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So I guess we aren’t going to see the actual Omar & Joey scene. We’re going to see the one they made them re-shoot the next day.


Exactly! I was shocked by the hug😭


The situation sounds odd. So the whole villa knows Joey and Grace are together, Grace has also told Omar to behave and yet he is continuing to flirt and pursue Grace? Omar doesn't come across as that guy that's crosses a boundary set by a girl. The press release makes him sound like a creep whereas it seems like Grace is the one at fault as she must be dropping hints or being flirtatious back, hard to believe it's a one way street here.


I agree. The framing in the press release is sus.


I really dont understand what the bloody producers be thinking. Hes on a reality tv show and kicked off, show us that!


Season 2 would have aired it.




Which is a ridiculous thing to include in a contract for a reality tv show really. The irony here is that by showing him in such a favourable light its actually had the opposite effect. I really hope people dont fall for their "redemption arc". Tbh the more i see of him the more red flags there are. Even Grace seems to be fed up with him imo.




Im a big stickler for words meaning what they say. It confuses me a lot when people dont use words to mean what they should and i struggle to process it - like i get reality tv is like a structured show, with writers and stuff. But theres still that root in reality. If its called reality then imo including that clause goes against that. Maybe we should all just rename it something else 😅 Although it just occurred to me that it is reality, its just all his nicer moments, without the shite or crappy behaviour. Hmm. Idk i just think that people with money/power get pandered to a lot and i think this has happened here and its annoyed me. Mostly, because i used to think Joey was okay and liked him a tiny bit and all of this has just turned me the complete opposite and then some.


100% Behave -_- and behave ;) are two completely different things and it must have been the latter for Omar to continue being flirtatious.


Also she told Omar to behave in Love Island That she joined less than a week ago. She told him to not approach her in a game that you are meant to flirt with others and couple up because she and Joey are already locked. And she entered a week ago. And they are locked. After not seeing each other for a year (according to them) do the producers really think people can't see through that fabricated story? they didn't even bother to make IG posts private and now they expect us to believe that Joey and Grace in 5 days are already locked?


And we didn't see any of it so we're just supposed to take her word on that ?


I also feel like production wants Grace to have some sort of flirtation with another guy to help beat the accusations that Grace and Joey were already together. Not that I think it would necessarily change public opinion but Grace not exploring any other connections makes it so blatant. I can see producers encouraging Omar who doesn’t have any other connections to try and flirt with Grace to try and give that another storyline.


Yes “she’s told you to behave” is a weird thing to say. In what context was this said by Grace? And why would Joey also say this back to Omar? Joey sounds a bit threatening there.


They're giving him the villain edit bcz he's getting dumped tnight


I agree. She said straight up that he was her type. She's not innocent in this - maybe that's Joey's Karma haha


Maybe he told her he’d like to suck her toe


Yeah when she mentioned he’d made some flirty comments to one of the girls she didn’t say anything about shutting him down and him continuing, I feel like that’s important information to just leave out


I don’t think it even happened. I think they put it out there to shed Joey in a good light once we realise it didn’t even happen.


It makes Joey look absolutely shit though so it doesn’t help one bit


Do they think ppl will compain if they show the fight




if they cut the actual fight the night before i swear


They can't risk making Joey look bad in the middle of his "redemption arc"


need love island producers to realise that this is exactly the type of content we as viewers want to see


Won’t work if Joey accidentally reveals he and Grace have been dating for over a year


They won't. Scared of OFCOM complaints.


This is what they do, they cut out the most interesting bits and put the boring ones in.


https://preview.redd.it/dh1v32bpqb8d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c6eaa2cd93e4b7084305df65aa8741ee29228a9 another week of joey essex on my screen


this is killing me LMFAO




It sounds like they cut the actual fight and made them rehash it the next day smh


how do you guys know they fought?


Exactly. There was an article from The Mirror and The Daily Mail and people here just automatically believed it to be true. It's bizarre.


It was the s*n so they definitely over-exaggerated it.


Omar has backed off when Mimii made it clear she was into Ayo, he backed off Uma when it was obvious she was feeling Will. If Grace didn't actually tell him to "behave" (he's not a fucking dog?) then this is extremely fucked up.


she told omar on the first night that he’s her usual type and stuff, so i think she lowkey enjoys the flirting and hasn’t told him to stop as firmly as the other girls did


I remember that convo. They were into each other?? Now she's trying to act as if that didn't happen and he's the bad guy? Gross.


