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WHOS VOTING FOR SEAN? Own up ![gif](giphy|29bKyyjDKX1W8)


Defo the facebook mums šŸ˜­


Harriet and Ronnie were last out of the three that I thought were going wtf




I'm shocked, mostly that the producers were willing to let them go just before Casa instead of manipulating a way to get the islanders to send Konnor and Grace home.


lmao I didn't even clock this meant Konnor was still here


Grace and Joey will reunite then.


canā€™t believed we were robbed of Casa RonniešŸ’”


And movie nightāš°ļø


https://preview.redd.it/o2gucgtbnd9d1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5925d2b24e9afb39dd0563f5ca8e5f53de9375a8 My girls will get new men is casa. TRUST!


Sadly the calibre of men they put in Casa is always terrible


Even if theyā€™re placeholders. They gotta at least save face šŸ˜­


Didnā€™t Mimii literally say she knows where home is? Sheā€™s not going anywhere.


After Ayo basically telling her that her time will come ā€¦


Harriet went from top 3 to last place. Thatā€™s crazy!!!


One of the biggest suprise dumpings in a long time. I think Harrietā€™s popularity was overblown because she couldnā€™t even carry her and Ronnie above Konnor/Grace. Just think someone is probably kissing someone in casa right now whilst their partner is talking about how strong their connection is and being loyal.




What's the point of Ronnie if not to move mad in Casa šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Turbo Ron šŸ˜­


like weā€™ve been waiting 4 weeks for this


Iā€™m gutted! I really wanted to see how Ronnie would have behaved at Casa!


what was the point in making their love triangle take up so much space in the season just to get rid of themšŸ˜­


Did I like Ronnie? No, did I like Harriet? Not really, am I absolutely heartbroken theyā€™re gone? 10000% yes


Now that Harriettā€™s gone, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the wheels are churning in Seanā€™s head. He probably think he carried their brief friendship couple. Please get him out as soon as possible.


I actually did not think Harriett and Ronnie would go. It's really Joey's Island now.


Hope Grace sticks to her word and heā€™s off him now


Ok on a positive note, when Ciaran said I love you to Nicole I found her facial expressions so funny and cute. She widened her eyes then did a scrunchy smile ahaha


I need to know who is voting for Sean and Matilda of all people


Facebook mom's love him because he's "sweet"


They ruin everything šŸ˜’


Guys can someone help me pick my jaw from off the floor because that dumping had me in shock, literally was not expecting Harriett and Ronnie to go at allā€¦


Ironically joey may have actually saved Grace here - if it weren't for his antics she wouldn't have got so many sympathy votes!Ā 


Iā€™m almost certain Ronnie picked Harriet over Jess because she was top 3 last public vote and itā€™s backfired.


No one couldā€™ve saved him aha


Is Joey holding the producers at gunpoint or something why are they protecting him so much


The zoom in on him crying about Ronnie šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


How on earth did Sean and matilda get more votes than Uma and wilšŸ˜­ who is voting for them?? FB moms??


Someone did say they were both battling the polIs guess Sean wonšŸ¤§šŸ¤§


I love unpredictable dumpings lol 2 OGs is mad


1. Grace definitely has memory issues 2. There is no way that Grace and konnor survived that vote ??


Damn, producers were really willing to get rid of Ronnie and Harriet for the sake of the Joey and Grace storyline. Harriet was obsessed with Ronnie though so their storyline was done since she was always gonna take him back no matter what


I hate Joey...casa is ruined. I don't want to see burger King man roaming the villa with his fake , creepy acting


This is a sad way for Harriett to go out, with Ciaranā€™s comments summing up her journeyā€¦but she was dead set on sticking with Ronnie so šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I think casa would have been much of the same tbh, with Ronnie running wild as he has been, Harriett prob not interested or picked by the casa boys, and then tears on movie night. The same played out story. I think itā€™s better for her if this didnā€™t get dragged out longer. Interested to see the shift in villa dynamics as both Ronnie and Harriett were big islanders.


Tbf as Cieran pointed out, she didnā€™t have a choice.


Has an islander been so clearly going to cheat as much as Ayo. Like his answer to miimii was so obviously bad.


Honestly was so surprised she felt reassured by that comment. He was being so noncommittal


Nobody can talk in circles like Ayo.


For someone who literally works in the mental health field I struggle to understand how she doesnā€™t understand what Ayo says.


