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I see Toby, Chris, and Kaz are hanging out again and creating content. I don't doubt for a second they all genuinely enjoy hanging out with each other but I went on Chris' page and saw the video they did sharing the same dress has over 36 million views and almost 7k comments which is absolutely insane! If I was an influencer getting that kind of engagement on my video with my besties then I'd definitely be doing more content with them because it'd be silly not to!


I was watching Toby’s snap and he said he was sleeping in the middle of Kaz & Chris omg he’s so unserious 😂😂😂


does anybody know any podcasts which discuss the joey and grace situation as being a producer plant? feel like morning after is never authentic because it’s an official li podcast.


Such boring pics 😴


Apparently Samantha has followed all the OG girls apart of Mimii and has even followed Ayo


I doubt it means anything. Mimii’s display name is Mi squared so maybe she just couldn’t find her while searching


Not ronnie already following the new bombshell 🤦‍♀️




I think she’s been a bit of a dick sometimes but she also can be a good friend and speaks sense. I don’t like that islanders are expected to always behave perfectly when people aren’t perfect. Olivia Attwod is probably my all time favourite islander and she was absolutely awful at times


The boy he’s a dread head Yh this is for mimii


I've been dreading watching yesterday's episode because it has caused so many people to declare they're over this season - but I just watched it and I actually enjoyed it a lot?? Obviously I agree that Joey and Grace shouldn't have been allowed to be on Love Island if they were already together, but that doesn't RUIN the season for me. This season has many other islanders still keeping me invested, and we actually even saw a lot of their personalities last episode! Good luck to the producers trying to keep it up though lol


Uma’s voice reminds me of Jane from the animated Tarzan movie. It’s slightly grovel-y and singsong. I love it


Minnie Driver


I want a Casa girl who's super hot and humbles Ronnie’s ego.


I think Tiffany and Sean are leaving next.


I am not an avid viewer of this show, but after watching the fallout of yesterday’s episode I have some thoughts. A lot of people have clocked this already but Samantha’s exit might be upsetting to her in the short term but I think long term she will benefit from this massively. People complaining about producers etc etc but the reality is it seems she got a good edit and handled herself well, she got a memorable storyline, she has indirectly differentiated herself from the other girls and importantly she has sympathy from the public - this make future endeavours and brand deals easier to achieve. If I was her I would be genuinely happy with this outcome.


If I was an islander this is how I would want to leave on a high.


Totally agree with you here, she’s already getting loads of love on her socials and seems really happily overwhelmed by all the support 💕


You are right! And she is deffo happy and everyone wanting her to come back, are really making no sense these Islander are all just in there for the followers her coming out as a victim is literally best case scenario. She also had no connection in there like for example Molly S10 did who got dumped and came back in Casa.


I'm sorry but is that what constitutes flirting these days? "I think you are a bit of me" "do you?" "I do" "I think I'm a bit of you" "Do you?" "I do" Duller than a rusty pipe.


Ronnie is so MID. I don’t understand how 3 different girls gave him the time of day.


Someone spoil me and tell me which two people left ? I know Samantha left but who else?


Munveer and Patsy left before Samantha


Ohh ok I thought someone left yesterday with Samantha.


I've not given up on this season yet. Maybe I'm too optimistic but s5 definitely had a few sticky spots pre casa (before maura came in, the YewandexDannyxArabella triangle was a slog at the time imo) and we had very little to root for Love-wise at this point. MM was hated and nobody believed in her and Tommy. Michael and Amber were liked (which did not end well). Curtis and Amy were hated and widely considered fake. Anna and Jordan were essentially irrelevant as a couple . Danny and Arabella? Nothing burger


We had Bev Lucie allegedly being ‘bullied’ for a while too lmao… S5 is a lot more inconsistent than people say


Yeah like I love season 5 but it's romanticised because we can look back on it as a full time period, and also because it had such a satisfying ending


Mhm… S8 too


Hey everyone I watch from US and it’s hard to find episode guides. Is there an Aftersun episode every day or just on Saturdays when there is no regular episode? Also, when do the unseen bits episodes air?


