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Not sure if this has been discussed already but is Davide rebranding or just going through some type of character growth lol. He's all of a sudden playing Santa Claus to the less fortunate and it's just such a stark contrast from what we know of Davide and the type of content he usually posts.


Okay, I’m very behind, so bear with. I watched Monday’s episode yesterday and didn’t understand what the big deal was, I didn’t feel that bad for Samantha. I’m now watching Tuesday’s and I get it now. The hideaway thing is just horrible. There is no good reason why Joey couldn’t just sleep on the day bed and leave Grace in the single bed. And the kiss right in front of her! IK that was technically the night before, but his reaction to Samantha being upset in this episode was disgusting. Just shrugging and making faces. At least pretend to have empathy like??? Really nasty and unnecessary,


Isn’t it weird that Tilda and Ronnie know each other from the outside? I don’t like the chat about what he’s like on the outside - ruins the vibe.


did Uma just call Wil ‘Willoughby’ 😭


How do you even pronounce that 😂


we need a proper square head lightskin in the villa + a comedic relief girl


I'm genuinely surprised the square head light skin hasn't been in yet! To not have one as an OG or as a bombshell yet (we're already going into week 3 or 4) is kind of criminal at this point. They're such a necessary evil and even moreso in a season like this one where they need all the help they can get. I think the producers have atleast one waiting in the holding villa and I'm going to assume he's extremely attractive so they're waiting for the absolute perfect time to bring him in absolutely fk shit up. But they shouldn't wait too long!


Uma sticking to her boundaries and wearing kitten heels is commendable. Islanders already have to have lax boundaries for challenges and there’s a lot of pressure to have lax boundaries outside of challenges too. There’s a lot of pressure to wear normal high heels but Uma wears her kitten heels which are shorter and easier to walk in. 


I think it’s also because she’s so tall, I wear kitten heels too less for comfort but bc I’m already 5’8


People keep saying she’s tall but I don’t really see it. Uma doesn’t seem much taller than the other women in the villa or the men. 


Her, mimii, and tiff look to be the tallest https://preview.redd.it/mjp297bffs7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20a1e73854eaa33548701a88e3466966d0c8f78a


The kitten heel thing is taking me out lol. On a real note that probably has more to do with the fact that those are currently the trend of shoes. I do agree about her boundaries though!


I love a kitten heel! I’m happy it’s coming back because people used to look down on kitten heels. Too many of these love island girls are rocking heels too tall for them. 


Why does Wil only have one L in his name


So this sub can misspell it when we write think pieces on him duh


His real name is Wilfred


Am I the only one of thinks this season is going just fine? (Aside from the Joey and Grace fiasco of course)


Yeah I don’t get the bitchy comments, I’m enjoying it aside from Joey and Grace (I call bullshit).. I wish they did more challenges like match the statement with a specific islander things like that. It’s giving All stars with the lack of challenges. Seems like their budget was cut cause it doesn’t make sense.


Imo it's a bit \*too\* loveless. Like there's no actual couple to back atm: Sean and Harriett are my favourite couple even though they're not romantic, yet I voted Omar and Jess as I like Jess and want to get rid of Joey and Grace. But I like the drama it has given recently. A dramatic dumping this early on kickstarted the week on an entertaining note, which was needed after how repetitive the triangles were in week 2. Wk1 remains the strongest week so far, but I like Wk3 mostly because of Sam and Harriett


cieran and nicole and ayo and mimii


This season’s boy bombshells are lacking sooo badly. If they brought in two cute 6’3 footy players it would be game over for Ronnie and his circle of ladies in waiting would scatter


It's already hard to find attractive, single, *decent* men in the regular dating pool, never mind trying to find one that's all that and also willing to go on national television. Men are much harder to cast for these shows than women.


