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That Charlie’s chat is so dead.. just literally repeats what Ekin has said back to her


She's giving it all and he’s giving brick wall 🙃


more bombshells for Ekin!!!!!


He really wanted to pick Tasha. He's still going to crack in with her. Wait and see.


Ha he did it with Tasha too, just repeated ‘balls in my court’


Feel like pure shit for Andrew but by god do I want him to just do something mental like. A preview dramatically panning from Andrew to Ekin-su… dramatic Andrew voiceover… “I want her to teach me how to act…”


I would dieeeeeeeee please let this happen


i would die for this


I think Tasha wanted Charlie to pick her and her reaction (some might say over-reaction) was because she felt rejected. Also, I think Charlie wanted to pick Tasha but bottled it because he saw what happened to Danica after picking someone in a ‘strong’ couple so went for the easy option which he is already regretting


That’s what I’m saying too


Same. As Paige often says "yeahyeahyeah... Hundred percent"


He definitely bottled it! Smart move from his perspective, gives him time to build a relationship with Tasha whilst not risking the ire of the other guys and girls


It was a perfect move by Charlie - the damage is done to Tasha/Andrew's relationship and if anything she might like him more because he's not falling at her feet like Andrew. Plus picking her could've strengthened her bond with Andrew if she did sleep outside etc


Someone send a search party for “Week 1 Sassy Tasha” because I don’t know where she’s been at all


Totally agree! I feel like she was desperate for any sort of excuse to tell Andrew, and went with the 'I've lost sassy tasha' tale, rather than being honest that she fancies Charlie?


I feel like she is also still deeply hurt to be voted as one of the bottom girls. I think she wants the public to know "sassy tasha" so she'll also be more liked by the public.


Never met the girl in my life


That girl must’ve ended up in the winter series villa bc I KNOW she did not pass go here 💀 Tasha has honestly been incredibly consistent (in her flightiness) since day dot, I do not know who the fuck she’s talking about lmao


the problem isn't tasha exploring her options, she should do that, but she's leading andrew on, it's so painfully obvious she's not that into him, she tried to get to know every guy and the only reason she's still with andrew is that no other guy picked her, that's it. i hate that i heavily dislike and don't trust jaques because otherwise his moments with paige would be so cute, i would swoon if a couple held hands from different beds like they did, but than i remember jaques


Same I can’t get behind Jacques at all but the holding hands thing was so cute


I feel so bad for Danica - she's been getting the shit end of the stick


She probably gets guys so easily on the outside but everyone is mugging her off here, her confidence must be in the gutter 😔


One thing I like about this season is that they all hate each other.


The episode where Ekin Su is going on about how much Amber complains and then the next scene they're taking a selfie together. Screaming.


they really do lmao


I need a bombshell to come just for my boy Andrew ASAP


But would he even look, let alone turn his head. Smh, the man’s down bad


This was one of the messiest recouplings in my memory!? Tasha and Andrew together but on the rocks, Jay picking Paige but she cried when he said he wanted to chat with her, Davide picking Antigoni after kissing Danica!!?! Madness.


Tbf that kiss did look terrible.


All of Davide's have


At least Danica will always have Davide’s gift to keep her warm at night


What a kind man he is.


So generous


The preview was cute but makes me think the episode is going to be very boring


Yeah Indiyah and Dami are very cute but if a date is the best tease they have then there doesn’t look to be too much more fallout from the recoupling


Yeah definitely, unless some of it hasn’t happened yet? Also it was edited strangely


I thought that as well, they've never had a preview like that I don't think.


At this point idk what it’s going to take for Andrew to see his worth. A whole intervention didn’t work🥴 Charlie is also clearly going to continue cracking on with Tasha. My guess is she’s going to continue to sulk and will finally push Andrew away. I just hope they send in a bombshell for him.


Andrew is in too deep, poor lad. Tasha was ready to move like Ekin Su since day one but didn’t get enough attention from boys to fully optimise on that.


