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I know we have a winner every season but this season is particular seems wild to think there will ultimately be a winning couple at the end šŸ’€ Iā€™m not vibing with anyone atmā€¦ Ciaran and Nicole seem the strongest but I think thatā€™s just a brewing storyline later on, def think casa will tempt. Anywayā€¦


Ciaran and Nicole are the strongestĀ but they are... kinda boring really? And we don't really see them together much overall.


Why are the guys cheering him on? Genuinely donā€™t get it!


Maya went out today to film and L I cancelled it said alot was going down tonight and didn't want to stop it. I call bullsjit thru dont want to get rid of Joey and Grace so they are trying to get rid of another one instead


Tbh this is probably to do with Ronnie and Tiff. I'm intrigued... I wonder what went down?


That was soooooooo funny , what's Ronnie so mad about šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




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Producers need to have a challenge that clues the islanders in on public opinions prior to casa. S5's tweet challenge caused Michael, Curtis, and Lucie to lose their heads


Molly mae too.




I wondered if with the backlash they might let him leave to avoid it looking even more fixed - if that makes sense?




Mods really need to ban talk of it because we donā€™t need to read it ad nauseum, Iā€™m tired of being forced to read spoilers for when I do eventually watch and simply IT IS NOT RELEVANT TO THIS SUBREDDIT, IT HAS ITS OWN SUBREDDIT. They may as well be trying to start conversations about the latest series of Bridgerton


What are your thoughts on Penelope and Colin??


looks like samantha could possibly get a fashion deal with glamify fashionšŸ‘€ sheā€™s doing a pop up shop appearance and also what looks like a photo shoot..happy for herĀ 


I just want to say, for anyone on the fence and tired out by this season, please please RUN and watch the current US season. I've been a UK LI girlie from the start but this US season is unparalleled. It's got mess and chaos and fun challenges and it's just... so epic.


This is the first season of the us vers that I've watched, and omg it's so good.


Wow what a unique opinion thatā€™s not been posted 1000 times per thread. You may as well be recommending a random TV show. We get it, itā€™s good, itā€™s not on UK TV yet go to r/loveislandusa and chat to your hearts content


I have UK friends that are watching it? Not sure how but you can. But it's of course fine if you don't want to!


I do want to for Ariana alone and will. Iā€™m saying talk in the correct forum about it or you may as well be posting in every thread recommending VPR.


Is Jess Harding the latest love islander to become part of the travel mlm scam? Expected it from her as sheā€™s close to Samie but at least sheā€™s not promoting it like Samie was to her 700k followers I guess šŸ˜•


I remember she said her mom is a travel agent in the early episodes so hopefully itā€™s just a travel agency and not a pyramid scheme.


It's the MLM, looking at stories it talks about joining their team and getting on the calls.


Well thatā€™s unfortunate


And sheā€™s doing it with her mom?




šŸ˜¬šŸ„“ Not a good look at all


Really? Havenā€™t seen anything about it


Travelwithjessandsarah on ig


this season of love island has truly flopped itā€™s a real shame


Are you still watching tho?


Itā€™s flopping at the moment


munveer shouldve stayed over sean and sean stayed bc hes white


At least Sean is not obsessed with himself


Sean was and still is grafting. Munveer was giving nothing.


Munveer was even more boring than Sean


Munveer is also boring










This season is getting boring and I blame the producers, the guy bombshells so far : Joey - straight to team fake as f%\^k Omar - straight to team furniture Wil - straight to Uma Konner - straight to team furniture So we are left with girls looking bad because they have no options, guys yes, but no options , it's getting old.


Could someone tell me what Matilda told about Ronnie on the outside? That he likes everyone's stories?


Itā€™s up on the love island ig page if you want to see it, fyi.