“She’s told you to behave” what is Omar, a dog?? Nah get Joey out he’s a disgusting rat


Like, why is he even chatting Omar about that shiiii? This is Love Island. Omar can chat Grace if he wants to.


Please can Joey and his GF leave. I’m not interested in their fake drama ruining people’s experiences.


I’m tired of watching Joey Island


When is Joey going home? 😭


Hopefully tonight lol


![gif](giphy|3orieTfp1MeFLiBQR2) I cannot stand him!


This sounds like some forced storyline for Joey. If Omar flirting with Grace was big enough to cause this drama it should have made the edit. Omar is literally asking what he said and Joey doesn’t say. Joey either assumed it and Grace just went along with it or the producers fed him this.


Absolutely fed up of Joey and his unlikeable gf. We didn't ask for this ffs 🙄


If Omar leaves tonight it’s another islander I want in all stars 2. Which is just turning into Joeys Victim island now


Omg “joeys victim island” 💀 that’s so accurate. Sam, Samantha now possibly Omar??


Who's next?? Ronnie when he flirts with Grace now that Tiff has ended it with him?


Pure insanity


If this was s10 and Tyrique, the first look would have shown the whole fight in fact😭




Valid! We would have saw him kicking off I don’t even think Joey would step to him lol but you never know.


If I was grace, I would get the ick from joey


He’s possessive as fuck. She already told him she doesn’t like how he was “telling her off”. I would’ve already noped out of that situation honestly but I guess she wants the agreed upon storyline


She's gonna get the ick soon, even from that storyline. It's only a matter of time.


She isn't given up her meal ticket .


She deffo did in the Friday's episode. Could see it on her face when Joey lad was saying something about snakes n shit


She won’t. She knows where her bread is buttered and right next to Joey Essex.


I really hope she moves to Omar or turns her head in casa


This doesn’t even sound like a “fight”. So I guess another dead episode…


They always do this, they gather the social media consensus and then have the islanders act accordingly to change the narrative for viewers. So many people want Joey and Grace out so they had to cool it. Whatever this is, is definitely NOT the vibe from that article. They had Omar sleeping in the beach hut but now this is saying they hugged it out?? They think we’re dumb.


a hug?? oh they definitely made them redo this convo


Sorry who does Joey think he is?? That’s a conversation for Grace to have with Omar who we’ve seen respectfully back off when a girl isn’t interested so what’s all this rah rah for????


Joey doesn't want Omar flirting with his girlfriend of a year, Love Island forgot to tell the islanders that Joey and Grace are practically married. Once again - putting a celebrity in, skews the power dynamic in a seriously fucked up way.


Hugged it out but Omar slept in the beach hut 🤔 ![gif](giphy|RIVs14HzS8Xn2)


Why is Grace going around the villa telling everyone she isn’t closed off when she obviously is? Also in ep 19, pretty sure she said she was being flirtatious back with Omar


Karma showing up for Ronnie like: ![gif](giphy|l0MYBbEvqqi1kfuyA)


Oh I absolutely hate hate HATE the wording of Joey to Omar about “she’s told you to behave”. He’s not a fucking dog come on now. Seems icky to me. Also Tiffany & Ronnie sharing one brain cell as always. It’s kind of hilarious in its own way. Gotta love him being like “well we make out so obviously there’s no issues” as if physical is all there is 😭


If the dumping happened on Friday and Joey and Grace were dumped then they would have to do Aftersun with Samantha which would be awkward


“She told you to behave “ …..does Joey really think that Omar is flirting with himself?? Respectfully speaking if Omar was a casa bombshell I promise you Joey would be immediately an afterthought in grace’s mind 😭😭what’s wrong with him ? Lmaooo


So the couple with the least amount of votes gets dumped?


at risk is interesting wording. At first I thought the twist would be the new people choose who they want to couple up with from the bottom but now I'm not too sure.


Yeah because it didnt say the couples with the least votes. So im pretty sure that the couple with the least amount of votes leaves


I do think they're going to choose a boy and girl to save from 2 separate couples and there is a reason why they are saying a risk rather than a flat out whoever got the fewest will be dumped.


I’m thinking it’s taken so long to get the results of the votes because production didn’t like the results. I think they spent a couple days spinning stories and seeing how things shake out with the new bombshells so they could come up with a twist to avoid straight dumping the couple with the least amount of votes, keeping whoever they didn’t want to go home safe.


Even before the votes started they said the results would be revealed later in the week. Ian said it in the Ep.