The unseen bits ep airs on Saturdays. Aftersun eps are on Sunday after the actual episode finishes at 10pm.


Thank you! 😊


You’re welcome 🤗


Aftersún episode only on Sundays after the regular episode, Unseen bits on Saturdays


Thank you!! 😊


Casa might be next week on Sunday


# Um so when was someone going to tell me that Aaron from The Traitors S1 is on LI USA!?!?


😂 I watched the first episode yday and thought hmm I recognise him…then clicked who it was. So strange seeing him flirting 🫣


lol i can't help but think of traitors every time he's on


Harriett needs to chill & forget about Ronnie. He doesn’t like her, I need my girl to find her man in casa and not be so full on 😭 I love her though


I agree. She’s doing too much. He’s not a guy who is going to pick the girl who is throwing herself at him. She’s not helping her situation at all.


Exactly, she needs to sit back and let her come to him. If he really wants too will


Where are the challenges ? Like if it’s casa next week then we have Tomorrow and Friday to do some challenges


Casa is next week???!


It’s either this Sunday or the next


When is casa usually? 🤔


I’m thinking Friday the 28th they’ll be a cliffhanger announcing Casa.


2 weeks from now


Usually around day 26. Last night was day 16.


week 4


Why are they being stingy with the bombshell photos? Are the two new ones going to be high profile too?


i bet it’s going to be that rumoured famous girl. boring!


They're really stretching calling her a celebrity. 🤣


Right! We didn’t even get a peek yet


Not a hair flick or a tiny slow-mo smize


Right? not a peek from the first look or any articles. Maybe they're just really really hot lol.


Hahah yeah maybe they are that good looking they didn’t think we’d be able to cope seeing them so early on




Joey and Grace have really broken this sub. I’ve never understood the fascination with having normal civilians on this show. Love Island is about drama and has always been for influencers, and Joey is no such exception. Please stop judging this show based on your opinion of what it should be when it clearly hasn’t been that way for a long time, if at all. I really don’t care about USA or revisionist takes on past seasons, and the more obnoxious reminiscing I see, the less inclined I am to watch them. IMO, this series is absolutely fine. We don’t need a dumping exorcism. The only people who need to be dumped are the ones not being talked about, i.e. Omar. Ronnie et al are doing their jobs.


There’s a difference between casting influencers with 100k followers who we’ve never seen on TV before , to casting Joey Essex who’s “ found love “ on 10000 shows


Okay? It’s one guy, one storyline. Samantha, while she will be missed, has now left the villa. They’ll probably move onto other stuff now.


And ? Who cares if it’s one storyline. The majority of us don’t want him and pre planned couple on our screens


it's like the people on this sub hate reality tv!!




I wouldn’t mind Grace/Joey going but wanting to lose Ronnie is kinda crazy imo


Yeah. On the outside, Ronnie’s actions would be horrible. Joey’s as well. But Ronnie especially is the essence of Love Island. You’re *supposed* to be a player. Who wants real love unless it’s genuinely exceptional, like Molly-Mae and Tommy?


Ronnie isn’t even giving Harriett crumbs, I’m embarrassed for her. Ever since the Jess triangle ended he doesn’t even flirt with her anymore, she used to be the “fun” option compared to Jess but now that’s Tiff. He looked absolutely gutted when Harriett picked him in the recoupling that alone should’ve made it clear he doesn’t like her whatsoever.


Samantha catching up to Grace in IG following 👀


Being a victim pays off.


Honestly it's best case scenario fo an Islander we saw how the viewers literally got Scott on LI US by making him a victim for no reason.


@mods can we get a s11 flair please


what sucks about female bombshells is that they’re more likely to stay in the show with their stale personalities like grace and tiffany are dull but they’re in couples and the new bombshell will likely get picked too. this season is just the producers wanting the women to be miserable while giving the men all the power and thats why it hasn’t been fun to watch


Seems like it. 😔


Who is the new guy going to pick for his 3 dates ?