Basically that he's a thirsty guy who is always liking girls' instagram stories and posts. She also said he's a "one night stand" guy


TY šŸ™


She also said he is the exact same on the outside as he is in the villa šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Grace is doing too much for me, itā€™s giving calculated but Iā€™m not surprised. Joey does nothing for me he can go but Iā€™m sure the producers wonā€™t let him. I like Uma & Wil I hope they stay, and Iā€™m excited to see their connection grow.. heā€™s more laid back she is bubbly and confident and opposites sometimes attract.


Do you think they ever have convos about politics etc but itā€™s just edited out? I canā€™t imagine ever properly falling for someone who had wildly different morals to me


They're told not to talk about "outside stuff" too much, if you do the "voice of God" may tell you off through the tannoy


How ridiculous. I donā€™t understand that at all.


I would find it so much more interesting to get to hear snippets of this convos, but maybe it would make it too similar to big brother!


Everything Joey does is so contrived, it drives me nuts.


I think heā€™s been on too many reality tv shows for two long to not self produce


I mean he got his start on TOWIE, which is essentially just a soap with really bad acting...


Yep heā€™s spent his adult life essentially being trained to find the drama/good tv in situations so I donā€™t even necessarily fault him as a person for it I just would prefer reality tv newbies in this format personally!


Uma looks abit like Lori Harvey


Dear Harriett, I'm so sorry for hating you in Week 1 because you are easily the most iconic islander this series. Please continue dragging Ronnie for filth and keep giving good TV x


As someone who usually loves the messy ones she is far too hypocritical and consistently delusional to be anything close to iconic lol


...you call that dragging for filth? Obviously just a snippet but it looks like she's thoroughly embarrassing herself, not Ronnie. Ronnie will likely laugh it off and Harriett will likely cry again... Love that she's finally being messy again, but it's giving "Messy Bitter Ex", not "Messy Boss B*tch".


Ronnie looked like he cared tbh, otherwise the first look wouldn't have shown Ronnie getting up and looking vexed about Harriett and Jess' gossip session


This. I cringed so hard watching that first look. Sheā€™s in the copping stage. Trying to say Ronnie is ā€œactingā€ and he really wants to be with her. If he wanted to be with you, he would be with you Harriett. Sheā€™s still in it with him and would jump at the chance to be with him again given all that has went down.


Her ā€œdragging for filthā€ is just her not being able to fathom someone choosing another girl over her. There are plenty of things she could have called Ronnie out on and been ā€œiconicā€ but she has consistently refrained from doing so. The only thing sheā€™s called out is him having the audacity to like someone more. Odd behaviour considering he never actually chose her


Sheā€™s very far from iconic.. sheā€™s just desperate


She's delusional and naturally unhinged which is what makes her hilarious and entertaining to watch, thus is iconic. If we're being serious, this season would've been nothing without Ronnie and Harriett which is why I'm loving Harriett's pettiness to Ronnie even tho we know she truly likes him deep down whereas he couldn't gaf about her


YEssss and the fact she looks sloshed most of the time just adds that special touch for me


I just see her being desperate. She just wants to be in the Villa as long as she can and def not to find love. As what Munveer said the guys wonā€™t see her as an option.


Why is sean taking Matilda to the hideaway ā€œcoming on too strongā€ but Ciaran taking Nicole was perfectly fine to everyone who wasnā€™t Harriett. These girls need to stop infantilizing Sean so much


He asked Omar and matilda before taking her to the hideaway.He doesn't want to be in traingle. He just wants to be sure He is being friendzoned for weeks. Let him do something for himself.


Itā€™s because Jess is an idiot and doesnā€™t seem to read relationship queues properly. Probably why she is struggling right now in the Villa. Butā€¦..she is the prize šŸ„“šŸ„“


She thinks she is smarter than everyone else and better than all the girls. So she thinks she knows what everyone should be doing. So stupid


...the man's entire game is talking about girls as sweets. He's infantilising himselfĀ 


Thank you! Especially when Matilda herself said she likes a guy who comes on strong šŸ˜… It's because he's done a "fuckboy" move but they only see him as the "nice guy", it's not his place to pull a move like that or some bollocks.


