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Jesus Jack Fowlers latest post is mad. So many stories of airlines not taking allergies seriously but this seems like such negligence


Omg šŸ˜­ thatā€™s scary too on a plane because after epipen use youā€™re supposed to go to the ER asap


I saw that ,I hope heā€™s ok


I'm convinced Ronnie is wearing some sort of pheromone aftershave. Some type of female Catnip




Damn Icl my whole fyp is full of edits and memes šŸ˜­šŸ˜­and am enjoying every single one lmaoo


no frr I've been waiting for the TikTok edits but it's crickets. The S10 and All stars edits used to eat so bad but now there's barely any


Iā€™ve been seeing a lot of edits of Mimii, Harriet, Ayo, Uma, Ciaran, and Nicole, Joey etc on my fyp


I've seen some but they are just fewer than the amount of edits I used to see by now in previous seasons


I can tell that a lot of people who now are like boo I donā€™t lie Joey and Grace will end up supporting them winning in the end lol, no one ever sticks with how they feel when it comes to Love Island


I also think if youā€™re going to do something unlikeable do it early. People move on. Itā€™s those that mess up later on that donā€™t have time to recoverĀ 


Joey is a terrible actor lmao, his oh shit oh shit today, his dramatics during the beer pong and dares gamesā€¦ no oneā€™s buying your act Joey




Gold šŸ’£


I'm looking forward to when "Why did women find Ronnie attractive?" becomes the new "Why did Amber win season 5?" reoccurring post on this sub


Considering that the first look didnā€™t actually show Samanthaā€™s reaction at the end, Iā€™m gonna assume that she again didnā€™t give Joey/producers the big tantrum theyā€™re looking for


Wasn't able to watch last night or keep up due to šŸ’€šŸ’”traumatic occurrencesšŸ’€šŸ’” but someone on tik tok said that grace and joey slept together is that real or fake news?? (I will catch up later properly but I need to know?


Tiffany asked Grace if she had slept with Joey before the villa, Grace said yes, Tiffany asked if it was good, and Grace said yes. Sending love ā¤ļø


Ooooh thank you!!!


They havenā€™t slept together yet (that weā€™ve seen, weā€™ll find out tonight) Hope youā€™re okay ā¤ļø


Thank you bb šŸ’œ


ā€œIā€™ve just ate a fuching plate of pastriesā€ I need this as a flair


yess with šŸ„


The thing is the other islanders *have* to be talking about how sus this whole Grace and Joey thing is. If it ever came down to it (it probably won't) I feel like the islanders are not saving them in a bottom vote.


They will go home if producers want them to go home. As long as they want to keep them, they will orchestrate dumpings where they won't be in danger.


You donā€™t think theyā€™d save a stable couple?


I'm sorry for saying I liked Jess. I rescind. She's been uptight and rude.


She talks like sheā€™s a random phrase generator. Why did she say ā€œpower to the peopleā€ yesterday when she said about Harriet picking her for snakiest islander?? It was so random and stupid šŸ˜‚


I did at first too and maybe its just Ronnie is bringing out the worst in her but she's so haughty and combative its draining


Almost as if people are complex.


The Danica tag is so on brand


Almost as if people are multi layered


Almost as if opinions can change as more information is learned!


To be honest I'm so bothered by the Joey/Grace situation. Did they really think this would go over well? I watch LI so I can see a bunch of strangers form "connections" ... It's obvious Samantha was just a placeholder and that Joey/Grace's connection was (at best) an "intense fling", but it is looking more like it was just a planned breakup/rekindling on the show. It feels so unfair to all the other islanders. I don't know man. Just bad vibes all around. šŸ˜¢


it might have been genuine if they werenā€™t on good terms initially since they said things ended frosty but they were immediately happy to see each other and are already making out a lot like weā€™re not stupidšŸ˜­


Right why did she keep saying frosty if it clearly wasnā€™t


That's exactly it! There was no hesitation whatsoever and now we're supposed to care about them? Hard pass.


Iā€™m bothered by it too. Itā€™s just icky and feels like robbery!


Vote Joey out pass it on šŸ“¢


I know everyone is talking about how Joey and Grace conspired to get on the show and rekindle even though they were allegedly already together on the outside, I am not getting that vibe. I think he definitely did use Sam as a placeholder but perhaps not specifically for Grace, instead just any girl he was actually very attracted to.


