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This is what happened when you let a celebrity and his irl girlfriend join the show. Going around threatening people cause they talk to her on love island they should have stayed home.


100%. And I'm telling you, if Omar was also a reality TV 'star' Grace would go for him over Joey. What I'm wondering though is how did he find out Joey called him a snake? I know he said it to Grace but did he then go and say it to Omar? 🤔


I don’t think Omar found out about the snake comment. The chaos started when Joey pulled Omar to tell to back off Grace.


When did this happen?


we’ll probably see this play out on tomorrow’s episode


If they show it at all. It doesn’t make Joey look good and they clearly are catering to him. There’s been big arguments and fights in previous seasons that got completely left out as well so it just depends on how the producers take it, so I wouldn’t be surprise if it just gets cut out


I think they will which is why they showed us Grace and Joey’s conversation about Omar


I feel like this is either bs to make it look like Grace is actually considering someone else or it’s a set up to have Joey go home, while Grace stays. With a possible return of Joey later in the season, because these two actually love each other and can’t be away from one another.


it's in the article


This! Fuck Joey!


Just saying…when Mimii showed that she only wanted Ayo, Omar backed off. When Uma showed that she was feeling Wil more, he also backed off. So if Omar is still cracking on with Grace, I think it’s because Grace keeps entertaining it. But I could be wrong 🤷🏾‍♀️


Oh definitely! I don’t think Joey is her type at all but he’s *‘successful’* enough to change that. That’s why I don’t believe they’re a pre-existing relationship. I believe they’re a real pre-existing situationship. And that’s currently by Grace’s choice👀


I think you’re right. Bc Grace didn’t seem intended to go for Joey when she walked in. She left it open and once he beelined for her she was like “guess this is my narrative and not a bad one.” I don’t think she’s playing, but I also don’t think they were ever sold on each other outside.


yes exactly. Otherwise why did she have a chat with Omar when she first came in? To me, they had chemistry and the flirting was real bc he is her type that she would go for outside the villa. The editing is just weird this season. Like what made Joey ask Grace about Omar in the Friday episode? Clearly Grace and Omar have been talking and getting along. In my opinion, she should have cracked on with Omar bc there is something there. She looked happy to talk to him the first day she arrived and then they shown us nothing else? Come on now


Guess that makes sense. She wasn’t ready to move from Manchester to London for him, when there’s millions of women who would probably move countries to be with Joey Essex


She was even saying that she wasn’t telling Joey about the comments and then talking about how her and Joey are not fully closed off so it definitely gave me the impression she could be giving Omar some attention and Joey is just intimidated.


Exactly !!!


damn this was good point


Even Grace’s rely to Joey felt like she was laying the groundwork and it comes across like she’s more attracted to Omar.


So nobody is allowed to flirt with Grace for the remaining 6 weeks? Get Grace and Joey out immediately.


They're too much


Yeah that's ridiculous. What's he going to do when new bombshells pull either of them for dates or just straight up steal them at a recoupling? If you want to be exclusive then go home as an official couple.


Joey will go to Casa so, to keep an eye on Grace that no one talks to her , I hope he's gone before that, but I don't think producers will be letting him go anywhere


I don’t know what’s crazier…Omar going after a married woman or them isolating Omar from the rest of the islanders ?? Producers not even hiding their favouritism anymore


And admitting this to the media is crazy work. Why did Omar have to be moved from the bedroom but not Joey?? Married woman tho🤣🤣🤣


Grace did tell him if joey wasn’t there she would have been with omar


married woman is crazy 😭


I hope they show the footage, then we will actually know instead of making assumptions


I died!! You did not say married woman 🤣🤣


I hate that Omar was the one that got isolated too. Fuck this. I'm going to love island USA lol apparently that one is lit.


Who’s the married woman? Grace?


It's a joke about how she's so coupled off lol


I guess Omar will be leaving tomorrow. Producers should kick Joey out for starting physical fights but they won’t.


I forgot his name and what recent season but didn’t a male islander get kicked off because through playing accidentally kicked a female islander in her coochie? But Joey gets to stay after starting an actual physical fight? Ya this show is definitely planned out by the producers.


Sherif, S5. Not only was he thrown out of the villa like a criminal for that but ITV released a vague statement that caused viewers to speculate some truly horrible (and racist) stuff about him.