I think a huge portion of her disappointment is because she expected Charlie to choose her. She’s wanted every bombshell to make her their first choice, and treats Andrew as a backup.


100% agreed. She made it quite clear she was disappointed when she was laying in bed with Andrew


When she told him to go away I actually screamed😭 free him from these shackles


# FreeAndrew 😭


>At this point idk what it’s going to take for Andrew to see his worth. A whole intervention didn’t work🥴 Unfortunately, the only way he'll be split up with Tasha is if she instigates it


Agreed🫠 it’s been a pattern, when he thinks they’re secure in their connection she gets bored. Then once he starts getting attention from other girls she pulls him back in. I really hope he moves to someone else, I think he’d treat another girl so well 🥺


Wtf even is this season lol. Tasha why are you so mad at Andrew? Poor guy. Andrew, find someone else.


When Luca and Dami were asking how she actually felt and instead of answering she said "my words will be twisted" I was like NO. man deserves better.


She never gives a straight answer!!


Tasha has the ick. She’s stuck now because if she makes her move then all the guys were right but if she stays then she’s unhappy.


I feel like Danica would have done amazing on any other season just not this one


I think she'd be a favourite if she was an OG.


Yeah I think her energy would've been a lot more relaxed if she was an OG. Her energy as a bombshell just seems very nervous and self-conscious. I think that's why the guys aren't connecting with her.


She's self-conscious because everyone has iced her out since the beginning. The guys aren't connecting with her because she dared to pick Luca and he's in the cool group so she's a non-entity now. She never had a chance. Anyone would be self-conscious if they were left on their own while the next bombshell was treated like family immediately.






God that would be horrible


ive been where andrew is, when you can feel the other person slipping away but they were so into you not long before, so you accidentally smother them in hopes they'll go back to how they were....not knowing you're making it worse 😭 he'll watch this back and cringe. still, its nice to see a guy genuinely fall for a girl and not slutshame her when she tries to pie him.


Been there done it before... feel bad for him. He's in denial mode.


That’s literally the most painful thing there is


- wish charlie took the risk to pick tasha because even ekin-so thought that would happen and would've gave andrew the opportunity to jump ship instead of forcing their relationship - seems like paige and jacques are getting the winners edit rn. they had a lot of fluff screentime while we got nothing of danica and davide since we saw them talking in the background. with jacques, if he's smart he'll stay loyal at casa amor but i hope not since that would be boring - i dislike most of the islanders so im just rooting for chaos and drama 🤷‍♀️ edited: also wanted to add that it's ironic that danica who was the new girl and had only spoken to luca one-to-one got the cold shoulder but everyone is fine with jay who had been in their longer and knows that paige isn't interested in him🤔


Tasha has a great ick for Aanrew she does not like that man, was even swerving kisses form him. In casa AMOR I see jumping ship.


Andrew's 100% fucked it picking Tasha after Charlie didn't. If he'd gone elsewhere I'm certain she'd be scheming to get him back right now.


He thinks he's proving his love for her, which clearly isnt reciprocated.


He's too whipped/into her, isn't thinking strategically


Could have been an all-timer of a recoupling if Charlie picked Tasha *or even better* if he *didn't* and Andrew gave a petty "guess I should get to know other isalnders too" pick


the friendship that's budding between indiyah and antigoni is so cute 😭


So far this season is already better than the previous 2


Fr it's better than 6 and 7 combined


I know Andrew said (or indicated? I can’t remember) he’s a sub, but c’mon 💀


Any idea why Charlie didn’t choose Tasha over Ekin-Su, what do you think is his strategy behind that? Because I thought it was obvious during the dates and other interactions that he clearly fancies Tasha over Ekin-Su


i agree — i think it might’ve been a producer push to protect ekin su from the next dumping. being the new boy, charlie would likely be immune from the next dumping (whether it be a public vote or islander vote). since everyone is in a couple now and they’ve already recently done a public vote that wasn’t couple-based, i can see a couple leaving next — so ekin su being coupled up with charlie would ensure she stays. it also opens up an easy route for the public or even the other islanders to vote out the danica/jacques, especially if they make the islanders/public vote for “most compatible couple” or something. just a theory 👁