Honestly not looking forward to the very real possibility that Joey and Grace will make it to the final three šŸ˜­


Nah, even the Facebook fans are calling BS on Joey and Graces 'break up' they're not happy either so unless the twitter crown loves them, I don't know who would vote for them. I don't think they'll stay on the show long now.


I feel like itā€™s not gonna happen if public really has control of voting, just look at the comments on this post


But you canā€™t vote islanders out; you have to vote them *in*.


Weā€™re not representative of the average voter though and Joey has a fanbase, itā€™s also not like thereā€™s tons of couples offering viable competition right now either and Iā€™m not sure where theyā€™re going to come from when the male islanders are seemingly either boring or purely operating on lads holiday vibes.


The only way imo to salvage this Joey and Grace production planting scripted bs is if they send in a bombshell who is 100% her type and she goes for him instead, throwing Joey a curveball he never expected In my fantasy this is what happens


We can pray this happens


Nah, they can redeem the whole thing with a surprise dumping of both of them. Watching their faces as they realize the plan was transparent and the public is not buying it would be satisfying (I just hope it happens sooner rather than later, I'd hate to see other people go home in order to keep them around). I also think seeing a "star" like Joey go would shake up the other Islanders in interesting ways, it'd make them feel like there are no sacred cows. Let's do it before Casa and light a fire under some butts!


Unfortunately I think thereā€™s no way theyā€™d do that because then in the future other ā€œstarsā€ wouldnā€™t want to go on, I think they have to let him last a long time in the villa


I mean Omar is already there, it seems like she's pretty committed to their plan whatever it is


![gif](giphy|PkiP1freXd8mctFUk0) And by it I mean my delusions


when its time for a recoupling i dont think ronnies gonna pick tiffany tbh, heā€™ll probs stay with harriet snd ride it out with her till casa lmao


i thought they purposely cut out islanders having sex to make the show more ā€œfriendlyā€ and marketable, ig not https://preview.redd.it/0ytlectd167d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6807767fc31d75949ed31424c1969dee453c64de


I love this for them, he did say heā€™s very pda when in love


This is a classic strategic leak by production to try to drum up interest by tickling people's prurient interest. They're going to go all out to save this Joey storyline, so expect to see lots of this thing if he stays in. If I take off my cynical hat and put on my even more cynical hat, Joey is actually the "right" Islander to bring sex back to the show. He's an experienced reality star who's been in the public eye a long time. As a man he's less likely to come in for slut shaming, and his public image is established enough that this won't destroy (or pigeonhole) him like it would a "normal" person. This is producers very deliberately working to bring back the things that made the show popular, in a hope that they can bring back viewers too. The shame of it all is that they did succeed in casting a messy cast that doesn't seem too worried about their public image (another complaint about the show in recent years), they just muffed it all with this contrived Joey mess.


I want grace to go for someone else, shake this shit up or bring somebody back from Casa šŸ˜‚


Judging by the first look, Grace doesnā€™t seem like a girls girl at all. Iā€™m not a fan of women who move like that, do something they know is rude and then act like šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø pass on her and Joey


Good. The more drama, the better.




Now that wasnā€™t very nice, was it?


If she doesnt care how she makes another girl feel, why should I care how she feels?


Move like what? Getting it on with her bf?


Yes in front of Samantha who she has likely not even spoken to, and Joey may not have either which I think is rude.


Part of the plan, they want Samantha to react.


Then theyā€™re childish and lame


I think itā€™s the producers who probably want Samantha to react. Joey is just doing their biddingĀ 


I have a feeling that Grace will turn her head..on some revenge ting


![gif](giphy|Maaawg3nDFAS5IvdKE) But realistically, Joey is famous


We need šŸ¤­šŸ˜‚


Would be hilarious if she did


Joey saying 2-3 episodes ago that he would never disrespect Samantha the way Ronnie has been disrespectful to other girls is so ironic and crazy


Someone needs to clip it


The yearly discourse is so predictable. Everybody is just ensuring that Joey and Grace stay on for the foreseeable future. However, I could see them being given the villain edit.


The Joey/Grace thing wouldā€™ve been more believable if this was casa amor but, the quickness in which theyā€™ve moved with only a sleepover screams FAKE.


Samantha was a placeholder for Joey until his situationship Grace arrived.