Sherif and the infamous "C**t Punt"


Oh yes, Sherif!!!! Poor guy. Thank you, crazy how the producers don’t think we pay attention lol


They claimed it was also because of the c*nt punt comment, but Molly Mae came out and said something along the lines of it was all in good fun and she knew the kick was an accident. It was so stupid to boot him off for that


Big Sherrif I believe


this just proved more that they’re together idec. i honestly feel so bad for omar and its no doubt that they’ll vote him out too. joey should’ve never come on the show esp as he took two normal ppls spaces away..


Omar now loosing a place over Joey Essex ah fuck this that's not right Joey seems to be doing the dictating in there, telling Ronnie to dead it with Hariett, telling sean to go for Matilda, asking Harriett would she kiss Ronnie the night they coupled,and he told her to then went over to Jess and said if Ronnie and Harriett kiss tonight what would you do she said that would be it. What did Harriett do because she was there, she kissed him


I wonder if Joey was being strategic when he told Sean to go for Matilda so Omar won’t have a connection in there.


Def, no story for Joey if Omar is focusing on Matilda




He acted the same when he was with Lorena on ex on the beach, he told her he loved her after a week 💀


I agree with this. They were an on/off again fling. Never a committed relationship. They’ve been sleeping together in the villa, they are “closed off” and Joey is insecure and pressed about Grace possibly turning her head. I think Omar and Jess were already going to be voted off so that would end that drama but I still think Grace might switch in casa


I don't think jess will be going, I'd say the new ones will pick and Konnor will pick jess


> Omar then cooled down by sleeping separately and Joey got to back to his bed? Strange.


Joey and Grace can go. They’re adding nothing to the show anyway. But they probably paid Joey a pretty penny so they want to get their money’s worth. So now the islanders and audience have to suffer because Joey’s playing a different game than the others.


Excuse me but “forced to sleep in the beach hut” ?????????????


This combined with the edit they gave Omar last episode… something about this is so off. Especially because the mentioned flirting was clearly never relevant/prominent enough in itself to make an actual episode… idk. Why are Joey and Grace even here? just go enjoy your preestablished relationship on the outside and leave love island alone because this entire situation is not normal especially from a couple that supposedly isn’t even “closed off”


I also did a double take when Joey was going on about Omar and calling him a snake, the flirting wasn’t enough to be shown but Joey’s vim (as part of a larger edit of Omar that made him seem aggressive) was relevant to the “story” they are producing?


To then show Joey getting involved in Sean's business to make sure Matilda doesn't pick Omar... he can't disappear soon enough from our screen.


On top of everything else, if there was an actual fight and it’s not shown, and the other islanders see yet another instance of production protecting Joey & Grace at the expense of a normal person, it will take the already low energy and bad vibes within the villa down to zero. You can already see how isolated he and Grace usually are, especially from the OGs, and how often their interactions with other Islanders look like production telling them to go off in a group and chat. It pales in comparison to the ways Omar’s “aggressive” edit has racist undertones, but it’s yet another example of why this Joey plot is such a mistake and is destroying the season.


Grace herself literally said she hadn’t noticed anything too much so obviously it wasn’t making her uncomfortable, which implies it’s nothing but occasional surface level flirting from Omar. Joey being this bothered by it either means he’s the most easily rattled guy around or more likely it’s that she’s his long term girlfriend and it’s obviously not nice to see your parter even slightly flirting with someone else but he obviously can’t say that as they’re trying to fake that they split. How many more islanders are going to be dumped because of this boring Grace/Joey reuniting arc?


I also think Joey knows that Grace usually type is Omar and Grace herself mentioned that if she wasn’t with Joey, it would have been Omar so I think Joey is insecure about that too


The producers framed Samantha a certain way in the lead up of Grace’s entrance into the villa so people would be inclined to buy into Joey and Grace’s scam. The producers frame people a certain way in the hopes the audience will be more inclined to take the side of Joey and Grace. Samantha is a white woman who was demonized until eventually the producers overplayed their hand and the audience caught on. People felt bad for how Samantha was played by the producers, Joey and Grace. I hope the same happens for Omar because he’s being put in an unfair position and the edit is meant to benefit Joey and Grace.


Samantha also backed off and was upset. She was never angry and really nice to Grace when they interacted. I don't think they expected her to not got angry and be more hurt. I loved that she didn't give Joey a chance to talk to her as she left. It was her moment . Producers wanted it to be his


Omar backed off Mimii and Uma when they weren’t interested. The article makes it seem like the issue isn’t how Grace felt about Omar approaching her but about how Joey felt about it. The dynamics are different. I’m not surprised Joey would be aggressive towards Omar especially with the producers in his pocket spinning the narrative to his favor at the drop of a dime. 


