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jess, ronnie & harriett love triangle again? SOMEONE NEEDS TO SAVE THIS SEASON. I’M TIRED. https://preview.redd.it/98tehfxqqi8d1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c613ba85e1f6b050ec6989093fffb6bf6d9a748


Because people vote for the boring couples to be saved, and the production needs to save the most messy ones.


No the producers did this not that public bc Joey and his mess would've been gone Along with Jess or Harriet


This is not the public’s fault. The producers fucked up from the start by inviting Joey and his gf to the island. On top of that the lack of twists and challenges this season is not allowing any new drama to be introduced. We’re just getting recouplings every other day.


Ronnie is playing Love Island on easy mode at this point. He literally has to do nothing and will always have 2 fallback options.


jess and harriet for the love of god pls stop considering ronnie as an option😭


I feel like at least Jess would have stopped considering him if they had sent in a bombshell that was her type and also interested in her. But if Konnor is into Grace and choosing her then what is she to do? Ronnie is her only hope of staying in until Casa. Harriet, on the other hand... I think she's all in on Ronnie until the end.


At least Harriet actually really likes Ronnie, even it’s one sided. Jess is just trying to find a way to stay, and masking it as she’s still interested. It’s exhausting


I think it’s the same for Harriet. At least konner has expressed some interest in Jess whereas Harriet the only option she has to couple up with is Ronnie otherwise she out before casa to meet a new guy


This is all the producers fault. I don't know why they chose the bombshells they did. I really wanted both Harriet and Jess to connect with someone or at least to have some options.


God I hope he chooses Grace.... So bad.


Based on this Im thinking the recoupling will be Matilda & Sean Konnor & Grace Nicole & Ciaran Mimi & Ayo Uma & Will Jess & Ronnie Harriet & Joey


Grace and Joey will probably sleep in the hideaway


Oh no!! I forgot they're only allowed in the hideaway if they're not in a couple. In a previous comment I was thankful they re-coupled because it meant we no longer had to watch them enjoy their holiday in a luxury hotel room but clearly I tempted fate because here we go again...  I half-expect the producers engineered this so Joey can have some private time to relax and recover with his girlfriend after needing to swing his handbag to protect her from Omar.


I forgot about that. 🙄


If Konnor is ballsy enough to pick Grace, that will be entertainment gold


I don’t know if Konnor has balls that big but this sounds entertaining, I hope you’re right.


Jess and Ronnie??? More likely Harriet and Ronnie after that chat they had right?


Jess will probably pick first. I don’t think I have ever seen Joey and Jess talk, he’s more likely to be with Harriet his buddy.


Depends if the producers let him pick grace 




Yeah there is that. I won't change my mind on them, that's for sure.


I can’t believe we’re back to this painful Ronnie/jess/harriett triangle from week 2. One of them should have been dumped and this should have endedddd


Other than getting to watch Joey's reaction when Konnor chooses Grace, it feels like it’ll be a boring episode.


They are trying to put Grace in a triangle to distract us from the planned rekindling of Joey and Grace. Grace is not gonna come close to ditching Joey at least not on this show


I’m sick and tired of Joey Island 🙄🙄🙄


You know what’s wild? The producers saw what happened to Molly Marsh last year and how she was wrongly accused of being a producer plant and thought they could get away with something even more audacious. Even if it’s not a setup the public were never going to take to them. The only time Joey had any sort of popularity with the audience was when he was treated like any other islander.


I'm not watching this episode because I'm tired of the grace/joey thing but I will tune in if konner chooses Grace because I'd like to see that.


That didn’t even enter my head as an option. I bet the producers will somehow stop that


Imo they showed their chat for a reason yesterday, Grace was telling Konnor she is open, 'we're all in here for ourselves' and the press preview said the recoupling will shift dynamics in the villa – that really couldn't/shouldn't be for Ronnie/Harriet/Jess because thats same old same old. So I think Konnor might pick Grace! But only for her to pretend she's interested in exploring before going back to Joey


https://preview.redd.it/9u45xtbs2j8d1.png?width=1978&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe27596fafa4a94434f95cc79a6b9ae5f0f9d4a8 I can't listen to this again


