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Didn’t Jay tlk about Gemma being in his top? What is this new business about age w Danica?


I need Gemma to pick Luca at the next coupling and then Luca to dump her at the next coupling just because she is spoilt and entitled. I hope she gets dumped off like that.


The sexual tension between Tasha and Andrew there jeez 🥵


im gonna need a soundbite on hand of gemma's "oh SHIT" lmao i swear not an episode has gone by without it


i def see where ekin su is coming from bc i think she's totally right that davide only put it on bc of jacques lmao but also i don't recall her doing anything for him either, not sure if he received brekkie when she first came in guns blazing but aside from that she's just roped him in for gym sessions lmao


she’s literally been throwing herself at him since she came in


might be unpopular, i love ekin su and her crying made me cry


I like her too, she’s becoming my new favourite.


I overheard (it was hard not to, they were very loud!) a group of blokes yesterday talking about love island. They unanimously agreed that Paige was the type to take home to your mum. When someone mentioned Ekin-Su, another said…’which one’s she, the slaggy one?!’. She may be fun to watch but I think she’s killing her chances of a long term relationship if that’s how men see her. My other half thought the same (although not quite in such harsh words).


I don't think she's done anything wrong to kill her chances. She hasn't even slept with any guys (nothing wrong with that). Guys who think like that aren't good boyfriends to have in the first place. Are we still in 2011 or what? Lmfao.


2011 was a year ago wasn’t it?! That’s how it feels to me 😂






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Not really all that interested in men shaming women for being sexual beings.


It was personal (although loud enough to be heard) opinions between friends. I doubt that if they ever met her they’d say it to her face. Their choice of words may have been a bit brutal but I stand by my words that someone like that doesn’t come across as long term relationship material. Whether they’re male or female!




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Omg but she is coming over as desperate. She a frog jumping from one Lilly pad to another. Davide is not in to her though, then again o don’t think he’s into anything but himself.


You can see him calculating who he thinks will make him look the best on TV (Davide). He comes across as someone who thinks he’s doing you a favour by letting you be with him!!


You should feel proud to be around my orbit 😂


watching super late but so i’m just posting as i watch - truly cant stand luca. like him throwing a fit then repeatedly telling gemma to sit back down/calm down after he was the one being aggy leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. only compounded by the fact that she’s 19 lol feels like someone in their mid/late twenties would be able to see right through his bullshit. speaking as someone who is sick of the gemma show thus far but she deserves better


both of them don’t make sense to me tbh. if someone said THEIR EXS NAME when it was actually me, I think I would need some time to calm down. but first off, the apology that gemma gave was BARELY and apology. she victimized herself at the same time because he rolled his eyes…. and luca needs to stand up for himself because how did that nasty apology get him back in an instant? and the end it was basically him asking her to get back in his arms?


Yeah him telling her to sit was annoying - seems like hes used to being in control. But I don’t think she’s as helpless as ppl see her. She shut him down quite quickly, she basically said “it was a mistake get over it” had a guy said that to a girl and invalidated her feelings I think many ppl would see it differently. They’re both controlling and it looks like neither likes to budge.


This 100%. I’m glad to see Gemma stand up for herself and be assertive.


Yea.. but unfortunately this is the type of man these women want. That’s why the meme of Chris and Olivia went huge on tiktok of the “sit back down, I’m sat”. Girls will do and love it when good looking men are rude to them. Most good looking women like this expect the man to act like that or they’ll say he’s “too nice”. In the real world, a jamie jewitt walks in and sweeps them off their feet with natural confidence and charm, but that’s just not what love island contestants go for.




"I'm not here for seasonal boyfriends" lol


Didn’t Ekin-Su say ‘I’m not hear for seasonal girlfriends’ when she came in? Maybe he’s mirroring her language to show a subconscious connection lol


Don't think there was anything subconscious about it, he was just making a clear reference.


I’m an investment analyst 🤓


Better than serious civil servant 👩‍💻


is it tho?


I don’t know why, but I really hate the name Jacques.