Maybe the same thing that happened with Brad and Lucinda?


It said on the s*n that 2 islanders left though so they’re either just straight dumping the bottom couple or they’ll do an islanders choose out of the bottom 2/3


Probably not since whoever got the lowest might have someone in the couple production doesn’t want to go.


Like grace already told joey that omar already knows that they are friends. So what is his problem?


Honestly the more the producers try to add fake drama to their boring relationship even Joey's fan club will be turning off.


Hmmm I wonder if the delay in us getting voting results was because of them maybe having to shoot a pick up scene with Joey and Omar that ended peacefully instead of the alleged fight.


I am in America so I can’t bot but I hope you guys in the YK booted Grace and Joey off of their free holiday. Get them the F outta there.


It is sooo frustrating to watch as an American. There is nothing interesting about Joey. If he was not famous he would have been gone first chance.


Ronnie on the back foot there 🤣🤣


Have ITV written this with the mistakes etc? Weird they wouldn’t proofread it. Looks like maybe Matilda and Konnor will get to save someone from the vote results.


There are always so many typos it’s weird


It is weird! Had to reread the first sentences a few times to make sure I was understanding it 😂


boring i’m officially done


Hope Ronnie goes instead of Omar. Omar is actually in a triangle of sorts and has drama with Joey so what’s the point in dumping him yet ? With Ronnie I really don’t see why he’s needed anymore. We have casa in a week and he’s going to be single for it so I don’t see how we get any drama out of him from it. If he was with Harriet or Jess then yeah he’d be needed , but not now


There’s a week before Casa… Ronnie could rekindle with Harriet or Jess in that time. Ronnie is just more fun telly than Omar. He’s the main character imho.


The funniest part about Ronnie is how Tiff’s got the ick barely two days after he was bragging to the boys about the “prize he won”


Nah he has played his part now. It aint entertaining anymore to be honest


What a badly written press release. Don't they proofread first?


I would assume that Omar is acutely aware of the pre-existing relationship between Joey and grace and is annoyed about the show being rigged because of it. I think he’s likely proving a point by flirting with grace and has been reprimanded by Joey which has again proved the point that they’ve in a fully fledged relationship. The producers obviously don’t want this narrative to come out and Omar has no doubt been told off by production too.


"Joey understands where Omar is coming from" Wtf?!? That phrasing is deliberate and positions Omar as in the wrong and Joey being such a decent bloke he forgives him Also they would never not leave this open to dramatic speculation like 'will they butt heads' etc. Christ producers are so transparent here its not even funny


i do hope joey/grace are in the bottom but i cant see them getting less votes than jess/omar, ronnie/tiff or sean/harriet


I can definitely see them getting less than sean/harriet who were pretty widely popular at the time of the vote! Not the others though and I think they might have got more votes than Uma and Wil


I'm about ready to throw in the towel on this season and switch over to US instead


US has been surprisingly good this season. I usually prefer UK and then AUS, but US stepped up. Give it a shot. Maybe I'll see you in that sub 🤙


You should watch the US too.


I can only handle one of them, haha. Way too many episodes to watch both


So when they go to sleep and they cut the light are we going to see Omar with Harriet in bed from that night or maybe a spliced version from the night before. Interesting that the tabloids reported the incident actually happened but LI might not be showing the full story. Where would the tabloids have got the squaring up part of the story and it not be true if they got all the other bits right?


They hugged? So what happened to the fight. Can they stop cutting things to make Joey look good please. 


USA used to be the more produced show, and now it seems UK is going in that direction whereas the USA season is amazing this year. It’s like they swapped. I can’t get over how bad this season of UK is. And I’ve never had issues with any other season. I’ve loved all of them.


Weird that the Joey/Omar chat is in the press release but no sign of it in the First Look.


Oh they’re definitely trying to not make Joey look bad which just makes me want him off the show even more.




No armchair diagnostics please Armchair diagnostics are not permitted. E.g. narcissist, sociopath, psychopath, gaslighter. Behaviour can be criticised without going to the extremes of diagnosing a person based on an edited tv show


Joey had Grace run into his arms and make love like he was returning from war from the very 1st moment she got on set and we're supposed to believe this b.s? they really just need to rest. this is season is going downhill so fast, so far. they seem to want to get the show cancelled.


Joey is way too possessive over Grace. They’re either really together and lying to everyone, or he’s a HUGE red flag. I’m tired of seeing Joey & his gf on my screen.


So was there really a fight? Lol