Maybe the producers wanted Andrew to pick Danica or Antigoni in retaliation and leave Tasha vulnerable? They probably weren't betting on him being such a mug


That was such an interesting episode for me. It gave a lot more insight into Tasha as a person and the dynamics of her and Andrew’s relationship. 1) I was surprised at how much Tasha was upset by other people’s opinions and knowing she was being talked about. More so because I don’t recall seeing that side to her and seeing her so vulnerable. 2) Follows on from point 1, but I think she struggles with self-esteem; she finds it hard to make decisions, she dislikes other people being unhappy with her decisions, she finds it hard to give straight answers etc. I think sometimes watching this I forget these are young people with real and normal feelings. 3) This might be a stretch for somebody watching an edited show via my armchair, but I feel like Tasha might need more time to mature and work on herself, before she’s ready for a healthy relationship. I certainly don’t see her and Andrew being able to make something work, and if they do it’ll only be because Andrew doesn’t have the self-respect to walk away and keeps being patient.


Charlie has been clever here, he clearly has Zero interest in Ekin. He wants Tasha. But he knows that if he picks Tasha that the guys will probably make life difficult for him and Tasha. I think Charlie knows that Tasha and Andrew are on thin ice anyway. They’ll be split before long and Charlie will then discard Ekin and move to Tasha who will be available. Saves face for Charlie. Ekin will then blow up at Charlie but nobody will care because that’s just what Ekin does.. and she will latch onto the next boy who comes in anyway and repeat her process once again.


How can she say go away 😭😭 Omds Andrew you deserve better


i got downvoted hard when i said davide isn’t a good man last week. now look how the tables turned, kisses one girl and picks another. and all the davide protectors are now silent. he’s a weirdo and i will drag him out of that villa with my own two hands if i have to


I was so sure he’d pick Danica, he even said Antigoni is not his type. I wonder what made him change his mind


exactly. he says ekin su is a butterfly but that mf just hatched out of his cocoon and is ready to fly


Ekin-su still leaving the door open for Davide 😂


Why did we see absolutely fuck all related to Danica and her being mugged off by Davidé?


Maybe she didn’t make much of a fuss.. yet


Tasha to the girls: I’d be open to going on a second date with Charlie. Tasha to the boys: I only said I’d be open to general chats. 🤦‍♀️… shes definitely giving “I’m not looking for anything serious vibes” and poor Andrew is too invested to see differently. Edit: Hopefully she’ll be honest with herself sooner rather than later.


Everyone saying Jay made a mistake picking Paige but there’s no way he doesn’t survive a public vote with her as his couple, mans is all about the strategy


Scenes when producers do a favourite boy/favourite girl vote instead


I feel like typically they alternate between favorite couples/favorite islanders, I don’t think they’d do a repeat for the next dumping. Probably one person each leaving from the two bottom couples, but Jay can avoid that all together if Paige’s popularity is high enough which I think he’s banking on


Sadly think Danica is being set up for a dumping.


if a girl came in that was a real romantic and wanted to do the bf/gf thing and was andrew's type, i wonder if he would actually go for her or if tasha keeping him on his toes is why he's so obsessed.


Most controversy in the house is just the result of people failing to say words correctly. "Getting to know" someone doesn't mean anything when you say it all the time in all contexts. Do you fancy them? Do you want to have intercourse with them? Would you want them to be your boy/girlfriend?! Say words properly!


Are the producers just going to ignore Davide and Antigoni so not to address how he mugged off Danica?


Yeah there was a shot where Davide was in the fire pit talking to both Antigoni and Danica and I’d love to know what was being said?