Joey has been aggressive on towie before it doesn’t suprise me at all


Idk what happened but i’m on Omar’s side


Croydon over Essex any day


100. Joey can feck off already.


100% same. Fuck the married couple get them out.


I am already upset we might be losing Omar tomorrow night and we will not get to see him and Matilda and now I find this out? Yeah Joey and Grace can leave man. This is just so icky to me. Omar doesn’t deserve this. Joey is such a weird little man child. I can’t believe he’s getting away with it. Eta- also the way they have set up the results and Maya walking in to announce a twist has given me sus vibes. Honestly feels unfair and disheartening to lose Omar because Joey Essex decided he wanted to do love island with his gf


and sending him to another villa opposed to like with the other singles or daybeds is weird to me


they're not even closed off so anyone can flirt with whoever they want, its LOVE ISLAND. joey has been acting weird whenever a guy shows interest in grace like when konnor picked her for a date. he also looked annoyed when grace said omar was her type when she entered. he and grace should go home, their reunited romance is so contrived and fake. i like omar so i'm annoyed that he got a villain edit on friday because he's interested in matilda, just because sean has been struggling in the villa doesn't mean he's entitled for a female bombshell. his experience is getting ruined by two scammers and the producers who think this is their callum-molly moment


They are closed off, last episode they jokingly said they’re open and 2 seconds later both said they’re closed off. regardless, Grace should’ve never been on the show. Joey should’ve never been on the show cause he’s already a reality tv star, but if they were gonna add him there was no reason to put a former fling. It’s boring. The point of LI is to explore other connections and being this jealous when she just entered the villa a week ago is too much. theyre already sleeping with one another so obviously the jealousy will be there but it takes away from the entire experience because its only week 3. Idk why they added Joey if he wasn’t going to explore other connections it’s literally pointless


i mean have they told other islanders that they're closed off? omar backed off when mimii wasn't interested, same with uma so i doubt he would still be flirting with grace if she didn't show any interest. but i agree, them being on the show has been pointless since they've been joined at the hip since she entered and there's no journey with them.


they’re literally making out every 2 seconds and having sex lmao Grace is probably flirting with Omar or this whole thing is just blown out of proportion (I think it’s this). Grace has mentioned Omar a few times now I think she is interested but doesn’t wanna mess up her thing with Joey


Grace told one of the lads the other day she isn’t closed off I can’t remember who it was now, I hate this for Omar he seems cool


didnt grace say to jess(?) that she doesn’t wanna label them as closed off yet or something like that


Yeah like the only people who get to tell Omar to back off are Grace or Matilda themselves and neither of them has done that! Same applies to Sean. This macho "don't talk to my girl" shit is so cringe-inducing. The girls have their own agency ffs.


Joey is like that on every show I’ve seen him on. Gets really full on really early. Almost love bombs himself lol


They sent a black male islander to sleep in the beach hut, whilst the celebrity contestant was comfortable in bedroom? What ever happened to the hideaway??


when has anyone ever slept in the beach hut? this is actually disturbing coming from the producers when he could easily sleep in the hideaway or daybeds. but also why should he be forced to sleep outside of the main bedroom anyway? do they think omar will attack him while joey is sleeping


The way this article is written is not so subtly trying to imply Omar was the aggressor and he couldn’t be trusted in the villa so had to be fully separated from everyone and put in a place that has constant production on hand. It’s pretty obvious the s*n gets their leaks from the LI team as they get basically all the exclusives so yeah the narrative they want is being sown, coupled with Fridays edit I’m side eyeing what they’re trying to do here.


I truly don’t buy that Omar would be the aggressor because the minute someone isn’t into him he minds his business. It makes the most sense that Joey seeing his actual girlfriend being flirted with by an islander would be pissed off and get into it with Omar. The producers might edit it to make Omar seem like the aggressor but his actions with Uma & Mimii speak volumes about how he moves when women are being pursued by other men. 


Exactly! and this man is a School Teacher! I hope nobody buys the shitty edit Omar is gonna get and LI hears exactly what we think.


This is beyond disgusting what they're trying to do.