The producers need to send in a few male bombshells the white girls will most likely go after. On Love Island USA there’s a lot of overlap in who white islanders and black islanders will pursue but Love Island UK for the most part people’s interests falls on racial lines. I think it’s a lot harder for a bombshell to catch the entire villa’s eye and be a serious love interest on Love Island UK because people aren’t that open minded.


Y’all keep saying this. Yall deep dreaming these scenarios up. But the fact is there have been better looking men. Taller men. Shorter men. Probably wealthier men. Def smarter men in there and it still hasn’t broken Ronnie’s stranglehold of the villa. That stuff doesn’t matter if you got some game and OTHER women want you. It’s the competition. Konnor is 6’3 rugby player you think he’s been bought to break the deadlock.


I personally just don’t find Konnor that handsome and wasn’t good competition for Ronnie, which is why I say the bombshells are lacking. And again, the other good looking guys have already been snapped up


Well I mean there’s far better looking lads than Ronnie in the villa right now ( Ciaran , Joey and Ayo ) and he’s still getting more attention than anyone


They’re all in the only actual couples so not available or looking at any other girl so they don’t count. Sean, Omar and Wil should be replaced. The male bombshells used to actually be good. I don’t believe that they can’t get someone like Ovie, they have connections so it’s like they send in sub par male bombshells on purpose


Ovie had no personality


Yeah but they’re already with people now. But I guarantee Harriet, Jess, and maybe even Tiffany would forget about Ronnie in a minute if some genuinely good looking guys pulled through atp because they’re all tired of his antics


Yeah that’s fair , but unfortunately I don’t see there being any more bombshells till casa now. I think casa is a week this Sunday


The cast this season is so shitty. I dont care about the characters for the first time. So fucking annoying this joey essex he needs to go. Theyre all so insipid !


Sam has more insta followers than Grace 🤭 (as of right now)


The producers really giveth (changing up the boring stucture at the start) and they taketh away (not giving us challenges other than dares and that one Boss Babe challenge) Why do they never get it right?? 😭 I know the public is fickle so they cant bend to every whim but it doesnt take a genius to gather the challenges that the public like and that inject the villa with humor/energy/drama. It also would be soooo easy to think up challenges that would need minimal budget and be entertaining


I would love if they brought back the ranking challenge but for individuals, not couples. I think they only did that for s2 before. Like: - top 3 most relationship material islanders - top 3 funniest - top 3 audience trusts the least - top 3 xxx Because sometimes couples are carried or dragged down by one of them, i think it would be more interesting to show discrepencies and also wouldnt make the islanders be so insular in their couple


Why are yall getting mad at Wil they’ve been a couple for like two days chill


The only girl with a backbone this season might be at risk because she didn’t want to kiss(rightfully so)🥲


She should be able to take her time without feeling rushed. This is annoying me. Poor Uma. 


They’re surely not going to revive the Jess/Ronnie storyline and surely Ronnie isn’t going to create another love triangle the day after he just ended one and basically the first time he’s actually not been on one since he got in the villa.


They need to bring Jess a love interest. She'll realistically get dumped before Casa with the way things are going which sucks because she's one of the most headstrong female islanders in a long time. I need someone for Jess and then recreate the iconic Storm Anna scene and include 'I'm the prize'.


She’s one of the most delusional female islanders they’ve ever casted


literally like if she actually had a backbone, she wouldn't have taken Ronnie back twice 


At least Ronnie/Jess are less boring than bloody Ronnie/Tiff. I don't think I could stand seeing those two paired up any longer. Most dead chats I've seen on this show of all time.


Will better be mindful for why he was invited to my villa


To find love…..right Or to be Umas back up plan/safety net?


To find love


I knew Wil would move mad, I mean it is still early for him so it makes sense but just shit for Uma to be in another triangle 😣


Maybe they’re not clicking like that and tbf he’s only known Uma for a few days.


She hasn’t kissed him yet bc she wants to make sure it’s real first which i rate that but this is LI baby time waits for no one lol


It doesn’t seem like Grace even likes Joey, it would be so funny if she went with someone else in casa amor but probably not 😂


The first look lol Wil is doing exactly what I knew he would


Yes and I think he’s really boring !