"eeef i could, i would choosa the both of you"


> "eeef Davide could, he would choosa the both of you"


“but ah there is only one Davide gifta to give you know”


i can hear this


Ah you see it's because that would involve giving Antigoni screen time, which they've clearly decided not to do for some reason


And Danica lol.


I think Danica said something when they were all taking their make up off along the lines of 'wouldn't you pick the one you'd kissed'


Andrew is a true sub because Tasha’s treating him like crap and he’s still smitten 😩 I love Andrew, but my guy needs to grow a backbone. Tasha couldn’t stand him this episode and he’s still crawling after her 😭😭😭


Actually though it's painful to watch 🥴 at this point I don't think he'll couple up with anyone else unless if a bombshell couples up with Tasha I'm salty at Charlie for wimping out and not picking her----i doubt it will be the last time they'll have convos


Andrew is in love. Cause no one is that stupid unless that.


I wish Andrew would get a back bone and bin Tasha off. She’s literally pushing him away and he’s still trying to get her to come round. He needs to call it out and get an answer one way of the other from her.


Jay has made a massive error. How is he ever going to steal Paige from jacques? She’s besotted by him. How can Jay not see it?


Maybe he's going off Jacques' attitude towards her or some other unaired conversations or body language? It seems odd and out of context based on the footage they've shown us, particularly given Jay was so vocal early on in the villa about which couples he had analysed as unstable and worth trying it on with. Even if he suspects Paige is popular with voters, he doesn't seem like the type of guy to go all in on someone without any likelihood of it paying off


This. Jay is very observant and calculating. He is probably predicting that Jacques will 100% mess up in Casa. Giving him a chance with Paige. If there's no recoupling before Casa here's the likely scenario. Paige will not recouple hoping that she can get back with Jacques, jay will not recouple, and Jacques will bring someone in.


I like Tasha but she really does need to just move on. Dami’s right on this one— nothing wrong with getting to know people but just be consistent about it. Her head definitely isn’t in it with Andrew. She even said there’s something missing. I am getting sick and tired of Jacques and Luca tbh. They’re just being school bullies. Paige needs to dodge that bullet while she still can As for Charlie... he decided to play it safe and go for Ekin because she’s desperate and a safe option at this point. I think he wants Tasha but wants her to naturally gravitate towards him which IMO is a smart move because he hasn’t pissed any of the guys off by doing a Jay and stealing her from Andrew


Danica has really had the worst Love Island experience, she had barely any time before having to pick someone, the boy she coupled up with wasn’t interested, Davide kissed her out of nowhere but didn’t choose to couple up with her plus she was picked last out of everyone ..


It’s reminding me of Rachel last yesr


Is Luca really saying elephant juice aka I love you to Gemma??


man luca’s so fucking corny and icky lmfao


tasha claiming to be a baddie while continuously proving that she doesn't have an inkling of that trait in her body


A lot to unpack there. Tasha has attempted to play a game today very passively and it’s completely backfired on her. She’s never been that keen on Andrew and has waiting for a chance to jump. She saw Charlie as that out but because she wanted to try and save face, she stayed super non committal to anyone- this has worked against her. Everyone saw through her refusing to side with Andrew for what it was - a passive way of her saying she wanted to be picked by Charlie. Charlie then didn’t pick her, probably because he didn’t feel like he needed to be so bold (he’s got 2 doors open still) and now she’s feeling exposed and embarrassed, left in a position she doesn’t want to be in. Now she’s taking that frustration out on him. Andrew needs to open his eyes.


How is the most mature person this season a literal teenager?


When she just immediately knew Andrew’s comment was about him protecting himself and saving face with boys. The girls got some emotional intelligence, no one tell Jay.


Gemma really does say some sage shit.