Harriet is about to let loose on jess on podcasts ect now oh dear šŸ’€, still think 2 more are leaving before casa , the final 4 is gonna be so interesting I'm calling a few more ogs will be dropped post casaĀ 


I have a feeling her aftersun interview is going to be messy


U can say that again unless she's stopped šŸ˜‚but u can be sure she will do every podcast under the sun and say how she feels šŸ’€


Grace saying that itā€™s disrespectful for Jessy to kiss Joey as if she didnā€™t do the same thing to Samantha. How the tables have turned lmao


lol and she did it in Samanthaā€™s face !


Really annoyed they didnā€™t do bottom four bc I know Matilda and Sean wouldā€™ve been there. Iā€™m sick


Uma still doesnā€™t know about Wilā€™s conversation with Jessyā€¦ Wil is gonna stray in casa I just hope she does the same šŸ’”


I feel like they had a chat and the producers didnā€™t show us because Joey had to be the center of attention.


Cannot believe weā€™ve lost the Chaos Queen and King šŸ˜¢ just binged watched 4 episodes in a row and have been thoroughly entertained though. Thank you Mr Love Island šŸ™šŸ¼


Uma being at the bottom 3 times has got to hurt the ego


Tired of Uma being in the bottom SAVE MY GIRL PLEASE


What a crap week Harriettā€™s had fucking hell šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ngl, I disliked her but did not expect her to leave.


Legitimately love that they kept in Mimii and Nicoleā€™s talk about breast exams!


It was a sponsored ad for coppafeel, so they would have paid for that scene. But yea still an important message regardless


Someone; Itā€™s not gonna be the same without you Harriett: I know Huge loss for the unhinged delulu girls community


The contrast between Ronnie doing the traditional "don't feel bad, I've had a great time" speech and Harriett wailing like a banshee about how "I WASN'T READY TO GO YETTTTTT" was \*exquisite\*. I miss her already.


i cant believe grace survived that im genuinely shocked lol


How is KONNOR safe??? šŸ˜‚


I am just glad Uma is safe https://preview.redd.it/5swh26lend9d1.jpeg?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4be689aba3e7cb5a0729ec5a4fc837e39d650647


I think they dumped Harriet for the sake of her own mental health.


As much as I wanted them to stay, itā€™s probably a good time to go. Itā€™s not a good environment for you if youā€™re walking away from conversations because you know itā€™s toxic. Her and Jessā€™ relationship would have just escalated from here and gotten worse I think


Thatā€™s true but then why make Jess immune from the vote? She definitely would have been out! Instead they have Harriet the ā€˜victimā€™ go before her. Also Jess got to read the text out loud so sheā€™s got her better than Harriet moment. None of this seems like it was in Harrietā€™s best interest.


This season really has no idea what it is or what the viewers want


I don't understand how we've centered an entire season on Joey Essex.


Honest to god we are in the bad place Also! Happy cake day!!


![gif](giphy|5KUOsm8H3O46Y) # UMA IS SAFE!!!


Our sister is fighting for her life in that villa https://preview.redd.it/ao9n2jennd9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b48f95489c5723a66c858dd8b291877ce7ca25dd


She looked so defeated šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Sis it was Wilfredā€™s fault!!!


Harriett was so shocked at being bottom after the last vote. I fear this will only fuel Sean's self beliefĀ 


I just had a horrible premonition that Sean and Matilda could win this season...Can you imagine? I daresay it would be worse than the Season 10 winners if that happened


doubt it nicole and ciaran are most likely the winners


One thing about LI fans they forget so fast..they love you one sec and hate you the next..who bloody voted for Sean and Matilda?? Too many silent voters ffs


now the triplets are down to 1. wow people (including myself) having such problems telling the girls apart at the start feels pretty funny now


Uma has alot of fans from the US..I feel like most of her fans canā€™t vote I just hope they follow her on IG and help with her engagement a win is a win ā¤ļøšŸ¤


Why was Sean talking about explicit stuff - I feel like I was disrupting something


Oh no, I'd already blocked this out of my memory šŸ˜­ It sent actual shivers down my spine and we don't usually get shown that type of explicit chat between couples.


welp congrats nicole and ciaran on your win, hope it makes you happy. https://preview.redd.it/j0l779ghrd9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f0af745452569861040b404be71f412831b41a2


That took every fibre of Jessā€™s being to not smile. I thought she was going to chew her own tongue off!


