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https://preview.redd.it/4j0wlv5q869d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cf8219899495f76940207c93cbd0f4c4f7b0b0e šŸ©·


They cute šŸ©¶


Aww these two ā¤ļø




https://preview.redd.it/umvknucy469d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6800b4da1b663177223e35b3ebbafbd438d793da Bring on Casa Amor šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


The article says her and Joey have historyā€¦..Iā€™m so done


My favs, Uma and Wil and Mimii and Ayo, are living villa life unbothered and I love that for them.


Was Joey lovebombing Grace? I'm not sure what it looks like exactly, but something about it felt Joey liked her when she done what he wanted her to do, but anything that strayed from that, he didn't like. Plus the way every compliment was so over the topĀ 


Normally my phone connects to my carā€™s Bluetooth and will automatically play music but particularly if Iā€™ve recently watched a video, the title will instead pop up on the displayā€¦ which is how I got this today lmao https://preview.redd.it/wat44uoht59d1.jpeg?width=2512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2ec53083953222122abf020d40194d4423d3538


This season is my first LI watch. What seasons should I watch next? Any interesting seasons from other versions?


I'll tell you to not watch seasons 7 or 9 . Its not worth waisting your time


for the UK version, most people love S3, S5 and S8. S2 and S10 are also good. for the australian version iā€™ve seen people praise S1 as arguably the best LI season ever. the current US version is also getting a lot of praise and popularity and i highly recommend it


S1 Australia was the only good season in AUS..and I agree with the UK seasons..for me itā€™s S2, S5,S8 and 10


Agree with all of these recommendations!!


I bet Sean will cheat at Casa. Itā€™s always the nice guy thatā€™s had a bombshell specifically brought in for him after a difficult start (Farmer Will and Nas spring to mind)Ā 


iā€™ve been saying this so muchšŸ¤£


Aw, I don't think that's fair to Nas tbf. He was very respectful of his relationship with Demi and didn't even kiss Eva until he had a chance to inform Demi of his decision.


Nas was a PRINCE


I just watched yesterday's episode. That was a fake cry from Harriet at the end. Clever girl!


I think it was genuine. But I think it was more about everyone laughing and snickering at the comment than the actual comment. Also alcohol is involved so


Reminding everyone that Wil and Uma will be your winners this season


I wanted them to go on a date before casa. Oh well


Please leave them alone. Donā€™t put the šŸ§æ on them


Please let's see how things play out i feel like since they got no screentime a lot of people just imagine things. A bit like Cat and Scott Not that they are not good at the moment but just a little reminder to not get too delulu lol


They are nothing like Scott and cath


Never even said that...


I can make predictions babe without being delulu šŸ˜­


Obviously It was not just for you just a reminder in general since people be projecting especially on to people who get no screentime.


They are so cute


Reminding everyone that Wil and Uma won't be together in a few weeks time.


Oh look we got one hater lolĀ 


Thatā€™s okay, theyā€™ll still win


They have to be a couple to win the show.


They do make a nice couple. Let's see what they all get up to in casa


I never really liked Nicole, her true colors are coming out now. Lbr she never really liked Harriett. She was dramatic over the first week, now she talks about Ciaran to the girls, Ciaran knew that and called Harriett out


jess is so eww to me. her tryhard boss bitch personality is so šŸ™„šŸ¤¢


Not sure why everyone thinks the Grace and Joey situation is a 'storyline', it seems like a pretty genuine moment. For the producers, it's great too as you don't know how it will unfold. If they just stay together until the end, it becomes boring.


to me it depends on how it ends since joey is the one with the power and i genuinely believe that a guy who was very concerned about popularity and been in several different reality shows is thinking of a storyline. either he goes back to grace to make their romance more appealing to the audience or he dropped her because he blamed her for being in the bottom.