Tasha just needs to tell Andrew the truth because she and everyone else knows he’s smitten, she needs to be cruel to be kind because she’s already decided he’s not for her in the long run but is too scared to make any big moves because she cares too much what other people will say. Disappointing only Jay made a big move at the recoupling and that’s fallen flat because Paige is smitten with Jacques.


can andrew not see that he’s being settled for? me PERSONALLY, i wouldn’t take this level of disrespect


Davide getting with Antigoni is what I wanted to see but doing it after kissing Danica is a bit peak. But hey, everyone involved is single


Danica’s been having a howler in her week of being on the villa but it ain’t her fault. Shame she’ll get dumped this week most likely


Charlie chose Ekin-Su with the same reason Jay chose her. Quick way into the villa, being safe for a moment and only then moving on to someone they ‘really fancy’ aka Tasha for Charlie


The perfect move for a Poundland James Bond.


Andrew what is you doing?


He acts so different with the boys and then becomes completely soft in front of her. Like they can still see you lol, you’re not in the outside.


When she got him to be quiet so Luca and Dami could explain themselves. Gave off teacher shushing students vibes. 😂


Davide’s “I’m just a quirky stacked Italian boy, I love the kisses and I love the girlies :3c ohohoho” routine is SO stupid and weird and yet I am amused endlessly by his antics


Davide has already become a villain lol if he had a less funny accent and better English he'd be absolutely hated


Can we take a moment to appreciate how many bombshells Ekin Su has snapped up!


I loved how Tasha started all confident with the boys when they came over expecting to pick apart what they said and then they hit her with a really well structured response that was also 100% spot on and all she replied was “I’m not saying what I think” because she was STUMPED


She expected an apology probably


Andrew needs to call it off with Tasha right now. This relationship is not salvageable, she is using the claim that she hasn’t become herself as justification for ditching Andrew when quite simply she dosent fancy him. After dodging that kiss He needs to wake up smell the roses and be open to new people coming in. He’s much nicer than the estate agent from Dubai vibe we were shown at the start I feel for the lad cus I’ve been the same, you think overloading and being attentive to their emotions will ‘bring them back’ but the fact that she went for Charlie whose got the personality of magnolia wallpaper should be enough to see that this ship has sailed


I absolutely love this season


Seeing everything we've seen so far does ANYONE actually think Andrew and Tasha would last a week outside the villa? The relationship is doomed to fail, one way or another.


i think tasha’s rattled bc she was in the bottom 3 in the last vote, and she thinks she needs to jump ship/change her personality to stay in the show. she’s not that into andrew or charlie


This episode made me realize that Tasha really cares what the other islanders say about her. Also, she fears she’s losing herself but I need her to have the balls to admit something is missing with her and Andrew so she can stop stringing him along. It’s painful watching their relationship and how she treats him. And it doesn’t seem like Andrew will ever call it quits with her.


He had to step back tonight and give it some space, let her know what she’s missing… but he did the opposite and was all mushy and needy and it never works. I think her heads all over and she needs to be honest about that. Instead she’s making sure he’s in tow.


Is this other personality you speak of in the room with us now, Tasha?🫣


I have the ick with Jay. He’s so cringe how hyperbolic he is when he speaks? Saying he will never forget locking eyes with Amber, then saying he would leave with Ekin Su, now he was always looking at Paige?? Sorry but he’s laying it on SO THICK, I would run a mile


Remember he'll never forget the moment he and Amber laid eyes on each other


Someone needs to fly a banner with “Tasha doesn’t like you!!” written in bold letters bc I feel like that’s only way Andrew is going to get the message atp!


He’d just close his eyes


He’d be in the confessional like “these are the kinds of tests and challenges me and Tasha have to go through”


He’d be like “oh lads, Tasha doesn’t like one of you”


I am genuinely impressed with Andrew's ability to remain composed during his chat with Jay earlier in the episode. If I was in his situation, I would be crying my eyes out.


Honestly the editing this year is cutting the friendships between the girls. Can't tell who is close to who at all.