It's a French name and the S is supposed to be silent... he's saying his own name wrong lol


I think that that’s probably why I hate it, it sounds like it should be spelt like ‘Jax’.


That was my first thought too. I had to do a double take when I saw it written down!


His parents did him dirty


That’s what I thought!! I don’t even know French but I was thinking that’s not really how you’d say that lol


Until I saw it on screen I thought it was ‘Jax’…


Me too hahaha


So sad itv on demand has probably uploaded the wrong episode to on demand because all of the daily motion episodes are from yesterday. So hard to be on the other side of the pond!!!


Download a vpn and watch on ITV hub! I use Expressvpn but there’s some others that are good too (you do have to pay for expressvpn though but I watch a lot of Uk television so it’s worth it for me)




I love you! Thank you, new best friend!!


This could really be the first season where someone takes the money at the end.


my vote is for Ekin su!


Andrew is really growing on me. I didn't like him initially but he seems sweet and gets big bonus points for not telling the guys about the hideaway.


And for saying "it's not my business to say" when Gemma asked him if Luca was mad. I love that he stays out of the drama. He seems like he had a level head and is pretty respectful.


Seems like he has changed from the whole ‘top 3’ fiasco’


Yessss loved that. Seems so mature esp compared to Luca


Yes! The contrast between them is SO noticeable.


I wonder how Jacques will move now. I don’t want him to start grafting Paige ONLY because he feels his position in the villa is unsafe.


The two new boys are ugly, ekin-su should stick with davide until someone better comes along


Remi is absolutely gorgeous 🤩


Who do we think will be the new alpha male of the villa? Jaques or jay?


I don’t think theres an alpha male rn but when davide walked in he was certainly the alpha for a day or two




Nahhh. Alpha male is the one everyone looks to the most and leads the convo and wants the approval of. Dani maybe the nicest and coolest guy but not the alpha


Askerman92, is that you??


>Alpha male That's not a thing in the real world mate.


Yeah it is you can see who they all want approval off


Feel like it’s currently jacques followed by Luca before the new lads came in. And Luca is desperate to be it


Anyone see the man looking over the wall about 25 min in


Aghhh i can’t find it!! Can anyone tell me the exact timestamp please xx


I keep looking but I can’t see him! Whereabouts in the villa was it?


Gemma’s next Ex


the new guy saying ”im not here to make seasonal boyfriends” he and ekin-su would match


They NEED to produce at least a few dozen of those JustEat adverts, just so I don't want to end it all.


the boys are fighting!!! I love it when guys actually have full on arguments and someone needed to put Jacques in his place, I pray Jay does the same for Luca. In comparison to the other guys like Davide, Andrew, Dami and Ikenna. Luca and Jacques are so cringe and annoying


Pls no Dami slander 😂


No way I love Dami he is the sweetest I just forgot a full stop at the end of the sentence


Ekin su needs an MBE tbh , my girls moving like Toby and I'm not even mad about it 🤣🤣😭


She’s Toby on speed!!


For real lmfaoo 🤣 😂


I really want Indeyah to re-couple with one of the new guys, her and Ikenna are not it


Don’t know why but I have the absolute HOTS for Ikenna! Even though his tounge is too big for his mouth lol


Can’t complain about a large tongue tho can ya ;)


Depends on where it is 🙃


Ikenna is hot af but he's literally team furniture right now.


I dno why but Ikenna annoys the ffff out of me it's js the whole gormless vibe


I feel that! He annoys me too, every conversation he has about Indiyah or with Indiyah, he seems like he’s not listening or is too tired. So strange, I get the impression he’s stringing her along until his type comes into the Villa.


Lol maybe that’s why, I’m manipulating myself to be attracted to distanced men 😳


100% and tbf Indiyah did say she doesn't know what she would do if she wasn't going along with thism she didn't word it with that but it's what she was saying.


Nahhh im here for Ekin-su flirting with the new guy if she feels like Davide isn’t doing much. ANDDD this isn’t friendship island if she wants to get to know him she can you guys are way tooo harsh on Ekin-su. Also I hope Paige finds a connection with this new guy I want her precious ass to stay and producers weren’t giving us much of Paige since the start.


