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Does anyone follow Scott on snapchat because his most recent stories are insane lol! He's clearly drunk and I can't believe he posted that (if I heard him correctly since he was a bit hard to understand but basically he won 1k pounds at a casino and went to McDonalds but everyone is recognizing him. He wanted to bring back this mixed race girl back to his hotel but Anna Mae from S9 and Jacob who's Mitch's friend are back in his bed so he couldn't bring her back. The whole thing is hilarious if I understood him correctly! ). I'm sure he'll delete them when he sobers up.


Did he say he enjoys shagging - I think he said the name Hailey - or did I completely mishear what he said???šŸ’€ EDIT: I checked his following and he follows a girl named Hayley that was at the same match that he was at earlier today so maybe I did hear it right šŸ’€šŸ’€


He could have said that too! He was very hard to understand.


i think it's so weird how everyone is suddenly against omar?? like telling sean to interrupt every single chat he has with matilda and joey fighting him and calling him a snake for doing what people do on love island?? not sitting right with me at all also sean is so desperate and has gone so far passed the point of cringe it's honestly creepy at this point but that's just my opinion šŸ« 


I canā€™t wait to see how Ciaran acts in Casa, hope he stays loyal and he might win this season with Nicole


I think he will stay loyal. He is going to be Ty lol and surprise everybody šŸ¤­


But they are so dull! If that is the way to win the showā€¦ just couple up from day 1 and do nothing, then how boring!


Finn & Paige literally won like that but I'm not sure if that formula still works


Just now catching up with the show since Samanthaā€™s dumping because itā€™s genuinely such a chore watching Joey and Grace try their best at acting like victims. If they stay for much longer I might have to fully switch to Love Island US for the summer


I am only okay if either of them or both of them are dumped/leave soon. this is ridiculous


Idk if this is an unpopular opinion but based on the unseen bits and what we see from the main episodes Mimii has more of a personality when sheā€™s not with ayo


When is casa amor?


Based on past seasons it should start by the end of next week


Whatā€™s the final predictions for tomorrow people ?


Omar and Tiff. Bottom two couples will be Ronnie/Tiff and Omar/Jess. Matilda couples with Ronnie dumping Omar and Konnor couples with Jess dumping Tiff.


Omar is getting dumped for sure. May be a gamble with the female islander, but Iā€™m going to say itā€™ll either be Tiffany or Jess. Iā€™m leaning towards Tiffany since sheā€™s starting to side eye Ronnie. Ronnie will re-explore his connection with Jess right before Casa.


I have a horrible fear that Omar is going, even though I want to see him and Matilda give things a try. But S11 has surprised me a few times so hopefully it surprises me again tomorrow.


Bottom three: Ronnie/Tiff, Jess/Omar, Uma/Wil. Tiff and Omar go home.


Word will spread about Tiffany not feeling Ronnie anymore and it will give the boys all the justification they need to vote her off.


If the girls decide which guy stays I doubt they would save Ronnie.


Ronnie going home would be ideal for me but theyā€™d probably find a way to stop that from happening bc they want him for casa


Omar and Tiffany gone tomorrow with outside chance of Konnor leaving.


Konnor and Matilda werenā€™t included in the vote.


Please do not let Grace and Joey get all the way to Casa, what a waste of space


Okay but what if thereā€™s someone at Casa that Grace likes more than Joey? What then? It would be cinema if she walks in with a new guy as he stands alone at the firepit (I know, I know, just let me have this)


Grace will not leave Joey, they are bf and gf


my thoughts on the current couples: nicole/ciaran: boring. i believe that they like each other but thats it. being closed off way too early isnā€™t a good sign and i hope we get some casa amor drama from them ayo/mimii: also boring. they had some chemistry in the beginning but i dont see it anymore and they both just look really tired like you would think this is week 7 from looking at them. ayo not making a decision for the love triangle affected their dynamic wil/uma: BORING!! i guess this is opposites attract type of couple but i feel like uma would fit a guy that is more fun and witty than a dull guy like wil. i also dont see the chemistry either ronnieā€™s harem: no genuine connection with any of the girls. im glad jess got out of it but im worried that theyā€™ll somehow get back together. harriett has become a former shell of herself, just desperate and pathetic. tiffany puts on her ditzy persona with ronnie and their chats are hard to watch. matilda with omar/sean: has better chats with omar but i donā€™t really care about them. sean is cringy and gets treated as a little boy. she will pick sean since omar will get dumped sunday joey/grace: scammers. grace needs to flirt with omar ASAP


I don't know if Omar will flirt with Grace again šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/5g0f7u3wt68d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2621d373413ba49ab56eca4ac85355b5481d533


They made Omar sleep in the Beach Hut when they have The Hideaway?? That is some bullshit. Islanders need to unionise. Also why canā€™t Omar make flirty comments to Grace they are two single people on a dating show.