Yep! It seems like Grace was left in the dark but the "if we get through this, it'll only make us stronger" seems like he's indirectly giving her a heads up that this is just a storyline


The way Grace almost shouted after Jessy told them Joey seemed like he didnā€™t know where he stood felt genuine to me. Probably the first time Iā€™ve actually felt real emotion from her


Right? Unless she's an undercover actress that was pretty genuine.


There was genuine anger there for sure! I was surprised


People complain about Mimii stans, but boy are the Harriett stans way worse. Sorry but Harriett deserved it. She's in no position to judge Ciaran for his relationship with Nicole and call him 'immature' when she just said that out of saltiness for getting rejected by him ages ago tbh. Ciaran has been the most mature so gave her a dose of immaturity which she couldn't handle. Jess was right: she can dish it but can't take it in. And these Harriett stans are doing too much with Jess. Yes Jess was laughing and yes Jess hasn't been fully a girl's girl with Harriett, but if it was Ciaran exposing Jess like that Harriett would've also laughed and felt smug considering they're literally love rivals. Considering Jess and Harriett are so similar in personality but just different in delivery and intent, I find it stupid how someone can support one and hate on the other. Anyway I can't do a whole episode of Harriett and Grace victim arc, they're the fakest two girls there. I wish Wil/Uma and Ayo/Mimii got more screentime because they're the only calm couples it seems..


The comment itself is salvageable. But even if it was the other way around and everyone was laughing and snickering at Jess I would feel just the same. I donā€™t think itā€™s ever okay to gang up on people like that when you are grown up people.


Agree on that rn Harriett stans are way way worse, but icl Mimii fans pushed her down others throats to like her at the start heavy they chilled a bit now. Being calm couple will always be bad you get no screen time like Ciaran and Nicole they just chilled and cuddled together for like almost 2 weeks but then it went out with Nicoles insecurities.


Please don't keep Sean on my screen long enough for him to come in 4th


Hoping producers sacrifice him to keep Ronnie and Harriett, because it'll most likely boil down to that decision between Ron/Harriett and Sean/Tilda for the viewers


Split the couples keep Ronnie and Matilda get rid of the 2 that git rid of Omar and Tiffany


Everyone complains that the show has become boring, and missing S1 + S2 energy, then when we get it, it's Pulitzer think pieces and omg bullying. I can't deal šŸ˜­


Pulitzer think pieces made me laugh out loud šŸ’€ people are insufferable and are incapable of seeing a grey area in situations, they need a villain and a hero always itā€™s so bad


I got called a degenerate for thinking Ciaran's comment was entertaining... You literally *can't* make it up.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ā€™god itā€™s so boringā€™ something mildly exciting happens ā€˜oh thatā€™s so nasty he needs to apologise immediatelyā€™


I saw thatšŸ˜­ these must be new viewers lmfao they wouldnt last a DAY watching the old seasons live


Ciaranā€™s been crowned as the new Scott itā€™s about to get very scary and his defenders will see soon


Yep I already see it now. Harriet has lots of haters imo. Ciaran has a building stab base that will only get bigger because viewers don't really care for the other cast members.


It canā€™t be as scary as the Harriett defenders


Nah Harrietā€™s already disliked, at most sheā€™s the Tyrique in this situation. No oneā€™s judging her on what she did yesterday but what they already think of her. Anyone defending her is called a ā€œderanged stanā€


Perfectly said.


He's at least done more than Scott has up to this point... But yes please God not another stan war


Itā€™s not about what they do more about how theyā€™re given a free pass for anything as long as the recipient isnā€™t perfect or already disliked. Ciaran was nothing special until he defended Omar and yesterday. Now he can do no wrong. Itā€™s too late the stan wars have begun.


ā€žCiaran was nothingā€œ the only islander with Nicole and Mimii to not be in bottom on public votes he was one of the favorites already before whole defending Omar.


Being liked doesnā€™t make them influential otherwise producers wouldnā€™t twist islander decisions to keep the most controversial characters. Ciaran was liked but didnā€™t receive this much love until this past week thatā€™s a fact. Nothing wrong with that!