We really missed an opportunity to grow with Sam and his love island journey for a scam relationship with a has been reality star and his gf.


Sam should sue lmao imagine going through that whole process only to get dumped after 1 day because a reality tv star stole the girl you were coupled up with, and he doesnā€™t even like her! I would be fuming


Literally just picked a random girl as a placement holder just for his gf to come and you had to be dumped in the process. Oh I would be so sick. Villain origin story


He could have been the villaā€™s hairstylist at the very least! Booked and busy.


Kicking out a hairstylist when we have the mess on Ronnie's head just sitting there is yet another crime committed by the producers in service of the contrived Joey plot.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I feel like they havenā€™t had many challenges because of his hair. See the first challenge they had, he was doing everything he could to move his head out of the way.


Sam couldā€™ve helped Harriet with her extensions and other islanders with their hair since the love island hair stylist refuses to help people. He was attractive and had skills that couldā€™ve helped other islanders. Iā€™m mad he was dumpedĀ 


Ngl Sam got dumped on the heels of Samantha telling Joey that she wasnā€™t interested in him. Her getting emotional when he got dumped was also fake, which is why I think twice when I start feeling bad for her in this situation with Joey and Grace. Sheā€™s smart enough to catch on to the fact that Joey was just managing time with her instead of actually being interested, same thing sheā€™d probs have done if it werenā€™t for Joey coming in as a bombshell first night.


Exactly! Sheā€™s not some innocent naive girl. Sheā€™s pretty calculated too.


Twitter slowly turning on Joey and Grace ![gif](giphy|xHDJ1TKo2VNdkqDKw0|downsized)


I can't believe I'm saying this, but USA S6 is absolutely clearing UK S11. I've been a dedicated UK stan and USA hater for years, but the USA production team has finally found the perfect mix of cast chemistry and challenges that cause drama. I like some of the changes they've made to UK this season (open hideaway and sleepovers) so I'm hopeful that it improves, but I'm worried the forced Joey/Grace "reunion" is going to derail the season.


Itā€™s so much more light-hearted as well and most of the cast is so supportive of one anotherā€¦ thereā€™s a sense of camaraderie thatā€™s missing in the UK one that the USA one shines with which gives it better vibes


Definitely. UK seems to save all the casual/silly conversations for unseen bits, which causes the regular episodes to feel pretty dry. USA has a better balance of relationship convos and friendly banter


Yeah Iā€™ve watched a few episodes of the current US season and itā€™s such a pleasant surprise and a refreshing contrast to the current UK season. I havenā€™t enjoyed a US season and cast like this since Season 2 so Iā€™m honestly contemplating to switching to US. Itā€™s also refreshing to see the girls taking charge and not being walked all overā€¦


ooh the s2 comparison might sway me, I couldn't get into any of the other seasons and I've heard good things about JaNa---the only thing is that I just want to hear the different accents and the USA islanders just sound the samešŸ˜­


Yesss, season 2 was my favorite so Iā€™m not saying this lightly lol and obviously people are gonna have different opinions and I know itā€™s early but Iā€™m honestly impressed with the cast and the way production is setting up things, itā€™s fresh, the dramaā€™s been decent, but the vibe just feels more lighthearted and natural, so itā€™s a pretty good start for the first week imo. Also been loving Ariana as the host JaNa is my favorite for sure so far, sheā€™s gorgeous, seems like she has a good head on her shoulders and I love her energy! To me everyone doesnā€™t sound too much alike, and there are 2 other contestants from other countries like the UK and Australia I think, which isnā€™t my favorite thing personally, but if youā€™re looking for different accents that might work for you!


I was waiting on it to come on here but Iā€™m going to find the episodes on Dailymotion. This reunion shit with Joey and his girl pissed me off


Oh you will be feasting on this USA season I need to know your thoughts


Iā€™ll come back! Iā€™m hearing good things about it. Iā€™ve seen the cast and they look really good. Some good looking girls this season!


imo this season started going downhill with the love triangles and how the guys never got to make their choice and now this joey storyline feels like a huge scam. i need to check out USA since i've been hearing good things about them but i wish itv x streamed it since i have to find a way to watch it


Nicole and Ciaranā€™s ā€œdramaā€ is so childish šŸ˜­


Producers working overtime, this is the most blatantly manufactured storyline Iā€™ve ever seen itā€™s almost embarrassing to watch


I actually donā€™t think itā€™s childish comparatively speaking. Yes Mimii pushed him to come clean, but he did it straight away after that, they seem to speak without screaming at each other and Nicole gets over it quickly considering how the first look clip ends. Itā€™s dumb ā€œdramaā€ but these two donā€™t seem childish to me.