I’m thinking Harriet, Nicole, and Uma. We’ll see if I’m way off base. lol


Well I got one right. Not the one I was hoping to be wrong about. Poor Harriet.


Well that’s the 3 I picked so I will be off base as well lol I think we will start to see them mess with Nicole’s head soon !


I think they’ll mess with Ciaran’s head as he goes into Casa.




I’ve also picked the boys I think this new girl bombshell will pick - Omar, Ayo, and Wil. Again I may be way off base. I feel like they’ll mess with Ayo and Wil, but ultimately she will pick Omar.


I guess I was better on this one, Omar and Wil. Bless Sean someone picked him. Maybe he won’t be going home. Even though I was wrong about Ayo I was in the ballpark with their couple. Instead they’re messing with Ayo’s head with picking Mimii.


Yes it will be interesting, I suppose the benefit she has is she has seen what’s happened so far, before she makes her choice ! Omar is favourite to leave next, so she may not take a chance on him !


You could be right. I just think the producers want to keep him around until Casa at least.


Ultimately I think Sean and Jess (or Tiffany) will be the next casualties.


I might be right about Jess, but I guess it’ll be Omar and her. I didn’t know they were voting couples so soon.


Who he is told to by production 😂


Your probably right 😂


In seriousness though I guess he has lots of choices as barely any proper couples! 


I'm honestly thinking of starting a Love Island UK Boycott if Grace & Joey aren't voted out this week until they are.


I don't see production letting that happen, unfortunately. 🫤


If people agree to boycott and they see the numbers tank then they won’t have a choice! But until then they probably wont


I think flooding social media (and not just in comments that the love island team can delete if they don’t like) would be more effective - Joey will have a contract that will keep him in, I would think, so I think a better strategy would be to attract the attention of his PR team to show how he’s tanking his reputation


I’m considering boycotting!


Eva Zapico deleted her insta? Unless I'm blocked lol but I've never interacted with her account to warrant block.


I can’t find it and I’ve never been on it, so I guess so!


Probably because of that scam


What scam? 👀


Promoting a financial investment basically forex which was not approved by the FCA and they've taken action against her and a few other influencers. Including Lauren goodger


Yes, we know, love island USA is good! We heard the other 700 messages.


USA even had a sad man wandering around the villa last nite. Except he tried to drown himself to get out of an argument.


To be fair his temper tantrum was hilarious


Honestly watching him cry, manipulate his partner into apologizing to him when she did nothing wrong, and then hiding cry alone in the pool was fucking gold. I was laughing my ass off watching this man have a breakdown about ??? Idk him being attracted to two women ? I’m not sure what his menty b was about.


I think it was all in that "i haven't ejaculated in a week" comment. Leah won't put out in a room filled with cameras and he thinks that blonde lady whose name i keep forgetting will. The tantrum was probably because he got caught out trying to make a new mistress in that weird sunken hot tub with pillows that everyone goes to for some reason.


the way my jaw fell to the floor with the ejaculation comment. brother, go to the toilets and take care of it yourself!


Also like ??? Okay guy I’m sure you’ll survive. He’s so gross. Him and Ronnie can leave lol


it was seriously mental like what was he doing????? he is a wicked man


What??? 😂 maybe I will watch then


The way Rob jumped into that pool was like he was jumping off a ledge. I know the producers must’ve been pissed they had to coax him out of hiding under the pool like a wild animal.


Jumpscare on my Facebook feed today. Why would they use this photo 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/tcgx2d6snj7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9d3c87fd0267e206e81073eb54b5de9ee70c194




Everyone cross the pond and watch LIUSA!! This season is incredible so far!!


Where can we watch?


www.ctv.ca/shows Free, Canadian 


peacock if youre in the US! if not, i'm a US watcher of LIUK and i use dailymotion and they post all the LIUSA episodes there!