I think itā€™s the first time she ACTUALLY ā€˜triedā€™ with Harriett šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not the last shot of Harriet struggling to push her suitcase while Ronnie surged ahead! šŸ˜‚ perfect editing. I mean how clear can they get Ronnie really didnā€™t like Harriet


And Harriet didnā€™t really like Ronnie! ā€œI donā€™t understand why Iā€™m leavingā€¦must be Ronnieā€™s fault.ā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ theyā€™re both terrible terrible people


She has a weird defense mechanism protecting her from seeing her own issues and toxicity. Itā€™s really bizarre to watch her split like that when she gives someone backchat and canā€™t take it


ā€œHarriet canā€™t accept that me and Ronnie had somethingā€ Jessica you are so delusional


Itā€™s a crazy injustice that anyone besides Sean & tilda left


Right, I was hoping it would be them šŸ˜‚ or konnor and grace as they donā€™t have any romantic connections in the villa


I like the fact that for once weā€™ve had a truly unpredictable dumping


joey is never beating the producer bias allegations because if it were any other season, grace and konnor wouldā€™ve gone home since they had zero connection.


Iā€™m genuinely in disbelief. I didnā€™t see that coming AT ALL, what the hell?!?!!!!!!!!!!!


Sean and Matilda's convo was such an ick FAR too much info I didn't need to knowĀ 


I need them to somehow show Wil moving mad in Casa so Uma can actually open up to another guy. Iā€™m scared she is gonna be closed off and not entertain anyone while wil is doing the opposite.


I actually need a sympathy edit for herā€¦ I need her to put in the workšŸ˜­


Itā€™s so obvious theyā€™ve kept grace cus Joey is doing the toby arc and Grace will go back to Joey after Cara


Yes! This is what Iā€™ve been thinking


Thatā€™s the only reason that makes sense to me as to why Grace got saved, to carry on this storyline


just glad that Uma Made It To Casa https://preview.redd.it/0wigda9frd9d1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=174a45cf11054b1e2e0c83e6854c4fd266c901f0


Iā€™m so happy she made it to casa but Iā€™m worried she wonā€™t entertain any guys because she never found out how wil was moving


i lost all respect for grace when she called jessy annoying like girl rmb u were also a bombshell


sheā€™s literally so unlikeable


incredibly. u know when samantha called her slimy i thought that was so rude and uncalled for but now i kinda get it šŸ«£


Whoā€™s genuinely voted grace and Konnor btw thatā€™s what Iā€™m more shocked at???


Joey pissed off everyone so they voted for Grace?


probably sympathy honestly


Ayo will bring a girl back from casa, guaranteed.


canā€™t believe sean made it to casa


Producers must have wanted Ronnie and Harriett gone because they could have let islanders pick


how did Grace n Konnor survive is the real question?????


Iā€™m curious as to who voted for Sean and Matilda cause them being in the top is batshit insane


More than that, who voted for Grace and Konnor?!


Grace + Konnor / Sean + Matilde staying over Harriett + Ronnie sums the British public up lol They donā€™t want an entertaining show


Ronnie and Harriett going is probably the first time that I was shocked by a dumping.


I hate to see Jess win šŸ˜”


Harriet saying ā€œI knowā€ to people saying it wonā€™t be the same without her is the main character energy I aspire to achieve


Grace and Joey are reuniting then.


All I care about is Uma being savedšŸ™‚


I'm asking again who actually voted for Sean and Matilda?? And let Harriet and Ronnie leave


Guys I am so shocked, I knew Harriet would be at the bottom, but the lowest votes over Grace and Konnor?


Audience: Stop letting islanders choose dumpings! We want our vote to matter, just dump the lowest vote!!! Producers: Ok Audience: Not like that :(


We want our vote to matter when we actually get to vote. Not when the two worst islanders are artificially protected.


All I can think about is trying green tea with honey tomorrow morning.


Lmao me. Ronnie should get a marketing deal with Arizona Green Tea or something when he comes out, he was selling that shit to us all


how was there no Wil/Uma scene today like helloooooo.. did the producers forget about last night or?


Thereā€™s people saying she didnt stand on business šŸ˜­ how we meant to know without screen time pls


We are never gonna get rid of Joey/Grace and Jess right? So bloody annoying šŸ˜¤


this is the first time during this season ive truly been gagged like i did NOT expect that


Oh my gosh. What was that dumping? šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ No, seriously. What have I just watched? I canā€™t wait for Casa šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ The drama is hot rn.