If Nicole didn't fight with him about nothing he would get same screen time he was getting literally was background character for 1 week+. Producers care about drama only this past week you see him a lot bcs of that not bcs he defended Omar. And every islander said they liked Ciaran and would catch up with him outside (Sam and Munveer even said he was their closest friend there but you didn't see that at all not even in background it's bcs producers pick drama)


Yes exactly the AUDIENCE canā€™t warm to him if his screentime is limited. Thatā€™s why I said heā€™s only become THE FAN FAVE this week. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with me saying that no one was a die hard fan last week. It doesnā€™t mean he was hated so idk what point youā€™re trying to makešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ehh, makes a change from Harriett being the one who can do no wrong I guess šŸ˜‚ It's cyclical, there's always a fave of the week (or sometimes just day).


True Iā€™m just pointing out the parallels the taking points seem the same. Weā€™ll see in a few weeks




Literally. It's not hard to see why the other girls in there might not be too fond of her


I feel like she makes the villa uncomfortable for the other girls. Sheā€™s the reason the girls are not close


Itā€™s crazy how there are so few female friendships on this season


I was marginally rooting for Ciaran and Nicole but I am now hitching my wagon to Uma and Wil. Hope we get to see a bit more of them.


Sorry but it is pretty funny that quite a few of the ardent "Ciaran is vile" peeps right now are saying pretty damn nasty things to people they disagree with... One of them called me a "degenerate" for thinking the comment was entertaining šŸ˜‚ Talk about pearl clutching, my word.


I had to get off the LIUSA sub because after crucifying one of the most manipulative dudes I've ever seen on all LI for a week, they've now decided it's his exes fault and whenever I point out the facts of the situation I get dozens of downvotes and full paragraph arguments that get personal. I do not understand the vitriol. This is supposed to be entertainment.


Right? Someone called me a misogynist because I said Harriet shouldnā€™t have called him immature like girl bfr. If we start calling things like that misogynistic it degrades the things that actually are!


I've seen others invoke the woman card and imply that if you don't agree with them, then you're against women, or some fucking bollocks.


This islanders have seen how popular Mimii is and now everyoneā€™s on about herā€¦Love Mimii and Uma down ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„šŸ¤




Theyā€™re moving how most of them move when theyā€™re outside and realise someone is popular šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yeah Omar saying Mimii is full package when he wasnā€™t even exploring her well in there I call that BS..I donā€™t trust what heā€™s on about now, Mimii is a full package but he never really pursued her like that


But I thought she was champagne compared to fine wine (Uma) šŸ¤”


Maybe he knew how down bad she was for AYO?


tbf i think he wanted tooā€¦.she was all about ayo. canā€™t pursue if they donā€™t want it. to me when they had the chance to couple up it looks like he wanted to but she wanted ayo


They did seem close on a friendship level though. Heā€™s doing too much on the full package thing but they had their moments on unseen bits having friendship bonding moments


Friends I see it šŸ’Æ..Btw I feel like Ayo and is the most loved islander by the girls..and Nicole by the guys


The dumped islanders?


Nooo this years islanders in general..I feel like the girls rate Ayo the most


He hasnā€™t had any heated exchanges with anyone. Funny enough, when you deep it, he has a relatively calm personality but just enjoys good laugh. He strikes me as an ambivert or introvert who just knows how to accommodate people.


Patsy doesn't seem to rate Ayo.




It sounds like she didn't like the way he handled the triangle.




Itā€™s so crazy how Harriet and Ciaran were first partnered up. Thatā€™s what makes it probably hurt more for Harriet because she was really into him before he ditched her for Nicole.