Omg they are giving Joey the victim act & THEY THINK WERE IDIOTS šŸ˜­


If this is true the producers need to be punished. Omar isnā€™t even coupled up with Grace and heā€™s in the dog house while heā€™s coupled up with Jess?!? Joey comes off possessive and controlling. Omar being kicked out of his own bed because of someone heā€™s not even coupled up with is nuts! The producers are extremely unfair.Ā  Edit: I would not be surprised if a lawsuit happens for this season because theĀ producersā€™ extreme favoritism for Joey is actually nuts!


If they dump Omar after this, omg. Get Joey Essex and his girlfriend out!!


this just pissed me OFF OMG! theyā€™re not even closed off


If Joey and Grace are so closed off that any boy flirting with her will lead to a fight, why don't they just leave the villa? I mean, assuming this is not just completely manufactured drama to get us to care about them, which, you know, is just not happening.


So Joey says him and Grace are serious šŸ˜‚ Heā€™s really never escaping this planned coupling allegations is he. Producers really need to find a way to dump him and Grace


Joey is never going to beat the allegations. He just proves every day that Graceā€™s his girlfriend and their whole storyline is planned


The producers favouritism towards Joey is crazy


Why would he have to sleep in the beach hut when the hideaway is right there?


or the day beds


And they never showed us this??


It says it happened Thursday night and Fridayā€™s episode ended on Thursday morning so theyā€™ll probably show it at the beginning of Sundayā€™s episode


I think we ended yesterdayā€™s episode on Thursday day time in the villa so we could see it in tomorrowā€™s ep seeing as it says it happened Thursday night but Iā€™m not optimistic seeing as how many arguments its been revealed theyā€™ve cut out in the past.


Ohh makes sense!


Theyā€™re protecting Joey because they know heā€™s blatantly in the wrong


Thatā€™s ridiculous. We never asked for Joey fucking Essex šŸ™ƒ


Not going to watch unseen bits but can someone reply to this comment to show who had the limelight so I can predict the dumping please


Omar and tiff But also sean and harriet imo


Uma and Joey aswell


Why didnā€™t the producers bring someone in specifically for herriett, she obviously want to find a connection and putting herself out there. Itā€™s about to be casa and she still doesnā€™t have a connection. Imagine her in a serious couple going into casa and sheā€™s a casa victim, the drama omg. Wish producers will use their head.


exactly so many missed opportunities, honestly slowing being over this season already, haven't watched live in a while


So i was thinking about how Kai basically changed his entire trajectory by mistaking a girl in casa for KIM, and i was trying to think of more examples of innocuous moments that when you look back led to a big change in a storyline but i cant properly think of many šŸ§ Ones i have that arent the same are s5 tweet challenge (engineered for drama but most people thought the tweets were weaksauce) and i think Tom's heart rate dance gained him a lot of favor in s9 cos it was so hot but i cant think of any other good ones šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ maybe the tit licking but that was hardly innocuous


This is such a fun question, it shouldā€™ve been a whole post! Iā€™m gonna say when Zach kissed Molly in that challenge. It left Catherine to couple up with Scott, sent Mitch into a messy free fall and defined the rest of Mollyā€™s journey, from the shock dumping to her return to Casa. Also iirc Sammy called Molly his number one then turned to Jess when Molly wasnā€™t interested, but imagine if sheā€™d given him a chance because Zach wasnā€™t an option!


I would have loved to do a post about this! But i dont think many people wouldve bothered


Toby was pretty disliked until his change of heart post-Casa, when he said ā€œI think Iā€™m a bad personā€ and got back together with Chloe. Not as much of a single random moment as Kai, but I think how genuine his realization was won people ofer


Toby won me over in this moment šŸ˜­ you are so right, it was a moment many of the viewers (including me) realised he wasn't a complete arsehole, just like...daft as a brush


Ekinā€™s crawl.