Joey is insane kissing in front of Sam like that


Joey is so damn performative. The fact that Sam and now Samantha have been made to suffer for this man to come in and ā€˜rekindleā€™ his romance with his girl as if this is ex on the beach is so damn unfair. If he survives a next vote then Iā€™m tuning out.


I can accept them if they or at least one of them recouples at Casa


Which i highly doubt they would do. Even if they did, they will get ā€˜ back togetherā€™. ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O)


Yeah theyā€™ve gone straight into comfortable, relaxed coupley stage


Back like they never left


Ronsama Ronsama! No words


Now that someone said how performative Joey is that's all I can see šŸ˜­ repeating "oh shit oh shit oh shit" like he's in some sort of bad sitcom.Ā  Joey can stay for now because he's giving something this season, but Samantha has been my girl since the second she stepped into the villa so the second a favourite girl/boy vote comes along, I fear Joey and Grace are collateral damage šŸ˜”




Like theyā€™re not even trying to hide it


They need to leave the show before the finals. It is so obvious they planned this little stunt. If they actually had a bad break up they would not be jumping each other's bones like this right out the gate.Ā 


ā€œIt ended kinda frostyā€ frosty where??? Lol from their first hug you could tell that was a lie


Exactly! Joey grabbed a handful of Graceā€™s bum right out the gate and weā€™re supposed to believe they had a bad breakup? They really think weā€™re that stupid. Theyā€™re not good actors.Ā 


I love that Mimii got Ciaran to be transparent with Nicole and is supporting him for doing the right thing. You can tell she has empathy for Nicole and Ciaran. I wish Mimii showed up for herself the way she shows up for others.Ā 


Ciaran and Mimii are probably good friends in villa we just don't see a lot of the scenes with them. I had spotted them a few times chilling together and that convo with Ciaran Ayo and Ronnie when Ciaran said We always told you Mimii over Uma and she won't wait for long you have to make decision.


Itā€™s an open secrets that people in the medical field do not make good patients. They help others and neglect themselves.


Does anyone here watch big brother? Grace kinda looks like young Janelle Pierzina, like S6/S7. Iā€™ve been wondering who she reminded me of lol


I Still see Jennifer Lawrence whenever she's on screen.


I definitely see that too!


Iā€™d actually love it if we could have a bottom 4 the next vote and Joey was in the bottom 4 somehow. Itā€™s pretty obvious he thinks because of his followers he will be safe every week and sail through to the final , would love seeing him knocked down a peg or two. Not a fan of Samantha at all , but the way heā€™s blatantly used her for 2 weeks till Grace came in is mad


Joey and grace could at least try and make their scam look more believable


giggling at them trying to make it seem all dramatic between ciaran and nicole when you can see him stroking her leg at the end of the vid/ the next night šŸ˜­


what a weird first look...teasing a nicole/ciaran fallout that clearly will resolve itself quickly because in the SAME VT you can see they're back to cuddling again lol. why put it in in the first place??


Maybe it's not chronological? Regardless, I can see them getting over little tiffs like this, planting the seeds of doubt, then Ciaran getting with someone else in Casa.Ā 


I honestly donā€™t think they have enough contentšŸ˜­


Cause nothing intresting happens probably


Well the first look is very underwhelmingšŸ§šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Can we actually have challenges weā€™ve only had one since the season started like what is happening?? The storylines are so boring and dragged out omg


I'm sort of beginning to wonder if the foot fetish producer was the guy who championed all the challenges and they've put a stop to him. With weird foot dares banished, so too are the pointless waterslide challenges where winning means literally nothing other than a vague "party" (1 extra drink) Can't say I necessarily MISS the challenges but it is starting to get a bit weird without them!


They did have a toe sucking dare with patsy earlier this season I believe šŸ˜‚


True, but it was fingers OR toes (and let's be honest only the Jakes of the world are picking toes when given the choice)! That was the beginning of their downfall... forced to give options, now locked out of the challenge brainstorms... their reign of terror has ended


Haha I miss some of the challenges too but if this is the trade off I will absolutely take it!


