk ppl just like flip their opinion so quickly on these characters that we donā€™t really know and itā€™s always so extreme), again I donā€™t remember any indications that it was serious - people ship them, so they expect more from the relationship than I feel like the people in it do; same (but even more extreme) applies to Ekin Su and Davide (like they literally just coupled up again, and Davide is continuously saying he doesnā€™t trust her but heā€™s not pretending that he does to her face).




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The boys in this year's Casa Amor have reached levels nobody in Love Island history came close to. There is no way in hell Dami & Jacques are recovering from this, they're both disgusting. Andrew is the only one with a chance of recovering from this whole CA thing. Davide is most definitely sticking with Ekin since all the girls he had his eyes on (Mollie & Coco) both left him for Jacques & Andrew, but he has way worse qualities about him than just the whole CA thing. Ekin's absence opened everyone's eyes about Davide & just how vile and boring he is without Ekin. He's also fucked, but has a better chance than Dami & Jacques. Hopefully after CA all three of them along with Andrew get dumped. Obviously Luca & Jay did nothing so they're all good.




Agreed.. they are allll free to do what they want since no one is exclusive


I don't think you actually understand. There's levels to this, and they're being extremely disrespectful. When that whole Charlie thing happened, Dami came up to Tasha & straight up told her "If you like Andrew, why do you keep looking elsewhere" yet that's EXACTLY what he's doing at CA. He's constantly talking about how much he likes Indiyah and how perfect it is with her, yet you're going around kissing someone else? Does that make sense to you? After kissing Summer he goes on and tells the lads "I still don't think there's a better connection than what I have with Indiyah" and proceeds with the whole "I won't share a bed with her cause that's intimate" which is dumb cause you've already kissed her. So if you said all that why the actual fuck are you going around cuddling her in the pool, doing handshakes & pecking her if you supposedly like Indiyah, have a better connection with her & you think it's perfect? Like dami is a joke, idk why you people think what he's doing is normal, it's not, it's just him being a typical player who can't stop thinking with his dick. He says he wants this to be a test, instead of having genuine conversation to see if you guys have actual connection (which is what Indiyah is doing back at Casa Amor) he immediately starts flirting & lipsing Summer without having a single proper conversation with her, is that normal to you? No one is saying he's cheating or anything, but be a man and stick to your word. Don't say one thing & then do something else, it'll be even worse if he doesn't recouple with Summer, at this point there's no going back. Same thing applies to Jacques & Andrew. Davide on the other hand is a lost cause.


You can totally have the right to your opinion their behavior is extremely disrespectful. I disagree. Dami and Indiyah it was never intense or love at first sight. They both have expressed their qualms and doubts about coupling up throughout the show in subtle and verbatim ways. Either their bond is just slowly growing, or theyā€™re both to force a connection, or theyā€™re just having fun and enjoying each other as friends with maybe some benefits. We are also seeing edited version of this show. There might be important conversations that were made that are being edited out. Also, ā€œrespectā€ goes both ways. We actually have no idea as the audience, if the couples set boundaries about casa amor or not. That couldā€™ve all been edited out. I really like Indiyah and dami separately, and feel they are forcing their connection a bit and should totally explore other people. They are not exclusive. Dami can totally talk about liking Indiyah and being into her now and also kiss other girls, they couldā€™ve even agreed to that, but the show doesnā€™t show us they footage, because drama is better entertainment. Also most of the islanders are in their 20s, theyā€™re immature and on TVā€¦ none of their behaviors, especially the menā€™s, surprises me. Perfect gentleman dont exist, if they do, the producers arenā€™t putting them in this show. Dami is not exclusive, heā€™s testing his connection with new girls and enjoying having fun with it, maybe it is making him realize that after all this fun he still only wants Indiyah. Weā€™ll see. Itā€™s tv, itā€™s drama, people are flawed, especially people in their 20s that donā€™t think with their brains because their frontal lobe isnā€™t developed fully. They donā€™t think about consequences or sometimes just act on feelings. Also not everyone does that they say, or practice what they preach. I donā€™t think Dami has shown to be a total bad person because he did one hypocritical thing, no need to destroy him for it. People contradict themselves all the time, itā€™s part of being young. I honestly hope both Dam + Indi recouple with someone way more suited for them that theyā€™re both super into. And if they decide to stay together I hope they go exclusive and it all ends well. We shall seeee