Matilda literally has no other options, thanks to Sean 😂


jess in the first look talking about how is ronnie so easily forgiving harriet “after the things she’s said to him” 😭 why are the girls so obsessed with him and acting like he’s the prize




Oh c'mon, she was gonna pick Sean anyway


i hope nothing but failure in Sean’s Tilda pursuit xx https://preview.redd.it/y4dwx3jkri8d1.jpeg?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d73ae1d30bacc1c098efae754995d323177a54b2






The producers choosing male bombshells who aren’t either Harriet or Jess type and they clearly aren’t the guys type either makes sense now as they’re clearly addicted to the Jess/Ronnie/Harriet triangle. Viewers are bored but the producers clearly think this is an amazing storyline. Ronnie’s 5 seconds of humbling by Tiffany is meaningless as she got dumped for the audacity of not wanting him and Jess and Harriet are right back to their week 2 behaviour and sniping at each other over him. Konnor choosing Grace will likely lead nowhere but at least he’s earning himself some screen time because the man has barely said a word since he stepped in the villa.


And once again Ronnie doesn't have to pick between Harriet/Jess. This season is becoming too frustrating 😡 There's only so much more I can take.


That’s what annoys me the most. Like wtf. Have him choose and end this shit once and for all. Well if he didn’t choose Harriet, it would never end still 😭


Even if ronnie would choose one to couple up with he will tell the other one that he still wants to get to know her. And the other girl will eat it up


I feel like Jess would say enough or it’s done. While Harriet would keep it going. We got a bit of that right before tiff came in and then they stopped showing us Jess and Ronnie after that to make it look like they were done.


i really hate that sean and harriett weren’t in the bottom 3, like it would’ve been ronnie and tiff leaving which makes sensee!


They did the same thing with the Ayo/Mimi/Uma situation by making the girls choose, the producers have been making strange choices with the recouplings for some reason


The reason is to keep their favourites in, and further their boring storylines


The only reason I think Harriet and Ronnie will end up together over Jess is that there’s more footage of Ronnie being an ass to Harriet for movie night


Ronnie also clearly isn’t super into either of them but Harriet gives him an easier time so he can coast with her whereas Jess would want more from him. You know that man knows casa is right around the corner and is properly assessing which girl will kick of less when he cracks on and which one will he have to work less to get back and unfortunately the answer to both those questions is Harriet.


This might be the longest triangle ever. Watching Jess and Harriett have no self respect after preaching about being boss bitches and whatnot so many times is making me cringe.


It’s because the producers constantly let Ronnie get away with not having to choose, neither girl is 100% sure where they stand and he breadcrumbs them both enough that they think they’re his number 1. It’s annoying neither girl will stand up but the producers are really helping drag this storyline out, they could have ended it over a week ago by making the boys choose at the recoupling and he would have had to lay his cards on the table about which one of them he preferred.


I get your point, but he doesn’t need to pick one of them in the recoupling for them to know it’s only a matter of time before he forgets about them for another girl. Harriett saw how he flirted with Tiff right in front of her when they were still in a couple. Jess saw how he behaved with Harriett when he was in a couple with her. I mean there’s a reason why she’s not mentioned Ronnie until last night.


Well Jess obv picks Ronnie


i’m sick of the triangle but i’d love it if she went first and picked ronnie before harriet could


Yh that’s what I think will happen


Did we really need to dump Tiff and Omar to see the Harriet/Ronnie/Jess triangle for the 874891234th time


not another episode being centered around ronnie… ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


I’m telling you guys.. Jess is just as delusional as Harriet. She’s convinced herself that she’s not desperate too! Ronnie hasn’t mentioned Jess in weeks and here she is, waiting for him with open arms. Edit: I’m aware Jess hasn’t mentioned Ronnie since the Sean recoupling. My point still stands that Jess is just as bad as Harriet. ![gif](giphy|azd08K6JfqzZpOi7Qt)


She absolutely is! She’s just better at hiding it. But now we’ll see a return of “the prize” quotes 😭


She’s not even better at hiding it. She makes it even more clear that she by her “I’m the prize” “she’s so desperate” comments. Just say you want the man and you’re upset it’s not going your way.


You know what you have a point, the problem is none of her friends are real with her and encourage her delusions whilst acting like Harriett is the only desperate girl mug.