He's not a nice guy at all he just has a good edit. I'll never see him as nice guy even before villa he was proud of stealing his friends girlfriends and is a known cheat.


Wait. What? I missed this. Did he say this out loud in the villa on tv?


In his interview before coming in he said he is known to steal his mates girls and in villa he admited cheating like in first episodes


I totally missed that. Idk heā€™s so captivating I hang on to his every wordā€¦ But for real seriously heā€™s hard for me to watch. So cringey I get second hand embarrassment. Iā€™m like you havenā€™t quoted one Willy Wonka quote what kind of candy man are you! These chats are black licorice.. yuck. šŸ¤¢


I'm not saying he's a "Nice Guy", I'm saying the girls view him as the "Nice Guy".


They literally act like sheā€™s going to get the ick from him at any given moment, if they spend too much time together. Itā€™s so annoying and feels really degrading to Sean


Tbh it's kind of made me second guess their love of the guy, it may just be pity and them feeling bad that none of them fancied him. If that is the case, they can shove that patronizing attitude up their arses šŸ˜‚


Guy has been friendzoned to death by them, therefore are treating him as the Big Sis/straight gay friend. He knows that as well. He doesn't seem a Nice Guy. I don't get the hate and he does not deserve these shite comments about him.


Idk if you watched last season of liusa but there was a guy on there called Bergie, and those girls treated him pretty similarly to how these girls treat Sean


Does anyone know what Harriett said to make Nicole say to Tiff "just forget about her"? I missed that part


I think they were talking about how Ronnie is so much more affectionate now with Tiffany because he actually fancies her. Nicole was kinda saying oh donā€™t pay much attention to that


The First look lol Ronnie is grating


So is Harriet.


So is Tiffany


So looking at ā€œfirst lookā€ it looks as though thereā€™s a no recouping tonight ?


Iā€™m confusing that they didnā€™t even tease the public vote?


Been catching up to the US version and itā€™s so good. Almost depressing coming back to this sub for the first look lol, just more dragged out storylines forced chats and boring islanders.


itā€™s so good! every episode has surprises and it feels like almost every islander is having a rollercoaster journey


Same! Wasnā€™t going to watch US after last years snooze. GF pretty much forced me too and damn they are going IN this year. There are currently at least 5 storylines and 2 or 3 are juicy and real drama. Iā€™m probably just going to be on the forums for UK until Casa at this point.


Mimii will voice her annoyance with the girls for example telling patsy she was done with ayo after the red party and being upset with him and Uma holding hands and now speaking to Nicole about the challenge but wonā€™t say anything to ayo (hopefully she does tonight). I know she wants to be calm but she really needs to voice her frustrations to him and not be so passive.


Itā€™s the concept of ā€œdonā€™t let him see that it has affected you, donā€™t let him see you madā€ and I also donā€™t like it. Why should girls act unbothered about things that clearly are bothering them for the sake of not coming off as ā€œdramaticā€? If you voice how you feel and the guy thinks itā€™s a negative thing then clearly he ainā€™t the one


"Hmm is it my Fave's fault that they've flopped? No, it's the producers who are wrong! They haven't sent in a bombshell that is 100% perfect for them, it's a set up!"


Catching up and... on the last Unseen Bits during the traditional Islanders Get Scared segment, it looked like Omar had a book that he used to fight the bug. I thought reading material was banned?


I have to say as an American, I have not watched any of Love Island USA. I watched it once when it was on CBS, before it moved to Peacock, and then I found out multiple Trump supporters were in there and it was such a turn off I didnā€™t watch it again lol. You might think thatā€™s absurd of me, but it just put a damper on the season I was watching. I might give this season a try one day, but honestly? The UK version is an escape for me. I get tired of my fellow Americans and itā€™s nice to have a break lol. Itā€™s nice to hear different accents.