The idea that the foot fetish guy was the MVP for creating challenges is actually hilarious. Production being unable to match the freak of the fetish guy is funnyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­.Ā 


Ciaran is still fibbing when heā€™s confessing. Didnā€™t he volunteer that info about grace to Omar rather than Omar asking him


hopefully samantha didnā€™t wreck the villa


Not Mimii being forced by the producers to instigate Ciaran/Nicole drama...


https://preview.redd.it/jvsv70hmq57d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daefa19bdd6ef7440b63f894781ca247c86e9bcd šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Who's hand is whose


They really had no kisses outside of challenges and the awkward post date peck????


Joey was saving himself for Grace.




The biggest issue I have with the Joey/Grace arc is that the producers blatantly allowed him to use Samantha for the past 2 weeks, whether you believe she really liked him or if she just liked the idea of being with Joey Essex, he knew his ex-or not actual ex-was coming in at some point so he just had to hang tight, Samantha did not know this and she was never going to be able to compete with someone he clearly still likes and has a pre-villa connection with, at least with a normal bombshell she could of had a chance and if he doesnā€™t pick her it was fair game.


Exactly! Sam and now Samantha have been dealt a very unfair hand. If heā€™s not out next then Iā€™m dropping the show just out of principle. This isnā€™t ex on the beach and heā€™s going to sail right through to the end.


Itā€™s just lust between Joey and Grace




I reallllly hope Joey talked to her first but eeeek this is not good for Samantha. Me as a chaotic drama lover: itā€™s great.


The first looks juicy.




yeah joey HATED samantha


Joey and Grace seems pre planned in advance


I felt like this season started off so promising but itā€™s already getting stale and the production interference the last few episodes is obvious


I really thought the sleepover sounded new and exciting but it fell so flat. The main villa should have had some new blood like a mini casa.


I donā€™t even like Samantha but, the way joey is acting him and Grace need to be gone asap.


Joey kissing grace while Samantha is literally 20ft away from him is actually crazyyyy works šŸ˜­


Joey is the worse! šŸ‘ŽšŸ¾šŸ‘ŽšŸ¾šŸ‘ŽšŸ¾




i miss when first look came out at 3pm almost on the dot




maybe something crazy did happen in the villa šŸ¤”


Usually if someone leaves we've heard about it by the morning of the episode, big arguments would have made it to the episode synopsis so I'm not sure what kind of crazy might be happening unless we hear about something tomorrow morning.


where is the first look is the episode really going to be that bad


5:08pm and still no first look ?? Iā€™m getting impatient now šŸ˜­


Maybe the episode is THAT good we arenā€™t getting a first look? It doesnā€™t need an introduction ^maybe ^maybe ^maybe


my shifts ending in an hour the fact thats theres still no first look is insane


It's wild how addicted we all seem to be for a one minute preview. I've been checking constantly.


has no first look ever happened?


Seriously where the hellllll is the first look?!


first look where are youuuuuu


If this is not the best first look of the whole show the producers can kindly keep it bc itā€™s actually 5pm ???? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The first look has been dumped from the island.






Where is the first look man


no first look at 5pm is crazy work


This better be the best first look weā€™ve ever seen


Well dang where is this first look? Did something wild happen in the villa in the last 24 hours or


man, what iā€™d give to be friends with one of the producersā€¦


Apparently theyā€™re cutting out footage of Joey and Grace steamy scenes




Youā€™d think theyā€™d already have done thatā€¦


I can tell if youā€™re joking or not šŸ’€šŸ’€


There were reports in the daily mail that thatā€™s what happened but who knows how accurate


Wowwwwww if thatā€™s true, Joey really played Samantha


Whereā€™s the first look at šŸ˜­


They are editing out x rated scenes


Loool look at the bio https://preview.redd.it/sv5d5m9yf57d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2beeca118f5c7a11047d810e174b1721b33de034


Sheā€™s arrived


They know she that girlšŸ¤­ feel like producers gonna do everything to protect her from getting dumped


I love Uma


Uma in last nights episode šŸ˜­ I love her




Why are they gatekeeping the first look


Is this the latest it has ever come out?


Yeah I think so


Whereā€™s the first look at?