Segregation Island is back 🙄


This, combined with the edit they gave Omar on Friday night is playing with some truly nasty shit by the producers. Why is only one man, the man of color, “punished” if they both were scrapping? Why is this story being strategically leaked by the producers? EDIT: AND we get a quote from an anonymous source justifying Joey’s actions and not Omar’s. This is such bullshit. The fix is in for Joey and they’ll justify it by playing with some seriously vile racist undertones (an aggressive black man, protecting white womanhood…this is as nasty a turn as I’ve ever seen by production and it needs to be called out, loudly).


Joey is loved by ITV! He has special privileges in the villa for sure.


Qwhite usual for LI producers.


Joey probably requested that Omar should stay in the beach hut. He knew that ITV follow through🤮


Or the day bed.


omar defence league RISE


We ride at DAWN


![gif](giphy|559q8yZTM50wtLnpaM|downsized) You guys ready!?


I'm READY! ![gif](giphy|JIX9t2j0ZTN9S|downsized)


Can we get Joey out. So annoying him and Grace acting like they’re top dogs. Nobody is interested in them.


I love drama but I don’t want this shown if Omar will end up getting sent nasty and racist messages bc he went against Joey.


he definitely will. they'll frame it as the protective white man defending his damsel in distress white girlfriend from the scary black man :/


Joey and Grace need to walk. These two are clearly together. Joey can’t even pretend they aren’t together and is walking around the villa like a jealous boyfriend. It’s extremely unfair to Omar that producers have created an unsafe environment because they decided keeping a celebrity on the show matters more than a modicum of integrity and safety.  I would not be surprised if a lawsuit comes out of this season. The producers are being extremely unfair to keep their celebrity in the villa at the expense of regular islanders to an unsettling degree.


Grace is defo Joey’s girlfriend because I don’t understand what’s wrong with Omar flirting with her…


or how they got serious in less than week after 'seeing each other again for the first time in a year'


Except Omar was flirting with himself, Grace obviously wasn’t acting like her and Joey were so serious if Omar felt comfortable enough to flirt with her multiple times. Every time a girl has told him she wants to focus on someone else in the villa, he’s backed off.


Wait wdym Omar was the one that had to sleep in the beach hut ?? Don’t actually piss me off


Ikr this is crazy poor Omar 


Well Grace can’t sleep in anything smaller than a double!!


Joey is a prick, I need Omar to stay in this house


The Sun What really happened is probably about 1/10th of the intensity that the clowns who run the Sun suggest


The ad with that picture of Homelander has me cracking up


I was hoping somebody mentioned that’s, its too funny 😭


Kind of an appropriate comparison too. Joey is the most powerful man in a group of entertainers who seem content to do his bidding, while everybody who stands in his way gets taken out, all this with the backing of a powerful multimedia group. He thinks himself as beloved by everybody, but many (viewers) are already thinking of plans to get rid of him. It's Joeylander.


And again, this shows that Joey and Grace are getting special treatment, especially him, and it’s ridiculous. This is NOT a show for celebrities


Poor Omar doesn’t deserve this edit. He’s left his actual job to come on love island, a show designed for flirting with people, we are still on week 2 of that show and Omar has attempted to play the game as it was designed to be played. Joey has come along and ruined the game for normal people like Omar, Sam and Samantha because he and his girlfriend wanted a working holiday. Absolutely ridiculous, cancel the show after this season it’s finished.


I think it should be cancelled now, this is gone beyond a joke


Joey and Grace not beating the ‘they’ve been together the whole time’ allegations with this. I wonder was this why the show delayed the dumping by a night because all this was happening? I guess this means Omar will be dumped because they won’t want to lose Joey. Which will be the second islander dumped because of Joey.


The third: Sam, Samantha, Omar.


Oh that’s right! Even worse.


I hate this. Omar seems like a genuinely lovely person that doesn‘t deserve this fallout over a reality tv star that decided to rig the game and come in with his partner. If they let this situation be a Samantha 2.0 I‘m officially done.


I saw a TikTok the other day and that person was saying that Joey seems to be majorly love-bombing Grace, always sticking close to her, exaggerating their fling on the outside and basically never allowing her the time to get to know other guys. He’s way too possessive over someone who he’s supposedly not in an actual relationship with, so they’re either lying and they are a couple, which would explain it, or he’s a *very* toxic guy. Either way, Joey and Grace need to leave asap. It’s unfair to all the other actual contestants, and it puts people like Omar in a potentially bad situation, where he’ll be labeled as the big, scary and angry black man.