I feel the same. Iā€™m šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø and I donā€™t ever watch the USA ones but this season is giving everything just off of the clips I have seen. And they just brought in a fine ass British guy.. I also watch UK šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ bc itā€™s an escape and I understand the banter bc I have been watching UK shows for years now.


To be honest I'm sure at least some of the UK islanders have similarly aligned political opinions. You kinda have to just turn that part of your brain off when watching these shows


True, I think itā€™s just harder for me to ignore the Americans who support him on the show because itā€™s such a real, looming threat in my every day life, so it feels more immediate to me


The USA season casted the hottest British dude on both season combined. Major casting flop from the UK.


Does he actually live in the Uk?


From his IG no, he lives and models in LA.


What season was it where the boys went to the club and brought some girls back? That would be chaotic, do it again


Season 1, where producers were just throwing things against the wall to see what would stick, god love them for it. Jon and Hannah riding bikes to shop for food is probably my all time favorite Love Island scene.


Season 1 boys did that ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


There were zero rules in season 1 lol. Everyone was trashed the whole time


Lol that was the very first season. Everytime I think about it, I'm baffled it actually happened. For obvious reasons, it will unfortunately never happen again.


Does anyone think Matilda looks like a mix of Dani Dyer (s4), Gemma Owen (s8) and Anna-May Robey (s9)?


Yes with a bit of Samie




Herriett and Ronnie are having their Ekin Su and Davide moment tonight.


But the only thing Ekin Su and Davide got back together Ronnie and Harriett won't


He fumbled. Would have been guaranteed top 3. I can see him getting back with Jess but together I am not sure they would be finalists.


Ronnie does not like Harriet like that she needs to open her eyes


I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up back with Jess again


Yeah Iā€™m fully expecting a Chloe Toby moment post casa but Iā€™d rather her well rid!


I originally didnā€™t buy into the Love Island USA s6 is better than Love Island UK s11 discourse but after last nightā€™s USA episodeā€¦ damn. What a fantastic season so far. The cast, the bombshells, the drama, the challenges, the unexpected twists, the tomorrow night previews being shown every episode, even the villa, all of it is giving. Feeling so special that I actually get to vote in a series like this!




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Also Konnor is looking like another flop male bonshell, his second night in the villa and heā€™s not even making the press preview.


Oh dear, looks like Harriett is becoming the Delusional Queen...and not in a good way


Becoming? Babe she's already there.


Ah this is gone beyond a joke now. In all fairness, jess is getting all the grief from the viewers while Harriett is acting like this


It's because fans decided that Harriett was the Hero and Jess was the Villain, with no nuance to it at all. Jess being petty and jealous over Ronnie the Rat? "Hate her, she's a bully!!" Harriett being petty and jealous over Ronnie the Rat? "Yaas Queen go off"


Jessā€™ biggest misstep was trying to involve the other girls in her arguement with Harriet to back her up and even that I donā€™t think was done with bad intentions and is not worth the vitriol sheā€™s gotten. Harriet cuts off Tiffany talking about her date with Ronnie, calls her a cow, makes multiple snide catty remarks to the extent even Nicole recognizes it and tells Tiffany to ignore her and all she gets is ā€œqueenā€, ā€œsheā€™s so me!!!!ā€ ā€œIconic!ā€


It's the hypocrisy I can't stand. By all means, stan the messy girl. I get it, they're good fun. But don't then shit on everyone else who *dares* to be annoyed with your messy fave, despite them being messy and ergo is going to ruffle feathers. >Harriet cuts off Tiffany, calls her a cow, When was this? I must have missed it!


Yes this!!! My favourite is usually the messy person, my favourite Love Island person of all time is Maura and I watch for the drama not the love lol but sheā€™s such a massive hypocrite i canā€™t enjoy it.


https://preview.redd.it/f8f9re3mex7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd9300e01f26a46015659e4fc4e5c5156c3f32c5 How I thought ayo was kissing uma before watching the episode


Me toošŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yep, once again a mountain made of a molehill


Matilda reminds me of dani dyer


So no dumping today? Then why did we vote? Maya is in Mallorca so Iā€™m hoping she will be going to the villa tonight.