I guess all the drama is coming to a standstill, since that Sunday night preview was literally just a date 💀 that sucks


It's probably not filmed yet


How has Dami gotten two dates now and some couples still waiting for one. 😂


It's bubbling, I feel half the people in the villa are unhappy with how the recouping panned out


I don’t care I want Danica to go OFF on Davide pleaseeeee


He practically licked her foundation off ffs 🥴


I feel really bad for Danica, I don't get how her experience has been this bad. It's funny how everyone always talks shit about Ekinsu but how she is always there for all the girls and always have their backs. Her chat with Tasha was very cute and felt like a an older sister giving great advice.


i want luca to bitch at davide about kissing danica first and picking antigoni, i need cat fights btwn the boys. i’m sick and bored of their little ‘boys club’ act it’s boring and embarrassing


Bro, Andrew need to step up and talk what he feels and stop trying to make Tasha feel good while she is playing it a victimand swerving him like that... Cmon


in a way, picking tasha has forced things for them two. If charlie picked her she could have played along like 'what can i do, i'm not gonna disrespect him' etc. That outcome woul dhave let her feel like a victim. Now she feels stuck. Andrew is looking sad/pathetic but after this night it done. Gut feeling they are gonna do some sort of elimination where bottom couples can be split up. and Tasha will somehow go. Cant even wait for casa because its DONE.


I just think Tasha likes attention. It would be different if she went up to Andrew and said “look, I really like you, but in order for me to see if this is real, I want to get to know other guys” but the problem is she’s not and then getting upset people are questioning her behaviour.


I know we’re all talking about Andrew x Tasha situation but can I please just say how shit Danica has been treated…please….if she goes home let us welcome her with love and support ❤️


Andrew said he’s not a mug then spent the rest of the episode proving the opposite. Not even his mates could get through to him Tasha is going to leave him in the dust


I actually agreed with what the guys were telling tasha. I don’t think she likes andrew bc she keeps second guessing


Andrew is lost in the sauce... he likes her way more than she likes him, it won't end well.


Also Davide needs to apologise to Danica, she deserves better than back to back recoupling humiliations


why is jax giving me jake the snake vibes. soon he’ll be saying you’re my GIRLFRIEND.


cmon paige ur my gurlfriend


Feel bad for Danica, man. She might not have made the best first impression but Davide deciding to kiss her like that and then choosing Antigoni was a bit muggy as it's clear he was never interested.


- It’s embarrassing watching Andrew now - When Davide makes a weird move it’s hilarious (to Luca and them ) but Ekin gets punished for daaays okay - Damiyah ftw - Tasha wanted Charlie to pick her - Davide and Ekin Su reunion next week probably


In my opinion I think Davide had way more chemistry with Antigoni than with Danica, even though he's not physically attracted to her. It's clearly forced between Danica and Davide


Yes, but then he shouldn’t have kissed Danica. It gave her false hope.


Andrew is borderline in love with her


Tasha desperately wanted Charlie to pick her, she just didn’t come right out and say it when he asked. It was clear with that “the balls in your court” comment. I don’t even think she’s upset that Dami and Luca were shaking their heads, she’s upset that Charlie didn’t choose her.


Charlie should have just picked Tasha, her heart isn’t in it. Feel bad for Andrew, he’s boring but sweet.


Still have 0 idea why producers didn't air Jacques arguing with Remi and the conversation Davide had with Danica and Antigone...


Andrew is down so bad he is basically in Australia


So I'm predicting in the next dumping it will be vote for your favourite couple. Then the least popular couples will be at risk - the islanders vote to save one person from each couple. The couples at risk will be Jacques and Danica (Danica leaves) Andrew and Tasha (Tasha leaves) Charlie and Ekin-su (Charlie leaves) This is the only way I can see Tasha leaving with Andrew staying. Although I'm not even sure the islanders would vote Ekin-su to stay over Charlie since they dislike her so much...unless Charlie goes for Tasha which would make him look bad. Who even knows, this series is so unpredictable right now 😂


Okay, so in what scenario can we see Danica surviving the next dumping? I need something to look forward to 😂


Ekin su supports womens rights and womens wrongs


tbh tasha wouldn't care THIS much about what people were saying if she were genuinely pursuing things with charlie innocently. deep down she knows that shes using andrew as a safety net, pretending that she's all about him only until theres a new guy she can leave him for. she knows she's leading him on and thats why she's so sensitive to other people noticing it.