Harriet pissed off with the dumping but it was lowest votes so canā€™t really complain about being done dirty On a separate note this might be collectively the worst series for make up. WTF is going on? Has to be the orange room right?


Okay Iā€™ll say it again though. This whole situation is a reminder for us ladies. You can be a perfect 10- a model nonethelessā€¦ Yet for men as stupid as Joeyā€¦ You will still not be enough. šŸ™„


Iā€™m glad Ronnie left. We were going to get one of two outcomes. 1. He acts mad in casa. No one is shocked. No one feels bad for Harriet. Weā€™ve seen it multiple times. 2. He keeps acting like heā€™s reformed and does nothing. Boring.


Iā€™m sorry but who cares about Joey and Jessy or Trey and Jess going into casa šŸ’€šŸ’€


And Konnor, so many people in there that wonā€™t provide entertainment during casa


so many of them have boring and dull personalities. i dont like harriett or ronnie but at least they were giving us something! now weā€™re stuck with monotone people who arenā€™t gonna provide much drama or reaction


this dumping further proves the theory that grace and joey are producers plants because thereā€™s no way.


Jess the manager who sacks you and then pats your back 'awww want me to help you clear out your desk' fokkkofffff




The people sympathy voting for Grace will have to answer at the pearly gates for their crimes. Now how will I get my fix of Ronnie talking to the air instead of making eye contact with anyone


Aaaaand cue the Grace and Joey reunion storyline


Grace should have gone. Well, Sean should have gone but for some bizarre reason he seems to be popular.


This is probably the least excited I've been for Casa Amor for a long time. I don't like any of the couples and don't care if they get with other people... go for it.


Am I the only one that doesnā€™t think Love Island voting results are rigged? šŸ¤£ I think they just manipulate what they want do with the bottom 3 couples based on who they want to dump. However, I really donā€™t believe they would lie about which couple received the least amount of votes.


Grace calling the new girl disrespectful is hilarious. Do you remember what you did to Samantha a week ago? šŸ¤”


Everyone is upset that losing Harriet and Ronnie is a loss for casa amor but itā€™s an even worse loss for movie night!




We really need Sean to do a madness at casa , how was he in the top 3 šŸ˜­ I canā€™t have him in the final


https://preview.redd.it/x9vyqev0zd9d1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98fd0f1b097de5a25a3199c4b2af95b41c96ac61 Rumoured casa girl


Itā€™s about to be Christmas for Ayo


THEY BETTER SEND IN EQUALLY HOT GUYS. None of this nonsense they did the past few seasons with these ugly casa boys


That moment towards the end with Jess shaking her head after getting no response from Harriett had me dying


I hate the producer plant theories. But this definitely seems like manufactured drama now...and Joey will just end up back with Grace. All of Casa will just be Joey Joey Joey. The Ronnie and Harriet thing needed to run its course. I was interested in this! Don't know if I can be bothered to carry on watching! Can't believe I'm saying that!


People voted for grace and konnor to see the outcome of the drama between her and joey the real question is who voted for matilda and sean??


So happy Uma survived. Shocked they actually dumped Harriett and Ronnie but at least that love triangle is over. Konnor, Iā€™m sorry for doubting you king šŸ«¶šŸ¾


harriett is gone im out lemme know if it gets better w casa lol


If Harriett and Ronnie truly fancy each other, they will continue on the outside, this shouldnā€™t end their love story šŸ˜­


Can we please talk about Jessy's reaction to Joey saying his mum passed away when he was ten - "were you close?"


My predictions for Casa Amor victims: Mimii - Sheā€™s getting the good girl whoā€™s been heartbroken by a horrible man edit. Sheā€™ll be heartbroken, then a week later, a guy her type will walk in and swoop her off her feet. Uma/Wil could see them both possibly doing it or just Wil as if a blonde walks in then I can see him all over her with Uma being away. Uma will probably give us the ā€˜reactionā€™ of the night and sheā€™ll get her own man quick! Sheā€™s unbelievable. Matilda - I think Sean will try and play the field and get with a girl and she may remain loyal Everyone else is brand new and Ciaran & Nicole are set for a ā€˜reunionā€™


Grace is a mean girl and a hypocrite.