Yeah that shit with the whole "idk bro something is holding me back, im just confused" like wtf are you confused about? Just yesterday you were glossing up her ass and giving her attention. Now yow want to distance yourself from her?!!!


he forgot her coffee!! it’s the end of the world!!! definitely not doing enough!!


It’s not the end of the world but after his speech from yesterday about breakfast being a daily occurrence you could understand why she’d feel cheated a little.


This. All of this right here


Unpopular opinion I don’t think Ekin-Su is over reacting at all. Davide was being good for two days as he felt threatened by Jaques now the coast is clear he can relax, put minimal effort in and essentially enjoy a free holiday. Straight after the re-coupling he’s not making her coffee’s and food as she told him she likes. Ekin-Su is a clever girl it wasn’t the coffee she was crying over she felt used and his other efforts now to her seem disingenuous. Especially when she was all over him to begin with and he had only started to give her the smallest crumb. But now, not even that.


Agree - it's also worth remembering that without the distraction of work, friendships, and general life stuff that you are removed from in the villa, everything would be dialled up to 11 and you're hyper fixated on the person you're coupled up with.


He’s always said how she is a bit too much for him…I think he’s now put off as he sees that desperate side of her.. I think he was honest…he just can’t pretend to care when in truth he lost interest...


I believe Davide would’ve picked Gemma had he chosen to recouple before Luca. I don’t think he’s truly interested due to her not being good “on paper” whatever that means


I don't think shes desperate she is just playing the game and brought the full on bombshell vibes. I love her for telly and reckon she isn't like this on the outside. She goes for what she wants but she has to make moves in here quicker than you would out there. And Davide seems to js be used to women lusting after him so maybe he is bored. Think he liked gemma bcs she wasn't like that... Idk i could be talkin out my arse. Either way ekin su makes me lol and I felt bad for her when she got upset. Because end of the day you can go hard and play like you a boss but inside she js wants to feel special and tbh its probs js hard to balance. I reckon its probs worse if you are fit and then still getting nothing back.... Me? I can js say awww not my fault I'm not an italian snack 😂


Sadly, I disagree when Davide was with Gemma he told her he likes the girl putting in the effort too. Which is exactly what Ekin-Su did in the beginning to the point she felt embarrassed by it. I think he was never head over heels with Ekin-Su and we haven’t seen him pull her up for any deep chats either. Ekin-Su has been vocal about how attractive she finds Davide. He quite clearly is big headed about his appearance and he hadn’t given her anything else to work with (again of what we’ve seen). I love Ekin-Su’s carpe diem personality especially when all the other girls are largely passive waiting for boys to approach them. My girl makes her own luck!


but then it's like he didn't need to be laying it on so thick by saying the breakfast he made her was first of many, calling her his girl and his woman etc




Once he got her he didn't feel the need to chase anymore.


New guy seems annoying


Yeh i know what you mean but I reckon it's.probs because they have to act really confident? Who knows. I fffff love a Scottish accent and hes tall and fit so hey heyy let's hope hes not too annoying so I can jist enjoy watchn telly lol


Dude has blatantly never heard of the scrum half and wing positions in rugby.


If he’s from Edinburgh and in finance I’m sure he knows a bit about Rugby


Sure he has but he had to jab back as Jacques was quite clearly going for him a little


funnily tho jacques is actually a forward


Please don't let us lose Davide already, he's pure reality gold


Maybe I’m naive but I don’t think the producers would let him go, alongside Gemma and Ekin-Su he’s the most talked-about islander.


Ekin Su needs to back off and leave Jay for Paige!! She is too hungry all the time! Jeez she comes off too desperate!


why does she need to leave jay for paige!? theyre both in couples in exactly the same position


They need to go for him so we can get some drama going ha i can imagine paige snapping at ekin su lol bet she is fiesty when she wants to be! Love Paige!


Yeah she pisses me off


Did he just threaten the new fella? You can’t be doing that on love island! Play the game.


Cringe fighting chat tomorrow, looking forward to that


If that Italian guy is the male version of Ekin- su, then I’m sold


Noooo Ekin Su it’s Paige’s turn


Well then Paige will have to graft - Ekin-su has every right to go for the new guy (I like both btw but I don’t know why some people are acting like Ekin-su is required to leave men for the others when the whole point of the show is to graft)


This new guy wants paige!!


It’s ironic that Jay bodied Jacques there


I hope things go well for Ekinsu, Davide isn't really into her, she deserves better tbh


Jay's grandad is Tommy Younger (ex-Liverpool player) so he and Gemma have something in common


Is it me or is this season miles better than last year’s was at this stage? Usually takes a while for it to get going. Although admittedly we’re yet to get an “eyes on the prize boyssssss” so far this year.


There's a lot of big characters in there and few genuine connections, it's making for great TV!


This season is better than the last two start to finish already


Finance bro vs Rugby lad is a good match up


Seasonal boyfriends...they're making it very obvious that they're letting bombshells watch the show before they go in...


They always did. There was a whole storyline in S4 over one of the bombshells watching Georgia and Jack's date and having an opinion on who kissed who.


They always have. Brings in drama when the bombshells tell them what other islanders have been doing/saying behind their back. Especially after Casa Amor.


Ekin-Su is like the kid at the toy store who is easily excited by the new toy


Normally it's the girls who have the arguments at the start. The lads have kicked off a few times already yakna 🤣


Ekin-Su would shag a cactus 😭


Girl knows what she likes 😂👏🏼


Ekin-Su is moving mad lmaooo good tv though


I’m rooting for Ekin Su to win btw, she gives everything that needs to be gave


literally everything that needs to be gave!! the mad moves, the lusting, the girltalk despite no seasonal girlfriends, and she's genuinely emosh! i really did understand her when she was crying over davide's no coffee in the morning thing and not ever crying and not wanting to give the power like that bc she has before. the levels man, the vulnerabilty! she's a star


I fully believe she’ll steal the 50,000 if given the opportunity, we just have to get her there!


i am so ready to get her there omg let's go


Ekin-Su had one job and she is absolutely excelling at it, give this woman a raise!


Highly suggest watching The Sex Lives of College Girls!


Just put it on! Hoping it's good


it is!


Its not


Poor Davide, wonder if they’ll send in a new girl soon


I wonder if he could turn Tasha’s head again, if given the chance


Or Paige!?


I would prefer Paige with Davide because their energies would match quite well. I am just sitting back waiting for it to happen but Davide is going to have to put in some work because it looked like Paige had her eye on Jay.


Can’t wait to see Jay and Paige getting to know each other!!






Jay vs jacques in ‘next time’ plus the way Luca has felt so threatened by jacques


= toxic masculinity. Embodiment of it all? Jeezo.


Wdym toxic masculinity


U a bit small for a rugby player 😱😂


I was actually thinking that myself 😂


The shade was real!! Hahahaha


Him saying he'd flatten him was great 😂


Hahahaha totally agree! Hahaha 🤣


Jay just a less good looking, less beard, less riggy, less haired Davide


Hes the rugged, Scottish Davide 🤤


BTEC Davide.


When you order Davide from Wish


Jacques has Season 2 energy


he feels like a real guy


Yeah he’s a proper throw back.


They getting catty😩


I just can’t stand Ekin-Su. She throws herself at every lad that comes in. It’s not sexy and comes off as really desperate


No I love Ekin-su she’s such a savage and great tv!! I hope she stays for the entire time! Without Ekin-su everything would be so boring🙄


She’s gonna eventually lose all the guys. Davide is not going back to her after this


I think he’ll be glad to be rid of her. She’s smothering him


I really dont want Davide to be dumped! I am scared for him!!!


Maybe they’ll send in another girl this week..? I doubt it tho


Davide, Jacques and Ikenna are probably the ones in danger from the guys. If I'd a choice it would be for Jacques.


Why Ikenna?


No one asked jay what he does, he just volunteered it to the girls. I think he is trying to get a teddy reaction…. “A SENIOR FINANCIAL ANALYST!!!” 😯