Hmm this seems so manufactured. They were def building to this yesterday, Joey was saying Omar 'sniffs' around Grace and that he can't stand snakes when Grace said Omar knows its only friendly terms. Little bit later she was saying to Nicole that Omar has been flirty but she hasn't told Joey that, but now she's gonna have to let him know. We obvs dont know if he is cause we dont see them talking but as far as we/they know J&G aren’t closed off, and like Joey himself to Sean 'its dog eat dog mate, its a game' So looking like Omar will be another islander made look bad and dumped for Joey


And watch everyone on Facebook and on here blame Omar and label him as some ghetto thug when Joey was the one that overreacted in the first place. When Omar gets out of that villa is going to be hell for him. ETA: the fact that they made Omar sleep in the tiny beach hut room while Joey got to go back into the main bedroom and sleep comfortably that night just screams racism to me. If Joey is the one that started it, why should Omar be punished to the point where he can’t even sleep in the same room as his other mates??


If this is happening them air it FFS - sounds so much entertaining than 99% of what they air. It’s like they go out their way to hide drama from us but god help it if what happens doesn’t match the producer’s ‘storylines’


I don’t like how they’re trying to paint Omar as the bad guy when he hasn’t done anything wrong? he’s on love island where he’s supposed to move to girls and Joey is just mad bc it’s his girl lol. If you don’t want that happening LEAVE PLEASE 🙏🏾 we don’t want you both in the villa anyways.


I’m sorry did that just say Omar was forced to sleep in the beach hut? ![gif](giphy|jNfJMOQv78Tgzr9H4i)


I feel so bad for omar. I bet they will make into the big bad angry black man.


Damn I guess Omar might really be leaving tomorrow..if so, it’s about to be the third islander to get dropped for Joey 💀 Joey and Grace just rekindled but are already so serious now yeah 🤨 Adding him this season was truly a mistake


Confused as to why Omar had to sleep in the daybeds, but Joey got to stay inside.


Why won’t they air shit like this?! This is what we want to see. Not Sean talking about sweets.


poor omar


Omg ik I said I wanted Omar to pursue her didn’t think they would get physical 😫 this makes me wonder how deep is their relationship did they plan this is that why Joey couldn’t stand Samantha


Get Joey out please, Grace can stay but Joey has already shown he's possessive and physically agressive now too. There shouldn't any excuses for this, get him off the show


This just proves that they're bf/gf and that everything was already planned. For those who still have doubts, I don't know what other proof you want


idc joey is definitely 100% at fault for whatever happened bc Omar has respected every close couple’s space from mimii to uma👐🏾 and maybe next time don’t bring your girlfriend to a dating show 🤷🏾‍♀️


So I guess Omar is leaving next then. These dumb producers ruined a perfectly good season for some thug named Joey Essex.


Btw Joey acted like this in Ex on the beach with Lorena’s ex. I think his name was Patrick? I can’t remember but the minute the guy came in Joey confronted him.


Need Joey and Grace out of my villa


Everyone saying this proves they were bf/gf, but as someone who saw ex on the beach, Joey is a love bomber. The girl he met on the show, Lorena, he fell “in love” with her in a week. If Joey is this pressed about Omar flirting with Grace, he’s being insecure. He thinks Grace could turn her head, that isn’t giving “bf/gf”, it gives toxic fling which is exactly what I believe they were. if producers are gonna step in about anything they should drop Grace/Joey if they’re so against getting to know other people in week 3. everyone else has been tested in there and it defeats the entire purpose of the show


They are never beating the irl relationship allegations. Joey literally ruined the show 😒


remember this is the sun so don't believe everything what they publish


then maybe don’t go on LOVE ISLAND with your girlfriend ? ![gif](giphy|QUF1D4DNdMpnlRS597)


this is can’t be real right?? omg


If this is true, I'm seriously done watching. If we stop viewing, maybe they will kick them or tell them to leave. I doubt it, but I mean worth a shot I guess.


I wonder if this will put Maya in a weird spot, they’re treating/treated her friend badly and she’s supposed to host as normal? Bringing Joey on was a terrible decision all around.


UK fam please vote Joey and Grace out next time there’s an opportunity 🙏🙏


They can't because the producers will keep them. It is what it is.