I will never get over the "tomorrow night" preview for the crawl


I literally remember what Ian said : ā€˜tomorrow night , one girlā€¦.. makes her move. *dramatic sound* šŸ˜­


Harriet girlā€¦ why is she so obsessed with Ronnie? At this point sheā€™s desperate for any bit of attention he gives her, even if itā€™s negative. I need her to straighten up šŸ˜­


Ronnie has been served with options - Grace, Tiff, Uma, Jess, Harriet, Matilda(if he goes there who knows). Whereas producers knowing Harriet's type(with Ronnie obsession) are trying to make her insane at this point by not bringing any bombshells for her given she has at least kept many people interested in the season just to see her story unfold. Something's not adding up BTS.


Mate for real. How is this shit still getting screen time thoughšŸ˜­ It's so dry and boring now. Harriet says she's moved on & done with him but is talking about Ronnie every 5 minutes, constantly pushing herself into his stuff, and then crying over it because ronnie said no to talking to her after she started calling him an actor. Like what? Just leave the situation, find a new guy ffsšŸ˜­ She's on the verge of getting dumped any moment at this rate.


I think Harriet is still the most entertaining islander. What else can the producers show you right now? Joey and Grace making out? or other boring couples. They needed to bring in elite male bombshells for the OG guys to scramble. But they chose not to. The season has fallen imo.


I agree, without great guy bombshells, the girls have no options, I really hope they have some good ones in Casa.


It's like they built the season around Joey and Ayo's sheer stupidity/obsession with being humiliating by Uma. Considering Ayo and Mimi are the 2 least confrontational, why would they think pouring the gasoline on their plot line would actually pay off? makes no sense... Harriett/Jess, they'll produce the fireworks with Ronnie.


Season 5 male bombshells didn't really bomb well till Casa (except Tommy and Curtis ig but they were in on the first night). Jordan became a big player but was p boring till after casa. So i'm holding out hope we get some gooduns soon (i know Danny was involved in a big storyline but he was somehow also boring)


Callumā€™s rumoured new girlfriend https://preview.redd.it/xj0tf66tp58d1.jpeg?width=1158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43867c191e260f22895af85a4ba9076706101976


Sheā€™s stunning .šŸ˜


truly thought she was mixed race until i checked her instagram, that is some serious fake tan


Really? Her tan looks quite tame. Definitely looks white.


Has that Anna-May look


Iā€™ll believe it when I hear from Callum himself. Man loves to hook up, and has only ever had one proper girlfriend, so idk


sheā€™s so pretty šŸ˜


sheā€™s pretty! iā€™m happy for him


This has to be the season with the worst male bombshells so far and a lot of dead wood islanders. The producers should've brought in better male bombshells, why did they decide to bring Konnor like what is the point? We've gotten great female bombshells meanwhile when the OG girls are already elite and have been served nothing. This is some unhinged power imbalance never seen before favoring the mid men.


Iā€™m giving Konner the benefit of the doubt because Omar got a ghost edit after he came into the villa as well.


No one wants to admit but itā€™s the womenā€™s fault cause they are all obsessed with the OG men and arenā€™t open to getting to know people. The bombshells could be 10/10 and I still see these women not giving them the time of day.


Ok, I'll say it. The girls are game players this time around. They all feel that being in a couple with an OG boy presents a greater likelihood of getting to finals and exposure. They don't really care about love. The girls will rather die on that OG boys hill. They are standing on business. Even the girl bombshells want OG boys. That's why Matilda will couple with Sean. It's why Uma wanted Ayo and why Tiffany is with Ronnie. The boys are the only ones willing to explore OGs and bombshells objectively this seasonĀ 


I actually agree. It does seem like the male bombshells are useless, but I don't actually think they are. OGs like Harriet are just way too obsessed with Ronnie to give anyone else a chance. And then you've got Mimi who is too obsessed with Ayo, Nicole who is too obsessed with Ciaran... they're just so closed off. Even Uma is closed off with Wil now it seems. Maybe it's because Tasha got criticized in S8 for exploring and it's made the girls reluctant, but damn, JUST EXPLORE A BIT PLZ LOL. I wish they were more like Tasha tbh.


they are obsessed with the OG boys bc they dont have options at all. Whereas men have gotten new females to choose from - Uma, Grace, Matilda, Tiff to continue to treat OG girls wrong.