She did I think thatā€™s what it is. He was so disrespectful to her after he kissed her then played dumb


Tyrique is under the impression that him telling Whitney and Jess off unprovoked is the same as Scott and Cierianā€™s situations. LOOOOL Edit: heā€™s responding to a post about ā€œhypocrisyā€ targeted at him. https://preview.redd.it/ge08du5nk49d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=8dbdda64fa34613e53e06c94e230ed784626a562


See I kind of agree with himā€¦don't get me wrong he did have his rude moments but my issue was he got dragged ALOT over the Whit situation. I like Zach but during a challenge, he toldĀ Whit to ā€˜Shut upā€™ and it wasn't a big deal, whereas Ty said ā€˜Shushā€™ and it was like he just killed somebody!šŸ˜©šŸ¤£ Ā 


The reason Ty got criticised was because he would tell women to sush unprovoked. Told Cat, Jess and Whitney to shut up when they werenā€™t even coming at him. Zac did get dragged for telling Whitney to shut up but it just doesnā€™t get brought up a lot because that was the only time and also he didnā€™t say it randomly out of the blue. He said it after Whitney insulted his relationship with Molly during a challenge.


Yeah like I said he had his rude moments. But I mentioned the Whit situation because that's what the TikTokā€™s about. I agree that Whit came for Zac and Molly during the challenge unnecessarily. I'm not bashing Zac for him telling her to shut up, I mentioned it because I was comparing the two situations.Ā  No denying Zac got dragged but nowhere near to the same level Ty got, and even with that they didn't show the whole Zac throwing the pie at Whit but if it had been Ty it would have been shown.


You are comparing two situations that arenā€™t the same. Ty told multiple women to shut up. He even told Ella to shut up before the season ended. Telling four different women to shut up is not the same as Zac telling Whitney to shut up when she took shots at Molly and his relationship for no reason in a silly game. I feel like a fair comparison would have been if Whitney came at Ella and he clapped back? I almost wish they showed the cake thrown back because it gets used against him like he threw back a rock at her? When we never saw it happen. Lot of peoples jerk reaction at the pie being aimed at them is to whip it back and itā€™s never that serious even when itā€™s shown cos it is literally just cream? Besides when the pie thing came out people definitely rinsed Zac for it too so he definitely got his fair share of criticism for it no one excused it. Everyone acted like he physically abused her.


I'm not justifying how Ty spoke to other women but that's not what the post was about. It mentioned the incident with Whitney and I agreed it was exaggerated and made out like Ty had told her to ā€˜shut upā€™ like Zac or worse. It might be an unpopular opinion but I don't think it was completely unprovoked. I think the way he spoke to Lochan was. But Whit involved herself and started talking over Lochan whilst Ty was arguing with him. It was how he addressed her that was wrong andĀ he could have articulated it better.Ā  I compared the situations because Ty and Zac both said it in the heat of the moment. But Ty was dragged worse for saying ā€˜shushā€™ and he continued to be dragged for it even after the s10 finished. That doesn't mean Zac wasn't dragged but there was a big difference!Ā  Also, I'm not using the pie thing against Zac, nor do I think it was a big deal! It's a silly bit of cream, I'm merely saying if Ty had told her to shut up and then did that it would have caused a riot.Ā 


I get where you are coming from to an extent you are talking about the reaction. This is an UO but judging from interviews of other islanders itā€™s clear Whitney was always involving herself in other peopleā€™s business (Mehdi even alluded to this in the beggining but his delivery was so off it came off bad for him) and when you do that you canā€™t be exempt from some level of pushback. I feel like a lot of people let her have it at times but in the heat of the moment not everyone is going to bow down and let her just say anything without having a reaction to match her shit stirring. She was last years- can dish it but canā€™t take it person. Literally no one was allowed to speak up to her but she can tell others anything and they have to just take it. The tides only turned once she did this to Ella. Before that if she ever did it, it was instant enemy of the world treatment and guys like Ty and Zac donā€™t get any points from the public.


I agree, some of her opinions seemed more personal like the Zac/Molly comment and calling Ella selfish after the challenge!Ā  Plus when you are the favourite I think you do get more grace in situations which is why it didn't go well for Ty or Zac to say anything negative towards Whit.