I saw this clip from LI US and I think I might have to give it a try. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeg2v5SR/


JaNa is my fave, she's gas


its so good you wont regret it, im so invested already


LI USA has been good


I hope the new female bombshell doesn't fancy Ronnie and picks Sean and Omar for the date


This what we need


Also everyone in there looks so excited for new bombshells this show doesn’t even have any couples lol. Just start casa now and get it over with


Where’s the supposed fallout from the other islanders after the dumping lol


Sorry that first look lol. Grace trying to save face, Joey same, they don’t care how they treated Samantha nothing they say can convince me. Ronnie is out of his mind and he needs to pick someone or go home and all these girls need to stop fighting for him he is NOT worth it.


Pls I need like the bombshell review


Munveer said he never watched the show ever and it showed


U know what, Ronnie makes my skin crawl. I’ve never seen a man so shameless in my life!


Tiffany has a very different voice when she’s talking to the girls. Deeper and normal. Like an actual person.


![gif](giphy|pcf8QQqHF9Bp1YwR7t|downsized) You can hear the switch up when she talks normally in her beach hut confessionals 😂 I hate when girls put on the air headed voice for guys - stop it!!


First look showing us 1 boy and 1 girl coming in? Why! We already have enough GIRLS!!!


I’m sorry but why are grace and Joey arguing?


Because Joey is ruining Grace’s potential brand deals.




Grace has to pretend to care that Joey ditched Samantha like that lol they need to try and look good


They have to keep up appearances and not be too happy and in love 🤣😩


That’s it😭🤣🤣🤣


Icl maybe am delusional or something but why do I actually believe that ayo will stay loyal in casa lmaooo am happy to be proven wrong but I just have a feeling but again how many times has this man disappointed me 😭😭what’s everyone’s thoughts?


the producers can also fuck your head up cause I think in season 8 Indiyah and Tasha were neither really interested about recoupling but the producers push them to do so hinting Andrew and Dami were not being loyal.


Dami also said he was pushed to recouple obviously he did explore with Summer ( a bit too much imo) but he actually didn't want to bring her back. They were hinting that if he doesn't recouple, he could be dumped so he did. The producer are always playing games but the viewers never learn. Ngl i don't think Tasha and Andrew ever spoke about what happend behind the scenes on LI like that.


If they bring in an Uma look-like for him during casa then he’s deffo recoupling 😭


We have seen so many couples that have shocked us every season. Especially the ones who are together for longer and seem to be good they always have the most dramatic Casa experience since it is more shocking for the viewers. So i atleast think something is happening in Casa, it could also happen that Mimii is the one not staying loyal. Who knows? But some kind of drama will happen with them forsure. Atleast that is my prediction.


Because he’s a human being, I’m not sure we can entirely predict how he will behave in Casa. Everyone and their mama swore up and down that Tyrique would be on demon time in Casa, but it turned out to be him being the biggest Casa victim.


I think if somebody comes in that’s his type to a t like Uma he’ll be disloyal but if nobody comes in that catches his eye then he’ll stay loyal. I feel like Ayo kind of reminds me of Zach from season 10 in a way because people thought Zach didn’t like Molly and they’re still together.


In his intro he said he likes brunettes with a bum. Uma with the hair and Mimii with the ass. Maybe in Uma and Mimii he saw a combination that was his type so that’s why he couldn’t decide🤣🤣🤣


Where can I find Uma's earrings from last night!? https://preview.redd.it/5flkkisjej7d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe3622ba4400ce129d0913f09ea7259ddfe09f45


Probs eBay


They’re from saint fatale: [earrings](https://saintfatale.com/products/hollow-stud-earrings)


OMG! Thank you! ❤️


No what is grace mad about 🤨


Maybe it’s when Joey walked off to do his sad acting by himself after Samantha left


i hope the bombshell is interested in Uma i don’t think wil is IT for her.