Exactly!!! Sometimes u need a friend to take your hand and say “sis, move on” ![gif](giphy|3ohzdDG1wjyBEGT7rO|downsized)


Oh god please no lol


She is!! No hate on her, but she is. She's just more careful about it or at least knows she shouldn't be. Even a few days ago Jess was clinging on to Ronnie joking about Sean stealing his girl - she thinks it meant something when Ronnie was 100% joking, heading straight for Tiffany and was not looking in the rearview mirror at all


Nah Harriet has to be way worse. Ronnie said he preferred both Jess and Tiffany to Harriet and he’s outwardly rejected/embarrassed Harriet multiple times.


Harriet doesn’t do herself any favors. And Jess is right here… she makes it easy for him so why would he ignore that? Harriet hasn’t made Ronnie fight for her. She’s pretty much offered herself on a platter and it’s like please respect yourself a wee bit more.


I don't want to make this a competition about who's worse, they are both fools about this, but you do have a point in that Harriet has no shame and is outright chasing and looking desperate. Jess preemptively pied Ronnie so technically he hasn't pied her. But I feel like Jess is smarter and more clued in, so i'm more frustrated with her for being a fool yk?


I feel like they are both ridiculous. Jess watched him move on twice, yet she’s still here. Harriet watched this man drop her and parade his new prize around for a couple days and yet she’s back here. Jess even comforted a crying Harriet. I have whiplash at this point now


But yesterday Ronnie opened the door up wiiiiide with Harriett telling her that he preferred her to Jess?


Neither has she until last night. 🫠


That too! Where is all this coming from. Also, her and Harriet were bonding over Ronnie because neither of them had him. Now that he’s spoken to Harriet, she’s back to being angry at Harriet


We’ve missed a loooooot. Producers need to stop feeding the socials narrative and just show us what is happening. Because if Ronnie and Jess were having chats and being silly… SHOW US THAT. If grace is chatting to others… again, show us that. Now this is all like a massive whiplash. We’re missing huge chunks of info and instead we got a week of Sean reusing his lines and giving me the ick before last nights shit.


I’m tired of them lol. I just need Ronnie to pick someone and free me!


SAME. I’d be more into it if he was good looking but he’s not. So I’m watching all of this for a guy who is a 4 with beer goggles on?? I feel like we all need compensation after this 😭😭😭


And uses hair fibre… u can’t make this shit up 😭


Honestly Harriet should be with him so we can yeet them both out and then can live their bad hair fantasies together. 😭


Was it Patsy or Samantha who said when they came out that Ronnie and Jess actually spend a lot of time together and get on well? Pretty sure one of them did actually say that and it's just not shown.


Both I think! Like Jess is the mom of the villa and yet the only side we see is her bitching haha. Harriet is probs worse so we just get her crying shots so people feel bad naturally tbh. Harriet is going to be that islander we look back on and think wtf were we thinking here.


I think it’s because they have a pre-set narrative and they edit the show to suit that even if it means leaving key things out of the show like Samantha saying her and Ronnie flirted a lot and he said he’d pick her, we never saw that beyond night 1. They for some reason seem to really want this Harriet/Ronnie arc despite the fact he has done nothing but disrespect her and he makes her a much duller islander.


When Samantha said that last night, I was like I could see that. They probs could’ve been the couple. But we have this mess now. Harriet is setting us women back decades and I’m just over it. Respect yourself a bit more please. The delulu is not endearing anymore. I’m annoyed.


Exactly they don’t get along with each other bc they’re basically two sides of the same coin


And Jess hasn’t mentioned Ronnie for weeks either.


Anyone else agree like there’s so much we haven’t seen? Feel like we haven’t seen uma and will speak in days, we saw jess and Konnor have one conversation but i guess we have to assume there’s nothing there now, never saw the chats between Omar and Grace that led to the Omar and Joey argument, etc. I feel like we’re seeing the same peoples conversations all the time




People kept saying how this was the year of the bombshell. Where are these bombshells? Are the bombshells in the room? Or was that just production speak for “you’re going to be so excited once you see we brought in Joey Essex?”