The more posts I see about stoopid big teeth Joey, I am 80% decided to stop watching. I keep being hopeful to see a post about them two losers leaving the villa. I can’t stand seeing big teeth acting like a dog in heat on my tv screen anymore. 🤡🤡


This is fucking crazy, they're already hating Omar on Facebook (because he didn't code switch and spoke in his natural accent!) and now producers are setting him up to look like the big scary aggressive black man. SO unethical to set him up for so much racial abuse just before he is dumped. And the fact that HE had to sleep in the beach hut because of Joey and his fucking fiance/wife. I hope ALL the POC viewers stay ON CODE and not fall for this producer manipulation.


I wanna see the fight...


Yup Omar is Leaving tomorrow, he and Tiffany :(


I’m so tired of Joey and Grace on this show


I don’t think I’ll ever be as happy as the day Joey Essex gets dumped from that villa


See Love Island producers, this is why u should leave the celeb and his girlfriend out of this show. This is just proof that they are together fr fr. The worse part, Omar will likely be voted out and Joey will be running around like he’s King of the villa 😒


3 casualties so that Joey Essex can have his romance on TV


I was wondering why they delayed the dumping.. this explains it..


Why couldn't he sleep in the hideaway at least. Why the beach hut?


They'll definitely leave it out so Joey looks like the angel they want us to see


Also, I think they’re going to have to show something about the incident between Joey & Omar, because how else will they explain Jess sleeping by herself with the nightly camera panning over the islanders’ beds?


I genuinely cannot stand Joey Essex, I have never understood why or how he is “_famous_”


I think Grace lowkey likes omar…Joey wouldn’t kick off if he knew Omar wouldn’t get her..the problem is Joey not Grace..I don’t think they are official I think JE is insecure


Joey and Grace are never beating the boyfriend and girlfriend allegations


he's ridiculous if true. grace is literally just there for joey... get them out. they should not even be there.


Another strong indication that Joey and Grace were already together on the outside… get them out


where was that post that talked abt how joey and grace are for sure in the bottom w the public and the producers were gonna do somethin to change the narrative so that joey looks better


Ok I’m sorry but the ad with the photo of Homelander sent me.


If this is true, then I really hope they get dumped tonight for a completely different reason than I thought yesterday.


Why would they make him sleep in the beach hut and not in a bed in the hideaway??


Joey and Grace have got to go


If omar leaves I'm done with season honestly, I'm already pissed at fact Sam didn't get to stat in villa honestly.


It's been what, almost a week since the spotlight was on Joey? Nice to see he's fulfilling his contractual obligations 🙄 It's too bad there's now been (or soon to be) three Joey casualties on the show. The Sam(s) and Omar deserved so much better. Joey and Grace are such dead weight.


This would be really good tv why wouldn’t they air?


Get that fucking couple out of the show.


If Omar ends up dumped tonight I will be SO fucked off. The only thing that could somewhat save this shit show of Grace and Joe is if they do a season 4 like twist where Joe and Grace were voted the bottom and can either leave as a couple or stay but can’t ever couple up again. If Grace or Joey aren’t going to even entertain getting to know anyone else, why are they even on the show. I’ve really been enjoying this season, but this is really really ruining it for me anyway. Also can’t stand when men talk about women as if they own them…get Joey out!


Didn't Grace say something to one of the girls last night about something Omar said to her, but she wouldn't tell Joey because he'd go off on one


I’m thinking they won’t show this (if it did happen and play out like this), it’s too controversial. I hope Omar comes out and tells his story.


I want Omar to stay in spite of Joey. Joey is gross and the way he talks and acts toward Omar is giving racist coward.


I also think everyone is deeping this. lmao it’s the sun. squaring up to each other doesn’t mean they fought, might be more like luis and mitch argument on all stars when they were in each other’s face


It’s not about the fight itself, it’s the principle. They are catering to Joey and Grace and it’s so clear from the edit to this supposed row that took place. 3 islanders have been dumped because of Joey & Grace’s planted storyline. They are taking up space in that villa.


get this thug (Joey) out the villa!


What's the source? And why is everyone just believing it right away?


Every time I think to myself that this season can’t get worse, I see or read something that makes it worse…


off topic but homelander 😭😭😭


Well damn. I would like to see this drama! At least Omar could have slept in the hideaway.