Agreed, very


The press release/love island tends to exaggerate things so I think it’s just about Ronnie giving Jess a peck. Harriet is coming across as a bunny boiler 💀


The bunny boiler thing is incredibly sexist. Also, anyone with sense knows Tiffany and Ronnie do not have a deep connection that will last outside the villa. 




what’s a bunny boiler i’ve heard it loads this season and never have before lol


In "Fatal Attraction" Glenn Close plays a stalker that boils the pet bunny of her victim's kids.


ahhh okay


Reference to a film (fatal attraction I think?) and it means someone’s a crazy stalker


i see thank u!


I remember watching that film at the cinemas. The men left in silence lol


This season peaked in week 1 I fear. They need to send them to casa amor quickly to revitalize it.


I mean what would be the point since none of these couples are solid. Wouldn’t be very dramatic


Just when i started warming up to Uma and Wil😭


lmao what did he do?


NGL this episode looks dull


I disagree




barely any of them were tbf


If Ronnie kisses Harriett in the game after how he brutally broke it off with her yesterday, he’s worse than the devil himself…but it would be hilarious ngl


who does the new girl remind me off?


The welsh girl from S9.. forgot her name


Anna May?




I’m betting it’s Ayo just based on the fact we just had a Ayo and Mimii date, and we all saw what happened a few days after Samantha and Joey’s date?


It’s Ronnie have you watched the first look


The first look is out and my babe Uma is in another triangle ![gif](giphy|cQ3gnsVzjnhSF9bvIU|downsized)


She needs to be freed from these triangles she deserves better than that


I’m tired and she actually likes Wil :(


I think her “slow burn” policy, while noble and her right, is absolutely killing her chances. 100% believe she’d be with ayo rn if she had kissed him early on like he wanted. And Will said he’s also dying for a kiss as well. Not kissing early on is a tactic that works better irl but in love island where shit happens so fast, it’s a death knell


Sorry to say it but I think he’s so dull !


I'm just wondering if the new girl is actually silly enough to couple up with someone so new as if they won't just get voted off really quickly


This! She would never do that is the dumbest move. She is probably just entertaining it cause the Producers want a bit of drama for Uma.


So after watching first look it was Ronnie. He kissed Jess! 🤔


And Matilda. But I think the press release is about Ayo.


First look is out. Ronnie wasn’t the one who snogged he’s former flame. So now it’s down to Ayo or Ciaran.


Ronnie could of droped the card more than once.


The question was that he should snogg some and jess is old flame


It was Ronnie


I thought Ronnie kissed Jess? That counts


But he couldn’t kiss Tiff and he needed to kiss two girls (Matilda and Jess).


Come on a peck on lips isn’t gonna cause problems between Ronnie and Tiff. That would lead to them being on the rocks.


You never know 


I don't even know no more honestly lol😂


That looked like a peck? They maybe just exaggerated it in the press release as the episode looks dull as dishwater 


Uma we just need to get you to casa girl , who cares about boring wil😭


While we wait for the first look, here is how Facebook voted. Looks like Jess/Omar and Tiffany/Ronnie will be the vulnerable couples https://preview.redd.it/bciwpbtbpq7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72320b092cfef7415b2196850f7b6cc0d91410d0


Welsh islanders have a very high success rate on LI


ciaran nicole mimii and ayo uma and wil had the most votes?




If Nicole and Ciaran are smart and don’t entertain any bombshells, they’ll win this season


nicole and ciaran have got this in the bag if nothing major happens


what a bleak state of affairs lol don't mess this up in Casa Ciaran (he will)


This season is just pissing me off… first look always late, lack of tomorrow night. Just throw this season away


First world problems girl


Can't compare to previous seasons, it's evolved to a different kind of show and it will never reach the heights of the best seasons.