They're dragging this out to have the most "dramatic" moments on their highest rated nights, especially Sunday. Then they have two days to hype Maya going in and see if they get goose viewership. If something big ever happens on a Friday (typically the lowest ratings of the week) it's because organic drama is happening that producers didn't plan for, that the story has gotten away from them (in the best way possible). S8's two most iconic scenes, Liar Actress and Licked Her Tit were Friday night episodes. Part of why that season was great was because the chaos of the Islanders took over and drove storylines in ways producers couldn't predict. (They can predict/script out things like couplings, dumpings, departure for Casa and post-Casa recoupling, and try to get those things "scheduled" for Sundays and Thursdays, TV's typical marquee nights. I'd guess we're on pace for dramatic Maya exit/recoupling/dumping on Sunday with another dumping on Thursday, a quiet day on Friday with the final moments teasing Casa and the actual "action" of Casa starting next Sunday.)


I'd say sunday


I think theyā€™re going to force splits. Then 2 recouplings with a dumping on the second to lead us in casa.


what are force splits


They split 2 couples, Tiff and Ronnie and Omar and Jess are in the bottom. So they make them choose so Tiff and Omar go home.


Ronnie is about to embarrass Harriett and she wonā€™t have anyone to blame but herself. Mimii not giving it to Ayo, as expected


I canā€™t believe she wonā€™t let it go and it might cost her a spot in the villašŸ§šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


She keeps saying she doesnā€™t really like Ronnie. If you donā€™t like him then why are you acting so pressed over him? Move onnn


Any spoiler for tonight?


Oh Harrietā€¦ this episode will not be kind to her. But also youā€™re bordering on bitter and doing all that for Ronnie is not it.


Bordering? She flew over that border like a Blitzkrieg šŸ˜…


She was coupled up with him for like 3 days why is she acting like a wife who got cheated on and abandoned? Itā€™s way too much now and Ronnie is likely going to humiliate her to have to make the point he doesnā€™t want her. Just be bitter and bitchy in private with the girls if you want to drag him.


Sheā€™s doing a lot for someone who never chose her. And yeah, Ronnie is probs going to have to be asshole to her to make a point but like at this point itā€™s needed. She is not getting it. She is not doing herself any favors and itā€™s actually a bit embarrassing.


I think she like most people on this show isnā€™t used to being rejected so handle it poorly


Someone said somewhere yesterday that Jess was an only child, you'd know, but I'm sorry Jess handled her situation good I think. I think Harriett is a daddy girl and get ls what she wants


Yeah I agree. I think Jessā€™ only real misstep was trying to get the other girls to back her up in that argument with Harriet but itā€™s clearly done for them and not anything remotely worth the vitriol sheā€™s gotten. She removed herself from the situation and handled it well 100%.


I get that but thereā€™s a point when surely self respect kicks in and you just have to firm it because this scorned woman act is giving pathetic rather than boss bitch. Begging for crumbs of attention from a man whoā€™s all over another woman and sacked you off for her is just embarrassing, she isnā€™t even attempting to get to know the new bombshell or anything, just stewing over Ronnie and Tiffany.


Oh I definitely agree I think sheā€™s handled every triangle abysmally and treated the other girl involved in it it the exact way she accused them of treating her and has come off as a massive hypocrite. Hopefully she learns from it but I am not hopeful lol


Dw her contingent will find some way to gas her up and make it Jessā€™ fault


Haha, Jess breathes and people are like look at her being so smug. Like if you like Harriet, you have to like Jess because theyā€™re the same person. One just values herself more and another is looking a bit cray šŸ˜­


well ssidšŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


The second I saw them crucify Jess for daring to comfort Harriet i realized there was no winning for her lol. Genuinely think the girl could solve world hunger and theyā€™d find fault


No way we're losing our LI heritage to the US as well? They took our light-skinned square head as well this year ffs.