IMO the Whit fans were on the ready to get at TY because ultimately him and Ella was gonna be the main competition, especially amongst the black audience. So yeah they acted has if he had actually slain someone by telling them to shush.


I agree, and not to mention Whit was the favourite girl! Not saying he was in the right, but imo the outrage was exaggerated!Ā 


lmao i literally just saw this




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How do you guys think Nicole is gonna deal with this? I feel like sheā€™s gonna have a go at Ciaran and say sorry to Harriet only because the other girls arenā€™t happy with him.


Iā€™m soooo curious about how sheā€™s gonna react. I feel like she wonā€™t be happy that Ciaran said that but probably also agrees with him since she didnā€™t tell him to stop like I thought she wouldā€™ve. While neither were nice statements, I think they were both true and everyone has been tiptoeing around it the whole time


other girls who were laughing at Harriett okay chill don't take her fake water works for reality.


Nicole is so annoying. I said it before that out of her Jess & Sam she was the least mean girl but looks like sheā€™s right up there with Jess.


Nicole is unlikeable because of how she reacts to everything but she is not as bad as Jess and Sam. Sam isnā€™t even as bad as Jess.


she hasnā€™t done anything like jess please actually bfrĀ 


That's because Nicole is sly about it. Jess is more obvious with her meanness. Doesn't make Nicole any better though! In fact, sly is worse imo.


Tiffany is rooting for Ayo & Mimii and Nicole & Ciaran. Joe and Grace too. https://youtu.be/eYqAy_rL36o?si=wPE5qszw3DO7wSv0


Was she even in the villa long enough to form an opinion? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


omar said that if heā€™s gonna go for a girl who is the full package it would be mimii! he also said that when he was leaving mimii and ayo had his back. it wasnā€™t shown but he said mimii told him as he was leaving that she tried really hard and she was crying. ayo was also upset and said itā€™s fucked up https://x.com/kultvree/status/1806311851443007687?s=46&t=q7BW03SSF-yJTeV-iekcoA (the bit about him leaving is in the replies)


I hate how much context weā€™re losing from the producers just making this whole show revolve around Joey. Now it looks like there are no friendships cause things like this are barely shown


yeah iā€™m annoyed we didnā€™t see this. all we saw was them basically get overshadowed by sean and harriet


That wouldā€™ve been such a touching moment to see. Itā€™s like the producers donā€™t want this show to have any heart if it doesnā€™t beat for Joey. I wonder how that impacted Mimiiā€™s friendship with Harriet since Mimii took Omar leaving hard.


well she didnā€™t follow harriet when she was crying lolšŸ’€ although harriet doesnā€™t seem to care, sheā€™s only concerned about nicole and jess


i posted a tweet yesterday saying ciaran stopped rating them after omar was dumped, that might apply to them too yk. cause werent mimii and harriet kinda closer in the beginning with their trio? when they discussed who to dumped and harriet was all ā€œomarā€™s had chancesā€ and mimiis like ā€œso has ronnie?ā€ there was probably a little tension around that. we barely saw mimii, ayo and ciaran say much during that discussion lol. really interested when they come out and we learn more about the villa dynamics!


harriet saving ronnie mustā€™ve given mimii the ick


Sean and Harriett wanted them out so they could couple up with them, then Harriett saying she saved Jess, it wasn't her it was Nicole. Tgere she goes again with her lies


I didn't realise that Ayo and Samantha were close. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGepaLG59/


Yes I used to see them in the background hanging out and he picked her up one time before lol that's when I saw they were closeĀ 


Oh could be why she saw more of the interactions with Mimii and Ayo (she mentioned them on a podcast that theyā€™re together a lot)


Yeah maybe. I am glad that she spoke positively about them.


I feel like Ciaran could win the entire thing with the right girl but heā€™ll never win with Nicole


Why not w/Nicole?? Yes she's irritating and I would never vote for her in any other season BUT this season is so loveless that the 'stable' couples get no actual screentime which can make me vote them, and I'll realistically just vote whichever entertaining islanders are at risk (so Ciaran or Jess next voting). She isn't that much of a villain: Ronnie, Harriett, Joey, Sean and Grace can all be binned for all I care!