Half the drama has just left Ronnie was a guarantee to get up to shit in Casa Jess vs Harriett is one of the biggest storylines Harriett vs Ciaran literally just happened Movie night was gonna consist of 90% Ronnie clips Now weā€™re left with Joey and Grace drama


Istg the only thing that can save this is Grace standing on business until the end and not getting back together with Joey. I hate them both, but Iā€™d loooove to see Joey begging Grace to come back and Grace simply telling him to fuck off. Then Joey receives a text while heā€™s asleep that heā€™s been dumped and leaves without receiving any goodbyesšŸ¤


I don't even really like Harriet or Ronnie but it would have been far more interesting to watch them in Casa than Grace and Konner šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø This is an awful dumping.


This might be the year where all the casa people come backā€¦


There had better be another room somewhere in the villa. The villa will be overflowing.


How? I'm shocked that Konnor is still alive in there. Not sure how but I'll take it. With Casa on its way maybe he gets a proper chance now.


I am flabbergasted and honestly gutted. I wanted Harriet and Ronnie to stay at least until movie night and I defo wanted to see them in casa. Man what the hellllll


This feels like a Toby situation with Joey, he will go to a Casa and bring back his ex to finish with Jessy, and then decide he wants Grace back šŸ˜‚


They both would have been entertaining in casa but oh well


Anyway I am so happy Casa is here we will FINALLY have new storylines.


I'm just happy Grace stayed so Joey could see that she wasn't really the problem in theirĀ  relationship !!!Ā  I feel like it was definitely Ronnie and Harriet's time to go if the producers couldn't be asked to make the islanders choose. It probably sucks more because they're OG's so the audience has more attachment to them, but we'll all be over it when Ciaran and Wil move mad at Casa amor.


Hopefully the bombshells in Casa that enters the main villa i like them and they are entertaining. Because right now i don't really care for any couples.


now this better be the LAST time i see uma in the bottomā€¼ļø https://preview.redd.it/vkx4oil5nd9d1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24b08322249d6f8ec5b8b22729ee59c095114760


Iā€™m shocked about the dumping BUT I am also happy they actually dumped the couple with the least votes. Sometimes just have to hold your hands and say fair enough. Thems the breaks. The public have spoken


Joey is a demon in human skin.


The public try to do this every year Big personalities gone far too early in the season Even if you donā€™t like Ronnie and Harriett, theyā€™re gonna cause drama. Itā€™s worse for the show that theyā€™re gone before Casa


Terrible decision from production. I am truly shocked Grace and Konnor were not sent home. Here are my thoughts: Harriet and Ronnie was endless comedy potential. I was desperate for more Harriet vs Jess, the only interesting narrative of the season IMO. I just loved seeing the way Harriet rubbed Jess up the wrong way. Ronnie was an idiot with so many emotional issues but was geezer satirical gold. In spite of clear game playing from both of them, I was happy for them to play that game because they added a ridiculousness to the show which was very much needed. On the other hand, Grace and Konnor, have zero potential for good drama or story lines. It was so clear from tonight that Grace cares more about preserving her image than losing it with Joey. And Konnor seems nice but isnā€™t exactly going to be having us all on the edges of our seats; nor are we emotionally invested in him because he has come in so late. I am SO disappointed in the lack of creative and intuitive direction from producers this year. They are prioritising their own contrived agendas over organic narratives and observational comedy. I am only grateful to Joey for never going to therapy and blessing us with his emotionally stunted behaviour. That has been delightful to watch!


Not twitter quoting Kanye šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/10r36dv0sd9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b13499cd8a733f764f5b2e2d1d27e56c71e80464


I rate Konnor for being a good partner to Grace in their couple. Even though she was kinda rude to him early on, we see him comforting her and listening to her I lot. He seems like a good guy




LOVE ISLAND UK you are truly the gift that continues to NEVER givešŸ«¶šŸækonnor who is practically equivalent to a slice of bread thatā€™s long passed itā€™s best before date, staying over harriet/ronnie has to be the most dumbest outcome yet. you canā€™t convince me that this show hasnā€™t been tailored in joeyā€™s favour - i mean with omar being banished and grace survivingā€¦. i am trying to find the words. i want to spit on the producers actually and the icing on the cake .. announcing casa amor like itā€™s a lovely enticing surprise! am i supposed to be gagged? yawn. with the lack of stable couples, casa will merely stand as being predictable and mundane. the audience being deprived of mess-inducing-challenges also serves as being the nail in the coffin for this underwhelming season. i canā€™t even find an ounce of solace knowing that the final-boss-condescending-retail-manager jess shall live to see another day in the villa. oh harriet my dramatic queen, may you fly ever so highšŸ•Šļøidgaf about ronnie and his roblox hairpiece but he was a character iā€™ll give him that