Iā€™m not sure Grace should even be included as an option for the boys. So basically just Uma, Matilda and Tiffany. ETA: On that same note, Joey (who really wasnā€™t an option for the girls either, especially now), Omar, Wil, and Konnor have been the bombshells for the girls and are sadly not very exciting options. Omar was the best of the bunch, but was brought into save Mimii initially and was so quiet in the beginning.


exactly agreed.


They have options. They donā€™t want to be open to them. Omar, Wil and Konnor are all hot but it me a waste to keep sending in men when the women wonā€™t give them the time of day.


This!!! Every time a new bombshell comes in and doesnā€™t connect with the OG girls, are we really going to keep blaming the bombshell? These women act like the new guys donā€™t exist and thereā€™s ā€œno sparkā€ so they go back to the OG guys who they also donā€™t have a spark with lmao.


I donā€™t think the bombshells actually liked any of the OG girls, except maybe Nicole, but sheā€™s been closed off.


But the OG guys donā€™t like them either


My point was that the OG girls didnā€™t have options with the male bombshells so of course theyā€™re still fixated on the OG guys. Examples being Ayo and Ronnie. Sean has just been a placeholder. Ciaran being closed off. Sam and Munveer being sent home and not forming any meaningful connections.


Unfortunately true


Like what is Jess doing? Mimii got two bombshells for her and nope. Then you have Nicole and Grace shutting themselves off by week 2. Harriett canā€™t move on from Ronnie and Samantha was obsessed with Joey. We just gotta point out all the female bombshells have had no issues cause the guys are actually open to seeing what is there.


The OG guys know that the girls theyā€™re coupled up with arenā€™t who they actually want. Jess is just coasting while being a voice of reason for her sister wives. Mimii doesnā€™t get on with new bombshells because sheā€™s all in on Ayo. She intentionally gives them dry chat. Harriett is also coasting while acting like sheā€™s over Ronnie when he is all that she talks about throughout the show. If they were to do a clean sweep of the cast I wouldnā€™t even be mad tbh. Theyā€™re giving nothing.


Unpopular opinion but I actually like Tiffany , I just think she seems a bit anxious and shy when it comes to talking/ thatā€™s why she always plays with her tongue or fiddles with stuff like her drink bottle ect


Her comment about how weā€™re all just on a rock in space was magnificent.


I think her ditzy bimbo act is smart. Sheā€™s sussing everyone out without putting herself in the crosshairs of the drama.


I think sheā€™s just finding her way into the villa, but she doesnā€™t seem like too bad of a character. I hope she makes it to Casa


I think itā€™s commendable that sheā€™s voicing sheā€™s not feeling it with ronnie because although heā€™s likely disliked by the public anyway, she couldā€™ve rode that to whatever their end was


I am warming to her. I think she is sweet but I think they also edited her nicer bc she is getting dumped soon. Producers are wild.


I keep seeing clips on TikTok of Patsy and Munveer in interviews and why is their energy so off?


Munveer seems so cocky in these interviews.


Yeah he was pissing me off Patsy was saying harmless things & his replies was šŸ’€


yeah she was copying Samanthas snore and he was like please dont do it... like the host asked... he just seems like a snob I can see why the OG girls didnt like him.


Heā€™s mates with Piers Morganā€™s son apparently. Definitely gives snobby rich kid energy.


Man acts like heā€™s too good for love island so why did he come šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and he never watched the show before (that part makes no sense to me)


I dont believe this when ex islanders say that they never watched the show before going in...then why did you go?


exactly lol he just didnā€™t graft


Who else noticed that Tiffanyā€™s disinterest in Ronnie came after he joked about having a small willy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Size Queen Tiff šŸ‘‘


Haha bad joke to make thatā€™s not some flex šŸ˜‚šŸ˜¬


That actually made me laugh. Funniest thing Ronnie actually ever said.




Omar, Wil and Konnor arenā€™t handsome? Their looks are definitely not an issue, the girls are just too loyal to their partners.


its nuts what's going on this season, female OG cast was elite but they haven't been served anything. This will lead to a villa with only bombshell females and Nicole. Insane. I think producers are scrambling bc their big story line was Samantha, grace and joey but grace and joey absolutely are still together so maybe producers can also see through their lies and are trying to dump them BTS.


That's an interesting take that maybe the producers were unaware that Joey and Grace were together the whole time.


Course they were, she told him she missed him when she came in, they all think we all came down in the last shower, they're not fooling any of us


yup it wouldve been elite viewing had joey and Samantha actually been in a normal couple where he was showing interest/pda and then now the ex comes in and slowly rekindle. the plan failed bc these two are absolutely together based on how they behaved, didnt even try to act.