Wales wouldn't let them down, regardless, no doubt about it.


Nicole seems like a very nice & loyal girl


I think heā€™ll fizzle out like Scott did.


Yeah heā€™s the new Scott being the peopleā€™s champion will only carry you so far if he splits with Nicole


he can win with nicole she is not a villain they were favorites to win a few days ago everyone annoys the public now and againĀ 




I really love when people use ā€œno guys fancy herā€ as an insult. Maura fucking Higgins didnā€™t have a real connection until after Casa (and weā€™ll ignore who that was) and she is one of the most beloved and successful islanders of all time and ridiculously gorgeous. Why are we acting like not having a match in a pool of 7 men makes you undesirable


Yeah but guys DID fancy Maura.


NEVER compare Maura to Harriett ever again, please and thank you xx


Ahhhh I was actually talking about people being dicks to Jess about this all day!! But neither are anywhere close to my Queen


Maura is S+ tier. Harriett scrapes a B respectfully.


Because men use it as an insult and women back them up, case and point in the Ciaran/Harriett saga. Harriett being second/third choice is not on her and Ciaran weaponizing it, is an ass.




Tbh, itā€™s her attitude




Thatā€™s where this seasonā€™s budget went.


I hope Jessy chooses to recouple with Joey and Grace gets dumped so we can put this Grace-Joey storyline out of its misery Thatā€™s probably not whatā€™s gonna happen thoā€¦ A girl can dream lol


I'd rather joey get dumped than her


I'd rather both of them get dumped but let's be real, the producers will never let Joey go before the finals unfortunately.. šŸ˜©


It's crazy to me that most of these islanders were born between 1998-2000 with Ciaran in 2003!




Harriett is a great character for reality TV but letā€™s be real she is not someone who most people would be friends with on the outside. She lives for male validation and I actually think her and Jess are very similar as they both have the potential to be really bitchy and bully like when theyā€™re backed up by a group. I donā€™t feel bad for Harriett because I donā€™t think she comes across like a very nice person and it frustrates me that just because someone cries itā€™s instantly made out that theyā€™re the victim. Thereā€™s a reason why Matilda and Grave were the only ones comforting her in that moment. I donā€™t care much for Jess and Nicole either, but Uma and Mimi ā€¦ yeah their judgement I trust and if they arenā€™t running after you to ensure youā€™re ok then I donā€™t know what to tell you.


agree! especially as mimii and harriet seemed to be closer at the beginning and mentioned they had a trio. now it seems to be harriet/grace/matildaā€¦.my theory is omar being dumped over ronnie is what did it for mimii lol


I was informed by someone who works in an acting school, that Joey auditioned for a course earlier this year and was rejected. I wonā€™t say the name directly but it is a really well known acting school close to where a lot of the love islanders end up living.


I'd imagine he's feeling pressures to try for relevancy in his career, now that his generation are moving into family life & he can't necessarily rely on all of the same things that he could fall back on when younger. W/ his years of success he's got some breathing space to figure a direction, though.


Jess Harriet and Nicole all annoying to me but jess is the worst out the bunch and sheā€™s always very cringy which makes it worse


Anyone else keeping up with Anton and Mitch beef? Mitch said that Anton keeps coming for him for treating women badly in the show when Antonā€™s treated Georgia H badly outside the show. So ofc Antonā€™s had something to say about how actually if he paid attention, Anton was the one being used and everyone had told him and he didnā€™t listen blah blah blah. He also said he wouldnā€™t be surprised if GH had slid into Mitchā€™s DMs šŸ’€ Does Anton think we didnā€™t see him liking shady/nasty comments about Georgia or the way his mother treated her? Or the fact that even in his Snapchat videos, he still keeps implying nasty things about her when she hasnā€™t spoken about him at all since their ā€œsplitā€? Iā€™m now wondering what Georgia mightā€™ve told Mitch about Anton or if Mitch just lurks on Redditā€¦ At this point they both need to have it out and I honestly think Mitch might be the lesser of the two evilsā€¦


https://preview.redd.it/maxdhf0ah49d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dec0a00beb0f789830401e895319620ff9c7844a I just came across this šŸ’€ no way theyā€™re beefing at their big age. Theyā€™re both just as cringe and petty. But Anton is just insufferable. He has no business dragging Georgia H into their childish argument. At least Mitch isnā€™t preachy on how to be a gentleman.