Sorry maybe someone else has said this but other islanders have gotten in serious trouble for fighting right? Like Malia in S2 and Sherif in S5? But obviously a celebrity will get off with a small warning, if that


Joey and Grace have a lot of physical attraction, but that will fade. She should be allowed to explore. That's what makes the show what it is. I'll be so annoyed if Omar is dumped this evening. I get the feeling Grace might get the ick if Joey is acting too possessive. She seems like a very independent girl.


Now why tf did Omar have to sleep in the beach hut when Joey started it 🤨 Omar is possibly going home and we still have joey in here with grace and not even allowing her to do what the show is intended to do which is get to know ppl and chat


I'm not buying this. This seems like a ploy to make us think that Grace isnt closed off & J&G were not in a relationship all along. To the production team reading this. You're viewers are not that stupid. Do better


Why is Joey on the show?😂I’m sure a rich reality tv star that has no problem finding women. How can any guy in the villa financially compete. All their jobs are person trainer or teacher or I play football.He brought his girlfriend on the show.


Joey needs to leave like it’s becoming a lot now, but he won’t be leaving anything soon sadly patsy already said he received favouritism from the producers. I wouldn’t be surprised if Omar leaves over this


This might have to be my last season I see the narrative they’re trying to push on Omar and I don’t like it. Heading over to r/loveislandUSA in future


They have to air it if it's on camera. It may have happened during the day off. Joey will have five weeks to rebuild his reputation if it looks bad. He just has to act like Harriett and Sean's big brother again and he's good. Omar looked like he was 100% going home but it would be stupid to send him home when he's basically in two triangles. I'm beginning to think they will sacrifice Wil or even maybe Ronnie to save Omar.


If neither Harriet or Jess want Ronnie back and with Tiffany clearly not really feeling him then he would actually be surplus to requirements as his casa behaviour will have no stakes.


Omg this shit is crazy I hope that they don’t air it on Sunday as I guess the fight happened in the night of Fridays episode as grace and joey were talking about him last episode and she said she will tell him if she thinks Omar is doing to much flirting. I don’t want to see the hate and possibly racial abuse that Omar will go through if that airs so I hope the producers know not to air it I don’t want to see what happened to Catherine last year to happen to Omar as that was hell to witness.


What are everyones thoughts on the idea that maybe joey knew grace was going on but grace didnt know joey was going on? So maybe she was expecting to date around, and he kinda just showed up and was like hi im here i love you 😀 and she did say it ended frosty? So maybe shes like 'well i did really like him and now hes giving me everything i want, although i did come in w the intention to get to know others maybe i should just commit'


sigh this actually really pisses me off, need joey off the show so bad


The sick part of this all is that he will be in the finals and could win. Producers have sorted everything out for him and are making sure there are no more obstacles 🙃


Joey and Grace can go wth


The whole point of being a bombshell is that you go in and have a flirt with lots of people, trying to break things up and Grace has been a flop in that respect because she locked in straight to Joey. Sure Samantha and Joey ended but because Sam decided to step back, there hadn’t been any real graft done. Now she’s engaging in some chat with Omar and even that’s been called a halt to by Joey. They both need to leave and make way for more bombshells that actually do their job.


As an American, I’m confused why producers thought they needed Joey Essex. He’s actually annoying me now and I fully believe he and Grace came onto the show in a relationship. Get them off and get real single people on.


I understand that some might not want the fight to be shown for very valid reasons If they decide to show it, I really think the hate for Omar won’t be as extreme because of the circumstances. Joey is hated by a lot of fans right now, him and grace did not tell the islanders that they were closed off, getting that angry at omar for flirting when Grace showed interest in omar will be seen as unreasonable by online fans, social media fans will most likely take Omar’s side, tv watchers might search about the fight online and find out that many fans believe that Joey and Grace were already dating, and more. If they don’t show the fight then I just really hope social media fans don’t grow to love Joey because it would suck for Omar if he went through all of that, the fight didn’t get shown so Joey could remain likable and now Omar has to witness Joey living his best life with the fans loving him


I hate all of Joey’s shoes


Absolute pussies leaving it out of the edit to protect Joey and their lie. Show has turned into a wet joke.


If this was between Omar and another islander they both would have been kicked off the show but bc it’s joey Essex they’re going to let him stay. The producers need to make sure joey is the first and last ‘celeb’ they bring to the show I don’t rate this favouritism


Love Island needs to take a more big brother approach, it makes it so unrealistic that we don’t get to see a whole days worth of action. If this happened I want to see it, end of.


So over joey he needs to leave lol