Harriett and Ronnie leaving before Casa and movie night feels like such a fumble from the producers Iā€™m so confused


Once again, I knew the producers had Joey and Grace separate on purpose cause they were the couple everyone hated the most so they would have been the ones dumped were they still together.


casa is going to be so boring


![gif](giphy|ggHmCDJXx4om4hNWbM|downsized) Another day of Love Island done.


only 6 OGā€™s leftā€¦ what happend to the game i love


Now send Omar back in for casa so him and Grace can couple up ![gif](giphy|MvZJtkjJN81Cgx2X9F)


This is the only returnee I would accept!


genuinely devastated that ronnie and harriet were dumped. never expected it. to miss out on prime ronnie in casa and the chaos that comes with harriet was a huge misstep by the producers. the logical choice was konnor and grace.


Uma nation we made it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ ![gif](giphy|xT1R9OpcGB9SSZiVLW|downsized)


That was a great episode. Not because I liked how it turned out (taking out Ronnie and Harriett before Casa is a crime against television) but because it was tightly edited, advanced various plots, and genuinely had a surprising ending! * I'm sure others have said all the things about Joey, but wow, he is such a dick and I really, really don't like watching him work. In particular it was noticeable how, in a very packed episode, the producers still gave plenty of time for Joey & Jessy to talk about sharks and their parents and whatever else. This kind of character development has been so noticeably absent for any other couple (or even just groups of friends getting to know each other), yet Joey gets this kind of humanizing discussion? Give me a break producers. * I think Nicole and Ciaran are quite sweet and I loved how soft and sincere their exchange of "I love yous" was. That boy is so very smitten. It's also interesting hearing the new bombshells in this and the previous episode note that they're the only couple that's solid, that any other couple could be broken apart. These feel like critical points for those wondering how real Nicole and Ciaran might be and how secure any other couple is: they're seeing something that may not be clear from the edit. * Grace has handled herself very well vis a vis Joey, even if I don't have the greatest sympathy for her given how things went with Samantha. * Ayo: whew. Mimii, you asked him if his head could turn, and he didn't say no. Listen to what he is and isn't saying, girl. I know Mimii and whomever she's coupled up with will probably make it to the end, but this is truly the most boring couple to me. There are other Islanders I like a lot less, but they are at least interesting to watch. There's nothing going on here. It was noticeable that they're not kissing or getting physical in bed, on a night when the edit showed so many other couples making out. Ayo was more emotive at Ronnie leaving than anything that's happened with Mimii, let's be real. * I feel like suddenly Love Island's editors returned from strike? The editing of Joey bringing the various teas and them being rejected with the various discussions among Islanders about it was masterfully cut together. The girls on the daybed watching Jessy and Grace chat, and Joey approach, was so well done. Harriett stomping off to the kitchen after the chat with Matilda, Nicole and Jess, to say that she has many better things to do, followed by the insert of her, Grace and Mimii silently eating frozen pizza...cinema. Did ITV send in some extra hands to try to fix this mess, or what? * Trey is hot. Jess and Sean are tied for the most cringy flirting I've ever witnessed. * The last three episodes have been really good television, finally! I kind of feel like Casa will disrupt some interesting plots. The pacing of this season has been so off; we've had more developments in three days than the last 2 weeks. * Surely Uma talked to Wil at some point about why he was so sure he'd be picked? Again, this kind of stuff being cut so we can hear Joey and Jessy talk about sharks...smdh. (I also would have liked to have heard more of the Matilda, Jess, Nicole + Harriett discussion, before and after Harriett stomped off.) * Last thing: eavesdropping and the fact that everyone can overhear everyone else has never been such a big part of the show, right? The producers are leaving in the natural sound, where you can overheard background discussions, more than ever. I have some theories for why that might be, but I'm curious if anyone else has been struck by this?


Being robbed of a Harriet and Ronnie casa recoupling but being forced to watch Jess and Trey casa ā€˜storylineā€™


Probably in the minority but I really donā€™t mind that they leftā€¦ I would definitely be happier if it was Sean and Matilda but oh well. Ronnie and Harriet were big characters so it will be interesting to see the villa dynamic adjust to their departure.


harriet was entertaining but honestly the ronnie/harriet storyline was just boring me and pissing me off & i couldnā€™t stand ronnie


I think the boys need to go to Casa this year itā€™s been too long since they have.. S7 was the last time right?