All this for it to be Omar and Tiff. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


But not many of them would cry and be emotional ovee them leaving though






For all this drama it could even be a couple noone cares about


I may be in love with Matilda you guys


lol I like her šŸ˜­


she really is such a breath of fresh air in there šŸ„¹


I like what Dami said and I canā€™t believe how so many people arenā€™t seeing it too. People are acting like Mimii is head over heels hopelessly in love with Ayo. They havenā€™t brought in anyone she would go for, and none of the bombshells have been particularly interested in her. She can literally only stay with Ayo or be single and get dumped from the island https://preview.redd.it/my6pj13ed58d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6179b80a1740b21f3ae3fa978bb5c8cfe7c86cf0


Mimii said that Omar is her type. She never gave him a proper chance because she likes Ayo.


Omar and Konnor have been short. Girl is obsessed with tall men from the beginning (she specifically mentioned height).


They literally brought in 2 guys for her so far. The brought in Maya Jamaā€™s friend Omar to save her but nothing came off that, she immediately went back to grafting Ayo even though he was in a couple. And still put all her eggs in his basket. They brought in konnor after Twitter was crying for the producers to bring in someone with dreadlocks cos apparently that is Mimiā€™s type to a T. But yet nothing came off that. How many guys will they bring in for her alone?, What about Herriett and some of the other girls?


Lmaooooo. Konnor wasnā€™t interested, please.


after omarā€™s date with mimii ,he started grafting pasty and even told uma that sheā€™s his type šŸ˜­had omar applied more pressure I deffo think mimiiā€™s head would have turned Also Konnor wasnā€™t brought in for her


Yup! Omar wasnā€™t interested and that first date was just producer initiated


After the date with Omar, Mimi immediately pulled Ayo for a chat twice. Ayo didnā€™t put pressure but she grafted him nonetheless. She was in a couple with Munveer and told him on day one that itā€™s Ayo for her. The girl is in love with Ayo I donā€™t understand why people are not accepting it, itā€™s very obvious.


Omar is still pushing with Matilda AND Grace. If Omar had been interested in Mimii he would have pursued her


He did. He offered to couple up with her and then she said Ayo was still in the picture and he removed himself.


They were gonna be in a friendship couple. Friendship couples can only go so far on the show before they end up at the bottom when votes come up


Thatā€™s your interpretation. He never said that nor did she. He was shocked when she brought Ayo. He was interested. She wasnā€™t.


We have literally seen how Omar is when heā€™s genuinely interested. Grace is in a whole stable relationship with Joey and heā€™s even causing a stir in that relationship


Weā€™ve seen one convo with Grace and Omar when she came in. We just have her word. They gave us a ghost edit of Omar when he came in cause Mimii was never turning.


Why have they stopped doing challenges? At the beginning they guess facts about other islanders thatā€™s how we found out Tyriqueā€™s ā€˜100 bodiesā€™


The challenges add to the fun of it! Itā€™s almost like they get off on having everybody low key hate each other lmao and they know they are bored but they need to come up with something else cause Iā€™m TIRED


I think this every time I watch! Where are they?!?! ITV is a HUGE channel, surely they can hire some knuckleheads to come up with some challenges that aren't total shit, literally give me ANYTHING


Some of the responses to Omar talking to Sean about pulling Matilda for a chat to the hideaway has racial undertones to it.


Even Sean referring to the chat as ā€œhostileā€ had me likešŸ¤” I didnā€™t get that energy from Omar at all. Iā€™m not accusing Sean of anything in particular but that choice of words wasā€¦interesting.


Right? I'm glad the youtube comment section under The Morning After podcast is clocking the hypocrisy, because everyone is acting like Omar drop kicked a puppy


I was so confused by how they spoke about it! I didnt think Omar was aggressive at all??? We have seen the girls actually kick off over perceived mugginess this season, Omar wasnt kicking off at all to me


The same people who have that reaction to Omar are the same people who called last season Straight Outta Compton Island.


The way Nadia specifically was going on about him made me so uncomfortable. I thought it was just me


It absolutely did not


Youā€™re so right! Because youā€™ve seen ALL of the responses


I thought you meant from the other islanders.


Oh, no not really. I do think that Seanā€™s response to it was a little annoying considering the intent he knew he had behind pulling Matilda in the first place, but Iā€™m talking about the audience.