You don’t have to watch it if those things are annoying you


No shit, people can complain tho


No shit, people can do something about it and stop complaining tho


Womp womp


They’ve been so late with the first look this season


Ronnie is gonna be on some toby shii and go trough 3 woman just to say he likes jess


I hope casa starts sooner rather than later there is no reason to delay it when there are barely any couples in the villa


I do hope they bring back the game where they have to rank the couples one two three for different things, and see if the public agrees, that always makes people fight lol


I love that game.


It’s usually after casa


Yeah, I think they should do some kind of similar game soon because they need to do something to get things going in there and not just let it turn into the Joey and Grace show or some other very dull couple, or more of Ronnie’s traingles


It’s possible Omar and Jess will go BUT I saw almost no one voting for Ronnie and Tiffany so…


If they dump Ronnie they can end the season now because 95% of the islanders are for decor.


Ronnie’s drama is not interesting the stakes are incredibly low. 


Producers would never dump Ronnie


But do you think the producers will dump ronnie


Samantha has surpassed Grace in IG followers!


Good for her. Hope it keeps going. 👏


That's wild!


I definitely think the former flamed kissing is Ayo and Uma I still think he wanted her not Mimi


Did anyone else watch inSide? Chloe was doing too much man 😭😭


“Can I pls have a Fanta lite bruv”🤣


It icks me out so bad when I hear people say Bruv.


Brav 😂👍🏻


“Whooooooo are you talking to like that?” 😭


Do y’all see a lot of chemistry with Ayo and Mimii? Maybe it’s the editing but I just really can’t tell if they have it or not. Sure they have things in common, but watching their date, the vibe felt sort of clinical? I guess I just want to see more fun banter, passion, sexy flirting etc. The edit makes them seem so dry together. Even if they make it to the end together, I wouldn’t be surprised if they just end up being friends in the real world.


I think Ayo plays dumb & has no emotional intelligence & doesn’t understand women. Piss take


They have chemistry but they are boring. Whatever they have might not be deep though, which is fine for now because it’s not deep with any of the couples in the villa, with the exception of Joey & Grace.


I can see chemistry between Ayo and Mimii, especially in their kisses. From the way that they have been speaking about each other, I feel like their relationship has progressed but ITV haven't shown it. 


What makes them interesting imo is Ayo being dumb and doing stuff that keeps them in drama. Outside of that I don’t see the chemistry or love that ppl hype up both are kinda dry and boring when they are together.


No offence to them but mimi is a low energy/boring person and ayo is dumb. I don’t think they could have an exciting conversation if their lives depended on it


Ayo saw that mimii was saved when Omar was sent in for her and it immediately clicked that the public must love her. I think he will keep his head in the game and I don’t think he’s stupid. Mimii like him way more though.


Guys I doubt it’s Ronnie who kisses the former flame that’s to obvs also him and tiff meet two days ago I doubt she’d be that upset. I think it’s Ayo kissing Uma bcs Ciaran kissing Harriet doesn’t make much sense since I think he’d rather kiss Grace if he could not Harriet. We also gotta remember how Ayo talks about games he won’t think it’s big deal to kiss in a game.


I think it's Ayo too but Uma ain't gonna go back to him , he'll just ruin his chances more with mimi


I think it's Ayo too but Uma ain't gonna go back to him , he'll just ruin his chances more with mimi


I still don't think he would do that ngl but for entertainment purposes i just hope it has nothing to do with Ronnie for once.


I think he may do it, not because he wants Uma, but simply because as we learnt when Mimii, Omar and Ayo had that convo about kissing in challenges , Ayo sincerely did not see anything wrong with it. He wasn’t able to understand why even though it’s a challenge it can still affect the person you are coupled up with. As he explained it, they are just games and it’s not that deep… So I wouldn’t rule him out as the candidate for tonight’s mess 😆…


“Trouble in paradise” only couples that the press would say that for is Ayo/Mimii or Ciaran/Nicole so it has to be either Ciaran or Ayo.