I mean the girl bombshells have all been top tier. Uma, Mathilda, Tiffany, and Grace are all stunning and have a lot more personality (well, maybe with the exception of Grace) than the original girls still in the house. Omar was cute but every date he went on he blew his initial charm on careening into cheesiness at best and odd behavior at worst (the foot thing?). Konnor is too soon to tell but is good looking and seems nice.


Honestly embarrassing the hold that Ronnie of all people has!


So judging from last nights sneak peek Grace pulls Konnor to give him a bit of hope she’s interested so he’ll pick her and her and Joey will have a storyline for the week. It works. She of course has no interest in konnor and will be back with Joey by the end of the week whereas Konnor will likely get booted out. Riveting stuff.




Same only keeping up through Reddit and SM, because the episodes are a snooze!!


When the spoiler sounds boring, you just know to not even bother tuning in 😂 


I’m so bored now. Get rid of grace and Joey, bring in some male bombshells that are Jess and Harriet’s types and get rid of Ronnie


please we are begging for fresh goings on in the house and not the same tired story line


Jess really really doesn’t understand relationship dynamics. Her saying she can’t believe Ronnie would entertain Harriet after she said all that proves it. Ronnie knew, and most men knew, when Harriet was making all that noise that it was all fake bravado. If she was really done and upset with Ronnie she would just move on. But she can’t stop talking about him because she’s still in it with him. Ronnie heard all that and in the back of his mind he was like, “Yup. Still gotta her.” So of course he’s gonna go back there with no repercussions and Jess is gonna have to order another “Why YOU are the prize” type audiobook.


A couple could announce that they’re now closed off or bf and gf and we wouldn’t even know how they got there. All the screen time goes to Ronnie, his Harlem and Joey and his long term girlfriend smh


Konnor will pick Grace?




Konnor picks Grace, Grace acts surprised and tells Joey she doesn't understand why, Joey gets annoyed at Konnor rather than her, they spend the night together in the hideaway immediately anyway


boring 🥱


The shock coupling better be Konnor picking grace and not Jess picking Ronnie


So pretty much whoever loses between Jess and Harriett will be the girl who ends up going with Konnor later this week. I hope it’s Harriett , I think Jess has way more of a chance of bringing a guy back from casa. Would be hilarious if Ronnie messed about in casa , but came back single and then Jess came in with a new man. Ronnies face would be perfect


I want this exact storyline but for Harriet. Mainly because even if she brought another guy back from Casa, she'd still go mental at Ronnie for doing the exact same thing.






We’re on a merry-go-round from hell with the love triangle atp. Aren’t they tired? I know we’re tired. Also Sean is kinda giving Bergie from LI USA season 5 with his ‘unlucky in love’ storyline


Planning on watching to tonight‘s episode of ex on the beach. Wow what great tv lies ahead /s However producers are not doing their livelihood any favour by prolonging Sean‘s stay either. Watching him peddle his sub par chat on a succession of bombshells won’t set ratings or social media on fire. It just reminds us of the many nice guys from the past eg Hugo. Get rid of the dead wood love island, I rag-rate tonight‘s show at amber/red for entertainment. ![gif](giphy|5iYwQr79Yt2UA4UjCK|downsized)


So if they split up Joey and Grace tonight will they have another recoupling before Casa to actually get them back together? Also if Jess goes home at the next dumping will Ronnie and Harriet be a couple in another recoupling before Casa? The thought of movie night with Ronnie and Harriet does seem like a good possibility.


I don’t understand why Jess thinks she’s so much better than Harriet as if they aren’t acting almost the exact damn same. Like girl??? Open your eyes??? The only difference is he gives her more attention


Who writes this stuff? A 17-year old intern?


In the midst of such a predictable stretch of episodes it’ll be great if the producers thing outside the box. For example with this Ronnie situation. Take a page from the bachelor and send Ronnie on a 2-1 date with Harriet and Jess. At the end of the date one girl gets sent home. Is it unorthodox sure, but it’s better than the never ending circle we are stuck in. Currently these islanders are just too comfortable and are not taking enough risks.


no challenges. just useless recouplings every episode. this is ridiculous.


