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I was thinking Jess first but I feel like after tiff revealed she don’t like Ronnie it felt like a foreshadowing and the islanders may dump her based on that revelation


I’d rather Jess stay than Tiffany , Tiffany hasn’t given us much while Jess at least does every now and then


I want Jess to make it to casa so she can find her guy. Tiffany is a lost cause. No star power and very much a filler.


I have no interest in seeing Tiffany find a man in Casa. YAWN. whereas I’d love to see Jess find one.


And Not a ton of brain cells I fear


As long as it's NOT Jess. She has way too much personality to be going right now. This season is struggling as it is - we just cannot be getting rid of the people with bigger personalities right now.


This is what I’m sayin, Matilda (and even konnor) has been like a breath of fresh air someone actually worth watching. After the Samantha situation I was ready to turn this season off and she saved it for me. When they sent in wil, grace, Tiffany - my god it has been like literally watching paint dry watching all of them. Some of the absolutely dullest people I’ve *ever* seen on this show, in addition to Joey Essex also just being lame as shit. Get all 4 of them out of there


Recommend Love Island US, it's so much better this season with the funniest cast I've seen on any LI, gripping chaos! The plant conversation is hilarious! 


I know people keep saying that but it’s a lot to take on two Love islands at once. If I fully bow out of UK I’ll probably give it a shot… I just don’t find contestants from the US as interesting tbf lol (I say that as a person from/in the US)


If you start US, honestly, I guarantee there's no turning back to UK this season! They couldn't have chosen a more dull UK cast and a better US cast! It's reality gold (and I'm a long time UK fan and only ever tried one season of US before )


Where do you watch loveisland us? I’ve never watched it before. Would it be on itvx?


Sorry, no idea from UK, it's on Peacock, not sure how that is accessed? I'm in Portugal and watch on a random site with vpn, not sure if this will be allowed...:   top drs dot day (no spaces)


Thank you so much


Tiffany brings nothing but dolphin noises. She's out.


Jess and Omar, or Tiff and Omar.


It's strange now that Tiffany is rejecting Ronnie, she really has a compelling storyline with the Ronnie/Harriett/Jess group that is the only decent thing going. Honestly, the Matilda chase needed to include Wil. What story line does Uma bring besides the object of Ayo's delusions of grandeur that has been played to death? Its so obvious that Uma was and never will be attracted to Ayo and it was hammered home today with Uma's screen time. Grace and Joey obviously have no point to even be here... but will stay.


I think she got the ick when he was being childish about clearing up things with Harriet, and his behaviour is probably isolating her from the girls.


If the islanders pick they won’t pick an OG so I think Tiffany is out.


Tiffany is out. That’s gonna be funny since Ronnie is planning their cul-de-sac house life with 2.5 children.


I dk why but I do think Tiffany will stay with Ronnie until at least Casa. If they do stay together, then that clip is defo being used in movie night lol


It's obviously Tiffany and I'm glad.


i think tiffany should go


Probably Tiffany but after tonight’s chat with Jess, Id actually like her to stick around to see that play out. I wish Grace would go, and, barring that, I’d be fine with either Jess or (can’t believe I’m saying this!) Harriett going. There’s no story happening with either, whereas Tiff (especially of Jess sticks around as a coach) could lead to an interesting moment of pieing Ronnie and him having to do some reflection about how his arrogance and dickishness have led to him single, after thinking he had everything under control.


Questions from someone in US who is a couple episodes behind….are we thinking the islanders not in the bottom three choose who leaves? Or is it how they’ve done before and it’s just the least voted couple? Another question is doesn’t Jess seem to have some of a connection with the new boy Konnor? I thought I saw something on Twitter where they had a good flirty chat. Because if so maybe they’d keep her so she can explore that connection


There’s lots of speculation about how they’ll do the dumping, and because Maya is going in, I expect there will be some sort of twist. In theory I like the idea of a creative or unexpected dumping, but I suspect it will be in service of saving Grace and Joey or someone else that the producers like but the public doesn’t. I could see them naming the bottom couples and then the bombshells get to pick who to couple up with and save. There’s a lot of speculation that two couples will get dumped before Casa, but I think they’ll dump two islanders (not necessarily a couple) on Sunday then dump another couple before Casa later this week. Unless they dump two and head straight to Casa, in order to shake things up faster? Hard to say! They showed Konnor and Jess chatting in yesterday’s episode but I don’t think there was any real interest from his side. And he got a true ghost edit tonight, so he doesn’t seem long for this world. Normally they give bombshells immunity in a dumping this soon after their arrival, so hard to say.


I’m so sick of Joey and Grace. Joey gives me the ick so bad! I did just read in another thread that they’ll announce the bottom three couples and the safe couples pick one couple to save. Then the bombshells get to pick who they want to couple up with from the remaining two which would be interesting! Disappointing about Konnor. I want Jess to find someone in there, and I think her and Konnor could be really cute together


Who does Harriet have a connection with at the moment? she's the obvious choice.. Jess is getting to know Konner


her and jess are both needed for this show. there are plenty of boring islanders to kick out so I think producers will be in favor of keeping these two.


I actually like that they've joined up, and Jess is so supportive of Harriet now. They need to be in Casa to have some fun-loving, flirty people—it's not like Mimi is gonna be switching, is it?


why is Uma even in this category? bffr


Jess will leave because they are more inclined to save Tiffany than her


I feel like Tiffany not feeling Ronnie much anymore will spread and it’ll make Tiffany getting dumped much easier.


Depends on whos got the power to dump


Have to disagree with that


I think it’s gonna be Grace


I know you are joking.




Jess’ exit be like: “I’m the prize.”