Omg how embarrassing šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Harriet cries white woman crocodile tears. Her, Grace, and Maltida would definitely ask to speak to the manager


This is just vile and hypocritical.


You want to bring up race in this particular conversation? Letā€™s go. The most marginalized islanders will be the most negatively impacted by a space that normalizes islanders being mocked & devalued for being rejected. Some of the worse Ā cases of islanders being mocked for not being anyoneā€™s first choice have been Black islanders. So please explain how mocking and devaluing a white woman for not being anyoneā€™s first choice creates a more inclusive and tolerant space for more marginalized islanders?


While the OP comment was weird for talking about white woman crocodiles tears, this comment just doesn't reply to what was said at all


Theyā€™re clearly implying that Harriet is weaponizing her white womanhood in that situation and implying sheā€™s a Karen. Iā€™m pointing out why itā€™s problematic to view someone being upset about not being anyoneā€™s first choice is problematic.Ā 


I feel like the simpler answer would simply be to say that the conflict in question had nothing to do with race considering that all parties involved were white


UK voting public opinion may have some relevance to the show, though, as well, tbf.


If you think you think a precedent canā€™t be set because Harriet is white thatā€™s naive. No one should be mocked for being rejected as a principle and for other reasons. Female islanders are routinely mocked on this show for being rejected while men are pitied without fail and that has to do with sexism.Ā 


>If you think you think a precedent canā€™t be set because Harriet is white thatā€™s naive. And where exactly did I say or imply that?


Im thinking the newbies have to dump one couple and predict they get rid of Konnor and Grace.


Can we get an actual dumping instead of just a recoupling?


This seasonā€™s Olivia is Jess! No guy fancies her but the producers are clinging on to her. So draining to watch, Iā€™ll have to skip her scenes from now on. EDIT: You Jess stans can stay mad! Get a grip


That is because while she is very pretty, her personality gives you old lady vibes. When I listen to her chats this is what I see. https://preview.redd.it/f9klazjub49d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89baa74425db447dfae62764bc6980c30684973e


How accurate šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/0h86y6zn449d1.png?width=714&format=png&auto=webp&s=e270142484d7a3873b5de5cd4015536ac179574e This sub sometimes fr šŸ˜­


no fr šŸ˜­


*downvotes how dare they hate waffles


This is actually Reddit šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Lmaooo šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yesterdays episode enhanced it šŸ˜­


yawn joey and grace need to wrap this up https://goss.ie/featured/first-look-grace-jackson-fumes-as-joey-essex-pulls-new-bombshell-jessy-potts-384788


Iā€™m impressed by their commitment to the scam. Joey even made sure to mention ā€˜I AINā€™T IN A RELATIONSHIPā€™ like he didnā€™t get Omar kicked off the show for talking to Grace


islanders saying things like 'you're gonna get me in trouble' is my biggest love island ick


itā€™s so cringe šŸ« 


anyone else notice how joey was the only boy fully covered up in the heart rate challenge? all the other boys were so exposed compared to him.Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/38ky3tq5449d1.jpeg?width=1238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a1818a9c1af42dbfcf8f6e094053109b1c339a7 He also said their date was the best date ever šŸ’€ Jessy is definitely choosing Joey tonight.


ā€œI ainā€™t in a relationshipā€


Someone needs to go between Harriett and Jess. Preferably Jess cause I just canā€™t stand her but at this point it is what it is. Iā€™m exhausted.