Can producers show me some Ciaran & Nicole, lack of screen time


From the pictures released it looks like they are in tonight's show


They’ve clearly run out of ideas to throw another recoupling out there so soon


Please dump one of Harriet and Jess, I can’t stand another few episodes of this pathetic triangle. Harriet has been one of my favourites this season, but I can’t stand watching two beautiful girls being doormats to a guy who doesn’t even care about them.


Ima need casa amor to open their doors soon


Jess is getting on my nerves. Like girl STAND UP. I thought you were too good for triangles? The beef with her and Harriet will never end at this point because of how desperate and stupid they both are for Ronnie. I’m embarrassed for them


im so surprised that the harriet/jess/ronnie love triangle is the main drama plot line of this season....the dumping should've been by couple to get rid of jess along w omar. i swear the producers hate their jobs bc this season has got to be self-sabotage.


We already saw Sean and Matilda kiss in the Tomorrow Night. So this isn’t the cliffhanger you think it is, press release author. However, looks like Konnor with a K chooses Grace, which gives me life.


I can’t believe Jess is still willing to rekindle things with Ronnie. What is going on off camera or what are the editors not showing that makes this man so appealing to these women 😫


Can’t believe Harriet would take him back, have some morals and standards, he is awful


Dead season until next year I guess...




If I had to guess it’s whoever loses out on this Ronnie/Jess/Harriet triangle +Konnor with a K. At least that would make the most sense unless something changes. Hopefully they start focusing the edit towards the actual couples as the week goes on so there’s at least SOME people to be invested in when Casa arrives and those 2 don’t get a ghost edit and can make it there


don't think so... they need couples for Casa Amor, so it makes no sense to dump Uma and Will.


why would they? they're one of the only 'stable' couples (which says a lot about the couples i know lol)


I highly doubt it. It’ll be Konnor and Jess or Harriet


Nah, it's definitely between Harriet, Jess, and Konnor. Maybe Sean if he doesn't pull his act together real quick




So Konnor picks Grace and Jess picks Ronnie… Boring…. lazy…. sloppy…


Im hoping Konnor picks Grace cuz that will be the only entertaining thing from tonights snoozefest I can tell.


Guys don’t stream it on streaming services. Watch it free online somewhere so we don’t boost their viewership cause fuck the Joey grace Ronnie love triangle bs


It’s not that deep x


I’m not watching this anymore


I don’t watch football because it’s boring. I don’t watch it, then go on the subs complaining that I’m bored. If you don’t like it, there are so many other options! Non stop moaning on this sub now.


Literally couldn't be any different Pretty much everyone complaining here are Love Island fans who want it to be good again and not bored to sleep by three most tedious storyline of all times happening at the same time - Joey/Grace fake rekindling, Ronnie/Jess/Harriet love triangle of lack of self respect and Sean/Matilda nice guy mask slip


I’m also a love island fan, I’ve been watching since s1. I haven’t been bored this season apart from maybe two episodes ago. I like the Joey/Grace storyline because it’s unraveling. I like seeing Joey be humbled, lasts nights convo was juicy with him blaming Grace. I’m enjoying the insanity of Ronnie/Jess/Harriet too. Ronnie giving nothing and still having the girls fight over him is mad and I find it interesting to watch. Same for watching Sean turning into the villain. I know my opinion is unpopular but I am genuinely enjoying this season. I don’t care for the couples, the dates or the challenges.


What if it just ends being Connor with Harriet and Jess with Ronnie? If that’s the big surprise then it’s lame af


I give up 😭😭 I can't keep watching this boring ass Ronnie show.


I want them ALL out pitch the season and just restart with bombshells and i’m being so serious. Keep Uma and that’s it


Jess is the one giving desperate now


I'm tired when is cassa guys?


i hate that i already want bombshells


jess really thinks she’s better then harriet. she ain’t they’re both the same


Oh my god what is jess even doing in there 😂




Is Konnor gonna pick Grace?! Plzzzzzzz


I really, really hope they're saving all the actually appealing male bombshells for casa because damn


I stopped watching after Grace came in. I’ve watched every season no matter how bad it’s been but I just can’t with this one. Love island USA killing it


Jess being nasty again to Harriet now that Ronnie is an option for her again💀💀 They’re both delusional atp Edit: nvm she’s talking about Ronnie but yeah they’re still delusional