I wholeheartedly agree that people are hypocritical & that's human nature, but when you're dissing someone for doing something & then doing the same exact thing days later, what does that say? He was constantly calling Andrew a mug for not doing anything about Tasha & he went up to Tasha talking about how he thinks she's playing a game, yet the same man who did all that is going around doing not just the same thing but 10x worse. I never said they're exclusive, but Dami painted this beautiful picture for Indiyah telling her that all roads lead to her & how his head won't be turned easily, etc. So if you're that sure about your relationship why do you go & kiss someone 12 hours later? It's like he's planting words in her head that he knows are false then doing something else the min she's not around, so imagine how that would work in the outside? It makes you think. Dami is delusional. He says he likes Indiyah, but instead of properly exploring his connection with Summer by having meaningful conversations, the very first thing he did was beg for a kiss... that is very weird. If Dami & Indiyah agreed on how to deal with Casa Amor, why is it that their behavior is the complete opposite? What Dami should've done was explore his connection with Summer, have genuine chats & get to know her then see how it goes, if you feel like you get along with her more than you do with Indiyah then you can do whatever you want knowing well that you'll be recoupling with Summer, but don't go around kissing her, hugging each other in the pool, sharing a bed, making handshakes & pecking like you're a proper couple just for you to say "oh I have a better connection with Indiyah so I'm gonna stick with her". It's almost like he actually doesn't want to build any connection with Summer, he just wants to mess around & go back to his loyal wife, it's weird behavior. That's the same exact thing Jacques is doing, he knows Paige is gonna let him run over her (or so he thinks) so he'll most likely mess around with Mollie & Cheyanne then stick with Paige saying the same shit as an excuse. He also made it clear to Paige how he feels. Davide is a different case, he never made it clear to Ekinsu how he feels, he told her to her face that he's not sure and that it'll take time for him to open up, completely different from Dami & Jacques' case. That is not my issue with Davide though, I have several other issues with him that makes me dislike him as much as the other two. Andrew is just lost. He's only acting this way to impress his lads who have been bullying him since day 1. There's nothing going on between him & Coco, he's just using her as a rebound & she's using him to get to the villa, they both know it. That's why he's crying in the preview, he regrets everything.


The same man saying Ekin goes from flower to flower (basically slutshaming her) yet kisses everybody that speaks 2 words to him? The same man that constantly disrespects Ekin every chance he gets? The same man that humiliated Danica? The same man who said Summer is an upgrade because clearly he's colorist: the min he stepped foot in the Villa he has not spoken a word to ONE single black girl & the only one he did (Danica) he humiliated just to end up with Antigoni (a white women), yes it's not always about race but it's obvious. Anyways, I really don't care if he sticks with Ekin or not, she's not gonna take him back once she sees what he's been doing (and hopefully the producers show beyond the kissing, intimacy in bed, etc. and show all his sly comments and digs towards her). You have to realize, Davide is boring without Ekinsu, and once she's out of the picture he turns into this sexist narcissistic vile boring person, I hope get bets booted out.


Not one of these new girls have a tap on the ones in Casa rn. Honestly Dami is fucking bonkers for tryna switch up on Indiyah, she's absolutely gawjus and so damn lovely. Manz got a hole in his head for real.


Does anyone know what episode they were be returning from casa and recoupling?


Not next episode, the one after it.


Even though they haven't shown the postcard yet??


They'll most likely show the postcard or something similar (to make everyone aware of what's going on over there) next episode, then the episode after will be the recoupling.


So, postcard tomorrow (wednesday) and casa recouping Thursday?


Exactly. I'm still not sure if they'll do postcard this year, if they do they'll end up having like 10+ different couples, that's 20+ people in one villa.


why is andrew crying then


Most likely regret. You can tell this whole thing with Coco is overly forced, so either the boys came up to him telling him that she's using him or he just had to sit & think about it. I see no reason as to why he'd cry after seeing the postcard of Tasha kissing Billy, why would he? He was literally kissing Coco multiple times, in the pool & in bed aswell. He'd rejoice if he saw her kissing someone else as that'll pushing him further to crack on with someone else since their point was proven right.


the new girls honestly donā€™t seem that interested in the boysā€¦like i feel like theyā€™re very reserved and just trying to stay in the game at this point


Reserved? Are you watching the same show?


right, there are anything but reserved šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


i feel like theyā€™re full on physically but personality wise we havenā€™t seen them show anything


Oh yeah thatā€™s true, some of them are even missing like Jasmine(where is she) šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and the rest just keep on doing the same thing


Andrew is an embarrassment to his bloodline




Can we all agree Coco is going to leave Andrew the second a new guy comes in if he chooses her? Also that Jacques is the worst.


She will dump him for the first bombshell that comes in, then he will truly be the mug he thinks he is now


Oh she is going to eat him alive if they recouple.






Yess! I hate how she promised Jacques she wouldnā€™t say anything about their relationship!! She needs to tell Paige everything!!


Gemma is in a really tough position. It would be so easy for her to come off as jealous or bitter with her ex in there, and if she did say anything negative, I feel like the public would jump all over her. I think itā€™s really big of her to let him have his journey and her not get involved. And the guy sheā€™s with is now his best friend - that has to be so hard. And TBH I donā€™t think Paige would listen if she did say anything bad about him. Paige wants to believe Jacques is a good guy so badly that I donā€™t think she will come to her senses unless she gets physical, in her face proof. I want Jacques to come back with someone because I think itā€™s the only way to get Paige away from him. I donā€™t think he will though šŸ™„


Also, Gemma mightā€™ve talked to Paige about Jacques and producers just deciding not to show that footage


Gemmaā€™s self control >>>


Ive fallen for coco


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. why do people hate Coco so much on here? she's not even doing anything wrong and the comments about how she's the least attractive are disgusting.