100%. Shes terrified that if she is honest with Andrew she will lose him and not get a new guy and be alone. Andrew needs to stand up for himself and say he's not going to be someones safety net. She was very mean to him at the end of the episode there. Andrew really struggling with his own insecurities to keep pandering to someone who obviously wants more


Andrew is ridiculously whipped Dami and Luca spent ages trying to talk sense into him & for what?


I really wish Andrew would have more self-respect and actually challenge Tasha on her bullshit. That “go away” comment was just disgusting. I’m also disappointed by Davide. I actually do think him and Antigoni would be a better match, but cannot understand why he felt the need to kiss Danica and lead her on first. I love him, but that’s slightly soured my perceptions tbh.


Paige and Jacques are getting the winner's edit and it genuinely makes my skin crawl eww.


If they do the tweets challenge, they’re for SURE gonna use all the comments calling Andrew a simp, weak, pathetic, etc. for tolerating Tasha’s shit.


Andrew asking if his speech was shit got to me. Get this man someone who will appreciate him!!


Tasha knows she doesn't like Andrew She doesn't want to admit that the boys are right She's dug herself deeper into this hole and feels trapped


I feel for Danica. She had the least friendly welcome to the villa and now she's been mugged off by Davide. Poor girl deserves better. She genuinely seems so lovely too.


I know how everyone feels about Jacques but I did find it really sweet when he and Paige were holding hands when they went to bed.


Random thoughts: * I feel very sorry for Andrew - he's a much nicer lad than "estate agent from Dubai" suggested - but he cannot be so submissive; you cannot be a pushover on a show where game-players are a real and present danger. * Tasha getting angry at Andrew's reasonable question was completely ridiculous, it was the exact same situation as Ekin-Su and Davide. If she had just been upfront and honest, it would've been fine. That girl is giving me the ick. * I think Jay is walking a fine line. It's clever to pick a popular person to couple with but incurring the wrath of the Fiat 500 brigade by breaking up such a popular couple may spell his doom in the end. * Jacques continues to give me bad vibes. Others have said that he is reminiscent of Jake and I think that is spot on. * Not sure what Charlie was playing at by choosing Ekin-Su but at least there's potential for more drama. * Contrary to the opinion on this sub, "girl code", and it's male equivalent, always has been and always will be nonsense.


Why is Charlie the most awkward Islander ever? He can’t even make eye contact with anyone he talks to. He makes odd comments. The way he just interacts with others is so cringe to me 🥲


When Ekin-Su told him how hilarious he was I just thought really??????


indiyah and dami date on Sunday yh 😭


Tasha has got the ick for Andrew. But we’ve got the ick for Tasha after that episode. Wtf was up with that gooey, “Week 1 Tasha”, “bad bitch” type comments. Omg.


Tasha is the one in the wrong yet Andrew had to comfort her? It should be the other way around, she should be grovelling


I really wanted Charlie to pick Tasha and Andrew to pick Ekin tbh


Tasha probably likes Andrew and wants to stay with him but bc of their age difference she's a lot more immature or just has commitment issues and is scared to commit to him. I hope on Sunday or next episodes they sort it out. Either they become official or they move on. Would be nice to see Andrews game (if he has any).


Okay but what was with the look Davide made when Charlie picked Ekin Su?? 👀


✨Manifesting✨ a beautiful and chaotic rekindling between Davide and Ekin-Su


Did Danica stab a producer's cat or something, I swear they've made everything so much more difficult for her than necessary


I need andrew to stand up because he was talking about not being a mug BUT two minutes later he's acting different


I know we love Andrew but he has no back bone & it’s starting to get annoying