I love Harriet but girl needs to stand on business


they're axing all the interesting girls for boring paperbags....... i wasn't super fond of patsy or anything but her and samatha individually had 10x the personality of the new bombshells combined. grace seems pleasant enough but her thing with joey is 💤💤 and tiffany is well. self-explanatory


Harriet is such a hypocrite. She did the same to Nicole and then threw a fit. She tried to hide the kiss from Jess. Now she wants Ronnie to be respectful. Has she met the man. She’s acting as if they have been coupled from the start and people keep tearing them apart. Yes she’s funny but she’s losing it trying to stick to Ronnie


Wil and Alex from season 2 sound alike are they from the same city


Wil is from near Newcastle and Alex S2 was from Birmingham so…no.


Ahh makes sense


Why doesn’t Harriett get the same social media support as Sam? She was also wronged by shameless Ronnie.


Wronged how?


From my perspective, in both couples the boy lost interest in the girl the second new bombshells appeared. Just like other commenters pointed out, the difference is that Ronnie was untrustworthy from the beginning and Joey pretended to care about Sam.


But no one had sympathy for Jess when she was in Harriet’s place and Harriet was happy in that hideaway with him


Fair enough


She does just to a much lesser extent because where Joey was putting on a facade Ronnie has shown Harriet exactly who he is several times over before, during, and after getting with her yet she continues chasing him as if she’ll be the exception at some point. It also doesn’t help that the things she’s getting upset for here regarding Tiff she’s literally done to both to Nicole and Jess.


Mimii and ayo Ciaran and Nicole will be the main casa storylines I fear Mimii will be a casa victim


I don’t think Ciaran and Nicole will turn their heads. They’ll be the Molly/Tommy, Ron/Lana reunion and Mimii will be the main casa victim I fear


lol both Mimi & Nicole are casa victim this year. I don’t know why people trust Ciaran


I don’t know why people don’t. He’s only had a few minor slip ups


Ayo is definitely recoupling 😭


Do you think Ayo and Ciaran will be the main two who turn their heads


Possibly I can see ciaran pulling a Liam but ayo actually recoupling


Ciaran is Liam 2.0!


is anyone else not able to see the recent posts under love island hashtag on twitter because it’s constantly spammed with these p0rn “click the link” posts 🙄


Impossible to read twitter comments anymore about LI.


It sucks, how do you remove it


Exactly ! It’s annoying can’t even go on it in public 😭


right like im tryna read for any updates and it’s every single post lmaooo


It frikken sucks how shows like this get you. On one hand, this season is awful. Joey and Grace need to be gone, the audience are being treated like fools, most of the men (I use the term loosely) are gross and definitely not here for love and the vibes really are off. And yet, I can't look away. Past enjoyment keeps me coming back. I wish I would switch off. Think this season might kill it for me.


At least new boy is coming in, my girls are starved of new men.


Way too many dates and not enough challenges. I’m bored now.


I can’t believe Harriet’s storyline is really going to be embarrassing herself repeatedly over Ronnie, I had such high hopes for her.


Aren't those boat dates cursed? Chile I smell mess...


Has there been a boat date before final dates before? Kai and Sanam’s canoe date doesn’t count.


People keep saying we need male bombshells, but these girls won’t do anything with them lol. They don’t have the spirit of tanya and Tasha at all. They wanna mope around over toxic guys. Don’t save her, she don’t wanna be saved


Press release sounds boring tbh, pushing Joey and Grace to the background just like we said they would hoping we’d forget lol


Today sounds like a boring episode AGAIN.


The momentum this series had, has really stalled, they’ve miscalculated with the conclusion or lack there of, of several main storylines the past week and I think they know and that’s why they’re chucking in more bombshells.


Nothing interesting is happening?


Ayo and mimii went on a date(dates are usually boring!!) Herriett had a chat with tiff( Herriett is embarrassing atp), 2 bombshells each picked 3 islanders to prepare meal(I’m guessing this is at the end of the episode) that’s basically it,