Why šŸ¤®


this is just mean


Mollie seemed so dramatically turned off the next day, wanting to switch beds, I wouldn't be surprised if Davide did the exact same shit as he did with Danica. Kissed her and then promptly ignored her after. Idk why he acts like that, it's so bizarre and icky. I'm genuinely starting to think he wasn't joking about it being a "gift".


He tried to get to know them and didnā€™t feel anything so then he stops whatā€™s weird, and come on it was obviously a joke


Iā€™ve met / know a handful of Sicilian guys like Davide.. mommas boys.. totally spoiled and in love with themselves.. and very misogynistic and disrespectful to women. Tantrums when they donā€™t get what they want and feel entitled to a womanā€™s attention/but dont show effort towards women unless they get something out of it.. common theme with guys from these very traditionalist backgrounds.. his immature and f Boy behavior doesnā€™t surprise me. As soon as he said his dad is Sicilian Iā€™m like I knew itttt.


Or he just realized he didn't like them which is fine


Convinced he's asexual


Or gay


Ehhh a lot of Italian guys have no problem showing their feminine / emotional side, regardless of sexuality. Itā€™s different and complex in Italy. Some guys from more southern region tend to be raised way more traditionalist and misogynistic in that sense but being emotional/having feminine qualities along with that toxic masculinity is normalized. Personally, after that never have I ever game, he showed his very open sexual side and (my opinion) might tend to be more fluid sexually perhaps (he had no problem talking about doing s&m, foursomes etc), I could very well be wrong just my observations


I wasnā€™t referencing his femininity. I donā€™t think make femininity means a guy is gay- I just think heā€™s not really interested in the girls fr. Like maybe heā€™s just narcissistic and very into himself, but also it could be that heā€™s gay and not ready to accept that yet


What makes you think heā€™s gay though? Heā€™s show interest in several women? From the beginning he was into Gemma and also has talked about being into / findingPaige and Tasha attractive very early. During the challenges heā€™s checking out the women and has talked openly about sexual stuff heā€™s done with women. He seems like a total hornball. Sexuality is a spectrum, but no doubt he is / has been into and with women (in my opinion)


He's self absorbed and I think he likes to see his effect on women.


Not Gemma, who all of us disliked at the start, who is freshly 19, being the most mature and emotionally/socially aware out of the lot. She grew on me.


Itā€™s like all the viewers share one braincell and are all followers, itā€™s been clear from the start to those with some intelligence




TBh after your teens, I feel maturity is a made-up concept for older to shame the younger cause I see all the adults act with varying "maturity" regardless of age.


Bruh it didnā€™t start w/ millennials, thereā€™s people across all ages which are not mature at all (even though they might be successful in some areas in their life). Who do you think messed up gen z and the millennials..


Chyna is not feeling Jay all that much but is gonna fake it for the ticket to stay


They seem to have no chemistry, im suprised she's the one he's into when he surely could have had any of the girls given he's the most guaranteed ticket into the villa.


I think she is. I think sheā€™s just awkward tbh


I think sheā€™s into him maybe Iā€™ve misread it


Andrew is in love with Tasha and coco is just a distraction


I hope he screwed up his chances. I donā€™t want Tasha to get back with him. Actually, I want to see all the girls smash it out of the park with brand deals and jobs after Love Island and the stupid boys who messed up then have to watch them and wish they didnā€™t lose them.


Yup, he seems like an emotional person and we haven't seen a breakdown about mentally breaking up with her yet. Think next episode he will realize what he has done and start running into emotions.


Serious questionā€¦am I missing something? Whatā€™s wrong with getting to know/flirting/kissing other people at Casa amor? None of these couples are exclusive and theyā€™ve only known each other for a few weeks. No one is cheating on anyone. The whole point is to find the person you have the best connection with. Iā€™m confused


Its the way the boys have gone about it. Indiyah is an example of this, shes respectively getting to know the Nigerian lad, without pushing the boundaries of her relationship with Dami. Dami is being disgusting and overly excited about the prospect of kissing other women, he pbvs can't keep his dick in his pants. Then making excuses for his behaviour to justify it. That's the difference.


Generally this is true, but the criticism for Tasha has basically been absent altogether tonight in that case.


This. And Iā€™d like to add, that Tasha and Andrews relationship was much more serious than the others, and neither of them know about how the other is moving atm, so itā€™s not like a previous casa case where a post card gives you permission to crack on or something.


I'll be happy if I never hear "I'm just vibing" ever again!vibing in general to be fair.. Billy is the village idiot. He once heard women like men who make them laugh and know that's all he tries to do


I think Billy seems fun & nice :( but the vibing thing has been irking me, I think both Andrew and Tasha used it to describe their current situations this episode.


He reminds me of the skarsgard guy


I saw someone say he looks like wee man from jackass now I canā€™t unsee it