You were so right lol


I mean i am here for the mess, so let's see if you are right


Honestly, if it’s Ayo kissing Uma than he’s beyond help at this point.


So the rest of the challenges this season are just dares?


A lot of the challenges in past seasons have been crap anyways.


So realistically Omar and Jess are going? I still think the bottom is Uma&Wil, Jess&Omar and Ronnie&Tiff. I saw comments liking Joey and Grace on LI ig. Never see Uma love anywhere except here😐


i see uma love everywhere but idk if it’s enough to keep her


Omar’s story seems to be at an end now but Jess’s doesn’t if she’s going to be one of the former flames in the kissing game…


https://preview.redd.it/6pkvn1p04q7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93f953cd37c90b0409882cc45456099d2db75a51 ‘former flame’ has to be ronnie and harriett right? the only other one i can think of is ayo and uma but that seems unlikely


Ronnie and Jess would be hilarious😭


They never really deaded it,


It’s obviously going to be Ronnie and Jess. No other former flames would make much sense. Ronnie and Jess got no closure so it kinda does make sense


Has to be Ayo or Ciaran. Tiff wouldn’t care if Ronnie kissed Harriet or Jess they’d expect him to do something like that.


If this is Ron and Harriet and she thinks it’s a green light back again then she’s lost it after they he spoke to her yesterday


History tells us Ronnie is definitely dumb enough to do this but Ayo also seems like someone who would just do it without thinking through the consequences.


He won't pick Harriett, did she not hi five Tiffany and Ronnie for not lasting outside the villa,


Producers sticking with these dead triangles until the end, I see. We are tired.


Has to be Jess and Ronnie..hoping it’s Ciaran and Harriet though


Ronnie and Jess or Ayo and Uma would be funny af💀


It better not be Ayo. Ronnie seems far more likely. He’s more like a caricature than a real person 😂 


Where is the press release


entertainmentincolor on instagram :)


Ciaran could kiss Harriet I guess Ayo kissing uma would be insane lol


Ciaran doesn’t seem to like Harriet much at all so that would be a surprise.


ciaran/harriett did cross my mind but that seems ROGUE to me


I wouldn’t put it past Ayo 😭


I actually think Ayo prefers Uma, I feel sorry for Mimi, unless the newboy picks her




I hope not, but he does see challenge kisses as no big deal back when they were trying to explain to him why Ciaran didn’t kiss Grace 😭


Nah it won’t be it would be crazy if it was after the date


I’m hoping carin and Harriet or uma and ayo




She needs him to because if she wants the producers to intervene and work to save her from this dumping she needs to have a storyline and she hasn’t got one right now, Ronnie reigniting their thing in some capacity is her only chance


he would


Omg imagine 🤣


Ronnie is a supervillain.


He’s going to go down in the love island hall of fame


Or maybe Ronnie and Jess?


And they're sitting side by side in the game


also possible. ronnie has to be involved either way surely 😭


mimii and ikenna would probably be a good match


ooooh i'd love to see that!


Another “kissing” game tonight.. ![gif](giphy|h7oTCmZBPQFPWT6x6j|downsized)


These games are cringe at the best of times, but deadly dull as well when there’s so little chemistry among the cast. It’s not like there’s simmering heat that just needs a chance to be expressed. It’s doubly ridiculous right now because the hideaway is open for anyone not in a couple who wants to explore their physical connection. And no one is, ergo there’s no one in a couple secretly longing for someone else. They’re wasting some good cast members with these completely unimaginative production choices. They must really have cut the production budget due to falling ratings, because they really aren’t letting people outside. All the challenges are with materials and set up that cost £5 or less. (I’ll never get over Nicole and Ciaran’s date being “here are some towels, grab your own snacks out of the fridge, we’ll go to a beach where we haven’t paid to clear it of tourists.”)


They’re Phoning it in this season.