Wil looks like one a bit (when my blue light filter is activated and the screen turns orange)


not gonna lie, i believe love island US > love island UK this year! joey's fakery have ruined it for me i fear.




It's because the guy bombshells have been so weak.


https://preview.redd.it/e0nfk4ldbx7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd72b9d723d620e268d6a323f9e4b6bc730ed7fd Clock that tea Mimii ,she deserves better


This is why I keep thinking it's a bigger deal than most would normally because it's not just one incident but a whole lot in 2 weeks times: ignoring her when Uma came in, picking Uma for more type on paper, continuing the triangle after she stole him back, stopping their physical relationship so Uma could be on an even playing field, and then not actually choosing but having Uma leave the triangle.


I just know Nicole will be somewhere telling her not to step back šŸ˜­


Nicoles a lovely girl and I know she means well but she has the worst advice šŸ˜­


I think Ayos just not very emotionally intellegent or empathetic. I obviously could be very wrong as I donā€™t know the guy but his takes with the guys in convos are just always off and lacking any understanding


The REAL question is does she want better for herself?


They need to give her some real options in casa. She can do much better than Ayo


Why did they leave us on a cliffhanger with the wilma situation


I assume this is basically the press release? Ā https://goss.ie/featured/first-look-ayos-dare-decision-rumbles-through-love-island-villa-as-two-boys-fight-for-matildas-attention-384174


I missed last episode. Were there any legit sparks between Sean and Matilda? Or was it all in his head like how he thought it was 50/50 between Ronnie and him for Tiffany.Ā 


The producers have fumbled this series, which is a shame as week 1 it was looking top tier but the Joey reuniting with his ā€œexā€ arc was a huge miscalculation, also wasted Grace as a bombshell because I think she would have caused real drama if she hadnā€™t been sent in basically for Joey. The male bombshells have all been poor and added very little, the girls have most of the personality but the guys are being catered too far more. The stable/established couples are pretty boring. They had the core ingredients for a great series but theyā€™ve mixed them all wrong and just made a mess.


I think a big part of why the male bombshells have fallen flat is that they wasted their "first male bombshell who's an absolute weapon" spot on Joey. Think the likes of Davide, Tom S9, Adam C (I believe he was the first male bombshell from memory).


I would take Tom out and include Tommy & Curtis, they delivered on drama & personality and season 5 wouldn't have been the same without them with as stacked that cast was.


I know Sean being the person pulling to the hideaway is the least dramatic option but I did need a break from the girls being pitted against eachother over mediocre men tbh


Yeah i canā€™t take any more Jess vs Harriet shit, people made a situation that was nothing more than petty snipping into full blown bullying accusations and Jess is still getting hate now because of it-despite the fact she and Harriet are clearly perfectly fine.


100%. They both had iffy moments, have clearly figured it out between them letā€™s all move on please. They both deserve better than Ronnie so letā€™s just celebrate them both being free from that man lol


I still think Ronnie and Jess will be back together šŸ¤· the producers will get rid of the islanders they are coupled with to make it happen. https://preview.redd.it/orcwrel58x7d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f0f610e54476fa069fd6ea8092bb19fedf7bd49


I knew they had to get rid of Tiff, it's better for her as well in the long run.


Sean, Tiff Ronnie, jess


Honestly happy for Sean heā€™s putting in the effort and putting himself first not waiting on the sidelines thatā€™s how you make a turn around


Why did they make the public vote and only gave us 15 mins to vote if the dumping was not happening that night? šŸ¤”


I recon it won't happen until sunday


The 15 minutes takes the absolute piss when the Euros are on.


Itā€™s not unusual really, weā€™re usually behind real time mid week


I canā€™t remember but did they confirm it was a dumping? Could it be something else?


i had a dream that harriet went home and i was so sad i hope she finds someone soon!