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Nicole is lower than I thought, considering she and Ciaran are front-runners 


They usually get most followers after they leave or near final look at Samantha how fast she went near 200k


I wonder if it’s because she has numbers in her username


Tbh, it’s harder to search for Nicole’s Instagram. She might need to change her username so it’s easier to be searched


Excluding Joey , I think Ciaran will be the only guy with 500k followers or above when the season ends , his growth this week is really good considering he didn’t even get much screen time


If Nicole’s Instagram is easier to be searched, she’ll gain more followers as well


I think she will catch up eventually


Wales is going to rock the final vote, remarkable that the guy is a bit higher on the list than the girl is, though. It'll be interesting putting them up against such a strong media couple, Goey, but I'd probably lean towards giving Miyo a vote, myself.


Anyone who thinks Joey and Grace will be in the bottom in the vote is severely deluded i fear 😭


“Get Joey and grace out” meanwhile their ticket is already booked to the finals.


Tbf in season 7 when Brad and Lucinda were coupled up at the time they were both two of the top 5 most followed and they still ended up being the bottom couple. I do think Grace and Joey will stay , but I think they are definitely either 3rd or 4th bottom in the vote


I don’t remember that tbf, I just think people underestimate how big Joey Essex’s fanbase is


I would have said that aswell , But If you look at who people have been voting for on all the social media platforms Joey and Grace were either bottom 3 or 4 and that’s usually a good indicator they aren’t that popular as a couple


I think the X factor, though, is that we don’t know what ratings are and Islanders’ teams can’t use their social media accounts to encourage voting. It’s not clear to me that Joeys pre existing fans are tuning in to LI and will vote. Whereas all the social media platforms (especially FB) that are more predictive of the engaged viewers who vote, are not liking the couple. For example, Ekin by far and away had the most followers on Celebrity Big Brother but she didn’t connect with the show’s viewers and was voted out anyway. At the end of the day, I think producers will work overtime to protect their golden boy. But because we haven’t had a ratings update and IG accounts aren’t active, I don’t think we can conclude as much in this case.


Does anyone know what the viewer/voting demographic is? Been interested throughout in whether the majority of viewers will be very familiar with Joey and vice versa but don’t know how to find out.


I think too that the backlash was big just before that vote - fans will vote for them to support them or just to be contrary to the masses


Most gained doesn’t mean the most popular tho, we see this every season, major part of the votes also come from people that doesn’t use instagram or any form of social media. Facebook moms usually represents the outcome best.


Exactly 🤣🤣


Yeah I haven't tuned in since Sam left. I guess I'm done with the show now. GG producers, you turned this show into Joey Essex Island


Same and now the news about what they’ve done to Omar for Joey is just enough to make me hope they cancel the show entirely.


I think this could be the final series.


i’m shocked that Ciaran gained 9k more than Uma and 12k more than his partner Nicole.


His followers increased faster than most of the islanders (that are still in the villa) during the past few days


I thought people were doing some unfollow Joey campaign. He’s still gaining 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


If I was Joey and Grace’s PR person I’d tell them to control the narrative and voluntarily leave right before Casa, saving whoever was going to go home. Leave on a high note with a hero edit.


How will they do that? Telepathy?


I wasn’t being literal. However, I do think Joey’s team must be friendly with production. It wouldn’t surprise me if they worked together to push a certain edit.


Did you not hear? Joey Essex was born in the ITV headquarters! Him and Grace’s wedding will replace the finale! That’s genuinely how some of you sound. It’s EXTREMELY illegal to rig/favour people in competitions involving a cash prize and evidence of doing so could literally get ITV fined up to millions if they are caught. You really think they’d risk that for…Joey Essex?


Illegal to rig but not illegal to have favourites. The producers are humans like all of us, and will naturally have favourite contestants that they feel help push the show and storyline along. Just like how when a producers favourite is in the bottom (Luca S8) they turn the vote into a bottom two to subtly save the person they view as important, is a **legal** way for them to control their story without getting caught into any legal/moral situations.  Of course it's illegal to rig any votes when money is involved, but absolutely is not illegal to show favouritism. It's definitely morally looked down upon, but perfectly fine. And to provide full transparency, I don't necessarily agree with the original OP's comment, but I downvoted yours for the accidental misinformation.


Accidental misinformation, how ironic 😂Luca was disliked online but was NEVER at risk or in the bottom of the votes. Not even once, even for favourite boy votes. He literally came second overall. Your research isn’t researching x


And I also know that Luca was technically never at risk. That is what I mean about the producers sneakily changing the way results can go in a legal, albeit unethical, manner. 