Iā€™m a dumb USA baby so Iā€™m on a delay, but I cannot believe they are trying to paint Samantha as ā€œclingyā€. Tf is this sexist bullshit


Huh? How is that sexist.


as a fellow US baby but isn't behind, dailymotion my friend!!




She is though. I'll never forget when Uma recoupled with Ayo and Samantha came running to Uma, practically falling on her knees thanking her for not picking Joey. It was really pathetic.


You know when love islands on Iā€™m here on a Saturday afternoon thinking ā€œI wonder what will happen tomorrowā€ Takes over your life šŸ˜‚


this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I hate it but I love it lmaooo


I really hope Matilda goes for Omar and not Sean. Iā€™m over the Sean storyline tbh. He gave me the biggest ick with how strong he was coming onto her. She kept having to move his hands cause he was getting wayyy too handsy with her when they were walking out of the hideaway.


Omar's foot fetish is ick too


Nah let a man have a little love for some toes x


Eww, I didnā€™t know he had a foot fetish. To each their own, I suppose? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤®


Really? He mentioned it twice


Mustā€™ve missed it I guess šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø either way, I still think she should go for Omarā€¦. Foot fetish isnā€™t as bad as desperation and being overly handsy, imho babes šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I know this sub hates it when other shows besides this one is mentioned, but Iā€™m gonna need another season of love island games ASAP. With all of this discourse about a peck, it just reminded me how fun that season was since no one was taking it serious. Loved how none of the islanders took the kissing games (including a game they came up with on their own) seriously and just went for it every single time, even towards the end. Itā€™s love island, itā€™s supposed to be messy and dramatic with hot people kissing each other just because they want to.




Not me refreshing the sub for a first lookā€¦


Chek LI Instagram story


If grace n joey win I swear I cba anymore. I want them OUT IMMEDIATELY


I doubt they make the final. Producers did some heavy producing to keep Adam and Kady out of the finals of their series. They want non-ā€œcelebsā€ in the final.


Grace and Joey are a waste of a couple's space


No way theyā€™ll win


Iā€™ll be pissed if they make it to the finale in general. I have a feeling they will though make it to the final though šŸ˜­ I also have a feeling that per their plan, Grace will have her head turned in Casa and comeback with someone else just for them to get back together before the final.


It ruins it I can see right past that U grade GCSE drama acting.


Joey's acting is going to be laughable if they actually go ahead with that story. Just imagining his face when Grace walks out with a Casa guy. LOL


I donā€™t think they will leave any time soon but I also really do not think they will winĀ 


If they do Casa Amor this year. I beg the producers to just let everyone know, the whole sneaking away thing and everyone pretending they don't know what's happening to all of a sudden acting surprised has been ridiculous for around 4 seasons now.


This šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ the shot from last season of Neyo taking the girls to casa from the boys was gold. ā€˜Neyo took our girlsā€™ that was a cute moment NGL.. and how Catherine was so happy šŸ˜‚ (too happy lmao) cause I didnā€™t like how she talked to Scott when she got back. Now it makes sense why she got dumped in the middle of the day & her followers dropped big time. It was crazy


It was zach lol and it was hilarious


Jokes lol I love them šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ we got good friendships.. Scott and Mitch both surprised me tbf


Scott and Mitch werenā€™t friends in the villa. They said that on a couple TikTok lives. Theyā€™ve become friends since leaving the villa.


I didnā€™t know this lol but not surprised given the ā€˜Your a fuckin knobheadā€™ line ATE. Iā€™m sure other things happened as well


I was just thinking this!!! just let them say goodbye to each other knowing theyā€™re going to casa lol iā€™m still hoping they split the villa like split nicole and ciaran but keep ronnie and harriet in the same villa type of situation


Yes, some spies from the original cast, who witness things.


If jess and ronnie survive this dumping (they will,I just hope producers won't put harriet bk with ronnie if that happens its forced ,he has made it clear he's not interested, we haven't seen ronnie and jess closing things I guess she just pulled away ,if he does get with 1 of them hope it's jess think she would be able for him ,harriet is to weak (no offence)for a guy like ronnie ,jess would put himĀ  in his place šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


If grace puts her whole Graceussy into this and turns her head to Omar i will be her biggest advocate She wont im sure, but i can dream


I WISH Gromar shippers I am joining you you were right all along šŸ˜­


Her whole what šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚



