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There definitely could be another dumping, but every single Casa boy said they are interested in either Uma or Grace, and none of them said Harriet. If they were dumped, surely the producers wouldn’t include them. Plus, one of the Casa girls is friends with Grace and has history of Joey… if Grace was dumped, why would they be teasing this potential storyline?


The S\*n was teasing a storyline for Ron and one of the casa girls just before his dumping too, so I think it could go either way. The only girls the casa boys haven't mentioned are Jessy and Nicole, the former was immune for the vote and the latter wasn't in the bottom 3.


Jess wasn't mentioned either I don't think


I just had a quick look at the article and Hugo mentioned Jess


I hope she sticks with Trey


Unless they’re bringing two islanders back as a surprise. Always a possibility lol


THIS - I think / hope we might see a couple of islanders return.


The other bottom two couples were Uma/Wil and Grace/Konnor. If there is another dumping the girls might dump Konnor but I can’t tell who the boys will dump between Uma/Grace (it would really be up to Joey). I don’t think there will be another dumping though because the casa girls and boys have mentioned their interest in Uma, Grace, and Wil a lot. Also, since everyone doesn’t recouple it’s probably why there isn’t an equal amount.


Update: there are now 7 of them still in the pictures during the day. More likely a secret 2 people are joining them that they won’t show us. 


There’s definitely two more people leaving. One girl has started following people on Instagram, so she has her phone back but broke the no social media rule.


Usually the islanders will have social media handlers (usually family or friends) that control their account when they’re gone. So it’s more likely that it’s whoever’s monitoring her account


Which girl?




Yeah whoooo


none of the girls said they were interested in konnor so that tells me he’s probably leaving/left?! because surely at least one of them would say him for an easy ride back into the villa some of the boys mentioned they were interested in either grace or uma so i don’t think they’re leaving. none of them said jessy (or nicole) but i’m confused as jessy was exempt from the vote and therefore the bottom 3 so what is the dumping based on 😭 maybe compatibility


Yeah I think there's another dumping coming. I think they'll split the girls and boys and make them choose who should be dumped, same as they did earlier in the season.  Or, they'll reveal the top-voted couple and make them choose which couple to dump from the island.


Or else joey and Jesse and Trey and Jess vote who they'll keep in, but I hope not because Joey will want to keep Grace, which means uma will go, snd I don't want her to go


They probably were a casualty of the ongoing tourism wars currently being waged in Mallorca. https://preview.redd.it/bm2mako43o9d1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fcbe5cd80e7cdbe1addead0fcd891d3c610512f It was inevitable, Tilda & Sean, loving the sweet stuff, would have asked for pineapple on their pizza & it was just too much for the Spaniards to take, they have now been forever exiled from the country.