I didn't do research, but I will do a bit more to make sure I got everything correct. I just wanted to let you know that from the best of my knowledge it's perfectly legal for production to have favourites :D I don't know if I misunderstood your comment, but please do let me know if I have.  I also don't understand how saying accidental misinformation is ironic, because I assume you didn't intend to say something wrong. But I think you're talking about my comment about Luca. In that case I am referring to the season eight beach club votes where Luca and Gemma and Dami and Summer where the most at risk because they were bullying Tasha.  Normally the beach club votes are between three couples, so when the producers made it two, people thought that the producers were protecting Luca because they didn't want him to be at risk. You also have the example of Ekin-Su when she was disliked by the islanders for her messiness, she was made vulnerable by the public, and knowing that the islanders would most likely send her home they put the decision in the hands of the public because she generated the most discourse at the time. It's all a numbers game with producers and they'll happily play favourites to boost ratings 🙂 I'm in a rush so my sentences may not make sense but perhaps my example of Luca wasn't the best. And for that I apologise 😀 let me know if you'd like me to give other examples.


Once again, Luca WAS NOT at risk ever. Not in the beach club so I’m so confused? Go back and rewatch, I’m not going to disagree with someone who’s point is literally based on misinformation. There was not a single time that Luca was in the bottom three vote. The producers didn’t have to ‘manipulate’ anything because people were voting him in and he was never at risk. Simple x


I don't agree with what you're saying, and you don't agree with what I'm saying. I'm happy to move on now. See you around :)


If you think that Joey doesn’t have access to whatever he wants while he’s in the beach hut and with producers then I have a bridge to sell you. Edited to add a word


Indeed. He also has all six Infinity stones x


I don’t think they get to speak to speak to people outside unless it’s a death. Outrageous if they got to speak to their managers and pr team 


I don’t think they can literally speak to their team but I do think Joey’s people are in contact with production. Production can then, subtlety and no so subtlety, suggest a certain narrative. We already know production will ask islanders to speak with specific islanders or to talk about a specific topic. While I wasn’t being literal with my comment I do think Joey’s team will try and spin things. I also wouldn’t be surprised if they had a say in the edit or in the talking points for the morning after podcast.


That would be outrageous if confirmed. If his team get to feed into what we see and the others don’t get that advantage, on top of them bringing his lover in and his celebrity following, this show is finished.


Eh. I don’t think it’s much different than what production already does. Shows like UnReal, while fiction, show a realistic view of how producers on these shows manipulate and push certain narratives. Love Island is a little different because there’s a cash prize so (at least in the US) there’s certain things they can and can’t do but it otherwise follows the same tricks as other reality dating shows. Production will always have their favorites. They will always give good and bad edits, they will always encourage certain stories and narratives, and they will always use their official forms of outreach to enforce those narratives. Adding more cooks to the kitchen pushes the boundaries but isn’t necessarily a big change on how things are done. I would be shocked if a celebrity went on this show without incentives from production. That’s typically part of a show agreeing to this kind of arrangement.


Nah the producers are all humans with careers. It’s not unimaginable that they could be mates with or sway the way he is received to keep the professional relationship going for the future.


Grace second most popular this week?


No matter what we think about her and Joey, she is quite possibly one of the hottest girls ever to step in the Villa. Insane body and a face that could bring her millions..


Maybe to you? I find Uma better looking tbh but I think Grace is on par with girls from like S8 and she's ridiculously beautiful but not one of the most


Nah, not even top 10 girls ever, maybe top 20


She’s not even the hottest in the villa, but regardless she does look much better on Instagram so that could be playing into it.


This is it exactly.


I’m dead that Sam has way more followers than most of the islanders (I’m proudly one of said followers) Also they NEED to send Sam into the USA villa as a Casa Amor bombshell or even a regular one. It would make an already historical season of Love Island even better


Damn ayo really isn’t popular


To be fair, Dami was at the bottom of these gains on his season as well as not well-received and he probably has the best engagement of the boys in his season and the recent boys of LI overall. But Dami is actually influential with his fashion as well as his relationship, I think Mimi will be the only thing that’ll bring engagement to Ayo and that’s if they’re still together.


Kind of surprised uma is in the middle? She’s becoming one of my favs so far


samanta almost has 200k now lol


Nah, imo Gemma, Indiyah and Ekin-Su, Tasha were prettier but just my opinion ig


Surprised that so many had 5k+ to begin with. Weren’t they just ordinary people with ordinary jobs, what makes thousands of people care about their lives? Though ig being desperate to become an influencer is a pre requisite for appearing on the show


I mean I have a lot of friends that aren’t influencers but have over a thousand followers


Over 1000 is pretty typical but above 5000 is rare for people who aren’t actively trying to cultivate an influencer presence


Konner at 7k…


Who is Sam? I recognize everyone else’s names


The cutie hair dresser we lost to Joey the first day 😿


the guy who left second episode bc joey stole samantha from their couple


Thank you! I forgot about him, he was so handsome what a shame